Weld up a leaking gas tank

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having more than one gas tank in an old truck or any truck that uses a lot of gas is an amazing feature and that's what I have right here problem is my rear tank is barely sprung a leak a couple months ago and I really miss my back knee so we're going to fix it I fixed it 15 years ago and it's held up this long but this time I'm going to fix it for good so in 40 years from now is still not rusted out keep watching so last time I was here I sealed up right in these corners right here and fill that all the brace has almost like a nylon webbing I replaced it that was what was there before but I just went down and bought some more nylon webbing kind of like a tie-down and put that on but you'll see it closer here in a minute but that's pretty much just a jb weld you yes cam so this is where it's leaking from you can see it's eating some of the beautiful red paint that I had laying around when I did this 15 years ago and you can see the jb weld finally gave out so jb weld you see right here what I did was actually punched out the holes bigger pushed jb weld inside but eventually after 15 years there we go finally sir come but for 15 years to get out of a paint like that this tank isn't rested on the inside it actually rusted from the outside in because of the strap held moisture you can hear Maxpedition running in the background and that's because I have the gas tank plugged into the exhaust what I'm doing is I'm running virtually non flammable gas inert gas through the tank so I pulled out the fill or the level sensor or some things that would be the fuel pump pulled that out so now I have an inlet and an outlet and that allows the exhaust fumes to circulate in there and dry everything out best case scenario what you want to do before you ever even attempt this to just let the gas tank just sit open and air out you pull out any wetness of gas and the sidewalls everything you want all gone you don't want a little puddle in there slosh around nothing and this will do it you let this run for long enough to take the flashlight shine it in there you'll be able to see no gasoline in there whatsoever and then once we get through with this step what we're going to do is fill it full of water but you don't want to fill full of water if you have sort of wetness in there because gas and water or gas and oil and water gases and oil oil and water don't mix and so you'll just seal the gas on the side and you have water in there scale and it's just holding it and trapping it in there and just holding against the sides and you're still gas everywhere but let it dry out as long as possible and fill it with water so we have it halfway filled up with water and all water is doing is taking up space inside the tank and giving less area for vapors to build up so essentially now I have a lot smaller container instead I think it's 19 gallons I got 10 gallons worth of space and if I did everything properly I shouldn't get anything but I want to actually initiate a burn before I get my face down to it and I start braising it or welding and so what I'm going to do is take a float propane torch and once I feel that I've done everything I can I'm safe as possible I'm going to actually stick the propane torch right inside here I got this open and I got the film neck open and the vent open but if it does flush that's fine I want it to flush off and burn anything that it would because it will only burn one time and I want it if it's going to burn I want it to burn when I'm standing feet away then when I have my face right next to it so we're going to do a flash off right now so I'm going to wear a little bit protection I do got to be rated an ABC rated a fire extinguisher on hand so if something does but if it does blow it'll blow but I got large enough vent holes in here the worst I've ever seen is it goes whoosh just a big Zippo lighter nothing not even a flare-up why because I made sure it was dry SuperDuper dry I aired it out I took half the volume away so I took a lot of precautions but don't think you can actually wash off gasoline with soap and water the nice thing about gasoline is it does it just evaporates it vibrates and goes it's gone I mean people say that it gets into the pores and maybe it does get in the pore but it'll still evaporate out gasoline is destice the way does it evaporates out it's not like oil where it actually coats and sticks it'll completely dry out and you saw that I think you can get the teeniest bit of flare-up not eat around that the nozzle not even down here on the filler neck gets soaked and gas the rubber nothing so I feel very confident to begin to start raising on it if you don't feel confident in your abilities to do this at the casting super wet again just use jb weld or something else like that don't do this so I'm actually going to braise my holes right here with just a flux coated bronze brazing rod but another little precaution is I'm going to run the vehicle at the same time to continually feel the inside with inert gas - just as a quadruple precaution just to keep the fumes flowing in and out of the other hole so I can just flex cut all right can bronze coat all this and fill in where it's actually thinner where it's actually rusted from the outside but I can stay here and just kind of fill this in and fill in my holes and get a nice coating on here so I'll start up the vehicle and we'll start doing that here we go you know that cool down for a second let that cool down for a second and then we can tip it and with the water in and actually see if we got any pinholes and then we can reapply I mean kind of coat it and especially really thin rusty areas you're better off you're better at a better chance to save in the hole filling it with the brazing Robin you do actually welding in but now we can tip it and check the leaks finally got a seal that actually took quite a bit of work because I was just working in the middle just trying to get there the known areas but it was rusted in this whole area and wherever there's I mean the gas things are thin to begin with but you get any thinner when you add rust into it so eventually I got it by going wide enough to just cut everything but I find little tin holes I'd have to come back in flow it move it so it's all sealed up give it a pressure test of it by spring soapy water on there kink in one line blowing air into the other and hold my hand over here this is where a third hand would come in handy and got to the point where no air bubbles tink bulges up looks good looks like it should so hopefully this will fill up it should be good should outlast there the life of the tank you know the brazing rod doesn't rust so it should be good for thirty years so now I got all this water left in here I've dumped out as much as I can but the way it's designed you can't dump it all out but I'm going to use a tip I learned from Zippo varga up there lying in there I got my air nozzle and play around with a little bit but you just get it till starts blowing out moisture there we go siphoning that quick all the pain is touched ups nice rusty mountain climber keep it from Rothstein's and new rubber hoses this one right here you don't need to you don't replace that when I was expensive that's prob about $40 for the hose and I was still good but the equipment that I used was actually oxy acetylene you probably couldn't you can't use propane you couldn't use map gas they just don't get hot enough to do bronze brazing rod you probably make not flux core but you probably make couldn't stick well you probably TIG if you're set up with that to be able to weld that thin in metal the metal swiss-cheese so you got to be careful but if this your daily driver watch my video right after this on using the epoxies to seal your gas tanks and you can be up and going in an hour and most time you don't need to pull the gas tank out you see where it's leaking you just seal it up clean it up seal it up and watch the video and you can be you won't miss work tomorrow so watch that video don't forget to rate this video thumbs up or thumbs down comment see you guys - bye you I'd probably stay in actual fire you know boom I'm a sky
Channel: sixtyfiveford
Views: 238,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gas tank, gasoline, welder, welding, oxy acetylene, gas, ford, 4x4, chevy, truck, pickup, four wheel drive, dodge, general motors, ford motor company
Id: G3qToCjW-hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2016
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