Fruit Juice Wine 🍷. First step.

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well hello this is Aaron and today I'm going to do a short video discussing this what is this these are um this is wine I'm making wine um out of fruit juices all right like a cranberry or an apple juice something like that and uh so what I'm going to do today is go over the uh first step which brings you to this point of making wine from um just fruit juices that I buy I buy them on sale get the cheapest price I can get and um then I bring them over here and what I'm going to do today is do a video on how I get to this point and what the end result should look like or will look like okay so what we have here are two one gallon jars and uh we have a stopper and an airlock here air loock stopper if you notice you might see this bubble up here this has been in there for exactly one month I made this a month ago today on the 8th of February today's March 8th 2024 and uh well let me talk about what I have here I have both cranberry and apple juice here in this one so this same thing I took half a gallon of apple juice and half a gallon of cranberry and I mixed them I have never tasted this I don't know how it's going to taste but I have done this I have done just apple juice and it's really good this whole process probably takes well it takes more than a month to get to the takes one month to get to this point but the longer that you're uh patient and you're allowing this to wait the clearer this will be there are there's sentiment down here on the bottom from the process I'm going to talk about the process here in a second but this will eventually be as opposed to opaque it's going to be clear just as clear as can be You' be able to see right through it like like a glass of white wine or something like that this one I'm not sure about we're going to find out but this one certainly it'll be a kind of a yellowish clear liquid when we get done so to get to this point it's a month and we're still cooking I call it cooking or we're still in the process of creating the wine I'm going to stop that process for these two today after one month and I'm going to go in another video there you saw this one jump you saw that one jump there that one jumped so they're still going but I'm going to stop them it's been a month I have done this process in two weeks um so now I'm experimenting and trying to a month so and that is the next the next step this first step I'm going to talk about today is getting it to this point here all right so this is Phase One let me show you what you need to get to this point let me get these guys out of the way and I'll show you the uh the instruments and the ingredients that you need all right I'm back and here's here's what we need for each one gallon that we're going to make we need one gallon of juice this is half a gallon and half a gallon so that'll be one gallon and then you can also get it like a Costco you can get an apple juice in a whole gallon right here all right so what you need is a gallon of juice and not just any juice you want this juice to be nothing but juice nothing but juice let me see if I can get this to focus I don't know if I'm going to be to get it to focus or not mhm yeah not going to get it to F there it goes a little bit all right well I'm sorry I can't get it to focus but what you've got in here is um is only juice and and sorbic acid and that's it I can't find here we go ingredients apple juice all right apple juice you might see um sorbic acid that's just vitamin C that's okay it keeps it that's the preservative boy I sure can't get that to focus sorry about that ingredients water cranberry juice concentrate uh little bit of pectin sorbic acid okay vitamin C and that's it okay so you don't want anything else you don't want any other I don't know even know what else is in there but I always check the label to make sure it's only juice sorbic sorbic acid and whatever water whatever is in there else so just juice okay anyway that's what you need you need one gallon of juice then you're going to need some yeast and what I've got here are two different flavors of yeast I've always used this red star in the red package this is five grams one package they come in a package of 8 to 12 or something like that for like $8 on Amazon this is a different one I think this is more for Champagnes but I'm going to try it experiment a little bit it's also 5 gram but you need one package per gallon okay so you got juice one gallon you got the um you got the yeast one for one gallon then you need two cups of sugar for each one let see if I can open this up two cups of sugar and I got about four cups of sugar in there so I'll measure that out I need two cups of sugar so gallon of juice one package of yeast two cups of sugar then you need some type of a jar or something gallon size all right I like these because they're made for home brewing I get them on Amazon Amon for about $10 a jar and they come with an air lock which I'll talk about in a second um they're kind of nice you need to have an extra one laying around for the second phase which is what be in the U in the next video I talk about you need somewhere to move your product to in the second phases as we're clearing it out or we're making the product clear you also need something to sanitize everything with and I use this star sand it's a highly concentrated citric acid basically okay so um phosphoric acid and something other kind of acid I can't pronunciate it's uh I I pour it into sink with some warm water I put a little bit in there maybe half of this or something like that make some bubbles and uh I put my bare hands in it and it doesn't hurt me so but I do sanitize it everything has to be sanitized you don't want this to be dirty you don't want anything growing in here because what we're going to do is we're going to we're going to we're going to have active yeast in here so it'll be alive and um for a long time you don't want anything else growing in there along with the yeast you only want the yeast to be growing and having a good time in there and then you need air locks now when I buy these when I buy these on Amazon uh I try to get them with the air locks included in the deal so this is an air lock and I'll show you a little later how how this works but basically what it does as it goes on top as you saw in the other ones and it allows the carbon carbon monoxide to escape out the air lock without anything getting back into the product all right so I get them with the air locks I'm trying to keep that thing clean I just washed it and a couple of caps you need this for phase two and I'll show you that in my next video but they come with two Caps or they come with a cap and air lock for each bottle so there you go um and that's all you need to get this going now let's talk about what we're going to do all right what we're going to do is we're going to put almost a gallon of juice in here okay whatever flavor of juice you want I fill it up to about here then I put two cups of sugar in the bottle and I shake it really well okay I want the sugar to dissolve as best I can the the juice is at a room temperature I'm not heating it up or anything but I will take the time to after I put the sugar in to shake it but I don't fill it all the way up because I need I need some room inside for it to agitate okay so I I'll show you that some pictures of that here in a in a moment but uh what we're doing is uh putting the sugar in then I will put the yeast in one package of yeast pour it all in there then I'll pour the juice almost the rest of the juice not all of the juice cuz you you fill this thing up and it'll overflow in the process cuz this is this is going to Bubble up a little bit inside there especially in the first week or so it's going to Bubble Up it's going to foam up and you don't want the foam to be coming out so I probably have maybe a cup or less than a cup left uh that I don't use the juice so honestly this is a little less than a gallon of product because I don't want to fill it all the way up and I'll show you that as we go along what we're doing here let me go back to the other uh let me bring in one of the other bottles and I'll show you what we're doing okay what we're doing is we're adding the yeast the sugar in the juice and the yeast is alive okay and it's going to feed on the sugars either the natural sugars that happen to be in the juice and certainly the sugar that we put in there that yeast is going to feed on the sugars and as it does it's going to do two things simultaneously it's going to create carbon monoxide which is going to escape out of our out of our lock our air lock and it's going to create alcohol all right so the alcohol will remain in the juice the carbon monoxide will escape and that's why this is bubbling because the carbon monoxide is escaping there you go just saw it um in the first few days this is going crazy okay because there's a lot of carbon monoxide escaping in this process so simultaneously carbon monoxide is being created as a byproduct of this fermentation process and the alcohol is Left Behind in the process that's very simple about what we're doing so let me show you some pictures as I go through this I'm going to make two batches going to make a apple cranberry and an apple just like I should you originally and then I'm going to mark it and we'll talk about the airlocks uh as we go as we get to that point all right but let me show you let me show you in a series of pictures as I go through this I forgot to mention big oversized funnel very very helpful all right so you can see the sugar on the bottom this is about how much juice I put in it now we're going to shake it up this takes a several minutes I've got the cap on this holding my thumb over the cap I'm going to shake that up really well and I'm going to dissolve as much of that sugar as I can in there let me uh see you got the cap on there let's hold that on you don't want this all over the kitchen but I'm going to shake it I'm going to shake it for at least another minute all right I could keep shaking it there's still more I can still see some floating around in there but uh this is about the level you want two cups of sugar dissolving in the juice next is the yeast so the yeast is inside it's just sitting there and you can uh see it's kind of bubbling I think it's more about the juice bubbles now I'm going to pour um not the remainder but most of the remainder of the um Apple Juice I haven't poured in here yet and I'm going to bring it up to about right there right about there that look pretty that's the yeast running around in there they're happy okay so this is um for reference this is the one gallon jug and that's about how much I have left I'll just drink that but here's uh here's the head space Oh I might put a little bit more in there but not much more this is the head space I need right here cuz it's going to you'll see in the next few days this is going to get a little foamy in there and then it'll die back down that's about what it should be looking like right there so I forgot to mention after I put the yeast in I'm not shaking this like I did when I had the sugar in there I put the yeast in and then I poured more juice on top and that process got most of the yeast there's a little bit in there but it that got that yeast all mixed up in there I'm not going to shake it violently just going to let it do its thing here all right so now let's talk about the air lock air lock is pretty simple there's a line right here and what I'm going to do is take this cap off and I'm going to put some water in here now I've heard people putting rum or vodka or something like that in there I don't know I don't know why but they do I just put water and I fill it up just before the line I will put this on there very tight and then I will put the the lid and the water and everything will be together okay and I'll put this stopper down in there as tight as I can get it and uh there we go let's focus focus and um and you'll see that it's just going to Bubble now this is a new stopper for me and a new air lock I don't know if it's going to be as active or as as doesn't have as many moving Parts as the other ones I've used so I'm experimenting with this also but the principle is the same as I said um carbonx carbon monoxide will escape but nothing else will get in that's the idea and then I'll mark it up I put the date I'll I'll also note that I put this new yeast that I'm experimenting with so I'll be able to taste the difference between the one I made before and this one see if there's a difference I'm not anticipating one but the other batch I made with apple a month ago used the the red red star and this is what I've always used this is the first time I'm using the green one and I'm sure there's a difference somebody will know but to me I don't think there's going to be much of a difference so I'll get this air lock set up and and show you a picture of that this is kind of an interesting view this is um this is the one I made a month ago and this is the one we just made you can see how much more opaque that is anyway so this is the one we just made here and uh what I'm going to do air lock is in place everything's tightened down really well updated it and um I also have to make a note that I put that that other yeast in and I I'll write I'll write something up in the corner here um what I'm going to do with this is I put it underneath my desk I wrap it in a towel I don't want the Sun from the window coming in but you could put this really just anywhere um you don't want it in the sun you don't want the sunlight beating down on this but put it in the in the back of a closet or something like that and forget about it until about a month later okay at least two weeks CU you want you want enough of that that fermentation process creating alcohol but um a month I found a month is good so I'm going to do that and um just kind of keep it out of the Sun and I check on it every once in a while I might and I have um about halfway through I'll pick it up and kind of stir it a little bit like this I won't shake it I'll just kind of stir it and then the the uh the air lock will kind of go go crazy for a day or half of a day or so and it'll die back down but I I I found that shaking it or not shaking it stirring it a bit kind of kind of gets it going a little bit more I do that once or twice during a month and then that's it now my next video immediately following this one will be the this is the first step Second Step we're going to start to filter this out we're going to get this sediment out of here and it's going to be Crystal Clear when I get done all right but the next step is in the next video about how I start that process I end this process and start the next process in the next video so you have to watch the next video to see how I do it all right so that's how we make juice wine and um that's how I do it it works out pretty good and uh thank you very much byebye
Channel: Aaron Tassin
Views: 5,863
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Id: 2YjllIA0pfU
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Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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