Frozenheim - Viking Society Building Strategy

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what's up guys and gals welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie games we're gonna be taking a look at frozen heim there's something going on dude there's something in the water right now that there's rts's that are single player and campaign focus just bursting from the walls at the moment and this is something that i've never seen across the course of my entire career i often consider the old-school single-player competitive rts to be kind of a dead genre and yet if anything has taught us that they are billions was massively successful with just that formula omitting multiplayer altogether and so anyways i'm glad to see this happen because i do really enjoy rts games it's just i don't really enjoy multiplayer like i want to play a compelling campaign with a storyline and a narrative and objectives and stuff like that and so already this week we've had five nations and now we have frozen heim so we'll check this out we're gonna spend about 25 30 minutes with it see if something you wanted to add to your wish list or otherwise pass on if after watching this you did want to get the game for yourself you're more than welcome to do so at a link that i'll provide for you down below alongside that you'll find my discord my twitter and my twitch stream where you're also very very welcome to join me i'd love to be your host so let's dive on in play the game because we've got limited time and not a lot to go off of all right for valhalla the legend of a holy tree giving knowledge to those most worthy has been spreading amongst our people it is said that only the finest warriors can find this sacred place and bring their generous blessings to the lands so here we are we've started out and we've got our three little ax warriors down here we can move them around just standard fare rubber band boxes and right clicks in order to move things uh we started out in this camp but it's already looted this game is gonna have a little bit of an exploratory bent to it which i think is actually thematically good because vikings were explorers and so as you explore more you'll find points of interest that do stuff but for the moment we have this one weekend squad and we've got to decide what we want to do with them i'm going to be minimizing most of the tutorials because i'm going to be explaining everything as we go anyways so you shouldn't really entirely need them a couple of wolves down here let's go ahead and dispense of them i didn't think wolves were that big of a problem for vikings but i guess i must be wrong i don't know there's lots of things from movies and stuff that have taught me that i'm wrong like i've never had to worry about quicksand i've never had to jump in between boulders that are floating down like a bog river of lava snakes were a much bigger threat than i thought they would be there's rattlesnakes everywhere where i live it's filthy with them you know lots and lots of things that really were guiding the wrong direction but apparently vikings fought with wolves and you can take that to the history class here's one of our exploratory points as long as we're near it we'll start scouting it and when this watch tower is done it'll actually clear out this space so that we can see one thing i would have liked to have seen right there is because we're interacting with this instead of it triggering when we're in proximity of it it would have been cool if we click on it and one of our guys comes through here and climbed up the ladder and got on top of it while the meter was filling and like looked around and then like shouted something back down to the dudes at the bottom and then climbed back down right around the time that the meter was done i don't know i feel like that would have been very very immersive it feels like a missed opportunity right there if you're inside of trees in this game you're invisible to the a.i so you can hide in the forest basically and that's what the game wants us to do past this bandit camp right here there's five of them and three of us i don't think it's gonna be a bad idea okay they've got us outnumbered and they are the same unit that we are and frankly i just don't want them coming around with their axes axing important questions like hey does your head come off when i chop it it's just not a question i feel the need to answer for right now our objective is right here to get back to our village so that's exactly what we're gonna do there's no place like home we gotta get on in here get a nice hot bowl of chili viking chili i don't know they probably call it like chilling or something like that you know i don't know viking language i don't know i don't know you add a couple of letters and it's just like chilingir and then all of a sudden it sounds way more viking-y when we got back into town we can use space to pause the game i think that's very very important for a rts that is not competitively focused i think that every campaign focused rts should have a push pause that's just me personally i don't know i'm getting older and i like to organize things i don't have like the click-through rates that i used to have like the you know the clicks per minute that i used to have when i was 17 years old playing starcraft all the time on the internet and sometimes i just like to plan things out a little bit more carefully and pause lets me do that doesn't affect anybody else in a single player game so good move right there developers inside of our new village we've been given two scouts and we've still got our three warriors we'll tell them to come over here the ui has updated so this is our army cap right here we have two out of 20. we have 14 available workers none of them have been assigned to work tasks and five of them have been assigned to being warriors basically there's our food right there you really really don't want to run out of that because they get skinny and when vikings get skinny they get very very testy we have wood we have stone we have iron we have steel actually we have steel we have bog iron and then we have skins and then we also have clothing and those are going to be resources that you use for various buildings and also for creating units so we'll move these guys on over here we'll have a look around for right now the game wants us to build a woodcutter's hut so let's go into the forest and get some wood giggity giggity goo i'm gonna take my hut right here and you can rotate the hut with the r key if you want to i don't know what the front of the hud is versus the back of the hut i would appreciate the addition of like a green arrow for the facing uh we'll put it right there for right now but we don't have any builders we need to assign a couple so i'll put three builders in there for right now and as you can see our workers available has gone down uh if you go to the yarrow set that's how you assign builders so these guys will run out they'll get this thing constructed we'll give this a little bit of speed i'd also like to scout over here while we wait for this to happen so i'm gonna take my scouts out and let's clear out some ground uh the units in this game do have special abilities we can send out a raven from this scout group right here and it'll clear out an area of fog of war that's really really nice we are gonna have to deal with these banditos down here at some point but you know we'll keep it cruising now wants me to make another fisherman's hut we already have one fisherman's hut down here but nobody's really like assigned to it so let's go ahead and take care of that real quick we'll add two guys to the fisherman's hut and then we need to build another one too so we'll put another fisherman's hood in just a respectful distance away you never want to have your fisherman's hut too cramped you know what i mean it can be a little bit ugly so now that our fisherman's hut is underway i wanted to continue scouting with where my scouty boys go scouty boys oh they're down here to the south there they are all right there's nothing much to scout over there so i'm just gonna send them off this direction and it looks like we've got a little forest over here okay all right perfect have a little look around see if there's anything important in the area hey a little gate there are bandits in the forest nearby and you may not pass until it's safe out there okay good to know uh i will find your banditos and i will vanquish them there's some wolves over there i don't think i think the scouts can actually take the wolves but i'd nev i'd rather not risk it they're not a combat focused unit and we need to build a couple houses and i'll talk about the happiness system and how your colony grows over time in just a second hey there's a little cart right there nice let's search it anything inside the cart hey we got skins and we got wood the skins are going to be really really important we can't make more vikings without skins like more axemen and stuff it was another building over here our village is being raided by bandits hiding in the woods please help us get rid of them you'll be greatly rewarded sure alright i heard the i heard the words reward and greatly used in conjunction oh i accidentally clicked on that one another wagon over here what do we got inside of this thing a few more hides very very nice definitely take that hides and a little bit more wood don't really need the wood but the hides are nice anything going on over here or is it just like ocean space looks like it's just ocean space although i see something sparkling up there there's another cart let's see if we can go grab that real fast i know i'm not building my village right now so i'm being a i'm being a bad viking but maybe later we already searched that okay there are seasons in this game they do pass there's different buffs and debuffs you get from different seasons so right now in the throes of winter with the chilly toes and the jack frost nipping at your nose and all that kind of fun stuff we have slower unit movement we have more food consumption and just a general happiness penalty to all of our villagers but you know not that big of a concern for right now in the early game i'm gonna speed this up ever so slightly just to clear out this forest faster oh and there's another group of bandits okay i want that cart though dude i saw that card over here and i want it all right so they're gonna go get the cart i assume that's gonna give us wood and it's going to give us more skins that seems to be the way that it goes across all right so with three more houses we'll be able to increase our amount of workers which i think is really really smart this game uses a happiness system basically for buildings that are nearby so for every house that's near another house they get a happiness bonus and then for every well that's near the houses they get a happiness bonus for every single like druid that's near the houses you get a bonus uh it you know there's there's bonuses for everything lots and lots of bonuses for everybody so we'll make like a little circle of huts right here and then maybe we'll throw this guy right here that looks okay to me we'll just kind of like you know spackle it around i guess and those will get done when they get done these guys can be replenished all of your units have special abilities they're listed down in the bottom right hand corner you can make them fight in aggressive mode you can make them fight in balanced mode or you can make them fight in defensive mode whether you want to micromanage that or not is up to you but usually what you want to do is send guys in defensive mode out first to make contact take the other ones around in aggressive mode to attack the enemy from behind or we can just use berserker rage and we can just headbutt and bite our way through every single problem and headbutting and biting kind of an underrated strategy i'm not gonna lie headbutting and biting works out weirdly well uh we've got a well right here the well is important because it allows us to put out fires and so we'll have a little well right there on the edge of this little patch of buildings but that is going to use up i think most of our stone the other thing that we probably want to do is we probably want to put down a collector's guild to get this bog iron and this stone over here yeah that seems okay let's put that guy down right there we're getting like a big influx of workers if you ever want to check on the happiness of your huts all you got to do is come over here and this meter slowly fills up based on whatever their plus is so they start at like level four and so they should go up to well four they start at level two but they've got a plus two right now because they got plus three from neighboring houses minus one from the cold so it'll go up to four that's their ultimate target right there in other seasons they'll be able to go up to five but for right now not good enough we do need to assign workers to the well so we'll get that done real fast and then did i assign anybody to a woodcutter set let's go woodcutters over here fisherman's over here and then i think we're all good to go this poor little house down at the bottom is all by himself i feel bad for him let's move him we'll move him up here so that he can be a part of the village with everybody else it's only fair dude everybody likes social contact there we go i love the little trails that they dig out and i'm so happy to see that become like a mainstay as far as like rts and city builders go like there's little paths that they cut through the snow and like they'll actually destroy the flora as they're walking around i think foundation was the first game that i saw that actually did that i don't know if it was absolutely the first but it was the first one that i saw and ever since then i feel like more games are trying to incorporate that and i think it lands it kind of lends like a immersive air to the village building portion of the game all right you go let's go ahead and start collecting some stone and start collecting some iron god only knows when we're gonna need more of it they're getting a training field built over here so we'll be able to produce some more vikings we'll also be able to replenish these guys using resources we can add two more guys to the squad so that they're actually fully filled out i'd recommend we probably have about 15 to 20 units and we just zerg ball all the bandits that's gonna be the easiest way to get it done training field is up and running what else could you ask for and it gave us bonus leathers right there inside of here we can train three units we can train archers we can train scouts and we can train axemen for right now i think two patches of axemen will be just right so we'll cue those up and then we need a little bit of iron in order to get our other dudes going and unfortunately we don't have the iron to do the rest of this which is kind of a bummer so i may leave these guys at home i don't know i don't want them to get destroyed worst case scenarios we sent them in last possibly let's rearrange this so we'll get rid of these guys right here we'll make archers instead so that we have 10 guys and that leaves us with the resources to replenish that force as you can see they're in the training field right now doing their training guy stuff the attack animations are a little bit rough but they do have fatalities and things that they'll pull off on enemies when they get them down to low health which is pretty rad there is a weird type of ghosting that goes on like when they're swinging their axes and whatnot and i don't know what that comes from i assume it's from one of the lighting sources or something like that but it's not really like a detraction from the game nice get on up to level five one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve good and you may be asking yourself splatty what does the happiness rating do uh the happiness rating makes it so that it replenishes your workers faster so you get a certain amount of workers when you build this but it's got a maximum cap that i haven't been able to figure out yet but they produce more workers faster if they end up getting killed off or whatever if the happiness is higher so just something to think about our archers they're fresh off the griddle let's go hit these bandits over on this side and get rid of them and you guys can see a little bit what the combat looks like we're gonna line up in the forest first so that we've got cover from the bandits i do wish that there was some kind of dithering or like shadowing if you sent your units into a forest this game uses a lot of tall foliage and a lot of like evergreen trees and stuff like that spruces and the like uh i'd like it if the trees faded out a little bit more so that i could see my units a little bit better they do give you the outline but they don't give you the outline for stuff like buildings or like carts unless you're actually actively moused over them and so i'm always kind of interested in what i'm missing here uh let's send them into combat shall we we'll send them to attack over here we're gonna put them into berserk mode about the second that they make landfall there we go berserk mode deal damage take lives kill enemies do what you have to do looks like we're slaughtering our way through them pretty good right now oh he hooked that guy's axe took him out too well done we actually didn't take a whole lot of losses right there so we're going to search that cart and i'm going to have this group of axemen search the camp real fast actually can i not search the camp huh i guess not i feel like when i was testing the game out they let me search this camp and also the cart while i was here but maybe that is not the truth i don't know they're jiggling right now why are you guys jiggling here there now there's less people here do you want to search the camp interesting they don't want to search the camp all right fair enough i don't know what's going wrong here i i feel like i definitely was able to search this camp the last time i played through this section but i guess it's not working for me maybe they already searched it while we were fighting who knows i'm gonna take these guys back to camp real fast and replenish what i can and then we'll go after the other camp and then we'll get our reward from the little villagers we'll go through the gate and we will meet with the yarl yar ireland he is waiting for us yeah i was gonna say i don't have enough iron i need some iron out here well can i use a smelter to get this going because we do have a little bit of bog iron coming on in and so like i was thinking maybe we could convert some bog iron over and to steal oh my building's on fire don't do that a bloomery yeah let's have a bloomery real fast we'll bloom it on up here you can call me orlando bloomery there we go we'll put the bloomery over there that'll allow us to manufacture our own steel from the bog iron that they're pulling out of these little deposits over here it looks like they're actually mostly focusing on the stone i would like can i cross that off somehow because we have enough stone i need the the bog iron hmm unfortunate okay so what i would like to be able to do is click on these and put a little red slash across it so you can tell them to focus on one research or the other make things a little bit simpler in the bloomery we'll add a few more warriors it looks like it only takes us one bog iron to get a steel out so honestly that's not that bad of a trade i'm gonna wait for them to pop out the steel we'll replenish these units then we'll go after that last group of vikings all right we have 11 now 11 steel so i can replenish this group boom and there we go all of my guys are back they've taken a little bit of damage over here so these guys are slightly softened it's kind of a i don't know if they need a druid's head or something to heal maybe i should look into that there's a druid right here heals nearby warriors that's kind of what i figured all right well the druid should kind of be near to as many of these houses as i can get her him them there we go i think that's about as close as i can get it but i want these units to heal because they've got a chunk of health missing with that chunk of health missing i feel like they're going to take losses much more readily all right so with our druid set we will have two guys to shake sticks that are covered in crowbones and all that kind of stuff hey they're healed up already good all right often into the woods let's go get this last group of bandits so that we can go through the majestic gate and see what we've got going on i very much like kind of how colorful the game is in kind of the brighter seasons like summer and spring and whatnot it pops off the screen very very saturated because like you go through the winter period which is long and everything's all washed out in the winter sort of frost punk style and it makes everything feel much more colorful when the color comes back in we're going to attack right here berserker mode and down goes the enemy we only lost two guys see it let me search this camp maybe i did search the other camp and i just didn't know it maybe it happened while we were fighting there's another little cart right here though hey more leathers all right so let's go back to the house down here we'll check in with them and see what our reward is for getting rid of the bandits and then my scouts can go and report to the yarl so we'll send them across the yarl's wall real fast oh i guess we don't get our reward from them what happens if i send these guys down to replenish next to the druid hut oh they're fighting with the wolves looks like they won okay as long as they won i don't care if they got wiped out then that's problematic but like actually let me see if i can dude this camp still has sparklies around it dude i'm setting my scouts down there there may i'm a loot i'm an absolute loot hound dude i just can't help it i got to get everything i'm sending them back down there just in case yeah i think we just got more loot i'm pretty sure it let us loot it all right you guys replenish real quick there you go all nice and replenished and honestly i think we have room for more soldiers uh we have a lot of steel going right now pretty good batch of steel so i'll probably go with no don't do the scouts i don't want the scout do two groups of axemen oh i don't have the population for it okay i gotta build some more houses fair enough i'm okay with that uh let's get another house down here actually yeah let's get another house down here so you go right there you maybe kind of go right there we'll put another well in the middle just to make sure everybody's happy and this should be hit by most of our druid radius i think you guys assemble the army over here looks like our training got done and then you guys it no longer make it to sparklies i think we looted it uh you guys come out this way beyond the yarl's wall let's see what's waiting for us over there unfortunately my wood cutters hut has run fallow the trees don't regrow so we have to figure out a way to push that out a little further uh i can take it on over to here i don't want to deforest this aggressively but it may have to happen that way i've got my army let's take them all and we shall bring them up to the yarl's area anything going on over here anything good or crazy a bridge a rickety-looking bridge a bridge that i don't inherently trust altogether that much but a bridge nonetheless good you're here our lookout tower got captured by bandits we've lost control over the area and we can't transport our supplies safely through there okay so they want me to go wipe out the bandits that are taking up their space over here i can do that i can do that i've got a big old army right now we're like ready to ride i've got about 20 men under my control which for like a small village it's kind of a sizable fighting force not enough to hold off the worst of the things that could happen to you but enough to really make somebody think about whether or not they want to raid in your territory and i think the access to the tower honestly i'll just let the pathfinding figure it out i don't actually know oh if there's a back path gotcha all right you guys all set up in the forest and get ready for the fight all right we've set up in the forest oh the enemy's down there okay uh go re-light the beacon real fast perfect y'all erlen betrayed you and sent his troops to plunder your village protect the settlement oh no dude that's a terrible thing to do why would yar erlang do that we're all viking gear here we're on the same team brody what are those little axemans oh no i don't have anybody defending the village right now all right make me another axeman even though that kind of taps out my resources and then we are going to reverse raid yarrow ireland i think touch him down yeah you guys get in there chop them shields up wow these shield bearers are pretty good they're putting up a pretty nasty fight over here all right so their shield bearers have been took out let's go ahead and destroy all this wipe them out and we'll make this our country oh cool i like how they throw torches on the buildings that's pretty sweet i don't see yarl's guys in my territory just yet but hopefully our five are strong enough to hold them off i got some archers and stuff too you guys come out this way because i think that's the direction they're gonna come from oh more war and fighting another batch of shield bearers too sort of unfortunate and he's flooded me with everything right now are we still doing okay yeah berserk out if you need to doesn't look like we've actually like perma lost any of our units we're still in this all right wipe out his hunter's hut actually wipe out his training field first where's his training field at over there yeah kill his training field oh they're in my village down here many of them okay you guys run for it you guys engage over here you guys just run just run yup flee for your lives this is not going the way that i planned on it going also unit control in combat is stiff uh they don't follow orders like at all once they're in contact all right you guys are gonna have to like incredible hulk out if you want to win this fight i'm sorry to say but they've got us outnumbered so like we gotta do what we got to do so y'all erland has betrayed me and sent his troops to plunder the village protect the settlement how long do i have to protect it for i probably should have fell my army back over here but i wanted to kind of take him out i wanted to get some rewingey dude i was in i was under the throes of rowenge fever man i just i needed to kill and to slaughter and to maim and destroy freaking yarl erland man what a douche nozzle flee the settlement before more of erlin's men arrive okay we need to sail away fair enough uh my one guy left my only survivor i don't know if there's like a button i push or whatever be like dude and like flee everybody away with one of those dope rams horns but man i thought we had a good chance right there well we made it to the title screen that's better that i can say for like half of my videos so you know that's pretty rad okay and so we've got another mission available now the downside there is that we're out of time for the day but this was a closed beta that the developers gave me access to so like take my critiques with a grain of salt the game's going to be out i think on the 20th is when the game is going to be releasing into early access so there's plenty of time especially since it's going to be an ea game for them to kind of like polish up and shore off the roughed edges all that kind of stuff maybe make the make the animations a little bit cleaner add some of the more immersive things i talked about with like the towers and the looting of the camps and whatnot so anyways my name is flatter cat i sift through the pod if it's worthwhile the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to today it was frozen heim tomorrow it will more than likely be something else thanks for taking the time out of your day to hang out and i'll see you all when we reconvene
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 170,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Frozenheim gameplay, frozenheim walkthrough, frozenheim playthrough, lets play frozenheim, frozenheim review, frozenheim preview, frozenheim impressions, frozenheim guide, frozenheim tutorial, frozenheim download, frozenheim soundtrack, frozenheim music, frozenheim steam, frozenheim pc game
Id: Cuc9u50sOaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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