Rise to Ruins 2019 - Magical City Building God Simulator

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what's up guys gals welcome back to the nerd castle today in the world of indie gaming it is kind of a serendipitous day I don't know why I used a big word right there I was just trying to say it's a pretty happy day but then serendipitous came out and I don't even know if the set count is a big word it's got more syllables than the words that I normally use all right so it's a little outside the ordinary for me as you try to keep it small keep it simple I can't have my brain cells hurting too much I get like this mild headache whenever I do anything intelligent and so like I try to keep that from happening at all costs my name is flat okay welcome to rise the ruins the game is out in 1.0 it's done it's finished it's released and we've been following this game since like way back in the day when it was just a tech demo like years and years and years ago before there was even like a game all you could do was like call in storms and stuff to kill the little guys that were walking around and they didn't do anything yet like they didn't really build like we basically played this since like the first AI was put in and there was no buildings and all you could do is put curses on the little guys and whatnot so anyways let's go ahead and start the game on off we're gonna go to the world map and we're gonna build ourselves a city we built this city you know like some magazine said that was one of the worst songs of all time I heartily disagree I disagree that song bangs hard alright then let's go ahead and I I would actually I would encourage anybody that thinks that's the worst song ever made to listen to any song by V nasty I would like it's an open challenge if you think that's the worst song on earth go listen to any song with V nasty there you go that's how it starts out we're gonna go on survival mode sounds good it's been a little bit since I played the game the last time but I have dumped a lot of hours into this game so hopefully I will remember things welcome to rise the ruins for your first village you can select any region that you like okay well let's pick our first region then we've got the quiet forest we've got the clear lens we've got wyvern edge up that's a pretty cool name for a village wyvern edge I like it got coast bridge the enchanted shoreline Valencia Azusa North oak silver coast I actually kind of like wild rock I thought that said something different when I just like it flashed over it for a second my brain filled in letters and I'm not proud of it but it did now let's see here we got strong Vale arid River I'll probably go I like silver coast that sounds pretty cool let's do a village on silver coast yeah dude that sounds ultimately red so if you never played rise to ruins before it's basically a city defense game it's got a lot in common with like the old stronghold games kind of but no competitive aspect to it so like really you're building a city and a castle and like a keep around that and then you're building defenses and there's just like a never-ending wave of bad guys trying to kill you and so like you just got to do your best and hope and welcome to the first region the first thing we got to do is put down our camp so like we've paused the game but I wanted to look around for a second and get a feel for this area can I slow this down real fast and still pan around I can't okay well there's food over here and food is usually a good thing there's water over there we've got an ancient color skate on that side there's some old busted buildings right there I actually kind of think that the place where we should start there's no crystal over here is the only part that worries me well as a little knows of flowers terney crystal around we're gonna need crystal we got cactus where's the crystal hi danette any crystal in this region so that's actually crystal right there I thought those were carrots because I recall the food sort of looking like that this area might work tin so we've got cactus over here which is a food and then we've got enough crystal to kind of go around it's gonna be like I think we should probably settle like right here on the river's edge because that gives us lots of equitable building land and this is gonna be really really easy to partition off and protect us from enemies like we've only got to build two walls normally with the maps that I play on you got to build like four sided walls all the way around the city and right here all we got to do is I mean the trees are a little suspect like I think enemies are gonna be able to move through the trees right here so we might not be able to do that in the way that I would like to do that we also have the option of coming over here this seems like an okay little spot how big is the camp oh the camp is kind of large okay well then we're gonna have to find like a larger space to live in like something like this down here I guess it's probably gonna have to do it we just need like a bigger area I suppose and then we'll wall up what we have to wall up I'm not looking to wall up anything right now but we'll start out maybe like right here it looks okay to me or maybe like right over here yeah let's go for it so there it is our first building is down what you're gonna see is little villagers are gonna start teleporting in and they're all gonna have little names and they're all gonna have like little histories and skills and levels and stuff like that but for right now they've all been assigned to the task of being builders so they're gonna slap together this building right here which requires six stones and four wood in order to get it done but until later we've got some housing over here I would suggest that we do some makeshift housing let's put in a house in a house so we've got two houses now with the two houses we're also gonna need to give some orders to like harvest some wooden things so I'm gonna tell them just to kind of murder all of this like all of these trees are super free to die the faster they die the happier the splatter cap will be they should go and harvest this stuff if there's an open order for it like builders normally don't chop wood as I recall but I think they may harvest the trees so long as they've got a work order that will be fulfilled by the wood from those trees yeah they will you can see those dots turning green right there so red are jobs that are inaccessible yellow are ones that are queued and green are ones that are actively underway and I've had a villager assigned to them so there it is we're now chopping away at trees this heck wet chopping that tree now we've got a makeshift bow tower right there I don't know if I'm gonna reclaim that I may actually just like destroy it yeah just destroy those I would like to kind of build this entire area in my own image and I don't really want to fiddle around too heavily with any of this other stuff like we could reclaim these and turn them into defensive buildings if we wanted to but I don't know if those are exactly where I want my defensive buildings to be so yeah we should be pretty safe we're in the beginning of spring right now I believe that winter is usually the hardest part of the game we're gonna want to go ahead and get ourselves a little bit of water after we get this done we don't have any nearby stone so stone acquisitions are gonna be a little difficult but I will cue this up just in the off chance that I end up queuing up jobs that require stone that should last us for a little while the houses are gonna be important because people need a place to get in out of like the rain and then shelter from like the heat of the Sun stuff like that they can get heatstroke they can burn to death if it's like particularly cold they can freeze to death so like you really want every single villager in your city to have access to a house if they don't have access to a house like they tend to kind of die on you every now and again we can also build a dog house but I'm not gonna worry about that for right now instead I would like to make a large fountain oh it requires cut stones now okay so we're gonna need small fountains then sounds good and we'll put one right there we'll put one right there so that we have two of them these will fill up with water and they can just be used as a reservoir we'll get a new thing cute in right here you say that says we have zero water right there that'll get patched up in just a minute once these two jobs are done this one is gonna take a while how it oh never mind we got a bunch of stones from tearing down these buildings nice good sounds good to me let's see here I want her to disable I wanted to dismantle this a makeshift boat our but it appears I don't think I told it to redeem yeah pause the building and then I want to dismantle it but it's not letting me do it right now interesting it's also not letting me destroy these little fences right here oh I gotta click them individually gotcha well kind of I don't know why it's not letting me destroy these huh odd I very much would like to destroy those but I suppose for now we'll just have to ignore it this is trash you definitely want to get rid of the trash if you don't get rid of the trash bad things are gonna happen so if there's trash around like what'll end up happening is like man Oh we'll get sucked into it and mana is kind of the mechanism by which this entire game functions what'll end up happening is mana will get sucked into the trash sometimes and it'll create like a trash golem or like slimes and they'll come around and try to murder you so my suggestion is always to just sort of like make sure you're kind of passively cleaning up trash just in case [Music] interesting it appears like some of this stuff [Music] yeah it looks like some of this maybe it's good it's not in range in my village it's saying not in range right now so it's possible it's outside my range of influence therefore I'm not able to fiddle with it and the other things we're gonna need we got the fountain right there we would need to capitalize on this if you're wondering it's gonna fill up with rainwater these guys are gonna start getting thirsty pretty soon and if you don't have wells around they're gonna die of thirst and that's gonna suck because you really really really don't want to lose manpower this early in the game if you can well and truly help it like you really don't and the other thing we're probably gonna need is we're gonna need some kind of like trash disposal so we've got way markers I don't really need that we've got harvesting we've got lighting we've got walls we've got trash there we go so I would suggest provides trash or workers to clean up trash and allows the village to store large quantities of trash in a centralized location I'm pretty sure this thing like upsets the balance though so what we want to have is I don't remember I don't particularly remember which of these so some of the I think it was the processor was the one that you want so we need a lumber mill for that so that we can make boards so I got the lumber mill right there but first things first is we probably want to end up with some kind of let's get some storage running I guess actually gonna need the storage right now we're good on storage let's go with harvesting and we're gonna make a lumber Shack kind of like over here I guess next to all these trees I don't know when they're gonna get that done but I figure at some point they'll get it done and they'll get it all nice and banged out and handled I do need you want to watch out for trash so every time you like build a building or every time you like tear something down or every time you we need a rain catcher or a water purifier or a well okay I think we can do that animal pen large fountain we've got the well right there [Music] there we go we need the rain catch there we'll put it in the to rain catches now you do have a limit on the amount of buildings you can have in this game so for right now as you can see it says 8 out of 12 you're gonna need to upgrade your Civic Center this building right here if you upgrade it with this little button it'll actually increase your logistical capacity because it is limited to force you to sort of work on things here and there I don't know if that'll fill up with water I may have built the wrong thing we need the rain catch like right now so maybe what I'll do is I'll cancel that building so they'll work on the rain catch yeah work on the rain catches plio oh I did a dumb splat he did a big dumb you see how the trash is kind of piling up you don't want that to happen gets a little out of control trust me I've played this game quite a bit and trash is actually you would think it's the roving hordes of undead monsters that are outside the walls of your city that kill you most frequently but nay it's actually an inability to deal with the municipal refuse I know it's the little things you learn about city planning I actually don't think I need this second fountain I was thinking that the fountains where the rain catchers so let's like have them make some rain catchers and then we'll just have the fountain over there the fountain is where they drink from so the what this right here catches rainwater and then you'll have a little guy called a water master and what he'll do is to walk the water from this over to the fountain so that people can like drink from it in effect giving them access to it these guys like hot what's wrong with these guys right now nothing so much right now I think we'll be okay let's speed the game up ever so slightly they do give you a warning when you play this game that speeding up the game may cause issues with crashing I haven't seen it but since we're in the middle of an episode right now I'm probably gonna try and limit myself and stay away from bumping up to like x 8 speed or whatever just to make sure we have an uninterrupted gameplay experience you guys just keep doing what it do I believe in all of my little builders that's right little buildin kingda and go ahead and grab all the we're almost done but the rains ending now that's unfortunate now don't you know that's the sound of the men working in the rain yeah yeah yeah come on finish that thing off there you go I'm proud of you so now we need is we need to take a worker off of there and basically have them be of water master and so the water master will get the water that's falling in here and as you can see we're actually ticking up on water now the water master will take the water from over here oh they're all drinking right now gotcha I was like our water is dropping off really fast apparently everybody's a wee bit feisty and we need to deal with our trash issues now we need that trash to know its place my suggestion would be so we're gonna need the refinery first so we're gonna need a lumber mill I feel as though it's acceptable that the lumber mill go right there and then we can start converting some wood into boards that way we can get towards the processor we can just put in trash cans for right now I gotta cancel that trash so for now what we can do is we can kind of just put in trash cans and what they'll do is they'll pick up all these little bits of trash you just need them up and off the ground and these will act as central receptacles for the trash errs who are working over here to get things done we don't really have much water left so we're going to pray for rain for right now we definitely want to gather some food too [Music] so I think it's probably a good idea in that interest to go ahead and make ourselves some farms - it looks like you can't freely harvest food anymore that are only farms can do that ability so let's put in like a farmer to just kind of like right there I think would be a decent enough spot for it like we're gonna be working sort of with our backs to the wall for right now because we lack the manpower in order to get a lot of the jobs done that we need to get done yeah I know I am aware of what's going wrong thank you game I appreciate that well they're still getting like 31 stone for that though I think they're gonna get kind of hungry soon yeah they're a little tiny bit hungry they're not as like nutty hungry as I expected them to be but they are a little hungry a little tiny bit hangry where are those guys going oh they're going all the way around you can't go through that little gap right there why can't they go through the little gap mmm that is subpar I don't like that so I'm gonna need to go and unassign all this we're just gonna assign this rock right here so they don't have to go all the way around in order to get access to it I think it'll be okay we've got a makeshift marketplace down there Hey more rain there we go now we're gonna have water for days actually in this game it's kind of the opposite of what it is and other games and other games like winter is the deadly season and this games summer is the deadly season because you run out of water and so you want to have lots and lots and lots of water receptacles if you can manage it that's much better now they're going after this stone down here I just I guess they thought that like I guess you can't fit through that gap right there sort of an interesting problem that I hadn't really thought about I don't think about things a lot of the time though so that's just life that's just life come along and get your work done and I believe in all of you yes you're all wonderful beautiful little workers work for the king work for the king there you go and all that stone up in there I was like for some reason this is like a really like deadly difficult game but the music is like happy ukulele music and I don't know why it just like pleases me like it's I think it's like the I don't know kind of like dichotomy in between the two sections of the game that this is like a pretty hard city-builder and at the same time the music is all happy and jovial and nobody really cares that they're probably about to die horribly I don't know it's so it's always one of those things that makes me smile they'll probably get the trash cans next I would hope we don't have any carpenters right now we are gonna need carpenters to make those boards so that we can make the processor that like burns trash it's gonna take a little while for that to be fully effective but it will be pretty cool once it's done because then we can burn trash it'll create essence and in addition when we burn trash will sometimes get usable stone and usable wood out of the trash and so like I don't know exactly how the system works but when they go to build something basically there's like a chance that some of the resources will be wasted like they always complete the building but like every construction task produces like a random amount of trash that just like exists how much does this hold takes for boards and then it'll hold like 16 more trash okay but as you can see they're cleaning up the trash for right now that's all that I was worried about we just needed somebody to clean up the trash maintain ten boards please thank you requires a lumber check does it really I have to have a lumberjack why you can just cut the wood like this I guess this doesn't give us free-floating wood though this just gives us like random wood I guess like we can't stockpile this this is wood that's being assigned to a construction so I guess I see what they're saying I will I will accept I will accept the Edict of the game the game is decided therefore it is true [Music] the other plus side our farm is almost done so pretty soon we'll be able to have delicious food too because these guys are starting to look a little hangry all right Stephen hurdle raela Targaryen apparently is super hungry right now all right Patrick Jane the man they call Jane he's the hero of Canton you give that man respect all right let's go ahead and there we go so now we've got the farmer thing done we can slow the game back down again we're definitely gonna want to have max farmers for right now and then now that we have farmers we can actually go and harvest food which is good because I don't relish the idea of starving to death like I don't know where you're at on that entire concept but I know where I'm at and where I'm at I definitely don't want to die so there you go they've cleaned up most of the trash around the village mostly how much to each of these carry like 24 maybe what's the capacity oh they can carry different types of trash so they carry like actually like a hundred trash just of different types there's like foodie trash stony trash woody trash gotcha well know your place trash I assume the woody and stony slots are gonna fill up pretty quickly what is that right there gold or Dew there's gold in them thar hills damn okay I mean it looks like he's making planks to me regardless of what the game is saying it looks to me as though he's making planks even though it says it requires a lumberjack so like you know so we've got food inside of there what they're gonna do is they're gonna take this food they're gonna plant it inside of here and as they plant it it will like grow and occasionally give us like infusions of food but most importantly it allows me to just rough harvest off the land and then whenever we need more resources I can just use my motivate land spell that's right the king has magic in case you were wondering I can use my motivate land spell in order to just grow the food back whenever we need it that's what I've done the entire time I've played this game I don't think I've ever relied on farming for the principal bulk of my food source I almost always just use magic to grow more food that's what I spend most of my mana on our mana will go up as we get more people and so the more people we have in the village the longer this meter will get and we'll be able to cast more spells stuff like making meteors rain down from the sky on our enemies we could summon golems we can do like a massive heal that heals everybody in the village it can be helpful if you get one of those surprise situations where the enemy breaks through and is like all up inside of your business I think everybody is idle right now so for the moment we can probably consider building some more stuff we can upgrade these buildings right here pretty easily we can make it either high quality which makes them much happier it makes them regenerate faster or we can make it standard housing or we can make it like slums where it's just like people crammed in head-to-toe I usually just go with the standard housing that's usually what I do and this is how you get around using up your entire build queue is by upgrading the buildings you already have good you guys collect that trash over there what is that it's just not grass that's a crystal okay we're gonna need to harvest some crystals and stuff too but that's kind of a that's kind of a later game objective we don't need to worry about that like right this minute oh yeah the monsters are here it should just be a trickle it shouldn't be bad if you've got a lot of trash laying around the village then yeah you're gonna have a lot of monsters cuz every time nighttime comes like slimes are gonna spawn out of the trash you're gonna have issues but we actually got all the trash cleaned up nice and early so I think we'll be okay we don't have any warriors or any fighters or anything although I would love for you not to do what you're doing right now like I don't want her to go way off to the edges of the village if she can help it we're night mining right now it sounds like a heavy metal song I don't know it sounds vaguely like a heavy metal song or like maybe an album like an album name like the front of the album would have like a bunch of dwarves being all buff and heavy metal like smacking the walls while monsters are attacking them and they're fighting with like laser pistols telling you miss the next album by Camelot Knight mine I wouldn't put it past them that's all I'm saying you guys throw some stones on there I believe in all of you we may not even get attacked on our first night no honesty there's wild Roos out there like what's a wild roo oh it's a rat that's right Roo is French for rat isn't it isn't it I think it is I don't know though I don't speak French like it's vrata in Spanish but like that's kind of easy I vaguely remember rubia word for rat in French but I don't know maybe one of my fit might well maybe what am i my French speaking viewers can fill us in on that one okay that's possible that I am woefully and woefully under educated because I don't know French I don't know French my Spanish is okay impassible my French not so much not so much I'm in trouble if I ever have to speak French I'm not to pick it up fast there's a monster in the village a headless they should attack him yeah I was gonna say every now and again one of these dudes will get brave and the leg attack this guy and every time they attacked a little metre above their head Oh fill up when the meter above their head fills up they do a limit break that explodes the whole map now it's a lie they just level up I was trying to make the video more interesting okay it's not my far you guys gonna fight this dude I do expect you guys to fight this guy by the way yeah there you go also the bad guys in this game can level up so like if you get attacked by a headless he can actually level up too while in the midst of combat in case you were wondering how that all works I would like it if you guys would beat him to death I know you have nari but your hands right now to defend thyself with but defend thyself thy must there you go this sounds a bunch of blood and essence and other stuff and live on the ground if we had a collector we could actually suck up all this essence and it would add it to our mana bar but we don't so welcome to the way life works welcome to the way life works after upgrading these two buildings we should have everybody in our population living inside of the village so that'll be cool we won't see any more enemies around aside from like the big dude that red has a lot of HP where's that rat have so much HP it's crazy he's got like 600 HP know if that rats been going to the gym or like what he's been doing to take him on a creatine like that's a beefy rat right there I don't know what to do about that guy oh they're eating my farm right now it's kind of somewhat unfortunate hmm I can't assign them to attack they just kind of fight when they want to fight so my thought was like maybe when the farmers come back they will fight but it's really not a lot of promises in that regard there you go protect your farm dude no the turnips are not important right now protect your farm well they killed that one over there so that's good at least people are kind of like leveling up and stuff it's nice it's helpful eventually someone will come down here to repair this and hopefully they will fight with the enemy once they get there this zombie appears to be moving on apparently it's no fun to tear down residential structures if there's no one around to Whitney never mind that's a third zombie that is a third zombie there's a third zombie they are coming for us a little bit concerned about how they got into the village I don't know if they were able to cross the water apparently she's a giant coward so she's not really fighting back even though she could probably win hmm yeah they're crossing the water that's really bad I thought they couldn't cross water hmm that's gonna lead to some interesting things in the next couple episodes yeah the bigger issue is that these zombies are leveling up off this building right here I mean of all the workers come down and see if we can finish them off now come on fight that's right put some knuckles on them you I actually don't want you to like tear that down [Music] there you go build it back up yo put a little bit of lovin on it it needs it there you guys tearing it down right now you guys are tearing it down right now aren't you yeah the big red X right there kind of gave it away it's okay it's not a hard building to rebuild but it is a little bit of a bummer this we've got food laying around from when they get hungry again that did produce a lot of trash though [Music] yeah so they buffed the first night the first night didn't used to be this bad usually on the first night you didn't even get attacked now you get hit pretty hard on the first night so they've changed the difficulty around in between versions like normally the first night is super quiet you may be up like one slime this time around we're getting like flooded with bad guys like they're all over the place so I guess we'll have to see to the defense although this is not defensible I wouldn't have built on this map if I had known enemies could cross water and so apparently they can just cross the water and just not care which makes this a bit more precarious in all honesty I'm not exactly sure how we're going to ever I'm not exactly sure how we're gonna overcome that you guys leveling up and like getting better at your jobs good that's what I like to see you're all like level 4 whatever nice we'll keep beating him to death [Music] like we shouldn't have to worry too much about our villagers HP they don't actually die that easy unless they get really really overwhelmed there's no available rock did they chop down an entire wall over there oh they didn't know they didn't it's happening here oh [Music] that needs cut stone oh I didn't know that needed cut stone well we don't have the villagers for that yet so we're not to wait for that to come on in but my name is flat okay this rise to ruins it's in 1.0 right now and it is a really really fun game it gets pretty big and sprawling by the time you get into it you'll have defenses everywhere just fire and laser cannons and everything that gets in your way and then you can leave this map and go to a different map and this city will just like run itself while you play a different map and you get unlocks it's got all kinds of things going on so if you wanted to get the game for yourself it's out now look down below in the description all the link for you You Know Who am I what I do my name is flat o kette I sift through the PAS to find what's worthwhile in the world of indie gaming every single day so that you don't have to I do it take everybody I'll see y'all next time with something hot and fresh
Channel: SplatterCatGaming
Views: 119,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rise to Ruins Gameplay, Rise to Ruins Walkthrough, Rise to Ruins Playthrough, Lets Play Rise to Ruins, Rise to Ruins Release, Rise to Ruins Review, Rise to Ruins Preview, Rise to Ruins Impressions, Rise to Ruins Download, Rise to Ruins Steam, Rise to Ruins Trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 36sec (1956 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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