Frosthaven Gameplay - 3 player - (Quackalope Games)

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Awesome! I was introduced to Gloomhaven right before the quarantine season so I am really looking forward to this too! Thanks for the video :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Drun87 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Will you be offering up reviews/observations outside of gameplay videos? I’m interested to hear your perspective without spoiling any of the actual scenario content.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MarqNiffler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awesome video, you guys are really engaging and I really appreciated the light touch of editing to make the video more watchable and enjoyable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Maliseraph πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That Shadowbeast killed me :D

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Desorda πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Nice Video, will try to finish it later today after work.

Just wanted to note: As is Gloomhaven tradition, you made at least 2 rules mistakes on the first turn ;)

The Shaman should have moved onto the log, so that he could have hit a second target, and unless this rule was changed for Frosthaven, the Curse of the guard should have gone into the monster deck. Only Curses on Summoned Allies go into the deck of their owner.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KumbajaMyLord πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now that is some really good footage of Frosthaven! Thumbs up!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fortracyhyde πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It seems like you're raring to go, adventurer. But before you leave, indulge this old man and allow him to regale you with a tale of heart-pounding heroics. You see, you're not the first brave souls to face the north. Others have trekked through here before, and their legends still live on in our hearts and culture.

Today we play the very first scenario of Frosthaven by Cephalofair Games. I hope you enjoy it :)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/quackalope πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video! Really nice to see it on the table played!

Lawd though, that first turn loss card for the Necromancer bottom! :O :O :O

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Optimus-Maximus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello welcome to quack elope and today we are covering probably the most anticipated game of this generation certainly my life of your life my story of 2020 at least at least by far 40 20 we are covering frost Haven by cephalo fair games I'm joined today with damn happy to be here yeah and Mart standing in for Jan standing in for Jan my co-host quack elope adjacent and I am Jesse quack elope if you have never seen this channel before this may be the first time you've stumbled across our little pond first off we want to thank you for being here second off you're seeing a ton of b-roll video footage hopefully a decent quality audio we appreciate you being here the reason you may not have seen this before us because we're a new and growing channel if you're watching this content the one thing we request from you is to go down there hit that subscribe button and leave a comment about what you're the most excited about when it comes to frost even we have a pile of content coming to the channel we've already had two videos released by the time this one hits along with a before you back which is a rundown of everything that's happening here in frost daven and we're gonna have up to another two or three gameplay scenarios covering all the other characters covering some mid game content and potentially just buffing up some characters and running them into some gloom Haven scenarios as well so if you're interested in seeing what we're doing here if you want to learn more about frost Haven or you just want to show your appreciation for the time and effort that goes into creating this content hit that subscribe button it really does make a world of difference guys let's do it are we ready to swing into this oh my god I'm so excited we have three new characters I've never played before slow you two have been like on a romance session for the past that's your glue maven two-player with another player coming in randomly every now and again but but primarily you guys have been each other's gaming buddies when it comes to nailing yeah and I've kind of been a solo solar roller I've had a core of gloom Haven for a long time all the rollers Jenners Jesse we taught you how to play last week that's true so there's no rule mistakes coming up here I guarantee you they're all dance fault and not Jessie's mommy last week no I'm pretty sure there's any rule mistakes because it's it is a test version of the game they're all Isaac's yeah well that's that's important to let know so we are running a prototype copy of this game so some of the board the terrain some of the items that we have like we didn't get shipped an entire Corps of bra statement instead we got shipped three scenarios six brand new characters which we're covering in depth and some other videos we got to show off the map here there's some really cool things happening in frost Haven that we won't be able to display here in this game play that go with the legacy style or the legacy nature of the game that comes with the seasons changing events getting more difficult as things shift to winter and the actual development of a settlement meaning we unlock abilities to you know use the resources that we're gaining to go to the blacksmith get new weapons Harbor new abilities and go on new quests depending on how our town itself develops we're not really able to show off any of that in the gameplay instead we're going to be showing off the very first scenario in this encounter giving you a little bit of flavor text kind of the overview and then running these three new characters into a pack of bodies yes and it's gonna be great yeah we literally pick this up this morning and have not studied the cards yeah so this is not gonna be an optimal game play I'm sure someone's gonna come along behind us you know I beg to differ this will probably be the best game play ever shown of frost I think as far as I'm aware and anyone else dig they are that's a buzz saw waiting to happen and you and I start with six life this is gonna be great yeah I'm pretty sure it is gonna be great now before we swing in Venice do we want to set up the characters that were playing and I also want to acknowledge there are six characters total in the prototype copy we got sent we're showing off three of them here in this encounter and we are showing off the other three in the next encounter which is more of a mid game sort of scenario that they sent us so if you're interested in finding out about all of them hit that subscribe button if you haven't already I'm a little offended that you're still watching needless to say hit that subscribe button so you can see the other three characters as well that video will be coming out in just about a week who are you playing what are they good at all right what's your kind of thought process I am playing the banner spear this is a human character the character in one of the things about this character is it's very dependent on allied movement so this character can drop summons and drop banners in various places as well as play off the location of the other allies that they are playing with to do really strong attacks with pretty cool abilities so that's that's this character starts with ten life on level one and as Mark said earlier we're playing right out of the box level one characters so that's my guy mark who are you playing I'm playing the ester necromancer she the whole premise behind them is they draw energies from other worlds okay the drawing from the wells of life and death so basically I hope to be something a lot of skeleton baddies sure crushing people's souls with them and then healing myself up a little bit a little along the way seems reasonable yeah you're a six health character I am a six hub that she is a little bit of a glass cannon I'm a little bit of a glass cannon as well I'm playing the Deathwalker I like that we're playing together though cuz it feels like we ripped off each other yeah but I'm going to be manipulating and controlling shadows throughout the game these shadows are not physical objects there are more beings that exist on the map I can teleport to them I can use them to kind of pop in and out of to do quick rapid stabs I am also a glass cannon with a total of six health but hopefully I will pull if er eight the board with my shadows do some really really incredible attacks and the encounter will be done before I am planned you all didn't seem that confident all right like we said we're not gonna run through any of the rules of how to play we'll show that off in the gameplay and we have other videos that we're covering that but what we are gonna run through is a little bit of the flavor text because I like flavor text cuz this is my channel after all and I really make these videos for me to watch by myself so frost even with your head down you march one foot then the other you try to block out the pain the throbbing in your toes the numbness in your face just keep the rhythm you think one two but the wind isn't so easily ignored it claws at you whipping up ice and snow like tiny hooks making every breath difficult your skin is thick you always prided yourself on that but nothing is thick enough for this you are walking through the north through the frozen wastes a place not meant for living things where only the hard and lost dare to go of course that's probably why they hired you it's been ten days now ten days of plowing through snow drifts as high as your waist and there's still no sign of the town you're part of the reconnaissance team the first group sent to check on the Empire's most distant outpost frost Haven it's a place forgotten by most of the world a tiny settlement carved out of the frozen wilderness which for six months out of the year is wholly cut off from the outside isolated by towering unbreachable drifts but as of last week just enough snow has melted off the Imperial Pass for a team to get through so then here you are no one really knows what awaits you in frost Haven one struggles to imagine what sort of people could survive six months in a place like this but whatever Waits you hope at least they've left a fire going reward a new location a town in flames so that is the intro story and we are spawning the center town here okay and just for the record if you already made it at this point we only have the ability to spoil what they've willingly sent us to spoil we are trusting that they have sent us nothing beyond what is reasonable in terms of the core story so we're showing it all off if you literally want nothing then maybe just back the campaign and don't even get to this point yeah but that's our caveat all right goal kill all the enemies and save at least one city guard introduction the sounds are what greet you first the muffled pang of metal-on-metal a voice howling it's difficult to make anything out with the wind rushing past your ears but you'd know that tune anywhere there's a fight up ahead but a fight means there's people and if there's people than a town must be close you gained some hope from that and pick up speed a moment later you hear more a scream the crash of steel against stone a deep earthly growl you're running now your legs are wasted from the hike your shoulders ache from your gear but the sounds are closed now and out the head you see a gauzy orange light blooming in the air it takes one last push you tear up the ground and take the last bend in the trail and then you're there you can see it frost Haven engulfed in flame everywhere there is fire great petals of it bursting from windows and crawling over roofs people run from the town's ruined gate screaming their faces bent and panic and their arms pumping hard something is chasing them and a moment later you see it a massive creature with two legs and two hulking arms covered entirely and thick white fur three gnarled horns crowning its head al GOx the voice of another pilgrim behind you shouts those bastards is worse than the damned Enochs if you believe it twice as dumb and twice as strong then as if to prove the point the algaas just inside the burning gate catches a fleeing out poster and hurls them backwards as if they weighed nothing ten days you've been hiking ten days and this is what you find you breathe out a thick plume of foggy air and hoist your weapon high time to get to work please get to work yes look how big those dudes are there there's this guy what's his deal these are friends so small we we have one special reel you have a small one yeah the city guards our allies to you and enemies to all other monsters they perform moves zero attack zero every round on initiative fifty one if that five of not dives nothing plus zero so we start with the city guard there he gets a plus zero plus zero to me look so cuddly this is gonna move to attack too and if all five of them die so right now we can only see one we can Intuit that there are more of them then this scenario is lost so there's a chance we won't even move on winged or one right here is opened read one on the next page I'll set this under my chair all right and who's ready to start now for any of you that have not seen I keep doing these cutaways but I think it is important because like hopefully brand new people will be watching this if you've never seen a quack elope video I am seeking to solve a couple specific problems first off you'll notice music and background I knew that because I lose focus if there is it something to help keep me immersed it gets rid of the silence that'll be true for the entirety of this gameplay hopefully it's not too distracting second off I layer everything with flavor text and b-roll for instance this beautiful picture of a board that you've already seen pop up those are things that you'll see throughout the course of this game every time we play a card you will see that card pop up in relation to what we're playing it's how I like to solve the overlay problem and the third thing is going to be the fact that this game is full of accounting and silence and moments where we're staring at our cards figuring out what to play every single one of those moments will be trimmed up by yours truly this game will stick to the gameplay the action it'll go from card to card please know if you're watching this we're not really playing that a fast instead we're taking the time we need to play accurately but cleaning it up so you have an enjoyable experience and this is a watchable video that is that is the end goal boys are we uh are we ready to do it ready is some smile read I'm pretty sure these bad he's already kill a couple guys I got a fight ready to raise them up from the ground okay some revenge I got to figure out how to pop some shadows out here quickly I probably shouldn't be looting just yet even though I might have to pretty earlier because the dancers they're just initially start let me just start looting so I know you take some from me the loot Dexcool those Goods sec I can't you might use instead of instead of how in gloom Haven you're picking up coins and spending those coins frost havens much more about resource management now there are coins in the game but primarily when you're going to pick something up you can be picking up an item a herb a coin a bag of coins from the corpse itself so the the loot deck here our material creates that much more interesting yeah it allows you to craft and actually upgrade your settlement I am really excited about the depth of like settlement development here another thing when characters were just getting to telling you things I'm excited about that we've probably covered in other videos when characters retire based on the journey you go down and the point that they were tyring different items and and locations will be added to your settlement based off their retirement qualifications that means that you're retired character exists in this space and actually impacts it yeah I think that's so cool the way I the way I read the little little blurb we got a blurb we got makes it sound like they actually sort of retired now in the community yeah a tradesman or something which i think is brilliant no I think it's awesome alright I need to figure out how to get some shadows down that's my main goal yeah I think I've I think I've selected mine alright I got 46 initiative 21 34 for the top one of each of this so we have the shaman with a nine oh great the guard with a 55 and the archer with a 56 so both of them are going after our initial guard the shaman however is gonna go going 46 so shamans first yeah shaman Dan and both of us yes the our initial guard guard yep then then then alright so Dan what you don't first should we want to see what they're gonna do shamans gonna go first he's gonna be able to move +1 although he's going to target our guard back here he's moving in his range so he doesn't want to go oh yeah he's not actually gonna go closer of his attack as a minus one so yeah base attack is 3 so minus 1 is 2 okay just the guard have any shield he has no shields he's not elite ok so he does a minus 1 to his attack so our guard takes takes 1 damage takes mine this is Andy's cursed number six number six is Dan now what's a shamans range so the shamans range is three three one two so he won't be able to connect with anyone else because he has a target of two Oh moved around he's moving by the way so this is the one of the things we had to look up real quick a curse card going to our ally the guard has to go into one of our deck who wants to take it I mean I don't want to great I'll take it okay there you go okay and shuffle it in there yep all right so I go next there's some nope that's the only shopping right the other two of your starters there's the only shaman we have too bad looking those horns yeah he's bad news those are actually the horns that have packs you can actually actually have a headdress that's the full frost daven horns oh really yeah that's awesome okay all you buddy I'm gonna go ahead and attack with a range of three okay for an attack of three in doing so I'm gonna charge wind this is called javelin yep an attack that's that initial guard we gotta remember every is being attacked 4-1 so I do to damage to damage any shield on those nope no shields than any of them okay so the garden number three takes two is that what I heard yep yes okay and they move an attack right so when it's going to be as trainers gonna move in it so I'm gonna use my other card I'm just gonna use the bottom generic to movement yeah it's gonna come after me anyway I'm gonna go ahead and move up one in a bum Russian because that will help me on my next you're gonna lock them down a little bit yeah alright I believe it's moving over to me then at 34 okay hi I'm going to start with a move to and I'm gonna buff Eclipse so move to into that zone buff Eclipse here so I'm gonna be able to do an attack to range to target to though I can only target one right now I'll push one mm-hmm okay so that's what I'm doing this guy I'm bumping him back and flip your thing for the damage so you tacked on for two yep flipping this for damage plus one is three so that's three on the same guard so he's up five damage what's his total health six we need one word almost dead cool I believe that is all of those actions he's just big he's not scary Wow so our guards you're gonna go next and there are guards are gonna go next so I am first going to I feel like the whole characters all about summoning things so I'm just gonna go ahead and summon my unearthed are okay I think it's my biggest summon so I'll go ahead and give him the summon number for put him right next to me and then when he goes he's gonna have an attack for three but he only has a move of one so he doesn't move very fast I figure let's just get him out and then for the bottom one I'm actually now gonna control him so I'm a control is summoned Ally all of my summon allies may perform a movie or a move and and intact with me controlling them it's a little aggressive out in the early of the game because I'm gonna take we're gonna trash that that was probably not a good card to play okay I did rise that was a trash card but well mistakes happen so we'll see what happens I'm gonna go ahead and move him up one yep and it's kind of a tack for three he's gonna wipe him out right +0 so at least he kills them dawn so now I have some coins to go after oh there's a coin or even even more than a coin at this point a nice little resource there so and I also suffered two damage for that that was a really bad opening play I should really learn to read my cards better I didn't say it I mean yeah well alright go move it over you are a guard here basic attack basic again so it's gonna draw from any one of our decks well see use mine just go ahead nope let's use yours okay what's his base attack - so he's gonna do one attack mr. nice guard here this is guard number two okay alright and now we're moving over into our guard so at least that one's only good yeah that one's not gonna go that one's gonna attack he's not gonna move he's gonna attack +0 and he's going to strengthen himself alright it's at least let's do the attack first 4+1 yep so that's a total of 4 damage to our holy guard so he takes four more okay he's up to yeah he's dead uh-huh he only has five yep he didn't he did not last long you know the good thing is we have more left to save yeah bad thing is he doesn't drop any loot for us that's too bad okay but he is now strengthened the other guard so I'm gonna put it on him yep what number see he's number two is the only one wound so doing his next turn he'll have advantage kind of the next one is the archer what do they do archers are going to be attacking -1 and target of 2 what's their range right now the archers range is 3 they're not gonna be able to target anyone at the moment they're gonna stay right where they are with yes we know movement associated alright now I'm gonna start choosing better with my cards because that was a horrible opening round the trunk you know I'm gonna start using my card so as long as we counterbalance each other with our poor decisions so I'm ready to go alright I'm ready to go - I have 70 49228 unmanned ship and then flipped little Betty let's see do any of these shuffle no no no all right shaman moving at an 89 great guard at a 50 our guards at a 51 Archer third guard is super did yeah alright there is not gonna do much of anything in fact don't worry I'm gonna raise him from the dead okay he's gonna do some great things great Dan totally redeem himself think you're the top of the browned and then it's me and then it moves into the Archer you're coming somewhere I'm 70 yep so I'm just before the shamon so I go first first I'm gonna move one and loot one Oh already dad ah then what on a thief a drunkard and he also has a bad habit of making things up I've noticed that from the last game we played badly like so dan would you break this down a coin that's not going good you deserved only well you know the funny the funny thing is like in Corbin Haven acquaintance like yes coin here you're like like stuck of me yeah I don't know alright alright then I'm gonna do an incendiary throw okay sounds good attack one at a range of three and charge fire attack one at a range of three who can you you're going after that shaman going after the shop nice if the target suffers damage from this attack the target and all adjacent enemies of which there are none cool suffer a wound please don't suck all right so how much I usually take one more important gains of 1d games oh yes good that'll be a damage at the top of this turn correct I like that yeah I believe I am next in line at 28 right correct yeah so what was that planning on doing again first off I'm going to place one shadow token in a hex with a range of - I still don't have enough movement but I do have an idea for one two three four I can get to the shaman right so range of two I'm gonna pop this in actually underneath you here okay buddy old pal don't worry it's got a real dark yeah you just use something chill your shadow under shadow just settled into the ground and you're like I mean that is where the that guard just died is that the the spirit of the guard that's I like it I like I like what you're saying and then I'm going to be playing attack to range for and I'm going to use my Eclipse for a buff of an attack +1 1 2 3 4 I'm clear to him right yeah it looks like he's in my sight yeah I mean he's directly up that line so TAC 3 coming his way flip it come on +25 you advised 5 damage coming his way to the shamon yeah suck it do any 5 or whatever he's three what's uh he's now at 6 6 what's his total health uh 7 so he's dead on the top of his term yes he's wounded Yoda was a phenom for as bad as I started the game that was a great second round by you guys that's true yeah so we had one so laser mind 70 so now we go to 32 is gonna be the archers they're gonna move +0 what's their base move their base move is to 2 and they have a range of minus 1 what's their basic range this range is 3 so the ringleader so they need to move here and this one won't be able to reach I don't think that's range of oh because it's a - range yeah so they can move you can move up here but if their range of - this one wouldn't get closer to let his friend reach right no he wouldn't have to disadvantaged yeah someone's gonna reach yep so he's going to be attacking are our banners narrator they're who you said right cuz it's minus 1 range is to attack it's plus 1 however so plus plus 1 and then plus C R so the base attack is 3 plus one base TAC forum so you take 4 before coming your way ok that's alright you'll be alright then after moving on to 50 feet honey the guard guard has a move plus 0 what's his base move this move is - - so he's gonna get stuck right here behind his shaman guy oh yeah Anna tactless he's not gonna shine and he also wasted his strengthen so coal sucks it sucks awesome then it's me it's going to be you and then it's gonna be the shaman at the Colorado yeah cuz Sean was a guy so I am going to do oh is that Archer now in range 5 for my character ah one to go so first my summer sorry both summons always go just before you okay so my summon has a move of one and move one attack three sorry I forgot a lot more summon nice one so does two damage to the archer and that's Archer number three takes two all right sorry something I didn't mean to forget about my rage in corpse dad well number three oh yeah number three then okay and then I am going to attack number it's number three within range of me yeah I find five absolutely so I'm gonna attack that for one plus one is two more but more importantly we Kirsten what's their base health five so he's got one left but we're gonna put a curse into the monster deck nice awesome no you shuffle it when you put the Kirsten yeah shuffle in a second okay and then I'm gonna move for three cuz I want to get in the action you guys are having all the fun one two I was kind of hang out there unless that's gonna is that gonna screw anybody next turn alright cool looks great no I think you're fine now the shamans gonna go but the shamans gonna does he get damaged at the top of the round as soon as this turn starts yeah we're just damn cuz he is healing but he's not actually gonna be able to utilize though right and it's goodbye shaman if we're done and there's a point for me to pick up I'm good that's going for me to pick up I have a feeling that coins gonna be really nice for me for us no that's a community coin uh well I guess you can have the community coin we're not actually doing the the campaign so I'll be generous so you think this is actually setting the groundwork for when we get our core games in because all three of us are backing it to the top of the round they're gonna be selecting right yeah so for this guy I'm gonna try to go a little bit later but I should be able to heal you I'm hoping something else gets closer so I can target two things well they can't get close to my on my skeletons in the way that's cool that's fine I'm gonna go a little bit later in the round again okay I'm going super slow okay I'm going I'm going pretty fast all right so everyone decide yeah I'm going 96 oh my god that is super slow I'm going 71 18 all right so flip one for the shamon shamans gun the guard is still here though he's going 30 and the archer is going 1400 first what's he doing you have a kidding move - one attack - one was a base that can create a three damage trap in an adjacent empty hex closest to the enemy oh one of you guys has a push don't you uh I don't anymore I do by the time to get to it so he's gonna put in an adjacent so adjacent four empty is gonna be over here so you push one of them into it possibly possibly especially if number three goes first like put one of those two okay the other one we'll put it in the other one now which which of these tokens are any of these traps it is now man sure call this a trap for now all right so they go for so move - one they're not really gonna move they're kind of the range so the archers have a range of three yeah but it's only gonna attack for two should what actually back up so that he's at the extent of his range Oh doesn't a disadvantage but it is going to target my skeleton not us so he is gonna target felton with dis yeah he'll back will he back up though yeah and that does not make my life good that's okay so he's backing up now there are they both attacking her so the first one goes first so - so all of the reeds attack - one attack - three - so does no damage okay so another one is does he have line of sight of my skeleton he's gonna drop a drop trap yeah so it's called adjacent be like here or here we get to pick right yeah but if I was going to be that enemy I would throw it in front of me this is one of those ones where we says closest to an enemy does it ah three dams two anemone yes correct just now mindil does this guy actually have line of sight on anybody though so it's supposed to the way this game does line of sight its corner of the hex to corner of the hex so if any corner of this hex can see a corner when it absolutely can so he's got like oh hey guys it so he's gonna attack my skeleton for plus one so it's plus one minus one from the card there right so just normal base attack three damage from skeleton you know off of my skeleton what's your skeletons help well it is a raging corpse do we think that's actually the skeleton or is it more of like oh no it's happening composed yeah more of a so it's more of a zombie if there are 3 Jing's I mean it could be a corpse of anything we want it like give it a century and it'll be a skeleton okay cool yeah so he's half dead no okay then that guy is also going to get drop a trap but he's gotta throw it behind him none of us are going there so I say save the text save those things and just in less than we can push it up there yeah cool all right so that's the art true that's the archer cannoli those aren't so quick guards no thought I was gonna be able to kill that one before you know you knew go you don't know okay so I'm gonna attack this one for to arrange a four and this is the one that's only got one life left what numbers number three Rex yeah you can wipe them out so I'm going to do a driving inspiration oh these all go and then it's gonna charge light oh they're still fully wiping them out though and then I have a move for I really don't want can anybody is anybody capable of jumping I don't have a jump my skeletons bird sorry my unearthed horror is gonna walk through the ones they're gonna gonna ramble into he's just gonna ramble into them yeah I think I'm just gonna let him do it now did not move well it's gonna kill light how does that make you feel it's a good question better than having three damage on me okay so you let my my undead die yeah cool I'm okay with it he served his purpose he did absorb a lot of stuff a lot of damage and he's gonna absorb this one also yeah yeah it sucks cuz I want all of my summon things this is dealing with it's like trash trash but it's okay okay life and death happen that's the whole point of my character I'm cool with it drew okay he doesn't sound cool with it but I mean alright I'm a necromancer I'm still gonna heal you too I'm just like here so we are moving on to cards can you heal me if I'm Way over here are you going to be in a range of three yes and yes how would you only four three two no then I'll go ahead and do that I'll spring the trap your skeleton will survive I know attack them yeah and my skull some little time oh you're giving him a coin oh look oh no I'm not gonna kill you now you stole my cool and catch you oh this is a good one would uh uh that's okay you're gonna help it for the bench of the community core reason why yes and this is gonna go get that crafted into a beautiful handle for like an axe or a staff or something romantic like that like there's no way he's actually contributing it music we needed that bill so we could develop my gun okay or part of the game is fortifications yeah so maybe fortification would reinforce these wooden because right now we're about to save the town because they don't have those fortifications we're coming in and save the day with wood and it's burning help rebuild that stuff yeah good job Dan I'm proud of here here we go I'm I'm skeptical that he's gonna do it now who's uh who's next uh you just went with a move of what 18 we've got our guard here at 30 that's a cage pretty far away so help what does move move plus-one basically the base move is to so he's gonna move three they can get to me Oh correct yep attack - one however so his attack is only to go and pull his deck - one is one attack coming to him just one mm-hmm Oh bad news his base attack is actually three I was looking through our card it's - one - oh that's my old one yeah yeah you're good sorry okay and then I was at 71 yep you're going before the shaman and then I'm doing the very top of San Berdoo shamans gone so my guy good for you you're going beforehand you know he's gonna they're both within range but again I can't control this mind listen ghoul so he's gonna go after the wall so he is going to attack him with an attack of three plus one is four nice oh that's not bad six is what we need right yeah and then I know I'm still not in range of two I know you need to move forward one to be in Ranger two because my whole the whole thing I was hoping to do is if the third is gonna heal me further why I'm gonna do that - I don't care what else you do but I also have to throw curses on those guy but now I have to heal you because you took it so I'm just gonna use this sucks that I'm gonna move my base action for remove one because I can't throw the curses that I want to throw with my damned horde but my fel remedy is going to heal you for tube she within a range of me three if there is darkness or leaf I could have done +2 but alas I can cool come on to me it's my initiative of 96 I'm going to start by moving my shadow token up to two hexes now base level one does not have a lot of shadow spawn like I can trash a card to get two more out here but right now I'm playing with one so I'm pushing this up can it go across it certainly can awesome and then I am summoning a shadow beast this summon must be placed in a hex with a shadow then remove the shadow so this shadow is going away I will flip it over to a beautiful red side to indicate that we have a shadow beast here cool they didn't give us a mini for a shadow beast no they didn't they didn't we have a supplement yeah oh I do have a supplement you completely perfect so I have a shadow beast the most horrific creature of them all now dudes this guy get to act now or not only answer to summon some ones only at the beginning of your journey well now I have a pet and I love him it's a shadow beasts yes he's adorable who's a good beast who's a good beasts ok so we have successfully summoned a shadow beast and now I believe we'll back up at the top of the round yeah alright cool and he's guarding that coin everyone stay away I don't I don't pick up things that make no your summons do not pick up things and you can you guys step on a thing at my summit is low we can pass through them but we can't stand one so I'm guarding that coin for myself yes the unfortunate part is unless you have a car that says so you don't can have a life of their own they just might we'll see attack the basic in a while I just can't wait to see a murderer guard how much life does this guard have mmm enough you know took one damage to his 5 left now and this guy has two left 3 where he has one left Oh cuz he only had five fingers five he's got one lap T's got five yeah so my skeletons probably going to kill whichever or if the archer goes first my skeleton will kill it before my turn right so I'll focus things on the guard because if I don't go before you you can try to kill the guard okay I'm going a little faster this turn I think I'm gonna be able to lay this lay some damage down nice I'm not entirely sure but that's kind of the oh okay I'm gonna try to go faster got 27 I've got a 32 okay I also have three okay then flip the guard and the archer garden Archer we're working with a 70 we're working with a 68 we're all way ahead alright so the very first person act is my skeleton to exact some revenge who had the lower initiative between the guard and the archer yeah our Castle or initiative and my gonna take him out perfect +0 I'm sorry damage the archer he is dead on suck it I told you he'd get some revenge now are you able to try to move at all move through him not that I can if you need me to so I could get farther and do some damage okay now definitely move so I can move to as the base action so the other thing I was gonna do is strengthen Dan and poison the other guy but if we're not worried about that I'll just move to get your weight I'll have a coin I'm definitely moving to awesome wood I'm totally gonna help out the community with my work Dan yeah and the other one is I'm going to heal myself X plus 1 where X is the number of summands I have so I'm gonna heal myself to to get back up to 6 be nice of you to share that around with Dan well I already healed him once I have another card that heals 6 no that's fine you say doesn't mean I could would you rather me heels dancing no you're fine dan what shall I don't worry about it ok good yeah you guys I feel bad uh Dan would you like to go ahead of me or after man I think I can kill that guy if I go right now that's fine I mean I'm laying down some damage as well so do you want me to I can be a duck attack them I'm sorry my duck would also attack your uh how how does summons working there's nothing for them to attack I don't think they advance will he wonder target initiative I don't think so I think that if they have nothing to target there's kind of like a mindless sorry would you you summon to what I summon this shadow beast it's a mindless chatter this is why yeah I'm gonna attack that guy for four strengthened well try it was drank good so I'm gonna attack because I think you're not strengthening because I I use as a base move to get out oh that's fine but I might not kill me he's got five left and I'm attacking him for four so serious you're cool that's all right my duck still mine is one so he takes three so he's at four damage alright yeah my horrible and then actually yep all right then I'm gonna short rest of the end my turn shadow beast is wandering forward oh let's figure out what you're discarding I'm this is a big deal mark I hope you really didn't cool my shadow plays out of moves loosen my shadow beast waddles forward movement three attack - no range pull from my deck for you Kurt attack two plus zero - damage coming his way so that's four five six he's dead ah my shadow beast waddles forward ins and like ramzes bill into his neck but it's a blunt force object so imagine killing something with a hammer not actually a Tsar and acts like chisel on pitch isn't I mean sort of it's a little bit duller than a chisel it's like it's like a full-on like thud thud thud beam like a rounded shovel yeah all I can say is it was a beautiful moment for all of us it is guy yes so my guy has here's the thing I could do a move of four or a move of three plus an attack there's no one left to attack so I might as well move for although for me there unless you can jump yeah no I've got to move three and that's gonna be because I had a rate I used my range attack but move three puts me up there we're going towards this door right yeah oh I'm not sure I think I'm long resting since we have an entire turn with which it's a long rest right now all of us well I guess is anybody else resting if not I mean it's not it's not a hard countdown right so we're not me running out of rounds I saw four cars your basic I have ten I only oaks have twelve but we're also we're also not running out of rounds correct no but again remember like the time goes down so I am NOT so that way my guy I'm gonna see if I have a I'm gonna try to move four can I get around all right so I'll just cuz a long rest I would have healed too but I'll just stick with the short rest kiss okay no you can long rest and then I'm gonna short rest to get closer and then I'll long rest while you move to the door oh okay yeah so go for it so it's the same exact thing that just haven't except I get to life yeah and I'm still I'm still gonna discard that same one but then I'm gonna actually control one summons and make him move because again I don't think it'll move when there's no without some party to it I if that's a mistake in the game again I blend in alright so my initiative is gonna be 81 oh sorry oh yeah I'm trying to think of what I if you have anything to let you move I'll just move move more than two or just do your base move yeah so I've got an initiative of 24 so you're gonna get my skeletons why that's cool that's my ghoul sorry my fight on earth okay initiative 24 and I'm just doing a move action yeah yeah you're doing I'm resting you got your longer so he's not so you go first thing I go I'm moving up to here yeah because there's a coin what is it what is it I got a coin no that's that's fine I'll be able to buy something nice at the market with that yeah but I feel like more than one coin things and they know there are there well the others like there's like average though it's coins this one based on cuz it's dictated by this scenario set up there's eight single coins because this is literally scenario number one yeah it's just all singles in this one no there's no the bigger one oh that's dumb there was a snow thistle or something in there though which seems like I bet you can do some pretty neat things with it's gonna be great I'm gonna find it right now because it's are you doing anything else in your turn I cannot write so I'm gonna do a move for so my skeleton can't move sorry about I go 1 2 3 4 and I'm going something great for the community and it's gonna be a coin Helene nice that's for me I don't care about the community I can't I can't do anything with my no that's not true I was gonna make my skeleton move 1 yeah but you're still not nope uh I guess I'm long resting so I think I might as well long dress too cuz I learn I want to control what gets back into my hand there's some things I don't I specifically don't want to lose yeah I think I'm gonna long rest also to give you a chance can you move past all of us though do you have something that's a yes I do ok I'm gonna jump in front so now it's the next turn I'm gonna long rest sucks I can't heal did you heal yourself during your long rest yep what am I not so long rest I'd heal up but I don't have any health to gain and I'm choosing one thing not to bring back into my hand correct yeah because what I really get to choose short rest it's random what I don't want to do is lose my ability to place shadows so I think the one I'm gonna lose it hurts me on the inside because I love those coins I'm gonna lose my loot one point and the top action is a good action to attack 1 range 5 to 3rd curses in there but the other ones are all my my summon some skeletons which I feel like has to be the core of this guy right are you guys both long wrestling by the way mm-hmm okay German initiative 20 compared to your 99s I'm going to heal too and give myself regenerate which I'm just gonna find a little big thing yeah I'm gonna you're regenerating yes I'm giving myself regenerate so at the beginning of future turns until I take damage I'll be getting one health back we got an anti window I'm losing my eternal torment which is my give curse this card by having another card that lets me give curses and I'm moving for one I'm have a really hard time deciding what I want to say I feel like you sure so I think I think what I'm gonna end up removing is gonna be call of doom attack to target ologies and enemies perform the attack as if you were occupying a hex with a shadow so it lets me kind of teleport into up space without having to be there without having to be there but I think I have other cards that are more powerful than it but that also has a lo of initiative yeah I got other little more lower than others I'm having a real cuz like my higher initiative cards let me generate shadows and then my lower initiative cards let me utilize their shadows to do big attacks okay I have other bigger attacks but I gotta get the shadows out to start with just the real hard part for me noise I trust your judgment well you shouldn't but glad to hear you do alright so now it's the next round yes as we both long rested I'm healed up to six you're healed up to six so I might as well place some shadows now possible we got to get through that door we don't know what's going on on the other door yeah we have no idea what's on the other side of that door so I'm going to go slow and dan go through that I'm gonna go ahead and open the door I'll come behind with the move yeah I'm gonna go slow as well I think I'm ready to go I'm in a real crappy position I'm going to go slow so I got an initiative of 82 I have mission 321 which means we're gonna open the door and everybody else is gonna before you guys problem yeah well hope you can I just I kind of want to see what happens all right because I'm not in a good position and I wanted my shadow game you'll a vertex ready so yeah ready ready the flavour yeah ready to open that door are you rating the door so I'm gonna use the bottom ability on the javelin which is move four and I'm gonna use two of them to get to the door and read number one you run inside the gate and the breadth of the destruction becomes quickly apparent the town has been sacked smoke and carnage and heat burns your eyes buildings have been opened up they're simple wooden walls rammed through and their contents dragged out and smashed barrels dishes chests everything has been hurled and dashed to bits what structures still stand are bright with fire and those that don't smolder they're frames like black torched skeletons and all about are those creatures these sources of havoc howling in the chaos a new enemy the al-ghani right so there's some archers there's another shaman some guards shaman good guy and bad guy guards and we need to at least keep one of these guys alive in the back yeah yeah okay so the bed the good news is Dan is not Judah so the way it works again when you open the door we're gonna flip the initiative for all flip all of the other characters okay so we can see what they're gonna do shaman 23 he's gonna be moving and healing guard is going to move and attack and these archers are going to be moving and attacking as well so the bad news the bad news is you're gonna be taking the brunt of everything yeah but if we don't move in there this guards gonna come back here and start chewing these guys you know as long ago the shot of them gets chewed on I'm kind of okay with that I am too the shamans only gonna be honest Michonne is a shot was not gonna move close to that guard so if you want to duck out are the archers moving all the guards are gonna come at me are the art no the guards the only two of them will come at you two the archers do they have move or just they have movant you so if you backed up with the archers to be able to hit you mmm yeah no because you have two more movement right actually probably they probably stay with what's there but if I back up then every they're all gonna go towards the good guys I'm gonna step in and take it so you seem that uh that moment in the Lord of the Rings with arrows I have two more movement so you can get out of the ring so so again this is one two three four five away one two three four even if you're just there those guys move it took me well you told me he was cigarrets movement what's your oh the guards only move to right so he's not gonna reach me okay he will so he backed up one he won't reach you so now you're only worrying about the archers the archers have a move of two three the archers are getting in no matter what two of them we're gonna move on I got that you know the arch they only have moved to hang on I can get oohs applause one two three but I can get out of his line of sight yeah cuz what I'll do is step back because I want to be able to fire at them I don't want to just completely waste the attack so I'm gonna step back so now you can't get hit by either guard and one and I can still reach that cuz I got the range of the one two oh shoot no range of three I gotta stay there if I want you know I mean that's fine it just hopefully they draw poorly and by they you mean him and him and the other Archer that other archers gonna reach me either way yet even if I'm there he's good to me all right well in fact if I went there that Archer would have how much move three he would also come at he wanted the other guard go first from Derek go first no the archer was way first yeah he'd read you yeah but he reached you the other he reached you the guard can that guards not reaching them anyway though this one will so now when the elite one's going to hit you but if you did back up one but then you can't hit them so you're say how that man you're gonna be brave I feel like I gotta do so I feel like big me would tell you to do it I feel like we're gonna die yes it doesn't look good I do have some heals but not this turn hmm you should i if you guys think I should just retreat but eventually we have to kill everything doing well right I don't see retreating doesn't actually do that much I don't I don't think so either all right then go for it listen so I'm gonna attack the elite they're not only have shields right no it's actively oh no no no I'm only attacking for one but if it does damage it wounds both of them not like it so he takes two and they both get along too nice so number one takes two and charge fire in case anybody wants to use that for Archer number three awesome okay what was your initiative yeah so mine's 83 so now we go to them so archers archers so the first one act is number three do you start the lowest number so he'll move up and then he'll be in range or as range three already this range is three unless that doesn't - no just stay right there it's gonna stay right there number two will go for we know so he will move up I know the elites go first anyway yeah okay so the elite is going to be doing - one attack just miss hey aren't you glad through that curse in there yes I am beautiful this guy number three is going to be doing an attack - 1 - 2 total what's his total attack 3 it's a 1 damage coming your way and he took a damage because he's the number one I regenerate up lose my regenerate and I think I also take the damage yeah we can fact check that later and then number 4 firing off so is he in range he is in range plus 1 he's going to be doing 3 minus 1 plus 1 so 3 3 alright ok moving from the archers on to the shaman the shaman is not going to be interested in you at the moment I'm interested yes guy but he is able to move so is he gonna heal himself or an ally because if he can heal an ally he'll heal number 3 and take off the wound its he'll arrange 3 to Hillary heal ya or would he heal the guard which so he might he could heal the guard without reaching so he'd heal the garden take the wound off because he has more damage on we think yeah okay then we're going to the guard move + zero attack + zeroes just straight up so he's gonna move he has a move to attack before she's moving right in next to you yep tuck before +1 spies I'm gonna transfer card that's smart to avoid all damage yes okay I'm gonna drop this heal you know this guard is gonna go after that one - word yep guard number 5 you miss miss and one so who's closer one two so which everyone is physically closer the number of spaces is what whoo any targets mm-hmm so he's coming here no okay I mean we've at least distracted them from the guys we have to save for the mm-hmm um until they go after them because they go next because they're 51 and then they'll come forward yep so you're gonna - II so what are these things rubble take to movement to move through them so do you think they try to move through them yeah because it's technically the placeless route what's their full movement - yeah one can't move it they're so swollen he's gonna move one closer to him you know his buddies in the way he's gonna attack him just wanna use my dick for this one sure check for two plus one is three so number two takes three okay what was your initiative 83 you're going before me yeah no you know I'm gonna do it for you oh so I'm gonna start with movement from my quack elope one two three now do I have to go through this doorway to get in here yes that is the only entry way through okay so and I got no range so I'm just there behind you that's cool man yeah it could what do I actually want to play move to my guys yeah he is so I'm gonna use my bottom action for card 82 here to go ahead and place a shadow down can you I can yeah I can go on yeah obstruction it's cool yeah yeah this court specifically says they cannot move into or through walls but otherwise can enter any type of hex without hindrance the shadow token may share a hex with any other overlay tile or figure cool and a hex with only a shadow token is still considered empty cool the shadows don't actually block uh and then I'm just completely scrapping my top because I can't really utilize it I mean I can power up but if I don't hit anything do I still power up the Eclipse for this top action yes so I can at least power eclipse it's about it okay alright so now my my my harder can't move cuz your dudes in the way she only has a movement of one sorry we're just really like bogging each other down its bottlenecks up through here this first part is very bottleneck II so the question is I my options were I was hoping to move that guy too and I'll move myself for but now I can't move myself for no so do I just move myself one and summon another skeleton and then till skeleton from me I'm gonna do you're moving up you an up too and I'm gonna use this to summon a skeleton so I shovel the summoned so I summoned a shambling skeleton right here okay say that I summon ocean with a skeleton I take to damage when I rise to do that summon though alright and then I also lost my big move for but that's okay thank find out at least now coming in is going to be some of our mindless zombie type thanks and then that's the end of the turn great I don't feel good about this no because we're gonna get stuck up there dan can move by the way yeah oh I guess I could uh I didn't see that good sure I could have gone for and then dropped my skeleton in here mmm do that no I can't cuz that's the move for oh well never mind okay you go ahead and short rest and try and get this tip of the spear back attack both of those guys at once yeah but you may be alright gambler you still have another opportunity I am I'm going as quick as I can but uh I'm gonna try to do a really nice powerful attack assuming the landscape doesn't change so I'm trying to go quick okay I'm gonna try and do something interesting here to take advantage of our situation okay all right hey manners I would think so I think that's why you place him down right so I would assume so that seems like the whole theme for your character okay all right you ready initiative 28 21 32 okay okay flip them on the steel reshuffled shuffle that for me guard guard is going to be going 35 Archer is going to be going 44 so we're all ahead of this as long as this shaman doesn't phuddle our plans shamans going eight the shamans gonna put all our plans maybe some moves zero so the shaman has visited elite no move to so but he's gonna other guy but he's gonna get jammed up and trying because of the rubble okay range too though so he's in range to do what to attack this guard so wait a min shamon here oh sorry attack - one these younger guys have Ranger II he is a ranged character right yeah I think range what's his range so he wouldn't actually even move into here would he oh he's range three huh he's good where he is over three minus one is two poor guard number what's his total attack this total attack is three so he - two here Oh is tagging along oh he's not only his attack is only two minus one is and then minus another one he's doing zero over this guy it does still disarm him he does still the sauce okay who's next I think you're next and then me I have 21 932 max yep so next is my skeletons that one has a movement of two one two and then an attack of two against the elite - too sweet just nothing great yeah real great my other skeleton thing can't move somebody's a movement of one in your dudes in the way and then for mine as promised I'm going to heal and for six nice Oh Oh a bed then and for this so I'm literally transferring my essence of life to you ah and I take two more damage so I'm down - that's alright I'm gonna repay that a little bit I don't know I do getting experienced I charge darkness which is already charged oh these these are weak yeah in a way but yours is recharged yeah and then for this one if any enemy dies this round mm-hmm I could perform a heel 3o so be great hmm be great okay and I heal three okay so I'm going next I'm gonna do some cool stuff voice are you gonna kill something I don't know but I want to go with initialize what I'm doing so my shadow that's enjoying here on the rock just gets thrust forward so you just see this darkness like Oh through everyone in front of it and settles right here underneath this guy then you see it then you see like the silhouette of me appear in the form of the shadow and strike out at both of the elites none say attack four target all adjacent enemies and poison perform the attack as if you were occupying the hex with a shadow then remove the shadow nice so you see it flow forward pop in right underneath him you see my silhouette pop out and attack for all of these guys just those two right now one of the - Jason - okay I'm gonna but I'm gonna slam the two of Jesus oh and this guy gwarklark it up there no so he should have done that first he was it was sorry I was excited he's doing an attack - against animal number one they're attacked too and do I draw on you you Joe so attack one against number one number one all right so he's down to okay back to the visual I'm doing an attack for let's start against number one please do agree attack three so he takes three what's his total health well he's got four left that's alright cuz I'm about to punch it and no though he's poisoned yeah he is poisoned and then an attack four against number two there as well plus his euro I'll take four for him for number two yep one of those is an archer though and one of those is a the first one he did was a guard that was great yeah this one is a elite Archer nothing to you number two takes four yeah and poisoned as well wow did we remember the other Archer was poisoned or is this just the second turn so you know that is a decent use of a joinha yeah yeah I'm like my early game play so my trash cards gone but I think you like that was a good move yeah like that was cool for school and again this is what I like about this these new characters it's just such a creative like puzzle that it's a new puzzle yeah that's so cool all right let me know yes uh yeah okay so first because I've got somebody right next to me I'm gonna do combined effort okay and attack this guy for for and wound him do some of the power of my quack I do I do awesome black iron his skeleton you're inspired by the quack so he takes for in a wound is that enough to kill him yeah because there's also close one high five alright he's dead and because something died during this turn I heal three awesome and are any of your guys injured yet that is the quack injured is your skeleton you know I'm not injured at all man oh man my uh my raging corpse way back in the under yeah sorry you don't get to heal me but we're doing all right so I don't want to waste this banner of hope then because I was gonna put a banner of Hope in the ground and everybody in range to would do a human self the start of their turns but you'll just yield yourself all the way back top right I'm at five years pretty darn close so rather than trashing a card for what is essentially one sure I figured if anything this would be the time to do it because so many beat more in here sure but we're actually all pretty darn good gentlemen so instead I'm gonna use it just for a basic move and I'm gonna go get me something we can't trust this if you don't do that that guard will not attack you it'll tech my skeleton does that matter because my skeleton technically has a lower inertia than your car that's a gate another guy and so both that Archer and the guy will go after me instead and it'll drop two coins which is perfect for me to pick it up and I'm going to do a short rest no they're just hard to generate okay so what's up next so that was all of us number 35 is the guard guard so the guards up next yeah is there an elite guard still no no all right so this guard is just gonna attack this guy 4-2 and there what is the guard's special ability say anyway what's he doing oh it's range so he'll actually back up one the guards tank with range yeah - so he'll actually back up one okay do it and what's his attack with range that's just the basic three mice 2 is 1 so this guard takes one which is number 5 city guard number 5 yeah where is he oh that's what they missed earlier right and then this guards going to well he said range right yeah so he's gonna attack me because I went first gotta range double nice that skeleton is super dead and then so there's the two guards than the archer no 3 archers go to the Elite Archer goes first you know yes - one attack plus one but it's the range so he's going after the quack right yeah he's able to get me plus zero so he's dead great it's alright you can bring him back mmm my poor duck and then what are these numbers number three goes next what's its range so the normal threes still gonna be three which numbers see so three takes a wound oh and the attacks plus one by the way boss - you got five how much damage how much normal damage normal damage is three you got four damage coming your way for damage yeah yeah I do not just pay my so then the other so dressing number four is attacking you now for another plus one so it's another four I expected my skeleton be able to take one more of those man sorry I got trash a card that happens does that happen before after your short rest well the short rest is at the end of my turn so okay see already food Amy trash cars I'll have to absolutely have to what are you at - all right that's everybody right mmm believe so Wow you said did we make our guards go we didn't make these cards go oh yeah so he's gonna go next he's gonna move one mm-hmm attack four times - OH he hits him for six which kills him for six or four city guards sorry for I got excited that's all right that's still pretty good yeah so our guard hit him for it number two takes four so he's got two left and this guy's gonna move one closer mm-hmm and he's gonna try and move but he's disarmed this turn remember yeah so he loses his disarm yeah okay okay guards actually fighting yes yeah they're backing them up I'm going uh I'm going 46 1 43 21 okay I'm shuffling up all these attacks have put the tops of those and you know we're good right now 9 on the shaman it was first 15 on the guard 31 on the archers oh they all good before me okay well the guards is gonna shield or retaliate that's not too bad the kid that buys us to turn I mean this guy's suicide but start with you start with the shaman that's true so what's the shaman gonna do shamans moving and attacking he's actually gonna stay right where he is he's gonna attack minus one and curse so does have range he does well he doesn't have additional range but his normal attack his range say me up the guard three is clean guess who's gonna aim at the guard well well he's got two targets those of his reign just three he can't get into position target both of us does he have no but he can get both of those guards uh he does have move yep you're right okay guard number five and guard number two are getting an attack - one plus one plus one for guard number two so he takes three taking three and escalated quickly the curse what's his total what's his normal attack his normal health his normal attack is - yeah but he has an attack - one here oh so it's want and that bus was only two zero three all right cuz it's a man yells - who wants the curse you already took one right I have one of my deck okay well number 5 is also gonna be hit and +0 so he's gonna be hit for 1 plus a curse yes pop that other one in over here and that's number - when I show up number 5 okay so who's after the shaman think 15 anyone else faster than 15 no so they're gonna shield and retaliate okay so two guards so our guard number five might kill himself yeah I know he's got one left right how much do they have City four five total health and only attack each up to them yeah so you won't quite kill myself and okay so who's after 15 is 31 I was 43 21 I'm 46 or 21 three limbs okay so first I'm gonna I'm gonna heal I'm gonna get inspired here okay we need entire regroup heal to and get a regenerate which I'm just gonna use this thing and then I'm going to set for the charge I'm gonna move for and attack three I'm here that guy it's too so I do one damage to him oh no was he number three and I trashed the car yeah he's number three I was really open to hug you take him out he only is two left which sucks cuz yeah yeah all I wanted to do was like to them to damage to him okay so archers are next don't believe it I know yeah thirty ones next move plus zero attack bus to will he back up for him for his range this one's gonna go first though gotcha so he'll just be able to hit you zero still from how much an elite Archer does 4 damage okay number three is now going he's gonna back up one he is plus one so they do normally three damage that's before again bet you wish you'd killed him I do wish I can and then this one will actually move to and attack you I don't know seeing my side he's got a target use while who's the technically the closest but is it line-of-sight based if it's nice I think first is the closest right still I'm worried good estimate I have a Russian so he's gonna come wrench because he has actually he's in range right here right oh no three I forgot was supposed to take a damage during his turn and number four plus zero three good number to take his poison when is the poisons when will you attack him yeah I'm down to one okay all right well then that's quickly those the archers you guys can come in and I'm at forty six we some useful three so I go first so I'm gonna do this from move three mm-hmm well first my guy moves but you can't see still blog haha so it's one two I might as well as get in the mix here right just completely shut down its guy should I stop here then do my summon here that way my stomach gets attacked not me probably I'm gonna stop there summon another skeleton in there mm-hmm and then I take to damage surprising you were worried about wiping yourself out with all that damage me you've actually been able to maintain it pretty well it's you that's been suffering I've well that one day then come back up and tank and come back up but I tied a time that you'll feel three really well with when someone killed something which I might have just short rest verge is it my turn mmm-hmm so I am completely discarding a card to place to shadow tokens in hexes with a range of 3 so 1 2 3 3 then I am moving all shadow tokens up to two hexes so I can go one two it can actually it'd be better if I went one two and one my god yeah it's Sunday it's it's not a my main guy yeah I think it's under his main guy it's not could you start it back here oh yeah all right I won't who are we most concerned about over here follow them we have to kill all monsters yeah this guy's gonna kill himself so he's dead because he has one two three four you know he's five felt he's essentially good okay this guy has four so number two which is that guy Elite one four more - I'm actually not going underneath this guy going over here okay all right and I'm gonna go quick okay and the guards both still so he needs three more damage that one needs two more damage oh did we forget our guards again it's their turn now okay it's the guards turn now we all oh yeah after me so this one's gonna attack him first who wants to draw for me hi Marla got rid of it - Tina okay okay unless it's gonna miss what's - cool so that's guys dad - oh yeah how much more than that guard need yeah he's dead without getting about his Italian ah beautiful and then guard number six will move to one two and actually oh no sorry I didn't see out of the hexan can't reach you can't reach what he's getting closer unless he just leaves the ground and starts going towards this one so whichever one is technically closest one two three one two yeah but okay okay now what's the end of the game round right okay now we're gonna I've selected I've selected yeah I'm going fast and trying to I'm going as fast as I can as well - yes I got 27 14 21 all right draw those guys guard 35 shaman 23 Archer 29 okay I'm the first one let's see if I can do anything ice so starting with a teleport teleport to a hex with a shadow or adjacent to a shadow so I'm going to pop in to pop in there okay - a shadow or adjacent right then attack - range - so I can hit this big guy this is the guy that was the most concerning right at the moment or I'm actually gonna pop in here I'm gonna pop in home oh no range - I still need a net you need to be here so - range to remove any numbers of Shadows within range - of yourself for each shadow removed add +2 attack ooh +1 range oh so I can pop in here yeah because I'm going to remove this is the one I can remove both of them and guarantee a kill unless you know miss well he also has four to go and he has a wound on it so you're not a word yes okay I need to do three damage so I'm gonna remove only one and the one I'm actually gonna remove is going to be underneath you okay that makes sense yeah sure move that one see what I get plus one white done it's dead now awesome drop a coin toss the coin D or what J and let's see here none of those no those were white cards oh no then we're trash no good deal cool good turn uh and I'm going to short rest yes please so cuz if you ever started with only one card you die which one you want me to get rid of oh did you shuffle yeah well I mixed them okay good excited me where the one was know what this one is that a good one um no I'm not too mad at it because I I don't have that many shadows left to put down at the moment so okay it's okay so next I have 27 they have two when I have 21 so you good next so you ignore him yep yep how many says number four I've left all he's got all yeah for archery again he has where's the nurse card he has one two three damage but only six life so you guys through like I left okay so I'm gonna shoot the stronger diet thank okay sure why not yeah cuz I'm gonna actually put two curses in the deck which doesn't really matter as much now actually well they're both gonna attack you guys over here yeah or I could run over there and start helping him I can change my plan if you want me cuz I was gonna drop to curses and heal myself yeah I need to hear myself well you know the shamans gonna heal someone anyway Oh is he yeah why you see who can you kill could you could you take out my guy you might believe the kill bad guy try to take him out how many kill him yeah so you can get their turns down an order I think so you still go too right yes I'll still be able to add curses to the deck and your skeleton is like charging up the rear now yeah he's not getting there he's not okay so I'll go after the the fuzzy guy with attack 3 range 3 count this is Ben right yeah so that's three Wizards wind so he's dead he's dead good I think that was most importantly yeah I mean it gets rid of a card of a cycle and then I will move I'm okay with it he's moving for this one that's fine because again this games a little different now it's not just selfish you might begin something for the community I know no more wood it's okay this place is literally burning it's true we may be coming with some burning press whoever probably better we're basically pulling the wood out of the rubble anyway and then I'm in a short rest because otherwise I all right so who's next the baddies because my initiative was 27 so next is the 23 guys shaman move plus zero heal three range three so the shamans move is okay so he's gonna move one two there's a range of three so he's gonna remove the wound for that guy so he doesn't mean oh so that guy doesn't actually die he doesn't miss a guy who made you a I controller great okay we're moving over to the archers now I believe right you would do that because he doesn't have any damage on him right no you're right I'm not saying you're wrong I'm just saying I'm not happy about it move + zero attack - one range + run and immobilize what's their range normally right now their range is three so he's going to back up and hit one of these - it would be my skeleton and the lowest initiatives yeah it would be my skeleton yeah cuz it has lower initiative than me so oh it's gonna mobilize him to plus zero so my skeleton how much damage uh minus 1 so the archer normally does 3 so he does - so my skills is still going though ok and then this one cuz he wasn't one - he's gonna be firing at me so draw another one up for me 3y minus one minus one that's good using one damage coming my way and I'm immobilize doesn't mean I can't move great with mundo you can still do a little Warby things the opportunity how many I can shoot range though next I actually have a decent amount of range for like my carrot okay yeah so why did the I should've gone before the archers no I didn't you I don't know you guys went too fast I don't know your initiative 27 well then you better speak up let's undo I mean is my skeletons gonna hit that guy it's not gonna kill him but it might be good well let's see well I'll do that Skelton goes first okay do it attack for three yep plus one is four that's one two three four four skeleton number four Archer number four so he's one short of dead okay so it doesn't matter then I get to go now you're gonna kill him no but now I break the curse own so should we undo these also well so I'm gonna add curses to their deck you can't attack him I'm gonna no it's just I can either move really far mm-hmm Oh couldn't you use just a base action on the top to attack yeah yeah I could just attack over to you right instead of healing myself mm-hmm yeah so I think I'm gonna do that I'm gonna curse their deck first okay now put down remember shuffle and I can target to nothing else there's a range of - I'm gonna attack with a base - nice one is one that's enough to kill him though right two three four five five shadow all right I forgot about the base attack give me a coin but no you got a reef flip for ya riff flip to shuffle and reef look one for me just to see I took the damage off my skeleton that he was you did yeah it's just me just me that's the question now plus one so I'm taking three instead so I've got a damaged left great no no because their base attack is three minus one plus one yeah so so I have three left okay now the guards go well and they can actually that one can actually get to the choppa he's gonna move their Texas shaman for two you know brave lad plus 1 is 3 so shaman number one takes 3 he's finally uninjured he only has a health of 5 he's gonna move to closer to the shaman could he do that he's going to move whatever the most logically closer is like if you can get around that obstacle here yeah so like that yeah - awesome ok ok next thing and then I had the short rest at the end of my turn is everything ok I've got to move up 4620 links 621 shaman 74 beautiful and Archer 56 226 I'm the only one goes first yeah everyone goes first so in this guy's you know what for left I'm yes I'm gonna try - so now we're showing cards I'm gonna hit this guy for 4 shouldn't be enough to kill me no hit it hit this one it won't kill him well I'm gonna kill him I can't reach them yeah let the guard stab him oh I would rather like let the dark stab him okay that's fine no no you hit him for 3 and then let the guard step oh I feel murder again alright so I'll go after the shaman for 3 ok - 1 is 2 2 for the shaman he does that and then he's dead I will move kill them you just killed the shaman Shannon I had five health oh you did - damn the shaman then I 1 2 3 ok that's my turn oh it is oh nice there we go we're doing good stuff now alright so first term I summon Sam I summon my actually kill him cuz he goes he has a move of 3 right they have yeah three attack two plus one time he's dead so I just want to say I was going to move my shadow token up to two hexes away from me and then re-summon my shadow beast I'm at the end of all this instead of collecting coins I just go and add up a hearse hey man we gotta set it and go with the locals it's like shadow beasts I feel like they're gonna befriend us well it's like the it's like the chickens in Legend of Zelda [Laughter] completely destroy you yeah so conclusion oh yeah where is it here we go give it to me all right when an alga calls it does so with force it shakes the ground like a felled tree and crushes anything beneath it so when you drop the last fighter in this group you do so with care seeing this the remaining algΓΊn a little they know the tide has turned they call out for retreat tilting their heads up and releasing a long ragged Hal the noise carries over the entire town and within a few moments they're streaming out of frost Haven like giant white mice you lower your weapon and breathe they'll be back you're certain of it but for now you can rest you wipe the soot from your face and take stock Frost Haven is almost exactly what you imagined a nod of gray stone and timber surrounded by sharpen palisade walls a place where mere survival is an everyday concern and where only the desperate and the hard could feel at home thankfully though the town's folk are tough they're already on their feet putting out fires and picking through the rubble in fact one of those townspeople is marching right for you it's a woman short and severe with a fighter's muscular build and closely cropped hair her face is solid like carved marble but as she steps past some of the bodies laying on the ground her face folds just a little and she mutters something to herself but she keeps moving and coming into the town square offers an outstretched hand oak be praised she says and crushes your fingers with enthusiasm we wouldn't have held out much longer without you you acknowledge the thanks and ask what happened oh just life up north is all she chuckles there's a clear pain in her voice I'm Safa mayor of this fort now that my predecessor and his lieutenant have fallen as for the algaas they've been at us all winter took the months to break through but they finally did probably killed a dozen or so of my men and would have done worse if you hadn't shown up you explain who you are but you've been sent from white oak and relief creeps into her face well then our luck has turned she laughs and clasped your shoulder hard there's not many of you but I'll take what I can get especially now that our garrison has been thinned and as it happens I have an idea she turns and gestures to the town's smoldering walls we took a beating in that fight so if we're going to survive much longer we'll need to do more than just sit around and wait for the next attack her smile widens a bit and you watch her size you up with the state of our defenses we need to be a bit more proactive here I want you to follow the algaas into the southern mountains while their trails still warm try to find a way to slow these attacks you feel her grip tighten and watch her as her smile grows wide what say you [Laughter] so that is the first encounter that is the prologue to frost Haven that was in the epic battle the disappointing news is you won't get to play the Corps for a year or so right right but we have a few other scenarios the dice to go all the way through gloom Haven again just that's true get ready replay gloomy Haven replay the the stand alone that just hit store shelves play the expansions the solo you know dive back into the world and lure and prepare yourself for this because the interesting thing is while Frost even is a standalone game stuff can mix and match to a certain degree I mean you're playing with the same systems right and so like we could take my prototype characters and run them up against some of your favorite battles in gloom Haven the core game or for instance if you had a character you had lift through the core of blue Haven you could perhaps bring them into this encounter now these characters are different they're beef either cook their puzzles are a little bit more complex like we were realizing that as we played but they do still work in the same system what's our sense what do we think so far I love it I think the the new characters are pretty exciting what is what's standing out compared to kind of because you guys have more experience with the core than I so the giant those ordinary standees are standing out it was pretty awesome sure and the fact that and we kind of just grabbed three of them a random sure of the six that we were presented yeah and all three of them like interacted with things that they create or other things on the board like there was a lot of it wasn't just you know one character running around hacking and slashing it was man I have a setting setting up future turns I had a hard time getting my death wafak Walker puzzle up and running because I think it's supposed to be a little horrible once I had a shadow on the ground right and I like there was two or three moments throughout this like where I was like popping in and firing a range shot or where I threw the shadow forward and attack two adjacent creatures like those moments felt good and they mattered to the moments in the game like that momentum I built and swelled I like that too and I think you'd want to have a little bit more of a puzzle to it so there one you had things like the brute that was just a hack and slash you know the one off it was very straightforward I'm just going to spread the plague sure ever it's very straightforward yeah another one that yes it's it's interacting with some of the other car would interact with some of the things on the ground and pusher and shift things around but it was very much you have your own individual thing they felt kind of straightforward okay whereas built into this character I had my own little unique puzzle when do I cast a thing knowing I'm gonna take damage just summon the skeleton and then counter that with window egg have an opportunity to heal myself and at the whole time making sure I don't get in the fridge so I screw up where I finish my turn while trying to summon something I'm toast well so it was a great back there really they have the potential to be really powerful but it's hard to get that you know it's it's kind of it's a challenge to set yourself up to do that now the thing to keep in mind though just from based on experience with loom Haven as you level these characters up remember we're playing on level one here those are all building we're playing on level zero well our characters are characters okay I was gonna say play the scenario we thought about doing the scenario on level one and quickly realized we should we have no items we have no nothing but but now I'm talking to the character time cells are level one so as you as you earn new abilities and new cards you're gonna be able to build out a character that you know you can build around or particular like almost immediately anything the thing I was struggling with is summoning and populating the board with shadows I want to feel I don't need to be beefy myself the way I visualize my character is is getting all this darkness up from the ground and then having it do the work for me almost a ranged character in a way whereas the deck right now is built around a mix like I can do some range stuff but I'm also really heavily leaning on my ability to fight if I'm building out my deck over the next few levels and in chapters I'm gonna lean into that like range and supernatural ability is I think it's cool yeah definitely very cool well thank you it's cool so excited I got to play this week we got a chance to look at Frost even before like almost any one of the first people in Washington Oh hands down were the first people in Washington having a gun unless someone went to like pack to you and specifically this is what the quarantine is like yeah so thank you for joining us whatever the case if you've made it at this point I mean if we've entertained you for the hour maybe two hours that it's taken to get through this gameplay video please remember to subscribe it really does make a substantial difference when showing groups like cephalo fair games that what we create actually matters to you the community along with that we have a ton of other content coming we have at least another two if not three more frost Haven only gameplay scenarios coming full gameplays fully edited just like this and on top of that I'm diving into gloom Haven a little bit deeper so we have some stuff coming kind of down the road for that as well so if you're here make sure you subscribe whatever the case whatever they do remember to do the important thing get out and play some games we'll see you next time thank you
Channel: Quackalope
Views: 39,594
Rating: 4.8711061 out of 5
Keywords: boardgames, games, tabletop, tabletopgames, player, play, gamer, quack, quackalope, kickstarter, ian, ttg, flgs, howtoplay, unboxing, gameplay, game, middara, jrpg, rpg, overview, boardgamegeek, bgg, manvsmeeple, meeplegamers, review, preview, Quackalope, right / wrong, frosthaven, frost, gloom, gloomhaven
Id: gL1pYog70Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 9sec (5889 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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