Frosthaven - Explained by Designer Isaac Childres in 12 Minutes
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Channel: Man vs Meeple
Views: 98,919
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Id: UT-6P-jUy0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
My biggest takeaway is that it's the same core system as Gloomhaven but now we're developing a city which unlocks a lot of functions and characters. There's roughly 60+ main senarios not including side senarios.
There are seasons in the game which affects game encounters, with winter being the most harsh season.
You will have to craft, defend and develop the city. There are puzzles and a puzzle book which aids in solving said puzzles.
The Kickstarter will open March 24
Every time you mispell Isaac's name, he adds oozes to another scenario.
Wow, I remember watching Childres on MvM showcasing Gloomhaven, eagerly anticipating the copy I kickstarted.
What a beast he unleashed on the community, literally and figuratively.
I hope Frosthaven is as good as GH, maybe even improving on it.
Can't wait for this one! We're almost done with Gloomhaven's campaign after 7 months, and no other game has kept us so focused on a single game for so long, week after week, so it's going to be a bit weird (thought still a nice break) going back to playing all the other games.
I guess we can always give Gloomhaven a quick replay, skipping most of the side scenarios, to try the hardest difficulty and different classes, but mostly I just want to see the new stuff in Fronsthaven.
I'm just thrilled to have 16 new character classes to play with.
This kickstarter is gonna crush 5 mil easily, isn't it...
How does the setup of this compare to Gloomhaven? It is one of my major concerns trying/buying it.
1-Are the win condition of the scenarios always to kill all enemies like the base game? 2- Is there any talk about easier setup or an insert? The setup and tear down killed this game for me.
My main concern: did Isaac hire a developer on this one?
Gloomhaven has a great foundation and I enjoyed the heck out of it for about 5 games. I managed to get to 17 plays before a big pile of "this could have been done better" ruined too many games for me. Then Founders landed and reinforced that feeling.
I now consider Isaac the "George Lucas" of board games: I love the ideas he comes up with, but I know the final product would be a lot better if he had someone tell him "no" every now and again.