Frostbite 2020 - Esports Team Crew Battle Full Event

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what's up guys how you doing the last time you saw us together was at Genesis 7 top 16 for ultimate singles book we're back at it here again d1 and Kotaro basically the Frostbite classic it's good to be here with you of course guitar are you excited of course I'm excited man we got a whole bunch of crew battles going on here but this is like beyond cruise this is actual like teams you know so both teams going against each other and I'm really excited to see it aren't you yes the one of the reason so I'm really hyped about this is because usually when it comes to frostbite we have the Japan versus the North American Crew battle you know a lot of people are excited for that I know people are asking me over and over again who's gonna be on which team and we have something served up different for you this side you can't keep doing the same thing every single year after at some point you guys are gonna get bored right obviously I'm so ever get bored of that but you know well you know I guess you just like the same thing yeah you like vanilla ice cream every single aru's man you've never wrinkles on it oh never who but speaking of sprinkles we have a lot of people are gonna sprinkle on the competition you for the rest of these matches so what do what you got to say about this like who we are so basically when it comes to this particular format if you check it out right we have eight different crews now when you look at these crews these are crews that have actually given time energy and money to the super smash brothers community we have different so think about having crew battle brackets with actual eSports teams so that's what we're actually having here at Frost by 2020 something different for a lot of us here you know a lot of times we wanted an opportunity to see something like that and we're actually getting it as you can see the teams here we have Armada we have nevermore we have actually MPG panda global team frostbite which was voted by the attendees who registered this for this very event and r2g the biggest japanese sponsor with such a deep pool of talent Thunder gaming and last but not least team rivals of aether which the developers actually chose the players that made it the furthest in the bracket for this particular weekend so that's like super cool the fact that we have actually eight different teams and you know when you look at traditional eSports it's all it's never really one be what it is usually team versus team so you know what basic looks like all right him and the rest of the Frostbite team set let's try to bring that to smash where they always have teams facing off against each other in esports let's do that here at frostbite with the team's crew battle brackets so that's gonna be really cool cuz for you guys was actually asking about having a team na versus team Japan you kind of still have that when you look at our 2g are you actually having such a deep pool of players right you look at xyg who used to be edged a lot of people no edge being square from Japan Yeah right not going by su Jeana at ETSU G nowadays and you know they all so have common man and please don't you ever forget um get the names and all team names all together but yeah I cannot wait to see these teams absolutely but I'll tell you guys one thing before we get into the matches um as far as the principle is concerned please make sure to check out smash GG /fb 2020 because that is the opportunity for you guys to add to the prize pool which actually supports the players that will be winning just to make you get stuff from acai Ryan Justin Morton and last but not least the guys here for us right so a big shout out so all of them of course and I'm super excited to see what's gonna trade transpire and you know what there was one more guy the smash brothers favorite spiff space so yeah please check out the hook check out the merch show your support and we're about to take it to the stage Cody you already know what to do it's Dom man just I'm I'm ready you ready [Music] that Kimber look good hi every I'll just go all the way out here hello everybody and welcome to the front by 2020 sponsor crew battle okay okay so we're gonna have a lot of fun tonight we have eight of the best teams in the world here for you tonight which means what is that eight times three is twenty-four of the best players they're gonna be playing for your amusement we already did the seating which was done by a very scientific and empirical analysis so of course you know what it is pay the global is the first see more you should cheered and of course the worst team on the on the whole bracket the worst team objectively and by every measure Armada gaming yeah okay so that's what you're gonna see coming up soon so let me just list off the players really quick so everybody knows so for the rivals of May 13 we have Lucius cake assault and windows for the Frostbite team weaves and odo rivers and Meister and one second hold on can we give Meister a round of applause recently picked up by space ace against the space station gaming but tonight he's repping frostbite well done panda global of course we'll be reppin repped by full stream plump and Mars brave rogue gaming from Japan Khmer Miette suji and gackt never more will be dingus Joe mash to Mario and Schroeder Armada is elegant best Ness and prodigy mvg is scat Salem and wizzy and thunder gaming is MVD right oh and k9 I'm done listing these are you guys ready to get started that's what I like to hear starting off it's gonna be paid a global against Armada gaming we have plump against best Ness happening right now do you want to keep taro back to you you hear that yeah global versus Armada is about to happen oh that's rough that's not really like heart beginning those are like two of the best teams if anything like I would say those are probably two of the best teams coming out here cuz we have club we have full stream he's really good at this game oh those my season sorry also have Mars you coulda did that's this way but we have those players coming up sneeze on you know and we also have um from the other team that you just mentioned Armada we also have yeah team that's coming out here we have prodigy we have one more amazing player elegant so the whole thing about the Armada team two said if you look at our model they have two PGR youth players right teeny elegant is in the top 30s if not 32 if I'm not mistaken and best night's 43 so that's gonna be super sick of course looking at prodigy he's a player who's extremely strong we've already seen prodigy on this age I mean I remember the first Genesis that we got a chance to see prodigy and ultimate this guy made waves that yeah so many players he got like 13 it was either 13 for 17 you did really good at his first genesis so props again to him and he's gonna keep doing good and that's why I said again and this feels like one of the hardest seams I'm actually really shocked that they're facing off so early like best nest he just won an invitational the other day I don't know how much one you might have wanted might have been like over $5,000 and he's gonna have to face off against Plouffe and fluffy is always a strong contender for this game you know simply you know one of the best cat players in melee and that's ago has definitely chance I'll transfer it over to this game quite a bit so here we are game number one is this three stalks I think so guitar oh yeah yeah we got these stalks art so it's gonna be three stalks each of these are gonna be basically nine stock through battles and immediately out the gate dog club you know I'm a little scared looking at this matchup I'm gonna be real so the reason for this is because if Ness is stuck using this double tough furniture can definitely use the hydro pump to mess up nests making it really difficult for him to act properly aim the PK thunder but that's if best mass isn't actually knocked out of his double job to weight the best masters play and every other great next player understands that usually having what oh my goodness what is this mate are you friggin blaming this on club there's no way you know how he's probably used to the transformations thank God he's just he's probably used to the transformation T yo dog you know what a tough spot just cuz he's a male a point man he probably but it's for transformations right come on really shot that on mainly they play with the transformations I guess how can we turn it off male eights the winner some of you watching six feet under anyway you know it's crazy by the way can we keep it up buff doc there's a definitive edition coming out for like xenoblade there's all these other games that are getting re-release do you think we really made a definitive edition yes box is not gonna be able to wave shine at all there's no us like the PAL version upset she can't rotate grab oh I'm super cool with that so hopefully we get there coming out one day you're a Martha main you wouldn't be able to get that step through spiked with you're down there play really yeah oh you want it anymore want their original additional that means well here we are back to the number one starting over again club had a fairly clean start for getting batted right in the faces here comes clean compost from greninja yeah but every time you people try to go for down so that's attack like the person's already to I in the air so usually like good place will just I'm a hair dodge or sneak out an attack and as you know Ness has a pretty good neutral air that's true however get best and that's the best player in his region potentially the best Ness we do have gone I don't know but best that's already having a really good start in what being sent to the side of the stage right now okay dragged out all right okay I like the fact that he kept it going with the move that were allowing those follow up rather than like the smash attack that's an opening oh you're a strong opening actually almost got a kale you - will cross state you have that and that's prey okay oh this has such a good air dodge just so far when it's berry good air dives I heard he actually has the best air table for the longest furthest reaching air dodge let's see if we can get that kale you know best nuts it's gonna be looking for that back here that neutral air or that grab I feel like this high chance to see the grabbed Oh cuz greninja likes to stay on the ground now when it's your sing thing about the smash is the fact that greninja actually hasn't won jacked up that mess cannot absorb with that circuit gets the bat it back alright so so far right now we have team Armada in the lead to today nice kale coming out from best nuts but but not gonna let it go away that quick what's going on he's tickling him with his feet yeah but right now we do need Plouffe to be able to get that kale oh yeah Wow still here yes that was actually really good a - but what yeah that's one thing about greninja man has really great far-reaching forward air can definitely contest a lot of messes stuff for certain but right now that's doing a really good job doing that new chili out of shield twice in a row be able to get a strong punish right now on pluck any I know Plouffe is now being a little bit more careful alright okay a short hop from there but you have to dirty waiting there Oh watch out watch out whoa Walmart just saved I probably think he might have thought there would have been a tense situation so that was actually bonus that he was able to get a guarantee jab yup yes watch out for that back here though and it looks like best and this is fishing for that that was a packet right there would have been over with that air dodge it's crazy when you see people do that it's like you probably thought let me get on the ledge and then let me roll away but yeah probably buffered hate that stuff with a puppeteer now it's insane right there happens to a lot of people that's one of the most like controversial things when it comes to this game alongside the online and many other things but anyway nice he cuts them up so we're gonna see you back here but I like the effect that he got that I'm not seeing the up bees you know he's expecting to see the water come out yeah Club we're not seeing that too much especially getting some that's why I feel like it might be able to stuff out his recovery what won't we will see pretty soon maybe saving a collapse top if you can get to the last time we'll definitely see it happen in a situation where he has to commit to he can [ __ ] her to recovery right if he's gonna if he has double jump and air dodge there's no reason for [ __ ] to put himself out okay that's true and that they are gonna take them off hundred thirty percent one more fair should be able to end it especially near to life so we might see him to swing out that fair a lot more here goes one okay nice try King Center yeah these short hops they do work against P K's fire but he has to kind of wait professor dog against fire oh boy back throw back throw that is what rage not gonna Cale just yet very close though let's see how he's gonna recover oh just shut up just supports that s guard wit the yo-yo all right this is very important what needs to get the scale this table to be everything right now if he doesn't get the scale we're gonna be to stop behind and it looks like they're going to be two stops behind fantastic stuff my best Ness and you were definitely right about that he needed to at least take one stock in it honestly I feel like I don't know if there's gonna be some controversy around the fact that there was a ball start with the you know Connell man all I'm saying is you know pluck try to get that pokemon stadium or was it looking while stadium to with the transformations it wasn't club's fault man it's the Te'o's who are at fault whenever that happens called maybe best that's did it maybe he's trying to help them there you go you know what maybe I maybe I'll accept that narrative fine no that's nice oh but by the way just in case you guys don't know how people fought each other or what teams are going against each other the seating was done by rock-paper-scissors rock-paper-scissors tournament and the people who like worn the rock-paper-scissors tournament got to choose what team they'll face off against so I'm not sure a panda global decided to choose Armada by absolutely don't think they would do that because our modest teams they have best nests and they have elegant those are both PG our players and an amp prodigy who is someone who could easily be a PG our player at any time and they're facing off against panic global right now who I think only one of their players are currently peachy our diva no pup has the ability to and I think full stream is very very much slept on you you're gonna see what you're gonna see why it now yeah basically when it came to this there when it comes to the seating right I don't think there was any other way for people to like properly unless they wanted to just account for ABC order no they could they could have done that I mean our system is hype I actually wish they showed the rock-paper-scissors I'm amazed do that have you ever commentator rock-paper-scissors um no I have not I have wouldn'ta K breezy okay that's cool yeah okay so you gonna be a professional rock-paper-scissors commentator yeah I could actually do it you could do anything okay you could do anything yeah the world's my oyster the oyster but the world is my oyster okay so right now we have almost a delegate right now we have full swing I mean Agra I like the Panzer wearing right now I just got to put that out there you know a lot of people you know that we sponsored so they have to wear like a certain shirt so now first you have to hope that your team has like really nice clothes but which I do think bonamana does have pretty nice clothes and pant will of course but you get to mix it up with the pin so I do like that and I like how he's matching the pants pattern you know what the shirt looks it's really I think it looks pretty good but here we go guys we have team Armada best nets with two stocks right here versus full stream closely right now with only two stocks remaining and what's he about to open up baby okay because I only had to Scott's brother yeah there we go Saturday right now we got kicking into back to the tubes one I love when they do the cat let's go already no sat on top a down go all right again Wall Street and full stream I believe it's a heavily good inkling player alright okay right you know they're like they're definitely I feel like inkling of character that a lot of people feel like this top 5 but we you have to really see a lot of big performances as a blade from them it's kinda scary cuz Council said he was thinking of actually dropping or he's going to drop ankling even though he got some really good performances Winkley wants to jump in clean the main Pikachu and I do think Pikachu's probably a better character but Dinkley right now look how good he's doing against best nuts again this is a person that wins it is one tear is this broke let's use this come on now definitely not damn did you hear that sound effect what was that okay the translators up at bat all right let seem to get that back areas look in the really hard for it the trouble something about Inklings sometimes to getting that kale you can't do up throw up air it's like what's your next option or enroller right yeah or roller does that pair is a really strong attack but it's kind of hard to get straight or DC that landing there's no lag its immediate Brad tricky almost an opening there but yes every time you think you're about to hit him he gets that last second at us but that's what full screen have to do put himself deep out there just want more stock hit losing the stock for best mess not the worst thing in the world not the worst thing in the world the key thing right now is to be able to get at least one more stop before it that's not stasis top because if that happens you're gonna be down pretty much like you might just be too but you want to be able to take this stuff to bring it back so you're only down by one spot don't felt like best mess like just one on standby you know yeah here this monitor just turned off it's like yo you good get your free history let's go alright still looking for something right now they both were just looking out aerials who's trying to get the hid all right definitely don't enroll in on that that always scares me whenever NESTA's that I'll be right next to the ledge always think it's just gonna s DS always graduate all right gotta watch out best nurse is amazingly good at the ledge tracking of course menu the practical to just use that yo-yo where hangs off stage and it makes it like really tough for people to come back on stage cleanly you know okay get set new chiller has him on stage how's it gonna go for it okay just set up a fight on stage yeah that is beautiful I love seeing that the magnet does hit the down to be they call it magnets just looks like an order and that should be it Wow Wow okay okay there's a chance spray it he actually being a better role he said what is this I thought it some covers is bad I mean it's alright best mess though on last stop trying to see if you take one more stop that's gonna be rough second jump is used yes that's gonna be a clean back here coming out from full stream I be honest from dick I was afraid that somehow he got here and got set behind us on that's like so scary good oh yeah yeah but good timing right there by full stream manages to keep that last stop but now we finally have the second representative here from Armada coming up on stage and you know him well one of the sickest Mario strategy taking to the stage here this is very scary right now for whole stream he's gonna fight one of the best bars in the world at one time people were trying to say that prodigy is the best tomorrow in the world but you know dark wizzy has really turned up as a recent but prodigies saying hey I don't care man I'm not to turn up to so right now prodigies still in winners of this tournament in singles bracket he's not to show you guys hey I will be fun what is it I will be peachy are pretty student PG argue and I believe they're actually doing a top 100 assignment oh that's gonna be I'm trying to yg art man but that mean just do a couple more sub-goals man it's gonna be good though for stocks to seven really rough right here for the Panda global team you know they started off with Plouffe which again I thought oh wait did he just make his tax let's go his tag no right here check out a stack there oh snap is it really let's go it is dude trouble watches yesterday maybe he watches everybody else's dream because they all stole the work from me I mean my moon stole it from you no no you stole to say let's go go go I'm just excited man it's gonna be fun yeah frostbite one of the things I love about this event is that they always try different things right and come with of course with this fruit battle I was always talking to Sky about this in private like it would be so dope if we could actually have a format that would probably incentivize talks about rosters and what not in the smash scene you know like we have with other games there it is right now pulled stream coming through alright let's go down to one stop this is gonna be pretty rough again for him especially because Yoshi's Island is the oh she's having this story I would say for all and then it'll remind me that it was from brah oh yeah sure true so it's gonna be rough because these platforms are going to allow prodigies to potentially do those out there compost and getting an early KO using the site and the top platform to do that by the way this is yoshi story in case you thought this was your she's not a pro due date I love story this looks like an island no because you'll see his Island brawl has the builds remember like what did I call Gary Gregory Gregory okay looks like a Gregory so there's no Casper here I mean you guys fun play black walls ghosts or whatever remember back then from alright so I had to way back to the mascots for stocks to six and it looks like a very good job right now if he can get like two stocks that would be fantastic with it even if it gets just one that'd be great we saw a chance to do the falling up there be on top smash uh-oh I told you the Senate you saw this all right get scared Tunnel uh-oh what'd I tell you about the platform's bro what'd I tell you about the lab boys trying to get a village okay my man prodigy telling them go back to rivals man that's not nice hook hope speaking of rifles we actually have rivals representatives that are here to prove battle so I'm very excited to see them try their best to man it I'll be excited see right now okay speaking of which full strip what's gonna be on the rival steep but because II Sam is busy with grown man stuff he wasn't able to make an unfortunately I want you to friend we'll see you in the future he said Pikachu is busted okay that fair would have actually been able to get the KO has to be very careful how he's gonna recover you already know bargain has one of the ears kick easiest ko attacks in the world and that's gonna be down smash it's about to go for it I mean it looks like it does even need to go for it and this job watch as much as you wanna tell you get set yeah that was super clean right there getting the let's Trump into the back hair and prodigy it's gonna be sitting pretty in that seat up oh dude ladies and gentlemen it's time they both at Genesis 7 is about to put pan a global on his back like no way so that book back those first two three oh yes you did dude look at this coming those like by the way he has to take six stalks you know it's crazy um people saw me lay on they're like what how did that happen but they didn't realize only in a season as smash factor made by City and smash factor in Mexico he was able to beat em Kaleo at that tournaments you at the end of July which was during the last season which is kind of crazy because that belief bars got ranked number the tuna world is sort of a treat week number four is naira number five is Mars yes you got ranked number five even though he was able to take out mka on multiple sets but a man that's how it goes yeah what's his first time gonna do it here it is Mars's opportunity he's gonna be facing off against prodigy bank he ran up on him super early to put him in a corner he can't let this happen bro oh here that here it's wow the damage sold laughs yeah that's what that was that one that was all I do like that they put Mars for an anchor I thought he was a really good anchor I just don't think he thought that he'd have to deal six times yeah it probably makes he didn't even have the flip top he actually just barely got out of that I thought there'll be another up there and soon and happy Oh miss detect a said that would have been a really good confirmation into a clip some spite potentially there usually sets that off really well and fourth row of course is a very good technique starter yo Mars might be it he caught him after the flip kick in after the second jumps and had so many options to go from there but he does get that chute Pope right there Kotaro misplay right now dog this is single elimination yeah this is not gonna be easy for bars this is rough you know if I'll be sending here it makes it a lot harder so and prodigy brother frog product we please goodness gracious brah I never played Mario Galaxy dog have to say this I'm afternoon or my galaxy just opposite because I played Odyssey I put that already Oh bro some yokai take a model I'm telling you this guy is a PGR level player that's just gonna get BGR he's trying to get PT are you better get up SWAT yo does this count know I'm sponsored right now let's see it Mars to bring us back with only one stop right now is five credits you playing Oh be safe because I got them this is what he needed no bow get up usually gets punished by that down stance so active uh-oh alright uh he was ready for this owning new because I all I got to do is pull jump over Mars can you do it this Alaska pelicans oh that yeah you know fast he gets Kalos without le o le g o MP if public marks is able to talk about be nuts super hard oh no the early double chop right here okay flip kick penalty no fight holding you down if that don't be to be able to get that hit whoa you put yourself in a bad position Mars oh he's gonna get up smash out of there prodigy holding it that with four stalks remaining so this is making me wonder it makes you feel like I think Armada team Armada is decided to pick PG on purpose so like oh he Sam isn't here I mean I don't think they picked it it was all based off the pho broth Paper Scissors yeah well you do to rock paper scissors and then team that wins gets to choose what team they play against oh they pick PG yeah oh that's wild you know again there was no he Sam you know we got our brat is that how you feel how do you feel buddy how does it feel let's keep the human by the way guys he's a representative panda global and if you need graphics he he doesn't he doesn't put that away put that away that's a weapon Keith goodness gracious when we're in Detroit speaking of weapons are we did have team Armada showing that they are definitely a really strong team and we're able to take that pretty cleanly I actually think that they might have been a first seed of this tournament or of this crew battle and they might be able to win easily who you got your money on honestly if we you know if we look at the bracket right now we might have an opportunity it's actually see what it's gonna be like I'm looking at our motto right now right our motto obviously advanced but mvg asla G oh yeah I would probably put my chips on here's waka each and every single person on the team is pg are ranked really yeah so MVD MBG oh yeah haze on play home thunder gaming I'm so MVG so what place do they have MPG this scat okay yeah that's true yeah dark Winslet don't take out take out your iPad here see it turn it on I don't see what's your password I know it's I know it's one two three four I don't need this okay who's the place I don't need this you're reading it over there Salem Salem alright anyways we have scat Salem and dark woodsy coming out from MVG all amazing players and almost all of them are aren't aren't in the winner's bracket of this tournament I know Salem did lose and he went to win his losers bracket but he's still in the tournament we have dark wizzy a lot of people are expecting him to get top eight especially after he did really well and let's make big moves and he got top beta genesis so dark wizzy has been killing it absolutely kills it so hopefully is to be able to keep that up but you know we'll see what's gonna happen and what seemed ready facing off against honestly here's the thing I was going to talk about we were talking about people that we should worry about railroad gaming I think is also another scary team I mean you think of gackt common man and ETSU G is ETSU G one of the strongest like Lucena / wah-pah Latino players coming out of there by the way she used to be named as edge back in a smash 4 and brawl days but he changed his name over to ETSU G one thing I love about Japan sorry I had to say this is that a lot of their players just don't go away like it'll be 10 years later like those brawl players they're still playing so props the ETSU G slash edge 4 still be able to play one kid abroad guys we have you know the buzzin are they still out here where's native Chi but yeah I mean I think it's about time for Coney to introduce the players to the stage for the next battle take it away Coney and in a major unthinkable upset this is good by the way this is good we're good ok I was gonna ASMR for a second and in a major unthinkable upset panda global falls to the HC team Armada gaming absolutely unprecedented insane also I should mention this turn this this crew battle is actually it as a prize of $50,000 on the line 50 or at least that might if you guys log on to smash GG / frostbite and buy some merch today there's no cap but the cap is $3,000 so coming up next we've got the fourth and fifth seed obviou leave the to like middle-of-the-road teams they're both okay we're gonna have team frostbite against team ray row gaming from team frostbite so no don't go there that's the king of the Great Lakes and on Team Railroad gaming it's come may May [Applause] good luck gentlemen rod and d1 Kotaro and d1 virata's back to you well Cody hey press 1 if you guys can hear me I'm not even looking at Jack apparently Cody called you rod me he said rotted b1 sounds like it's alright man you know what it is is because rod has hella style he uses with style and he realized that you know for once yeah but lot of sweat coming back on once that a lot of swag oh you do you have so I come up actually bought this in America by the way that's all I'm saying here we go way corners in the same room is he nice now but he was bad Genesis I think I feel I'm scared for konima very very good roommate but I know his room number so here we go gives a note oh you know currently he is not PG our ranks he's not sponsored but he used to be sponsored by evil geniuses and he's a very very good player so I won't but if you keep doing well so you can be able to get sponsored again and this is his region this is Detroit Michigan it's where he's from or at least where he preps so I want to see if he's able to keep things going over here but again he's fighting again soliciting rock paper school team railroad gaming very there is man look at these guys dude I mean this is the scariest team from Japan biggest Japanese team right here sponsoring all these players deep pull the talent at me they have more than Jack coming in and ETSU G but this these are the players that they decided to bring out here for this event about to be getting into it right now nine stops of these supports three players with three stalks each game one about to pop off and hit is right now so no dough remember back in those days when we used to rock off with that Diddy now we instantly gunderson Toto here with the beach that Beach has been doing pretty well again representing team frostbite a team that has played a players that the registrants here for frostbite actually voted for so people went to season odo I think it's good choices yes because he's from this area so I can imagine a lot of people registered are from there or near the Detroit Michigan area so they said hey we really wants to know to come out and that's why he's here and he's getting out there oh yeah definitely not the worst thing in the world as he's back a new show right now but looks like it again yeah coming in did a really good job of just controlling his space and I do like seeing him actually pick Wario for this format because honest-to-goodness when you're playing in this particular format right and you're playing Wario imaginin condom it manages to win right yeah and people have to like run off you know and like believe their socks or whatever I think that's gonna be good for coming yeah bicep he wins and it goes into the next match if he doesn't jump off immediately he takes his time that might be him a little bit of time to build a walk the crazy thing is he looks really aggressive right now he looks like he's trying to going on TJX you see peach backing up to the corner due to the fact that time is approaching and right now coming he needs to watch out for that fair so probably it's another fish without a lot but again the WAP is coming out very soon I think it's almost been a minute and a half so it's gonna be really strong like about three seconds yeah man I guess that means that he wouldn't be part of the grime TR then you know cuz it fills me I'll probably like go on that bike you know double jump a little bit oh no definitely doesn't play like that that's actually it cuz the bike is gone unless you sister swamp doesn't want to good choice yeah saved for the next stop because you might be able to get a to sock Innes if he plays his card right see right now holding shield and we season own what is okay he brought it right back he do to those turtlecom is already at 90% this character has crazy damage out well of course is his peach carraclough a lot of people used to feel was the best in the game at some point and to note oh she won't if he plays character he's one of the best of the character a lot of people don't know too much about him though so his fetish this game I feel yeah yeah so that's the thing like he's so really good player potential PGR player he just doesn't go to a lot of events and he's shown and he can keep up with these players but keep in mind Wario does have that wall so he could be thrown out anytime yep and right that's the thing about Wario you always feel as if hey you know what I have that percentage lead but then out of nowhere you wreck and I said to wireless flashing but thankfully though at least if he has like a fully charged one it can be harder for it to confer with you but he could still probably yeah it's just like of course the the not so fully charged one is the one that comes on quicker here we go those still a great punish tool and our nasty combo winter and Pete gets it good it's reception quality but when you try to ride super high okay got the bike for a nice swim but we have we could draw a hitbox right here to keep it up forever that - tank Ken K up this percent this is looking a little rough for peach right now speaking come on back here ya know he trying to psyche me back on stage but instead there's another one at a fight of that uh he wanted a bike alright so hopefully get that one back here this is a percentage where you can just drop the back over and over intervention we'll hit and counteractions good to pay oh yeah right there okay putting up that down so you gotta respect that man wow that was really good di coming out book from now maybe but it doesn't matter he's an oboe given that Kayla 193 percent and you know a peach could do it these all over since he has to turn up here comes right no I know it's gonna happen one eternal girl boom coming possibly needs one more turn it's gonna be a little hard to do if wireless that's gonna move so fast like that oh she's really good punishing out a shield oh look at that space right here for coming a two man okay smart automatically still has the WAP so he sits like this scenario where you know peach is definitely winning keep in mind that it's pretty much almost even especially if we get the kale right about oh no it's right to look he's struggling big-time right there a lot of this safe pressure is very hard so punished as you saw the up smash did not work out well for okay just hopping around looking for something I'm waiting for that back at come on for Mario I'm trying to go for it see that is putting on a lot of bad guys I was trying to see if you could bite that peach again good that good fast I'd be yeah I'm down and see that too you know well here we go so we get an up here cup now unfortunately this the spacing right now just soaked it on it's a no dough come in we can't do anything to get in there look at that like every time the tried to get a hit immediately cenotes you'll be like cities your notable throw is attack and they'll be lagless and they'll just land and be shooting right away yeah cuz he knows that coming is gonna probably throw it in the temp to mount itself pressure this again hello what was a lot of Rachel Wario yeah what's a big combo is he gonna get it it's like we need a little bit more percent okay there and maybe a pilot fantastic 22 percent one up until might be able to end it let's go and he has the platform's here for patience is a virtue ladies and gentlemen look at that took it all the way to the bank meets or not so for instance situation Cody yep you bought the option right there from the edge normal get up a look like after France that cameraman does not look like a fan of Japan but that is okay railroad gaming right here put it into work we got calming me I love that huh how come and they just managed to stick to the game plan he understood that he has to opt and it's going to be an opportunity for him to bring it back but now we have another player that was actually voted by view of mazing registrants of frostbite 2020 rivers taking to the stage previously known as Shah you Jane oh yeah gonna show you James knee is on a new name after his cat oh okay yeah yeah man great player of course absolutely amazing kromm representative I love seeing the things he's able to put together crop you know when I remember the first time he came out and smash to see how fast he was you know I could come through we could look at like Martha Lou Cena hanging in the air for such a long time but on the other hand you see like Roy and kromm they're really aggressive swordsmen and that's what brings the height you know just seemed away so James is able to bring a lot of his like experience to the table with this character and it's so interesting to see how you know a lot of people knew him for Diddy back then he's going for a swordsman and what really what would think you know I want to see what calm him is gonna do up in this matchup of course you know show you James Oh a KA my man rivers when you look at Tom kromm right that'll be out of shield the so much damage comes out so fast come in is gonna have to be very careful the way approaches does that damage is gonna wrap up I know it cannot actually here's the moment of truth do we have accommodate to the grind PR he has to take get rid of these socks good man that was fast things gonna hit him nothing's gonna like you know what stage transform double jumps I'd be alright so the only one sock down if rivers can take off this stop really fast it will be it and then it'll be back to even and very good for him that's so weird thing about crew battles where like if you're in this scenario you just take that one sock it's like that lead never ever happened you know it's a lasted scenario also props coming in for pudding immediately after losing those stocks very honorable you sit them up yeah there goes one making it hard for Wario Thailand oh this is actually looking really rough reward is keep in mind Wario with one stock especially if the rivers he's playing prompts inspector get scales very fast he might not be able to get that walk in time I mean crime as scary as he can be dude that that's recovery right yeah can definitely get caught on the apex of it I like it create a movement in the air and so watch out for though to the jab on the shield to people spaces it that looks like a free opportunity for Copperhead to jump out of shield again get that punished alright potentially one back here right there and you have attacked it back here that's the situation when Ward with a Kayode kromm not able to however just one more he'll be over yeah should be able to get it to very soon of course right here I think through the bike away he didn't destroy the Vicodin use the bike against Wario you do it away so just is what it tries to recover he's not able to but watch out and now oh he said sorry to all the fans that both of them hit but I think he could actually do a really good job I have a the rivers baby the [ __ ] that's coming up dude I might be in that's a minute-and-a-half country I have I'm ready for up those rivers needs to go in right now he'll not let the full WAP come up which will be happening in about 16 or so seconds oh it doesn't even matter the world and the time Japan screaming right now because remember you guys wanted to see in Japan versus any crew battle railroad gaming has enough all you have to do is quit coming in the lead coming it is the boss you know what we could say it's like the sub sub box oh yeah sub sub boss I agree with that but I mean he looking like a boss alright your show right now while crime doesn't place in Japan Jase that's like when they get something like Ness and Luigi weren't all that good smash board oh yeah I remember that no bike okay okay there's the upper and dog that almost look like he's gonna look yeah it did look like that that was a questionable for there coming up accompany me but after taking away boy that was five stops actually actually nuts because I really thought that jab backer was gonna result in a loss of a stock but it didn't quaint coming me the job though valiant effort rivers right now brought down to his last stop not easy man not easy but look at Japan they're happy chill it and it's time who's coming to the stage man let's see okay we have our good sir you already know that's my arm my boy man oh if he's your boiler who is it buddy I'm gonna see if you know who he is come on don't do that now come on that's not going to make it look good yeah of course that's my boy I'm jacked right there okay all right I guess right yeah do you remember um oh he deleted bed venez cylinder that's wild bro I'm telling Ben yeah then he made a really far inside in the winter side of bracket I know he's so in the tournament inside 96 he lost two it's week actually on the stream right before this all started and keep in mind we do have I start a steam i sir currently number six in the world recently sponsored by Space Station gaming check the Mount awesome team awesome team so even when the suits gonna happen here only one stop left on rivers rivers needs to take I mean if he takes one spot that's okay but means to take like two if you can take two that about a lot more yeah right now they're down pretty much to stock so it takes two and loses one and that makes it so they're down one stock will make it a lot better for them and I'll put him in a situation where my sister just has to take one stop off the back to make it even yeah at least taking two is usually the play and looking at the fact that it's semester essence of swordsmen I definitely think that rivers can do it but safer fact that you know he's clinging against the Japanese so you definitely have a different approach of course right smash usually in comparison to the rest of the people that you may be used to right yeah less times people go out to Japan and they're like whoa like this it's a totally different level out there a crazy different level and see if he's able to get something going right now keep in mind this is nest versus crime so there's troublesome part about this or drop it gets off the stage this has so many ways the game just started he tried to wall up and then he said well you're done putting up these four where's it's time for me to get my rocks off and that he did I never seen that comment before what the heck was that Rimmer's thank you so much for playing we love you um how do you were there too that was that was a that was a valiant effort you know he tried to spend Meister get on up there slugger did he just might like what has happened my stomach looks like Shikamaru froma on a route oh man he scratched his head is like and he's amazed notice a guy in a fight poor guy he's like that was my cuvette to do that to my boy don't worry Meister gamer watch is pretty nice bro I think you can do it hey might be able to do it they can cut that way might be able to do it [Music] [Applause] psi magnet my baby my bad it's probably like a cup of earthbound fans I think it's it's me inside my bad beep a PSI magnet buddy but uh sort of spiked doll oh yeah the spike was really good I've never seen anything like that you get a magnet into the down air very shocking right there yeah it with the down so that wasn't very beautiful fair hand that how fast was that that's definitely gonna be already battery already the heck put it up alright well here we go we're going into game number while anxious time for the games welcome to the next match right now we have Meister of only three slots left against GAC with three stocks and we also have it suji coming out here flew Cena or okay out buckets why girl and this is Jack you're playing man this ain't no ordinary that's buddy oh we can get that happen you almost got to help me in some it looks like Nessa or Jack does know about that so he's able to air it out she without the land it was like I fought my fair share of gamble once I mean if you really think about it right Zac Ray has a game a watch so these guys probably got some practice yeah some level of practice we know that grace which is characters have week so that you probably had at most so we can practice some point that GAC might have not even had fought the game of watching for now good landing by the way how to get rid of the breakfast to mess with that bara hasn't won alleged that up smash that was a risky action music truck goes this guy in winners and bracket and we'll see those e30 thirty-third go do that okay game watch this really crazy woman it comes to edge Guardi he's going way off the stage to be able to get back to it so now pretty much even but again a kak always getting the beginning lead so good job he's trying to force ness off stage interesting the I get a little flags need your green yo get it wait where do I go go oh it dipped Wow yok kay sybers took it now if something was up with him man one time I left my car keys in there was like no get out of here took my cars here we go here we go careful with the pressure man if there's anybody that could do it it is definitely Mike somebody yes nice - doing a fantastic job wasn't looking too good for him in the beginning however in this scenario right now 50% on this and game watch being one of the best characters out getting chaos in the game yeah you got it is he gonna throw it out is he gonna dition give no oil don't block it keep recovery oil oh you might try to combo into it yeah you haven't said that's crazy that that works yeah a lot of other characters can't really jab one so whatever my sir stays alive this might just for hope there bro just what I thought we were about to have railroad gaming burst through the entire bracket up until the grand finals now we're gonna actually have to have ETSU gene come on stage aka the artists no formerly known as edge okay and she used to play Meta Knight back in the day yeah in the broad days we know about that we know we were brawlers back in the day yeah about 10 years ago and he was definitely back yes that far back do the time goes by really fast but it might have been longer than 10 years ago when it went brawl came out yeah yeah so one thing I do love about the Japanese players is that they just keep playing they keep playing the game forever man you went it said oh what about this player he's still there I remember was a Musashi massage used to be the size melee player in Japan he was a fox boy 16 years ago and then he switched over he's like Pitt and stuff yeah and I saw Musashi and I'm like oh I guess another Japanese fighter picked up that name like the other day no that's the same Musashi's they still out here that was placing off against Ken yeah how does he 43 is he my age wait you're 43 nah give me give me like 11 more years and for you give you two years what the heck I am NOT in my forties we have my sir right now facing off against I believe at suji and ETSU G again edge he means Lucena in this game switching up characters a whole lot and Meister I'm not too sure how much practice he has given to Cena in the Mexico City area I believe he lives in the state of Mexico which is like right next to Mexico City but does it actually Mexico City but people just like to call Mexico City anyway okay course in a Mexico yes so the thing is a lot of the good players in Mexico they live in Mexico City so yes have over there to play a lot of it not enough the state of Mexico yeah you say lives in the state of Mexico yes yeah state of Mexico that's in Mexico in Mexico City no buts the magnetic Nexus it come on so it's the state of Mexico next to Mexico City but it's not exactly Mexico yeah it's not exactly Mexico City but it's near Mexico in the state of Mexico so it's the state of Mexico and Mexico a Latina actually coming out from its ejects you forgot yeah any secondaries palutena so he might be one of the white warriors like nairobi egg this is crazy so he was locked in and this is a very good pig my sir might have a tough time dealing with this one Meredith one of the stronger Paula Tina's coming out of Japan as well all right Meister get rid of that stock keep in mind though he can bucket the neutral be coming out from palutena I just don't know if we'll see any of the new to be come out yeah I don't know if apology to once again given watch the three opportunities to just bucket stuff and hurt her okay get someone clean ground a lot of can happen from this yep 30 32 man if you can get one clean sock well only taking like 40 percent that'll be really good for him yeah but as one thing I'm seeing a lot are apiece from my sternum so the apiece of course great tool to use but against it activate palutena especially if you're a high percents should get you a slight shuffle jump into an up air and you're in a bad spot has to be careful 90 percent one down smash might be able to end or even up smash they try to charge that up smash against policy this back here that's invincible deal with it to work though boy that's invincible what would hurt you I've seen like tippy-toe forward air since that here's our something for it susie if i recall this is like the first time he's been in america at least in this game so i don't know if he's ever fought again watch this level of art and that's gonna be a stock already wow this is looking very much in my sis favor right now boom looking good here I like it okay okay so Jude has to get his footing he's just up there up there again some eats it up here you might be like a flush man man I'm in Mexico I have development Eco movie though hey so I've been watching a lot of my stories one of my favorite players so um these combos you know you see it's kind of the same combo very often especially against these bigger characters I have a good idea what's gonna happen yeah I mean it's definitely a good complicate a have especially ending with the uppers that allows him to control keep stage right while they're all the way up there whoa so far he's making it very hard pressed Vegeta land and Fuji has only been able to rack up 62% right now on meister meister has overlapped him in percent and socks up moment wow man t frostbite might actually have some life left in them yeah i thought this was over to keep him oh no they're over Wow oh yeah I'm down port keep in mind that Meister had three socks left up to six stops including losing only one slap on gap and so far has not lost a stop on the suji road all too early Pablo is gonna topple - and I know that you also keep stage - the smarter that just keep stage maybe yeah yeah actually yeah when you have this much believe yeah that's a pair so good it's multi hit it just pushes them up into a scenario where you could just reset it you do another uh pair exactly Wow yep just about to get the overlap here you know what's happening at CG uh-huh it's like just Meister man he's on another level right here yep that's bacon the bacon the bacon cook him in the kitchen cook in the kitchen oh that should have actually been a down smash that's gonna connect yeah okay my back throws not gonna kale gaben watch being one of the lightest casters in the game however not at the edge of the arena oh he did not get a - scrap right there okay another opportunity and some rage but we're still living he doesn't want to go upstage to trade my stir nuts Railroad gaming out of the bracket taking out six stocks and only losing one that is fantastic by my circuit stuff to him I actually thought it was over I thought it was absolutely over for another team my brother he had literally only two socks from eating right - only two yeah I said notice in there like hey he saved our lives yeah I know what I was gonna do with you a little bit I just I exaggerated it I can't believe you did that man that was crazy right there boy yeah so great job right there Meister that's gonna be a very scary anchor for other people to have to deal with railroad gaming I definitely thought was gonna be the team to look at to just keep on slaying but yeah what we just saw right there I mean [ __ ] you could check out the bracket yourself right here coming up look at that man frostbite consisting of xeno toe rivers and the strongest of anchors Meister puts railroad gaming out in last place along with team panda global which was also unexpected you know a lot of people expected to see Mars be able to bring it back at is it and anchor whether that was that already stuff yeah prodigy make it real difficult so we're gonna have to see a battle of our motto versus frostbite in the future but in the meantime look at the other side we have thunder gaming and rivals a vapor coming up next oh that's gonna be interesting so Thunder gaming who do you have on that scene MPD right oh and k-9s Bruce that's a pretty rough team right there that's a that's a very strong team right toe and MVD both PG are players k9 Bruce someone who has been PG art in the last game so yeah the black spruce order to assess and for Sean oh wow I didn't know that cool but yeah Anand brothels of ether has Lucius cake of salt and windows windows top three player in the world for rivals of the ultimate Windows top three player for later okay and when you look at cake assault the number one player but let's not forget Lucius Lucius who actually has a sick pursue coming into this event he has gotten a lot of amazing wimps on oh I thought I spilled something that a lot of amazing wins on top 10 rivals of aether players and he is actually Yoshi main oh he used to play smash first he played smash 4 got tired of the meta and I decided you know what I ended up the Bayonetta so haha I mean you know what maybe you're right or ultimate got announced in any event he came back for ultimate tried out yo she likes Yoshi he loves the air drift that Yoshi has but the main that he plays and rivals doesn't have the same major regardless of that fact it's gonna be super fun to see rifle submarines third versus thunder gaming it's gonna be coming up and Coney you already know what time it is take it away baby hey hey everybody let's hear one more time for the best team in the building team frostbite yeah never doubted them not for a second okay coming up next we have thunder gaming going up against the team comprised of rivals of aether players this was going to be really fun to represent Thunder gaming MVD and representing rivals of aether windows hold on wait wait wait wait what is this what is this this is a smash box okay so you're cheating okay god I got it go he doesn't gentlemen to it so you can't use it katara do you want back to you alright so he's playing with that what is that he said it's a smash box wait what he sure it looks really different it looks like a custom-made version of it I kind of like the finish you know looks wooden it looks like the 1920s radio that Captain America used in the person that's in our movie honestly growing up in New York City my mom is a big fan of antiques and I think it's you know it takes a special kind of person I still like more to like antiques like that half of a keyboard that's beautiful yeah as the spacebar really make one at that where's the mouse it has the window size W mouse press my buttons really hard oh that's windows maybe you could change the keys to do that I don't think he wants to change okay you know rivals of a third they definitely um got some got some players right now so this is Windows yes okay so this is when those top three rivals of a third player and hence to face off against MDD so he did play some smash more as you did say and he stopped playing smash more went over its rivals of aether but the thing about it is he did not get to play brawl wait wait oh what's up Oh windows no no that was a lucious's story wasn't it lucious yeah I was talking about was just when it came to ahem plan oh okay okay so this guy he's only been playing rivals so he's the top three rifles player okay yeah all right so there's a chance that he might not have any idea of how to deal a snake so snakes a character where in the beginning like snakes meta was really strong and people are having trouble dealing with snake and we have like snakes you know even getting up towards almost the top five PGR okay but like now in the recent days it's been a lot harder for snake to do damage even though we did see MVB I believe it might have been let's make big moves might have been glitch he placed really high however snake is a type of character or at least in this current meta where sometimes the place is high and then you captain drops off at the next ornament so we'll see what's gonna happen here it's Game & Watch okay this is actually a good good option to face off against snake however I feel like it was really good in the beginning this people had no idea what to do um game watch it actually like you know what it's a bucket the grenades and all the other stuff and then just hit you right back but now MPD I'm pretty sure he's bought a lot of game watches and he has a good idea of how to take this matchup oh but sing Windows alright the been broken open right now alright so top three rounds of eight they're probably top three in this game if I really tried yeah you know that what bacon because he doesn't want to waste you know his resources right dad no it's a spa else or I mean oh my good old the tech Jase okay okay that was a really good choice right that like I threw that grenade up Nate doing a little mix-up okay irony due to grenade away just making sure that he was not able to get the bucket okay there's the tip know if it's coming out pretty shocked about that but you gotta lemare's though the oak so as you can see from its tag the rivals team wants to make sure that they at least get once stock against these players there's no way that's what that sorry no there's no way I have a DS playing really good right now it could take more than one stock to get right especially again watch Lexus Nick are you saying there's no way he could take us oh no no he can actually watch his snake absolutely he might even take the first stock maybe I don't know too much about MPD's playstyle but he is grenade grenade heavy so for him to not be able to take out grenades knowing that a watchman [ __ ] it's a really different place software and that's why I feel like you'll see MPD just standing around it's almost like he doesn't know what to really do I'll be honest the way that Windows is playing is not exactly like a lot of other game of watches so it could be extremely convincing for MPD to fight the style yes this is a weird game watch yeah he's like he just be reversed all right vacant like he's doing one bacon that's the approach and then he actually hits approach of F smash on shield when like normally he see my stir up smooth you up smashing a fresh pitter down so - yeah or even Etzel he's got one for the raw prime smashing now here's the hard part about snakes sometimes they can get away up a lead you know if you don't get that K little just hide behind grenades keep letting a smoke but again you can't take on too many grenades because game watch can bucket it and MPD's being very careful he's actually respecting windows a lot right now by not taking out a lot of grenades now yeah good stuff looking at windows who's fishing for these kos applying aerial pressure and then putting on a come over by the prepare this is scale up till that was clean he's like come over here come over here just to walk a little bit further was it gonna work though no appears here verse nobody your life that was tricky okay alright down throw he gets a read he had gotten the read that would have been an up so ko at 91% oh we up windows almost a doctor's back to the stage keeps his double jumping so I'll go up here okay protector dates explode chunks okay is to say oh that was clean right there Susan that short hop okay unfortunate for widows right it did not have the bucket out 49:49 person talk about how fair Snickers yeah he's fair and he did a fair tables get that 49 for something that was JB to stock coming out from MBT fantastic job he's happy cuz he took that one stock he had to tackle one spot yep nice pump and he's doing it he's laying at the bar he's definitely heading away though okay you come back in the circle he's gonna play rivals that's how amazing that game is he's going back to practice game immediately after that oh it looks like Lucius is about to come up this to play I was talking about oh I was hiding about this guy yeah man cuz he used to play Yoshi look at that pursuit man yeah I love I love the fur suits man of course I remember you went to per Kanna twenty was a 26 2016 that was very interesting I was Genesis 3 yes the same weekend as Genesis I went to the FERC on they had like a party they loved me man I got like 300 followers from the furry community and I went to their party and it was very very very interesting yeah I meant the fact that they one of the reasons why they love you was because of the fact that you were so accepting of their community you know there's a lot of times where people will see something that they're not used to and immediately they'll hate on it and they'll be like I don't know what this is but I'm gonna hate on it without even giving it a chance understand the community and you know what makes them so happy and once you realize everybody's on that pursuit of happiness we shouldn't hate on whatever it is that brings them happiness because this world can be a dark place for many so shut up stood up for community yeah you turned that into some crazy thing when I got my boy you know looking like fox of rainbow hair but when he turns his head to the right he's kinda looks like a character from five nights at freddys hell yeah the kind of about a scare about a mark why not play that oh my goodness plate up plate for sub soup no sub comes now I can't handle C right guys guitar reaches a thousand subs all the five nights of reading games let's go down port in the dark so I'm wondering if this guy wants to also take one stocking said he's delicious right yeah plane is Yoshi okay kinda looks like his um his suit but suits gonna happen here Yoshi vs. snake only able to take off one snake off our one stock off of MVD actually surprised that they decided to bring him out and set up a letting kick us on the win but I think definitely can take off more Network keep your best sides even open the security best I've news events you're gonna come down straight sort of races look at this my man is egging like crazy yeah I feel like MPD thinks he could take out the whole team I feel like I know that's what he's going for he looks like he's tryharding really hard which is either respectable I mean the way I look at it it's a it's a tough situation because if he wins they're gonna be like well you know we play rifles and if he loses yeah we play rival yeah that sucks all right I'm gonna getting a little having a little trouble getting the hits in but right now Lucius this is looking very similar to as we saw earlier with Windows he was able to get a good lead at the beginning or at least make it even against MDD but then in the end only taken one stock yeah all those grenades right now now you can use it for Nate so you gonna see MPD take out a grenade at least one per second at this point it is this time we see way more grenades like you said because of the fact that game of watches reflector is not inflating Queen yeah okay threw a grenade outside just for the crowd you know the crowd catch the ball yeah I'm down to catch one of these oh man okay almost getting that up smash on the grenade but right now is that time consent to get a run-up up to so it's weird cuz sneak he's running away loud at the time so you think like always gonna keep running but then when you when he has he like 100% that's when he's like okay I'm gonna switch it up running to get that up to thank you set him up right there for the delight status right be 8% - I'm scared Lucius can't make it happen okay let's see the setup up in all of you using the downbeat modus operandi alright that was a very interesting crow I always feel sad when I hear you scream like that you I don't feel sad why you so cute my favorite worry of our characters to you Mario fireflies are anyways here we go ko right now empty only was in one spot and like I said it feels like he's gonna try to take out the whole team if he could he should be able to take the spot to be honest and if he does take the stock we'll have one stock against the next person on the team I mean the goal of each player what's that we try to get one stock from each player so the fact that they're fantastic down one more fair okay let's see if you can end it big charge up smash able to do something maybe there's a lot of beer Oh MPD hold up oh no what were you going I mean he's not losing the stock there yeah if he does just watch off that downbeat he's exploded really soon because it's gonna explode on itself all right ready for that run a pop so two things gonna happen probably Freddie said in my voice got nerdy off the top lucious though good job man bringing everything down to seven stops representing doctor gaming right here wait who else is on thunder dark wizzy no no chance of getting mixed up so hardware and that's why we're a team we look out for each other pepper gaming consists of k-9s Bruce alright though from Japan scan right now he's I'll put he point at him so hard and there's a cake assault giving a high five to Rosalina Rosa fgc who is a rep he actually does some good commentary two for rifles of ether here is the number one cake assault he's about to come up on stage and I don't exactly number one number one rifles of a thermal yes I've seen this guy play before he's be big dog all right we got a lot of yelling going on on the stage right now MPD pretty pumped trying to see if we could still get to be able to take out the whole team put some respect on my boy cake assaults name man by the way guys before I get into this man rivals of aether there's gonna be a switch definitive edition release time - which is gonna be try it amazing cuz think about it you people out there that always wanted to play rivals but maybe you're not a fan of playing games on PC like I'm not the biggest PC gamer I like playing games on console the moment rivals is on switch you know easy it is to just go back and forth and switch between games oh I'm gonna move to play rivals alright you could just hit home on your you know switch pro controller or you just pull out the switch from the dock and switch games from ultimate to rivals or rivals ultimate with super ease and that also makes it super convenient for the Tio's out there now TOS instead of having to lug over all these you know like best what is it these desktop towers yeah to have to play rivals we're just gonna have a switch super portable you have switches right there you can have switches allocated for ultimate and for rivals and now this will actually be able to help grow the rivals community exponentially yes Jesse I can play the game controller still exactly I mean of course cuz you I mean you couldn't do that already with the PC version I don't know if you know but you could please you could connect your GameCube controller adapter to your PC you know oh yeah oh that USB you know oh yes that's true I didn't know I'm asleep light them yeah it'll be a lot easier if they have like the switch because I feel like the switches the easiest system to bring around and play especially if you just have a dock in a room you just switch the console dock I feel so good compared to like I'll play the other system down like here let me carry my big ol ps4 that's what I'm say no easy yes pretty good so is this the last team of the four teams or el dedo CERN where it just is our third set fantastic can't wait to see some more so come on guys that this is single elimination all canine Bruce is honesty my likes k-9s first don't forget the yes alright FB d vs. King songs about to have a grant here every day with seven stocks remaining to cake assaults three can consult the number one rappers of a third player and all planet and he's playing as Kirby and he's playing the worst character in the game so they go start to the game a little back maybe right argument or maybe Mac but Kirby's definitely one of the worst characters in the game he thought I don't know a buff so that forward tilt looking nice Cody can do some stuff there's good - I seen Komodo come on it was facing off against Deku Moto's always doing something of frostbite facts now remember last aware boy tells yes well he's really going for this three stops yeah he is don't do it no but that was a lot of damage right there half the rivals players have some trouble noticing where the c-4 is that man goodness virtually is picking the grenades right now see forget the landing he does back there oh yeah he had an earlier back our opportunity right FBD with these forward is up here for it well we're gonna use stuck you're stuck hit he did forward errands to try to stick because it doesn't send boy really good tech chase with that single hit new Chile right there I love it yo what's going on what is only okay now would have been a really nice setup he would have gotten a downbeat and gotten affair to connect us a combo pack ladies and gentleman if you want it in every highlight reel here you have it all right seem ramble struggling a little bit but they can still be able to bring this bag oh oh I mean all kicker saw has to do is take one stock remember each players took one stock take the salt it's on you now to see if you can fill the pool now I believe there it is ladies and gentlemen fbb does it with all seven stocks shut up to the remnants of eight the team and we hear correct characteristic boos from the crowd yeah it's like it's a troll cuz it's like how dare you do that to them you took them all out with one player he said his back hurts Oh No well I'm gonna be doing a fantastic job with the Thunder gaming crew being able to take out the entire team just by himself his think is looking amazing and he might be like you said one of the teams to be able to win it but I still got my eyes you know right now on I believe it's the nvg crew yep MPGs the team that I also had my chips on and looking at how they have scat Salem and dark wizzy and those are all just like top PGR players you know because of the it's gonna be very difficult for people to have to deal with but on the other side I'm really excited to see the team that they're about to face off against and here it is guys never more now let's talk about Nevermore a little bit we shed like a lot on MVG but now it's time to talk about Nevermore Nevermore as a team that consists of sir odor dingus Joe and master Mario now for you guys out there that don't exactly know who big is Joey's biggest role is a player coming out of MBTA where as Schroeder is a Z and Master Mario is Southern California so I'm excited to see what's gonna happen but due to the fact that you know looking at think it's Joe this might be a play that a lot of these guys may not have the most data on les yeux you know check out Xanadu everything around it that's true and I want to see a lot more coming out from him and hopefully we do pretty soon because I feel like we're getting a lot of results I'm not expecting like I really thought PG would you know you know PG it up or the rifles team I thought the rivals sing with sweeper Thunder gaming but I think that's a good thing that we're getting unexpected results and Kony right now began to give us an opportunity to pull those guys on stage leggo all right fellas give it up one more time for Thunder gaming for a beanie for MBT who took nine stocks yeah really good they don't play this game wait till the rivals true battle okay [Music] coming up next we have team Nevermore against team MVG most valuable gaming for team Nevermore please welcome dingus Joe [Applause] and on the other side the most dangerous snake from Georgia stat alright guys here we are we got scat opening up strong for MVG his birthday actually past two so let's see if that birthday power will translate over to this big is Joe again coming from MBTA and he means Game & Watch but as a secondary that was a character that actually brought me a lot of grief after seeing the announcements of ants in Aurora and you know what character that is no the mana plan what about that they caused you grief why you don't support degrees come on think you really want to see Curran a plan dude you don't support plants piranha plant yes piranhas play you don't support plant okay that's cool if you really want to put on a plan yeah dude I've been dying to get piranha plant I'd rather have Saiga I'd rather have none honestly no food if they put in food okay you're my boy shy guy if you say no to shot guys try guy is a little bit one of my favorite Nintendo characters but foo movies goes out there yes I'll give a thing for a shy guy back in Mario Party he was kind of cool you know some floating air and like start them in games and stuff you know what miss toad so I've happen I do miss hearing you know what Oh what also I miss about toad I miss the market part six again oh yeah you know like what that was well yeah you never played weight gets hit and he starts screaming mad aloud I know he goes yeah Helen have you ever hit Toth before all right got it got it you play gets much lower is there control in my hand you enter yeah and I made a first round pulls your go well alright so right now we have again the two teams that are facing off never more verses I'm looking up list the teams as MVP yeah versus the MVG I'm starting I was scat scat have no idea what character he's gonna play cuz you have this times where he'll play snake and then other character so I feel like a snake might've yeah yeah Mega Man clear shot gonna see the Mega Man players from the old game not play Mega Man as much like back in smash 4 Scott was pretty much solely a Mega Man main and that con man named Mega Man Wayne and in this game Mega Man was gonna be even better than he was in the last game but we had scat right now playing as snake potentially let's see that's about to pick his character is thank you watch that [ __ ] so remember MDBA give wow that's crazy man he's seen a lot of game watched since a character that people had the beginning they thought was low tier and a meister just started to turn up and after I start seeing a lot of game watches let's see what he could do I mean the characters really good and it's it's good to see that Scott keeps getting more representation I felt like a lot of times people were like this character probably not that big of a deal maybe not even close to top tier but now a lot of people are saying maybe top 15 top 20 I haven't heard some random people say even top 10 top 10 for you to watch but this game is so top-heavy that it's hard to know where to actually placement be in hip-hop artists you want to compensate which continue here we go hey this team won and I have a son his name is cosmos the England with the most anyway here we go Nevermore vs. MBT came one biggest joke vs. cat here we go alright that nice down there coming did you see how he landed with that down there that was wild so I want to see if scat knows to be careful of his grenades or if he she's gonna throw them out and I like they just decided throw it off the stage trying to mix him up right now throwing a grenade off the stage and immediately trying to punish okay so watch out a little bit there with that recovery okay - attack okay right now the percent is very early and I like that short hop thank you I like that short hop to try to get that grab but this game watch this very good reaction time yeah I can tell look at her he shot a bucket that oh my goodness say forever game are already 90% on snake one good down so now I should be able to end it let's see if we can watch we'll go for it up in the drift the landscape that - attack is so fast dude I'm sick of what his shoulders are invincible or something oh yeah yeah it's a challenge I love Scott's place dog this runs in and out trying to see what he could get this workout I'm hoping maybe they came watching a roll or just run into it but she's gonna run it out those kind of place are super unpredictable and intimidating right yeah you utilize a lot of movement like that he's just running in and out okay duck down is at the time just checking the floor to see what's going on okay here we go [Applause] [Laughter] but careful yeah put this about to get yeah especially if you had a grenade it might have actually happened so good thing he's not taking up for days he's just trying to land right now snake is having so much trouble and had the moment only 10% for that grenade explosion setting it off again yeah I like that okay all right bring the back pretty heavily so gopher to have smashed yet to be honest because like you could get that early Yale since game watches so like he's able to set up that situation I don't know how I feel about this remember he can't use many projectiles he's fighting game watch you can reflect the projectiles however he's running up with snake characters not that fast like what can he really get besides down so big don't have the way he lands back on stage to get okay that they're surprised a lot of times I love that right you ever see those videos gonna go like characters I can go under the stage that would have those yeah he's done he's done yep right now looking at the slides in the name cake boom yeah man this is a seven to seven right now dads are tied up here we go dingus Joe versus scat Oh wonder which one's ever native in Sandrock all right let's see if he couldn't get a common we'll start a game watch having really good combos even on snake do you think that snake could get out of it does it a grenade but it just trust me like snake ends up in a bad scenario oh we out the landing I like the drifted towards center you see seven states with that - oh yeah just one more that pulled up two pieces of the bucket just for one grenade nice oh it's really good at getting these downstrokes and that was a boost Timothy are boosted Etzel let's see 50% - two [Music] okay throw the grenade off again just to be careful it actually makes me wonder why you take something in the first place watch how he lands Oh watch it alright jazzy two bucket let's see if we could do it let's see three top bring it back okay oh alright okay but nice roof like that wasn't the strong part of the psyche though place bucket full again no sign today oh that was risky down away alright this plan is this what a crazy game right there I have to say biggest joke was pretty dope but whatever he was a disadvantage he forced his way back on stage he would be aggressive with either fair or down air scat noticing that biggest show always wanted to expedite the process of him getting back on stages it's almost like you know person that has like TSA PreCheck you know at the time he's off stage I gotta come back quickly and it's like no dog actually had the TSA PreCheck meeting this Friday but I forgot I was going to the store Nimitz oh yeah I need to get a sign up for global entry myself because we travel around the world right so well I don't want to wait on line with the rest of the world while trying to come into a country you know what if we go to the bio Japan you know hey hey and going to both of those hopefully hey let's go they go alright so who's the next player coming up or the others that come maybe wait what would come and maybe here rainbow gaming is not okay it's not it's not coming me I thought I was coming what with a new a ringer they just pulled him in he had wild all right guys anyway this is never more gaming repre Saturday mass tomorrow tomorrow from Southern California I've seen this guy a lot of times he's actually super until 2 if you ever get to know him trait funny guile I love his energy oh yeah very strong energy coming out from the master Mario I saw his own pretty far I'm pretty good shout out to Kody bring us water water phone not only does he go walk on stage and forget my name yeah I mean you you what rod will look similar you know he's like two inches taller than me I mean you both start with oh yeah sound a little bit no usually I'm not sound like it imagine that my here we go we have a game number one starting off against these guys you just need one stop take it off of scat in order to make this even if these mass tomorrow can do it we have battlefield 2 that works out really well for mass tomorrow with those combos again can it be taken off the top pretty easily see what's gonna happen all right it is final stop right here for Scott Han I really like wearing this line up against each other one let's go look at a crowd decides when it's time to go yeah the crowd ohh they literally wait for the crowd all right a good one for us to watch watch your toes okay okay okay you know let me get that one that's smash oh you went a little too hard going for a smashing that's the part did not hair that was smashing things have turned around really fast remember Scott is a pretty aggressive snake witness an era where he won't just run away throwing out all those grenades all that mochi oh what a marvel looked like he said thou shalt not pass his hands were out there dog he kept complaining he was like I'm in a relationship for two days I'm done wait they said what relationship do you even play Mario to see well I feel like Mario just never really you know what why does he always save peach it's not like they're friends that's why they're good friends and that's why he always goes out there and risks his life to save peach what it could really just friends they're just friends peach definitely does not she doesn't know friends with best friends friends with she probably like kisses a lot of nose thanks to today's problems down to Bowser again Oh Mario play Mario to see tell me when you beat the game cool talk looks like they have save them coming up here who's got the camera that's how it is zooming anyway so here we go we got Salem up on the stage I learned my bad guys I'm spoiling something for y'all but um Salem right here there we go we got the camera Salem versus master Mario Salem has been rocking out with a lot of different characters lately I don't know who he's gonna pick but whoever he picks he's a lot to baby that is true so uh see I feel like it's gonna be here oh I wonder if they're I think you're only allowed to have one of each character or no I don't remember that stipulation so I'm gonna guess that instead of asking that question wait what is that buddy buck I had that - somebody gave that what's up buddy buck I don't know somebody gave it to me can you explain what it does my friend um I tried to use it at the bar get it get out onto any Granberry and I couldn't they said no up it looks like a bug that you would not give your buddy because it doesn't get you anywhere yeah I definitely have one of those a pretty nice buddy buck but Salem does not care if anybody on Twitter could reach out to myself and Katara let us know what is a buddy buck what is the lore behind it we will be able to share it with the rest of the street instead of having question marks over a head like that emo of a a person has the same skin color as us with his head tilted to the sky my ex no okay but you never see that sexy emote with a question mark nah here we go guys we got master Mario versus a LaBeouf she looks all my idea he switched oh what's between poor monado's in that one scenario and that has a definite level what's master with that - yo my man said I see everything and if I can hit hit okay alright I feel like this is a little bit of a hard matchup for show because Mario get that up here I feel like this good so I bet you're different I feel like this could be something really good for a song knowing that he has a sword and that means that Martin's gonna have to just force his way in definitely seem look looking at just coming from Southern California right and eco but he makes it very difficult for a lot of these guys that play Fargo's nu master Mario that's true yeah I feel like you're looking for another Mario gonna find this Zen master Mario that might be it all right see you all right let's smack them with a sword oh my goodness is so far off you went back bro to get him on stage put him in a bad position okay put that back here hopefully okay I like that you get better drift with that speed and your straw hops a shorter put our height that is cool why are we out you gotta be very careful using that random pub smash on your opponent because he can get that up via specialist smash monado are we gonna see smash or no oh okay we're trying to keep the stuff baby but those bubbles are writable reading half of that gainer do you see the trouble bubble though he knows how to fight show it isn't Opie amount of bubbles and I felt like there were zero matches for a hook sailing then again I'm actually wondering about this choice because that's tomorrow does we're gonna salt out region yeah so there's a chance that he does face off against Nico quite a bit on there and that's why he knew how to combo off that shoe monado it like under 60% yeah oh yeah to do was just keep all pummeling it helps the little bit meter the more you deplete the meter the better it is yep all right let's try to build up some damage here which is why you see buster and all these three amps okay say was like you know what screw it I'm start again hit go for shield yeah sometimes you want to save the shield mob for a situation where you getting combo'd harder but in that situation worked out pretty well in the middle of getting jab switch the stood and was able to get a punish right now that simple this wallet which socket this is what I was expected to see in this matter really kind of got it to run he kind of came back though very nice recovery by a sailor yo I love seeing technical sheet Schultz up the fact that he was able to switch into jump monado right after that air dodge and then used to jump on auto store cupboard and then he got that tech to those fan fest yeah I Sperry right there still looking to get the grand scheme from so far away that's another confirm yet she gets it landing first hit up there Wow smash along you could you could definitely to frame with that let's go hey will he get the frame for that back here I'm waiting for smash and I will come back out but a member at least susceptible to getting hit by his own smashed model to shield us probably the best option because if you get a KO and they pretty much can't kill you where's the ferret ran okay now I like the back is back is deftly kale earlier mayor actually help them land there you saw an upset look like is about to start yeah I tried to jump out of corner no he's Singh grab me thanks Pete okay looking for something this repairs you really before it ever all right say with that run off the stage into Fair fantastic choice right there by Salem yep joke's on for a little bit yeah what's a get rid of invincibility I like the idea here this is probably one of the more competitive sets that we've seen man Nevermore vs. FBG looking real good whoo that was actually really good cross up the weight lay down with a bear behind ya okay before that Buster monado trying to add some damage there days he switched over to shield immediately a seasoned land on the platform could infer bump that here to Salem keeping him in here and this is what else off on the top that source isn't very hard for onset age I saw thing where a couple of Schultz are actually giving like their opinion on who the best jokes are and had Salem that like maybe third or fourth Alamo man or something I mean yes so top player that a really impressive job look at this he's able to the shop and threaten market without fear of the upside and said if force the Spartans have to like use Perry and stuff like that very controlling over to shield remodel just in case here comes a compost you trying to grab again too fast cannot grab too fast after last time he grabbed sixty frames of grabbing vulnerability all right speed can he get in oh and you could change what speech fast foam you did not want to get caught Master Mario right there it looks like Salem just instill the fear now is just starting ever so pretty vigilant for that dad and there was master fire almost stripping off the stage oh yes the catch yourself there buddy but here's the last one now Schroeder coming through best furniture na definitely I would say some yeah man this is a chance could be the best for ninja in the world randomly is Pete super ninja art beautiful so I loved it oh man he's sick it's definitely a toss-up cuz like at one point they were saying it's the one arm from was it from Japan no JW and then they're saying it's so made and then they were saying it's said that to the max aw [ __ ] no he's from Canada I'm from Canada JW okay then the one from Japan so made that's what I said you know we calm down Yoplait or - don't forget later oh yes yeah okay that might be the one imagine GAD you're thinking about layups is always sick - but yeah laya amazing greninja I don't believe leg got topping at the last frostbite prep Barry - it scaring a lot of people yeah lay em out here for this tournament but we do have a lot of Japanese players still here causing a ruckus right now I believe it was Nia - no that took out cosmos in the winning side of bracket oh let me tell you so the buddy buck shout outs to Titus King says the buddy bug is what you use when you're at HEB and you want to use the claw game they give them to the kids what when you're at where when you're at where it's a grocery store oh yeah in Texas in Texas okay well I'm going to Texas uh maybe next month actually saw that please the buddy buck thank you let's go they go I saw Salem right now versus Roeder's Schroeder has three stalks Salem I think only has one so if he's able to take off that stock off for Salem then won't end up seeing is it dark wizzy coming on let's me see me and then we have yeah dark woods will be coming out yeah and keep in mind strode er does have a morrow starter actually plays a lot of character so sure des has a lot of like you know practice in these characters cuz he plays them and he knows that probably have a fight that was it's a blazing as well let's see what's gonna happen say what looking really happy right now I love seeing Salem smile I feel like these guys are gonna be very surprised when they see who's better actually besides the play man really has a lot of times we expect to see greninja oh but there it is guys look at that again shout out to my old adage to me by the way Jeff Andrew he actually was picking up gocbar for some weird reason so if he wants any any practice or any like advice this is a good chance because he could potentially the best doc tomorrow right here all right here we go this is gonna be very interesting seeing how we're gonna have another I can't call up a plumber he's a doctor he's a doctor now but original morrow isn't he from plumber anymore my twitch streamer Mario Mario yeah yeah he was he's not apparently yeah there we go compost Ostrow de he has the data is that yeah that's fine whoa you can have sealed but he knows how to add to that I must say that dr. Bartis combos are fellated Mario's might be a lot of tumbles to right they look pretty similar yeah my god I mean he gives me like Jennifer pammer vibes you sorta cuz I how strong is and now is down so it sends you like not so far away so you can actually calm down so it's like bear oh yeah that increase down so it's like up so much ok saw the future but Kevin give that up smash coming up with dr. Mario since at a weird angle where you can actually di pretty well but still kinda get the tail oh okay good man good man chill chill chill chill chill I like I use a avoiding a potential grab coming out there but I don't know how to go about dr. Martin versus joke like good luck catching in short done then Salem dude he's not this final stock but that was so smart made sort of big pieces here for the rest of the FEG squad remember dark wizzy descent to help she's waiting to the end it's gonna be dr. Martin versus Marta - yo ho isn't that gonna be most hopefully if we gotta stop taking on but sale it's not gonna make it easy dude there we go it's just moving even faster here in Qatar over right yeah a comparison Tony was playing against mass tamari where he was so weighed more slow down he's playing a certain type of place out where he's just trying to keep out of the range for doc tomorrow to get that kala he knows that back tomorrow could get the back row kale potentially before he could get the UM fair or upsmash kale so he's staying outside that range into this or [Music] that whatever was so amazing even more so now he was facing really well and then out of nowhere he just said hey I'm gonna jump it up this new chill air on your shield and he thought nothing would happen I know like choke barely has any wag on those attacks but a little risky I've heard our Twizy gonna be stepping up to the plate again guys start whit was able to get top three or four in might have been second I'm not too sure right let's make big moves or glitch and then he was able to get top eight at Genesis so dark Lizzie is on a heavy like I can't be duty without the word they call for but it's something when you're just used to going to momentum there we go then went super dark Lizzie's really strong at the moment oh yeah yeah season three dark wizzy is my favorite bridge in the dark but we just saw throated right there showing us that base knock back growth for dr. Mario being increased paying off in dividends right there switched with the sweet spot but yeah dark was he come through super mario bros water canteen he loves mario dude mario and that that mario stuff is getting some email I'm still convinced he has Mario drawers he has a Mario controller market over many as a martyr to fresh probably it says when he turns it on you know Mario Mario q-tips I don't know if I want Mario in my ear I'm cool on dad I bet you dark wizzy does ha probably wants Mario sorry guys now it's cursed anyway Schroeder represented Nevermore here happy with two stocks remaining an MPG with dark wuzzy with three stocks remaining right here again I love the fact that the guys here for us five twenty twenty era tried something new here probably say incentivize more people who have different you know players on their teams like look at energy right energy didn't really get to join in on the action like this because the fact that they only have like one heavy hitter and I row and then you know you've been look at other teams like let's say Team Liquid only has two playing xbox live and the buzz he and and outside of that you know like they didn't have the nest earnest I don't really look like Ken really played you know they play I've seen Ken's stream here at Harrison ultimate got a big cooldown time Kent here but yeah regardless I haven't seen him in a bit hopefully he's able to come back yeah man the king of smash do you remember that smash City LA it was the analyst actually oh no that a bad thing what did he do what do you do I mean so so dark busy traveling to the pound and shouldered it ahold of pound type the boat no because it's rock paper scissors cuz dark is a good rock and started a little paper be sure that fly that beats it be shortly yes okay let's go alright so one stocks gonna go away from store remember this is the last character and the last person for both teams so it's gonna be a back tomorrow trying to take three stops off with Mario okay before losing one or before losing is to sighs I'm still surprised that he actually went for dr. mark button if he's able to put on a show for us I mean would be sprouter if there was anybody that would be able to do it wizzy though Steve stop back here such it's not dude Facebook you saw his face yeah I can feel the face on that okay okay 82% already that's a lot hold our [ __ ] don't lose to this we're man this is a all right I like that jabs back predicting potential role and super-state call on right there going tell everything sometimes which you don't usually see they grounded opponents but works out there oh oh that's bad all right I think you predicted that he was gonna fall through the stage or through the platform and this might be dead right now peridot is still at stubbled oh man funhouse what we good but it's hard to upsmash particularly who's gonna jump in the air fantastic stuff my darn Lizzy let's see if we can get one stop take it off yeah back here oh jeez up angle he tried to head and now pull and later wow he's waited sword for that this feels like you know what it's not there I'll go back to neutral wizzy Oh people go you try to do that down so my buddy said that's extra hit son yeah I'll try to go for that in second central upbeat and no three is sprayed at the opposite direction back throw should be in Tokyo Rommel and he throw to can help them to get back grab and get that back throw alright this is row he did it talk to him what's it happens one up smash you know how much dark Lizzy loves to spam the up smashing edit to work it's a barrio thing so that causes you to be in shield like right there and it causes you to get crabby just have more damage put on you absolutely I agree with you there man and such a great conditioning tool okay he's trying to see if he gets up lowered there it's gonna be the big problem nice okay again and turn the hold chilled watching up for that up smash iron that is that 167 wardens pushing them away there there dodge it use the second jump know so I've done nice okay that's now to provide sexy for so long agape the buddy club buddy bug so props to dark wizzy for taking that didn't you stop oh no he try to give a paper this time and got scissors he bodied him dude well every G takes it shoutouts the dark wuzzy the solid anchor and we're gonna be moving to the second round the next round here for the crew battle brackets unfortunately we don't have the likes of for other teams you know we did see Armada they took out panda global antenna global was a team that a lot of people expected to do super while there if I Lisa Mars right like cars gonna carry the whole team let's look let's look at the case of frostbite team frostbite see frostbite had meister as the anchor and my sister did carry that team like swords and rivers did not have the best showing in that one match and i'm happy for him because now he has another chance to give a good showing and we're gonna steam coming out actually next because team armada i was able to take out pan at global you know pretty cleanly you know include i think they didn't even take out or take um armada down to last stock and they're gonna be facing off against team frostbite where my sister was able to bring it back against the japanese team railroad gaming so honest alice is gonna work out i'm gonna see if they're gonna go with the same line up like are they gonna start river ii you know same person first my sister last i'm gonna find out yeah what an incredible credible way or team prospects of bounce back i I still can't believe it Thunder gaming had to battle royale team rivals of a turn they did a pretty good job right there as MVD only lost two stalks to the right team rivals of a third they're not super duper um you know accomplished when it comes to smash ultimate but women rivals and you'll put some respect on their name and last but not least of course we have MBG who just took out never more gaming and I have to say man Schroeder without a greninja that was something I did not expect to see it was unfortunate and better luck next time better luck next time for certain but I believe in him I believe in him for the feature and keep in mind we saw a singles bracket top 96 is tomorrow I like to say I love whenever on Sundays they put a whole bunch of like the bracket like whenever it's just top eight it's kind of like an you know like cool top eight you don't get to see all the upsets and cool stuff happen when its top 96 on the final day that means you're gonna wake up and all day you're gonna have crazy matches from the game that you love the water literally about to just go do go to war dude it's gonna be nuts I cannot wait to see that cannot wait perhaps my boy in the cat fur being able to beat the 20th seed at soo-ji yeah he took out 20 see tetsuji and lose his bracket that would have been a really early loss for him he would have gotten I think 97 so from the beylin vacant top 96 that's awesome also toast that's absolutely like top three one of my favorite players representing Ohio very very underrated youngling he was able to take out Rafi Rafi almost always gets like top 10 top 13 every single national and he sent Rafi to losers early because that's my boy toast I love Rafi - but that's my boy toast don't forget about that best young more like you're more of a Midwest I know it is a you're trying to say I gave up on New Jersey New York no I never said that my friend cuz I did well guys coming up next we're gonna be having our motto vs. frostbite and now looking at our model versus frostbite I'm actually interested in thinking what's you're gonna be you can't have the same order every time right our model of course best Ness elegant prodigy then you look at to frostbite rivers is an ode oh and Meister who would I want to put first maybe prodigy and then prodigy and you know who I would put first before all of those people but with that feat I would probably want to put Kony first and we're about to jump right into him right now well you know we're not we're actually not about to jump back into them but we will be doing that in just a moment after we talk about some more analytics so back to the battle what do you think that would take what do you think they'll throw in first or team I say team Armada I'm picking Mario you well you know who I really think about the throne I think they're about to throw in Kony cuz I've been sent over to Kody right about now check him out here we go okay so from eight teams only four remain here we are now in semi-finals it is going to be team armada against team frostbite from team Armada he's already here it's best mess it's not even that late bro come on all right make some noise for this this is your dude he's from Ares from Michigan make some noise for sir dodo that's good that was better guitar od1 back to you hi guys we're back at it and Kotaro haha remember when you always made fun of me at smash city Ollie he looking at my bone I was a look at my phone this isn't my phone what do you talk about seems it's the thing where it's the radio bro just trying to make sure you know the things working trying to change the love this cooks wrong with you I don't even have a phone I was wrong my predictions I was thinking I don't think you'll put in sonoda first I was thinking at least save best mass but you know what best mess was he put on quite a show before when we saw play and I would be now I'm excited to see what he's gonna do right now it's a sign of shock baby it is definitely time to shine right now for best mess he's awesome player then we actually said she might be the best mess yeah as the other team play you either the fantastic job earlier oh I know fact was that one that was able to get that like zero to death and they made it look like gray Lussier a road game here is gonna win that for free but you know turn it back around and here we go elegant best mess Wow actually this was I feel like this is the team that's gonna win it all this team right here you think so so no sixty perks 7900 big damage bye bye bye yup oh he really did Wilma loyal he got super deleted that was a strong zero to death coming out there from Sonora I think you didn't realize at the middle of that combo yeah she lost the second jump and that's why I just fell down like that when he realized he was too low he didn't even try though yeah Tristan but made him stay on the platform so it was a good position for isn't it again and he was able to pretty much bring him right back to almost even all he eats just one simple quarter it's so crazy how poppy can try still activate you before their principal - we get these uppers Ness is moving fast yo that's best nets by the way Memphis yeah he's definitely the fanciest Ness I've seen around any semester this attack is the best match so he's automatic big business hey my name is you best knee then you have to be the best make somebody else to persley and here we go oh hey Tech chases with the Iowa though you saw that pair connect the other side okay this is Harley go down there so fast and I've never seen a five-year-old move so quickly away it was a little mean looks like he's five for lunch yeah you definitely like tap your heels yeah I still actually I'm having about a day really yeah wasn't as good as I remember I was about to say I mean the co-founder toys popping though I have like a little few choose here we go back there coming out from here we go all right can you get that bordered side be able to end this stock right now so though they're struggling a little bit after getting that first 0 to death looking really rough for vestments but bestnice props was confidence should be able to know oh yeah right there intercepting when the turnip ass he was on route to the edge just basically shorten the distance of his recovery he tried to turn that upbeat around right there that was very good 5 s and that's looking for those downhill together but the combos are finally starting come out I get so scared when sonoda hide that turnip because that's where he starts the strongest combos oops pocket jump it's a no-no peddle stock okay and listen Batman it's so insane how the battle actually turn around between these two guys you saw sonoda strong through the death best that's right here this frontal stock has to spin for a bar full court man taking away these stocks and holding on to this one pique feathers coming out try to get rid of cigarettes well these it doesn't get popped up to the sky no peeking Sun is gonna pay off all you little rat though I like that turn around walk up inside grab try to get that back row let's see a pair once Wow pull back ends yo best nets dude I don't know what to say about that that was absolutely crazy stuff from him losing that for a stock and then after that it was like he was you know playing smash for I have a lot of hope for this kid Tom you know somebody has said he knew he was gonna quit smash after Genesis and then he warned the invitation also will happen equipment yeah man you know that was crazy he was hit so if you guys are what concerns talking about who's a Utah Invitational then transpired and bestest look at the people that were in that bracket who were couple heavy hitters that you probably wouldn't think best mess would be but he got that W and basically held it down for you top feel like there's this thing you know home-field advantage that comes into play but if you come down to us down to people they cheer on top of their lungs but right now we're gonna have rivers coming through for these coast against best Ness I know what's gonna transpire right here man but it's gonna be a we did see these guys try to do battle before and it was a little bit difficult for rivers rivers strides a wall we actually win second I remembered that not these two battling but I've seen rivers face off against a mess and gaps and when he was faced off against cactus he was got a wall with the forward airs right and at the moment that she stopped walling he got completely obliterated so hopefully this doesn't happen to him again where we have a situation with my started having to bring it back oh yeah open up for that too remember it was like six stops to three due to the fact that River was wasn't able to do too much so a good way to be able to make it back and like get the revenge at least on how he did before would be to at least take the stock you just take this stock before losing a stock it would make the team look back to even I like this a little bit more aggressive his rivers he's not being passive and okay and I like that that's nice you try to do the up be again known that visit chance that he blocks it he's because the shoe was so low to be able to break the [ __ ] on so I'm not too sure if you know about this player Bob is one of the best place in New Jersey's leads the great to the solace for he does name palutena but old game smash barista main mess and rivers and great exhaust system play a lot rivers would almost always win so I feel like he has a great deal of knowledge on how to fight against mess even though this is a different game and that's why he's doing is pretty good so far all uses one strong fnatic gotta watch that second jump that's it wow that was crazy does he actually almost got that stopped really early and then he just lost it all with those three little hits right there that that's on the stop gap right there of course [Music] all right like that up so somebody asked me this before who do I think is better between crown Rory and I was saying in Roy because he get actually gets the KO earlier okay he's gone he's swatting like a fly doing five girls like appointment their boss I played today that's okay so rivers this time does not get dispatched offstage does a good job right there cleans it up after playing against best Ness sickness still able to bring it back though I'm in a scenario because he does have two spouts but if he could take these three stalks off a prodigy it'll make the back up for what had happened and actually still haven't like a soft left but that would be really hard because he'd have to take three stalks about losing um two stops so and prodigy played really good in the last game that he was internal asset so I'm good yeah prodigy I mean solid barrio deep and just one of those characters do that you have to be careful before underestimated if I progressed people realize we slept on them you read a mistake and we're not gonna repeat it this time result huh rivers of course we've seen what he's able to do he gets inside of the game [Music] that's the right there see everything that's going on I say let me he maybes us up no way either bungee jumping second actually speaking of subs something seems dude some teams do have multiple players so like let's say for example the case of my mother and my five alright so they couldn't go for himself if he beat but knowing how strong prodigy best ness and elegant are out of those they're really gonna go do it we have the countdown and with one straightness and risk in six five here stocks that's that's what really tough for rivers I feel you know what he's been trying to go for these up because he knows you can get a lot up a bit but people know that that's crops like is one of his strengths so instead it'll try to bait him to throw it out user spent here at disadvantage yeah it's true they're trying to bait him to throw it out that puts them in a bad position where they can punish but if he does get that out because so much damage and fantastic landing up here right there today Donnell he's looking for it I think he's looking for you might try to go across up into it what counting smash that's interesting has a lot of likes I would expect to see an up smash before that but don't call stage okay good air dodge so put the jab back here we're not gonna say Jer sorry mister art that double jab yeah up smash comes out did stuff I practice you take it off one stock but still have fabulous a very good pick out when people try to stand with the train so they get in the tank and if you get that kind of like you saw the rivers putting crunchy that's two socks it's one more that means things way better for its teammate Meister let's see what is able to procure for us right you're about yeah this is actually it's very similar to the last situation of Meister had to take off six stops if if Wow one something rivers does not take off at least one more sock it's gonna be a five stock situation from ice which is really tough for stock way better you just take off one sock and inspect it sort of very good a few struggles are you can't landing and that looked like he wanted to really end it all now instead we're not gonna see in any perfect reacts Franklin rivers comes up in a bad position moving a little bit too far to the left see if you get back on the stage back throw and take them off again yup okay yes very good air back but I feel like most of us were not expecting that that's why I didn't go for anything but that run up up smash able to get the stock and it looks like River is still able to take two stocks but rough scenario that monsters left them again I mean see price to do it the first time and yet to take off for stocks poor rivers but I think you know he tried his best right there all right here we go yeah I'm still smiling and all in the long run well let's see my super good space he's not ready for this I love my site talk to him all the time alright so but this is probably like a lastly but you know if you see me say yes the dose up top space gonna make me some spinach I say we go for get a good associate model in the Sigma shadow for props to our this game by the way breaking out so many players from all over the world it's really nice to see some time to get results and you see the flags you know like wow I remember back in a brawl days whooshes AMERICA AMERICA AMERICA meant like that's it like every single tournament and then sometimes Japan will come through but now this game this I could go hook Costa Rica you don't saying see you know you will be sound like thinking translate what is that like boy will we be better anyway let's anyway here we go interception man such a good air-to-air with Mario right there and then put that down there it sets up pretty well to it uh-oh went a little too crazy going for that grab and now it's gonna be a lot of percent right there possibly 50 and it's up the six oh yes I might just be able to do this we keeps us all good good hit right there on the fair though good one to happen I really thought this was in the favor of quasi in the beginning since I got that first time about a hundred and nine percent right now there is a chance that might be it might be able to take most staff while not losing any I mean this guy man damn dude if he's able to at least set up the situation Wow okay that's not the fair right there was gonna be it but what I was thinking was maybe like some say pressure get to a down sir oh and now oh no except in the wrong way still can we get back to that was a mistake coming up on Meister right there Wow would be Wow indeed I mean elegance the demon he's not even here yet bro well yeah bye sir but what see Miss Emma get on me firefighter bro oh he has knocked about one yeah bro alarm ah the smart right now breakfast okay I like that that up he's able to take them out of some combos that he won't be able to do not realizing how far down he went without the second jokes fries he's gonna lose the stop so right now my sister has to take off two more stops Wow close range intial feet there we go oh one more sock actually yeah this is the [ __ ] sock right here this actually is not that bad for my store right now yeah bring it back possibly see I'll even know what that matchups like game watch vs. we see something we don't see every day yeah I don't even know if my sister's ever seen that's to say if prodigy does not even with what a prodigy takes away all the songs I do even ask OA prodigy but this is scenario where he started a stop forward it's gonna be very hard and again the charities he is serving it up she's gonna switch it up now oh never mind [Laughter] it works alright so let's see if mice can be heated up the attacker job just now getting spotted you only losing one stop while taking away - so if you can keep playing like this like he did the last home game where he might be able to do it but he's fighting against elegant water boss dude I I never know what to expect a cliff elegant never same he plays a character that a lot of people would consider low tier but it's like is eating only Luigi like though getting results I'll never forget when the game first came out and he was having like pretty bad results and at beginning of the game he was saying like I don't care I'm and that people are saying we choose a lost cause everyone's dropping Luigi in this game I'm gonna show people that you could still do stuff with Luigi and I actually thought he was crazy I'm like what are you doing like a drop the character now they're not gonna do anything and he ended up getting PGR I'm not sure of all the wins he's gotten but the few times he does go to Nationals he gets really strong winds I mean he was able to beat white recently and he was able to beat cosmos so beating players like that with a character that you can consider loads here that's a an amazing feat and it just shows how smart he is cuz a lot of people thought like he was winning with Luigi in the last game because of jank you know because of the down B or you know he mighta got like a combo into up B when in reality this guy is just an amazingly skilled player at this game or at smash in general any showing it off to a man yeah no he's talking already he's talking themselves through it's true like I'm a big fan of elegant be great I'd see this guy for a long time you know just look in socal show them to a lot of events and to see him be one of those like few representatives of this character and doing it is so sick a lot of other people usually wait for a player to play their captor and some of the how it's done and then after that they try to refine that and do it better Heligan is a rare breed he's one of those that's like I learned that many Luigi's them are you know on his level maybe that were doing things that who wasn't doing so he had to start figuring out things by himself keep putting himself out there traveling to a lot of events far and wide so great stuff we're about to see the battle right now Bellucci versus Gaeta watch this is gonna be very fast yeah much I know that's crazy to insult my sister might get grabbed yeah you might get shared it's a grab here we go got the treats on one chance and immediately out the gate column I mean he was about so set to go for the unreacted knapsack okay yeah this is what the pics I'm scared for those lucky got the CG right he's gonna have to be careful channel and his recovery not the greatest he doesn't have that cycle of recovery anymore I won't get a second for that I can tell my sis very scared right now getting grabbed but right now mo true because the cobbles that's right you're so right you can you should be able to get out of it though family this game launched yeah you might be able to up you'll see hitting is my sir really the entire to see minted a picker happy shout out to them oh look here we go alright never mind yeah there we go oh yeah that's how we actually could be a voice actor one day no I can't oh boy and oh that was very risky rolling right into egn elegant didn't seem to get any trouble coming out there but thank you yeah I like that just to put a Bop stage and Ser again super fast deciding switching it up I like the fact that went for that float so fair so look like elegant wanted another graph but now elegance understanding that might see secret to disguise who's trying to beat it with the back here with my sitting under what so alright pump it up but it's pretty safe and no punish is too hard oh that's a keeper yeah it moves a bit too far away and I don't think my salute so much about that the fact that he forts trash makes me believe that he cropped quite a bit and put it towards adapt stack yeah that's tough solo okay that that stack is he gonna be able to stop it yup he does Sam and right there yeah looking at those at a tough spot yeah look into that air dodge off the way all right let's do it my skidoo am I so had the invincibility so I didn't have to worry about the pleasure coming through oh yeah right even though you got the combo uh-oh kiss I grab and boy he keeps going for that you try to get the denying those because to mine it'll hit him in a really good position but right now might not be the time to go for [Music] about 1/2 the time because we're seeing these that means that a lot will again to get out of that right there the grounded what oh oh oh wait so close he tried to end it and now yeah perfect answer but mr. Haly mrs. Kingston even one of the lightest characters in the game feels like I thought maybe yeah my dude he's probably gonna go for one more time I feel it it's pretty safe it's our punishment there you go oh look how you thought yo he's a gamer watch and get bro switch wait you thought the world 5/3 this but if you ever get mad at one of your friends for doing the same rule over and over and you're like come on that's never gonna work before no but here's an example art scene working yeah so do not think that you know watch em Caitlyn when he plays Joker whenever he's going for that kill falling care homes fair ball fair just put it out there it's like you're gonna get anybody else I mean I'm spacing it's okay okay now look at doing a very good job right now make it more difficult for my sister to get its footing [Music] yeah but before I go to sleep I'm watching elegant first plate I want to see what happened all right here we go no he's waiting for that role comes out huh huh huh yeah say top of only has to go for saf gobbles down okay Oh 103 percent one back there should be a blended great job to the guys that seemed crushed by buff Armada stays alive actually the Luigi start please clip that send it back to how do you do that how he do that no words no words on that one but fantastic why I like it mixing it up pretty hard to be able to figure out what we just gonna do whenever it when there's pretty much like no other Luigi in the world that's getting results like that after is if there's a Luigi and Antarctica currently you know giving top placings I'm sorry I didn't realize that you were doing that but that I know he's the only we G really getting the results yeah actual the results that are allowing him to get in so defeat cigar man yeah that's true pretty dope Wow what that was a crazy matchup because in fact that you know it felt like the normal game plan that we see from icer was not working against elegant elegant had all the answers even playing that zone forward air game I mean there were a couple times our elegant live got locked down it still didn't really look like it faze them much and to have the threat of that grab knowing that Luigi gets a lot of damage from the grab especially you saw that last combo zero to like eighty pata right now in the Frostbite 2020 crew battle grand finals and now we're gonna have to wait on to see if thunder gaming and MGP they're gonna be able to make it in there who's gonna be your pickets I love - your prediction um let's see Thunder gaming they have MBT right so and k9 have you even seen right so oh yeah because I'm being like yeah we didn't see canine or right though so I think the safer pick guitar for me would be Dirk Lizzy silliman scat so it would actually make a lot of people go crazy if they get to see the likes of Heavy D rifle and k-9s Bruce actually get an opportunity to get an upset over MVP but 17 right now has three powerhouse PGR players and now it's about time for us to see what's gonna happen man Cody what you got for us man Hey okay guys we are now kicking it back to the other side of Sammy's it is going to be MBG against thunder gaming coming up from Thunder gaming it's fvd and on the other side in salem let's go do you want to guess Kotaro anyway Cody professor I love that guy but yeah we're gonna have it every deep first to Salem Oh baby we silhouettes make um yes wait no but say oh and actually what a hero okay yeah oh my show flash fire and this time around he's going here oh he's trying to go for a little bit of the random factor and I feel like this is pretty good for fighting against naked due to the fact that snake a lot of times it's trying to track he's trying to wait for you to come in but the way hero plays he's one of the best characters at if you're across the screen like go be across the screen outro sizzle I'll throw kaboom you know how I'll do hope this focus on doping on pig on you so it's perfectly fine he's like go ahead and hang out music retains I'm gonna take out excel erato I'm gonna take out you know I always forget the power of loose-leaf to n-side gonna psych up there we go alright and here we have guys Salem versus MPD right throughout the state to have BMG versus utter gaming I love that the fireball into like they're such a beautiful oh stop now if Edie's trying to treat everyone like the last week we thought we'd try try he definitely knows how to fight snake he's actually really good at this matter why he joined us oh that was very smart usage of the ulnar ability of the front row wow he actually shopped in the kita right there too but wasn't able to hit him I like the fact that he's able to get that knapsack to catch up before he landed from the upbeat a lot of times in the neck up even when you land from killing some people very good plan potentially go for the bull s'eye beat you don't want to get with that attack and it kills the right the seventy sometimes okay he's able to make it back yeah had I believe that recovery pretty smart right there because what a challenge the sword right there from here up let's say he decides to occupy that corner that's the corner pressure with grenades okay good on sale of no fear I need to toss it away instead all right so watch I'm flat down it's scary whenever you know that you're trying to stop steak or trying to keep them off the stage and that down piece right there at the ledge she can put the lunch pressure that you want on a character oh all right put them up in there yeah let's trap let's see Oh psycho that's gonna be before it up throw yep see my front end looking for our throw but MPD noses so he's gonna try to stay out of the range of getting tempted yes just to stall out the time [Music] okay psych up and you got the bounce so that's what this is about for yep wow he is struggling right now yeah [Music] I just one up so away and be looking for that down throw that move forward no so medially go for it up so yeah a lot of the top players do like to hang out in the ground a little bit certainly yeah and then decide the role to mix it up so he thought like all you might do that especially since he plays snake he knows like a school that he has that of Bounce Albert it's not gonna matter that maybe this use grenades are used in a way where it doesn't matter Kate just waited goodness sail up already put down to his final stop here yes it was getting hit by everything like he's getting hit by all these grenades that could have been potentially a bag of hair right there but hey if I all these goodies down T multiple times good are we back it is a way that up you works your hero it makes it really easy for me I hit by outside P so you can see you soon if you do not use ooh you're just asking me hit by Wow okay into a current yeah he's like you I can't believe you it's a looks like I almost got you there with my character Oh got you there you know [Laughter] Salem has one of the best shrieks by the way if ever you guys want to ask them a high pitch scream he he could actually literally just do voice clips for that particular screen for Harvey yeah he could all right first your voice is perfect for horror game yep man he's one of my favorite people to be around whenever other people are playing he'll he don't see a sort of match and it would just be calling out everything that he thinks are doing wrong is like wow would you do that yes it's a lesser of a cursor so let see what's gonna happen here we have Scott coming out here and scat also means snake I'm assuming he's gonna go snake he could go Mega Man I think does have a little bit of trouble against Mega Man due to the pellet stopping sync I'm doing literally anything but I think it's character Walker potentially might be so he might be starting out with snake and it's gonna be a snake ditto at last stock all he needs to do is take off one stock and he's gonna be able to make it even before the team's coming up [Music] busted a snake and this on its own I think it's cattle check the lock for the set open house pretty entire yeah so maybe they had a plan coming into this where they thought okay whenever MPD comes out we're gonna take out scats Mega Man and it's just gonna completely stop snake so snake does have a couple hard matchups and this is definitely one of them Tommy did of guys also see that plop was able to take out save it before yeah in Mega Man vs. snake good reason why that flavor matchup for snake here we go see how scans that are trying to get inside of the snakes comfort zone and leave shield looks like one of those answers right there oh my goodness no I haven't seen top Mega Man play for a while so they're back in he did one Chad walk up and subscribe also us yeah so what they go through they scatter Qatar was a high memory by MPD because knowing that scat does have been demands up their sturgeon Wow yep 69 laptop right there point seven percent right there wasn't not able to it maybe that was so quick like 15 seconds yeah yeah definitely very nice Mega Man I wish you can see it more I mean so you something oh right so we actually get to see him oh do they were like you know I could get right oh just I feel like you have some good Megaman practice go in there think about it right I don't want to have sarkozy deal with Megaman twice up think about the command zoning right he excels in like the mid-range game keeping Mario way Mario wants to get inside get those grabs going wants to be able to hang out at the air by pressure with some of his aerials when you have the pellets it's just gonna keep disrupting a lot of your aerial pressure you want to move forward what does make men do keep you at bay that's true that's true I do think that Mario can jump in though pretty hard against Mega Man but we'll see I don't know we'll see what's gonna happen and we'll see if they even get some play because right now right so might be able to take this out completely so Mega Man a little bit of a zoner character and also bright zones gonna be playing duck hunt also some level of his owner character unless he's gonna play banjo I remember when Roger was coming out he said I'm going to Maine this character is plays better he's so fly his banjo but you know I won't be too surprised big stuff done like he did in the rest of the brackets we have to make it up here and to be able to get PG our actions banjo even on his PGR cards I wonder I don't think so right so if you hear this I hope you understand it but yeah if you hear it like and I'm like I look forward to that banjo I won't see it again I would love to see banjo man I mean a lot of people got excited when they saw banjo get announced for smash yeah me yeah though I mean myself I play banjo-kazooie banjo-tooie he's character one of the most yeah I felt like he should have been in smashes before because the way rareware made their games of their games felt like they were at like Nintendo games you know where was second party yeah yeah literally second party used to call first party when here we go we have again Duck Hunt versus Mega Man both teams at six socks so this is pretty even so far all right all right let's do this happening all right got a can on the platform lazy by the way I wanted to test if you are listening you know scat there's no safety huh I'm beating you so hard anyway so here we go right it again you can't trust your partner getting that I'm sorry do you know it's crazy I keep getting confused to thunder and mpg obviously to the battle Mega Man vs duck right here of course you know looking at thunder gave me the last player that they have this kid and his Bruce so yeah you might have to carry through let's see if he could do that but right now right so 93 percent one thing about a duck gun he always seems to get his opponent I like again I don't understand why these guys will play Mega Man some more Katmai may ant Scott I love seeing megaman yeah he's so cool very very one in fight against but he is very cool to watch the key always has that confidence on his face you know all those other characters they smile like you know what I mean like Pikachu and stuff and sometimes they look angry like Kirby when they do certain attacks yeah Mega Man always has that poker face always I love that about it gets me so mad it's like can you smile for once that's a good thing Doric nothing like you always a thing go fight this teeth grinding this guillotine other things that make a man has to go robot dr. dick 21% again having scat really high percentage however he did these to stop earlier last time the board so let's all right that's math that's nice is tricky because it looks so weak it looks and sound so we didn't go whine okay coming out right there offstage game has been so sick saw that light battle blade it's a back hair KO and it now just going super deep up shapes again he understands that it's very difficult for Duncan to challenge since I got myself up I got rushed on my side mate wow that was an amazing process when I first at another fair come now see right there you see the pellet still makes my hair poor right on the via breast best respect and look at the situation again right so now has a Mega Man at a hundred and sixty percent and for some reason right so severe go there's a kid okay throw the can off the stage of chakra see and that's gonna try to end it definitely hold his head right there was like dang it man I try to see if I can get a to stock I must admit I do love the kid cuz I like his properties like that how he can like still kind of control it even after he's hit far away and you know try to make he get that kale they still got that kale but it look like bright solder got kale because I think the sparse yeah that spark thing came off because of right so getting back here the back ok cannot back go get the kale yet yeah I mean its semistate trying to make shut up okay yeah get rid of that whiskey right though if he used a second job give me that nice footstool no doubt actually being super surprising bright over run it back yeah especially cuz right looking getting kids are like 100 in changed percent so I want to expect the kale to come out really soon eats right right there bright though okay we're back won't know grammar the ledge twice good stuff he's in that second job oh he saved that / - Edmond throughout the can and then we smite it down before he was like this I gotta make it happen man it's time Oh a nice kicks by the way right though right so you know you stay fresh styling i mrs. hatten remember brightly just always Rocca happy yeah happy now no man you retired to happen I'm happy about the truth I went to there well here we go the final represented right here from Thunder gaming its k-9s Bruce alright canine will character dizzy button so let's see Canada's moose has oh whoa whoa feel that the wolf read every know about I believe also love sheep yoga shows though canine sign it actually just about to get some shoes like that but I have like a chain on a shape so props came out for wearing no shoes okay you got the same pants as me alright they go that's a little hat I like that suit [Music] all right so right now scat has to stick with Mega Man and I feel like we're gonna see the wolf this wolf Kim use that utilize to get through a lot of the projectiles and he's probably character walk from whatever character the side of the pig but I feel like we're gonna see a wolf in a lot of so Tao plays wolf I know Charlie the king he's a winner's bracket right now with his wolf I think canine is actually out but you know he's sold here he's still here right now yet he lost to I'm not mistaken a peach player and a pet player I did not forget the names unfortunately but yeah he was currently out right now he definitely has this love-hate relationship with the game apparently trying to see if he can find this group understands that his best character right now is definitely wolf but at the same token been in sprinting a couple things I think one of the things that I've been noticing is and nothing too bad on campus that can auto turn around just like if he tries to go for a like classic cross up switch shitless on people grabbing or attacking in the wrong direction my 20 played quite please Suffolk and shadows and Terry they have the market turnaround which you know something that allows you have to get you gutless kittens right now canine in the building and he has three stops okay so we sock against one yeah I'll this is actually not that bad then all right here comes the three the to the one and it looks like we're starting all right let's see if now trying to go for the ladies it looks like instead what's actually straight up engage well I like to engagement the answer it's like one of my favorite things to see about this game and think about wolf is wolf is a character that wants or needs to approach does have that laser that's a really good foot and the long run wolf is gonna want so far especially back there and know what happened there you got the zero-percent grabs let me check to see if you can at least get down throat support so knowing that snap would be able to block if he goes for a 0% down throw down jack very true he didn't have a little bit of rage so I thought like you can still go for the - sometimes but good mix up coming up in k9 that's a great thing about New Brighton set one character who he gets one interaction nice dog by the way stat ICU yep you have so much damage off it right about now it looks like scat is hitting you like ko range you know yeah it's about six music until skin is able to get a set up into a down smash he can't do that however is not really like I'm joke or anything we could do like drag down the bear into a potential downsize I'm just an economy kind of got to throw it our get like a tech green yeah exactly which can be initiated with the do chillin coupled with that amazing trip that will pass he can set it up right now scat headphones don't go for a back row what's the setup ha k night looking very hungry okay you cross to me I'm like you said in a stream yeah mega man trying to take the stock he gets one spot really good scenario for his team decide to be even anymore there it is is really tricky of how he gets the scales oh and Kane I did not read the row there snapshot a shield while I look us up for girl let's see sometimes you see wolves go for down to us and since he put a little bit higher allows you to sneak in a laser like what like break your fix up a night scope from afar and set them straight up canine did lose that first stop though and you know he's not happy about that face up against the likes of shark Twizy threat of a talented opponent here repping and BG again dark was he um he's probably the highest seated person from this whole bracket right now let me think Omar's give our album ours is out so it doesn't matter currently the pine seated person at start he's still at the bracket yep all right dark lazy couple in looking confident was able to bring it back at the end for his team let's see if we do it again actually just close it out while he has a Mario phone case okay actually do like that on that flask for that looks nice laughs oh they can't see I can't see whatever man the same thing yes the same thing you said oh yeah same thing google it random thing but Super Mario 3d World was like the most fun I've had in the multi player in my life oh wait dude it's super Bart 3d Land that you play back 3d World no but there's a limit to all success gaming for your breeding land what's that I played Sephora beauty world wait what am I talking about sorry I'm super my video world the one on the Wii U is super mario 3d we're about that thank you I'm gonna confuse I'm thinking of Super Mario World you ever had a Nintendo never Qatar head of the Tendo all right what gets it yeah I had done okay don't try to push me on this okay like that I had actually done here we go last guys coming out here k9 already who's in the stock dark Lizzy with three stalks let's see if canines it'll be able to bring it back what is duck all right [Applause] okay kind of nice I was kind of cool I liked the town councils now man it's crazy how wolf talks and then how he like Howl's completely different like two different voice actors yeah very good choice oh yeah you don't want to get cliff I thought it was gonna go for a fair dare right there no of course that low percent should be fine still nice cross up yeah wanna get grabbed that's the thing about Mario there's hope horizontal momentum in the air just able to do stuff like that okay I'm not gonna get the kale yet but you will see Danny maples pretty much almost hat up smash kale percent to sees a little bit more and that's that little bit more so we might see fish for that up smash like usually some duck was to go for you saw that aired out so I thought he's gonna baby getting us down smash through the spot upon landing Downton perfect for gaming oh yeah okay doesn't get trust BBB gets on stage I love the way you go to that trump and it goes up smash that's one looking for that's okay okay Barry watch out that start this is probably gonna try to challenge yeah that's big again with Mario and there goes a third up smash it up smash this clip for fifth okay got 1% we're good appalled we are out can i buddy to try to find that get a tactical edge okay I like that sweet hit of a weak spot of mutual air to try to knock them off for towards Center and if waiting for the coordinate blocks get seats waited very defensive play of like it okay I like that delayed back here right there to try to mix them up cuz the look like he was just gonna go for our bears so he tried to jump in front of his face to make him wait and thumb smash is gonna come out here specialist are coming soon has to watch out yep most of land very safe yeah yep okay is that back there going crazy off the stage oh yeah huh Maura not necessarily at Ko percent right now from the center stage so he still needs a rectal oh never mind man you said canine all the way off the grapes out right there by MPT dark Busey peaks such a solid anchor but I have to say men k-9s roof if only he were able to get into that battle which is one more stock have you been able to make it but here it is guys we are locked in with our grand finalists we have MVG on one side and on the other side potaro what do we have you already know on the other side we have Armada there you go my goodness I'm about to look at Matt nice man I mean it was kind of crazy I thought to frostbite I was gonna be able to get that W on there because he frostbite with meister meister has it come back before rivers unfortunately you know he struggled both of those times he did the second time he did take off two stalks so i think the first time might have taken off one but the second time to go to but wasn't able to really add much and kindness has made it a war situation for the team as you know hopefully be able to bring it back and actually seize out the singles but he'll be able to bring it back at all pound yeah we able to bring it back at pound 100% men I know our rivers used to be the guy that would always get a 9th place at every national he went to like only three so a lot of people focus on those three Nationals it was like wait you got like nine that these three so like imagine if you went to all the other Nationals get nine over and over him like that it's not how life works but you know we'll hopefully be able to bring it back pretty soon yeah man I have faith in this ability is a strong player the mindset to so go places but here is the bracket if you guys don't get a chance to see it and you're now just joining us we have Armada which actually came out here pretty strong force in the global into a tough situation leading them to have to use Mars who wasn't able to bring it all the way back frostbite versus railroad gaming frostbite surprisingly enough with an incredible comeback by meister against the elites from japan and they thought they were able to potentially recreate that again here against our model but it didn't quite work out and you know looking at thunder gaming ghanem really strong showing against isaac rifles of aether where their main goal was to just try to see if they can at least get that one stop and now looking at MDG nevermore with MBG and that were that was a tight battle i like that set between both of them but at the end of the Jiva he just did a really an amazing job and then having to face off against thunder gaming we saw it was down to their last soup their last squared in both teams but just having that one stock deficit made it really difficult and because of that you saw dark wizzy get that W now here it is the grand finals here at frostbite 2020 with their new crew battle format allowing us to showcase the best players right there from these eSports teams that have a lot of a lot of Representatives here when it comes to smash then you know we wanted to do this as something that can just give back to those guys who have been doing a lot of great things first mash creating opportunities for these players in Smash and now we're down to the final 10 teams here and of course it's not our job to introduce the players but you know who it is take it away Coney ok hi everybody so in a stunning twist of fate the 8 seed team Armada has made it all the way to finals they'll be facing MVG now and finals we got a crowd a capacity crowd here of at least 60 people and we're here I'm trying right here you got about a lot of people in the crowd we are here for files you guys are watching at home it's our mana against MGP FEG will send in salem in our model will settle in send in elegante let's get it started finals happening right now Kotaro take it away all right so what's gonna happen here we have this this is the finals right yes this is it it's the grand finals we have only two teams remaining armadas showing that they have an impressive roster of players which again it has been begging for all these other teams that have you know all these amazing players like an NRG right and so on and so forth hey try to see if you can bring out more foot asuka KSM yes he ascent right they have like tweaked we have lemon and Korean is also a really great player but you stare foolish so hey yeah what do you look required it would be it would be really dope to see more to get represented it there's a bunch of big shoutouts to mpg and Nevada coming out super strong everything a bunch of teaching art players and looking at the side of Armada I mean these guys they have a lot of a lot of amazing players that are definitely worthy of getting that opportunity we see I will get your lovely rental intercession there he's on the PTR right and oh really great player right there starting off strong coming through but elegant that's a little scary people have movie to practice nobody does as far as Salem is concerned he's just a while he could play play any character and right now I think is gonna go for something solid and snake I think this is a good choice especially with the Luigi combos it's a chance to gather them because of the grenades coming out free and it's also it's on battlefield - so you can kind of camp the platforms a little bit to make it so it's harder for you to get those combos started okay I'll be okay Oh BRZ must be a Miss Quinn oh man yeah that - attack good fireball though has the discards usage of that fireball and the grenades in front of the stage having to force maps round yeah that F smash actually can't hit below the stage - so you have to watch out at 15 frames bro can't bring it up - in traffic I just love how much coverage send up this applying here and see the way he's playing okay he's very fun character let's see all right Harley was hanging out a little bit too low not realizing that the bounty was on that platform I think it's because of Ekron 8th place another top platform right yes he was like look you wait out this video at the top and if not realize that the sequel was right there my seaport was actually for higher ground it was off-camera to nice white Salem really good second i-20 okay that's the grand Homme okay no up there off Tok Tok let's play truly safe though okay well might you sit down there it is in the world they actually ended up get Kol elegant is he try the side feet towards the stage and instead he hits snake Wow or easy and stink he's gonna die in play because he wasn't able to check that yeah that is well very unfortunately coming up now again right now okay okay I mean and some really good too is able to just keep Salem in the air keep a box age likes one of those cameras I mean you know this well to the element disadvantage could be very difficult for us to play yep that is very true let's see if we is able to do that don't feel I mean weightless playing right not in sight I'll say all these platforms good bro yep that is a very good strategy for snake whenever they're happy a couple gets casted back relies very heavily on playing on the ground yeah just barely able to live through that risk that max attack is so good in this game now yeah what since you all the way up states can set up for let's absentia cars the works and it's harder to block once I have moves in this game goes to give this press you've once a blocker fully you have to actually hold it that entire size and it makes the multi hit stay out a little longer because of the fact they're getting a shield so it's harder to realize when it's gonna stop not the normal time [Music] that's been able to get demise was just gonna hair it's going they're almost got the seat for Ken all right yes the block that down me is gonna go for it we did it go for you okay okay but it's gonna land towards yet smart by say low now each a double jump exploded okay not bad right here elegant very good spots you're ready to get that grab right oh yeah yeah yeah and Salem understanding this is like wait don't get too aggressive now anytime you box always says you got a camp harder right is that Connecticut I'm gonna whisper all it's a hook that was definitely like the number one thing to go for in that case Bell says it even he said it for spec for incentive for this game and look at him I've even set it home right now alright looking for one up so I actually won grab would be able to Ennis I don't know if he wants to get that close up that was a boost F tilt right there too so he's able to get back to build upon further he's a loose attached very nice by Salem and that was a Woonsocket here yeah very close battle elegant mess coming up at back here okay snake versus mess okay so some people say this is hard for snake because of the fact that mess can absorb all the grenades but save them such a wacky player like I thought he's gonna try to trick you right now I'm looking like this really super maids very similar to what we saw earlier where snakes like MPD will take out the grenade versus game watch and then actually throw it off stage and then try to approach you cuz throw the grenade offstage like has very very little life so you just throw it movement and approach them and they're sitting out there with their bucket or try and absorb it into - back together alright see best nice right now hopefully uh got that confidence again of its ailing them he said pretty smiling looking at his phone hello sailing he's the type of guy like whenever he's around I'm always ready to laugh like it's either something he's saying or something he's doing or the ways act now but absolutely loved his demeanor dude yes is there a lot of people out there that constantly like to like hate on him to say a lot of silly things and of course he kind of set himself up to to be like target you know after a lot of stuff you said on Twitter right yeah call-outs on a lot of people that love you below once and it's all funny speaking of where ahead what's the petite name that he's facing off against you know the other team you're trying to go for I was like I'm pretty sure you see my body though alright so anyway here we go we got best Ness versus Salem alright you get three the two the one and they're ready to go [Music] that was a cool attempt but see if you get that light quick double jump now this might feel too fast we'll wait for or a snake if I feel safe that feeling I mean if he goes for higher recovery you're now trying to get hit by that PK financing them one okay maybe I spoke too soon really good - attacks coming out from Salem holy trying to help here right there its ability battle remember and go back don't forget what they say we're back that meat is really easy to deal with the yo-yo right the cipher Oh Shh Wow eventually surprising as I grab a spot dodges spot that's under my time sail long and that was a little too risky but that's nice right there yeah you can't get you can't get the yo-yo at the end it's likely that was crazy two outs a little ones way off the stage trying to get that back there and fans has to guess the outcome now a lot of people are getting stuck by best nest of stuff there we go just like I said again very risky from best nest for the second time up that air dr. Scott advice though all right Salem MVP right now MVP from MGP able to take off four stalks off the other team right now best Ness still sitting pretty you know he does have two socks left all right sounded like you have bars MVP from every agent MVP oh god they say that it was wait who's scared I kind of do get like vibes of me from him when he smiles yeah a little bit yeah okay not anymore no he has that serious gamer face yeah check so much since our Instagram right now I feel like if you're playing against maybe eating the cat and when it goes like violet you're so cute pinnacle you get mad serious yeah if it's in tournament at the space or people think like like something bad I don't like that's just how I play I'm sorry too yeah yeah all right so right now best Nesta to stocks facing off against cat and I think this is okay it's not actually another thing it's mega man I'm around you like to do that me the phone room fast that's a sound effect like how does that come up from robot and sapper I do she makes over sound mix myself [Music] left himself open a man crouched they got the brandy there we go okay I was waiting for the pick from the other time yeah for the back here right yeah that's how the first time one foot out there maybe it's a mix-up or the I mix up so far nice pace of my best man okay so fast out of Shirley's pushing the ball to the side trying to see if you catch a police blossom at the edge yep there it is keep building up more damage it's such a setup for the yo-yo back throw not gonna kill just yet have you got okay one up there it was so scary yeah the way Ness plays with that magnet you just don't really know when he's gonna land and that's actually gonna be it that up smash bump from the last game and able to hang below the ledge and hit you straight up trying to be sure to get this w/o skat going way off remembers the way edge guards a Mega Man oh good recovery though you had to get away from the threat of the down settles oh here we go volleyball set it up goodness he'll calm down he does not stop that is the best nest all right scat having a little bit of trouble already losing a stock and going pretty much even right now and yes I switch off the way place two defenses on it--some hair like that right there from sketch the metal blades are a good idea because if he's repellents so obviously oh wow good chase eats of them so high up to before ride it out yeah at some point best muscles like that got too far I kind of have to let it rip out a gate again that's the edge guards we were talking about before he was really good at catching people whenever it all stays like that but so is best nest good stuff we're actually getting hit away catch it him oh let's like catch that's what our a see how like good bel-air dodges from this are you kidding she had at the edge good couples I'm Agnew for the big stuff but this is not looking too pretty man okay that's nice what you gonna do y'all so how he's a bank that's the fight fight but right now we have many men at 1:36 but he can't even get close enough to be able to get to grab the back throw and I love sketchy so that doubts of Justice Nick it's a center all right that's something good there right here and you know what that's nuts at first I was gonna say it was unfortunate that because they put two bricks captain spotted stock but you kind of did it here yeah yeah he's doing pretty good right now very good one too this is looking really hard for best nice to be able to bring back all skat needs as a backer right now and he was looking for it right there because we try to look for Trump into back there to get that Gail notice that whenever you see these pellets buffman close range ASCAP gets closer best nets will bring on a combo with like a bear awful couple times waiting for that one Gilbert it's my children is it on watch don't know I keep counting out there dot it's okay okay that'll play that again okay wait okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you tried to keep his composure like yeah you know I'm cool not really that was fire start smiling you're not a fire let's go that was really nice and now dark wizzy is gonna have to be the one to be able to bring it back dang bro you didn't see that one coming not what a [ __ ] and final set right here man FBG down to their anchor it's our quiz II I don't know if he's gonna be using pkware as liberally against our cuisine knowing that Marga does have that grounded reflector in the cake so that's gonna be a little bit a little difficult land you know dark wuzzy this is all of barrio stools fan each and every single move that he has in his arsenal uses it and uses it well that's nice right now try to see if you can do as much damage as possible before prodigy yeah that's right Wow affectionately crazy Pepsi base off against each other yeah Mario did a ball a bit o a battle of the barrios here and the grand finals of this crew battle of eSports teams here at frostbite 2020 a big shout out again to the staff just does something good for to look at now when we go starting off on battlefield we have best measure take away to stop so LZ left with one stock and that'll be four stops left for the Armada team and only three spots left for the MGP team coming up from dark wizzy so and if dark wizzy can take off this stock without losing one it'll be directly even cusses percent will go back to zero so let's see if we can do it yeah man okay here we go the plastic understanding how stomach s can be what's the poke with that back here and he's willing to thrive on these stressful the peeking fire right there when he kicks it immediately and here we go goodbye that was crazy right there five dark wizzy but that was very good Razia wait that's right yeah oh my god he that was very good the second jump coming out from my best that's able to get out of that too much damage right now I want to see more of this mess sort of say oh you say get off of me right there and it starts forward how's the base from dart whizzing okay FBG fatima that a lot of us put our monopoly money on is its trouble smooth stocks right now against our bottom sink so that smash going for not mikhail the air dodge okay this is the Bravo go here's the true test a lot of people like say fiddles aren't everything but I'm trying to see this video right here yes battle you know I'm saying oh look at me I say yo you saw both but if they just met eyes on the stage he's like yo but they could have to come down to this that this is like barrio that's all excited like oh yes I gotta say I love prodigious fit that's a quick yeah man that champion yeah my buddy go to the store go sit man this is it the final two here up on the stage our model versus MPG with a one stop bleed on MPT the team that I said has three PTR juggernauts and yet actual attack I like that let's get it to we have final two sons coming out here from dark wizzy let's see if you can somehow you know he's considered the best party okay let's see if you try to prove it even more so by taking away two socks and prodigy that would be a feat in itself yeah couple breakers its Mars versus party so you already know both of them can't do the same thing to each other obviously both the barrios have to knock kid grant or again chuckle that's you can see oh it's gonna get on I still accept it yeah there yeah that there is really good to get back tension crema di he crushed the bottle wow what a B I think surrender for privacy and doctor yo struggling right now yo he's sprung a lid mrs. Merritt's bargain man gets his day and then you can get a pilot marriage Mario oh here doc okay LM fine gosh now Kevin's Ready Set yo there's multiple hits which one are you gonna Ted bunny all right right now that was a very fantastic way to get that early stop off however Bobby focusing on getting him off on the top and already set me for sent on dark whistles oh man good air dodge you didn't want to get Texas or to be literally on jab he said it hey VI now he realizes that if he dies in right desiccant carried all the way off the top because the second a lighter than top platform yeah smart stuff right there by a proxy all right trying to get these fireballs to stuff him out go forward throw let's go now no that's attack for clip oh good answer dark whiskey's well 33 he gets left once he tries to do to everyone and probably be able to take two shots before which email can take to being able to make armada win with two Sox left yes congratulations right there to our motto winning V grand final is here tonight and frostbite 2020 day two but with a new format that we wanted to present to you all the eSports team through battles very cool sick format shutouts our motto right there showing up super strong and taking it
Channel: VGBootCamp
Views: 342,754
Rating: 4.7232809 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, twitch games vgbc vgbootcamp vg bootcamp, videogame, video game, bootcamp, boot camp, video game boot camp, gooshigaming, gooshi gaming, tournament, ultimate tournament, ssbu tournament, ssbu, smash, smash bros, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, ultimate, smash bros ultimate, frostbite, frosbite 2020, panda global, ray road gaming, r2g, armada, rivals of aether, mvg, most valuable gaming, thunder gaming, thunder, nevermore
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 17sec (10637 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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