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guys how we doing welcome to the channel today we are comparing hoes stick around to find out the differences and the similarities too we got the front hoe versus the backhoe they both have pros and cons so we're gonna compare all that today so stick around hey you can see my tractor is looking a little different today we got the dual wheels off have the wheel spacers on i am proud to be sponsored by bora if you're looking to add some stability to your tractor check out borah links down below and if you like what you see here i'd love to get a thumbs up from you hit that subscribe button right down below and if you want more cool stuff for your tractor read through the description underneath the video or head on over to [Music] okay so this goes by a few different names yeah this is my own creation the poor man's backhoe the front hoe bucket stump bucket stump wrecker it doesn't matter you get the idea it mounts to your front end loader it attaches just like your bucket would whether you have a john deere or if you have a skid steer quick attach a couple levers that's why i always recommend having a quick attach you can put something like this on or a set of pallet forks a grapple a snow pusher the list goes on i know you guys want to hear about pricing first so we're going to do that keep in mind this is april 30th 2021 depending on when you're watching this in the future the pricing could change and most likely will change i'm going to give you two ends of the spectrum if you want to pick this up locally for me here in kalamazoo michigan you can do that right now currently priced at 650 plus tax if you want me to ship it to you within a thousand miles the entire eastern half of the u.s and a little bit west as well we can do that for 820 bucks okay so i don't sell the backhoes but i have a pretty good feel for the market typically you are going to pay somewhere in the range of 7 500 maybe 8 grand for the backhoe the subframe the power beyond hydraulics and the installation so we're going to take round numbers just say 800 bucks for the stump bucket 8 grand for this that's 10 times the amount of money that this is gonna cost you versus that stunt bucket up front okay so let's talk about some strengths and some weaknesses of both the front hoe and the backhoe in my mind one of the biggest limitations on the front hoe bucket is going to be digging depth so you are limited by this distance right here this measurement about 18 inches or so because once you have that rocked forward and down in the ground you can't go any further than this whole plate that's going to be the maximum amount you can dig down so whereas on the backhoe you're going to get a lot more depth depending on the model that you have it could be a six foot flat bottom depth even up to an eight or nine foot flat bottom depth so that's significantly more there's no doubt about it it's going to depend on your application at hand so another limitation of the front hole bucket is going to be similar to other front end loader attachments so something like your regular bucket it could be a set of pallet forks maybe a snow pusher a grapple anything that from the operator seat it's just kind of tough to see once you have the load that's way down in front but like any of those other attachments you do get used to that just with feeling it out over time and after an hour or two of using this you really get a good grasp of the angle and and where exactly the the digging edge is at so it's not insurmountable but it is a limitation to consider now on the backhoe you actually have really good visibility you're nice and up high and just not much in the way besides the boom here so you can just see especially if you're kind of working to one side or another so it's not hard to imagine how you have a a better visual advantage from up here in a high perch position on the backhoe next up let's cover mobility alright so in my mind the front hoe bucket is going to be a lot more mobile than the backhoe now in order to get stability to use the backhoe you need to be able to put down those stabilizer arms put down the bucket on the front to have a nice stable working area with the front ho bucket you want to have plenty of ballast weight on the backside but you can move all around while you're using it in fact you are moving around or using it kind of driving down and digging down and maybe pushing forward and pulling up and you can kind of attack it from other angles really quickly if you have a whole field full of stumps there's no you know disassembly reassembly basically or setup that's required you just move from point a to point b so with the backhoe you're just not as mobile so it can be a lot more time consuming you have to put down these stabilizer feet to get that lateral stability there same thing with a bucket on the front end and then you're limited and that working area which is the radius that your boom can extend to and so whether you're working on a stump or if you're trenching anything that you're doing with the backhoe you're confined to that area so if you want to try to attack something from the other side you have to undo everything you did position yourself from a different angle reset up and then get back to work or if you're trenching if you after you go six or eight feet you have to reset up again all along the way so you can see where mobility is the strength of the front hoe bucket so as far as using a front ho bucket pretty much any of us that have a tractor with a front end loader have a quick attached bucket and if you haven't purchased the tractor yet i would encourage you highly encourage you not to get one without either a john deere quick attach or a skid steer quick attach that is going to be the only type of connection that is required to use the front hole bucket there's no other hydraulics or any other electrical connections you just pop your regular bucket off and put this on and you're ready to get to work wow look at that chris as far as connections go for the backhoe you have a few things going on number one you have to have the hydraulics called power beyond hydraulics that's different from like a third function or a rear remote i've done videos all over that but you have to have power beyond hydraulics okay but not only that you have to have a sub frame most at least oem backhoes are going to have a subframe underneath there that you have to kind of rest everything that that goes in and fits and attaches to that means you're going to need to take off for a lot of the smaller ones the three-point arm so you have to take that stuff off then you can put this on make some hydraulic connections and away you go if you want to switch back to a box blade or some other piece of equipment on a three-point hitch you got to reverse that whole process so it's going to be less efficient that way and i get it there's there's plenty of uses for backhoes but i just want to point out so if you're looking to do applications with a whole bucket whether it's a front or a back you really want to take into consideration the efficiency of it for your projects you know so there's a laundry list of projects you can do with a hoe bucket whether it's a front hoe or a backhoe everything from digging out stumps to trenching to planting new trees to maybe ripping out fence posts or scarifying hard packed ground maybe grabbing and carrying material like boulders or logs maybe with a thumb on a rear backhoe everybody's plans that they have for their backhoe or their front hoe are going to be different and that's going to lead you in the right the more appropriate direction budget is going to be a huge consideration in my mind though there is not much more efficient tool than a front hole bucket if you're looking to do shallow work you know just maybe a foot trench or digging small holes for trees or bushes or just digging out some landscaping up around your house the efficiency the mobility the convenience of just having this mounted right on the front of your tractor without having to mess with anything on the back side it's just hard to beat for me but there's no doubt about it there's going to be certain projects that a front hole bucket just isn't going to handle you're going to need something with a lot of digging depth or maybe reach that a front whole bucket you just can't get to that position so you got to weigh the pros and the cons of everything now if you've watched my channel for a while you may have seen an overrated items and attachments list on tractors from a while back and the backhoe was really high on that list that isn't because it's not a useful attachment it's because of the relative price point for what you can do with it most folks that want a backhoe have maybe a couple projects for upfront you know they're getting their tractor they have it set up they've got to clear some fields or maybe put some food plots or a garden or whatever the project is but after those initial projects are done for a lot of folks that backhoe's going to come off it's going to sit in the long grass somewhere just fading letting the hoses get all ruined and faded and just deteriorating and depreciating so it makes it a lot harder to justify with the amount of money that's just sitting there not being used for a huge amount of time whereas something like a front hoe bucket is going to be more practical and easier to justify now a third option to consider if you're thinking that you have a need for a backhoe and you only have a couple of projects up front you know consider renting a mini excavator get it out there for a couple weekends just plan ahead you're going to get a lot more work done with a mini excavator that's on tracks that you can just easily and quickly maneuver versus one of these three-point backhoes that you gotta set everything down do what you can within a limited space and reset constantly it's going to be a lot more efficient with a mini excavator and guess what you're going to have some money spent for that rental no doubt but you're going to be losing money over the years by tying up thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars in a backhoe like this now i want this to be objective but i have to clarify that i have some skin in the game you know this is not the first time i've talked about a backhoe being overrated you know and that's one of the reasons that it pushed me to come out with my own stunt bucket that's designed for smaller tractors i just feel this is such an overwhelming expense for most folks that aren't going to realize the full value of it so i want to take a quick minute here and tell you about these features that make this what i feel like is the best mini stunt bucket that's on the market today and so you're going to see a lot of other stunt buckets that are huge they're three foot long three and a half foot long and that is just too big for a smaller tractor whether it's a sub compact or smaller compacts like a kubota b series a john deere 2 series maybe even the smaller 3 in l series as well this is just a lot more practical and makes sense lets you use the loader's power instead of potentially damaging your loader we've incorporated some great features including this sawzall type edge that's a long so it can rip going forward and backwards we went through three or four iterations and we're always going to try to improve if we can find other areas to do so you're going to have a replaceable digging edge here we've actually gone from one steel to a stronger steel the original steel we felt bent a little bit too easily this is going to be an ar 400 edge here this is still meant to be the breaking point that sacrificial point so if you do get into a bind with this stunt bucket on your loader you're not going to tweak your loader arms or the rest of the bucket you'll just either bend these teeth or break off these bolts so that's by design and possibly most importantly this is a hundred percent made in the usa us steel u.s labor right in iowa i have a small fabricator over there making them for me so this is 100 made in america in every way i'm really proud to say that well there you have it folks hopefully i answered a lot of questions that you guys have been asking over the last few months i appreciate all the support and the interest this gives you a little bit different look or different take added so you can help make a better more informed decision some of you guys can really justify these purchases here of these backhoes but if you can't just know you have another option for the front ho that could be a lot more affordable and get the projects done that you need to do again if you like what you see here i'd love to get a thumbs up from you make sure you hit that subscribe button right down below and read through the description as well right underneath the video or head over to thanks again for stopping by and until next time stay safe we'll see you soon
Channel: Good Works Tractors
Views: 31,880
Rating: 4.9409022 out of 5
Keywords: john deere, kubota, good works tractors, goodworkstractors, ttwt, tractor time with tim, gwt, michigan, kalamazoo, john deere dealer, kubota dealer, backhoe, back hoe, 260b, john deere 260, front hoe, stump bucket, stump wrecker, fronthoe, tractor bucket, stump removal, digging with tractor, 1025, 1025r
Id: bZrabMf6AWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 59sec (659 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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