How to build a Helicopter with Dumbfire Missiles - From The Depths INSTANT Tutorial

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from the depth it's the tutorial well hello it's Jim edsman today we're going to build a little helicopter I had this in my list for a long time and I also got a suggestion recently so let's go so here we have the power flower engine and if you want more information about engines check my instant engine tutorials together with the appropriate amount of fuel this is the base of the helicopter now we should attempt building some kind of edge body outline that doesn't look exactly uh or not too stupid at least this is pretty hard but do your best this started to turn into design contest that this was not my intention so when you have built this hole of some kind to a approximate shape you want and it can also be a good idea to actually have added some of the heavier weapon systems then you'll know approximately where the middle will be you will try to have the rotor blade where you have the approximate middle of the helicopter because you know that's how they work there are many ways to make a helicopter I will tell you and I will show you how to make a helicopter that moves and tilts when it moves so it will tilt forward and move towards um where it goes there are many other ways to make helicopters and we don't have to make them like that either which you should know if you get uh uh glowing or Red Blocks like that you will not be able to rotate so you may we need to make sure that it's uh it can rotate now this has a terrible clearance because you know this is just how it works um helicopters in from the depth by the way they won't be very good at all they will be cool but not good if you want to make stuff good make hovercrafts or airplanes uh helicopters will be slower than the counterpart and they will be performing uh worse just so you know that when you're building helicopter it will not be the performer of your Fleet and now just a little quick tip here if we for example set this to rotate a little bit here there is a setting inside extra configuration and here we can actually set it to automatically Point upwards and if we do that it will actually actually automatically stabilize the helicopter and act as some kind of gyroscope here and that's super cool this will make us stable uh not flip over and stuff like that however for a helicopter that moves by actually tilting this is not usable but if you're making a helicopter that's not tilting to move this might be something to add to make some good automatic control there well anyways we I should play around a little bit with the extra configuration and make a blade that I think looks cool together with the main rotor blade we are going to have a little auxiliary rotor blade thing back here and this is of course for well what's it called yo this area this area and this area that's these are mimics otherwise it would be blocked um and it just sits in here and it gets connected to the sides automatically uh by well connecting with the blades actually but that works so here we have a little sideways spinner like there and we have the main propeller there finally designed um I added an AI so we have a camera watching forwards we're gonna have some extra crackers uh on the wings later and inside of here I added a quite basic Ai and I'm going to go through the setup of it later because the AI is of course the most important thing when we're talking about helicopter vehicles when making traditional helicopters like this we could use some more advanced breadboard setups but I wouldn't be able to explain that to you in a basic tutorial so when we do basic things we generally want to not go into breadboard because no one considers that basic mean definitely not me so in order to control this helicopter in air rather than using the rotor blades built in rotation ability that we can use to keep it upright for example we're going to use jet engines so here we have roll jet engines on each side up and down for redundancy and we also need a little pitch Thruster inserted in the back here like that and this one is of course already set up and we might want some auxiliary pitch Thruster as well in case we lose the one we place down here but we'll see what we need we've added some tracking a little camera a little Laser Rangefinder on the sides here we have the detection a frontwards camera and also a little emergency Wireless snooper here that can see the general direction of the Target and maybe Point The Trackers in the right direction so here we are now it's time to actually do the main work for this thing which is setting up the AI and that's the harder thing when making helicopters like this so we go into the AI here and we set up a behavior so there are some different behaviors we can utilize for helicopters and point at does make a lot of sense we also have a hover above and we can basically use that to drop bombs but we're gonna do a point at and maintain distance right then we have a combat distance we're gonna have it fairly short I think 250 meters only maybe 350. we have a combat altitude we're gonna set the altitude for this for a hundred right now we can leave the rest of the settings as is for that time of being good adjustments 100 in altitude Max altitude I don't know 300 perhaps and then we have Max pitch to Target it has the same settings we can leave them right now in R we can set it as there now we go to maneuver so here in maneuver we want to select the thing that's called hover movement that makes most uh sense for helicopters like this and there are some specific things we're gonna set up here so max pitch forward backwards for movement this is something we definitely want to have so plus minus 45 degrees Max the higher you set this the more potential speed your helicopter can have but the higher it is if it's 45 degrees it may be less like stable we can also do some uh roll maybe like 10 degrees or something for some sideway movements check these boxes and we can see that the warnings of the thing disappears it doesn't affect the behavior however all right we can leave the other settings right now and if we have a trouble uh maintaining distance when we're battling we might need to check the ignore pitch demand from behavior and it will not point or towards the enemy using the point and maintain distance setup it will in that case instead just use it for moving around so that's uh that's some stuff going on there right then we have the pids we probably need to fine tune these but we should probably set this to the test to see how it works now you may find your vehicle unable to maneuver in any way possible and now it's time to try and center the middle of the rotor and the left there and the mass a little bit better and if we don't have some heavy armor that we need to stick somewhere the Sheep nice option is of course lead and now we still don't have any good control but you can see that the mass Center is much more close to the main propeller here now with some lead and the reason for this is that this propeller is so enormously strong and we don't really need a strength for a vehicle like this and it's just large to look cool and then we even did extended the extra projection with an extra meter there in any case what we need to do is to switch from automatic control because now it tries to use this propeller to use pitch so we're going to set it to manual control we're gonna click the push or preset and that will make us be able to hover using this blade and then we should also have the forwards command so we can use it when going forward so it understands it's there and it doesn't spin very much and that's it can use too much power too so we'll need to tune down the power scale to something more sensible and if you have a helicopter that's basically solid heavy armor then it might be a much better balance setup and then you might actually need that engine strength so maybe 0.2 see if we can get a stable using that and we do also need pitch control in both directions it's of course we can't only have one pitching this direction we need a one that pitches the other way around too like there hey little jet 2. control that now it can also be a good idea to go into the settings here because uh as you heard me say before main pitch forward backwards maybe four to five degrees is a little Hefty for this so we can drag down this to third the percent should be plenty enough and to make this thing that's still not stable uh stable we will need to go into the AI again and Fiddle with the pids so probably all of these are too strong we can begin with putting them down I'd already fixed pitch a little bit there we have the roll two strong roll and if we turn it down it should be a lot smoother forward backwards yeah we already set that up got the strafe and we don't really know exactly which is going to be used we can also see the uh the data here if we can get smooth curves that's uh that's absolutely fantastic and there we have some more stability I move the picture here so it sits there instead and it's now more stable and you now you might validly think but hey now we're just flying with these jet things here and that's true what we can do is we can go into this thing make sure we go to extra configuration drag down and set the power usage priority to 50. so it gets power here and we can even set this down uh to well we can set it to be weaker but we can switch from manual control and set it to be only rollers and this one too manual control only rollers so these are not only used for roll and this means that now we should only use that for flying except this one tries to help us hover as well so we can go into this thing and set this one to manual and this is only a picture and if this is now too weak to get us flying well then it can get give us some hint to boost up the power scale a little bit here and if we have it too high we may reach instability issues like now you can see now we're starting to move out of control you'll really have to fiddle around with the values to see what works for your helicopter uh half power for this thing seems to be working all right and sometimes uh the automatic setup just works but a lot of the time it just gets out of hand really quickly and what you need to do at that time is just go switch to manual this is a roller and this is a roller whoops and see what just go and and select everything what it's supposed to be on each of them because they are set up as Automatic by default see here because otherwise it easily gets into a little like mood where the different thrusters and stuff like that is kind of switching roles and when they are switching roles they kind of make it every just so much worse so when we set it up manual like this now you can see it magically became a little bit more stable the heavier something is the easier it is to make it more stable so I using the V menu I retrofitted all the alloy to metal and this just this added weight just makes it more stable but if it goes up and down it's probably because you can see here we have the gain for the altitude control the hover control it's too high and then it gets out of control like this if we set this to something lower and when we turn it to a lower value it will be much smoother in its movement but it's if it's too low it will also react slower until it's so weak it's kind of causes problems too so you'll have to find a balance here well you can see we have some pretty stable flight going on here at the value of let's see or hover zero point zero 21 so that's really like low values there and forwards back of course can't be too strong either since uh it might use some both there so there we have it we can now move around and tilt and go towards the location and one thing too that I noticed um is that we don't actually need to set up the forward backwards uh for movement if we set it to be able to control forwards to me it seems that the top speed sometimes may be higher but if we turn this off and only make it up and down um sometimes go a little bit slower but more stably so the stability is increased and if you want this blade to spare spin faster and now I set the power scale back to one but if you wanted to spin faster you'll you'll just need to turn the the power scale down and it will spin faster and it will also have the ability to push less power in total so don't put it too low I know you may want it to spin really fast but if you have it too low it will it will you won't have enough power but that's probably not that you'll have to set it really low and you'll notice that when it starts crashing it can't you can see you can hover over it and you if you see it's going over Max thrust it needs more so for this probably 0.3 is we shouldn't have less than that I think it's also good to drag down the power scale a little bit um for this thing here we can drag it down quite a lot because otherwise this won't spin and these can roll so much so enormous amount of power this can take a lot of and lots of power and we don't have all that power so we need to make sure that we can't use like all the power and more than we actually have now as for weapon systems I just set up some simple Sabo cannons I had loads of APs tutorials and as was requested a little bit was probably dump fire missiles for for helicopters and I understand people won't damn fire missiles but I would also say uh we don't want dump fire missiles because they will never hit then you need to have to monitor it what what we can make is almost done fire missiles so we need fence we need the short range thrusters we need fence and we need some fuel make sure we can reach the uh the thrust duration of five and then we need to have some more some type of payload I think we're gonna go with the shaped charges for these perhaps shape charges frag and EMP a beautiful combination then we're going to go and select one turn for internal space can be for fuel very nice so on the one turn we are going to have a little well zero activation delay and they are going to uh well aim towards the enemy the guidance we don't have any guidance so guidance activation delay we don't need that overhead arming delay should probably be extremely low because we're gonna be real close with this uh dismissal um we probably want some lower convergence so we probably want to drag this down a little bit since we're going to be pretty close to the anime and the short range Thruster should have a slight delay just as so it kind of has a little bit of time to well aim towards the anime and of course on the missile what you need to make when you make a missile like this for a helicopter or anything that's aiming towards send me a fires you need to go to the missile controller set record accuracy before fire to like 20 degrees or something like that and then you go to the missile system and check this box use required accuracy on Hull then it will only fire when your kind of ish aiming towards the anime another thing we need to do is go into the local weapon controller all in one this is and select the range bracket we don't want to engage when we're too far away so probably like Max 500 meters otherwise I think these are probably going to miss so there we have it five meters might actually need to be lower but now we set it up as something at least suggesting comments what this thing should be called it's now called the helicopter and we can try it out well it spawn a poor little Marauder and we can see it probably detects the enemy slowly adjust this starts to tilt spin up the blades and it will slowly go there in like a 30 meters per second speed if I remember to set the AI to automatic that is and there we have the missiles as you can see we're close enough so they hit and since they do fire very fast and they have one turn they are very likely to hit now we got hit by a cram shell oh my God what how did we survive a cramshell to the face well this is more resilient than I would expect well there we have it ladies and gentlemen that's how to make a helicopter hope you enjoyed it this is your host Jimmy Desmond we're signing out foreign [Music]
Channel: GMODISM
Views: 8,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: From the Depths, ftd, ftd tutorial, from the depths tutorial, instant tutorial, ftd instant tutorial, From The Depths Instant Tutorial, pc games, pc game, how to, brilliant skies limited, gmodism, from the depths building tips, ftd 2023, How to make a helicopter From The Depths, ftd heli, heli, helikopter, helicopter, heli copter, from the depths helicopter tut, heli tutorial, Dumb fire Missiles, dumbfire missile
Id: yIOHZ4gnoyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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