Basic Bomber Build! ✈ From the Depths Quick Guide

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hello ladies and gentlemen i am orderwise and welcome back to from the depths more specifically a bomber quick guide because i was wondering today what on earth i should record and then somebody sorry i don't remember your name uh a clever handsome person so just asked for a bomber tutorial and i thought oh crap i haven't done that yet i should totally do that and so here we are we're just going to build a quick little bomber and just for consistency what we're gonna start with uh is this uh little template uh jet plane thingy uh in the new blueprints menu so if you wanna follow along with this you can start with exactly the same frame so this bomber is not going to be amazing it's just going to be decent enough to fly over and get you started maybe blow up a marauder so first things first we have the ai mainframe and we're going to have a target prioritization uh thing right here and the first thing we want is that we want to target block count and we want to put the value for speed low because bombers you ideally want them to go for a slow big target so that's what we're going to start with and since we're in here anyway we're just going to put a local weapon controller right there and we're going to put a missile controller right there i'm not paying too much attention to the durability of this thing uh because generally speaking you should only be using bombers against stuff that doesn't really have that good anti-air that's how they're material efficient and also they should be fast enough not to get hit and we're going to uh we're going to make that happen in a hot second so let's just actually let's just think this through ahead of time let's do this and let's do one two three four let's do something like that i'm gonna put a chair right here and then i'm going to stick myself in it i'm going to do that and then i'm going to do i guess not that dang it all right how am i gonna do this i'm not gonna worry about that this is what i'm gonna do um right so probably one of the more important things about your bomber is what bombs is it dropping so in this particular case we're going to go for smart bombs because they generally work a lot better than dumb bombs surprise surprise there's two main kinds of bomb when it comes to missile we're not covering cram bombers this time because that's an entirely different kettle of fish but there's two things you can do and i'm going to use a clever method here i'm going to use rail launchers just so we get a little bit of extra uh a little bit of extra length on our missile uh we can now be two sections instead of just one so there's two things you can do here so it's not connected great why is it not connected that's all right that's because that's the launcher there we go okay so main types of bomb first is the magnet bomb and it's very simple you can just do something like this and you can set the ballast tank how you like so it floats or it sinks and you set the magnet to the distance you want and then you just drop it uh when you're over the enemy and it seeks out uh seeks out the enemy and blows up the good news is is that this is um kind of material efficient in the sense that most of it is warhead and it can't be fooled by flares and it can hit things underwater quite reliably you can actually these are basically improvised depth charges and you can hit submarines with them the bad news is that magnets do not work with uh detector friend or foe so you can blow up your own ships in fact i've even had bombers blow up their fellow bombers with these things before so i recommend using the smart bomb instead which in this case is going to be something like this there and we can set the three internal spaces for he just to give it a little bit more punch so this is actually all you need it's got active radar seeker infrared generally not worth it because uh the uh the angle uh basically the area in front that the that the sensor can actually see is quite low radar seekers can basically see things behind them so they can block onto targets much more easily they go for big things automatically which is what we want to the bomber and they're just generally more reliable ap and guidance so it can lead the tongue a little bit explosive because explosive and thin so it can actually steer so we're just gonna have a bunch of these and i'm using medium-sized missiles just because they do have more punch so let's just go there and we do need an ammo compartment and i strongly suggest uh putting that at the back of um whatever vehicle you have here and we're not going to worry too much about uh let's see here preemptively think about where i'm putting stuff and this is off lightweight online blocks problem with using prefabs let's do that and what have we got here we've got that and that so this is very much uh something that will explode uh readily if we're not careful and now we're going to put in something to make this thing fly so in case you're wondering uh when in doubt use custom jets because they're actually really simple really wonderful and really like once you start using them it's really hard to stop and i'm going to do that i'm also going to do that and we're going to do this also ducts ducts are fantastic you will once you start using ducts again very hard to stop and we're just going to have a giant ass custom jet running down the entire length of this aircraft so custom jets very simple you stick an intake and there you stick an exhaust where you want an exhaust there using the small ones because well we don't have room for the big ones do we and incidentally doing this kind of thing uh sticking ammo right next to more vital components not generally a good idea unless you're very confident uh that your jet can evade being shot at so i'm going to stick the no i'm going to stick the controller here and then i'm going to stick two compressors here and then a whole bunch of combustors and i'm not going to bother with the add-ons because uh that's too hard for me what are you talking about so now we have that and we already have thanks to prefab we have a pitch only and we have more pitch over here and we have your at the top which is very very nice so now we need fuel for our custom jet and so we're going to go here we're going to do that and we have fuel and now one last thing we need is uh a way to get this out of water i just realized these things are upside down this will not do uh please don't crash from the depths it does this sometimes it freaks out it has a panic attack so copy it all matching launch pads this is why it's actually a good idea to put the ammo on first so you can tell which way round your missiles are staggered fire let's set that to 0.5 and what else are we missing we need a way for this thing to get out of the water but first we're going to set uh yeah we're going to firstly we're going to come back to this in a bit so where is it where is it was it balloon take off acvs so what you do is you stick a bunch of balloons in the front and if the vehicle altitude is uh within a lower limit so in this case it's between uh negative infinity to 50 meters it'll activate the balloon and if it's above that it'll disable the balloon and we'll add the balloons in a little while but for now uh this thing might not need it because the whole thing's made out of alloy uh we do want to stick exactly one uh sensor on it uh just because default detection settings it won't be able to see anything otherwise unless it has some kind of wireless thingy and let's set this we don't want this thing to shoot things underwater we don't want it to shoot anything more than 500 meters away and uh we also need to set the azimuth of this kind of thing so the elevation of your bombs you want this thing to only drop its bombs uh on things uh below it so i'm gonna set that to set this to zero let's see did that do the trick yes it did all right so that will do uh for it to do exactly that thing now let's go for the behavior and let's do that quickly and we're going to do this we're going to do a attack run with flyover i am air wound thank you and control altitude we can do that so attack run altitude this is stuff you can mess with um if you want this thing to be a dive bomber you don't have to orientate your missiles down but if you orientate them forwards you do have to be aware that they will launch forwards and you want to basically fiddle around until it's launching them straight at the target when it's doing its attack run so we're going to set our attack run altitude to 300 altitude is better it's not hard to get a bomber that just flies around in space by the way and it's kind of broken so let's go attack run these default settings work pretty well by the way so i tend to go for airplane uh 2.0 specifically for this reason pitch to reach targeted altitude which means that um you don't need wings or wing blocks rather and it means the thing can maneuver around and bounce up and down and just be generally kind of more evasive now let's go here let's just make sure that everything is as we want 375 so 400 foreign foreign okay and now before we sail off there we need to check if this thing can get itself out of the water it cannot it can we don't even need the balloon takeoff acvs but we're gonna install them anyway so what do we got here if we go on alloy beams right so you can fall down uh right down to the ground please and i'm gonna show you just how these things work one and two three four five six so when we're in a certain altitude they do that let's just check that these things are working as intended and this is probably a bit much so i'm going to get rid of them and we are in space and that is no good can we do everything we want to why are you doing that thing [Music] freaking aircraft man we appear to be going to the correct height there we go so if your plane is being stupid like this when in doubt add more pitch control and add it to both ends so we are going to replace some of our friends here listening listening okay there we go we have added sufficient pitch so that thing this thing is doing what we wanted to and we're going to save it just as a placeholder and we can show off what it does so this is why i like um this maneuver in particular because if the thing is pitching uh up or down too much you just add more pitch control and the thing can get to the right altitude which is very very nice so now let's give this thing a spin and because when you're building always be testing very important all right so now we're there and it should drop the bombs uh where we want it to like so so in fact we can drop those bombs a little bit quicker so we have made a successful little bomber here so let's drop those bombs a little bit better and of course you can mess around with uh with the ai with the exact pacing of whatever the hell it's doing uh let's drop that let's have them drop bombs twice as fast and the great thing about smart bombs is that well they're smart uh let's do wait let's check the reload on these bombs how quickly does it reload 14 seconds so let's set this to well that does fine let's set this to that let's do a little bit of an experimentation so we're gonna fly away nice and fast and these things should all be reloaded by the time we're over the marauder again lo and behold interesting you failed to lock on completely oh that's because the world is dead right we can actually do something like this i'm sure that'll be fine there we go and where's our friend the marauder again so this is a very basic thing there's a lot of other things to add but uh in particular counter measures you can stick well this is from the depths here you can stick all kinds of groovy things on your bomber to make it more your speed so to speak so she drops her bombs she flies away that little altitude game there blows up a marauder and does very nicely and then she comes back around for another go dropping bombs beautiful beautiful and like i said like there's more kinds of bomber than you can shake a stick at and from the depths so we're just going to finish off finish off a little bomber by tidying up the wings and adding adding some camo let's go here and let's just add this oh that's why you did that blinking silly billy why would you do this thing okay camo we gotta do arctic because that's compulsory so now we are invisible in the cold [Music] and we've got to put dark glasses on our glass there we go or maybe this will look better it does look better so there you have it we have a bomber we need to bomb a bigger thing well multiple marauders please [Music] so there you have it in less than 20 minutes you two can make a bomber uh much like this and remember you should put mission warners and flares and all that kind of stuff on it if you want it to be a little bit more survivable i have other tutorials for that you can't jam everything into one video but that's the basics of how to get just a simple bomber up and running and you don't have to worry about anything else so uh i hope this was helpful and if it was not helpful i hope it was entertaining and if it wasn't either those things well i hope you have a good day anyway so thank you all so much for watching please like comment subscribe if you want to see more videos like this support me on patreon or youtube membership if you like it really helps and there's fun perks in it for you thank you to all my current supporters and i will see you next time in from the depths farewell [Music]
Channel: BorderWise
Views: 8,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BorderWise, PC Games, From the Depths, PC Game, Rambly, Guide, Building, Creative games, Early Access, Brilliant Skies Limited, Funny, Patch, Tutorial, Steering, Jets, Bomber, Aircraft, Missiles
Id: IX00QqNnwOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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