From Revit to Twinmotion 2020 (using a reader's model)!

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hey everyone welcome to another livestream a little happy hour today it's only me sorry if you were enjoying all the guests but I'm sure I'll have more guests in the future thanks for joining me we got people from all over the place it looks like Chile the UK Utah California I mean pretty awesome that you're all here to hang out and so it's just me I'm gonna try to keep over some chat but uh yeah welcome to another happy hour today's a pretty cool one it's gonna be I think it's gonna be a good time I'm doing something a little different I'm gonna do a live a live generation you could say of a twin motion scene so basically you're gonna see how to use twin motion with Revit from scratch but the trick here is that I'm actually going to be using someone else's model so before I jump into it if you haven't done so already please make sure you subscribe to my youtube channel I think I only need like four or five hundred more and we'll hit 30 thousand which is really really cool so please do that and the other thing is if you are interested in my new community platform so we just did a beta launch last week if you if you join me last week you probably knew about it so that's closed for now but we'll be building it and launching it again in future and so actually this model that I'm using is directly from a member a conversation that I had with a member within the theme after dark community but if you are interested in that and want to know more about it definitely check out BAM after dark beta comm and you could sign up to be on the email list for the next time I do a beta or public release for the BIM after-dark community and that's just a community where I have a social media type of platform for all the community to chat with me and others as well as courses and live office hours kind of like this except you guys also have interaction with me beyond just chat which is pretty cool so so the story goes Mike who is a member of BIM after dark thanks Mike assuming you're here if you are thanks for joining and thanks for wanting to share and so the story basically goes Mike asked a question about when when do when do you choose or who has chosen outsourcing renderings versus building the models designing etcetera so essentially what mike was asking was at some point he either feels like he doesn't have time to produce the renderings or he feels like the architecture gets pushed aside to do more visual visual arts and and then he's a great quote that Mike had was when he's doing into your renderings he feels like in order to make them look good he almost has to become a decorator more than an architect and so we had a great conversation within the community about this everyone sort of had opinions and what I thought would be great is because my opinion on it I have a few opinions on it and one of them was at this point in time we have so many great tools that it doesn't have to be a burden anymore yeah there's a certain level of detail that may be required for something like in tears but creating renderings does not have to be a burden anymore it can be a big part of the process or just a an easier process and less time-consuming process so I thought it'd be kind of fun given that I've been focusing on these real-time rendering engines recently and I've been sort of putting twin motion 2020 through the through the wringer I'm testing out on some crazy things to see where I can break it and I'll tell you right now I have broke it many times but and so I said why don't you send me the model and and I will do some sort of like I'm doing now either a live stream or record myself doing it and just see how long it takes me to take your model and turn it into a live fully rendered real-time scene essentially so basically making image renderings but what's really cool is because I'm doing it into a motion it's a live scene and so you'll see that as I go through I am gonna try and sort of crank through it because I don't know how long this is gonna take I I pretty sure I can get this done in under an hour but I am gonna check chats as I go along and I'm gonna narrow as I go through for those of you who are interested in the process to of twin motion and so on and so forth so feel free to chit chat on on the stream I'm gonna keep an eye on it as I go through and I'm also gonna walk through some of the steps so with that being said I'm gonna jump right in and sort of talk about the model that was there and some of the things that that I noticed right away that I had to sort of modify before I bring it into twin motions so alright konichiwa from Tokyo hey Tokyo cool man nice - nice to meet you thanks for joining us I actually for those of you who follow me over time you know that I am pretty pretty big into largemouth bass fishing and bass fishing in general but I started with trout fishing now just because of my location I sort of converted to - bass fishing and I stumbled upon a few videos of folks over in Japan bass fishing and and that sort of culture that exists over there it's it's wild it's been a it's been a little consuming a little bit of my time watching it on Japanese bass fishing videos alright I digress so what you've seen here is the model that Mike sent me and so this model it's a pretty cool example because it's it's I mean I would say it's kind of a an example that a lot of you may be familiar with you know it's a single-family residential house it's not necessarily a crazy contemporary building it's got a little bit of a contemporary flair to it but you know it's obviously a little more traditional you know gable groups and so on and so forth and so Mike sent me this model and it has basically everything you would want he might my created the topography that you see here he created the the all the walls everything he's near the only thing that I did and this is why I wanted to sort of start in Revit is if you notice I actually have sub-regions and so Mike had this road oops this road here and and that was it so he had grass in the road and what I did here is I made two sub regions are actually three I guess fees this side and so what these sub regions are gonna do is and this is a this is a strictly twin motion thing between motion has an awesome to an election 2020 I should say has an awesome technique tool I guess I don't know it's called to like us call the veggies vegetation scatter and so what that allows you to do is actually take vegetation families or libraries in this case or objects and they scatter them throughout a surface based on a material and so knowing that if you look at the scene it's actually a pretty big topo I've made one sub-region that's for grass so this is for what I'm gonna call realistic grass so I can use this smaller sub-region to place 3d grass and you'll see what I mean when I get into twin motion if I did the entire topo for grass it's a ton of grass that you don't need right we only really need grass within this this general location so that's why I did that one sub region and then the sub region back here is for treats because I don't know anything about where this site is but I'm sort of making it in a rural sort of farmland hilly place I mean it is it is a pretty hilly really looking thing here you know so so I added these two sub regions and I named them this one's called new grass this one's called treeline and then the original one is called site grass and then down here is called asphalt so that's one of the first things I did and this is a very much a twin motion thing I could have used paint painting the the trees on which I'll show you as well because I'm gonna do some of that but um just as a rule of thumb if you're gonna use vegetation scatter through Revit topo you might want to start sub reaching it because it's trying to scatter it across the entire surface and what you'll see is that it becomes it a lock right so so I had in sub-regions gave him names and the only other thing I did and this is something that is purely preference but you'll notice that there's sort of two lines going on with a standing scene so this is a standing seam metal roof and just by looking at it and the fact that I'm rendering it I knew that using a material to show standing seam isn't always the best case so what I did is I quickly created standing seam metal roof using a technique that I been using for I don't even know how many years now I should actually check to see right now how long I've been using this for but basically the technique and I'll post it in the in the chat right now we got 2013 Wow so I guess I've been doing this for a while now this standing seam so basically what you do and I just posted the blog post in the chat but what you do is you take all these roofs so I took all these pitched roofs that you see here I'm gonna select all okay so let's just say I'm gonna use these two as an example and you basically copy you paste them in place and then you convert them to a sloped glazing and so I only have one type in here but you probably would have one called curtain wall one I want to convert them to slope glazing you can do something as simple and I'll isolate it now you can see that so basically it's a sloped glazing that has an empty system panel and then it just has a grid distance I did 1 foot 2 inches so 14 inches just cuz it looked pretty good on this scene and then a using a mullion as the actual standing seam the only this is not something you have to do you can easily use a material but in my humble opinion if you're gonna do standing seam and you're gonna be creating renderings it just looks a million times better when you have physical seams there and these are really easy to create so so Mike thanks for sharing the model the materials are perfect I didn't touch any materials everything else looked pretty good so pretty awesome that I can start with something like this and start rolling but those are those the only modifications that made so I added two two or three sub-regions and then I added a standing seam metal roof and that's just preference I think it just looks so much better I guess I could have just made it a shameful drew for something like that but whatever it is what it is so now that we have this model here all I have to do is go to my twin motion tab which is my exporter that I have plug my exporter plugin I'm gonna leave these as is if you if you look at some of these I remember this is a default or not I think some of these checkboxes are off by default but I don't really care about MEP families I guess I could turn this on and off doesn't make it a big difference and then I sort of leave these as defaults when you bring them into emotion you have some some options anyways oops hit the wrong button there okay so there's my my export so I'm going to use that export and now I'm gonna hop over to in motion now we're starting from scratch so someone else's model it's rendering so as long as the materials look good and I flip through pretty quickly you did a pretty good job you'll see when I'm applying materials there may be some that you notice maybe we should have done multiple materials to or something like that but either way brand new scene twin motion let's roll first thing always with twin motion is make sure you save save immediately save all the time reason being the damn thing crashes usually doesn't crash right away and usually it's only on the bigger models and it's for random reasons but you can't expect sums crashes it's just going to happen I'm hoping that over time there's less I could tell you in 2019 which had many updates it wasn't here not it did not crash nearly as much and so I'm just hoping that some of these fixed but just be ready for some crackers so I'm gonna save this thing right away for now I'm just gonna save it to my desktop happy power house live okay the first thing we do is now similar to Revit when you start a brand new River project the first thing that I like to do is I want to set the location and set some of those sort of general settings that are going to set the scene so I'm going to first go to my background and I'm gonna change this thing to a countryside because why not and I'm gonna import my I'm gonna import my model so that I can set my Sun settings right away I like to have my my Sun settings in my visual settings in the working mode which is kind of we're seeing here the build mode you can say the editor mode similar to what I'm gonna render at so that I get a sense of shadows and tree placement and stuff like that especially on this sort of fictitious scene like this so we're gonna do right now is we're gonna import so I'm going under my import tab here I'm gonna go find my file click open now when you're using Revit with twin motion I like to collapse by material you could collapse by keep hierarchy which if you exported by family it would be non si the greatest idea collapsing by material lets you change by material based on names which is super awesome but I do like to check this box it says fix UV texture so one thing you'll notice especially with site work and some some more oh you know what my head is in the way huh sorry about that guys let's see where can I move my head where it's out of the way a little bit I hope you guys are seeing my head move live cuz that'd be pretty fun so I might just are you think I'm either gonna hide my head or I'm just gonna move myself around we'll see ok so I used over on the bottom left here's where I was talking about the tabs so either way what you want to do is you want to check the box that says fix UV texture mainly because it usually helps with trying to orient textures based on your on your your direction of your polygons that come out of Revit and click OK now if I look around you can see I've got my model here and there's this weird blank thing in the way so if I pull up my tab you could see every single scene with with lumia um with twin motion has a starting ground so we're actually just gonna delete the starting ground we're not gonna use the starting ground for this and there we go there there is a beautiful scene with all the textures not really applied okay so the reason I like to do this right away is now I have a sort of general idea of where this is oriented ideally you don't want to move Revit models when they come into twin motion because it can be a pain in the butt to realign things afterwards you can do it but it's just a pain in the button so I I ideally if you can make sure everything just comes in in the location and stays it stays as is so now let's go down to our little button down here which is our settings and I'm going to set the location so if I wanted to I could set a location somewhere near me so I could say something like Connecticut doesn't really matter but I'm just gonna do Connecticut USA and we're gonna put me so we're like put me in my yurt in Connecticut okay whatever so we're in Meriden Connecticut that's not near me but so we're in Meriden Connecticut and what I like to do is I like to kind of set sun settings with with where I may be so I'm gonna think maybe an August Sun and then I'm gonna do a North offset of something like maybe this for now you know my my image may be something more long lines of down here right so I want it I want to set up my settings so that the shadows are kind of what I'm gonna want them to be for the final rendering so that looks like a pretty good one there for the for the final reading background we already set the other thing I like to do so when you're when you're creating images in twin motion you can actually in 2020 at least you can actually set your lighting your filters your contrast all this stuff that you might want to apply to your images when you export you can set those for the most part in the editor so I like to do those right off the bat so if for some reason you wanted to be a little more cloudy so you can see here I'm add a few more clouds maybe I wanted to be a look at that the background changes to fall how cool maybe I want to pull it a little bit to fall just so you get a little bit green there whatever the tree growth we won't worry about right now under effects I can turn up things like smog if I want I guess that really doesn't make a difference on this scene so I'm just kind of setting these general ideas and this doesn't remember this is for my working view but what's really cool about it is once I set them up it makes my image creation much much faster so I'm gonna go under lighting and I might tweak the exposure a little bit maybe make it a little warmer shadows shadows are gonna be harder to figure out because the shadows have a lot to do with the distance where your camera's so you may want to do those individually based on your your camera location but but what I'll do here usually just set up set a pretty big distance so I get to see all my shadows and then I'll go in and look at some things like if I want to modify the ambient light and remember all of this is just the global settings we're gonna have the ability to change these per image if we want to so someone just asked the question can you change the if you change the North offset we lose the real north shadows and for that specific image or that specific work zone you will but you have the ability to modify these per image so you can flip it back to zero and do real shadows in your real images if you want so now I'm gonna go into camera and some of these things you definitely want parallelism on while you're working because then you'll get things that look like that it just drives me nuts and then visual effects again these are sort of things that I will apply to my images but I wanted to show you here that you can you can do them ahead of time so a few things that I like to do is in color gradient I do like the filter dt7 it just kind of smooths everything out makes it a little warmer I'm a big fan of upping contrast and low in saturation again all this stuff can be refined later but I like to try and do it in the in the in this building mode and then the last filter I like to add is called line light so line light let me do this if I go to line and regular you can see what line regular is doing it's actually adding an outline to your images line light which is under filters it adds a really really subtle outline but it makes a pretty big difference on your exports might even be hard to see there but it's really helpful to have very very slight outlines on renderings in my opinion so okay so that's kind of what I'll add and that remember that's a global filter I'm gonna do this per camera if I want to I just like to set them up as close as I can right away so brought in the model what's the first thing we got to do we got apply materials to this bad boy so in between motion materials are pretty easy to use I'm gonna try and use as many stock materials I can maybe I apply one custom one just so you guys can see what it is but if you hit T on your keyboard it actually pulls up your eyedropper and your eyedropper is going to if you click on material you can see it's right down here new grass this is one of the ones that I created if I click over here it's a slight grass and click over here it says treeline so if you click your eyedropper it at least tells you what it is or if you wanted to you could also just search for whatever material you're looking for so if I'm looking for grass again let me move my sorry about that guys I think I just moved the entire screen on you guys so sorry let me make this fit there we go my head now over here floating heads all over the place alright sweet okay so another thing to do is you could you could grab you could grab materials and as you drag around you're kind of seeing where they were they're gonna go one thing I will mention and I don't want to get too far into this because we only have a short amount of time is that there is a difference if you see down here it says replace material there is a difference between replacing a material and applying to an object so depending on your project you will want to choose one or the other so for the sake of getting this thing done quickly I'm gonna use replace material but what I will warn you with is when you replace a material so let's say I replace grass five four down here which is my one grass and then if I was to right now replace this grass with the same grass five those two materials and those two surfaces will always be the same material in twin motion once you do that so there's two ways around it it's either you take grass five you duplicate it and you rename it kind of like do double duplicating and in Revit or you do apply over here apply two objects instead of replaced object so just a heads-up for the sake of time and speed I'm gonna leave this as a replacement and I don't remember which one I picked here which one was this this was grass five so that's grass five another another thing to note with with Revit is that the scale of materials is usually gonna be pretty off so you notice I had to go up to ten until it started looking correctly you may even need to go higher which I'll show you soon because we're going to need that so for the sake of argument I'm gonna actually throw in different grasses here so we did grass five I'm gonna use grass four for this grassy area back here which again going to be more in the background and then I'm gonna use grassy ground for where my trees are going to be and so you can see here my trees here and I'm gonna crank up the scale and so now you can kind of see what I'm doing here I'm just filling in filling in materials so now the driveway so if I want and check out some asphalt materials you can see there's a bunch of asphalt materials and again I'm just searching through real quick I'm gonna dump asphalt onto here let's see how this looks so you'll notice it looks pretty good because there's something called grunge and twin motion but if I scale this up you'll see that you're actually not seeing much of the texture yet so it did a pretty good job with scale here but you may in certain materials in certain objects you may have to scale this thing up beyond ten okay so this is an example but let's say it was a little tip from twin motion for whatever reason you can get defaults from zero to ten but if I wanted to type in 25 and press Enter I can scale it to 25 don't know how you change that threshold but it is what it is so just so you know you aren't limited to what twin motion lets you slide to you can actually type in a number so that looks pretty good for asphalt I'm okay with that maybe give it a little reflection just for fun we have this walkway right here so I'm gonna look through some of these materials I think ground has some good ones so you can see man-made in nature or natural nature or whatever and you can see they have different cobblestones and some really cool-looking grounds here I think there's a field stone that yeah this stone flooring right here is kind of cool as well as this one so I'm gonna apply it stone flooring and this is another example notice the scale of this thing it doesn't look terrible but you know we actually want it more like that and so that's ten but if we wanted it bigger I can actually click in here and say 15 enter but notice when I use the slider I can't go above ten I don't know why god only knows but if you guys ran into that that should be pretty helpful and then if I look at a material like this the one thing I might want to do is maybe I want to earn reflection up a little bit just to try and get a little more a little more bump out of it using reflection grunge grunge helps a little bit with with the bump maps as well and then if I go under settings you can see bump is already maxed out with with 100% one thing twin motion does not have is displacements and so you may run into areas where you're thinking I'm not getting enough I'm not getting quite enough bump as I want and so that's just something that exists and there's ways around it but for the most part that's what you're gonna run into okay so for the most part let's look around here the site materials are looking pretty good and don't worry we're gonna add some details like vegetation and stuff too let's just quickly do the house so house is pretty straightforward we're gonna look to see what kind of siding materials they have on here something back out of here siding so we have a wood siding with plastic siding so I'm just gonna use the wood siding that's already here if you want it to use your own you could but and I'm gonna scale it up a little bit there we go I might change your color scheme a little bit Mike just because why not the scenes looking a little warm I guess my Sun settings I probably have that shouldn't mess with the time a little bit but that's okay so here's a nice little material there I'm just looking around make sure this looks pretty good the roof let's do some roof so I'm gonna look at some metals or better yet now this material doesn't look all that bad and sometimes what I'll do is modify it let's say you know maybe this came in as a darker black but I can actually just take this default material that came in from Revit and if I wanted to I could give it a little bit darker value maybe I up the reflection a little bit oops sorry I'm going a little fast there and then I could also up the grunge a little bit which is kind of nice on these metals and you can see it's already kind of making this sort of patina look to the to the standing seam so yeah I could use a metal but I'm just showing you some options that you have you know bump I'm not really sure what bump map it's grabbing huh but I'll also add a little metallic so there's a darker metal roof so that's not too bad just something that you could do and if I want to take the same material I can just drag it out now and apply it to the ribs so now we're starting to get something that looks a little nice there we're getting some materials filled in concrete's gotta get done so if I click here you can see this is our default concrete cast and place gray from Revit so I'm actually going to what you'll notice is that if I wanted to for example I can scale this up I can add a little reflection maybe add a little bump to it and even a little grungy nasteria I could use this and it'd probably work as as as concrete but in my experience even with twin motion or sorry even with lumion or in twin motion you're always kind of better off using using their materials as a start it just seems to help so what I'm gonna do is go in and I'm gonna use bare concrete let's see you wanna have some fun with it let's just use bare concrete too so this is an example where it's a little hard to see there there's the scale so notice the scale came in it was basically that small so by cranking it up a little bit I can start getting something a little closer to what I want maybe I had a little more grunge to it there we go I'm getting a little bit of exposure let me jump back and that's kind of bothering me the lighting I don't know if it's the time yeah I did there we go it was just a little the lighting was a little off there I don't there we go again I like to try and get my um my working view as close to what I'm gonna use my uh maybe I don't want to do summer maybe want to go a little more Smalley yeah let's do something like that the one thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna turn off that filter that I'm using right now just because I'm not a fan of how it's looking so I'm gonna go down to filters color grading I'm gonna turn out that dt7 just like it were that warming effect alright that's better okay so we've changed quite a few things now we just need to change the trim material will change the stone around the corner here and there's a couple of wood materials I believe right in the corner there so let's do the trim I don't know what color to do here I was kind of I wasn't really planning on doing a Brown house I don't know someone someone give me a color for trim in the chat while I'm uh I'm applying the stone over here I know we got a lot of designers out there come on now all right so while while you're doing that I'm going to throw some stone on this fireplace I'm gonna like this stone wall three it's kind of nice and again remember the scale thing this is kind of how it's scaled coming in from Revit it's just an issue with with the Revit symport in the FBX and so you're almost always gonna be scaling your materials up usually ten gets you somewhere but I'll do 15 oops and I'll click off of it 15 okay now crank up the bump oh yeah there we go cool mocha blue dark bronze whoa whoa you guys are out of control neon orange I mean I want to make an image that's presentable after this come on guys I like mocha I think Michael my mocha might look pretty good like a dark dark walnut type of look maybe yeah let's go for it see how it looks we can always change it afterwards this is actually be a good example to show you how when you use replace material versus versus apply so right now if you look at this material setup if I click T and I select this there's one called trim alabaster if I click this there's aluminum Marvin if I click this there's another aluminum Marvin set some kind of Marvin window aluminum I click here it's trim cierra I click here it's white alabaster if I click here it's trim color so if you're the one building this model if you want those to all be the same material you're better off doing them but what you'll see is that what I can do is I can actually drag once I replace these materials all the trim materials that I want to be the same material will be the same material and modifiable that way so that's pretty cool if you want it to be but you just have to be very wary of it so let me just dig down to wood let's see we got something without it you know this this could be a good opportunity to do a custom material so I'm trying to find something that doesn't have chestnut mahogany let's do this Olive is kind of a nice material that's not terrible so I just applied it to this one material here which is I think this was called trim Sierra something that and so you can see well we got some CMU over here hey look at that we're gonna have to change that huh by the way if you are using twin motion if you press the number one on your keyboard it slows your movement down number two speeds it up and then number three speeds it up even more so I'm apologizing if I'm moving around a little too fast but I just wasn't flipping too much so I'm gonna take this concrete and I'm actually gonna flip the CMU to concrete looks like a reverse model there which is pretty cool I'm also going to select this insulation rigid and this is what's kind of cool about twin motion too is because we brought it in by materi if I expand my FBX export I can actually select my insulation rigid which you could see is right here and I can actually control the visibility of it I can turn it off so I can turn every element off that has the rigid insulation maybe you don't want to do that but for the sake of this rendering I'm gonna hide the rigid insulation because it was popping up above great so you can actually manually control you can manually control the the layers based on sorry that the components based on their materials which is kind of cool all right so let's see so we got this nice material here this olive and so if I flip this into the inside maybe it's maybe it's gonna be too much to do the trims that dark color hmm hmm that's alright let's just roll with it so what I'm doing is I'm just I'm using T to select them and I'm gonna place them place the material within it it looks like the inside is actually another material so it looks like it's a Marvin with an aluminum frame and a wood outside for the sake of this rendering I wanted to be the same cuz why not know the darks not that bad I could live with it so you can see what I'm doing is I'm actually flipping all this stuff out but now because I flipped it out if I went to T and I selected here you notice they're they're all olive to now so now they're all the same material and so I can modify olive to and they will all change so I can make a darker lighter add more to it etc so that's kind of cool if that's what you're going for maybe in here we'll do something a little fun will do uh I don't know we'll do a darker siding in here whoo I should probably do so there's a good example so this you notice this right here is wood siding one so what I may want to do is actually use an apply material or rename wood siding one so if I go to T I click here I'm gonna rename this guy wood siding I don't know entire house or something like that so now when I place the other wood siding it's not going to over overlap it see how they're both different materials now and now here I'll rename this and this is that whole replace object thing when you do it a few times you'll get used to it but it's one of those things like not double duplicating assets in Revit that kicks your butt and let's do it would do a finished siding will do a maybe darker or something like that I don't know something different kind of like a louver Oh looks like we had the same material here that's unfortunate that's undo another great thing we do have undo so another sort of unfortunate thing here is that trim color trim color trim color all these objects are the same so there's a couple things I can do I can deal with that and just change in angle with it or I can actually just change it in Revit and flip it back in so I dare do this during a live model I do let's go with it so here's my my wood timber columns which looks like I have multiple types which is always great so let me let me change these types and I'm gonna change the material of these columns to column material because I don't want those to be the same as the trim actually you know what those make more sense of trim color this little thing in here I might want to change let's see how this was modeled Mike you asked for it right so it looks like we have a wall here which has trim color applied to it into that wall huh I think it's got reveals four days let's see oh yeah here we go is my favorite part about using other people's models so here's the wall that he created which is pretty cool and it looks like you slice and dice this thing to the gods and here adding some reveals and whatnot and I'm gonna check to see if this is a paint so I'm gonna go to remove paint and I'm gonna hover rabbit 2020 is gonna kick my butt right now I don't know about you guys but Revit 2020 and I'm on twenty twenty point two I'm still getting some like five minutes of not able to click anything and then it comes back to me it looks like we're stuck in that oh yeah PT no all right we'll jump back to that siding then for now so what I want to do is I'm gonna change the material of that inside so let's just check some other materials see what we have here we have white alabaster that color there which I think is being used a few different locations here so I think for that what we're gonna want to do is maybe just use our Olive g2 but I think I'm actually going to duplicate it and rename it olive darker maybe I want to make that a little darker I'm gonna apply that to the trims here and I'm gonna darken that up why because again why not so now we got a few Browns this is gonna be a pretty dark building huh I wasn't really ready for that okay so we've got Cana and this uh now that everything's dark like this this concrete is driving me nuts I don't know about you guys but I'm gonna change this maybe this wants to be stoned in fact I think this wants to be the same stone as the fireplace so I'm just gonna take the stone from the fireplace I'm gonna drop it over the concrete there whoo that's really big scale it down a little bit ah much better much better all these materials I'm again I'm trying to trying to sort of read both here all these all these materials are right now default in twin motion I would you can apply your own materials too but what I'm searching through right now come baked with in twin motion 2020 so right here we got cherry for the door and all this good stuff for the door looks like I can't change the door material separate from the frame so we're not gonna bother with that but we could also do a little metal on the front let's do metal they will do some warn well that carbon might have been nice on the handle there there on the top there let's do a one copper sure why not okay I'm gonna go back to Revit to see if it wants to cooperate now modify yeah it doesn't want to cooperate all right oh wait there we go okay so another little trick and this is one from another tutorial years and years ago oh look at that my head is floating again it's just my head just popping up everywhere if you use the paint if you select remove or add paint if you hover over a surface it's actually gonna tell you what it's painted by so you can see I'm hovering over it says wall basic material bah bah boppa bah and it says painted with trim color so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to paint it with a a new material so I guess I should make the new material first I told myself I wasn't gonna do any Revit modifications during this live thing but here we are inner window detail if I want to I can apply appearance to it and whatnot but honestly it doesn't really matter because I'm doing it in twin motion so now I'm gonna go to modify I'm gonna go to paint whole paints way over here cuz I was on another monitor I'm sure you guys can all relate to that and then I'm gonna paint this with that lovely gray that I just created but this is a good example because I can show you how loading this back in can either destroy you or make your life amazing so I'm gonna go to export there's my twin motion exporter way over here again because that's what Revit likes to do when you have multiple monitors I'm going to overwrite my existing one so I'm gonna overwrite this guy click Save yes so I'm just react sporting now cheers Jason welcome export successful Oh lovely that's what I like to see jump back in twin motion hop over to my imports hit the refresh and hope to god that all my material stay they stayed thank God so when you use apply versus replace a lot of times that's when you'll run into the issues with materials thing and some of the visibility things will not go away so the rigid installation turned back on well you'll notice now these are gray and these are the trim material which is kind of what I wanted right so now that I wanted this guy here I can take that I can take that siding material that I wanted to do wood siding I can apply it here I'm gonna rename it as well I'm gonna call it inset and I'm just gonna make this a darker siding that's a little bit smaller than the other one maybe even darker than that line up something like that I'm gonna turn up reflection I'm gonna turn up grunge a little bit maybe it's some kind of like weird metal thing well that was kind of cool okay quick question I saw by neo is why not use the live link from Revit because I just hate live links from Revit for these programs no I it works same with lumion but I like the idea of when I'm doing something like this memorializing that Revit model at that moment in time exporting it and making the scene and then only one I want to real inking it Andrey saving it live link if you start you know doing some major model edits and stuff like that you can run into some major issues so that's why I don't choose to use the live links you guys are more than welcome to use live links if you like this little strip of white down here is really bothering me so I'm just gonna add some more brick to that and then last but not least I think we just have this trim color here which is these columns and I guess we might as well just use this dark color because I don't feel like being super creative tonight and last but not least let's do a nice little walkway here or our patio thing scale it up a little bit crank open here add a little grunge alright I think we got most of the materials what's that then let's change this thing up here if you want to you can do some materials on the inside if you must I'm the only other thing that you might want to change is the glass so the glass does come in and it works but for the sake of renderings in in-between motion we do have something called reflective glass and I would suggest you you utilize that it helps and I'll show you why when when we do the rendering but it will help with with your reflections during rendering and in general it just makes a better looking scene I always put a little bit of a blue or purple hint into my glass depending on what it is so there we go we got a scene starting to go perfect save as so we don't forget anything all right let's roll so now I'm gonna place the vegetation I'm gonna another great thing about twin motion is you can add containers which are folders for your visibility and I'm gonna add from a comment for my context I'm gonna add trees I'm gonna add single trees I'm gonna add grass this all depends on how you want to modify it but I always like having the ability to turn on off things like that so people so I have trees single trees grass and people and then I'm gonna set trees as my active container so these are gonna be my my large large place trees so here's where this awesome vegetation scatter comes into play I'm gonna flip over to context I'm gonna go to vegetation scatter I'm gonna go to trees and I'm gonna use a horse chestnut a sweet birch a pecan or European beach and let's use a Norway spruce so now I can place these are five tree types I dropped them in here I'm selecting them and notice there's a little plus sign right here well if I click that little plus sign it's kind of like a pain bucket fill in Photoshop but for 3d trees so if I click this material you'll notice it actually places trees randomly throughout that one material now you see why I did sub-regions click ah one more time does a few more click one more time does a few more that's probably enough because what we're gonna do now is once we place these trees I have the ability to modify their settings so if I go and I select them again I go to settings you'll notice I can actually change the age of these trees so I can make them taller I can turn growth on I can turn seasons on or I can make them always be in fall but now you can see within just two clicks look at that awesome forest I got pretty freakin cool and so that's why the sub regions are really important because now I'm able to place that but I can manually place the trees I want around the site so let me turn to three zoom in here whoa whoa whoa I sped up a little too much there so now before I place before I do the grass I'm gonna place trees with a little more control so I got my big forest in now I'm actually going to use using it in the same trees area I'm gonna utilize what's called a vegetation of paint so this acts a similar way where you place one two three let's do I'm not going to do the spruce for this one because one so now if I go in here and I select these three trees I can click paint and I can actually draw these trees on oh boy hello got a little click happy there let's try that again okay so now I can paint I can set my diameter to whatever I want and actually I can actually paint the rest of my forest in here so we're only gonna be paying attention to a scene or two so I'm actually going to sort of clean it up a little bit like this what I like to do and the reason I have these sort of single trees that you're taught that this other layer is I like to be able to play some single trees for shadows and stuff like that all right and what's really cool about it is these guys are completely controllable via these layers over here so if I turn off scatter tree you can see I could turn off the scattered vegetation I could turn off the painted vegetation or using this container I could actually turn off all the trees super cool and super powerful right so Fernet right now I'm gonna leave that as our trees what I'll do is once we create our image I might want to place a couple trees behind me or something to make some nice shadows across it so now let's go to grass so I'm gonna set my grass of my as my active container I'm going to go to vegetation scatter I'm gonna choose just for fun I'm gonna choose three different grasses I'm gonna do long grass one long grass two and long grass three someone didn't mow that long I'm gonna click scatter at add and you'll notice just by clicking this material remember I did these by sub-region it's adding realistic grass to my scene and it's three different types which is pretty cool okay and notice I can turn this on and off so now if I select these three I can go under settings and I can do things like change the size of it you know up and down I can change the tint the dryness and some really cool settings but for the sake of time we're gonna say this is the looks great okay one more thing that I didn't add is I'll do a new container and I'll do shrubs or something like that so of course we're gonna need we're gonna need some bushes and trees around the house so for these I'm just gonna manually manually select them so I'm gonna go through trees and maybe I'll do a maybe I'll do a nice little let's see apricot tree sure maybe I'll do an apricot tree here and maybe one here and maybe one here and these individual trees I can also change the individual sizes of each of them using growth and you can see you know different different heights there and then maybe I'll add a couple bushes in front of the scene to what we got on time Oh 820 oh boy I started about ten minutes late right so all right so I'm gonna add some box bushes around here too I am NOT a landscape architect so please don't kill me for where I'm placing these but I'm just gonna add some things to the scene so you guys get a sense of how this could work maybe I went here and here as well sure I'm sure some flowers and stuff would be nice but again I could be here all day doing that so I'll only add maybe I had a couple some flowers over here in the corner just for fun get a little color in there perfect okay now I'm gonna go and I'm gonna use my people I'm gonna say set as active container and the reason I'm doing this is it's always easier to to place things and leave them or and place them in their container when you're doing the individual otherwise you're gonna have a list like this that you have to select everything and place them in the container afterwards so let's place some people so I'm gonna add mmm you add let's end we'll add someone on the porch so maybe it looks like she'll be on a porch hmm there's too many people to choose from oh sorry about that everyone we just went through the ground and through the forest and now we are somewhere behind the house there we go I'm sure it's great following along when you're not gonna show it's like driving I can't be I can't be next to someone or in the driver's seat sometimes alright let's make sure she doesn't walk off the porch so I'm gonna take a look at how our animation is we might want to watch have her watching so you can use still people but for the sake just cuz it's kind of fun I'm gonna make her walking and she's walking into a column dandy let's mover it to the side a little bit okay so she's walking around on the cell phone and maybe we'll have some kids playing in the yard so Isabelle will be here and Ryan will be right here perfect and they look bored in the yard I guess everyone's on quarantine okay so we'll have them looking at each other make the scene a little realistic and so it's pretty cool as you'll notice just by adding these I know why Ryan doesn't want to rotate come on Ryan rotate there we go wow they look really bored so it's pretty cool about these is you can actually you can change what their animations are so you can see he's he could be drinking water they give you a little he could be sitting he could be dancing he could be speaking you know so you can actually change the animated characters to do different things which is pretty cool and so they are just playing a game so we got some people there and last but not least I'll add a car and then we'll pump out a rendering let's put a car in the driveway we'll put this little Hyundai looking thing one thing you will notice with with placement on Revit topography is - emotion has no idea what to do with it so see how it's doing this crazy stuff so I'm just gonna place it and then rotate it afterwards it's unfortunate but it it tries to use unreal physics engine to figure it out and I guess with Revit content it has no idea what to do with it we also never change the garage but that's ok it's not gonna be in Racine another little tip is if you tab around this selection portal it lets you do things like scale rotate move so if you want to rotate the pitch and move it up and stuff you can press tab and it goes through that all right we got ourselves a scene you know what one last thing we should do just for fun is we should add a little smoke coming out of Jimmy cuz why not so I'm gonna go down to use a library try to remember where the heck the smoke is I guess I can just search for it it's under particles somewhere and I do see your comments I'm reading some of them let me see any tips for n scape entourage the tips for n scape entourage it's good luck so I am you guys have seen my information and I do I love n scape and I use it oh look at that that's some serious serious smoke there cool but placing entourage right now inside of the Revit environment if you were to place like all those trees and stuff for those of you familiar with it you'd probably know that it's an absolute and yes chimney smoke in a summer scene if they're up here in New England and in Connecticut then you can use a fire year-round because we can call this hell even even at the unit in the summer at nighttime or maybe they have a boiler that's just burning really really dirty ok so the last thing we want to do before we we create a rendering and this is just because I want you guys to see a little tip there when it comes to creating true a cue reflections you will get some nice reflections in the scene just because you're using reflective glass but twin motion because it's a Unreal Engine type of thing if you want real reflections it's kind of like in lumion you had the police reflection planes and stuff you have to use what's called a reflection probe and so we're only doing one scene so I'm just gonna place the reflection probe in front of our house and what the reflection probe is gonna do and I have a post that I'm gonna write about just explaining the reflection probe because it can take all data to explain but basically what you want it to do is you want it to be the size of the one facade that you're rendering at this time or in general if you're doing all four facades you want it to be decided oh please the size of SADS and what's gonna happen is whatever's inside this box is gonna reflect off of the glass that that's it's gonna reflect it correctly I should say so notice how I'm increasing it a little bit so if I increase it and then I bring it just to the face of this guy it's gonna reflect all the trees behind me and so I'm gonna get into a camera view and show you I probably shouldn't have put that under two people - so let me pull that out of people there we go so now I placed that and I'll show you exactly what does in a second now I'm gonna go down to my images I'm gonna scroll down and get to a view that I want to create a rendering of so let us do oh that's a pretty nice-looking view it's unlike this so create image so now I've created myself a little scene and for the sake of the fact that we're in twin motion and we can do this let's do a nice little elevation rendering too just for fun actually we should set up the scene first so here's our scene what I wanted to show you is it may be hard to see but if you look at these windows try and look it like this little window here in this little window here if I turn off that reflection probe notice what happens you don't see the reflection of the trees it's gonna reflect the world for the sake of computer speed right so you need a reflection probe in order to actually reflect truly your environment so definitely take taking advantage of those so now we have an image here what I'm gonna do is I'm actually going to set the the Sun settings a little different here because what I really want is I do want some more tree shadows in my scene so I'm going to do something like this maybe there we go a little pro tip for rendering for everyone the more shadows that you have from behind you and stuff the more realistic the scene ends up looking just one of those things so so you can see just in general already the scenes starting to look a little more realistic so now I got some shadow settings that I like now I can go through and I can set my lighting settings just for this particular scene right so maybe I want the exposure to be up a little bit this is where I like to use shadows so if you notice if I crank shadows down you're gonna get a different result if each crank shadows up you're gonna get different result ideally you want the shadow distance to be generally within your scene and the way I figure out the scene now at the scene distance is if I go under if I turn on depth of field I can actually click a target now in 2020 and if I click it you can see it's actually giving me 83 feet so that's a quick way to know where your building is in relation to your camera and then I use that 83 feet to judge my shadows so if I go in our lighting I can crank shadows down to 83 feet as sort of a start let me just do 83 and you can see that's kind of where my building is and so then you can crank up shadows more I would I would urge you from not going all the way up because you'll see what it does is it actually decreases the detail of the shadow to close objects so really your shadow distance wants to be as far as you can make it where you're not losing shadow detail I know it's kind of annoying and confusing but you'll get a sense of it when you start playing around with it same thing with shadow bias usually point to is okay point one is probably the most that you want to go down ambient lighting I'm gonna turn that up a little bit to crank up the shadows a little bit as I'm looking at the scene I may want to quickly fill in some some shrubbery down here I'm not gonna get that picky about it today but usually what I'll do is I'll fill in more shrubbery down the bottom but for the sake of argument we got something going here let me just checks on my camera settings I'm gonna turn on parallelism because we want to make sure those lines are nice and straight we're all architects or designers around here why not you have been getting you have a couple of things under visual effects this is where you can check things like your contrast and your saturation in my opinion again this is opinion but higher contrast lower saturation usually looks more realistic and then if you want to start using some visual filters you can but I kind of like the way this is so here's image one so there's image one and what's cool about this is if I go over here and let's say this is my next view that I want to do so maybe it's something like this if I create image two you can see it takes the same settings and so if i zoom in a little maybe I'll do something like this and I click image three the only thing you're gonna want to do is you get closer and you move around is your going to want to change your depth of field so for this particular image I need to change my depth of field distance so it's nice crisp same thing on the other one so now you can see I've got these three images good to go look at that just about an hour and I talked for about 5-10 minutes in the beginning so just about an hour now we can make renders so two ways to make renderings and this is an interesting point and I'm actually I do have a blog post about this too coming up because it's fascinating to me so under export I can select my three images and it says multi here I'm gonna save it because you never know you have the ability to turn on what's called refinement which is just going to be a higher higher rate of rendering when it actually renders and then max lighting on so that's sort of crank and everything up the one thing I didn't mention either was if you want to control the size of your images you have to do it within the camera views so under format you can see right now I'm just doing 1080 images which is fine for what we're doing here I'm gonna click start export on my desktop and now we're rendering and so this is three images at 1080 and this is sort of the rendered piece so the last thing I want to show you is once this finishes if it finishes let's hope it does the you can also you can also render quote-unquote using the presentation mode and I actually found that it looks very similar if not better depending on your situation so you can see it's pumping out these images the reason is taking a little long and then you may be used to is because I turned on the high refinement and I also turned on max lighting and reflections so we'll get in there almost there while it's going I'm gonna read a few things looks like there's a hopefully you guys we're all just looking at all of between motion how cool it is but it looks like any tips for M scape Entourage my computer setup Angela is the I'm using the origin so if you check out on the blog or on the YouTube channel I reviewed this origin this is the Evo 16 s or 16 St I think 16 X I did a full review on it and I just have two monitors hooked up to it so I have a to 1080 self that's it so there we go it's done rendering what I want to do is I'm gonna make I'm actually going to make a present presenter mode and this is what I'm gonna write a blog post about because I think it's super interesting so if I create a new presenter mode just kind of like this PowerPoint exe thing that exists inside to in motion now it used to be called the emotion in previous versions I can add my images to a presentation okay so these these are basically slides now within a presentation but what I can do is I can export this as a dot exe or I can I can go into present mode oops and they just went on the other monitor of course it did it's going to the main monitor sorry guys should I try and flip that let's see well this is gonna be wild so if you guys are really interested in this I'm gonna set up okay I guess it's not gonna let me see its flipping onto the main monitor when I go to presentation mode so I guess I can't enjoy that but long story short you'll see a blog post about it and and you can actually export from the presenter mode but now go see my my boy Jacob I'm gonna go back to camera and yeah so that's the rendering what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna open them right now and show you what we just created screen in camera no that's just screen only alrighty so there we go so there's one rendering there's another rendering and there's another rendering so pretty cool you know I would suggest that you view your Photoshop these I'll flick through them again and this was again under an hour just about an hour using someone else's models so I think it's pretty cool pretty powerful and obviously you'd want to Photoshop these I would suggest you do some sort of Photoshop stuff and maybe you know if you're interested maybe next week I'll do some some post-production stuff of these images or something like that but alright I didn't get to drink my drink during that whole thing I'm just checking out some of the questions and stuff somebody's asking about the exporter so yeah it's an e bin motion I wish I could show you but I don't I need to set up its its opening on my other monitor and if I flip OS B which is when I'm broadcasting on it's just gonna be a nightmare for you guys so I could always talk about that later but definitely you can look it up the presenter and it's pretty cool but yeah it exports an exe and you can run the exe but you can also run it in the editor which is what I was going to show you and from there you can actually from there you can actually export screenshots but they look very similar to renderings somebody said the please do post-production next time so maybe I won't maybe next week I'll run through that stuff I'm just reading through some of your questions great stuff super fast so uh yeah Wow so I think I did it uh maybe I'll look back in the timer to see if I did an hour but Mike thank you so much for submitting your model I want to thank everyone for joining me anything new with twin motion 2020 point one point one I didn't know there was a point with 2020 point one point one out what am I on 20 over point one god I hope they fix some of the some of the crashes luckily we didn't run into any crashes but honestly the crashes that are happening for me are on really large models like twelve gigabyte scenes like those are pretty you know massive 40-acre sites so um so yeah I'll take a look at twenty twenty point one point one though because I'm interested in - Randy asked how much the twin motion cost I believe if you sign up for unreal right now it's free for now or if you hadn't unreal accounts free I remember how it is but I think that the total costs right now is I think they're doing a fifty percent the yearly professional license so it's like 250 bucks for the year or something like that it's actually relatively inexpensive you can check it out on if you just search for two emotion or epic games I believe so I'm actually using it free because I had an unreal epic games account beforehand but definitely check it out and I think what you guys have saw is is that the twin motion UI is pretty easy to use and in conclusion I think you can see that I I took a model that I didn't even create that my created and was able to turn it into a rendering a usable rendering that again with a little bit of post-production could look mint which I'll whether I whether I show you in a video or whether I do it for the post I don't know but pretty cool pretty powerful stuff trial as full version size reason and stuff cool I hope you guys enjoyed this I I like fun I wasn't a little a little worried that I wasn't gonna get it done in time if you don't have any other questions and stuff I want I'm gonna hop off I hope this was valuable hope this is useful if you enjoyed this please again subscribe I want to hit 30,000 subscribers that'd be super cool and definitely if you're interested in becoming a beta member of my learning community of Revit and all things BIM head on over to BIM BIM after-dark beta comm I'll post it in here again and the replay of this will be on youtube live as well as on my blog at the Revit kid comm I think I saw a question come in hey Jeff when when using VR and twin motion I can't adjust elevation ah that's a great question so what you need to do so I've been testing VR between motion versus end scape and I've been able to get them very close as far as quality and usage again the one big issue I have is that you can't physically move with a d-pad you have to use either walking in real space or using the trigger but with twin motion what I noticed is you have to start put your put your camera into a motion on the ground basically when you start VR so let you in you if your headsets on the ground then you lift it up and it's it's correct it won't always stay that way but that's what I found out and I think it has to do with something with your level trying to set where your zero is in the twin motion world versus Revit I think is something that I've run into so the one thing that I the one thing that I did that worked for me was starting with your goggles on the floor and making sure your camera in twin motion so the view you're looking at was you sitting on the floor basically if you work with the goggles and then when you start it you can pop them up and it's good to go so pretty sweet alright looks like you guys are still chatting away but I'm gonna head out thank you all for joining me I really appreciate it and feel free to reach out if you have any other questions and I'll talk to everyone a door stay safe stay happy and yeah have a great week you
Channel: TheRevitKid
Views: 34,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: revit, revit design, architecture, architecture design, autodesk revit, revit tutorial, lumion, lumion 3D, lumion architecture, architect, residential architect, revit tip, revit tutorials, revit architecture, BIM, building information modeling, autodesk revit tutorials, architecture tutorials, bimafterdark, bimafterdarklive, From Revit to Twinmotion 2020 (using a reader's model)!, from revit to twinmotion, twinmotion 2020, from revit to twinmotion tutorial, twinmotion tutorial
Id: JvPbruLQ-eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 30sec (4230 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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