Ep 9 - The Farmhouse P2 - Building one of the most successful restaurant & shisha lounge in the UK

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[Music] foreign [Music] I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for blessings and prayers and look out because whatever you see around me now like you see a nice Lounge nice restaurant whatever you see none of this would be possible if it wasn't for the for the blessings of Allah you guys probably say uh he works hard he's got a good team his his organization is his uh his skills or whatever all that doesn't matter you can be the most skilled person in the world but if you haven't got people's duas with you nothing you can this place will be empty yeah this whole place runs on I don't know who's the was it can be it can be my mom's the ones my grandma's anyone or maybe I've helped someone in the past that I don't even know about that they're praying for me and that's they're the little little things that matter in life and that's probably what keeps me safe as well like like I've told you like I've had a car I don't I haven't told you I had a car crash or whatever that was like a really bad car crash and I survived it and it shouldn't have survived it but is this another one after the golfer although the golf that was nothing that was this one my car rolled over uh three times and hit into a wall and a tree and I literally walked out of that crash I got out myself and I had no not even a scratch on me and that that just that was like a living experience for me to say usher died that day but someone's device or something gave maybe that's what kept me alive it was a high performance car yeah it was a m uh you know x5m yeah so I literally had that car for two weeks and just rolled over smashed into her yeah it was stupid I was on my phone I'm a good driver but I was literally on my phone texting away looked up and the Band came bang rolled over and smashed into a tree yeah and how did you didn't even get any injuries no I got literally jumped out the car uh it's literally the car was on his side so I jumped out from the top got out and I was like what should I do now you know what I did I sparked the fact I was like [ __ ] sakes man brand new cars and then I was like I can't even phone anyone my phone's in the car so I'm there small kids smoking smoking the neighbors have come out we're the area crashed and they've come up with blankets putting them on I like to relax man I don't need a blanket and there he's like are you okay and listen I'll go trust me I'm fine and then they've called the police and ambulances and police have come and they were like has the driver gone to hospital I'll go no no I was driving they go you ain't the driver oh yeah I was driving and uh they were shocked I thought you did a little switch up or something yeah they go that's a lethal like you need a fire engine in this sort of accident the car was you can't even recognize the car really yeah that's what I'm saying like it's in closet like you know if if it wasn't for people's doors like you're not protected yeah and how do you keep because I've seen on your social media that you you post about Dean and you know you're praying and and uh and it's really important that you you sort of give that advice to the youth how would you say for people that maybe struggle within to get closer to the religion and Dean like is there any advice you could give um I'll be honest with you I look like I'm not the perfect Muslim there's probably loads of flaws in me and I'm not probably the best example of being a Muslim but a trauma best and that's the main thing what matters like only Allah knows what's in your heart and that's what matters to me like I know my relationship with God whether other people judge me for other things I don't know but at the end of the day no like the message I'd say to other people is don't think by you feeling that you're not a good person that you can't be close to God at the end of the day we're all Sinners and we can repent and God's the most merciful and you you will be forgiven and if your intentions are clean and your heart's clean maybe you fall into sins and stuff like that but that two wrongs don't make a right so as long as you continue praying continue to be close to God slowly slowly any bad habits you have will iron them out and that's the main thing did you go to umra recently as well yeah how was that experience like a best experience of my life like literally you know like words can't explain the feeling you get when you go there and that was my first time ever being there and you know like I've Seen It All My Life in pictures videos and I've seen the Kaaba I've seen it and I was like you know when you're there in front of it it makes you emotional on another level like I'm not one of those guys who can cry easily like it takes something different inside me to trigger me to roll out my tears and that's that made me cry are you cry about you there yeah when I first seen it like they said they they like everyone will tell you like when you go there you know like the first one you make that will come true and like in my head I was like I'm gonna say this I'm gonna say this when I got there I was literally speechless I couldn't even I was stuck I couldn't get any words out my mouth and at the end when I finally could get a word out my mouth I just like prayed to say y'allah you know what's in my heart and that's all that I want to say and thank you for bringing me here and that was it it was crazy like even now like I can feel my eyes get in the warm just by thinking about it yeah it gives you a um I don't know like just being there just makes you realize life is nothing life is temporary like we're only here for so such a short amount of time and we gotta make sure we're doing things the right way none of this life matters is like everything that matters is uh when you go return to Allah that's what matters that's really powerful advice for our listeners mashallah it's good to see that you've got such a strong mindset in all the areas and then to bring it back to to business making this business unique from any other business is that just your mindset or me and my brother are like uh We've like planned and strategically done this place ourselves but we always um on our days off for anything like with the lads or just on a social we like to go for a smoke and some food we go to a lunch but every time we went to any lounges we were always frustrated with the level of service the atmosphere the crowd and whatever and we didn't ever feel 100 100 comfortable where we were sitting it was just sitting there because that was the only option available and then we like me and my brother spoke afterwards and in the car we were like we need somewhere that feels nice to go in my life and it's got good smoke and this and that's when we said to ourselves we're going to open our own place and show show everyone how to do it and that's what we've done really like I'm not being big-headed but there's not really a lounge that out there that can compete with us and if there is come to me and we'll compete if anyone wants to compete just tell me straight we'll compete but I know you ain't competing because I will take you to another level I'll take competition like very very serious and I will take put all my effort into whatever it takes to annihilate that guy in in terms of not taking food at his mouth in terms of brand recognition yeah that's when I'll show other people what time it is that's a little uh little competition request from any any shisha owners that are listening I'm here I'm ready man I'm like don't get me wrong I'm not being big-headed yeah I'm just saying I just know where levels are and I know like I have to do and you should know what you have to do um yeah that's my win and it's good to have a healthy competition is it keeps you on your toes it's good but I don't really feel that there's anyone out there who's keeping me on my toes right now yeah well I haven't smoked a nice t-shirt like this in uh we've been to a fair few lounges and nobody else she should like this you've got some secrets with this shisha pipe Avenue is completely different to your normal tin foil type shishas yeah it's a game changer the thing is these pipes and any any Lounge owner or anyone who even if they want to go back and do their research now these are stimulation Pro X2 pipes and just type it in and find out how much they cost and then talk to me after that because we don't these pipes people only uh give them to like VIP customers they probably have one or two in stock we give these as a standard shisha to every customer that's that's where the base is that's what I'm saying like every customer now is getting VIP like that says it all and these the pipes are not cheap and they're about this whole setup including the heads and this and that everything with the pipe and the carbon fiber uh handle that you've got I've got an ice pipe but the thing is all that just one one piece alone that taught us up to just probably under 600 pound so you spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on just just yeah and then we haven't even started with the interior design uh that's a whole different level and I remember speaking off camera and you were mentioning at first you had some difficulties with the interior design uh yeah there was loads of bumps and on the on this like journey to for us to open like um initially we had designers Architects and uh building contractor on board and then all three of them were like together obviously the designers coming through with some Dead designs and I'm like I'm not happy with your designs what kind of designs like floral kind of designs are just giving me dead Concepts I'm like what are you doing like bro and then when it gets to a stage where I'm telling the designer like I want this this and this then I might as well do it myself yeah so that's what we did we donate ourselves in terms of the Builder um the Builder was literally took the piss literally like every ever after every phase he would take like uh maybe a hundred thousand pound and then start phase two hundred thousand pound and it got to a stage where he goes I need more money and then we're um he's taken 100 000 pounds disappeared like turned his phone off and he's nowhere to be seen or whatever and I'm like you know what I swear to God I'm gonna kicked them he's gonna beat someone literally he made me hungry but then after a bit I thought with a cool head I'm like put him to his side right now yeah our main goal is to open this Lounge up so we continued everything and that's where we got done all ourselves that's when we project managed everything and I got in different me and my brother we got in different contractors we had a different guy for flooring a guy for the ceilings guy for the seating everything everything we got all contractors in place and we project managed it ourselves and that's how we came to like like came to finish it otherwise it was never ending yeah and the guy who took the hundred thousand pounds did he just disappeared never heard of him again or no I can find him and I can find him now if I really really wanted to chase him down I can find him but I can't be bothered with him I literally I ain't got the time or the effort or energy to say yo you owe me 100 Grand he knows he owes me 100 Grand but the main thing is I will take the um situation up with him later on in the on the day of judgment I can't be bothered right now yeah like um them days you know on that day we're all going to be hungry for Good Deeds yeah and he'll he'll be in debt to me yeah and I'll take all his good teachers take them all right that's a lot of good leads to repair 100 000 pounds and if he's listening he'll uh listen if you're listening your little snake give him the hundred grand back and uh I think uh that's crazy one but it just shows it don't matter anyway man look at the end of the day we lost 100 Grand we made it made it back easily it's fine but at the end of the day just it's a lesson in life don't deal with like untrustworthy people or snakes or whatever and that's a learning curve in business you lose money or whatever here and there but you should never let you uh you shouldn't put a hold to your journey should you continue keep it moving that's what we always say that's one of the things what me and my brother always say keep it moving keep it moving and then we keep it moving yeah losing 100 Grand I'll be having a heart attack keep it moving I'd be whispering that keep it moving yeah just keep it moving oh that's levels so in terms of business advice for entrepreneurs listening what kind of advice would you give to them that are maybe facing hardships and trying to start out they're not competing on the level that you're competing out but they just want to start up a little business and and try and become successful I'd say look um at the end of the day you've got to start somewhere nothing's going to be easy and nothing's going to fall on your lap you gotta work for it and you only know how much effort you're gonna put in and it's all about look like for me now 15 years and I'm at where I'm at today but if you talk to me about the first year second year third year fourth year is all about being patient and letting your business grow letting you build like um reputation grow or whatever but only in them years most people will get fed up in the first year because they're expecting to make money overnight and that's the problem everyone wants quick money and nothing comes easy if you want like secure solid money you gotta like be in there for the long run and them days where you got to be patient and take in all the [ __ ] like hard days we've been through that we've conquered that but that's what makes you successful today so it's all about being consistent putting in the effort and like been there for the long run don't try to make like you see you see you're chasing your dreams or your goals or whatever it's not going to come to you in a year and if it does come to an EA you're a good lucky guy man there's a there's a lounge up up nearby I say specific names but he opened up spent so much money and he closed down within three months just because the three months were dead uh he was struggling to get customers and he wasn't good at marketing to be fair about three months and he closed up that's what I'm saying like you know you can't blame some people for closing up because if they're totally dead and their concept's not going to work before you even start something you gotta kind of have some sort of uh faith in like what you're doing you gotta have like be confident in what you're doing and know that you're gonna like at least if anything Break Even yeah and then even if you're in that position where you do get quiet period you gotta know how to make money in other ways in the in that business for example look when lockdown happened yeah we were every business in the UK came to us stand still more or less especially the food game no one's allowed in restaurants yeah I got worried as well I was like how are we gonna make money I still got my overheads um how are we gonna make money and that's when obviously we thought outside the box and we done the drive through when we done the drive-through it was like I didn't expect it to be as busy as it was but it was probably the busiest restaurant in the UK at that time and the queues were like going back three miles down the road three to four miles the police kept coming over with royal van saying you're blocking the roads I'm like it is what it is but we're making money so I love it um and that was it like if I never had that sort of mind frame and I thought you know what yeah it's locked down and our home is fine your business is going to become in debt and you're gonna end up closing yeah so you have to like have Alternatives like even at the start of lockdown before we done the drive-through we've never done takeaways and stuff we were on we I put in ubereats I don't just don't know them and the machines were Printing and everything and we had a lot of orders but they them guys like take a massive cut yeah you don't make nothing anyway it's just that all that is is just to keep your stuff busy yeah and that was it and then once we started drive through I took all the machines I took all the plugs and it says to them yeah take them so you when problems arise you proactively find those Solutions no one in the UK don't drive through for restaurants and no one didn't what we didn't and today people have copied or used that strategy now to like to do the existing business there's actually there's actual uh places out there who are just based on drive through even lockdowns finished or whatever they've used that business model and they're still operating today yeah just off that concept with that we did so it's good like people they like took the idea or whatever but at the time like no one no like literally no one in the UK was doing a few restaurants tried it but there were as successful as The Way We Were even at that time you know they're because all the food used to come in containers throughout the whole of the UK we took every single container there was like you know the food packaging yeah we literally dried it out we took pallets we took containers um because we knew we were going to need them and we we can't afford to have a shortage of them so I literally I spent over 150 to 200 000 pounds on just takeaway packaging you know like the box that your food comes in with a lid we took literally dried up the guy and the guy was like listen I ain't got no more supplies I'm like look I need it yeah like it's been over just under 200 000 pounds was that a risk at the time or was it yeah did you know it was it wasn't a it was a risk as well but I was like if we're gonna do this do it properly and at the same time we can't afford to come come to a stop because we ain't got no containers so I thought take them we're gonna need them anyway once the restaurant opens and we'll slowly use them if anything but we as long as we run out around 150 000 worth of containers yeah we run out we actually run out of them the guy had to literally order like a like Rush containers and stuff like that from turkey and everything just bring them in and that would have been a challenge in itself so I think I've uh the common theme that I'm seeing from speaking to you is you're not scared to spend money on your business and that's something that some entrepreneurs struggle with they want to cut corners and not spend money on the business yeah like at the same time the what it is is everything should be not done stupidly do it it's got to be a calculated risk yeah and I'm not like I don't want to put a wrong message out there so people go around and just flash everything and they become in trouble yeah everything has to be calculated like and you got to say if I'm going to spend this much will I get it back or will I even uh recuperate some of it you just it has to be thought of as well don't just do it with a blind blind way and spend it yeah but you're not scared to take those risks and like push the money back into the business that's what I'm saying about my mentality we've never ever been scared of like them so like anything like that we just like do what we got to do and that's it like what we're afraid of like you're gonna lose it we'll make it again this would be a nice house if you fail to be fair yeah exactly yeah because I own the building yeah um why not like it would be a bad boy house yeah that's the worst case what can happen let's have a nice little bedroom shishi Lounge um no that's really good advice so just for people that want to start up a restaurant what kind of advice would you give running a restaurant and a Shisha Lounge so for a restaurant uh like I've got a friend that recently filled his restaurant and it was because he had one Chef he had all his eggs in one basket the chef left and then he just struggled in a collapse or how important would you say a chef is a chef you know the um I know what other businesses go through and know what you're talking about with your friend and I know what you're saying where the chef uh has a hold on him yeah he's like he's got him in a Chokehold easily um we've been in that sort of scenario where the chef does think he's a bad man and like he tries to he tries to like um blackmail you yeah where they think they got a hold on you but because my dad was a chef they had no hold on me because I can tell them like the door's there see you later bro um my dad will come and bang out but that was one of my advantages but because I didn't want to put pressure on my dad and uh you know like give him the stress of having to come to the kitchen we had chefs but me and my brother we changed the menu so it's not the chef's recipe the chef basically we take the Thai Olive chef of him even though he's a qualified Chef whatever the [ __ ] the chef is not a chef he becomes a cook okay he cooks what we tell him like he could not do his own recipes or this and that we say we want our food like this we show them how we show them the recipes and that's it is done he has to cook it and if he doesn't want to cook it I'll get someone else to cook it so whether he stays or not I'll get another person that's why we don't rely on any like kind of Chef here like one person goes if they want to go to prefer our in the kitchen our staff turnover is not that bad because they're all on a good rate we look after them we never take the piss like everyone who works hard we appreciate them and look after them but the thing is they can never ever say to us uh like blackmail us because they know I can cook they know my brother can cook and we can both hold the kitchen ourselves if we really needed to like he can't ring up and say I'm not coming on a Monday or I'm not coming on a Saturday I'll be like no problem just don't come in on any day I'll do it that's a good way to resolve that issue that a lot of restaurants have you can't go into a business not having knowledge on and like if you're relying on other people to run it for you then you're looking for failure so if I want to open up a restaurant tomorrow and I'm not a chef do you think I could successfully do it or you can there's people out there who have but they that their stress level is different because their chefs maybe it depends on the person they hire yeah but look at the end of the day like if you want to open a restaurant my my advice would be You Gotta Be You Gotta know every corner of your business for example if the bar stuff don't show like oh like if not forget even not showing if they're struggling I know I can go on the bar I can make every single drink if there's less waiters I can go on the floor I can take every single order I can handle more tables than any of the waiters like I know I can take this whole section of my own I can do it like take all the orders clear all the places I'll become a waiter I know if the chef don't come up can become a chef if the um who what any position you put me in in this place in the shisha kitchen or the actual kitchen whatever any anywhere that's needed I know I can do it and I I know I've got for me I've got that skill where even if I know there's a certain place lacking I I don't even I've come to a stage where I don't even have to do it I can just pull a person out of anywhere from any extra stuff we got anywhere I could say come here go and help that person whatever and I'll cover it it's just about knowing where to place your people so you can do anything in the business I know regardless of who turns up who like just say for example upstairs now two people haven't showed up yeah and like last minute and you ain't got time to find cover I know I can pull two people from downstairs and say go upstairs help him upstairs and I'll cover downstairs myself and the situation solved yeah so as a business owner you need to have every area covered and understand your business inside out or say vice versa if downstairs I got one or two less people I'll just pull two people from here and say send them down and I'll say to like my manager the guy who was you spoke to earlier till he I've got full faith in him when he knows like how to handle it he's like another copy of me yeah and that's why we like I'm happy about that as well like I got someone who's strong with me you can take leadership and in terms of running a restaurant would you say at this moment in time in the UK it's a good thing to do or would you say there's challenges because I know there was a huge challenge around the profitability a lot of restaurants open up and fail yeah and I don't even know why that is but I've never felt the pressure of it I've never had our issue has never been getting people in the doors our issue has been hard to get people seated our our issue has been different how to we're like oh my God we've got too many bookings or like how are we gonna how are we gonna handle this where every night we'll have a two-hour queue and that's we've never faced the issue of trying to get people in that's that's not something I've had an issue with you know disastrous levels yeah and really inspiring to see when you speak to entrepreneurs that are struggling to get people in and then entrepreneurs like even if I was struggling to get people in I wouldn't let the level of my business drop where I had to put on offers and Groupon vouchers and this and that because it makes the whole brand finish yeah I'm like like it makes you look desperate yeah like you got to do what you got to do but I just wouldn't do it I literally wouldn't do it the way I would save classes to cut down staff hours or whatever and do the work myself but I would never ever like I don't know go to that level where we're giving a half price food and this and that it just doesn't make sense buy one get one free that's what I'm saying like you can't you don't I don't know you just can't do it like you don't see offers and like I keep saying Louis Vuitton I'm trying to think of big Brands you're like prestigious what I'm saying do you ever see a 50 offer down there no one you've set the level at the prestigious high-end uh of the market and you delivered a product that is prestigious as well so just in terms of the current UK climate I know a lot of businesses that are struggling with bills and taxes and even our our electric bills have gone through the roof twenty five thousand pound a month 2500 on electric yeah that's like from what it was is probably tripled tripled him but this is why I feel like the UK is [ __ ] that's what I was saying I feel like the UK the government isn't helping us in any way this government has lost the plot yeah country now like obviously look we're living here we care for the country but if you look at the way the system is what benefits is there to live in the UK and be a business owner as well yeah it is no because if you look at every aspect of the country now the NHS is dead the police are lost like you call them out they'll come out after the crime 45 minutes later and give you a crime reference number that is stupid then the amount of taxes you pay you even pay taxes when you're dead like if I die tomorrow and I was to give this to my little one he'd have to pay inheritance tax why are you paying inheritance tax when I've paid all the tax there is to pay while I was alive like it don't make sense then you got to pay corporation tax vat all these all these things like you get robbed for your money like 100 robbed yeah it just doesn't make sense to me it doesn't I think uh they need to incentivize people's time or businesses and not punish you for starting a business like the council look at the local Council for example here Coventry they've not helped us one bit since we've been here instead they've been all over our backs and they've always given us a hard time finds here fines there and they've they've never ever been like they've never assisted us or like help us you know to elevate they've always given us a hard time and like they don't even think that how many people Farmers brings to Coventry from out of town people come from London Manchester Edinburgh Glasgow everywhere and Commerce City Council they don't even care like literally they want to just put us down 24 7. it doesn't make any sense it's like we're having an ongoing battle with them all the time when they should be rewarding you because you're feeding them you know yeah like where's where like if if anything that's good in Coventry or brings the most people to Coventry we wouldn't be here in Coventry if it wasn't for Farmhouse yeah I wouldn't either yeah but what's your overall thoughts on Birmingham then it was okay as well like I'm from Birmingham and I I don't I can't find a venue that's banging yeah and I don't know I just like I don't know I just I don't really rate Birmingham either it already at the moment no I don't write the UK full stop no I'll be honest with you if I was like um the same open in London open in Manchester if I was going to open anywhere I wouldn't even open in the UK I want to open in Dubai is that the next spot that's where my heart's at right now like I went there on holiday a few weeks ago and I just seen like how beautiful everything is and I've seen how busy it is from business perspective and I know that we'll smash it over there but and like look at the way they they don't even touch you or nothing like that they obviously there are bits and Bobs to pay but they don't rub you like the way you hear they incentivize you to stop a business not punish you I think that's what the UK is lacking um so is that The Farmhouse or medicine the human you know Farmers as well like it's hard to replicate what we're doing here another venue like because it's so unique and so like uh bespoke to every guest it's not something it's it can be franchise don't get me wrong but it's very very complicated like you you can't just give this brand to anyone who just throws money at you to say yeah I got enough money to buy the franchise you gotta that person has to have some sort of like level high level of experience to run it and that's why I would never just give this blindly to anyone like there's lots of people out there got the money but I wouldn't just give it blindly to anyone because that's my reputation hard work all down the drain if is don't run it properly so is there potential for any franchise in the future or you just you've been thinking and talking about franchises me and my brother have but not for the main size restaurant for more like Farmers Express type food um I'd say like you know like little bistros yeah say maybe maximum 80 seaters we're working on that with a smaller uh simplified menu and uh it'll be like a farmer's brunch and Bistro and that's what we're looking at and I think that is easy and simplified to roll out and is that in the north at all is there any to look no that would be throughout the whole UK the whole UK it'll just be smaller Outlets yeah so for example you got Tesco's in at the main shop yeah take your Tesco expresses like that you'd have the smaller ones yeah that's that's something that we'd be looking uh looking out for would you ever put the Shisha Lounge up north at all or yeah Lounge is a it's not as hard as the restaurant to roll out the lounge is um obviously we've got our we've got our base model we've done all the hard work that goes into the background and everything that organization and it's pretty easy to roll out but again you just got to have main good people to run your business now always get asked this question from listeners and people that watch the podcast they always comment and they want to know direct numbers and and figures and sometimes it's hard to dive into them but for Farmhouse and the Shisha Lounge missing the fumer yeah would you say you can make millions or just a general figure can you make millions from it or six figures or you can make six figures yeah no problem with this with this brand you'll you'll get you'll get customers coming through the door fast but you gotta know how to look after them like people are willing to come and pay the premium price so whatever I wouldn't even say with a premium price but we're fairly priced but people are willing to come out and spend whether uh whether everyone says oh there's a recession going on whatever we haven't felt anything like that it's just how you look after them the secret to it is having repeat custom and building a customer base and if you don't look after your guests don't look after your customers if they're not getting um good food good service slowly slowly you're just chipping away at your customer base and it becomes that small after and then you're crying saying I ain't got no one coming into the doors how much do you think it would cost to set up a Shisha Lounge on this level to be six figures yeah this place cost us under just just shy of two mil two million pound for just the uh Shisha Lounge just upstairs but there was a lot of different work aspects that went into this place so like we had like walls we had to get like um Structural Engineers and there's a lot of uh like you know metal um what's it called Steels and stuff going in to hold the roofs up and everything and before like to get the shuttle just to Shell then the whole interior fitter and everything it was including the stock of the pipes and everything it all totaled up to about 1.7 0.7 million yeah we've got the falling roof outside the pergolas you got the basically the whole the whole Lounge cost me like 1.7 at least so I'm interested in this if if for example if I invested 1.7 million pound into a Shisha Lounge you know how long does it take to recoup that investment is this something that you have a mindset I'm like Ernie back in 10 years or you don't think I have a really put a mind frame out there like all I know is what I kind of what I projected what the weekly or the monthly sales are going to be is is out on my expectations so it's doing better than what I thought yeah and alhamdulillah like that's all I can say like from what we projected to say even if we do this much amount a week or we'll be happy but it's gone way more than what we thought succeeding it's doing better than what we expected and that's for us is a big thing like a bonus yeah mashallah that's that's really interesting to hear when you talk about those numbers and figures you work sometimes seven days a week you hear all hours of the day so talk to me about your work ethic and and what's your typical day in the life like for Vic I base my whole week around work so if I know that I got I can't have spare time off I'll take it off if I if I know is it's impossible for me to take it off I'll be here and if it means I have to work seven days I'll work seven days and that sort of work work ethic uh rubs off on your stuff if like it shows them that what hard work and dedication um gets you and like it's you know when you're working with the staff they feel like motivated anyway to like um it's in a way like they're working with you not against you on like how can I say it's like you know when you're working with the the boss or the manager yeah the staff feel more motivated and they're guided all the way through like they don't feel like the owners don't give a [ __ ] about their business why should I and that's how like the whole base of the business is run okay so you're typical day then is there like a certain routine you have every day or any set structure to your day as a CEO if I need to be in I forgot meetings or if me and my brother we got meetings we'll be here early okay get our meetings out the way and then we know we gotta open up for the evening and uh all the stuff like the managers everyone know what times they need to be in some of them be here if we even if we open that for some of the managers are here at 10 o'clock uh getting in like deliveries signing things up organizing everything ready for opening and all the back of back office sort of stuff so they they put in a lot of work and graph behind the scenes which I appreciate like they do a lot of work and then what time does your officials start working hours start in the week uh Monday to Monday to Friday is uh four o'clock then Saturday Sunday we open at 12. okay and are you here from when it opens to when it closes so I'll get here for three four o'clock yeah and uh I'll start off downstairs make sure that's all organized and uh go around and you just know like everything is nice ready and customer customers already here before I am yeah but uh because the lads are here already there as soon as I walk in people have sat down ordered and everything already and then I'll just come upstairs after and check up everything upstairs and we're all on radios and we'll all communicate with each other so like anyone needs anyone they can just say you don't need to go looking for anyone they rule on like a radio so they can just call up if anyone needs any help so it's like a military operation and whilst you're here is your main job making sure everything's running well or yeah that's it I just want to make sure the whole process is going smooth everything is under control and that's it it's running like uh running like a Clockwork that's yeah like a military operation and is that split between you and your brother or are you yeah if I'm not here my brother's here it's one another yeah one of us is here at what time do you finish then if um the lounge closes at one the restaurant downstairs closes at 11 like last orders and uh they'll be done but once we once we like clear up cash up do all the work um get ready for the next day make sure everything's neat then I'll be honest with you we all sit down and be lazy like because we've had a long day your legs are hurting or whatever we'll sit on these sofas we'll just have a conversation talk have a good laugh and next thing you know it's like three o'clock in the morning oh [ __ ] let's get out of here I need to get home yeah wow and do you feel like owning this restaurant has in any way affected your social life or are you able to divide the two in your personal home life when I started uh when I first started like I said 15 years ago I cut off I never cut off everybody but I just disappeared uh ghosted and no one knew where I was what I was doing until they came here as customers and they were like what are you doing here that's when they realized where it was okay so you just ghosted them and went oh basically uh literally like finished off everything that whoever was chilling out with or whatever I had bigger fish to fry I had something to focus on and I had no time for my social life so there was a lot of sacrifices and I missed out on a lot of my early younger days where Lads were going on holiday or Lads were going out here and there and I never got involved in any of that I just kept my head down did my work gone home do more work gone home and that was it and then that's why like like you know putting in that sort of sacrifice effort and everything that's why like maybe I am where I am now yeah and you can definitely reap the rewards of all the hard work that you've put in a lot of people chill in their 20s and 30s and then after grafting their employees and uh makeup for it and miss out on no but that's you know when you're younger that's the time where you can do more you got the energy you got the drive you can do what you want to do then as you get older like if for example now I'm 32 I like physically I'm not as uh what I used to be when I was 18 I was a military when I was 18 but now I'm well I'm 32 now I'm more physically I'm not the same guy I'm more relaxed but like uh I don't know maybe it's me uh my agent but it's just one of them like uh I don't feel like uh you know like you get tired quicker yeah and you think [ __ ] need a break but that's probably me being lazy but I don't know no of course but you work hard for it so is there any advice that you'd give to the youth out there now that are listening that look up to you and there's people up in another country that are inspired by you created a successful business people that want to be like you any advice that you give them I'd say to him look like um you know like put your head down do do like keep good people around you and like if anyone is like bad for you or bringing you down like uh maybe not be nasty or like if someone's not good for you just don't like really mix in with them do if um do something that's gonna like bring you higher just like don't mix with the wrong crowd yeah and like uh put yourself around people who are going to bring you up and that's it really like your crowd means everything to you like if you're hanging around with guys who are like just on nothing and they're messing about what are you gonna do you're gonna mess about but if you're on if you're hanging around with people who are motivated who have got ambition who have got to drive they're gonna you're gonna they're gonna rub off on you and you're gonna do the same and that's that's what I can really say is uh watch you who your circle is and do you think for people out there that maybe are not running successful businesses or are starting up do you think this is achievable because a lot of people look at this and think flipping out it's hard to achieve half as much as you are do you think it's achievable well you've achieved it of course is that you were like who am I always oh I'm still I'm a normal guy like I'm not anyone special and I never I wasn't gifted with anything like I never came uh to this Earth with a like special powers I'm a normal guy uh who has just put his head down and worked and that's all it is like anyone could do it um probably you could do better than me and that's what the thing is like it's just how much love you or passion you got for what you're doing like today someone someone who's younger than me can accomplish better than me and probably overtake me but the thing is that's good for them that's I'm happy for them it's just like the whole message behind this is like I can say it's not impossible yeah yeah and uh if someone was to ask you what you're most proud of what would you most be proud of in everything that you've achieved so far being able to make my family proud being able to give my family what they want being able to move my family into a nice house where they're living nice watching my kids grow up um and being able to like uh show them like how to be successful in life and like if they ever when they whenever they watch this video I want them to know that they always work hard and like nothing comes easy and not the value of money and like don't ever think that because I have like especially with me like I have because I spent so much time at work I don't really get to see my kids a lot okay um I I don't really spend as much time as like a normal father would but like that's not I'm not regretting it in a way because I'm what I'm doing is for them anyway and I just like uh that's what makes me proud is to say I've I've built something for your future and do you think that it's a challenge to be able to give them a life and make them understand the value of money and now that you're successful do you feel like it's a challenge like not bringing them up in the hood and everything that you've been brought up around yeah I've got to bring them up in a way where because they're not around what I was around yeah I just still gotta show them that the world is not a warm cozy Place yeah and you have to have like it's you know like the way you when they go to school teachers teachers be like don't uh don't fight tell the teachers isn't it but I still have in the background I still teach them like look if somebody says something to you you have to stand up for yourself you have to defend yourself and you gotta implant that into their head as well like don't let anyone take advantage of you or don't let anyone make you feel or bully you or make you feel down and that's the sort of I have them sort of challenges to tell the kids yeah I'm not trying to make them into nasty violent characters I'm just trying to make them into something that I don't want I as a father like anyone would like oh you can't see your uh someone being nasty to your kids yeah so you have to like uh show them the way of life and show them that like it's not uh like I said not a nice world out there like the real world when you actually step into the real world is a cold world yeah I think the younger generation definitely face a fair few issues this is one of the reasons why we're doing this and speaking to people like yourself is trying to push the right messages out there what I feel like on social media right now there's so much the general content out there and people posting all kinds of messages and and and crazy forms of content you know what social media is is just a lie yeah social media are like look like everyone posts this out there that they're having a good time and they're like living their best life or whatever they want to say they want to do but inside none of them are happy half of them are happy they're just trying to show off to half the people who they don't even know all the followers whatever they don't even know them and they're just trying to show off and present some sort of fake reality like it's not when you really look at that person it's not they're not living that life you just stunt in on the internet and whatever like realistically that's that's where social media does become if you're not aware of it that's where it becomes dangerous because you're trying to see look at that guy and Chase that guy and uh Chase what his on but like for example all these crypto guys yeah I'm not I'm not offending anyone but at the same time the if they if if you could make 20 pound into a hundred pound what are you gonna tell everybody just do it in it like why why are you so kind and given to teach everybody crypto or like uh Bitcoins and all this for example I said to you oh bro you need to invest 20 grand I'll make you 50 Grand if I if I knew I could make 20 grand into 50 Grand why wouldn't I just do it myself it doesn't make sense all this pump and dump and all that crap I've had a lot of friends I've been strong I had a friend recently that uh she transferred five grand to somebody who dm'd her and he said I'd flip it into 10 15 grand and I was just saying think about that for a second yeah if you can do that why didn't you just put that money in himself and she's like I didn't think about that I was already spending the 15 grand that I thought I was gonna make so in her mind she was thinking well I'm in this situation I need the 15. so that's where it's uh they play on that note there yeah that's where people look for a quick easy option it's too good to be true and it's not real and that's why half these people who are saying they can do this they can do that on the internet you don't need to believe them when like the real way to make money is to put grafting and do do yourself and that's it and then that's where you know you've earned it and that's where you feel more satisfied because once you've earned it after working hard you just know that I've actually earned this myself I never flipped numbers on the internet and got uh this this much money yeah that's a that's powerful advice and touching on something you said there people that might be looking at you and looking at everything that you have they're probably some people probably yeah you must smoke no so for people that are looking at you and they'll see your your Instagram they'll see your success and everything that you have and maybe they want that fast kind of life's luxury lifestyle instantly what kind of advice look even on my life like you look at fast cars you you see all these performance cars you see all these like supercars or whatever yeah do you think I'll get time to drive them I don't I literally drive it from home to work from work to home I my lifestyle ain't built for supercars I'll be honest with you my lifestyle do you think I'll get time to take my class to Monaco and this and that my lifestyle's not like that and that's why sometimes I think why am I spending money on cars where I just have to drive them to work and back but it's something I've always liked and that's the only reason I do it like uh cars for me make me a little bit happy and like after a long shift you think [ __ ] had a long day or a stressful day when you get into a nice car you think yeah it's all right but that's that's about it that's all it does for me but that's what I'm saying like people on the internet probably think he's got a wicked lifestyle yeah it's not it's uh I have to work um I have to like put Graft in and all the luxuries or whatever you see like I gotta I don't get to enjoy them I don't get to like uh take a Ferrari and park it outside a nice restaurant and all that I don't I don't hardly get to do any of that if one off I get to do it and that's it but other than that I'll dedicate my time to work and that's the reality of the situation yeah wow and this episode is probably going to be released in Ramadan so I just wanted to touch a little bit about Ramadan and what The Farmhouse is like during Ramadan so the vibe in Ramadan is um really good man like the whole vibe the atmosphere is just uh it feels like um Unity Brotherhood everyone's uh on like everyone's you know everyone's had a hard day fasting and everything but you know once they open they fast everyone's happy and it's just uh that month you could just feel the blessings in that month and the whole operation the way we make it smooth and make it relaxed for the customers because we've no we know they've had a like a long day so we provide like fruits and dates and water even like a little desserts and platters on the table before they uh before they open their fast just to you know that's ready for them as soon as the design goes off they can open their fast with something nice and that's like a complimentary on us and like even our food comes out fast food and then on top of that we dedicate a massive area for praying facilities so we know as soon as the call to pray goes off everyone's Gonna Want To Pray so we have all that ready and they go to Pray by the time they come back from prayer the food's on the table ready for them and everyone's just it's uh so that month feels different is uh it's like a time of giving as well and everyone just uh feels happy in that one yeah it's good is there any advice you'd give to people that want to get close to their Dean during Ramadan I'm saying that while I'm having a [ __ ] but yeah am I like um dedicate your whole day around praying and uh you know the way I find uh fast to go quicker is in Between each prayer like each uh Salah time I try to read like uh like loads of pages of the Quran till he gets me to the next time and my time goes quicker instead of maybe lying down watching a movie or something because that month is where the Quran was revealed and you should read try to complete the whole Quran in that month and I find that one one when I read the Quran from Fajr to Zohar my time goes quick and then from In Between each prayer I'll try to finish the Quran off then by that by the end of the month you've completed your 30 sport oh that's that's powerful that's really good now for me the time flies then and I'm not thinking about food I'm not thinking about cigarettes I'm not thinking about water or nothing like that it just becomes peaceful and relaxed yeah and obviously I understand people out there maybe don't have the time because they're at work and whatnot and they haven't got time to do that but um that time is uh that that month is the time to cleanse yourself and and after that month don't think I'm going to go back to my old ways try to hold that whole Behavior you kept in that month try to hold it the whole way through and as long as you can and uh like it makes you it changes you as a person like some people maybe like if I shouldn't judge anyone but like some people in that month they behave as soon as that month is over they're partying and [ __ ] about and doing all sorts of messed up stuff that's they would never have done in Ramadan so you got to think to yourself if I've never done it in Ramadan why is it okay for me to do it in the months after yeah like you should do everything and have that mentality like I should do things where God's pleased with me and that's why you should like when Ramadan comes it's a time of that time is to get you grounded and bring your whole uh alive preparation and then for the whole of the rest of the year you should behave and do things properly as a true Muslim that's that's very good advice for the listeners and I just want to close on a couple of things one of the most requested questions I got asked when I said I'm gonna meet up with you was um buy a lot of business owners actually and they were all asking how do they get their business and turn it into a brand like yourself you're a household name now Farmhouse is a household name does that just happen over time or obviously you have a strategy you know like um I'll be really you know like with the to make a brand there's like certain key elements and there's like you gotta have say one sorry no no you're okay yeah but you gotta you gotta have a purpose for your uh for your business you gotta have values you gotta have a vision all these things come into place where that's what builds your brand overall your brand has to have a voice it has to have a personality and there's when I say like has a voice when say for example farmers put a statement out or post out on Instagram something big we've got a voice that reaches people yeah we got a voice that says to people you're saying everyone's Minds oh look what a pharmacist announced a competition or made an announcement and it's going everywhere because people take you seriously and a lot of other stuff like uh personality you like farmers in itself has got its own personality maison's got his own personality when when someone mentions the name and they automatically in the head becomes like top restaurant luxury uh good service good brand good people like owners are everything comes into one and that's what represents your business and for us like um having a personality like we there's people's faces like myself for my brother and the people the main people here they their faces are like like representing the brand for example if I go anywhere whether I go London Manchester anyway I'll get recognized it like oh farmers and like straight away they'll my face is associated with the brand yeah so I gotta be careful of what I do and make sure that I'm representing my brand at all times whether I'm in work or not in working that's what it is really like and obviously like I said all like before consistency hard work all that becomes uh part of what you're doing to build your brand okay and making sure that your vision is like for example our vision was to take over the restaurant game our vision was to be like known as one of the top restaurants in the UK and all that Vision has come to life and today we're sitting here and whether you go anywhere up and down the country people if if you even mention the name they know or if even if you mention Coventry straight away they'll be like oh have you been Farmers like it's always been spoken about yeah it's a household name yeah with so many different people and uh for somebody who wants to start up a restaurant yeah um so this other CEO Club every business owner we meet we try and help them guide them in the right direction for the industry that they want to go into so for people that want to start up a restaurant is there any steps or a final piece of advice you would give to them start in a restaurant yeah like I can't even put it into a manual this becomes basically it's like a lifestyle if you're gonna get into a restaurant you've got to know like obviously putting all the basics to a side put in good you've got to have good food yeah that's like people come there to eat in it so you have to make sure your food's good just touching on that how do you create these crazy meals like I think the one I had it was just it was so nice the steak one I can't remember you've got a name for it it was on a quote on the wall Bombay bad boy yeah so is that just by experimenting or that was yeah through experimenting me uh so you know when we first took over like I said remember it was like a harvester we used to serve plain Stakes with the plain chips and the headlights salt and pepper on them well then like obviously us boys like we like our spices and fusion and all that so that's when we put it all together and then once we tasted it we were like yo this is like bad and we never even put on the menu we started recommending it to a few customers saying uh shall I make you a nice steak leave it to me I'll do a bad boy steak or whatever that's when we said I'll do your bad boys take that's where we got the name Bombay bad boy from okay and once people had it they it wasn't even on the menu they kept coming in asking for it asking for it and then slowly became one of the main dishes and then that's where we've done the whole lot did we chained the whole menu so you have to be like like we said Innovation you have to be original so no one can take that that sort of meal that concept away from us because we we were the ones who created it and today there's people out there trying to replicate the same same dishes or whatever but everyone knows this uh Farmers yeah that's it that's good advice and finally little pieces sodium bombarding your questions the last two pieces one of them as on your Instagram and it was you wanted to open up a hotel is that true or was that just uh is that an aspiration that's a dream it is yeah that like because it falls into the same line as restaurant a Hospitality it falls into the same sort of Industry like imagine now I've got this restaurant I've got this lounge and I built rooms on top it becomes a hotel restaurant land so that's the only thing in my head I'm thinking I could easily run a hotel and to the level I wanted to but obviously I'm not going to try to do it tomorrow or anything like it's just something in my head that if I ever get time and uh if God allows me to I'll uh that's what I want to do like open a hotel seven star hotel yeah it won't be no dead Hotel it won't be like a hostel field I want it to be luxury like top end where you got valet parking it's just that Vision I got in my head like you know when I went to Dubai when I stayed at the hotels there I was like this is what exactly what our love man I like when you pull up the concierge come take your bags take it to the room and uh while I was there even though I was on holiday my head was still working on work mode and I was thinking looking at the whole operation what they're doing and I was like such a pinpoint operation where they got everything to the T and their service was like you can't fault it and that's exactly what I appreciated and I liked it would bring that to the UK nothing like that in the UK there's nothing like the best hotels in the UK or a travel lodge and a Holiday Inn would you bring would you bring someone like that to Coventry or someone else nah somewhere else but whether I do it in the UK or not I don't know but that's an aspiration of yours I don't know where I'll do it but all I know one day inshallah I'll do it inshallah you will do it and just The Man Behind the brand Vic you as a person when we closed what would you say you as a person what are you into taking the business away uh for a second is any passions that you have aside from business yeah like I like uh I like my relaxation I like going to the gym it takes my head off things I haven't been for a long time I'll be honest with you I used to be that same guy who used to be in the gym maybe twice a day doing my uh morning routine workouts and then I'll do my cardio at night maybe if I was doing it at home or whatever but the thing is because work and everything has uh taken uh more of my time up I've kind of knock gym on the head for it's been about six months and you can probably tell like I'm not in shape or whatever but yeah I saw the competition that you because you did one with the way you didn't we got him on the podcast he got you through yeah he done my competition like he guided me through the whole lot care he was backstage with me everything like he's like her brother to me though yeah like uh you know like anytime I need anything in the gym I'll ring him and I'm like he's always ringing me now saying get your ass to the [ __ ] Jimmy like where the [ __ ] are you yeah I'm like bro I'll come Monday Monday comes I don't turn up and I'm thinking [ __ ] is gonna be like uh he just lied to me yeah but uh obviously he understands as well my situation and he knows what my work life is like so I kind of he kind of knows what it's like it's hard to balance it out but the thing is with me like I'll go in the gym I'll do six months hard get into shape and then uh I'll summon it will come up I'll get sidetracked and I'll uh knock it off for a bit yeah and now I'm trying to get my routine back together and uh just get back in there get away to get you into shape properly yeah he's he's actually waiting for me to call him easy yeah I'm gonna plug in we've got his podcast coming in we're going to plug that so if you want to watch this podcast watches as well is very nice brother a really nice guy um so any final piece of advice that you'd give to the listeners people are inspired by you closing words to help people that are looking at you and are inspired by you what's the best piece of advice I can give is I don't know like all I could say is be happy in life and like say money don't like I said before money doesn't make you happy like loyalty respect and everything else make it that's the sort of things you want in life not materialistic things and I'd say stay close to Dean and success comes with Dean and you should always um stay close to God because like I said before this world is temporary and like our true the whole reason of this life is just a test and you should always uh put that as number one priorities rather than anything else yeah that's the best piece of advice I can give that's really powerful words thank you very much for your time uh we're looking forward to exploring this place a little bit more thank you very much we'll see in the next episode like subscribe and join the CEO Club so what is it like working for Vic and at The Farmhouse so here working at the Shisha Lounge at the restaurant is it's a very good experience because I believe working here is just not it's not the average restaurant or lounge you're working okay and and you can see that because I'm a shisha like a smoker so when I go to shisha lounges I will see the level of service they have and the level of the place itself and the the way they handle their customers is different than where we are taught at here okay so what's Vic like as a boss Vic he pushes you to the Limit okay he pushes it the limit so that is not for everyone not everyone can handle the heat the pressure because honestly the place is different so the customers here different the the flow of people coming in is different so it's not it's different yeah that's what I would say okay yeah and when you say handle the heat I've seen that he's quite alert at times he's on the ball with everything he knows what's going on exactly I mean I can't imagine what he handles because it's just for me when I'm like for me I'm I'm giving a section okay so what I'm just managing at one place I do feel the pressure so when he comes there you can imagine how many things that he have in mind as well yeah and he's still on top of it so that's just do you get nervous around him at all well work hours yes okay so he knows the ins and outs of the business and what would you say uh is different about this Lounge as opposed to any other place oh the main thing is the level of service we try to convey and give customers here our guests so even even customers we don't use customers here we use guests yeah that's one of the things we do here hi everybody okay I'm good how are you doing good good what's your name my name is Theo and I'm the manager here so you're the manager at Miss and defuni yes okay so we just wanted to bring you on here and speak about Vic so how is he like as a boss oh he's a as a boss I'll say amazing since I've joined uh the company since the opening of Maison it's been a great experience for me as I always like to challenge myself to the highest level possible working with him I improved a lot in myself as well in managing businesses a lot of life skills as well you can gain from him and improve a lot of things about yourself as well as I say he always pushes you to the best to the Limit as you want to say yeah so coming out from here you have everything you want from life as well and I would say that for all the stuff here as well beyond this job at some point definitely will have them in life whatever career they go and Chase for after that's really good wise words and I think he does hold you in high regards because when he's spoken about you he says that you take quite a bit of pressure of him and you're like a mini Vic in yourself so you must have an eye for detail and of those qualities yourself that you've learned from him again when you work with him has a an eye of a Hulk as you mentioned earlier yeah and that's really good because it really helps you uh and to run such a busy environment such as successful business as well it's a huge operation where we have a lot of stuff as well so it's really really good that's perfect thank you very much for your time thank you I appreciate that so we've got the place to ourselves yeah so you can be as open and honest as you want first talk to me about messenger what's the place like to me Maison is luxury one it's everything is to the to the best it can be that's what we try to uphold here so all the all the drinks we put out all the Food Depot even the fishes we put out everything's luxury everything's high quality and the service we give we try to replicate that not within just the equipment or the or the feel of the place but the feel of the people as well and the stuff and obviously Vic himself the owners everyone here we try to uphold a standard thus above everything else not saying that we're better than everyone else but we just like to we pride ourselves on the fact that we have that level we know where we're at in terms of standards and in terms of the service we give and I'm not gonna lie I don't know how everyone else feels here but I'm very proud to work here I'm very I'm very grateful to vikan to everyone here that I have this opportunity to work here because this is the first proper restaurant that I've worked in and the environment I I love it personally like the heat the pressure everything I I like I adapt to it and I feel like adversity builds character and that's what working here has given me has given me more character and it's giving me more to work with in terms of not just oh I'm getting paid for a job this this and this this job here and the people here they're teaching me about how to conduct myself professionally how to conduct myself within a within a business setting and also just I want my own restaurant personally with myself in the future cool well so being here and seeing Vic be so successful and everyone here being so successful is showing me the things that I need to embody and the things that I need to be and just what to strive for and what to avoid in terms of this business and navigating this type of business that's really interesting so your long-term goal is to stop a restaurant yeah fingers crossed you'll definitely achieve that and how's Vic like as a boss firm but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah most definitely if you work hard and you leave everything out there he's gonna respect that at the end of the day and me personally when I come here I'm not coming here for money I'm not coming here I'm coming here to give service I'm coming here to do my best and I feel like Vic sees that and he respects me further and obviously I show respect we get respect here that's how we work here obviously that's how it is in the world isn't it like if you give respect you get respect but it is very important here that people we show each other respect and we conduct ourselves in a respectful manner because at the end of the day we're here to we're here to give good service to the customers we can't do that if we're not functioning as a team efficiently and we're not being respectful to each other which then leads to us being respectful to their customers and them feeling comfortable when they're here yeah would you say is approachable because he's here 100 if there's any if there's any problems or I feel like things aren't even like my opinions with the drinks I work on the bar personally myself and even certainly uh Vic's brother or sunny I can talk to Sonia about anything my opinions on drinks I know they're going to listen to me when I approach them they're not they're not dismissive of anything that I say if I if I come to them with a problem or if I come to them with an opinion about a drink they'll say okay what do you think could be better what do you think we should add to it well let's make something better in it if you think it could be done better let's see what you can do they're always open to new opinions but obviously of course they have a plan and they've had they've had a structure that's worked so far so you have to be able to back your ideas up with evidence like you have to be able to back your ideas you have to be able to defend your ideas why they're good why you think it should be this way and if it's a good opinion and Vic sees that it's a valid opinion and it's going to work he's going to listen to you okay and the final point I want to ask is uh you said he wanted to open up your restaurant are you open to speaking to Vic about that is he okay with that yeah yeah 100 I'm talking to my length of body yeah but hopefully one day I'd like to have a sit down with him and and talk more I liked about that he's a person that I want to learn from not that I can learn from that I want to learn from it's a very big difference like there's people that you can learn from but it's the people you choose to be around and the people that you choose to listen to within your own self that's what's going to make the difference in your life like you have to look at things in terms of what you want out of life like I want I want certain things and I want things to be a certain way and I feel like I'm not there yet 100 as a person obviously I'm still very young how old is very young I'm 23 of them well yeah yeah so I'm only just getting my start in life but what Vic has at the moment is everything I want from life I want the nice things the luxury are not just that it's the it's the is being able to say you've done it yourself is being able to say that this is mine like this is I've worked for this this is mine I've sacrificed things for this I have a different type of attachment to this because like if you don't sacrifice things and you don't give things up then you can give up usually and that's not what I want to do I'm willing to sacrifice things for what I believe in and what I want in life and I feel like that's what Vic's done and that's why he's achieved so much and that's why he's in the position that he's in he's earned it and that's why I want to be in life I want to earn my position in life that's a really good wise words for somebody so young some thank you very much for that and hopefully we'll see you on the CEO Club podcast in the future with the restaurant Vic's a very good Mentor to learn from so you're in the right place [Music] thank you
Channel: The Ceo Club
Views: 15,962
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Id: 4bad7jjzKeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 27sec (4527 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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