From Golden Girl to Child Killer?! | Exposed: The Case of Keli Lane | 1/3

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[Music] please like touch me the Kelly Lane case is like no other a murder mystery she's a murderer the golden girl who ended up a baby killer there's no way she kill a baby baby tan was never seen again nothing was fair not anything it doesn't matter M told more than 95 lies she hadn't told a single solitary person in her life there is only really one person who can tell what happened and that's Kelly [Music] lo you know dead Shore 2:00 2:00 lots of things can go wrong with this call and we're at the very beginning [Music] waiting wasn't like yesterday they said a around two half [Music] past you are about to receive a phone call from an inmate at the sil water Women's Correctional Center your conversation will be recorded and may be monitored if you do not wish to receive this call please hang up now go ahead please hello C hello hi Kelly how are you I'm I'm well thanks for calling a thank you I got caught up at work I've only just got out so it's a little bit noisy on the wing but okay so good to talk to you finally and and I know we've got limited time we've got six minutes so yeah I guess what I'm interested to know is you know why did you write to me what do you hope will will come of this well obviously the the biggest hope for me is that someone comes forward with my daughter and she being an adult now she's 2021 so she obviously has had a whole life perhaps not knowing that she's my child I don't want to interrupt her life I don't even necessarily need to meet her but for obviously for my own family for myself I I want to show that I did not harm her and I certainly did not kill her it was a shock verdict Kelly Lane was found guilty of murdering newborn daughter te she let out a primal scream she threw herself to the floor of the dog a paramedic was rushed to the courtroom the mother Sandra remains sedated Kelly Lane is one of the state's most notorious child Killers she had insisted she gave Teegan to her natural father a man called Andrew Morris or Andrew Norris detective searched for a man named Andrew Morris or Norris but concluded he never existed [Music] she claims that she gave Teegan to Andrew Morris and Norris and his mother in the hospital but those people have never come forward there was also a description of this Man's partner a woman supposedly called Mel who was ever so willing to take on this child now it was Andrew Norris or was it Morris his girlfriend Mill and a [Music] mother do you know what I mean like it's just bizarre like how can you there were so many incredulity that made it inherently unbelievable yes I gave the baby away no there was a big hunt into where that child was big hunt because of the versions she gave and nothing was nothing was found not not not anything not Morris nothing nothing worked for her [Music] nothing why don't people believe me cuz you're full of [ __ ] although it may seem very unusual to everybody else 21 years ago they're the steps I took and I safely gave her to her father and I want to show I want to clear my name I want to show the public that that's exactly what happened well I need to I'm going to lose you very soon but I want to ask you you know part of making those choices and and what you've been harshly criticized forh was telling lies and telling lots of Lies Over many years yeah you know you you were lying then will you be truthful with me through this I wouldn't have sought you out and I wouldn't have been pushing for seven years and have my life dug into and exposed and my family and my friends my partner I I would never do that to them it's such a huge responsibility and I could sit here Carol and do my time I'm I'm halfway through but no no way I I I'm happy for you to go to the ends ends I I want you to go to the ends okay I look forward to it okay well it's going to take us to some to some tough six minutes wow she accept she lied but we're dealing with a Serial liar well we're down the tube okay baby tan has never been found where is she her mother claims she's alive investigators say she's dead but where is the evidence of that and really too I mean growing up for me the Kelly L case here in Sydney it was massive the new sou Wales cor what this woman had done all these secret pregnancies how promiscuous she was the lies she told to charge a known person with her homicide but through all of that I didn't then and I still don't now have a picture and a full understanding of who Kelly Lane is and there is always a story behind the story I guess looking at the next kind of 6 months or so is just completely daunting and overwhelming because there's so much to do and there's so many challenges with this story getting people to talk to us it's something that happened 20 years ago so long ago that even finding original documents and things from the time is going to be really difficult it's not like you can just Google it and get things to come up um so it's going to be really challenging Carrie can be a very exacting person person to work with but she's wonderful at getting to the bottom of things and she will not let things go right so where do we begin we need to retrace and rebuild her life who knew what who saw what and when Kelly was like more manly than anyone she epitomized what manly was when I was growing up it was like a little Country Town everyone knew each other upsides to that everyone knows each other M downsides everyone knows each other yeah I mean there's lots of gossiping it's a very in like the insul in inula as they call it if you were all growing up in a close snit but gossipy sort of a community M what do you learn from them growing up you learn to keep secrets absolutely you absolutely learn to keep [Music] secrets Manley is quite a small place really and you got a lot of you had a lot of profiled people there at the time you know you've got Olympic swimmers very happy there Scot you had kayak pedlers and you had iron M and you had rugby league players she had a big group of friends she was very popular she knew everyone in Manley she was a really sporty girl Kelly was she was cool she was she was a star here I am doing cartwheels in a regional Athletics Carnival she's she in fourth grade running with sixth graders of whipping our pants back then you know she just had gifted natural Talent she was a real strong robust competitor and I think that's probably what helped her in water polo Mr and Mrs Lane had very high expectations and they had very high expectations of their kids and that sort of pressure can be a good and bad thing so Kelly would have done what she was told to do oh everyone knew the lanes I mean everyone knew who they were I mean I I'd heard about them before I knew them they very well respected very well respected so they were involved in manly Surfer life saving and he was a really good Surfer at the Rugby Club Robert used to coach and they were there all the time supporting helping whatever it was how did Robert see Kelly she was the apple of his eye yeah they were close they had a great great relationship she had a great relationship with her mom as well I think she wanted to impress them and wanted to do represent them well yeah and a little bit scared too of her parents in terms of dating Kelly Lane is that something that guys would aspire to yeah probably I mean she was a hotti there wouldn't have been a bar that she was in without someone talking to her people were attracted to her she was fun Kelly was out to have a good time you know she she came out she had a good time and I don't know if that just goes along with sport there's definitely a lot of Sexual Energy everywhere mostly She Was a Serial monogamous like she would go in relationship after relationship um she was someone that liked being in a relationship when it came to dating say KY L what was that like the the daughter of the local copper it was funny cuz um yeah a couple of the boys you know they said to me oh if you go out on a date with her be careful don't you know you know her old man might get you were you scared of Mr Lane the the policeman I was more scared of Mrs Lane sorry Sandy that's true Mrs Lane can be a bit tough and can come across that way yeah tread lightly so the communication skills within the family Unit were probably a little bit behind so if where did talking come then in the list of yeah yeah wait done way done the talking was not you know at any level level beyond the first layer of the onion how did her parents strike you Sandy and Robert they were protective of Kelly obviously it's their daughter which makes it so bizarre that jelly be living under their roof and not be aware that she was pregnant her body was changing here's a perfectly educated woman from a very good family who for reasons that are hard to understand has got pregnant five times in the course of about s years now in the first two cases she successfully had those pregnancies terminated there were then three live births one before Tegan who was the alleged victim and one after the first live birth and the third live birth births resulted in adoptions her parents seemed oblivious or tried to appear that they're oblivious to all of this occurring under their [Music] roof how you feeling tell as usual you we just want to do the best we can for our daughter yeah I get the C every now and then too TI is that right to be done another one I prefer not to have anything anyway and we wouldn't do it only that we hope we can give Kelly a chance to get out before a time you wouldn't put yourself under this sort of pressure otherwise but it's solely to help her get out of the place well I've said this before and I'll say it again I'm not here to make any promises I'm not making promises I can't and no no one can what I'm here for what we're here for is to understand to try and understand her what sort of values did you instill in for Kelly say oh well I think respect for others for start honesty honesty and the people people thought probably say how didn't they know that Kelly was pregnant three times well we didn't know no one knew she was able to disguise hide whatever but she played water paror in a position and um so yeah we F Dopey that we didn't pick it up but well I don't feel Dopey because do I would say just about everybody who knew it didn't know you don't feel Dopey I don't feel Dopey at all all I know is that um the fashion of the time nobody wore tight clothing nobody was all baggy she was in a tracksuit most of the bloody time because of of you know different training sessions and and the lifestyle that she led it happens and life is Stranger Than infection when she was growing up brought a lot of prestige to our family and besides other things but she she was great you know she's got box fulls of medals and so forth and we know no never took them out we always kept them we never never hung them up anywhere or anything like they're all in there there there's there's that much stuff it's it's all in there so she never hung she never hung these up no no never wore them just pop them in a box primary school so there's your murderer why'd you say that wrong it's an it's an unusual scenario isn't it yes last question where do you think Tagan is don't know no I don't know I don't know she could be overseas she could be anywhere don't know what do you remember of the day then when you found out Kelly was in trouble I felt very sorry for her she carried the load on herself she could have shared it with us and I I do remember saying why didn't you tell us we could have helped you and she said I wanted she wanted to protect us yeah we'll just settle down you got to go and get another clinex go you can go oh dear tell myself not to get upset but it is upsetting it's still upsetting all right let's wrap it up guys enough enough wrap it up so we're on the way to see Kelly Lane's first serious boyfriend his name is Aaron tyak and they dated for quite some time back in the early '90s and Aaron has a a really interesting and a unique perspective into Kelly Lane because she felt pregnant with Aaron when they were together she was a school girl here here is there's Aron tyak hi Aon how you going I'm good hey nice to meet you you too how you feeling bit nervous yeah you know what are you nervous about I just don't want to create any more drunk I suppose let's go inside yeah yeah yeah we go inside L fan going in there this is a worldway out here from manly from the insula Peninsula yeah it is it's good do you remember the first time you you ever saw Kelly Lane I'm pretty much from the day I saw her I'm like oh who's that you know she had the golden blonde hair and nice brown skin and she was fit and You Know M kie could have she could have had anyone she wanted really do you think she was your first true love yeah I'd had girlfriends in the past but yeah yeah she definitely was yeah was young love but it was definitely something that I hadn't sort of felt before yeah I loved hanging out with her I loved who she was and what she stood for and I reckon she loved me [Music] too now something significant happened during your relationship with [Music] Kelly oh God [ __ ] now um yeah well one day we were sitting in her room and she mentioned that we needed to have a chat and yeah she said she was pregnant pretty much matter of fact just like that and my first thing was well you're on the pill how did this happen oh instantly it's like waa this yeah we were we were too young neither of us could really offer a baby anything so I had my view and what was that oh well to have have um uh you know have a termination have an abortion which wasn't ideal either you know but what was Kelly's view yeah she didn't want to but what choice did we have I remember driving her to the ferry at Manley knowing what was you know going to happen that day and I just waited for her to come back I remember being there though when she got off and yeah it was pretty [Applause] [Music] sad she was Devo and she didn't even say anything and she walked up and she just grabbed me and started crying it was it was horrible who was that girl what did you say that girl getting off that fairy a shouted a [Music] girl yeah there something happened in that year in that final year of high school for Killy she felt pregnant oh yeah well I didn't know we hashing over every single little detail I thought I'd ask because in terms of the forces that shaped her M and where it led to with this case this may be a starting point oh I would say Obviously now but I didn't know um so I haven't then gone back and gone oh what about 1992 no I haven't Kelly Lane had a second termination around the time you would have broken up did you know about that no I didn't know you know we're breaking up why would she tell me [Music] yeah yeah by my [ __ ] just shocking horrible so these these medical records they speak to a turning point here from Kelly Lane because this time around with this pregnancy she tells no one and this is a very different procedure to the last one she had this is a late term abortion she was 20 weeks pregnant was a two-stage procedure so she's written here in her handwriting she doesn't remember having any counseling no counsel [Music] go ahead please hi car it's Kell hi Kelly hello how are how are you it's been a long time since we spoken I know I know what what happened then in '94 yeah I it was a very late determination and I was quite sick physically I was quite sick it was quite a traumatic event they didn't really off me any counseling you know there was the usual questions are you sure but there was no follow-up counseling and I didn't seek any follow-up counseling I just got on with things and um I I think that was really I guess part of the start of that secrecy around you know being being in a position where I really should have asked for help is it something that you wanted to avoid doing again oh of course of course I'm not sure what the psychology is behind it but I guess being an adult now looking back perhaps that's why you know the going right to full term occurred well you've very focused on water polo what was your life situation then 1994 I didn't know what was ahead for me with water polo you know I was just sort of starting out and had a few I'd had been been on a few trips and it was fun and I'd made all these new friends so I I wasn't as you know I loved [Music] [Music] it water poo is a rough sport above the water yeah looks fine underneath the water kicking pulling past each other swimming over each other yeah it's rough Kelly talked to me into playing once and I went through three pairs of swimmers four pairs of swimmers in two games because they would rip them off few I had scratches across this breast right down here to my hip and they went yeah it's nothing I went ask hello that is a lot I'm not playing that that no thank you what was Kelly like as a player she wasn't the most skillful player right far from it actually but she had grit and determination well that depicts Kelly pretty well the mischievous smile I was fortunate enough to coach the belain girls and Kelly was in the girls team play The Hideout she loved that team the team loved her the girls could do no wrong the water po girls were very good-looking very blonde very attractive tough strong one of them is dating a WBY that's the kind of you know relationships they [Applause] [Music] had what was that world like the water polo world look I think it it can be very clicky if you're either in or you're out and I think it's there're an interesting um organism in of themselves you know have their own little world going on did you used to play water poloo yes oh great okay look now my name's Caro Meldrum Hannah I'm ringing from the ABC and I'm hoping that I can have a bit of a chat with you on I think a particular person really where we're looking at the [Music] incredible sorry I can't help bye I'm not able to take a call at the moment so please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can thank you please leave a detailed message after to the tone when you have finished recording you may hang up I just don't think I've got anything to add so I I've had a couple of chats with some some girls who were came to talk to me and um they're saying now they don't want to and that other people have told them not to the problem is a lot of them have been through ring us it's almost like it's too late done you might be getting much out of me sorry I'm really sorry carine yeah why are you sorry I don't what what are you I just don't want to we all just we're not talking we don't want to we're not getting involved yeah okay bye Havey weekend okay [Music] bye we're having a lot of trouble speaking to New South Wales water polo players from this period their closing ranks that surprise you no the destination is on your right they're protecting themselves obviously there's things that they don't want you to find out christm Creek Road goes back to that culture what was going on there in New South Wales it was you know play hard drink hard that was the way it went they were a team a lot of girls feared they played hard but they also played dirty not everyone but there was a majority of girls and probably the posy they took Delight in being able to um scare the opposition whether it came from the coaching I I I don't know so it was um yeah it was an interesting culture I [Music] guess but New South Wales began to overpower wa I want you to take me to Perth in January 1995 mhm and sent me a picture I was the team manager for the Australian Squad and uh they were having practice session and I uh was just observing watching play just watching them the girls play and Kelly came on to deck which when I thought back I thought yeah I've seen over over the to around a few times and the girls had said to me they thought Kelly Lan was pregnant but girls from your team yes and other teams and other coaches had said they thought she was pregnant talk was everywhere Kelly Lan's pregnant KY Lan's pregnant normally she would sit down on the side of the pool with a tail around her she stood up took the tail off and she was side on to me and I'm I'm a mom I said she's pregnant she's definitely pregnant and um no doubt about it NOP and I my estimation may be 6 months this girl should not be playing as soon as training had finished I went straight up to Bruce falson who was the coach and I just said to him K Lan is pregnant he said to me I've spoken to Kelly about this and she said no she wasn't I just sort of shook my head and uh and nothing nothing was [Music] done if there was so much talk if is there any way that say a team manager could not have heard no unless you're DEA no well at that time Sandy Lane Kelly's mother was the team manager for newes yeah y look at this oh my goodness me did you ever get an inkling say Sandy cuz you were the team manager did you ever notice Kelly's Body changing no and once again people go how could you not well um I didn't stand talking to her while she was in the shower for instance so I wouldn't see her in the nude um and at other times she'd have clothes on that didn't cling so I wouldn't notice anything there but Kelly Kelly was in a swimming costume how could you not say that a girl in a swimming costume is pregnant because she didn't look differently like she's one that carried a pregnancy extremely well she was never one of those tummy out ear jobs that pregnancy you saw in January 1995 Kelly Lane was playing the Grand Final in March yeah yeah it's it's yeah gosh yeah I mean it's a mother that really it does it it hits home yeah what's upsetting you I don't [Music] know I just can't imagine anyone doing that I really [Music] can't if someone had stepped in and done something back then would she be where she is today there's a lot of people have got a lot to answer for um it's [Music] terrible [Applause] [Music] she was playing in the water polo competition finals where her team balain was playing I think Sydney University I mean you talk Reckless so she goes and plays water polo which we know is a violent well not violent it's a very physical game how stressful was that 1995 Grand Final were you worried playing of course of course I was worried all the time about different things highly stressed worried about my health about the baby's Health about what I was doing is this okay should I stop what am I going to do I mean I wasn't feeling very well and obviously I didn't know at the time that that's what happens before having a you know I obviously knew I was pregnant it was going to happen at some stage but I didn't know really what the lead up would be like and I was very tired and and yeah of course I had huge concerns but I didn't know how to manage my relationships with people I didn't know how to ask for help because people had never shown me that they were open to me coming to them that night after the game which they lost they went to a pub at Bain to have a drink at about 900 p.m. they noticed that Kelly had [Music] disappeared but in fact what had happened is she'd gone into labor at the pub she then presented to the Bal mine Hospital from the notes that I have in front of me from bman hospital casualty in March at 20 to 10: in the evening I read that uh a 19-year-old woman Kelly Lane was brought into casualty by her boyfriend who then turned around and left wasn't seen [Applause] again she told me she'd had no problems up to date with the pregnancy she had an obstetrician in Perth and she'd been in Sydney just for 3 weeks to me this presentation for the patient coming in Kelly Lane had a a basic story that was not outlandish was taken on face value and we acted [Music] accordingly on that night that she went into labor She was transferred to the King George vth hospital where she gave birth to a fully formed a perfectly healthy baby and then the rumors came back that she went missing and the girls from watero were ringing around the hospital to see if Kelly L had a baby and one of them said yes by this stage Kelly Lane has been missing now from her life from her parents her Waterloo team just gone vanished now surely that would raise some suspicions to add even more unbelievable on top of unbelievable it it's Kelly Lane's birthday she's 20 so where do her parents think she is their daughter on her 20th birthday 2 days after Kelly gave birth this first time to a little girl it was Kelly's birthday her 20th birthday yeah it would have been you I'm just trying to get it all in my head now do you remember her 20th birthday no no what Kil had done is she'd ducked out of hospital she was still at hospital obviously she' only had a baby 48 hours or less earlier got a a day visitation sort of pass out or pass out had a birthday and then the next morning early went back to the hospital to me it kind of shows the strength in a lot of ways that um that she kept it to herself and dealt with it how she saw fit to deal with it without letting you know us snow for instance um all of this is news to me even now yeah I've never knew that really no I didn't know that she came out of Hospital came home had dinner and went back the next morning no I wasn't privy to any of that sort of stuff I'm sorry Sandy I didn't know you were in the dark about lots of details I really didn't that's all right I was shattered a very long time ago Sandy I'm sorry do remember at the hospital they had a cake for me and I remember just burst into tears and just thought what am I happy about I can't be happy about [Music] anything she tells the hospital staff she had anti-natal care in Perth that both of her parents are in Perth she's got no social support in Sydney and that she's living at the wrong address and that's just the start of the L she's gone to great effort to do that being so aerate cuz there's no way they can contact anyone I've been studying the medical records uhhuh and you tell a story about Perth and Perth yeah that that you that I was that I was from Perth exactly do you remember that that story you told yes yeah yeah why did you why did you tell that story I think I picked per I'm thinking because I'd been there recently I'd been to Perth a few times in the early '90s and it was the furthest place away so it was just being young and frightened and telling these these lies to put distance between myself and my family finding out or my friends finding out it had taken months to organize the adoption during that time she'd seen the child a number of times and she'd met with the adoptive parents and she'd found it very uh emotionally traumatic she had no one to confide in no one to trust in no one that she could talk to as a human being carrying that burden and having to go through an adoption process it it just from a human perspective it's astounding she's young she's on her own that to me straight away would go hang on a minute how the [ __ ] does it girl leave sorry take the swear word back how how does society let a girl feel so alone or how do we not pick up the signals how do we just miss them I was really interested to know what happens for you in your heart I guess and your head after you give your your first girl up because to me if I try and place myself in your shoes I'm thinking I'd be doing anything to avoid being in that scenario again again cuz it was just so hard yeah it was so hard I certainly didn't think I'm going to go out and do that again that' be you know I'd be crazy literally but I just think it was a carelessness and a lack of self protect and then you know drinking a lot drinking and and not using the pill correctly or not asking my partner to use protection and not having control I think is the biggest thing is not having control of the situations I was in when it was done it was done and she was safe and she was happy and they let me know you know everything's good and so I could just move on you know I could just put it put it out of my mind life went on [Music] now do not remember what party this was it'll be that's the 21st cuz I recognize the clothes good party terrific party now that girl standing in those photos there your daughter mhm at this time here she's pregnant with tan oh well how could you tell about 4 months pregnant amazing you said amazing what's what what did you mean when you said amazing oh I mean look how thin she is and we see women these days cuz their dresses are too tight for a start no it's just it's a site it's how things have changed but I mean you can see yeah clothes weren't particularly tight on anybody like it was just she was living her life the as someone who wasn't pregnant drinking partying going out socializing playing representative water poloo it's just like this was one part and then there's this totally other part of her actual life double life yeah absolutely has to be I was excellent at putting things into boxes and and parking them because I had been from a very young age able to be different things for different people and trying to please people and you know I I trained from a very young age and soiled under coaches from a very young age and taking Direction and being able to put my emotions aside when things hurt when you're training at 8 9 10 years old and physically you're hurting you you put that aside and your emotions really don't come into it so I was excellent at hiding how I felt and and what was hurting me so we were training at the Olympic Park Pool and normally we would just walk over to the pool cap and goggles togs on dive in and way we go Kell walked over and very very unusually she walked over to the edge of the pool and slid into the water what did it look like to you when you watched that that she was pregnant what did you do next what did you think to do um well when we were swimming when as we were swimming past each other we had goggles on and it was just a look at her tummy under the water just to confirm what we thought we had seen what did you say um she was pregnant heavily pregnant [Music] yeah like wasn't I worth asking like why were people afraid or why did they not want to ask me or I guess that's pushing the responsibility onto them but it's kind of sad to think that no one reached out and said you seem different or you look different are you okay if you had your time over again I would ask absolutely yeah even though that wall was up and Kelly made it very clear that that it was her private business and she didn't want anyone to know but in hindsight I would have asked are you okay you regret not asking yes yeah I do you know simple words simple words that could have made a huge difference to her life yeah what about coaching staff how could they not have noticed the coaches the managers and all the adults involved at that time in water polo should have done something they should have gone to Kelly and said are you okay I don't believe for a second that they didn't notice changes like the girls did I'm 100% sure when she was in the State team she was not pregnant okay that I would have noticed right because they're probably training four times a week you'd see them have a look at this now what year is that 1996 national championships now Kelly Lane in that team State team you were coaching there she's pregnant yep and well okay I'll take you were for that I mean you just said before 100% she wasn't pregnant when I was coaching her no and I'm can I look at that again just to see who's in that Tom have a look at that date there when she supposed to when was she supposed to have the baby September 1996 oh God again that was taken she spreg was T wow do you know which um baby that Kelly line was pregnant with here when you were coaching I've got no idea it was taken right yeah I'm starting to feel a bit guilty that when I didn't realize maybe I was very naive [Music] after that day I can't recall Kelly being at a game pregnant makes me think you know maybe that was very close to to giving birth yes I think so too and it was probably 2 or 3 weeks later I saw her again and she's clearly not pregnant where is this baby what happened to this baby and then to do it again the third time who what and why and that's how the whole thing started that is how it all unraveled how did Kelly Lane Come Undone during the adoption process for the third child a little boy she repeatedly denied that she'd had any previous children she made it almost impossible for the adoption agency angli care to make contact with her extreme it was Lie Here deception there lie here trying to cover her tracks Contin ously the amount of lies that she told half the truth she told it it was massive absolutely massive as a result the initial fostering agreement which she signed lapsed and the agency was not able to get in touch with her to renew it so the adoption agency was obliged to hand the child over into the care of docs Department of Community Services the case eventually went to a Mr John barovik who worked for docs in my view if it wasn't for John barovik The Disappearance of Tegan Lane would never have been noticed who's Kelly Lane to you what is she she's a dangerous person and she's a psychopath in my opinion narcissistic everything that revolves around her plays the victim really well she's just a pathological liar and she believes those lies like yeah hello John hi car how are you was 1999 and I was on leave and I came back and he said oh you know jonno here's a here's an easy case for you yeah right um we we got this child it's Mother's put it up for adoption and she just just took off he started to make inquiries about this mystery woman who was so difficult to contact and the first thing I had to do was Ring ride hospital I said ringing up in relation to Kelly Lane and trying to find her whereabouts she said oh John she said did you know that she was here back in 1996 40 weeks pregnant and I said no so he's looked at the records and went hang on you've told us that you've never had a baby before so what happened to the baby that you were pregnant with in '96 I rang up our branch of adoptions and I asked to speak to a caseworker if they had any information regarding a baby back in 1996 so another bomb show comes along it was lucky that whoever was on the phone when oh by the way she said oh you talking about the baby in 1995 and I looked at my phone and and I said um I said what baby in 1995 I said I'm talking about the baby in 1996 and she said what bab me in 1996 what is going on here like what who what where her birth was never registered with the registry General's office it had been some years that had gone by without anybody realizing that there was a baby missing is she alive is she with the father is she in an illegal adoption with through Kelly like who knew no one knew so had to keep plotting away and um and then got the information back from Department of Health the facts in letter form saying saying that baby girl by the name of tan lee Lane was born at Orban Hospital on the 12th of September 1996 by Kelly Lane wow you know [Music] like she left the hospital with a perfectly healthy young baby and arrived later at her home without the baby [Music] Kelly was in an absolute conundrum when she left the hospital she's got a wedding to go to the child was never seen again has never been located um and the mother went to a wedding uh at on the peninsula for [Music] memory I watched most of the wedding like what was on the video I looked at her her at the wedding and when how could you she appears happy and in the moment and celebrating her friend's wedding yet a very short period before she just discharged from hospital with a baby and and and she was in white any woman that's given birth would understand how you need you strange it would be that you would wear an all-h outfit 2 days after giving birth John barovik became quite determined to find out what had happened to this child so he made contact with her he rang her at the school where she was employed as a sports teacher that was one of the most bizarre phone calls I've ever I've ever had and I asked her I I said look I've got to ask you a few questions in regards to some information that that I have and she said okay it was like I picked up the phone to my greatest Nightmare and he just started peppering questions at me I said okay I said did you have a liveborn baby girl on the 12th of September at Orbin hospital and she says no look I looked you know looked at my phone and went I felt like I was being attack attack's probably a bit strong in that in that way but I felt like I was being made accountable and she says no but what you talking about well I know what I'm talking about I know what the truth is I have it in front of me then that was it that was the end of the phone call it was like bringing it all back to me in one hit it was it was being being exposed we just put the phone down and said gotcha yes got you for this yeah did you kill chop no I did not she said oh Mom Something's Happened the police are going to come and see you you have your fa in the police that they're going to investigate it and it didn't happen it was amazing how many records have been destroyed a powerlessly bad investigation I understand you've got something for me what type of files do we want to recover all file types I mean you told me that this young guy has taken the baby to raise it yeah which is really unusual the gloves will be off and she'll have to suffer the consequences we needed to identify the fathers of Kelly's children have you ever spoken publicly about Kelly Lane no hi I'm making a film and I'm trying to understand the layout of the building I really realized wow you should have just been honest from the start
Channel: Australian Crime
Views: 158,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australia, Australian Crime, Australian crime documentary, Australian crime series, Gangs & Mobs, Stalkers, child crime, cold case, con artists, crime, crime documentary, crime series, disappearances, family crime, ivan milat, murder, podcasts, police, renae marsden, revelle balmain, roger rogerson, serial killer, true crime, true crime documentary, true crime series, murder mystery, australian crime stories, australian crime documentaries, tegan lane, keli lane, kelly lane
Id: dGeP4GhwbIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 4sec (3544 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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