From Dingy Garage into Professional Workshop in Just a Few Days

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a month before I moved into my first home SEF published this video of him building out his garage he showed how simple it was to grass space to work on and store bikes this video alone gave me the confidence that I could do the same thing in my own garage and I did over the last three years of owning my home this space has become the set of my own YouTube videos this was a big deal to me as I had never in my life made anything like this it's kind of embarrassing but I'd barely even used a drill before but I didn't let that hold me back and using this video I was able to create something basic and functional the layout has gone through some minor changes and tweaks but I found something that works best but with my channel continuing to grow I needed to freshen things up and have a bit more of a professional look for when I'm shooting videos in here or doing live streams so just how I did it in the first place I picked today and got to work to improve my studio space the first thing that needed doing was painting the slightly yellow tinge made this place look dingy and gave bad lighting I hired a local painter to come in and spray the entire space a fresh white color and this immediately made it look brand new I also had the floor painted purely to minimize the dust that was being created by the bare concrete there was nothing wrong with my workbench and desk so I gave them a similar treatment to the walls and gave them a new stain unfortunately it doesn't make my garage smell of rich mahogany but who knows maybe if you subscribe to this channel we might get there one day the workbench is moved from near the door to this corner where the desk is this should make lighting it a whole lot easier and make better use of the space overall with this I needed to create a new tool wall and get rid of the pegboard that looks pretty dated after going through some options I settled on doing the pine tongue-and-groove option to improve the look I stained them with a cool gray finish and I'm a big fan even if I didn't realize I had to stir it properly oh I secured the bench to the wall and stacked up the slats which turned out better than I expected then I put back down the foam at ahead for now but they've become pretty monkey at this point so it's time to get some new ones in black the black ones seemed to hold their color a little bit better for longer as well putting some drawers under the bench was a must but after looking into how to make them myself I figured that an easier solution would be to grab a tool chest and put that underneath this husky one fitted pretty good and left some space at the side I also put some foam mats underneath to keep it securely in place but the thing I was most excited for having a vise no idea why I didn't get one before now and I guess we can call this a real workshop for the first time I screwed in lag bolts in three of the four corners then use the botton nut on the final corner in case you weren't aware this is why I attached the bench to the wall if I was going to truly have a dream setup here an air compressor is a must getting cheapest tires inflated is pretty simple nowadays but the compressor makes things even easier initially I wanted to have the hose real attachment on it for the true elite status but for some reason none of the attachments actually attach to it this confused myself and my housemate Dan no end so he gave up and got this other kit that had a hose in everything we needed to use it and the first time I turned it on the grin on my face was pretty real it also slots in perfectly next to the tool chest terms of bike storage and having them hang up on the wall is the ideal solution I wouldn't want all the tire marks to ruin the clean wall either so I grabbed these sheets of acrylic glass which should keep things looking good forever no idea what it is behind the lower part of this wall but the wall studs disappear halfway down if there are any building experts out there watching I'd love to learn why with it being such thin material to screw in we custom-made some screws that would work better but after putting a few in I didn't really like how the screwed looked but after some what would you call this googling I found out that what I was looking for was something called finishing washers if you thought I was a puncher on a bike nothing compares to how I am with DIY I put these in and we were ready for the top hooks but before that I wanted to get the computer back up and running so I could live stream again the setup of light and mic stands around the desk always annoyed me so I needed a better solution after more painful googling and searching in hardware stores I found that these pipes would be perfect to rig up lights and cameras on I was sure that the perfect clamps existed on the internet and I eventually found these impacts mount clamps that were perfect for lights and also this camera clamp which is made by a brand called small ring this means that I'll be able to get more angles than ever for videos and reduce clutter in this area a photographer friend educated me how I could use the loft ceiling as a light bounce to get way softer light and this is why the lights are pointed up like this I would also realize that I needed the camera lower down so I placed another pipe rig in between the two monitors and it was perfect you'll see this appear as the video goes up cables go down a hole in the back of the desk that I expertly bodged after I discovered initially wasn't wide enough to put a plug through and with that the desk area is finished looking tidy and smart feedback sports sent me a bunch of their Velo hinge hooks which was very kind of them I liked how subtle they are on the wall and most importantly that they fold out one way we should make it a lot easier to store the eight bikes that live in this garage yep it's a stupid amount bikes I know I send a 2x8 that was the perfect size for the hooks the same color as everything else and measured where the bikes needs to go we figured that having the top of the hook 11 inches underneath the loft ceiling would give just enough room for 29 inch wheel unscrew the 12 foot long piece of wood in place the first hook went on and we checked our work that's that's gonna be perfect and sit down first time first Choi perfect we also need to get into this cupboard to turn the hose on and saw things and the pivoting hook made it so much easier to get in and out now how to space them apart why should have done is figured out how many hooks we needed up here taken three inches off for the final hook then divided that number by the amount of bikes that we needed up there but I made it as complicated as possible and in the end settled on 20 inch gaps which was the same result as how I should have calculate did it in the first place either he's a heavy boy coming on hold please hold please hold please hold gentle on the way down oh look oh it's enough to turn this one in this allows 8by cooks to sit on this beam comfortably still being able to access each bike with ease will that will Dan's monster Finn come on down look at him so sick yes we loaded the bikes on and then got the pivot just right so that they all fitted in neatly and they look so good easy to move easy to mount I think the feedback hooks are a winner for regular subscribers of the channel you'll know that Dan used to own a bike shop in the UK so he was the best person for the job when it came to arranging the tool wall what kind of youtuber would I be if I didn't display the 100k award that I never thought I would get in a nice prominent place thanks again to everyone for subscribing and following along my journey of getting better on a mountain bike now this black handle came with the tool chest and I cut the end off to make the perfect shop roll holder and with some leftover slats I made this box - how's my Whistler performance loops and necessities like the fog bass or some of you may have noticed that they are currently sold out of all of their products been a couple weeks from this video being published you'll be able to hit the link in the description and use code punter 24 20% off everything on their store and I highly recommend picking up the fort boost as it's an easy way to keep your suspension running smooth feedback also send these pretty flash t-handles and Dan made the perfect holder for them and some other tools easy to access and it looks so pro up on this tool wall I figure that every gym mat in the world must have been ordered during lockdown and as the new black mats that I ordered started to arrive we could put the shelves at the end of the garage back into position I thought about changing this set up but they perfectly hide the garbage bins outside and there's nothing wrong with them I put up some more piping light mounts and set up what I was particularly excited to start using Alexa turn on the lights in the garage [Music] I used to be pretty annoyed at turning these lights on and off so I'm pretty stoked on this new voice-activated option in the background of any live stream you can always see this top storage area and it annoyed me how untidy it looked the simple solution of bring some curtains up not only solves this but also helps with the acoustics in this space I do have some phone sound proofing but it would negatively impact the lighting so I need to think if I truly need it in here or if there are places it would actually work but for now I'm happy with how the curtain helps lighting lighting lighting it needs to be good wherever you are in the studio so I invested in these mega beacons of blazing glory and they were also heavily discounted on B&H photo which was a bonus as these are so much more powerful I can bounce them off the ceiling of my garage and they'll help illuminate pretty much any area where the camera is pointing the pipe and impact clamp combo holds them up perfectly as well even though they're a lot heavier than the other lights [Music] [Applause] [Music] so here it is the newly renovated punter cave for all future livestream and big view generating garage videos we have an area where we can work on bikes and live stream from arranged neatly and easy to get set up for a session the plethora of bikes are up on the wall and we even managed to sneak my road bike in between two of the other hooks there out the way and accessible for whatever ride whenever you need to go and get it done the walls are clean and the space is lit up effectively wherever you are standing this reboot was a long time coming and I can't wait to start using my garage to make more videos for your viewing pleasure so hit subscribe if you want already and if you enjoyed this expert DIY show then hit the like burn I really appreciate it but most important of all make sure you watch it twice Cheers punters I'll see you next time
Channel: Paul The Punter
Views: 189,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mountain bike, paul the punter, mtb, biking, bicycle, cycling, mountain biking, do it yourself, home workshop, DIY, bike studio, bike shop, mtb workshop, home studio, bike repair
Id: F9pkofiP3Zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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