Building The Ultimate Bike Storage | Blake Builds A Bike Store

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I've got Timber which only means one thing it's time for another Blake builds come with [Music] me welcome back you beautiful people and welcome to another Blake builds where I'm going to turn all of this into this into this the ultimate bike storage now why did I want to build this well because in there you haven't got much room to work on your bikes the you got I got to take out all my bikes to work on on work on one bike especially in those winter months where you can't work outside in the garden I got this beautiful thing right here I made this ages ago just to hide my bins my bins live in here but I thought why don't I turn this into bike storage yeah bike storage wash station I have a drain there so I can utilize that um but I got to move all my beautiful flowers and get some slabs but I've been smart this time I've actually went on to Marketplace and I found some cheap slabs and I got some bargain on wood which I'll come to in a bit can't wait right stringed out where I'm going to lay my slabs nice and level so cut that out move this more time lapse but that oh it's big it's going to be super fun it's going to I can't wait to start building [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's near the end of the day and I have got so much to do so cleared it out taken out the old posts moved it all over but now I'm going to work into the night I'm going to lay all these slabs here which by the way I got for £40 on Marketplace and there's five out there that I got for free cuz I went past someone's house and I saw slabs and I was like I'm going to get those slabs oh I don't want to scratch the fridge don't scratch the fridge ah for sake yep got them for free so I'm going to lay lay these ones down here 12 there and then six [Music] [Applause] [Music] there right this is complete it's not the best it's not the worst it's definitely going to do nothing is wobbly I've filled in the cracks I've washed it it might need another wash afterwards when it fully dries out anyway we work we're moving on to the shed bin this is the exciting bin so got my bike up so I want to hang them up it needs to be around about there with the floor and a bit more on the roof and the ceiling the roof's going to be so high so what I'm thinking is I'm going to take the front wheel and I think by doing the front wheel out I can have a really low shed look it brings it down by like nearly 3T with a little bit of height I think the ceiling and the roof the roof is going to be the height of the fence which is perfect I went into my local DIY store and I saw the last bit of the pette and I was like oh they're all a bit twisted this one is flipping twisted like and I asked and they said I can do it for one pump 50 and then I was like m a pound and it was a pound I saved 62 so I got a pound per length I got 25 of 25 of them I needed 30 so I bought a few extras new which I needed some straight ones cuz I don't want the shed to be like on the wonk uh so yeah I saved £62 there £260 there 3 something so far I've saved about £320 it pays to shop around this is the best bit I love woodwork I'm going to get all my Works tools out and uh start cutting measuring screwing together hopefully not make that many mistakes cuz I like making mistakes but uh yeah first let's make the [Music] base m man that is one of my new favorite [Music] tools all right it's [Music] great [Music] I'm going to build the front of the lockup so I'm going to measure how high I want it to be it doesn't need to be that high it doesn't need to be too crazy half a foot on each side so it's a big wide entrance boom boom boom then I'll build the sides yes going then the good [Music] ones first cut boo boo doesn't matter didn't cut it too short cut it too long It's 190 and I just cut it at 190 I need to subtract the width of two of them and the width of two of them is 38 so 38 * 2 60 70 79 76 wo I'm really bad so that is 190 so I got to subtract 76 [Music] so that go in there like that that should measure up at 30 oh my gosh it doesn't 32 that'll do oh my Math's so good so that's 24 so we need one two and a half right it's just one and a half oh yeah one and a half one and a half oh my gosh we have to actually get this right because if we don't get this right the numbers on the door are going to be totally weird and we want even numbers so the Gap if I go 30 30 which is 60 take away 60 away from the overall length which gives you 190 0 was it was it 90 was 80 was 80 180 half 180 is uh [Laughter] nine we 30 all right let's do the same over [Music] there no they don't go in the end they don't those do yeah yeah so um Leo just went way and I was like what what what have I done wrong what I have done wrong um things there they supposed to be I actually cut those for the um the the bits to go in there so I need a cut 30 these are meant to be on there so this can go in here that All Is [Music] Lost oh oh might have to drill it might have to drill it's cracking [Music] in next big wall that actually looks really good do it there's some big doors going on there let's get that screwed in let's work out the angle of the fan angle of the roof we'll do that but before we do that we're going to build the two sides on the of the shed lock it all together and then the structure is pretty much there then do the ceiling the roof screw on the roof stuff cuz that's quite cool and um yeah again I like it look at it looks beautiful doesn't it [Music] I got all four sides bolted and bolted screwed together uh there's a few little bits I need to put some Noggin in here down here along here and I'll put some extra ones in the back the sides are all good right let's uh work out the roof for the angle should be [Music] easy [Music] [Music] a [Music] can you push it a bit ow that with my finger I'm going to cut this I'm going use this as the the actual straight line and uh get rid of this bit but leave a little bit of overhang for guttering and [Music] water it's not deep enough I tell you what is deep enough I got another tool this tool scares me this thing but I'm sure this is going to be more than enough so I might need two hands here if I cut you can hold that that'll be [Music] great yes high five high five started to rain it literally started to rain yeah that's not good roof's on should we wrap up today yep literally wrap up today I'm going to wrap it in this stuff oh wow sticky stuff but I need another tool yes stapler we need a stapler and light do we need light let's get light too cuz it's getting really dark it's like gone seven there you go 5 7 still going yeah as you can probably tell I've put it upside down oh Mr Samson what are you what are you like what do you like Mr Samson I don't know Mr Samson tired Mr [Music] Samson that's a wrap literally wrapped it up took us 30 minutes to wrap it it's very late it's halfast 7 30 minutes to do that I'll see you guys in the morning Leo you ready to go to bed CU we just had a long day what an absolutely Splendid morning right the plan for today is to complete this thing uh I'm going to start with the inside I'm going to pull the walls up I have something really crazy come look at this come with me aluminium Diamond checked plate that is going to go on the back wall of the the shed lock up because it's going to look cool just shiny when you get in there let's put the ceilings up put the ceiling and the walls with this stuff so I'll take one of these [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] got the instructions which I should have read the instructions for the roof you would probably be doing it in the comments that I've run the roof beams the wrong way so I'm going to run some here so I can actually screw in anyway you live and [Music] learn thank [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] he this is I'm I'm working with drgs now really bad I pretty much left the the bent ones for the door now if the door doesn't open and shut properly it's because of the Timber not because of my uh skills [Music] I've done a thing I've made something the thing and that lines up perfectly like that oh high five dude yes right now to duplicate this door so copy and paste and run time lapse [Music] taada look at that oh sawdust everywhere all over me two doors oh look at that beautiful now it's time to put the icing on the cake and that is feather edge the icing on the cake now I've made this little Noggin thing and this basically gives me an inch overhang so I put it on the bottom you can see gives me an inch and then that will just continue all the way up to the top here so might be here for a [Music] while okay it's the next day I've uh done some progress we've got all the cladding on doors are done I stayed up pretty late last night but now I need to I need to make a handle because I can't actually can't get in there I need the keys for that but it's time to make these little brackets to go in there to hold the bike up so I've come up with this idea look at that I'm going to make a little bracket like this got some flat plate here and to cut that I'm going to cut this bit off here at 18 uh 18 mil and uh hopefully the axle will just slide in in there so I'm going to uh weld up probably four of these so it gives me a total of eight bikes so four up like that and four with the rear wheel up on the top now it's time for my favorite bit welding and grinding and cutting and [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] first one done now just got to make another three more of these but quite happy with that that looks flipping cool definitely Overkill but my bikes are not going to come off the wall I'm looking for inspiration to make a door handle I pulled out this old pedal spanner 15 mil pedal spanel I thought that would be quite cool to put on the door and you can just open it up nice and big and I can use these holes right here and I just weld in there and I can have a nice door hand them I think that I think that will work really [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that's [Applause] [Music] hot look at that bikes are in bikes are out of there bikes are in here in the new home I'm going to get a humongous chain and I'm going to just chain all of them up and keep the key with the shed Keys blah blah anyway now I have lots of front wheels that I need to find a place for so I thought and to make these spindles so I can stick the tire slide the tire The Wheels On Through the axle keep it nice and safe front wheels are there front wheels are here bikes are here all locked up gravy [Music] baby voila complete look at it I love how it's turned out I love it it's been a few days of doing this I thought it would take me two days but it didn't took me a while in the evenings to complete it especially the slabbing but let me walk you through it bikes are on the wall I actually love what I've designed right here look at that I like that it's a bit ghetto but it does a job I might put some rubber in here because some people have said he going to scratch your axles and blah blah blah just some generic Jeff Bezos bicycle clamps for the for the wall they work out perfectly I love the Checker plate on the rear thank you very much to work for that one these spindles are great but this is cool I like this I just got some pipe just cut a little Groove in there these are the most commonly know used Allen wrenches Allen keys to take out your front wheel so these are literally going to live in here forever if they're missing it's my kids and they've taking them not me cuzz those stay there forever but there we go I got some security here Locked Up all In Here with some abis locks I got some abis locks on the outside got Big M oh I love it I love it thank you very much for watching let us any comments down below if I need to do something else or maybe add to it there's another video coming episode 2 where it's going to be a wash station so I can wash my bikes and then put them back in here but I got a cool little uh idea for that I'm going to collect the God's water to wash God's mud off my bikes anyway I'll see you later see you
Channel: Global Mountain Bike Network
Views: 175,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blake Builds, bike, storage, store, shed, bike storage, bike shed, worx tools, bike cave, how to, build, axle bracket, wall bracket, mount, mtb storage, secure, table saw, backyard builds, GMBN, Global Mountain Bike Network, mountain biking, mountain bike, Bicycle (Product Category), MTB, Bicycle, Downhill, XC, Cross Country, Enduro, MTB skills, bike skills, mountain bike skills, bike riding, cycling, gmvn, Blake Samson, sec-feature, 5218, 𐒎, 𖬍, ዩ, scany15, ߚ‎, 1k, 1o, 1a, ኽ, Ꮖ, ߥ‎, ፕ15, パ, έ, δ, υ, η, ι, ፎ
Id: r6IDpZhAtHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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