Shop Tour 2024 - Ultimate Single Car Garage Workshop

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all right welcome to my shop my name's Sam come on in I'll show you [Music] around all right so welcome to my shop if you're new here my name is Sam and this is where I work so this is a single car garage well what I'm calling a onecar garage I think technically before it was converted it was a two-car garage my wife and I share an office in the back which you'll see and there's a little bit of a hallway situation that leads to the basement that's just really not super usable so I can't take advantage of the full two-car garage so for all intents and purposes let's just call this single car garage it's a small space I think that's the point and you'll see what I'm able to accomplish in here with the right setup and the right tool so that's what we want to talk about today it's been a couple years since I've done a shop tour if you have been around for a while you'll see a lot of things have changed and there's one other thing I want to do I've seen a lot of shop tours I watch a lot of YouTube a lot of big YouTubers get a lot of stuff given to them I'm a small YouTuber so I've not had the opportunity for sponsorships and things of that nature so I actually want to tell you what I paid for everything today it's not to brag it's not to boast it's just to show you this is what I paid this is what this retails for today um so you can kind of be like wow this is Within Reach it's just helpful information that um sometimes I wish other YouTubers shared I think we should start right here at the table [Music] saw so this guy is the rigid r4512 this was the first tool I ever got for this shop and in fact I assembled it in our living room when allly and I were redoing our house this table saw has been nothing but incredible I have abused this thing this thing owes me absolutely nothing and I think and I only paid $500 for it that was brand new in 2017 at Home Depot shipped to my house of course I had to put it together but besides that I used this thing almost every single day this is what rips down all the material for my frames this I mean like I said I have just this thing owes me nothing and I could not be happier with it the only piece of rigid I own besides a shopac and um honestly I should probably buy more of it cuz it's it's just really stood up I want to say it's got a 30-in rail and I actually have a small router that I I built into it you do have to provide your own plywood for that end it's easy enough to just drop a palm router in there I don't do a ton of routing so that thing's worked out awesome I will say there's some upgrades you can get for this on Etsy and all it does is stiffen up that fence um I guess that's the only thing I could complain a little bit about the tolerance in the fence isn't like saw stop quality but I didn't get this for saw stop price so this thing retails today at $700 it's been a few years inflation I would buy this for $700 easy so when stuff comes off the table saw you've got to have an outfeed table I've had a few iterations of an outfeed table all of which I basically built from Plywood And 2x4s this is what I've settled on and this is what I think works the best this is 4x4 so it's 48 in across and it can actually extend out to 6 ft with this leaf that pops out and I've got a thing that just kind of holds it up the best part about this outf table is is the formica top I will never ever ever have another Alfie table without a formica top nothing sticks to this I can glue stuff up the glue pops right off paint pops off I got varnish all over it last week that came off and it's I mean it's just like indestructible the other thing that's kind of cool about this thing is I have small parts storage drawer thing that kind of folds out this thing I built when I was really just starting out and I could honestly stand a redo it but works for now most of that stuff's from Harbor Freight I think this thing sits about an e/ in below my table saw uh height so um basically nothing gets jammed up on here but it just kind of floats right out onto here so yeah love this thing I've been beaten on this thing for a few years now and the for just stood the test of time really highly recommend that had to price this thing out today probably be in the $200 range um and most of that is going to be that for Mica top I think I paid $100 for the whole sheet which was more than more than I actually even used 200 bucks for hand full of 2x4s some plywood and the formica solid I'd buy it again easy [Music] popping back over to where we actually first came in that's the front door but this guy right here if you have a planer and you buy one of these you'll probably not use your planer this is a jet 2550 meaning the bed is 25 in and because it's open-ended you know you could effectively sand a 50-in piece if you really wanted to this is uh we're getting into some of the bigger machines I paid for I paid $2,300 for this and I think it's I got 2 years ago and I think it still retails for around 2,300 bucks yeah this is incredible like I said I mean I have a planer it's just a small 13-inch bench top planer but I don't even touch it after I got this I'll throw some 60 grit sandpaper on it I just buy it by the roll and I could literally take like an eigh inch pass and it doesn't slow it down it's got incredible dust collection and then when you're done with that you can step up to like I I'll step it all the way up to 220 grit and just get a glass finish on stuff I use this thing a ton if you if you make cutting boards if you make anything flat this thing is indispensable you need one of these maybe my favorite machine I'm not kidding I love this [Music] thing moving over here just to the right of the drum sander got like my little laser setup all right so I've got a laptop over here that runs the laser uh my CNC machine which you'll see in a little bit pretty cheap laptop to be honest this stuff doesn't take like a ton of brain power to use um well it does for me and not so much for the computer but yeah this is an ort Tor laser Master 3 the Chinese laser from Amazon it was $700 it's a 10 watt laser it's really good for Branding stuff so I use it to U do most of my branding if I want my logo on something if I want a design etched into a piece of wood this thing works great for it I've seen people with big giant lasers that can cut right through quinch MDF or/ inch plywood that's crazy I don't do that um I'll brand a cutting board I'll brand some coasters if I need to uh or I will put some small detail into a shadow box it's basically what all I use this thing for I'd highly recommend this like I said it's 700 bucks on Amazon I'm really pumped with it I know a couple people that have them and does what it's supposed to do and I really can't [Music] complain moving on from over there this was like my pride and joy back when I built it if I'm honest I don't really use it that much anymore you know what I I do use is this CNC enclosure I really am happy with the way this came out and I use it a ton that said the CNC machine inside of it has that paid for itself uhuh I don't think so and that just comes down to me like not being a super proficient CNC person either way that is an i28 imagination to reality was the company that built it I think they just got bought last year I mean here's something crazy I paid 4 ,000 for this and I was so stoked I like made a bunch of stuff to make the money to buy a CNC machine cuz they were the latest and greatest super cool woodworking tool at the time and obviously like I'm psyched that I have it but today they want 8,500 bucks for that same machine well I'm sure there's some differences but it's effectively a 4T X 2T you know 3axis CNC machine for 8,500 bucks would I buy this again not for that price tag I think 4X two 4T X 2T bed for a CNC machine is perfect you'll see this CNC enclosure kind of divides my shop into the you know each Bay this enclosure houses a ton of stuff for me so I would definitely make this enclosure again I just think I might use this as a benchtop and maybe not have a CNC to be totally [Music] honest this guy is my most recent purchase I am super stoked about it this is the Fest tool Ro 990 rt90 whatever they want to call it oh right here r90 dxf fesal come on with your with your names it's a 3 and 1/2 in Rotex sander that's what it is and I bought it with this ct15 which is basically their cheapest dust extractor if you know anything about Fest tool you know how expensive this stuff is uh the price tags on these guys are astronomical in fact I'll tell you exactly what it is the sander $525 the dust extractor $420 that's almost like grand for that little setup I paid 750 off a guy in town for this a couple weeks ago because I had a big butcher block countertop project I had to sand this thing is probably worth what they're asking for it the dust collection on this is incredible I barely wore my respirator it's so much better than what I had would I pay close to a grand for that having used it I think I probably would to be honest yeah super pumped about that the guy even threw in a whole bunch of abrasives for me so that kind of lives in there I used to have a air filtration system in here but that kind of crapped the bed so now this thing lives under there I just I underestimated how good having a nice sander would be it really makes a huge [Music] difference my miteru station so this is you guys probably know but this station is very specific to picture frame making which is a lot of what I do so this whole situation this whole miter saw bed rail situation could be replaced with just big what do you call a big what the heck is that called were you like a miter stop right so at this end I have a 10in Makita sliding compound miter saw and I really just use this for straight cuts I don't have a stop setup yet but I need to because I've doing I've been doing more straight cuts than I originally was I've been making some stuff other than picture frames um mostly house projects for Aly but uh yeah I really need to put a stop on this thing on this side we have my super fancy clear Mount miter scale this is professional frame maker 101 this scale is basically the cheapest option for a dedicated picture frame making station um which I went with they still make these uh they're definitely getting more expensive I paid I paid about $11,000 for the scale with an extension so I can make it a little bit longer I think the same scale today is 1,200 bucks um and you have the option to add just the straight the straight Makita compound miter saw this thing's great this is super simple it's awesome for just straight up and down Cuts whether they're at a miter or just straight on this is basically the miter saw that this scale requires if you get this you kind of have to get this but either way super happy with that I did upgrade the blade to something from Amana tool it's an AG series hun tother I've never sharpened it and it makes perfect cuts every time super happy with that and of course this is on my miter station which I did a huge build video I think it's a two-parter most of my storage is in here I'm not going to go through everything that's in all these drawers today that would take forever but yeah tons of tons of storage all these drawers are full mostly small tools and mostly consumable products let's head around the corner show you what I got cooking under [Music] there in the corner over here by the miter station I have my big big Grizzly band saw this is a 17in band saw it's the decipher that Geo 513 the extreme series 17in band saw with a cast iron trunion what that is I don't know but I'm really happy with this machine it's got a cool fence system um where it's just got the regular old fence but it's also got this extension and uh I picked this one out because the majority of what I do with this is resawing so I've got the 1in wood slicer on there I've had I've done a bunch of videos about this thing it's two horsepower and it just it resaws uh basically any kind of wood I put through it Maple exotic wood Oak Pine like literally anything this thing does not care I've never bogged it down it is 220 but you know if you're going to have something this size that's you kind of just have to deal with that I remember I paid 17 just over 1,700 bucks for it delivered to my house with a lift gate and on sale today it's $18.85 so it's gone up a couple hundred bucks but worth it totally would I buy it again absolutely [Music] yes moving around the corner the this thing right here does not get the attention it deserves okay this is a switch boox that I made this controls everything in my shop the green is all the lights in here so I can turn individual lights on and off I can turn individual outlets on and off and I can turn my dust collection on and off took a lot of heat because it's right next to the sink but it is all GFI protected and eventually even though I said this in the last video I will actually make a cover for this I don't know I just think this thing's wicked cool it's super helpful and I use it every day I don't know what I paid for it I bet I paid like $200 with all the LEDs and switches and stuff like that and I would definitely pay it again and I probably paid more like $400 if somebody wanted to make one of these for [Music] me working our way around the corner this is a cool project because this is I call it my map cabinet this is where I house all my thin material for shadow box creation it's all basically organized by Tone so you've got your dark tones at the bottom light tones up top um another important piece is the mini fridge but what's really cool about this is this was actually just a Costco shelving system that I turned into these drawers and cabinets and all I really did was made doors and drawer fronts for it and you can see the rest is just the metal shelving in the background so you can pick one of these things up right now for 280 bucks at Costco put whatever wood you want on it this is all Maple so it's a little pricier I think I've got about $450 into this entire build utilizes this space really well and yeah I use this thing a ton obviously cuz I make a lot of shadow boxes and well that's where all that stuff [Music] lives next to the map cabinet is pretty much I think my last tool of the tour this is my scroll saw this is well if you know this Channel you know I spend a lot of time at this scroll saw this is the P here we go pegas pegas pegas p g s it's a Precision scroll saw I believe it's made in Switzerland I got this from Bearwood Supply it's a 21in scroll saw they have the patented like fancy blade situation here this thing is Rock Solid it really is precision I've had no issues with this thing I have more hours on this than I can even tell you yeah I mean this is the bread and B of what I do and how I make money so I spent a lot of time on this as you can see I have quite a few accessories that I've kind of doped this thing up with so um it fits my needs I've got obviously lots of camera mounts and cameras this aluminum cage that I built for it so the scroll saw does kind of I mean it doesn't rattle but it vibrates and so in order to get a good clean camera shot you need an external support that's not attached to this so your camera doesn't shake and that's why I have stuff kind of screwed to the map cabinet and that's why I built this aluminum cage to house camera bodies and all kinds of different arms and stuff that you can hook GoPros too yeah that's the secret sauce on how I get a nice steady shot on this thing but the one thing that doesn't have that I wish it did was a light yeah even my like little junky DeWalt had a light on it and this just doesn't so what the heck come on pegas but I got this little uh magnet light I can turn this all on for you uh this guy yeah it's just it's an electromagnet and it sticks right to the side of the machine and you can obviously turn it on and off but that really helps with being able to see and the other thing I did is I actually have a shop back set up in the basement that attaches to this hose so I can control the dust collection on this thing a push of this button so that's pretty slick um I didn't have dust collection on it for the longest time turns out you don't want to be breathing sawdust from exotic Woods keep that in mind let's see I bought this thing 3 years ago for 850 bucks uh they want like 995 for it today uh I don't know where like I got this from barewood supplies in Canada and those people are so squeaky they won't I think they even charge me an arm and a leg for shipping still order stuff from them they're still not cheap and they still won't give me a discount but would I pay a th000 for it yeah yeah use it every day so I'd have to love this [Music] thing the other things I just I hadn't mentioned or I didn't mention yet this kind of just ties into you know what you would pay for a full production shop like I said so do things are really important an impact driver and a drill um I have way too many hand tools and I've spent way too much money on Makita stuff to even mention this fuel 18vt impact and drill set is about $359 today and I probably paid something like that for it but yeah uh if you're going to do any kind of production work you've got to have a good drill and you got to have an impact driver and makita's got a sweet warranty so that's why I got that the other thing I didn't mention is my dust collection system and the cage so two things that I built when I built this shop or when I converted this garage into what it is today is I built a cage it's one of my first videos I did but it's basically just interior skeleton situation that I can bolt everything to anything to as you can see like a lot of my power comes down off the cage um all my dust collection is attached to the cage I even have some wood storage attached to it and it's super helpful so you don't have to deal with trying to like Mount stuff on sheetrock or find studs um they're all on the outside attached to that in the basement which I'm not going to show you cuz it's a disaster is a harbor freight dust collector that is my dust collection um I paid 169 bucks for it it takes a little bit of assembly but I believe it's 3/4 horsepower or 2 horsepower I know it's 110 um it's a beast and it runs this 4in dust collection system flawlessly today it's like $299 but if you know anything about Harbor Freight don't ever pay retail like wait for the 20% off coupon sign up for their silly Club um it it does it's worth it I got all my clamps from Harbor Freight and I got a ton of just random stuff that you'll find in my drawers from Harbor Freight so sweet purchase there so this is there's my CNC enclosure and then this is our office this is pretty inside baseball but I just wanted to show you why I consider this a onear garage this thing I just built this is pretty slick this is all of our camera stuff and it was my first attempt at welding video to come but pretty cool so all in all our grand totals I have personally invested in just the stuff we talked about today according to this sheet $1,657 and if you're going to buy all that stuff again today it'd be around $2,763 nothing was given to me I paid all I paid for all of it and I paid for all of it through what I do in this shop so that said if you want to be serious about having a production shop that is a very small number to get started in my personal opinion you could even consider this a hobby shop so if you just wanted you know enough stuff to start your hobby I've bought all this stuff over the course of I think 8 years Super reasonable super doable I just hope that's helpful I would have loved to see that on a shop tour that I watched or multiple shop tours that I watch take with that what you will that's said I hope you had a good time hanging out with me today and taking a tour of the shop and I hope to see you next time please subscribe if you're not [Music] subscribed
Channel: Sam Macy Designs
Views: 152,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shop tours woodworking, shop tour wood, shop tour metal, small woodshop tour, garage woodshop tour, smart woodshop tour, professional wood shop tour, tiny woodshop tour, workshop tours woodworking, workshop tour small, workshop for beginners, two car garage shop, garage workshop, garage woodshop, garage woodshop layout, dream shop, shop organization, woodworking tips, shop tour 2024, woodshop tour 2024, single car garage tour, small shop, single car garage workshop
Id: J-0ex-qMd_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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