From Base Kit to DEMON CENTAUR - Dark and Darker

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okay hey there guys today we're going to be doing another Zero to Hero shocker as the wizard this time I haven't really played wizard too much on this channel as a lot of the time it just kind of underperforms but we're going to see what we can do here the pokes we're going to be running are Arcane Mastery this is pretty much a must take at least in low Tier gear Sage extra casting speed from the knowledge quick chant extra casting speed and trying out reactive Shield not sure if this is this good uh or that good really but we're definitely going to try it I also just think for that the tankier perks might be a bit more beneficial usually I run fire Master instead of reactive Shield but we're going to try um reactive shield and then maybe when we're in highy a gear we can drop like Arcane master or something can run ice Shield I'm not too sure uh I think a lot of the damage PS are just a bit underwhelming we are going to be running meditation as it's kind of just necessary if you're in low Tier gear and of course just one spell memory for our spells we're going to be running a pretty default version we're going to be running Fireball magic missiles haste in invis and I think zap although we could easily probably swap out to ice bort instead in fact I think we might do that yeah let's do that just to give it a go okay anyway let's head in and I'll see you into the first runes game okay hey there guys today or well I should say we are into our first highroller runes game playing as the wizard wizard I've said is one of my favorite classes thematically gameplay wise absolutely not one of my favorite classes at least in solos it it's fun to play don't get me wrong the problem are it's the problems are it's too squishy it has too many bad match ups in solos the maps aren't really very good for it and it feels like absolute ass to play on the low gear end like you know if you watch my videos much you know that I do a lot of um Zero to Hero things I enjoy doing Zero to Hero Zero to Hero is fun with most classes it is pure misery with wizard which is why I've avoided it and also my wizard videos tend to underperform I'm definitely not the most practiced wizard I used to play it quite a bit but ever since it's just been nerfed and nerfed and nerfed and nerfed at the lower end of gear levels I basically just kind of avoid playing it at least in solos in Duos and triers it's not so bad but in solos there's no reason to play wizard just play warlock it has better spells it does like more Dage it has more options it has decent melee uh it does it's not limited by how many spells it can cast really uh those are decent boots but we already have decent boots already so I think we'll keep our current ones although I do appreciate the Vigor having getting some Vigor on Wizard Fields really nice so you can actually get hit a few times and not just instantly die but yeah anyway this hopefully won't be a video full of complaints about wizard but we'll see how it goes right purple arming sword so if you're unaware this is after the most recent update they quickly did a smallish hot fix update let's see is it a skeleton Champion yep it is all right now going to be AIT bit awkward for us to kill this guy uh Stupid hit there I'm not going to lie but um we're going to have to meditate a few gu times to actually kill this guy let's hit him with whatever we can and then oh God this spell God I hate the stuff right perfect so now let's see how many times we have to meditate to kill this guy theoretically it shouldn't be that many times seeing as we're going to have like magic staffed buffed magic missiles into his head primarily so let's try and see what we can do here okay we're done with our first meditation so here goes our second L Rand spells into this the only thing is whilst we're of course spending a Fair bit of time working on this guy we actually have people within our void range again so there's people close and whil we're using all of our spells on this PVE if someone then jumps us after we're going to have no Spells at all to actually deal with them that's I believe like five magic missiles into this guy's head and like seven ice bolts or something might have to just try and finish him off with melees which you know Wizards not known for their strong melees so we'll see this might take a lot more melees left okay perfect there's also this skeleton here let's hit and meditate though again okay perfect so wait the skeleton died oh I guess the skeleton Champion actually killed him let's see what we got two lockpicks and one more which we cannot use so pretty lack lust of loot from that let's go up here and continue looting the things up here uh thankfully we did get a relatively beneficial zone for us it's actually on our side of the map so we do have some time to loot a limited amount but this has been so far this has been an update where like they have trying been trying to encourage PVP more um you now get AP equal to like the what is it it's like the gold vendor value of items that you loot so if you're looting like you know a high tier Kit full of like purples and legendaries or something you're going to get a you know I think a decent amount of AP from the a full inventry of it uh they also increase the amount of AP you got from kills by 50% which I think is quite low still I think it you're still going to have a very low amount from kills it's mostly going to be from the gear that you're picking up off of the player um but hey maybe that will reduce teaming a bit we'll have to see how it goes I haven't played many games well these are like my first few games of of the new update we'll have to see how it is uh they did actually change demon armor which I was hoping for however they I think made it weaker than what it was previously so that's not ideal um I was honestly hoping that I could play some demon armor warlock today and uh have a video on that but I think they straight up made it weaker if you haven't seen they made it so it's 50% magical healing reduction now instead of 75% health potions are still classed as magical healing um but it also has a 50% will penalty now as well so I think this straight up got weaker as it now not only Nerfs your healing by a significant chunk it also Nerfs your damage output by a significant chunk previously I was thinking the best way to play it was probably using some spells to try and Zone people or get some poke on people uh such as B of Darkness maybe Ray of Darkness potentially um curse of pain stuff like that and just not taking torch Mastery and not worrying about that maybe taking some Buffs as well ELD Shield possibly however now you're not doing quite half damage because of the way the um scaling on will works but you are going to be doing a pretty significant chunk less damage than you would have been in the previous patch with these things so I'm not sure if that's going to be viable and remember now you are still going to be doing full damage to yourself when you're casting the Spells it's not going to be doubled is you're not going to be taking torure Mastery but I just don't think it's really going to be that viable or I don't know I do kind of want to try it but maybe not Zero to Hero cuz warlock as a whole is just a pretty weak class low gear levels uh the higher you go of course I think warock is probably one of the strongest classes solo with high gear levels but until then probably not it's it's probably kind of middle of the pack right we going a better hat at least wow we've got six gingerbread I guess we will do trading in this one as well just because trading as a wizard it's kind of like a um Ranger in that wizard oh I didn't even think there was a skill check for this one wizard at lower gear levels is just absolutely miserable to play and sucked but at higher gear levels it's you know it's definitely a lot more enjoyable um Soo I'd still argue it's still not going to be the most fun just cuz you die to basically anything and if someone gets close to you most of the classes in the game are faster than you and you don't really have options that are that good for fighting people so yeah uh not ideal I think honestly we'll probably just take a fast extract here so we'll just grab some random pieces that we can kind of fill our inventry and then go ahead and extract from the blue extract over there um honestly I think that's pretty good like arry is pretty full most of it's low tier this will probably be an AP loss even though we're only at the white ranks We're very very low ranks All Things Considered um but we've got some decent pieces we also have of course the six gingerbread which is the main reason I want to extract six gingerbread is uh we'll see what we can get for it but it's probably going to be about 700 gold so there's definitely some luck that went in there but let's see what we can do on that trade front so we actually got 500 AP let's go ahead to The Collector and sell whichever Treasures we have got 128 gold from Treasures we didn't have too many and we didn't have too many high treasure High tier ones either okay so we won't worry about the one candy came we'll just stash that away for now the bow string will save for quests from The Woodsman we're just going to vendor pretty much all of these items a lot of these items aren't very good so they're fine to just vender along with this Lantern 26 62 gold from The Woodsman that takes us up to a sub total of 390 plus 14 from the trapit okay we're going to be selling our six gingerbread for 900 gold now this is definitely not a start you can expect to get on average getting six gingerbread is quite lucky from how small of a um run we actually just did but we're going to use this to try and buy ourselves a bit of a decent gear set and see what we can get ourselves into so all the things we got from the vendor plus the gingerbread comes out to 1,300 gold now we have some okay pieces here but we're going to try to put a set together and see what we can accomplish with that okay so we're going to be buying this spell book for 200 gold pretty decent little trade not amazing but a decent little book we are going to be buying this Crystal Sword for 100 gold so that's 300 gold we spent so that leaves us with 1,000 gold however I think because we're going to take away a lot of the gingerbread so let's just say instead of getting 1,300 let's say we got 600 in total so that leaves us with another 300 gold left to spend we can maybe get hopefully get some jewelry and maybe an okay chest and aside from that we'll head into another run going to buy this Oracle robe not very good at all but 100 gold for four knowledge it's okay it's probably the best we're really going to get and we're going to be buying this necklace for 100 gold it's not very good but I do appreciate some Vigor on uh Wizard and also for Magical Power decent low damage bonus we're not going to be running with any rings we're not going to be running with a cloak the rest of the gold we're just going to be saving for some consumable meds so this is the load out we're going to be going in with now the only thing is with wizard is you don't really need to bring that Many Meds a lot of the time cuz a lot of the time you're just dead if you actually get hit by anything so what we will be doing is we will be changing from meditation over to 10 spell but we do quickly need to set up our 10 spell load out or no we'll be running this so on our primary of course we have Fireball magic Missile ice ball uh actually let's swap these over now invis zap and haste and then on the secondary one we have light orb lightning strike slow chain lightning and ice ball looks like we're going to have to be going to Goblin caves which is very very unfortunate dislike this map a lot right now and uh it's very likely to die and I don't think it's a good map at all for Wizard especially but anyway let's do it and see what we can do okay hey there guys we are in to the goblin caves uh honestly probably going to be another quick extraction from this one if we can because this map sucks straight up I really do not enjoy playing this map anymore ever since the uh Revival or sorry rework of it I don't know why I said Revival we've met already at Arch nemesis's wizard which is um spider pot thankfully it's not Elite so it's actually not going to be too bad but you can see how many hits just one normal Goblin takes from a Crystal Sword it's only blue and we only paid 100 gold for it but either way it's takes a lot of hits um hopefully this gu is not actually going to hit us this guy should be pretty low should have taken quite a lot of damage from the trap but I don't know we'll see that's okay three head shots not too bad now where is the spider pot oh it's this one here right oh no it's not this one this one's actually somehow Elite I guess these were just normal spiders that spawn in rather than um an actual full spider pot so let's try and take these out um I see a lot of people are kind of getting a bit fed up with playing runes as well which honestly kind of understandable um I do enjoy how it is like a full Expedition still it's like half an hour for like one run if you go down to um all the way down to Hell however the map just is kind of painful for a few classes as well and I really do not enjoy um well for the slower classes which already generally kind of suffer in Solo runes really does not give do them any favors with how open it is and how easy they are to be kited let's see what we can do in here someone either no one's been in our vo uh radius at all or someone is currently in it I'm not exactly sure which I imagine there's currently no one within our range at all because I believe the spawns are very spread out in Solo Goblin caves which is why you don't encounter anyone I prob my dogs someone at the door um you don't really encounter anyone until you encounter like the entire server at once which is really just not how it should be I think at least but we'll see what we can do um it probably is worth looting this line head because even if it's locked we do have keys we'll take some Zone damage but we do have meds okay perfect uh let's just grab everything we can check what it is after and drop it if necessary let's get a potion ticking right off the bat uh there's a bunch of other boxes and things here but we don't honestly don't have enough meds to tank too much of the zone so let's try not to worry about that too much someone fighting PVE in there let's try and pop some meds we'll probably pop two bandages do we want to equip these loose TR instead um I think honestly we might prefer the Vigor although no no no no no we want these because we want the movement speed I do like Vigor but we need the movement speed uh aside from that wow that's a pretty decent windless crossbow that's a pretty good Hound skull as well so got some decent things from that let's go take a peak in here and see what there is uh I can't tell what class that is unfortunately we're kind of going no let's not shot that just in case it could be a rogue just in stealth no it's not okay we luckily we took him out pretty easily that was a it was a rogue but luckily he was caught doing PV e that's pretty much the only way you can really kill Rogues as a wizard um is this a rogue yeah this is a rogue oh pretty nice cape for us appreciate that I guess we'll just take whatever random gear he has he has so many meds for us thank you for those I guess we'll be taking those uh definitely use take the potion of protection as well take green Treasures are above honestly we could probably drop a bunch of these Treasures a lot of these are quite low to you or sorry not um Treasures just the gear pieces we picked up forgot a gold purse again I always forget this whatever if you have a better memory than me make sure you bring a gold purse I think the one slot for it is generally worth it that's a pretty decent leather cap also need those for quests so probably going to be taking those um you know what let's actually swap over to these again we're giving up more Vigor which I don't appreciate actually no no no let's keep this cuz of the spell casting speed as well uh drop the gold bow chalice it's more gold per slot if um you take a smaller treasure if you're unaware the bigger Treasures while um if they're high tier they're probably worth it if they're just green or something the bigger the treasure is the like generally the worse it is so you know having like um a four slot treasure it's better to have four one slot Treasures that are green rather than one uh hor slot treasure which is also green if it's blue it's a different story but yeah all right unfortunately Crystal Sword is quite slow at destroying these but we don't have any other option right now um there's probably some Treasures under there so let's just grab that to move it uh well a purple bandage I guess we'll take that pick up our hand skull again make sure we get these boxes soon we're going to have to move there is also this um sa truck near us though so that's something to bear in mind are personally looking for some gear upgrades um mainly rings jewelry right now is definitely our priority we have pieces for everything else even if they're not the best pieces they are still pieces uh let's make sure we destroy this as well Zone's looking okay for us still no one within our VoIP range for now uh we are missing a few spells now should we no I don't think we should campfire we maybe should sit down without the campfire a little bit just to get like maybe one more Fireball back which I think we actually will do as soon as we are into this next little areum clear out the mobs hopefully I remember to edit this out we got to be very patient with the goblin archers I think maybe we can get two hits yeah it's a bit sketch but okay H it's easier if you hit you the three hits on the mob that isn't even moving but there you go sometimes you just miss right armor uh do we have any no I'm fine with dropping these heavy boots if we find anything even slightly better uh they're not very good but now it's just like a little bit of AP Security Plus something that we can vendor if we find nothing else we can also drop this one gold coin we're not going to be needing that Shaler fur all right that is definitely a high tier thing to sell that's actually a decent double ax however the double ax isn't very meta I I don't think I don't think people really use that at all so probably going to struggle to sell that a little bit taking subpar things like that just to vend uh sell to people not very good unless it's a meta piece a lot of the time okay let's sit down here for a little bit okay we got back one extra Fireball we're full on Zapped now um God I forgot how slow it is just resting if you don't use meditate even after the Buffs that they did still takes quite a while to just get back one Fireball I guess it's not too bad I also believe that those things scale your knowledge we are pretty high knowledge right now 36 is a decent amount let's definitely make sure we take this second campfire however we probably will end up just sending that to our Quest I did hear a portal open over to the South I believe I guess we should probably go and take a look at that cuz honestly I'm fine just taking a relatively fast extract we got a few upgrades oh yeah we got a cloak basically oh I guess we got the um legs as well which are okay try and use the mobs to help us out hitting each other any hits from those will save us maybe like one extra hit so that's okay all right perfect um the only thing is the portal could be below or it could be in the other room to the east uh okay we're probably going to use the magic missiles here okay let's just bait this guy's hits until he does the AOE heal or buff whatever it is go ahead take him out we have enough meds right now to not have to worry too much about taking a little bit of Zone damage the only thing is with wizard of course is we have just generally a pretty small Health pool so we can't tank the zone for as long as pretty much any other class in the game Rogue is pretty similar as well but don't have to worry about that too much um I'm already starting to get worried uh as we haven't found a portal yet and quite often it feels like you're fighting other players portals and when you're fighting at people in a very small area for portals wizard does not really like that of course you know you need your distance your range you're not really a burst class okay he just took the static over there so I guess we're at this point the last alive um judging from there's no one within our VoIP range which is quite surprising cuz it's a very small um Zone at this point I actually thought it was a barbarian but then s phantomizer I was worried that he was going to try and turn around on us but man there must have been a blood bath somewhere on the map cuz everyone's dead unless everyone died to PVE or they've already extracted I just don't think there's that many extracts for people so I imagine a lot of people probably died uh we're going to go ahead and try and grab the triple portal AP as well we're playing a little bit for AP but not too much of a priority I don't think we're really going to be getting any other loot though obviously some people probably near here and they've already looted everything of value so we have some okay stuff we have a few purples we have a few Quest items let's go ahead and make our way out another 506 AP honestly pretty decent amount so item achieve is from the items that would be going uh sorry these are from your like gear items so we got a pretty decent amount just from that but we did again have some pretty good purples and things or pretty big purples most of them pretty good so we'll give the leather hat to the leather Smith we'll give the give the fire kits or campfire kits over to The Woodsman we'll save this green surgical kit for the quest later on from The Collector we got 139 gold relatively low but now we need to decide whether we can sell these items or if we actually need to just vendor them this the thing is with the windless is while this is a pretty decent windless I don't know if it's really going to sell people don't really use the windless at all so uh this hand scull will probably sell this Chappelle defur honestly probably will not sell so let's go ahead and vendor that and we'll try the other things in trade we'll see okay well we're going to be selling this hand score for 385 gold sure I guess close enough and the windless yeah people just don't want a windless even though it's pretty decent windless it's um people just don't care so let's just sell it vendor it for 80 still a decent amount from the vendor just cuz it's so big and purple but there you go here we're going to be buying this pretty decent ring for 200 gold might be a bit overpriced but it's all right knowledge is cast speed true magic damage of course going to apply on anything we do some spells it applies multiple times like a fireball I believe it suppes on the splash the direct projector and also possibly the dot as well so Fireball kind of like that's why Fireball scales so well it kind of like it at least double dips I believe and maybe even triple dips now it would probably be pretty smart now to sit in um trade and get another ring as well but honestly I don't want to wait that long we have way too many meds here though so let's go ahead and drop a bunch of these we'll keep two stacks of potions and two stacks of bandages just in case we'll also keep all the blue pots we'll keep a an invis pot as well I guess cuz why not it's one entry slot we can easily drop it if we need to and let's go ahead and head into ruins and see what we can do okay hey there guys we're into another ruines one run hopefully here we are going to be going down into Crypts hopefully I'm even down to go into hell hell is a bit of a dangerous place especially when we don't have meditate as most of the mobs we're probably going to be killing with um Spells at least the Dangerous Ones but oh let's be careful here not to take any unnecessary damage if we don't have to um I don't really okay I was going to say I don't really want to use magic missiles unless we absolutely have to so let's just be patient and take him out with head shot hopefully should die from this one yep okay perfect now there are quite a few close spawns there's one to the north there's one to the South what is that is that a cleric or a fighter I believe it's one of them let's go ahead and try and take him out that was a claric good to know let's just go ahead and speed this up let's use the magic missiles on this guy so I heard someone there to the South uh this guy looked like he was pretty low geared also P too much PVE so we're able to take him out pretty easily uh extra knowledge that's more casting speed for us two campfires we'll definitely take that uh we'll grab some more of these meds but we don't need this many like this is kind of too many at this point aside from that a lot of his gear was pretty low tier so or he just didn't really have any gear for a lot of it so let's not worry about it too much um let's try and remember that if we do need any more meds there's plenty on this guy you also had two campfires for us which is definitely appreciated probably going to need some uh extra spells damn this guy's actually doing this interesting someone just entered our void range so that probably means that there's someone up to the north oh you okay that was weird did he that skeleton just change his aggro I'm definitely thinking there's somewhere up to the north probably from the Royal coffin spawn but let's go ahead and do some looting here there should be some decent things for us um how many spells did we use we're down one lightning strike one zap one magic missiles and one of our Buffs so uh let's go ahead and take this this actually gives AP as well if you're unaware and also XP so kind of nice to pick up and let's of course loot the lines head we have lock picks even if it's locked ooh um yeah you know what those would be like a a slight bonus I think uh interestingly we have pretty good cast speed at this point we have 70.4% cast speed each knowledge seems to be around % of cped so that's pretty good trying to focus on the oh wow oh wow that cloak is insane that's a pretty decent long sword as well we got some pretty good cloaks from that H so this is five will which is very high memory capacity bonus and additional movement speed so with our buckout we're actually 292 movement speed let's quickly check with haste we're probably going to campfire after this anyway 307 if we put our book Away 37 318 so we're pretty fast uh we're still not as fast as you know Rogues Rangers barbarians uh anything that really kind of counters us or at least has a pretty good matchup into us the only thing I'm very confident to fight as a wizard is of course PDR Fighters they have such a terrible match up into you but let's go ahead and campfire let's loot this chest probably open up this area into the next um room so we don't have to worry about the Zone clear this out quickly is there a Wraith in here no uh okay oh yeah there is a Wraith in here actually right well we can kill this guy but it's definitely going to take us like a fair while and I definitely feel more comfortable cheesing it from the um boxed High Ground over there so we'll probably try and get past it and do that first instead actually okay perfect bit of a waste of a campfire to be honest we didn't weren't really missing too much but we don't have to worry about it we got um an extra two from that cleric so don't have to worry that much about using one of them someone is within our vo range if we uh don't kill this guy soon he's going to actually destroy the box that we stood on yep like that that means now if we pull the rate we have to be careful however there's some decent loot here ouch bad hit there um you can see that like Shield as well whenever we take damage that's the um reactive damage Shield thing from uh perk that we're running I think it's actually just called reactive Shield or something like that uh we can of course have our inventry much more um efficient like that but I generally don't like I like to have the things that I'm going to use in combat on my bars ready so a lot of the time that's you know going to going to be a health potion someone's close everyone's playing warlocks today you see this okay that's the fighter down let someone else is close here that's a rogue okay okay thankfully we're able to kill him uh we need to use meds now we have enough meds so let's go ahead and just chill up here I shouldn't have jumped off that was a mistake should have just stayed up here uh let's go ahead and loot up there's someone still relatively close somewhere I'm not exactly sure but we don't have to go far for the zone so let's go ahead and place another campfire because we have no Fireballs we low on zaps and then we'll go ahead and loot these guys see what they had worst case uh scenario is we probably go over to the red extract our North and take that if we need to we can tank the zone for a while we have quite a few meds these guys also probably have more meds for us luckily that was um you know a relatively low geared Rogue who didn't have Cutthroat if you had Cutthroat we were just dead no can play uh I definitely made a mistake there not saying I played that perfect at all someone is just in the room right behind us so they're definitely going to hear us okay they just came and shut the door so don't have to worry about them too much let's grab some more meds uh our spell book is better let's take this oh my God five magical power on those yeah much nice upgrade there let's grab those grab the lockpick soide from that I don't think this guy has too much else that we're going to worry about um we'll take one more campfire just in case we need to uh handled surgical kit sure let's take one more surgical kit sorry not yeah okay uh make sure we've got potions ticking let's quickly check this Rogue see if this guy's got anything of value where did he actually die here grab that grab that grab that uh we'll take anything blue or above take a lock pick no a lot of this is looking pretty low to here let's definitely pop some more bandages I would like to loot these boxes but not worth the risk right now let's path through the zone a bit this still isn't open however it might open up from the next like Zone cycle okay it did it did someone's within our vo range I think I actually might have just seen someone there but let's just go ahead and head down into the next area okay hey there guys we are into the crims uh decent spawn I like spawning in the corners if you haven't watched the other ones going to take us a little while to clear out the PVE in here but no worries uh I was just checking our stats while we were waiting in the break and honestly our stats are pretty decent right now like we have pretty high cast speed we have pretty decent magic power the only thing is we don't really have too much um flat added magic damage at all so I'm just trying to think like um I suppose that's an okay amulet I guess we'll take that um I was just looking as I was buying the ring like so many jewelry things seem like they're quite overprice at the moment I'm not sure if the the thing is I'm with the trade is I'm not sure if these people actually sell these things for these prices like some of them you can tell like absolute Snipes and it's like a very very good ring for like 500 gold can't complain about that at all but quite often it's like someone just spamming like a a pretty average ring that like sure you want it and you'd buy it but they're changing like 400 gold for it and it's like just an okay green it's like what are you doing I don't know maybe I'm just out of uh uh what's the word out of out of touch with the market at the moment like still really haven't traded that much been doing a lot more trading recently so definitely got a bit better knowledge now than I used to but um we can definitely drop this cloak as well if we find anything better this is not a very good cloak I keep pretty much all jewelry except some necks honestly we should probably just drop that neck but um oh those are decent boots but I well I really do like the movement speed okay I thought I heard something but must have just been weird audio I do definitely really like the movement speed from light foots and even from um at least turn shoes as well with the agility these give now these actually give pretty good movement speed as well but I will lose cast speed and will'll lose let's check actually how much magic p uh magic power bonus we lose we go from 61% down to 52% and cast speed we go from 66 70% yeah I don't think we're going to take that um I generally am someone who will accept some you know lower damage for movement speed cuz I feel like movement speed is definitely one of the most powerful stats within this game however that just seems a bit too Hefty of a loss to really justify for um not too much M speed in the grand scheme of things uh the thing is with like um Wizard and that as well is they just feel like you do need so many attributes like you you need Vigor for it to feel good okay I thought this had been been cleared but I actually don't think it has you that weird you definitely need Vigor to feel good as a wizard solo so you won't just die to any Rogue that like touching you or a ranger hitting you know one nice head shot into one body shot although to be honest um a lot of the time with Rangers obviously you're going to spend a lot of your time dodging so you kind of just die to body shots over and over you don't really get head shot very often at least in my experience unless they just hit a very very good crazy lucky shot which I mean it happens sometimes but not the most consistent damn unfortunately got clipped by that actually not able to jump from that don't godam die to these guys uh I think we already hit this guy a fair bit so let's just hit him with that yeah okay um honestly let's just pop a surgical kit it's decent surgical kit took a lot of unnecessary damage here of course but sometimes it happens hearing the skeleton into the East uh I'm pretty sure that there are going to be other players is down here yeah look someone was in within our vo brange and now they are not and now they are again interesting what which direction are they then I think they're to the east let's just try and loot a few of these things little bit of zamage is fine we have enough meds interesting that that approxs from Zone damage it's quite a short duration but so that probably only helps really against uh the fast attacking melee classes man I'm just thinking about how nice these legs would be for like a warlock or something actually able to use the jaw stats all right anyway Sor from that that camp fired there decent amount of space now um okay I I thought again this might be cleared but no but good to know there definitely is someone within uh crits was pretty confident that would be because I had to wait like you know almost 3 minutes we did take a pretty early red but it's because I really don't like being in that position as a wizard having to push like into things like that if there's a rogue stealth somewhere you're just going to die um of course you have light orb but light orb gives away your position a lot as well but I guess maybe I overestimate how much that actually matters and maybe doesn't really matter that much in the grand scheme of things in fact I think instead of killing these things what we're going to do is we're just going to break that open maybe we'll drag them over here a little bit first hopefully it should break from this yeah okay and they can't follow us in here this can be quite risky if you've got a vo Pike on if you path out into someone in a position like this as wizard not going to probably be a very good position for you but of course the decisions I make change depending on um whether we have the AV void Pon currently active or not well let's try to not fight all of them at the same time especially because that's a Spearman apparently today I'm not in the um spear dodging mood how much damage I let that other one get off on us should die from this no miscalculated I guess the Spearman is probably the hardest if you're like someone who doesn't know the mobs too well I know how to dodge it I'm just being lazy today okay interesting void poon's back up vo poon's gone yeah someone's over to the east uh let's pop one more bandage and there is obviously a lot to loot in here but let's start let's prioritize pathing over this way instead this is a cross sure let's just magic missiles this guy to speed it up ooh there's a golden chest in there and we have lockpicks I would actually like to go and do that but first of all before we do that can I equip those please thank you uh let's go ahead and peek through over this side because I want to try and make sure that the weight is clear for us unfortunate The Zone again we're going to have to leave again pretty soon uh these bronze on eight chests are pretty decent it's nice when they're not locked damn yeah pretty good loot from those let's go ahead and open this I don't think they're going to be in this room of course we did hear portals open very close I think it's just in this room to the South let's go ahead and Destroy these we are going to be pretty uh pretty close to the other player at this point uh let's go ahead and grab this chalice I'm not sure I guess we will take some green Treasures oh skeleton axman might be a bit of a pain always side step that overhead attack it does instead of walking back but there I was further far enough away that didn't really matter but in general that's the way you dodge it that attack you have to be careful of you can dodge it if uh you can just duck down and Crouch if it's a a slightly higher elevation to you however obviously in most circumstances it's not I'm not friendly okay thankfully we got this guy little bit close there I think we hit him with two direct Fireballs though so I was pretty confident he was going to be relatively low but if we die to this just be patient with our attacks we'll be okay all right let's actually pop another surge with our interaction speed it's quite low it takes us quite a while to drop these or to use these so I don't feel too bad if I'm using this a little bit um overzealously and let's immediately get another potion ticking as well just kind of nullify the Zone damage a bit aside from that let's equip whatever we can into our slots sure looks good let's see what this guy has quite low tier that might self R some out candy canes a good blue lose uh knowledge uh decent but we're not going to be taking those any High tier Treasures yep um so let's drop this cloak I think this cloak is just not very good um instead we can drop that move that there oh my God my looting uh let's go ahead and grab those let's drop a few meds grab that blue grab that and here are red portals so let's go we do not have much time left we will campfire probably as soon as we get into the next area we're probably the final person in hell now I can't imagine there's too many other players okay uh let's actually quickly check our spells uh we're not too bad I don't think we actually do need to campire perfect we got a decent Zone spawn for us let's go ahead and use a few well let's use one bandage one health potion then we'll be okay and let's immediately take a peek where we are see what we're going to have to deal with whz I hear a race oh God okay so this spawn is pretty awkward what we're probably going to do is drag that that look like a good rondle it's only blue um right so there's a blue pot there what are you you're just a normal one so they always do the overhead swing whether they start with it or do the diagonal hit and then the overhead here comes the overhead yeah make sure we don't go up there cuz we'll proc a wraith which what we want to do here is we want to Magic missiles this guy let's take out the demon Berserker oh crap we're only really going to try and use spells on the truly dangerous things let's check what um where this is real quick blue uh okay this cloak is not very good either we could easily drop that I think we actually will that's a decent leather cap however realistically I just want that for the quest this allows us to take a little bit more loot let's grab this potion of protection trying to listen to what those footsteps are I don't think they're another player I think they're too fast so it must just be like something that I'm not aware of oh way oh okay that was really bad I thought we were dead there for a second I'm not going to lie I didn't know it could actually go down there onto the lower area right so if you're on a way here is like a safe spot and you can just kill this guy if you have any form of range so we're probably just going to dump spells into this guy it will take a little while they have a decently big Health pool uh zaps I don't really like using cuz it just does very low amount of damage to actual PVE let's try and use things with head shot multipliers however I think we're about to run out we have one more Fireball uh okay lightning strikes it is should be able to kill him before we run out of spells I hope maybe not okay we killed him on the final lightning strik so after this let's loot this guy let's use a campfire and then see what we can do uh o pretty decent rondle I would actually like to take that pretty decent rondle that means let's go ahead and pop some more meds we are very very low on meds right now though so let's try and be in mind I don't know if people really like the rondle I don't think they do particularly so let's go ahead and use a campfire a gray campfire honestly probably won't even return all of our spells we are missing quite a lot but for now we're just going to relax and see where the Zone goes if we hear any portals open just see how what happens okay so we're ended we got three Fireballs back four magic missiles three lightning strikes we have enough to probably be able to deal with a player if we do encounter one I don't think we will I'm pretty sure we're the last person alive at this point uh of course this guy make sure you don't hit into his lightning Shield cuz he reflects damage back to you I pretty sure I did just hear the portal open over to the Northeast somewhere uh cus Hood oh do I just pull The Wraith if I did we probably can kill The Wraith the only thing is with The Wraith is I feel like a lot of the time they're pretty um unrewarding to kill so I don't really bother another grave Essence if there's any like survival bow to take it's probably one with three weapon damage that's going to be a 27 damage survival bow that's pretty good however it's survival bow it's still off meta people still don't really appreciate that or I say appreciate that people just don't really use it very much cuz it's probably just the most um just in general probably the least useful bow maybe a little bit underrated but you need to have the correct um actual build to support it so I don't blame people at all so what we're going to do here is we're going to drag this demon Berserker in we don't have enough spells really to kill this guy as again so what we're going to do is we're just going to try and I don't really want to drag him here okay let's see where he goes here okay yeah this is perfect what we're going to do is we're just going to shut this door behind us then we don't have to deal with that guy anymore huh he's dogs aggroed interesting well let's hit them with the magic missiles these guys are relatively squishy I say that I thought they would die to um okay there we go does it die to the dart no it doesn't there you go one more zap okay didn't die to that either one more ice SP and this guy should go down maybe I miss overestimating my damage like I would have been lower than that okay anyway so I don't think we have enough spells to kill the demon centor but you can cheese him with relative ease let's make sure we open up this blue before we do anything else here though really uh ourry is you know very messy um we don't have too many meds so we really need to make sure we're not taking any unnecessary damage at this point but I don't think we're really going to be doing too much more we'll probably do a little bit more looting and then take that blue we can try and kill the demon centaur which I think we probably will try and do I guess we might as well take this diamond however I know that down here oh let's loot the demon dogs as well just in case uh load to your spell book the other one fell off so let's not worry too much about that okay golden chest in Hell okay I was too busy to making sure this guy um wasn't going to get to us okay perfect windless ooh okay uh it's not that good but it's decent we we'll take it it's probably worth taking um what do we drop let's just drop like any green treasure uh sure honestly pretty underwhelming there for a um golden chest within hell uh we're going to use every spot we have on this guy and then after that we can probably hopefully just hit him with a Crystal Sword a few times and he should hopefully go down if not we can actually Camp to get our spells back and see what we can do have a light orb sure this should do a pretty good amount of damage everything has already gone to his head hit box I believe um I'm not sure how easy this guy is to cheese he probably can hit us from up here although maybe not let's just take it I'm just going to stand still and see if he can hit us okay he actually dropped pretty easy let's go ahead and see what loot we got from this guy uh we got an okay cape and an okay fine Cur so we didn't really get anything of value to be honest from him let's go ahead let's deactivate this lever let's grab this potion of protection of course that goes all the way into the floor uh crystal ball garbage all right let's make our way up I don't know really if there's anything else to loot in here there's a few chests here and there but I don't think there's anything with too much value so we probably won't be taking anything else uh you know what that's an upgrade let's definitely take those BL out and a little bit of vigor unfortunately we are very squishy we have nine Vigor we have 84 Max Health however our damage output is very high I think this is actually a nightmare chest you can tell cuz I I believe it actually has um like a slightly like a deep dark red tongue rather than the usual red tongue I could be wrong it could just be the lighting but I think that might be a nightmare chest well those are going to be some very nice tanky um heavy leather legs but yeah oh my God there's another play down here all we're going to do is we're going to be leaving now we have no spells left to actually fight I would be down to fight but we have nothing left to fight so let's just leave 1,96 AP pretty decent uh going to be into the green ranks now still pretty low but yeah let's quickly take a little peek at this guy's gear this guy had very low loot I'm not sure why really um he's all the way down in hell you know but I guess maybe he just hasn't really got anything maybe he's playing really safe I mean he was playing quite safe he didn't actually just go and try and attack us or anything he was just going to try and sneak on us but yeah I saw him um he's got 30 seconds left left good luck to him I wonder if this was the demon Berserker we trapped behind the door oh he can hide but he doesn't have much time although unfortunately I think our watch time is going to expire before we see if he actually makes it out or not okay smart little cheese okay he's probably safe now oh I don't know if he actually is does he have enough time to kill these two nightmare mummies mommies I actually don't think he is I I think that guy is going to die unfortunately now to The Woodsman these are actually pretty decent leather legs so let's go ahead and keep those these honestly I don't think these are already sell for much so I think we're just going to go ahead and vendor those those are for our Quest so we don't have much to vendor at all the long sword we're going to try and sell on the market I think a 47 damage purple long sword with physical damage bonus and armor penetration will sell for a decent amount but we'll have to see and to The Collector we got 312 gold from The Collector of course we have a few more um Quest items and things as well such as Grave Essence the maggots I assume these are Quest at some point I'm not actually 100% sure and um candy canes which we'll be saving although we'll probably sell the suppliers at some point but we won't count them in the profits for this right now oh we did also get this rondle which I think would sell um it's pretty you know I don't know if people like the rondle but it is 25 damage has Max Health the Magic Pen might help a tiny tiny tiny bit maybe if it's a um W sorry a wizard one but I don't think the wizard ones appreciate weapon damage particularly I think they're primarily you know magic damage stacking they want magical power they want uh will bonuses stuff like that let's go ahead and see what we can get for this on the market we're going to be selling these leather legs for 150 gold might be a little bit cheap I don't know they're not that good looking back at them but it's okay 150 gold for that many slots is pretty decent and let's try and sell the long sword still okay I'm actually surprised but this long sword didn't actually sell for anything uh even dropped it l 100 gold I guess the long sword is a bit less meta than I thought it was I know it's not like Meta Meta but I thought people enjoyed using it so okayish long swords purple quality would probably have been at you know I thought 200 gold Maybe but nope oh well 40 gold from the vendor still not too bad for that many slots going to be selling this run for 150 dagger might be a little bit underpriced but we'll take it I just uh couldn't be bothered to sit here and trade we asked for an offer 150 seems okay sure sounds good to me we're going to be selling this Ox pen and we got for 250 gold well it looks like unfortunately that's all we're really going to be able to sell for now we still have a few other random pieces of jewelry and stuff some of them pretty decent the St stamet is pretty decent this one's okay and some okay other rings and stuff as well but there we go guys I think that's going to be the end of the video we went from zero to a pretty decent little kit here for our wizard five will here on this additional movement speed we're currently without our book we're seeing at 304 movement speed almost 80% spellcasting speed 40 knowledge 31 will that's 60 magical power and of course we will get a little bit extra bonus as well when we pull this out we will get a little bit extra magical damage bonus magical penetration not bad so thank you guys for watching uh it's been actually very fun playing the Wizard this time actually had some pretty good runs here uh huge amount of gold we earned if you've enjoyed the video I'd appreciate likes if you'd like to see more like this in the future and you're not already I appreciate subscriptions as well thank you guys I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Esomn
Views: 5,593
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Id: fvpTKwNy9YQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 8sec (3548 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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