'Friends' Reunion Exclusive: Cast Reflects on Beloved Show Before "Emotional" Special | PEOPLE

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look around you guys this was your first home and it was a happy place filled with love and laughter but more important because of rent control it was a friggin steal this cast in these roles and the collaborative spirit uh that the writers kind of invited where we all were you know playing at the same level like the highest level i think in terms of sitcom that that we could play at um i think was just the dream a dream come true for all of us and we i think we all realized it really early on okay should we get some coffee sure where [Music] it's so nice to see you guys together nice to see you we're happy to be together hi there i am what's in the drawer behind you oh i'm like in some bedroom in florida just don't even look please open the drawer for us okay hi guys hi i can't stop thinking about what's in the drawer behind you it's my daughter's like clothes on vacation thank you that's all that's what we needed that's all we needed [Music] okay we're gonna go fast i know this is like fast and furious so tell me between now and when the finale aired when would you say you were most grateful to be friends with each other lunch time is that what you mean you mean all the every by the way it's a really good one waking up we ate lunch together every day the three of us so that that made it great so there was never a time that when okay you're wrapped for the day or you're well maybe for the day but we never went off our separate ways we always wanted to hang and that made ten years incredible wow that's an interesting question um i think over the years we've we've all struggled with different obstacles and and challenges and i think in those times it's been nice to be able to reach out and and touch base and have a call and i mean i'm speaking for myself because i i'm the only one that doesn't live in california i live in new york um so that's been that's been nice while being a really close-knit group we don't see each other all six of us a lot we've only been together once i believe nine years ago in the same room until until yesterday so in the 17 years since we wrapped we've seen each other like you know one or two people or i know the girls get together often but um but yeah we we the whole the whole cast hasn't been together in quite some time but it's funny when we do get together it's it's like no time has passed and i mean i think everybody sort of has a relationship like that in their life we get together and it's like you pick up right where we left off and and you know that if you when you have a conversation with that person it's really heartfelt it's honest it's open it is like a just an open dialogue communication you know that there's no ulterior motive there's no it's really there's significant relationships steve is right it's um it's really but then so when the finale aired yeah that's what she meant when would you say over that amount of time when were you as most grateful to be in each other's lifestyle every day since yeah it's still to me one of the greatest um jobs i've ever had courtney lisa yeah what if they were like yeah i mean yeah we're so grateful and these friendships right here have remained just as close and supportive and it goes so beyond the work and what the show was which was in and of itself just a spectacular phenomenon but the friendships slash family that came out of it is just uh you know you can't put words to that really it's priceless what would you say your favorite thing you stole from the set a dress that monica wore that i went into her line of clothes and i pulled it out and i still have it and wear it to this day do you still have yes i do and i still wear it and it fits please show it to me it's a little lace it's a floral tiny little flowers with a black lace v-neck and little a little like what are those sleeves called where they're and then and then it's a black cap sleeve or like a little slight ruffle it's probably gone in and out of style like four times oh and it will always be in style i stole an i love friends license plate frame and put it on swimmer's car and it took them a week to realize do you remember that yes that was me what did you steal i didn't steal anything you did you loved phoebe's clothes you loved her clothes no it was given to me the cookie jar oh okay from matthew gabriel oh sweet to what he he stole with him he asked permission okay yeah i stole the cookie jar that had the clock on it and i gave it to lisa kudrow because she one point looked at it and thought it was a real clock and i gave it to her i didn't take anything did i no well we weren't allowed you didn't want to because you've ever you actually said i'm not sentimental that way you know what's bad because if you did take it it would have been given away by now yeah i i'm not a person that collects things and then now i regret now you're going to become a give him a foreigner like nobody's business i still have my badges my security badge oh okay you do not more importantly you have apple no are you serious yeah i just found him i don't throw any i'm a i love it oh yeah i'm not that kind of person wait did we have security pages yes we have to how did they let me on i don't think i ever had it yes you did you did i'm adorable i just stole a little placard i think it was professor geller placard from my office at the museum nothing that in the couch but how would you guys describe the three of your your chemistry between the three of you don't know how to describe it yeah easy i don't know it's really easy it's really honest and it's really openly it's like a family it's like it's i don't have sisters it's what i would assume sisters are like like siblings i would say yeah yeah siblings very supportive there's very very very sexual yeah yeah at the core yeah at its core yeah yeah and even if it's not like every like i know you guys talk a lot like if not every day close right but i know that i can text or call and i still all the time i'm connected we don't talk about what i mean we don't talk every day but we see each other more because yeah you're you know married family yeah but i'm just but but you pick up really i feel like you're welcome to come i feel like you can like pick up yeah you know of course yeah we left off and it like no times past yeah it's okay we're connected no matter what no matter what until death do us part that's true very true you
Channel: People
Views: 6,703,183
Rating: 4.9462204 out of 5
Keywords: People, people magazine, news, celebrities, interview, magazine, celebrity news, celebrity, famous, Hollywood, celebrity (media genre), entertainment news, entertainment, friends, friends reunion, friends reunion 2021, friends reunion hbo max, friends reunion teaser, friends reunion bts, friends reunion interview, friends reunion reaction, friends reunion hbo, friends reunion after long time, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt LeBlanc, Matthew Perry, David Schwimmer
Id: 3EbbIfRWEJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 52sec (472 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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