Friday, November 22

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Live from New York City, it's the Wendy Williams Show. (upbeat music) (audience cheering) Now here's Wendy. (audience cheering) (audience applauding) We made it through another week. Welcome to Friday at Wendy's. Thank you for watching. Say hello to my cohosts, the studio audience. How you doing? How you doing? I'm feeling snake-y, so let's slither over and get started with hot topics. (audience cheering) You know, there are a lot of things I try to tolerate, and I'm a very liberal-minded woman, but there's one thing, Suzanne, that I cannot tolerate on a man, and that is shapewear. I agree. Honey. I agree, I'm with you on that. Imagine if Brendan got a gut, and then all of a sudden you went to hug him and you felt boning and stiffness. Oh no, that is unsexy. I'm used to it with women, even though that still makes me cringe. A lot of you, I know you wear the shapewear. I don't care for shapewear. I know you don't wear it, but you're a tiny girl to begin with. Thank you. But me, I will wiggle it and jiggle it, but one thing I can't do is shapewear as a woman, but as a man? Oh no the F you won't. Oh no, oh no you won't. (audience applauding) And you know men, you know I love you and stuff like that, but clap, cohosts, if you're okay with, sir, you look like you're ready to leave now, right there on the end. You were sitting like, okay Wendy, what the hell are you gonna say? But look, clap if you are okay with men wearing shapewear 'cause we wear it. Go ahead. (audience members clapping) Three queens and a queen. No, I don't know your sexuality, but I'm joking. Oh, are you together? We are. Absolutely. Boyfriend, girlfriend? Boyfriend, boyfriend. I know my gays. And then there's one, one row beyond you. Yes, stand up. Okay. (audience applauding) But that's not who we're dating as women. You don't care about us, we don't care about you, except for your friends. Imagine a late night, the dinner was sumptuous. You had all the salt and pepper lobsters, and the salt and pepper, or the lemon pepper chicken wings, right? You have firm shrimp like this. You're touching in your Uber going back to your place, and you invite him up for a latte, and then things go even higher, right? You're about to hit first, second and third base. I mean, grown people know when grown people want stuff. You know what I'm saying. And then all of a sudden, you start unbuttoning his shirt. I don't know about you, but I've been known to break a button. I mean, for dramatic effect. I also have a sewing kit, so I always sew the buttons back on. I sew them back on in the morning. But the point being, you know, you break his buttons and all you see is shapewear, okay? (audience jeering) Okay, so here's where I'm going with the story. Kim Kardashian wants to make shapewear for men. Okay, queen. He's so happy back there. Where are you from? Denver. Denver, you're happy to be in New York, right? It's real loose. Especially with you. Oh, they gave you a mic, go ahead. I'm from Denver. My name is Sergio, but yeah. We love you, Wendy. I'm with my best friends. (audience applauding) Okay, okay. We came just for you. I tried getting tickets for the last month, and now just two days ago there was an opening and I signed up immediately. Yeah, we're booked until the end of the year with guests and also with cohosts, but thank you, Sergio. I'm glad you dressed the part. How you doin'? How you doin'? So Kim is talking to E! News, and she says she gets asked a lot of questions about making undergarments for men, and it apparently is working for her. Now she does these undergarments for women, and I gotta tell you something, girls. I don't wear the shapewear, but this stuff is really comfortable, and no, I'm not on a Kardashian payroll. Pick a finger, okay? How dare you say that? I say what I want out here on my show. (audience applauding) But I'm gonna tell you something right now. She sent me, Norman, you came over. I showed you in one of my bathrooms, it's stacked up on the thing, and I opened up the individual drawers. I said, this is big. Right. And this is the full one, this is the part bra, and stuff like that. I like to wear this stuff underneath my robe at home and stuff like that, but it's just too much here, but shapewear is for women. I'm sorry. Guys, can you please let us have something for ourselves besides menopause and a period? Like, really? Can we have something for ourselves? Norman? Huh? Would you wear a shapewear? Would I wear a shapewear? Yeah, 'cause you in the morning meeting, I don't even want to look at you. I don't want to look at you. Would I wear shapewear, no, because I would be so nervous that somebody was gonna find out that I wear shapewear, like even touch me, I would be like, get away from me. It's very stiff. I know, I do a lot of hugs between the cohosts and the guests that come on here. I've got calluses on my fingertips. A lot of shapewear going on. I just say let it flow, you know what I'm saying? Just let it jiggle. (audience applauding) And it's Friday, we've had a long week. Thanksgiving is next week, and I apologize for coming out here and maybe I have an attitude. I don't know, I have an attitude every day. Only 'cause I always feel defensive to you. You know, you're always saying something against me, like whether it's the sneakers or on Kardashian payroll or whatever the hell you say, so I feel defensive in a nice way, though. Suzanne, I try, in a nice way. Yes, yes, but pick a finger. Suzanne, come over here for a moment. I see you have your usual moment. Come over here, though. Andrew has his, we're doing a photo shoot at the same time so that we can all get on with our weekend. Go ahead, Andrew. (audience cheering) You smell good. Oh excuse me, Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen, they sent me this months ago. That smells great. Only a couple of squirts, and everyone says the same thing. It's good. Thank you, Mary Kate and Ashley. (audience applauding) The Row, or whatever it is. It was in a special packaging or something like that. Maybe the publicist sent it, they don't even know who I am. To me, all they do is smoke cigarettes and date. They have no idea who we are here. Anywho, I'm tired of talking about Marlo and that she deserves a peach. No, no, you can disagree. Look, she's been on Real Housewives of Atlanta for eight years. When I first met Marlo through the TV, I was like, who is this stunt queen, okay? You know, dating wealthy men, they take care of her lifestyle, she really doesn't have a specific income, do you know what I'm saying? But now she has worn me down. You know how you watch people on TV, but if you watch long enough, they wear you down? Some of y'all feel that way about me, okay? Andy Cohen went on Candy's YouTube show and talked about why Marlo, Andy, will never get a peach. Take a look. I think it's preliminary to say that she's never getting a peach. I think the short answer on that is that we don't have a consensus among the group about that. I just think the semantics sometimes of holding a peach. Yeah, but it has become a thing. I know, and it's kind of a, it's a kind of a fun thing. It's a fun thing. It may not be that fun for Marlo. First thing I noticed is that I thought that it was Candy's show, but why is Andy's Snoopy stuff all around? Like, she really decorated for him and everything, okay. Look now, Andy. You gotta learn something. Marlo needs a peach. (audience applauding) Okay, wait, no, no. Hold on, constituency. Clap if you feel like Marlo doesn't deserve a peach. (audience members clapping) Excuse me, from the podium? Yep, I said it. Why? Well first of all, I now realize I'm in the minority, but no, I like her to just come on, throw a few jabs and move it along. I'm not sure that I want to see her at home. I do. I'm not sure I want the cameras to follow her to wherever she goes. You'll follow her to those billionaires and she's a little long in the tooth now. You don't know where it's gonna follow her to. Well, Kenya said she's bored with Marlo, okay? Marlo sat down with Hi Bossop, and clapped back. Take a look. How dare you be bored with Marlo Hampton? I am the show. You're not bored, darling, you're inspired, okay? I mean, how the hell you be bored with Marlo? That just sounds crazy. Come up with something else. Just say I hope I have enough money this month to buy the shoes I see her in, or you want me to style you again for your next photo shoot? I can do that for you, okay? I can even refer you to my dermatologist, okay? Whatever you want, sweetie. (audience jeering) Okay, here's my thought. My thought is, Marlo is a little long in the tooth. You know, aren't we all? Marlo's got to be in her late 40s. No, 43. She's 43? (audience laughing) Marlo is a very well-dressed woman. She gets her money from ways that I'd like to know more about, and because she's aging, that won't last, you see? 'Cause those 22 year old thoughts are on that ass, and they want the man that you have. I know your men are white and I know that they're rich, and I'm sorry, I want Marlo to, you know what, Marlo? If you ever came to this show by yourself, I know you're with a whole cast of characters, but now we're laser-focused, or I am, laser-focused on you, Marlo. Come to the show, just me and you. Let's talk. (audience applauding) There's this girl named Kash Doll in Detroit. Clap if you know who Kash Doll is. (audience applauding) She's good friends with my girl Cardi, and apparently does not have any respect for that other girl in the rap game, allegedly. All's I'm saying is Kash Doll, I like your whole style. Do we have a picture of Kash Doll? No, but we can look for one. Okay, well get to scrambling, while you still pay attention to my story about Lizzo. Okay. Okay, but hi Detroit, hi Kash Doll. Kash Doll, I like your style. Kash Doll's like to the girl who's already in the rap game who she dismisses, like many of us, Kash Doll's like girl, stop sliding in my DM, you know what I'm saying? Clap if you know what I'm speaking of. (audience applauding) Okay. Something about this girl, oh, there she is. Yup, and let me tell you something about her. From what I know, she doesn't have kids or a boyfriend. She's in her 20s, and all she's trying to do is grind, and there's a girl who's already established in the rap game who, you all know her name, but I don't use that name around here. It's illegal, Boof. Oh, and apparently so is Boof. Okay, as usual. He's probably being flogged by her right now as we speak. Anywho, I like this girl's style, and I really do have heartfelt love for Detroit. You know, they were with me during my six week sneak peek, and I was on the radio there and everything. (audience applauding) But Kash Doll, I like you. We're all booked through this season, or to the first of the year, but you know what? I'd like to introduce her to our people. Right, it's time. (audience applauding) Okay, so back to Lizzo. So Lizzo is getting sued by her delivery driver. Now remember, we did this story. Lizzo ordered seafood and stuff, and she's in her suite at the hotel, and the delivery driver came and stood at the front desk. They're only required to stand for five minutes. I didn't know that, y'all. It takes me 15 minutes just to put something over my Kim K house wear, put a robe on, throw a wig on. You never know who's gonna be there at the door. Walk down the steps, then walk down the other steps, tell the cats get out of the way. Look, so Lizzo publicly shamed her driver by posting a picture and saying, this girl stole my food. She's lucky I don't fight no more. Lizzo later apologized and took it down from her situation, but the driver is now suing Lizzo because here's what had happened. The driver's picture was everywhere. Lizzo's got millions of followers, and the driver's picture was everywhere, and now the driver is claiming that she was forced to quit her job for fear of her safety. You know what? I get that, 'cause some of y'all don't have hugs from your parents, so you rely on celebrities to be that person. I don't get that, you know what I'm saying? I don't get that. You can admire somebody, but when you ask for a hug and all that, I'm just like, exactly, girl. I'm like, really, a hug? (audience laughing) No, you take that over to your father or your mother or your sisters or your brothers or something. You hug with them. I'm just a person that you know through the radio or wherever. Anyway, celebs can't publicly shame people, though. Lizzo, and you know I love you girl, (humming) it rings in my head. Even though sometimes I get lost, I don't know, but Lizzo is having a huge year. She's got eight Grammy nominations, and you know what? (audience applauding) You can't publicly shame people, because these peoples lives get changed because your beehive, Lizzo, or whatever you call your people, lizards? What does she call her people, do they have names? I actually don't know. I'm one of them, but I don't what we're called. Well, let's start it now, the lizards. The lizards. Okay, look, I'm a lizard. (audience cheering) But when you publicly shame them, then the weirdos who are in your lizard organization, it wouldn't be Norman 'cause Norman's got plenty of love at home and with regular people. But your lizards, they attack the people that they think don't like you, and it makes their lives miserable, which is part of what we're going through in the world right now today. Like, people don't have love at home and self-love and all that stuff, so they do that. Look Lizzo, pay this girl. It'll cost you nothing. Give this girl $100,000 in cash and make her sign something that this is now done, and let it go away. In the meantime, we've got more great show. A little louder, a little louder, yeah. Up next from The Real Housewives, Countess Luann de Lesseps is here, so grab a snack and come on back. (upbeat music) (audience cheering) Hello, welcome back. Our first guest always brings the drama on The Real Housewives of New York. I love her so much. I can't think of a reason not to love this woman and to cheer her on. She's on tour right now with her cabaret show, it's called Countess and Friends. Please welcome the one and only Countess Luann de Lesseps. (audience cheering) Sit down, sit down. Nicole who, Miller? No it's not. It's Nicole. You have to look in the back, 'cause you're gonna drive me insane. Oh my gosh, Nicole Frank, made in the USA. We love Nicole. Countess, before you relax, put your feet on those feet and give us some Countess shoe cam. Balmain. Ooh, wait, oh, there they are. Twirl, oh yes. Is it Balmon or Balmain, 'cause I always say main. Well, I say it in French. I say Balmon, but it's Balmain. How much were those? They were too much. But you'll wear them until they fall apart. I wear them all the time, oh and I'll lift it up, and it has the nice, high, see the top? So you can wear them with a little skirt and little long dress. With your dress would be fabulous. I see that you're not wearing heels anymore, though. No, I wear the sneakers. I got the lymphedema. Stuff happens when we get older. What are you cheating? You're rocking it, she's rocking it, right? You look great. Look, and I love the star necklace. That's really delicate and beautiful. Thanks, we love jewelry. Yeah, look. Okay, so you were at BravoCon, and what was that like for you? It was great. I mean, I actually got to close out the whole weekend with my show. You performed, yes. So that was awesome. I was the only one that did a show. Me and Andy Cohen did Watch What Happens Live, and then we had an OG panel so I got to see all the OG Housewives. It was great. You like Vicki? I like Vicki. You know what, we think alike. I like Vicki. I think that if she hangs in there, she will be back full time. 'Cause you were dismissed and relegated to a friend. Well, I wasn't dismissed. I had a season like hers. Season six or something? Season six or something like that, and then I hung in there and I was back full time. I was in every episode of the year that I was supposed to be a friend. Why do they do that to you? Well you know, contract stuff. You were negotiating hardball and they weren't rising to the occasion? We were in negotiations, so it happens sometimes, and then I said, you know what? I'm good being a friend, I'll work less and take some time for myself, and I think Vicki has a very busy life, but I know she wants to be back full time, so I'm sure she will be. Listen, you put it in the universe and it comes true, right? (audience applauding) I don't mean to offend, but I do miss Bethenny. Listen, Bethenny is the kind of chick that you wake up for in the morning 'cause she challenges you, do you know what I'm saying? So listen, I wish her all the best, but I gotta say we're having a great season without her. She left the show for many years and then she came back again, remember? She tried to do her talk show. No, she left, the talk show failed, and that's why she, no, let's talk it the way it is. She left like a bigshot, thinking that she was gonna be a daytime darling, and with all the comic stylings and Ellen DeGeneres cosigning, she still couldn't do it. Well, it's difficult. Not everybody can be Wendy, right? (audience applauding) So she's left the show before, and she's come back. With her tail between her legs. So I wish her the best. I gotta tell you, there's a lot more breathing room, because she takes up a lot of the air in the room and so I feel like the other women can now express themselves more and shine, you know? So it's a great season. We have a new Housewife who I like a lot. Who is she? I'm not there. You know what, you're gonna like her. She's got good legs, though. She's got great legs, she's hot. Like a Lindsay Lohan type girl. Yeah, what I like about her is she knows how to deal with five other women on a cast. Is she married? Tell me about her background. She is not married. She has a child, so she's a mom. She is a business owner. Does she fight with the ex-husband? No. Does she date? No, she's got a baby daddy kind of thing, situation going on, and she's got a good relationship with him, so that's awesome. And what I like about her is she is tough but she's vulnerable at the same time, so that's really good. Security is scurrying because somebody has their phone on. The first thing you're told is to turn your phone off, madam. Sorry, Luann. That's okay, darling. Don't ever do that. Texting on a date. Sorry, I was going into when he caught by a cop. So she's a great addition to the cast I think, and I think you're gonna like her. I'm open, I'm open. Enough about that. So look, so it's been two years since your arrest. Yes, of course we gotta talk about that, and I finally got through it. I got through it, I made it through, yay. (audience applauding) Now, you were arrested for something so stupid. You know what I say, it could happen to anybody. It could have happened to anybody. I got arrested in my own hotel room. Of course, I know, don't laugh so hard. I've learned a lot from what happened to me. Arrested in your own hotel room for? For being intoxicated, then of course I didn't want to go to jail. You punched out the cops? No, listen, I closed the door in the bathroom and it happened to hit him in the head. I didn't want him to arrest me for being drunk. It was like, dude, I didn't do anything wrong, and you see me in the back of the police car and I'm trying to slip out of my handcuffs. And you did slip out. She slipped out, so now she's on the run. The police officer that arrested me is right now for making false arrests, so I am writing a book about it. I want everyone to know my side of the story, because let me tell you, nobody knows my side of the story. Just tell them on The Housewives. I tell the women, but I write about it 'cause it's therapeutic. I hope people can learn from it, because it can happen to any one of us, and so now I'm working with a great organization called The Fortune Society, which helps women, helps men and women who have been incarcerated, because when you come out you can't get a job, you can't get a place to live. I had resources. A lot of people don't, so I'm helping The Fortune Society. Just this week I brought a whole group to a spa day and got their nails and their hair done at Angelo David Salon here in New York. It's nice, really, and they so appreciate it, and I'm so glad this is behind me because I'm busy. I'm doing my cabaret career. You got your cabaret career, but they forced you to go to rehab and they forced you to take tests every week to see whether you're smoking or drinking and stuff like that. It was awful. It was a constant reminder of a really bad night, and something that really bad happened to me, and I'm just so glad I got through it. It wasn't easy, but I made it through the other side. You know how that goes. It's not easy, and I feel really lucky because I've had my cabaret, and I applaud you as well that I have my career, you have your career. But I date often, and I understand, we did it on hot topics. Are you dating your agent? I am dating my agent, yes. Who is he? Tell us about him. You keep a man. I always have a man, it's always about a man. I like Ramona too, 'cause Ramona, she keeps a man. Yeah, go ahead. Oh, Ramona with her hair. I love it all. Do you get along with her? Ramona and I are having a good time this season, actually. I can't say that about the rest of the cast with her. Who do you dislike the most on your cast? What? If I told you that I would not be around for Season 12, Wendy. Why not, why not? We'd vote for you to stay, right? Well listen, for the moment, I can tell you that I, Tinsley? Okay, maybe Tinsley. No, I like Tinsley, I'm kidding. I really do love all the girls. I thought she was gonna be a real super snob, coming from the Mortimer dynasty. She's really cool. She is down to Earth. She's a nice girl, and I think everybody knows that she's back with Scott. You look really great. I mean, you always look great, but you lost a considerable amount of weight, your chin is nice and tight. Do you do the ulthera or something? That hurt so much. I tried that, I'm like, get out of here with that. I haven't tried that. I do something, though, I'm 55. I'm 54, I'm right behind you. But we're out here in these streets, right? Yeah, we're doing it. (audience applauding) Luann's got this cabaret show, and I am not BS-ing you one bit. You keep saying you're coming. Let me tell you something right now. Come to the Wellmont, during the Wellmont November 30th. I checked every single date. I'm out of town, out of town, out of town, but I know that this segment was produced by Joelle, one of my senior producers. When Joelle's gonna whisper something to you, can you please whisper back to her? Joelle, you know what we talked about in the meeting, okay? She's gonna whisper? She's gonna come and whisper now? No, afterwards. Oh, I see. Is there a surprise? It's going to be fabulous, just don't you worry. Look, so you got the audiences, you're singing smoky, are there drag queens involved? You know, sometimes I do have drag queens in my show, because I have surprise guests, I have a comedian, I have a swooner, so I just have two guests. I used to have more guests, but now it's just two guests, and I really carry the show. Do you do costume changes? I do four costume changes, and I'm wearing Giovanni. I love this, I love this. I sing a lot of Broadway tunes, and then I sing of course my classics, which the fans want to hear. Are people eating at tables with snacks and drinks and stuff? It depends on venues. I'm going to the Borgata. Look how you look there. Oh, it's fabulous. Thank you, thanks. I'm gonna be at the Borgata on November 7th, then I'm in Connecticut at Ridgefield Playhouse. I'm at Paramount in Long Island, so I'm thrilled, on the 22nd of December. There's a man here who claims he's your biggest fan. Oh. Okay, and I had no idea when I was doing hot topics that that man is the man. His name is Sergio. Sergio, come over here, Sergio. (audience applauding) Oh, there he is, there's Sergio. Sergio, come on over here. (audience cheering) He's not crazy, security's watching everything. He's not crazy, he's not crazy. Okay, come along, Sergio. Hurry up, this is your moment. Get over here, Sergio, come on. Hi, hi. Thank you. So Sergio, I have a surprise for you. You do? Yeah, should I tell him? Well go ahead. So, I have two VIP tickets for you to Countess and Friends for my Christmas show. Oh my God, I'm so excited! And you can come and see me, well you're seeing me now, but you'll come and take a picture with me backstage and come and see my show as a present. Oh my gosh, thank you so much. Oh my gosh, I love this show. Thank you, Countess, thank you, Sergio. Countess, I'm coming out. And one point, I'm going to, Don't worry, I'll be back in New York with a new show called Marry, F, Kill after January in the spring in New York, so you all come and see it then. I love her. Countess and Friends tour. If you want information, go to We'll be right back. (audience cheering) Oh God, okay. Welcome. It's time for some holiday shopping. I've got the perfect gift. It's inexpensive, it's from our friends at Mixtiles. Now look, Mixtiles are movable frames. They're great. You personalize them. Their website lets you choose photos from your phone. So easy to order, so affordable. This is so good. I have some hanging in my office. They're so easy. They stick to the wall without a nail, okay? They don't leave damage. You can remove them. Here's what you do. Ellie, do you have this? All right, you take this, you take that off, all right? And then you stick it to the wall. Look at this, how easy? (audience applauding) I love this. Studio audience, you're all going home with a gift card from Mixtiles for a set of nine. To go and shop for yourself, go to and use the promo code Wendy20 for 20% off any purchase. Ask Wendy is next. (audience cheering) It's the weekend, and the building is shaking. Everybody have a seat. It's time for Ask Wendy, except for you. Okay now, come on. Hi, Wendy. How you doing? How you doing? Who are you, what do you do and where you from? I'm Tamara, I'm a store manager from Baltimore. (audience applauding) Now Tamara, how can I help you? Okay, Wendy. So me and my ex broke up over a year ago. Do you have children with him? No. Were you living together? Kind of. Okay. He was staying with me. Okay, he had a top drawer? Yeah. Okay, how long were you dating him? About a year and a half, it was in college. Okay, okay. His family still keeps in contact with me though, especially his mom. So she likes to keep me around, wants me to keep coming around the family. I have an answer, go ahead. Do I block her? Yes, you do. And you know what, don't block her. We're all grown. You call her civilized and you say, look, it didn't work out with me and your son, but this is also blocking me from moving on to the next man. And I'm young and I gotta move on. And then after you talk to her, then block her. Okay. Okay, good. Okay, you got whole lot of party going on. Hi, Wendy, I'm Summer. How you doing? How you doing? I'm doing real good. So, I have a question. Where are you from, what do you do? I'm from Tampa, Florida. I'm a senior operations manager. Okay, what's going on, Sums? I have a problem, Wendy. I've been dating a guy for over a year, so all my friends are getting married and all that good stuff, so I'm ready to make that jump and take that leap and get married, but every time I bring it up, he seems not into it, he doesn't want to do it, and then I get in my head, should I be waiting around to see what happens or should I be getting a new boo in 2020? (audience applauding) Summer, how old are you? I'm 26. Okay, and how old is he? 27. All right. He's probably feeling pressure that he doesn't want. To me, marriage in your 20s, it works out sometimes, but for all you in your 20s, you know I always say zip it and zoo it. You know what I mean? If he's not bringing it up and you're the one who brings it up, he's not trying to marry you, at least not now. And in my opinion, you should be able to date as many men as you want at one time. I didn't say sleep with them, you understand? I mean, you do what you want, don't tell me, though. But yeah, so your actual question is should you get a new boo in 2020? I think you should have several new boos in 2020. (audience applauding) Take your time, use protection, don't get pregnant, and focus on the bottom line, and that's the money that you put in your bank account for you. Summer, you're still young, okay? Take care. All right, we have time. Okay, get over here. No, I'm doing hot topics the whole time and all I see is baby hair down, okay? Okay, so Wendy. It was distracting. Who are you, where are you from? I'm Cheryl, I'm from Long Island. I love you, I watch you every day. Okay, so I actually went out with a coworker recently, and I found out that he doesn't have his high school diploma or a GED. He's cool, but I'm kind of like, what's really gonna happen in the future if you don't really have a high school diploma or a GED? I can tell you for fact. You pay more in car insurance, you pay more in life insurance, banks are more testy with you to open accounts because they think that because you don't have this education, which is wrong, 'cause I know a lot of people that don't have their high school diplomas but can buy this entire building and me, you know what I'm saying? I'm not saying that you should drop out of high school or college. I'm just saying that you pay more in every aspect of life, including being judged by the people that you date. I know, I know. The bigger problem to me is that you're dating a coworker. How old are you? I'm 30. Really? You gotta moisturize, okay? And come through with that baby hair, wow. My thing is I have a problem with you dating a coworker. Don't do that. It could be messy. Very messy, and then because he doesn't have his high school diploma, he could get real ignorant. And I'm judging him. And you're sitting here judging him on TV. Just end it all, but don't judge people because they don't have a diploma, because there's some smart people out here in the world. Good luck. Thank you. We'll be right back. (audience cheering) All right, it's time to play drop it like it's hot topics. Brittany here is from Long Island. (cheering) Big money! Brittany, what do you do for a living? How do you make money for that hair? It looks beautiful. I'm an account executive for a private aviation company. There you go, all right. So you have a chance to win up to $1,500. Are you ready, Brit? I'm ready. Pick up your puck, hit the music and let's work. (slow music) Big money, big money, big money. Close enough, close enough. You like Drake? Yeah, I like Drake. All right, $750 on Drake. What's his father's name? Don't tell her. His father's name is Dennis. Yep, there you go. That's how you do it, 750 bucks. Now, what are you going to do with the money? I'm gonna buy me a new New Year's Eve wig, Wendy. How you doing? We'll be right back. (upbeat music) (audience cheering) I said, it's a mess here, right? So she goes, it's fun. She came all the way from where? Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta. She's from Jersey? Tampa. Tampa, and they're from Macedonia. Where are you, and why aren't you here with us? There's a show for TV, but there's a whole show behind the scenes, am I correct? Yes! Honey, let me tell you. The tickets are free. We'll show you a good time, all right. Go to, and we'll be right back. Nice job. (upbeat music) Yes, I will take a seat. Come on now, hold me tight. Look, look. On Monday, a full hour of juicy hot topics. I love you for watching today. Have a safe weekend, and I'll see you next time on Wendy. Bye bye. Nice.
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 311,070
Rating: 4.6675544 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show
Id: MbzDb6WNmcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 15sec (2535 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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