Frick This, I'm Out

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what's your frick this i'm out story worked as a concert at a summer resort for all of 45 minutes before i was asked to fix payroll aka adjust all the timesheets turned and buy the 40-plus employees so that no one was eligible for overtime that made me pause about 10 minutes later the owner's grandson grabbed me by the button said i own you if this wasn't enough there was a hurricane coming and i was instructed to tell guests there would be absolutely no refunds while the owner's back was turned i grabbed all paperwork with my personal information and ran out of there in total i worked there for an hour and five minutes i grabbed all paperwork with my personal information good freaking call i was in philly walking towards south street to go to a friend's house party heard some fireworks and thought nothing of it turned a corner and saw a guy chasing another guy shooting a handgun couldn't have noped out of there faster i was hanging with friends at a party and they pulled out h and started doing it said nah and went home and played counter-strike i was with you until cs now i don't know who avoided the worse addiction this just happened at work yesterday it's christmas rush so the shipping department is very busy they asked us the design department to help scan orders and so we did the supervisor in that department got in a bad mood and started yelling at his workers then he started yelling at us so we were like frick this and went back to our office guy i work with who is a couple of years younger than me i'm 23 got promoted as my team leader he's actually a good friend of mine and he wanted to go out and celebrate so i said yeah a few beers would be nice it was all going so well until we left figured we were going to another pub nope they were going to an underground car park to smoke crack i know the heck out of there well that's going to be awkward at work now i'm 31 and married to the woman who's been my gf since i was 16. my mother was very jealous of this new female presence in my life and decided it was her job to break us up examples of crazy is her cutting out dear abby articles out of papers concerning abusive relationships and sticking them in my jacket so i'd find them when i left the house i always did my school work i worked 32 hours a week in hs and i never got in trouble with the law i just wasn't very close to my parents so when i found my first very serious relationship i wanted to spend every non-working non-academic moment with her one day when i came home everything i owned was in boxes my whole life packed up for me my mother said if you want to spend so much time with your little girlfriend why don't you move in with her so i cried like a baby and started hauling the boxes away called my girlfriend's mother and her being the greatest mother figure i've ever met said she'd take me in with open arms my mother never recounted on her plan going this far so she admitted that it was a big ploy for me to see the error of my ways and was only going to let me spend a night or two in my car i knew that her bold demonstration of wacky was just another road sign that i needed to get as far away from her as possible juices 15 years later i'm still with the girl she insisted was a passing fling we're happily three years into our marriage gainfully employed with nothing resembling the drama my mother forced upon us i'm so happy for you girl i was hooking up with in college playfully insulted my roommate roommate playfully insulted her back which hurt her feelings she wanted an apology he wanted one first since she was the first to hurl an insult and as soon as she apologized he would in return i agreed with that logic especially considering how much more offensive she was an hour of fighting later she was trying to convince me i was the crazy one and that he had insulted her first i'm unbutthole for not sticking up for her etc it's either him or me okay him i live in a 14 by 14 feet space with him and you threw the first insult so clearly him she grabbed one of my shoes off the floor and started beating me with it i picked her up carried her outside the dorm and set her down on her feet outside she collapsed to the ground crying about how i threw her wrapped her belongings in a t-shirt and lowered them out of my window tied to dental floss but she spent the entire night yelling outside in the quad when i was a freshman in college i dated a friend of a friend that was five years older than me she was okay to hang around with and the sex was good and frequent so as an 18 year old i was happy to overlook the growing list of red flags she exhibited as time went by we had an incident with a broken condom didn't catch it in time i played it cool for the following weeks but was really freaked out she seemed concerned but didn't share my chest crushing panic fast forward a bit later she informs me that she had just gotten her period i was very relieved and said that's great news she looked dejected and turned away and said softly yeah no baby i ignored it at that moment because i was high on the sudden ability to breathe later that night she asked if it would be okay if we stopped using condoms as long as we were careful i immediately broke up with her at that moment in my head i avoided her a couple of days and then broke things off officially after that it was all too dang unsettling to stay went to ex-girlfriends church three times each time they tried to pray a demon out of me the third time i noped out and didn't go up front i figured if they couldn't get him the third time he wasn't leaving what my local meetup group i used to always be involved setting up events acting as a host and trying to make sure everyone has a good time eventually it dawned on me that i was basically a babysitter to the most boring and awkward people in the area so i gave it up i hate when my efforts aren't met in kind or even just a little i'm learning to say frick this i'm out it's the reason i ask this question actually my buddy's dad owned the moving company he needed some extra hands to help so i volunteered he also hired ex-felons to help us some type of program we all get in the van and start heading to the destination this is when they all started smoking em i bounced and we arrived at the destination as someone with movers coming tomorrow to pick up 95 of my earthly belongings this does not make me comfortable lol broke up with my bf it was long overdue and a week later he asks if he can come over to talk i think he just wants to understand the why now that sometime is behind us comes to my apartment where i lived alone and spent the next hour trying to convince me to get back together eventually he gets real quiet then says i've started cutting myself again i immediately kicked him the frick out and called his mother telling her that he needs some help and i can't be the one to do it proud of you for not going to that abuse the day i saw my mother hurl a thick glass all shaker at my dad's head as hard as she could they screamed at each other almost daily by that point so i moved 17 hours north the first opportunity i had to get out i was still living at home when i was 27 my mother had some major health and prescription drug addiction issues and the expectation was i would stay home and take care of her my sister had moved out years before and dad wasn't around much i worked full time in a decent paying job and sucked up the guilt trips and squalor around home as best i could the place was untidy unhygienic as anything and had reached that point where it's too hard to do anything about it i kept my room tidy but the rest of the place was like living with a hoarder piles of stuff everywhere and a scary fridge ever seen a black watermelon had a few casual relationships staying over was rough because i needed to get home to make sure mum had and odd and heck i wasn't inviting them to my place met this guy and it started to get serious to the point where i would stay over for a couple nights on a weekend after six months of dating he asked me to move in with him we were at his place a tiny little flat that he kept spotlessly clean on account of him being a touch ocd the place smelled like bleach and pine scented cleansers and everything was super neat there was no way i was going to move in after only six months together too much too soon but i wanted to let him down easy and said i would think about it i went home on the sunday afternoon mum had made soup on friday night and the pot had boiled over onto the stove top she hadn't cleaned it up there was hard crusty stinky soup everywhere in the dirty saucepan festering in the sink full of dishes the house reeked of it because no windows had been opened to let out the stench yeah that was my frick this moment i moved out a month later to live with mr clean still together 20 years later i like this story glad things worked out with you and mr clean i was at a house party drinking and smoking weed watching sportscenter enjoying my buzz until one of my drunk idiot friends starts waving around a gun i had the presence of mind to call my dad to pick me up i wasn't gonna stick around to see what was gonna happen if someone got pee in a similar situation someone named a loaded shotgun at my face as a joke they didn't think it was loaded but obviously hadn't actually checked i screamed at him until he put it down i checked the chamber and saw the round then beat him till he was laying on the ground frick you if you think that kind of thing is funny that's a joke that's just not worth making i decided to leave a very nice lucrative career to finally go to college at 31 years old the morning after christmas 2014 because my family is so spread out around the country now it's hard to see everyone for the holidays so i made my own plans to spend time in colorado with my sister and brother as i had the previous two years of course i put in about eight days of vacation time and spent christmas eating and drinking with my siblings and their friends and sos at the time my career in the defense industry was coming to a rampass i had been doing great things in my line of work but because i'll act a degree i couldn't move forward now i could have sat at the same desk doing the same job for 25 more years and retired fairly comfortably but i felt like my talents and knowledge were being taken advantage of by my superiors who were giving me much higher level tasks but not promoting me to a level of payout on the morning of the 26th of december the day after christmas one of the project managers i worked for called my personal cell phone she was curious as to why i hadn't been answering my work cell i told her that i was on vacation and i left my work cell at home i also told her that i had a raging hangover she then told me i needed to pull myself together for a phone conference with some douchebag army officer at the pentagon who had been freaking out project up for a while i told her i had no work stuff with me so i am not prepared to have this meeting let alone hung over the day after christmas when she asked why i don't t have any work stuff with me i let her know because i'm on freaking vacation i then proceeded to give a her an earful about how she and the other pms have for too long taken advantage of my lack of degree to get me to do more work for less pay i told her that it's unacceptable to call me at 8 am the day after christmas while i'm on vacation to get me to have the same conversation i've had with her in this other butthole for months i then told her that if it's college that's holding me back from being where i want to be in this job she can expect my resignation when i got home i hung up the phone went back to sleep woke up told my sister what happened and applied to college i was accepted two weeks later when i returned home i handed her my written resignation she immediately began to freak out who is going to do this i'm sorry i bothered you on your vacation what can i do to make this right i told her she had ample chances to make things right over the course of our working relationship and now i've had enough if college is what i need to be successful in this job then college is where i will go i then said i'm not kidding frick it i'm out i'm a junior with a 3.8 gpa now this friend of mine was in love with me she had a boyfriend by the way but i pretended not to notice since i had no interest in her whatsoever with or without boyfriend she invited me to a bar on her birthday i thought it was gonna be fine because she also invited all of her other friends so i could avoid her problem was that she invited me an hour before anyone else so that she could have me all to herself but then her mother arrived looking at me uncomfortably closely like examining the future husband of your daughter to see if he is legit then her best friend arrived and we all sat in the same table all staring at me when her other friends arrived they sat in separate table and i was stuck with the three oh and she also didn't he invite her boyfriend i thought frick this crap and left made the excuse i had to study i've told this andre did before on the nine train in nyc heading up town into the bronx it is late or rather very early so it is only me and a friend and one other guy on the train the other guy starts rocking back and forth saying out loud to himself i'm not above the law over and over but no thanks i'll get off at the next stop and wait for the next train i was in prague with a couple friends and had been checking out some strip clubs for those who have gone to prague will know there are tons of people who approach you to go to this club or that club and are pretty aggressive way more than the vegas cards people anyway we were used to them at this point so we are bartering what we can get ttc finally one guy says to go to this strip club that had good drink specials obviously the others are like no no go to mine so we say okay sure let's try this one as we walk away one guy from another club says be careful in there which i thought was odd so we get to the front door walk in and turn a corner look up and see a huge iron style prison gate like something from pirates of the caribbean blocking away that leads downstairs the bouncer pulls out a big metal key and starts to unlock the door all three of us look at each other and nope out over there we end up going to a strip club where the guy that said be careful and there was at we look at him and he says good choice i just mouthed what the frick kinda curious wtf goes on in there i also know curiosity will be the death of me a girl i went on to date suddenly talking about kids and whether or not my career choice would be enough to support a family when i was about 13 or so we lived in a really nice subdivision right across the street from my house was an apartment building my friend's paper route went through the building and i told him i would help out so we could get it done faster so we could hang out so we get in the apartment building and he takes the first floor and i take the second floor the doors to the elevator open and i'm in complete shock there is blood smeared all over the walls and a blood trail across the hallways floor now at this point i don't know what made me investigate but i continue down the hallway looking for the source of the bleeding maybe all those video games anyways i turn around the corner and see this guy mumbling to himself pacing back and forth with a knife that's when i decided frick this i'm out went downstairs and called the police at the main lobby scariest moment of my life one time while receiving oral sex from a one-night stand she bit my penis hard enough to draw blood she thought of it as foreplay i nope the freak out you got head from a vampire i was at a beating called an interview held at a small local office of vector marketing during summer after graduating high school they had sent me a letter about this being a great job opportunity for students and when i went there others were indeed students fresh out of high school too the meeting quickly became weird with the sales guy talking in a rather brainwashed tone and even claiming that he had sold 40 000 worth of cutco knives in the one year since he started and that led me to a realization the original letter made absolutely no mention of cutco the parent company of vector there were a few demos of how the knives can cut through rope and leather and how the scissors can cut pennies then the business model was explained being a door-to-door spiel another thing not mentioned in the letter and an eerily familiar pyramid diagram shown to us as i drove home from the meeting i connected the dots in my head and was reminded of amway which my dad briefly had a venture with a couple of years earlier but luckily bailed out before things got too ugly then i realized vector was a multi-level marketing scam used to lure gullible high school and college students into it further research about vector and cutco online confirmed my suspicions i didn't bother to go to the next meeting and ignored vector's emails which i had to block as they became annoying i had a classmate in my first year of university tell me how great vector was i was going to apply but thankfully did some research first read people's experience and then never mentioned it again when she talked about it i just smiled and nodded some guy asked me to help produce his movie he said to be a part of this you have to make at least a ten thousand dollar donation to the movie he was 14. kid's a hustler a bad one but still a hustler when my fiance and i moved out of state i got a job at a gas station temporarily until i could transfer my cosmetology license i worked there for two days got treated like crap by customers and co-workers on my third day i woke up colored one eyebrow in sat there for about 15 minutes then just silenced my phone and went back to bed frick a gas station i've done that that bit where you just stare at yourself in the mirror and think i can't do this anymore when i was in rehab every sunday they offered a ride to church for anyone who wanted to go i had been cooped up for a couple weeks and wanted a change of scenery so i thought i'd give it a shot everything at mass was normal until about 10 minutes and when the pastor started speaking in tongues that was just too much i left as quietly as i could and spent the rest of the time outside are pentecostals we don't talk about them i once dated a girl in my early twenties we had been dating for a few months when the topic of ghosts casually came up during a conversation i had told her a story about how something weird happened in my house while i was watching the movie paranormal activity something like the lights randomly came on during the movie the conversation progressed and eventually she told me that she had the ability to send spirits and that spirits would sometimes take over her body i was taken aback and thought she was freaking around i kept asking her questions and it became very clear that she was very serious apparently prior to us dating things got so bad that her then boyfriend had to bring his mom over so she could cleanse the house with sage after hearing this story i asked her if the spirit still possessed her to which she replied no i can sense them coming now and can fight them off we broke up the next day wonder if she sensed that coming my ex-girlfriend invited me over to her house and her parents and her brother were there they turned on the sci-fi network and started watching some documentary on alien abduction her father began grilling me on whether i believed in extraterrestrial life forms that didn't do it it was when he started breaking down the different types of extraterrestrial life forms he and his friends had documented having contact with i was out i was the slot department manager of a large las vegas casino unfortunately this organization has about 50 executives for every employee who actually does the work there was a department head meeting and it was decided to rearrange 200 slot machines on the casino floor in two days and they had to be moved between the hours of 2 a.m and 8 a.m in one night now this is a major undertaking electricians to disconnect and install new power technicians to unbolt machines from wooden banks and in the days before all paper input security guards and crews to bag and tag coins to be reinstalled in the machines before they can be used again i rearranged schedules coordinated the logistics and came in to supervise the work my crew busted their asses and at 8 30 am we were done it was a long night for everybody and i arranged with the restaurant manager to feed everyone in one of the closed stake houses before they went home the execs came in about 10 a.m and called me into the office in about an hour they didn't like the way the change looked and wanted me to change them back that night they also bitched that i had the employees fed and they told me they would be charging my paycheck for reimbursement i argued my point for about 10 minutes realized they were not going to change their minds laid my keys on the table and walked out they called me for three weeks trying to get me to come back they were opening a new property and the work to lay out the machines in the new place was mine one of the execs brought my last check to my house they did not charge me for the meals to try to convince me to come back he told me they left the machines in the new locations and they had become more profitable than before the move that was the last day i worked in the casino business i was sat in a field a few years ago with a girl and she took my belt off and playfully threw it over a fence behind us well i really like this belt it was an element one with a big logo buckle cost me like 35 pounds when you're 14 that's a lot so i hopped over the fence and started trying to find my belt i was made by a really freaking pee off goat with big frick off horns on its bonds i figured goats were friendly as i've never heard a story of goats ruining people's day so i carried on looking for my belt then this four-legged sea squared up to me and charged my way fully crap myself hop the fence faster than freaking light and wanted to head but this be for losing my belt at 14 if a girl took off my belt it would have been the happiest day of my young life my relationship with a friend we worked two summers together at a summer camp and became pretty close we lived far apart but stayed in touch and he was a good friend i asked him to be in my wedding and he was happy to do it during this time he was dating a girl that no one else in our friend group liked she was very fake and constantly one-upping in some way or another my wife and her especially didn't get a long long story but they also worked at the summer camp together and the fake girl made my wife summer a living heck so he's in my wedding and everything goes fine they get engaged and set their wedding date up a year after hours during this year i can't get in touch with this guy i text him and call him multiple times over a few month period inviting him to things but he never responds finally he doesn't gives a bs excuse about being bad at responding it's like six months until the wedding and our friends are getting save the date invites but we haven't gotten ours mutual friends acknowledge that it's weird formal invites go out about one month before still nothing no contact from the guy nothing he was in my wedding and had been a friend for years and then cut off all contact it wasn't until about two weeks before the wedding that i accepted the fact we weren't invited a mutual friend got married like six months later they were invited this was the first time in a while that a bunch of us got together and others were like why didn't you go to their wedding and i was like well we weren't freaking invited it was at this point that most of the mutual friends really realized that these were crappy people we talked and it was just small talk then as he was leaving he said text me and i'll respond this time haha and i just said or you could text me at some point too and left it at that he hasn't reached out once and i'm not planning to contact him luckily most of the mutual friends have stopped contacting him as well it's a pretty crappy thing to just cut out a good friend especially one that was in your wedding honestly it sounds like his wife made him cut you out and being the weakest he is he just went with it if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: UE Studios
Views: 52,253
Rating: 4.9009433 out of 5
Keywords: im out, have to get out, i have to get out of this place, we have to get out of here, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 3xH7oVeKYcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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