Freight Broker Sales Training - 7 Freight Broker Cold Calling Tips

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today what we're gonna cover today is we're gonna talk about I'm gonna share with you cold calling tips that are guaranteed to help you get more shippers right this is probably one of the questions I get most of my audience sales training and advice they're always looking for a hack or a script or a trick or a tip or a tactic on how to get shippers and I understand because shippers are the lifeblood customers I should say are the lifeblood of any business without customers you go nowhere right so today we're gonna I'm gonna share with you I think there's six or seven tips I'm gonna share with you here we go so I'm gonna dive into the six tips tip and these are in no discernable order but I did want to share these I jotted these down last night because it came to mind and I said you know what I really need to focus in on sales for these guys because this is one of the areas that they struggle with the most so here we go number one mindset now when I say this a lot of people kind of roll their eyes and say oh that's kind of woo and you know it's not tactical it doesn't have an impact now I'm gonna tell you in the sales your mindset is critical to success right it is absolutely critical let's think about two scenarios you got salesperson a who has a negative scarcity type mindset and you've got salesperson B who has an abundance positive growth mindset I promise you that if we compared the results over the course of any period of time a day a week a month a year the person with the positive mindset the person with the growth mindset the person with the abundance mindset is going to produce better longer higher conversion higher results so having two things you really need to do from a mindset perspective number one you have to have an abundance mindset you can't be in a in a place of scarcity and what I mean by that is this some people pick up the phone and the first thing that's on in the back of their mind is oh they're just gonna tell me no I'm just gonna get another no I'm just going to get another no it's all about negative right so they're there they're taking their internal feelings or the things that have maybe happened in the past and they're projecting them into the future and that is a whole that's a surefire ingredient for failure when it comes to anything in particular sales so you have to have an abundance mindset and you also have to be confident right so confidence is really important because people buy people right they don't buy companies they don't buy services they buy people so you have to be confident and the way you get confident is by getting trained practicing doing your due diligence and and understanding exactly who your target market is and the exact benefit that you can provide that's why I provide a lot of that training and so the first one number one that we just went over was mindset abundance and confidence critically important okay very important that is step one you have to have that don't make a bunch of sales calls if you don't have those things right we need to get you to that point before you start making those calls all right number two gather before you make the call before you dial the phone gather some basic sales intelligence now what do I mean by sales intelligence right so sales intelligence my definition of sales intelligence and you may have seen some other videos or trainings I've done on this in the past is any form of data that you can gather which enhances your opportunity to get a sale that's simple okay so what are examples of sales data you can gather our sales intelligence you can gather very simply very quickly the geography of your prospect where are they located what city and state are they located in what are the products that the company sells what are the top products not just not just knowing the industry but actually knowing the products that they sell another really simple one is recent PR public relations press releases write articles that they've been featured in you know things of that nature it trade journals where they've had you know and are published about them again press releases anything on the web that's relevant to them so those are three really easy pieces of sales intelligence now there's all kinds of sales intelligence you can gather but these are three really easy ones that you can use you can gather excuse me you should only take you two minutes three minutes to gather that sales intelligence and now you can leverage that sales intelligence to have a more relevant and contextual dialogue with your prospect okay so number to gather sales intelligence before you make the call all right number three practice your pitch practice your presentation but don't read it you can't sound like you're reading if you sound like you're reading imagine how long you would want to tune in to this training if I sat here and I read nothing screams newbie more than sounding like you're reading from a script how long would you tune in not very long you would disappear very quickly so you have to make sure that you do not sound like you're brand new even though you are brand new it's okay so you have to make sure that you practice practice makes perfect but more importantly perfect practice makes perfect so you have when you're reading your script initially you have to learn how to make it sound as if it's a conversation if you have a script I provide some sales scripts in the freight broker boot camp Platinum membership you can get the whole library sales scripts again I don't want you reading those scripts I want you to make them your own right so you can't read your script right and you have to be conversational this is what I teach conversational / mechanic when you sound like you're reading like I did just a second ago that example you sound very mechanical which is again a big red flag ding ding ding oh this person is brand new I'm gonna give him the Heisman and tell him I'm not interested okay so you have to make sure you practice your script practice your presentation do it in the mirror do it while you're driving do it when you're working out I don't care how you do it I used to do a lot of it when I was driving I would practice my presentations and I would have my rear view mirror and I would look in the mirror and I there was times I would practice my entire sales presentation that way I do it now on the treadmill when I have an important call coming up so trust me you have to practice right and so that's number two practice but or number three that's practice but don't read number four I call it hey Joe right so when you finally make the phone call and you get to the shipping department right at the logistics part movement transportation department whatever it is and somebody picks up the phone right you should already know who the who the contact is you should know their first and last name but what I don't want you to do is I don't want you to say may I please speak to Joe Smith that again screams that you don't know that person and this is a cold call the alternative to that is when somebody picks up the phone you simply say hey Joe like there's a question mark on the end of it and then you shut up and one of two things is going to happen they're gonna say oh hey what's up like they know you or they're gonna say oh this isn't Joe this is Jim let me pass the phone to Joe and then they pass it to Joe what's gonna happen is when that person gets on the phone you're gonna get greeted much more warmly because they're if it's more relevant right they believe that they know you so you're automatically gonna make number one get more people on the phone you're gonna make a better first impression okay and so I call it my hey Joe tip right don't say may I please speak with Joe Smith that screams cold call if you pick up if they pick up the phone when they pick up the phone just say hey gel and then they're gonna respond hey what's up and you say this is Dennis with right and then you do your presentation then you do your your overall presentation in your cold call right but again you're trying to get their attention you're trying to make sure they engage with you and that's that's a really good tip very very simple but it's missed by a lot of new salespeople okay all right number five tip it's not about you it's all about them so let me explain what I mean here if you want people to talk to you and be interested in talking to you and be engaged when they're talking to you and I'm sure you do as a salesperson then you can't make it about you you have to make it about them right so it's not about you or how great you are it's not about your company and how great your company is it's got to be about them so when you want to when you want to get people's attention you want them to engage you want to build rapport the best possible strategy is to make it all about them and the way you do that is to engage them with questions that are relevant and contextual to them right so here's a couple of example of some questions that you can integrate into your presentation as a way to make it about them and don't get them to open up about themselves for example hey Jo how long have you worked at XYZ company zip listen another one hey Jo how'd you get the job there at XYZ company zip listen hey Jo do you enjoy your work do you like working in logistics zip listen you love the trend here zip listen ask the question and then shut up and listen okay another one here's a really great one people love the traffic and logistics industry is dominated by mail shipping industry the shipping departments are typically dominated by mail now that doesn't mean there's not women in there there are plenty of women but statistically speaking you're gonna have a much larger number of mails so what do a lot of males like to talk about here's a perfect example sports right so if they're in New York you might say something like hey Jo do you follow the Yankees are you a Yankees fan zip listen so those are just a few examples right that doesn't have to be the Yankees it could be a football team it could be a basketball team it could be a hockey team it could be anywhere in the country okay so ultimately it's what you have to remember with tip number five is that it's not about you it's got to be all about them all right number six be brief but gain ground now what I mean by that is this you are not gonna have typically not gonna have a 20 minute 30 minute one hour phone call in your first cold call to a prospect to a shipper these calls are going to be pretty short so during that time you have to do what I call gain ground and what that really comes down to is you've got to try you number one you shouldn't try to close on the first call you should not be trying to close anybody in reality so so yeah so don't try to close them on the first call if your focus is to try to get an order on that first call they're gonna feel that pressure and they're gonna resist now if they're impressed with you and they really liked you and the timing is perfect you may get an order on that first call I'm not gonna say you're not it does happen occasionally but it's very rare so your job on that call is to build rapport build relationship and to gain ground or what I mean by gain ground is you want to gather additional sales intelligence now you want to gather additional data additional information about the shipper about the the shipping contact in an effort to try to continue to build your profile so that you can provide the best solution the best opportunity to convert them into a client right so so for example on that call it's really important that you get the person's email you want to get their email because you want to be able to dialogue with them beyond just the phone right so getting their email is a really important piece of sales intelligence another thing you want to try to gather is you want to ask them hey Joe do you have a bid or a Lane package that I could take a look at which is typically some sort of a spreadsheet or a document that talks about their primary lanes maybe some of the volume the pick up the drop locations the type of equipment so you want to ask them do you have a bid or a lane package if they email that to you now it's very easy for you to present them rates and quotes in capacity and other additional information to help them make a decision okay and then the third one is a great question is so Joe let me ask you a question what's the process for new logistics partners to get set up at your company Zipp listen again every time I ask a question I stop talking and I listen and I wait until I get a response so those are some examples of additional sales intelligence again that was number six which is be brief but gain ground on that call really important a lot of these calls might only be two three five minutes long but you want to gain ground on that call right alright so I'm gonna give you a bonus tip this is we're gonna call this number seven right number seven is some of you there's two really good strategies right you can tell a quick story or a fact that is relevant to them so let's say for example you know there's an old saying facts tell but stories sell so I'm big on trying to tell a short story and I'm not talking about a bedtime story I'm talking about something that's relevant to them so for example if somebody were cold calling me I live in the Buffalo New York area they might ask you know they might they might ask or tell a story about how they took a trip to Buffalo when they were in college and they went to XYZ restaurant or XYZ bar or they went and saw a football game or they wouldn't saw the Sabres play or they went to Niagara balls but they tell a story and those stories create context and so those stories can be really important in developing a relationship right so telling stories and listening to their stories because your story is gonna sometimes stimulate them to tell a story or to add on to that story oh yeah I've been to Niagara Falls oh yeah I'm a big Sabres fan and then that starts a dialogue so telling a short story or a fact right so here's a fact for example rather than a story you know if they were talking to me about Buffalo they might say hey did you ever hear a Jimmy Griffin he used to be the mayor of Buffalo for many many years he was the mayor of Buffalo and my response is going to be well of course I've heard of Jimmy Griffin he was a mayor for a long time yeah I read an article about him or you know I read a book by him or I just thought it was really interesting you know that there's very a lot of really famous and popular people from Buffalo including you know a few that I heard of is a B and C and so now you're showing you're building rapport and you're starting a dialogue these are just conversation starters these are things that caning can improve the relationship because if you get on the phone and all you're doing is talking about hey give me your email hey do you have a bid package hey can I get your Freight there's no relationship there you're making it all about you so you want to be able to start developing real relationship real rapport and there's there's an old there's an old saying like I said before facts tell but stories sell so anytime you can weave a story in so here's an example you know you could talk about geography maybe you visited there or something that's interesting and compelling about their geography you could talk about their industry maybe something you've read about the industry or about their products you could talk about their company maybe the origin story of their company you could talk about recent PR there's all kinds of things you can do but there's tons of topics and if and only if you are truly funny and are good at telling jokes a tasteful short joke can go a long way to developing rapport okay so those are my seven tips for today right I hope you guys enjoyed these again any you know it's gonna be very hard for you to deploy all of these at once so my suggestion is start with number one and start with mindset and then as you work down the list you know understand what types of sales intelligence right so number one was mindset number two was gather sales intelligence number three is practice but don't read number four is my hey geo trick number five is it's not about you it's all about them number six is be be brief but gain ground on that call and then number seven was tell a story tell a fact tell a joke and use that as a way to develop and enhance your relationship so pick one of those today start practicing and then the next one and the next one and the next one and the more of these tips that you deploy in your sales strategy I promise you it is going to enhance the opportunities to develop strong relationships which will lead the customer so I hope you guys enjoyed this if you did for those of you that are still curious about becoming a freight broker or a freight agent make sure you check out freight broker bootcamp comm again we've trained over seven thousand brokers and agents we've been in business for over a decade and we offer a 60 day 100% money-back guarantee again check it out a freight broker bootcamp comm whenever you have time if you're still curious but this is kind of an example of some of the trainings that are in there but this is a supplement additional training that you can take advantage of every Monday at noon so thank you so much for being here if I didn't get to your question I will try to get to it maybe this week I'll be able to come back in and reply in the comments if not I'm back here every week on Mondays I hope you guys enjoyed this love you guys have an awesome week
Channel: FreightBrokers
Views: 39,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freight Broker Training, Freight Agent, Freight Broker, Freight Broker Boot Camp, Dennis Brown, Freight Broker Sales, freight broker cold calling, freight broker cold calling tips, freight broker cold calling script, freight agent cold calling, freight agent cold calling script, freight agent training, freight broker sales call, freight broker sales training, freight broker sales pitch
Id: pGyEs6ZtTgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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