How to Become A Freight Agent From Home For Under $300 [2023]

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so today I'm going to share with you how to become a freight agent for under three hundred dollars okay now I know that might be hard to believe but there's a lot of misunderstanding and confusion and misinformation about becoming a freight agent so I want to dispel that today I'm going to walk you through some very simple steps on how to do that okay step number one is you gotta get trained right if you're new to the industry or even if you've been a part of the logistics or Trucking industry the freight agent job has a very specific set of skills that you will need to understand now there are a couple ways you can get trained you can do on the job training you can get hired as an employee uh for a brokerage and you could learn kind of some of the skills that way you could do a classroom type training where they offer trainings where you have to travel and you go sit in a hotel for three or four or five days and you do a classroom type setting or you can do an online training which is part of what I do with freight broker boot camp if you guys are curious about that just check it out at freight broker but you do need to get trained the cool part is you know if you do an online training like Freight Burger boot camp you can get started for you know that training for get started for a one-time payment of 185 bucks now sometimes those classroom trainings and other trainings are more there are 500 a thousand a few thousand dollars but ultimately you can get trained very very affordably as opposed to going to college or doing an enormous amount of trade school type stuff but ultimately yeah you can start very very inexpensive on the training side step number two you gotta partner with an established freight broker okay so what I mean by that is a freight broker is someone that is licensed by the FMCSA to broker-free they are an intermediary between shippers and carriers okay so people that produce manufacture distribute products and carriers so they're an intermediary but they are licensed there are licensing requirements for freight brokers the good news is there is no licensing requirements or certifications or specific requirements for Freight agents but as a freight agent you will operate and work Under the Umbrella of a licensed freight broker so you're going to have to find a freight broker that's willing to work with you on a straight commission basis so Freight agents are independent contractors you're not an employee you're not on W-2 you will typically get paid between 50 and 70 percent of the profit on any loads that you move for your shippers so for example if you are invoicing a shipper moving a load for a shipper for two thousand dollars just a hypothetical and you pay the carrier Seventeen hundred dollars and there's three hundred dollars in gross profit which is kind of standard for a load like that if you are an agent you will get 50 to 70 percent of that so you'd get anywhere between 150 and 210 dollars in profit in your pocket as the agent without even being a broker now the broker keeps the other part that's part of the partnership so the second step is to find and partner with a broker there's a lot of ways to do that one of the best ways to do that is to Simply check out at jobs so if you're looking to hire a freight agent or a freight broker you can as an employer can go there and post a free job it's absolutely free or if you're looking to become a freight broker or Freight agent and working with someone else you can go there and you can apply you can search for jobs you can apply for jobs you can connect with employers that are hiring some of those Brokers are going to be requiring experience in a book of business many of them will not be requiring that okay so we put together to my knowledge is the only freight broker and Freight agent exclusive job board we've had it for the last last year or two we've had rave reviews we've had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of students that have went through and have went on to develop higher Brokers as well as become agents through that resource so you guys can check that out at forward slash jobs it's absolutely free all right so step number three is to find your Niche now finding your Niche is a big step it's an important step and I've done a bunch of training on this so I'm not going to do an enormous amount of training on this right now but finding your Niche I'm a big believer in Freight brokerage that riches are in niches so rather than you just saying hey I'm going to move van Freight or I'm just going to move flatbed Freight you really need to Niche down and what I mean by that is kind of like how I started when I first started my business back in 2003 2004 you know we niched down when we were doing van Freight only but it was Northeast outbound so if it originated in New York or PA or New Jersey all the way up through New England and it was going west or south that was our Niche and the reason why I developed that Niche is because number one it was a lot easier to differentiate ourselves from the competition because we specialized in something right we were not a jack of all trades master of none we weren't expert we became experts in moving Freight out of the Northeast so that was one of the primary reasons it also allowed us to truly understand the the supply and demand of loads and trucks which also dictate the rates of loads and trucks and so that was a big part of our thought process and our strategy and it paid off we did a million dollars our first year we did three million our second year we did six million our third year and 12 and 18 and so on and so forth and we continued to grow and so finding your niche as a freight agent is very important number four step number four is setting up your home office now this is typically pretty easy step all you really need is a freight agent or as a freight broker is is a desk a chair a computer internet access and a phone you know you probably want a printer scanner fax type of combination although fax is really not used much very more it's mainly print scan type of documents and in transfers But ultimately yeah it's very very simple that gets you started right many of you already have those things in your home you can work off the kitchen table you can work out of a small office you can work out of your bedroom you can work off the couch to get started but ultimately setting up your home office is typically pretty simple and pretty quick okay step number five leveraging freight broker technology now once you become partnered with a freight broker a licensed freight broker which I talked about in Step number two you will start leveraging some technology two primary technologies that you will start to leverage two or three primary Technologies you'll start to leverage one is load boards load boards is number one load board is basically a a hub where carriers and Brokers come together to make a match and collaborate on moving Freight I'm not going to get into a deep dive but load board some of the most popular ones out there are in a truck stop that as well as many or others all right the second piece of software that you're going to start using is called a TMS Transportation management software that is where you manage all of your customer load data including all the loads themselves the pickup locations the drop locations invoicing comes from there all of your check calls everything from Cradle to grave that has to do with managing that load is in that transportation management software again these are those two things are typically part of the relationship you have with the broker they will be established on the load boards they will have their own TMS they will give you access and typically train you on those if you're not already familiar with those but those are a couple of the softwares the other one you might want to consider but is definitely not necessary to get started is what's called a customer relationship management tool a CRM that's basically a repository for all of your sales data all of your leads all of your outbound calls all of your emails all of your prospecting right predominantly that has to do with prospecting and Outreach and customer acquisition so that's where you will carry all that information and again I don't want to go too far down the hole here but ultimately those are the three primary software load boards TMS and CRM okay step number six optimize your LinkedIn profile now number one if you don't know what LinkedIn is you got to crawl out from underneath the rock it's 2023 here and very very soon if not already when you're watching this video but ultimately LinkedIn is the world's largest professional networking site it's kind of like a social media site with a business Community built in the great part about LinkedIn it's very easy to find connect and engage with shippers that are in your Niche okay so LinkedIn the first step you got to go there and you got to set up a free account it's absolutely free you can set up a free account the Second Step if you've already got your account you gotta optimize your profile now optimizing your profile is an intro whole training in of itself But ultimately you want to make sure the goal here is that it doesn't look like a resume it doesn't look like a big sales pitch but it obviously makes a good first impression and speaks directly to your target market okay so ultimately you need to optimize that profile including your header image including your profile image including your headline including your work experience adding some media think of it like a personal branding site okay that's really what it is I've done entire trainings on that you guys can check that out on my YouTube channel which is leveraging you LinkedIn to get customers and I think I've talked a lot about the optimization process step number seven is start marketing and selling your business start selling your services okay now some people are adverse to cold calling some people uh like to do face to face Some people prefer to use email all of those different strategies work but what I promote is a multi-channel Outreach strategy a multi-touchpoint Cadence that goes across all those channels phone email LinkedIn face to face if you do that if you learn to leverage that type of strategy you will significantly increase the number of contacts that you make the number of opportunities that you have and the number of customers that you get because now you're leveraging a multi-channel Outreach strategy okay I teach that in depth in my freight broker sales accelerator program um matter of fact I can't get into a lot of detail about that right now but the freight broker sales accelerator is a five-week coaching program where I take that piece of my brain and I implant it into your head and teach you exactly how to get shippers right my favorite sales strategies tactics tools and my entire system you can get on the waitlist that's sold out right now you can enroll right now but you can get on the wait list so the next time that I release it you will have the ability you'll get notif fight whenever I release it it sells out very quickly every single time so you can check that out again at forward slash wait list all right so that was step number seven let me review them really quick step number one get trained step number two partner with an established licensed freight broker the good thing as a freight agent you don't need to get a bond you don't need to be licensed okay step number three find your freight broker Niche step number four set up your freight broker home office step number five start leveraging freight broker technology step number six optimize your LinkedIn profile and step number seven is start marketing and selling your business to start generating your first load your first shipper your first customer your first profit okay so those are the seven steps I hope you guys enjoyed this listen if you're curious about becoming a freight broker or a freight agent I've had this freight broker boot camp online training for over a decade I've trained over 10 000 students many of them have went on to build six and seven and even eight figure businesses okay it's well known to be the most comprehensive and cost effective online freight broker training program and we offer a 60-day 100 unconditional money-back guarantee if you're not happy for any reason I can't make it any easier than that listen I truly appreciate you being here make sure you like the feed make sure you subscribe wherever you're at particularly if you're on YouTube hit the Subscribe button and make sure you click the all notification Bell so you'll get every free training video that I put out there again appreciate you guys being here have an awesome day I'll be back with another freight broker boot camp live next Monday at noon just like always
Channel: FreightBrokers
Views: 11,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freight Broker Training, Freight Agent, Freight Broker, Freight Broker Boot Camp, how to become a freight agent with no experience, how to become a freight agent from home, become freight broker, become a freight agent, freight agent training, freight agent pay, freight agent, freight agent sales, freight broker agent training online free, freight broker agent training free, freight broker agent remote, freight broker vs freight agent, hiring freight broker agents
Id: YgO0qbn7SrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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