Freedom From This World System by Zac Poonen

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[Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] okay we want to continue our study in a six fold freedom that Jesus wants to give us we looked at that cage from which the bird is escaping and we saw that first of all that cage can represent sin that's the number one thing that sin is like a cage inside which we are trapped and Jesus sets us free and then secondly we saw yesterday that the law was also a cage and a lot of people don't think of the law as a cage but it is a cage every rule and regulation ties you up you can't become free and when we impose rules and regulations on others we are putting them inside a cage and that is how most churches that preach holiness operate and I have seen that most churches that preach holiness people are not free they are not happy they are they look alright on the outside but they're in a cage it's like keeping out a pig in a cage and saying he's always clean that's not the way God wants us to be clean he places us in the world and keeps us clean so the third cage we want to think of from which Jesus wants to deliver us is the world and I want to read first of all of verse in Galatians in chapter one galatians chapter 1 where it tells us why Jesus gave himself on the cross verse 4 of Galatians chapter 1 it says he gave himself for our sins we can understand that but he also gave himself so that he might rescue us or deliver us from this present evil world or evil age now when the word when the New Testament uses the word world it uses it about 150 times across the New Testament and it has two meanings one is the people of the world he says God so loved the world that's the people of the world and then in 1 John 2:15 it says love not the world that's not referring to the people of the world we're supposed to love the people in the world but don't love this world system so in the New Testament the word world is used in two senses Jesus did not die to deliver us from the people of the world no he wants us to live right in the middle of the people of the world it's a big mistake that some Christians have made in Mission compounds where they make a big compound wall and all the Christians live inside that that is never God's will he wants you to live right in the middle of the world but not become part of the world and that is our calling but the world system is different and that were not in love and it's from that world system that Jesus died to deliver us so if Jesus died to deliver us from this world system as it says here and he calls it an evil system this world is called here an evil world just like sin is evil the Bible calls the world system evil it's evil because it's ruler is evil in 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 and verse 4 we are told the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that's the devil the devil is called the god of this world so if you are not delivered from this world system you will be unconsciously having fellowship with the god of this world and that's the reason why we're not able to fly like the eagle in the air were caught in a cage maybe we are delivered from legalism but I have discovered through the years that legalism and worldliness are just two opposite ditches and a lot of people who run away from worldliness from legalism fall into the other ditch call worldliness and a lot of people who run away from worldliness fall into the ditch called legalism I say why do I have to fall into either ditch why can't I walk this narrow way which is between legalism and worldliness this is a cage this is a cage and I have seen in many churches where people are trying to break free from the law most particularly young people most of them end in the ditch of worldliness and they rejoice lying in that ditch I am free from the law and the only one who laughs is the devil this is great keep rejoicing in that ditch that you are free from the law it's happening I've seen it happen I've seen it happen with people in some of our churches so the Christian walk is a very narrow walk it's not just breaking free from worldliness is not breaking free from legalism you say which is the worse I think both are equally bad because both of them bring different types of bondage many people who are free from legalism think they are free they are not free they are using their so-called freedom to live according to the spirit of the world and they will never become spiritual the purpose of breaking people free from the cage of the law is to become spiritual but the devil makes sure they don't become spiritual by putting them into another ditch and I believe that is the thing that many of us need to be careful about you have heard me speak much about the dangers of legalism I will not be faithful to you if I don't tell you equally the dangers of the ditch on the other side because Jesus came to deliver us from the law and the spirit of the law and he also came to deliver us from the world and the spirit of the world because of the god of this world is the enemy of Jesus Christ so I want to show you a verse in John's Gospel chapter 14 in John 14 jesus himself called Satan the ruler of this world in verse 30 he said to his disciples I will not speak much with you because the ruler of this world is coming he's the one who instigated the para seas to crucify Jesus but when he comes he has nothing in me if you are a disciple of Jesus Christ you should be able to say the same words the ruler of this world comes and he has got nothing in me there's nothing of his spirit in me if you don't break free from this spirit of the world I tell you it'll be like chains on your leg no matter how zealous you are no matter how much you pray that God will fill you with the Holy Spirit you will not become spiritual even though you're broken free from the chains of the law and legalism you'll be held back by the chains of worldliness and it doesn't matter whether the chain is on your left leg or your right leg you will not be able to progress the Apostle Paul once said we're not ignorant of the schemes of the devil the devil has certain schemes and we must not be unaware of his wiles his tricks with which he trips people up making them swing from one extreme to the other extreme and he knows which extreme you're afraid all he's seen certain Christians are afraid of worldliness so he makes them swing to the other extreme and become legalists and he knows that some of us are now afraid of legalism and he says okay that's great let me just push them over and over and over till they fall into the other ditch so don't be afraid don't be ignorant of Satan's scheme you should be able to say when the ruler of the world comes he's got nothing in me because if he has got something in you something of that spirit of the world is in you how in the world can you have fellowship with Jesus Christ because he had nothing of the ruler of the world and his Spirit in him this is very important it doesn't matter whether you're an elder brother or younger brother elder sister younger sisters a lot of people who started their life very well devoted to Christ and finally came to the place where the world possessed them and many many people who've been destroyed through worldliness so let me warn you of that then let's start at John's Gospel chapter 16 in John chapter 16 he says in the verse 33 the last verse the last part of that verse in the world you will have tribulation that is this physical world we're living in you will have tribulation from the people of the world because they don't like the way you live but take courage because I have overcome the world Jesus overcame the world what is in what you mean by he overcame the world if Augustus Caesar had said I have overcome the world he meant something else Alexander the Great said I have conquered the world what he meant was something completely different from what Jesus said when I have conquered the world Alexander the Great was talking about an area of the world physical domination Jesus was talking about overcoming a system which was in existence in his day and which is very widespread today and he when it says in Revelation that you must overcome as I overcame in Revelation 3:21 he wants you to be an overcomer of the world so if you don't know what the world is how will you overcome it if you don't know who your enemy is how will you ever overcome it if you don't know what it is this evil world from which Jesus delivered us you don't know what it is how are you going to be delivered from it you go to understand this is a cage that Jesus wants you to fly out from and he's opened the door but if you don't understand it you'll be trapped in that cage you yourself will lock up the cage and sit inside and flap your wings there are many people who are doing this Christians and they think they are free they are not free they are not pleasing to God okay now let's turn to 1 John and chapter 2 in 1 John chapter 2 it says here in verse 15 to 17 1 John chapter 2 verse 15 to 17 do not love the world nor the things in the world and this is not a life thing because it says if anyone loves the world the love of the father is not in him or as it says here in the other translation the love of the world squeezes out the love of the father and perhaps some of you have seen that that your love for Jesus which was once so fervent has been squeezed out by love for the spirit and the things of this world I mean that that's the sort of thing that leads so many people astray so you got to be careful that you don't allow this love for the world to squeeze out love for the father because it says in verse 16 all that is in the world and he defines it the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not from the father and it's very interesting how this is translated in certain other paraphrases sometimes lust of the flesh lust of the eyes pride of life doesn't mean much to us but it means wanting your own way wanting everything for yourself the lust to buy everything that you see wanting to appear important before other people that's what it basically means father's got nothing to do with all this and if you have any such desires and they are not killed you live in this case you know that the desire wanting to appear important before other people pride of life is part of the world and if you have that desire to want to appear important before other believers you are in a cage and you can flap your wings as much as you like inside that cage but you're trapped and that's why the Bible says always consider other people as more important than yourself Philippians 2 verse 3 he does not say consider others as most spiritual than yourself because that's not possible Jesus did not consider other people as more spiritual than himself Paul did not consider the Corinthians as more spiritual than himself some people try to pretend all others are most spiritual that's a lie if I see a car believer how can I imagine that he's more spiritual than me the Lord doesn't ask me to believe a lie but I can recognize that he's more important than me how do I prove that by washing his feet Jesus washed the feet of Judas Iscariot don't forget he washed the feet of Judas Iscariot not because Judas Iscariot was more spiritual but Jesus said all people in the world are more important than me I'm willing to wash their feet that was great this is the one we follow there was nothing of the world in him there was no desire to become a big person in the church or a leader or any such thing and all all the spirit of everything that tempts us with our eyes and many other things in the world Jesus overcame it and he tells us here we must overcome it too because the world and is passing away and also its lusts the desire to have this and have this and have this and have this and want this and want this and want this it's going to pass away but the one who does the will of God abides forever you see here the contrast in verse 17 is between two types of people the only two types those who do the will of God and those who want the way of the world it's radical Christianity that John is preaching at the age of 95 he says you either live for the world or you live out and out for the will of God there is none of this middle middle way Midway position that a lot of Christians think is acceptable to God where I'm don't live for the world and I don't want to do the will of God either John doesn't recognize that he who does the will of God abides forever and the opposite of that is you love the world so if you're not seeking to do the will of God that proves you love the world in some area because the will of God is contrary to everything of the spirit of this world now I want to tell you something that the spirit of the world penetrates every area when the Bible says that the devil is the ruler of this world it's like you know in India when the when the BJP was in power last year and the years before that they did things their way they passed certain rules they put certain people in certain positions in the bureaucracy in the police and all that to control things so that it will be according to their philosophy and then they got defeated and the Congress came to power and then they change all that they say now we've got to change all that I mean education policy and the history books are all reverted back and because this is that's not the way it should be so ruler means someone who's controlling various things it's not just sin the god of this world controls so many areas which we think are very innocent and if you don't have light on the schemes of sidon you'll find that not that you go to hell I'm not talking about going to hell I'm not just interested in going to heaven I want my life to count for God before I go to heaven so I want I'd say that the thing some of these innocent things in the world which have come in to christen them they don't send you to hell but they blunt your spiritual edge and you know when you have a blunt knife in your kitchen how difficult it is to cut anything there's a verse in Ecclesiastes in chapter 10 which says and I believe this is happening to many many believers nowadays it says in Ecclesiastes in chapter 10 verse 10 if the axe is dull and you don't sharpen the edge then you have to exert more strength but wisdom has the advantage of giving success wisdom is to recognize there the devil is not trying to make me sin but he's trying to blunt the edge of my axe and then I struggle struggle struggle struggle the tree is not getting cut so many believers who are not falling into sin who are priding themselves in the fact that we're living upright decent lives their spiritual sharpness has been blunted by the devil through worldliness which doesn't look like worldliness to them many people think that worldliness is going in seeing sexy movies well that is certainly worldliness but that's not the only form of worldliness if you watch clean movies so much that you don't have time to read the Bible your mind may not be polluted but your spiritual edge is blunted do you know that the entire entertainment industry in the whole world is controlled by the devil I don't know how many of you know that the entire entertainment industry in the world and he's got different levels of entertainment depending on how filthy you want to be if you want to be really filthy I suppose they've got these pornographic movies if you want to be less filthy you got r-rated movies and if you got if you want to be less filthy they've got other levels and if you want to be little clean but you wantyou god the devil wants to blunt your spiritual edge he's got movies for that too he's got various levels of entertainment the music world is under the control of the devil all levels of the depending on what you want I mean if you won't go for the lowest level you take some other level and when a Christian tries to imitate the music of the world saying that's the way we are going to attract young people to our church do you know what type of people you will attract to your church you will attract a whole lot of worldly young people who don't want to give up the world they just put a Christian whitewash on that worldly music and called it Christian I remember many years ago when I went to the northern part of Karnataka about nearly 40 years ago thirty-eight years ago and there years ago certain missions have gone missionaries had gone and there were people there who claim to be Christians well they were Christian by name and I discovered something very interesting before they were converted they used to sing songs to Krishna Krishna this and Krishna that and Krishna the other thing worship songs and when they became Christians it was just a change of one syllable Crysta now it was Krista this and Krishna that and Krishna the other thing that's about all they had suddenly become Christians it was very easy you didn't have to change much and the lifestyle remained the same and when I see a lot of so-called Christian rock and it reminds me of Christian adultery and Christian theft Christian murder Christian rock I can't understand it it's something funny to me how does it work what what is Christian adultery and what is Christian murder so I can't understand this Christian rock rock music is of the devil 100% I mean just look at the way the people look and their dresses and filthy songs they sing and the demon worship and the drug addiction that's connected with it and how they say that the proof of a good rock concert is how many chairs are broken in the in the hall that's the test of a good rock concert is that of God it's not even of man it's of the devil so how can you have a Christian rock like Christian adultery but there are Christians who are fooled by it I tell you I have to really say that Devils done a tremendous work he's done a tremendous work fooled believers left right and center taken away their spiritual sharpness that's why you don't have prophetic messages in the pulpits in our land today because people are afraid of offending the young people the young people will leave our churches I say let them go we'll get other young people who are interested in God who are interested in spiritual life who are interested in being disciples of Jesus you think there are no such young people in the world I've seen hundreds of them who want to follow Jesus those the only ones we want so we're not going to lower our standards in order to attract young people I've always said I never want to attract a person to my church by the music in the church no I want to attract people by the godliness and the humility and the fear of God that people see in our church I don't even want to attract them by the preaching preaching can be worldly - I have of late looked at a lot of the programs that come on Christian television nowadays just to understand what is the spirit behind it and I don't want to be critical of everything I'm saying I know there's a lot of good that comes out of many things which are not hundred percent according to God's will God uses many things so I don't question that but my point is I find a difference between the way the Old Testament prophets spoke and these preachers speak if you don't believe me read the Old Testament prophets try and get that spirit how they spoke to God's people and then compare the spirit of these people who are preaching in these Christian television programs there's a world of difference between the two world of difference I find that a lot of lot of Christian television is preaching psychology they study psychology and psychology teaches that people want certain things and they incorporate that like you take the worldly rock and make a Christian rock you take what psychologists teach in the world and put a Christian whitewash on it and that's what's being preached make people feel nice make people feel important make people feel secure and happy let them come to the meeting and go away feeling good happy jumping and rejoicing even though they're living in sin this is not how the old revivalists preached when people like Charles Finney preached people were weeping they were not shouting hallelujah they were weeping for their sin and they turned from their sin and became godly people today people live in their sin pursue the world after watching all these programs and many of you who watch these programs tell me I want to ask all of you who have watched Christian television did it make you once we for your sin once the all the hundreds of hours you've watched it why is that they don't want you to weep for your sin there's a tremendous deception in all this it's psychology psychologists don't make you weep psychologists make you happy don't be deceived by it that's all I can say I watched it enough to see the spirit behind it it does not lead people to repentance you hardly hear I mean I and all that I watched I never heard people preaching about repentance from sin give up your love of money stop lusting with your eyes get rid of your anger no I've heard people justify their anger saying you got to be angry and the excuse he made was God is angry oh it's a clever way to make people comfortable in their anger I'm not fooled by all this but I find so many people brainwashed it's a spirit of the world in it the spirit of psychology for the world I speak more that some other time but what I want to say is there's a tremendous program that Satan is unloosed loosed in the world Unleashed and loosed in the world in order to get people conformed to the spirit of the world while still thinking that they are disciples of Jesus because the moment if you get the idea where I'm not a disciple of Jesus now I'm following the world the devil's purpose is defeated he's got to make you think that you're a disciple of Jesus and make you thoroughly worldly Romans chapter 12 it says here in verse 1 and 2 don't be conformed to this world verse 2 Romans 12 verse 2 but be transformed by the renewing of your mind so there it teaches us that conformity to the world is in the mind and transformation into Christlikeness is also in the mind begins in the mind I mean if my transformation is only in my mind something is wrong the conformity to the likeness of Christ in my mind must translate into my daily walk into my speech even into the way I dress or the way I behave my attitude to money my attitude to people it's not just something that stays in the mind my mind controls my whole behavior it's exactly the same with conformity to the world conformity to the world now you know for many many years especially those who believe in being separated from the dead churches they preached against worldliness and most people's understanding of worldliness was the dress you wear you know you wear a white shirt or a white sari and you don't wear any ornaments then you're not worldly but some of these people who a dress like that were among the most worldly people I have ever met in my life because they love money they gossiped they back bit and they did all types of things like that they were thoroughly worldly but they had the devil fooled them that because they don't wear any ornaments and they know they were white clothes now they're very holy boy what a work the devil is done we've got to strip this deception away from the eyes of people and say you don't become holy like that now I'm not saying that conformity to Christ in the mind does not change our outward dress and behavior I'm not saying that but I'm saying it's not the outward that is important some time ago I made a study of the Gospels and it's a study I would recommend all of you who are serious about Bible study to do and it's very easy to do I did it in a very short time I read through the Gospels with a notebook beside me and I wrote down every subject that Jesus spoke on the first was repentance Matthew chapter 4 everything he preached everything he emphasized like he emphasized listening to every word that proceeds from the mouth of God in the temptation in the wilderness everything that be emphasized or spoke about I wrote down because I said these are the most important things that Jesus spoke about and if he repeated it a second time I put down that verse there and I made a complete study of it and I've got it with me and I won't give it to you because it'll make you lazy I want you to do it yourself and it'll benefit you more we're not going to give out any photo copies of that but do it it'll really help you and you know what I discovered that Jesus never once spoke about anything outward he never spoke about how you should dress or what you should wear or never and I discovered that so many Christians when they talk about worldliness that's all they speak about and they are so fussy about these external things but Jesus was different so he didn't even speak about church pattern it was not so important for him he and I it blessed my heart so much to see it because I realized what are the most important things in the New Testament and I saw what it means to break free from the spirit of this world for example let me show you a verse that Jesus spoke in John chapter 18 in John chapter 18 and verse 36 Jesus said to Pilate he said My Kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world then my servants would be fighting all people who fight for earthly things their kingdom belongs to this world when you're a Christian you don't fight for earthly things you fight for spiritual things we don't fight with human beings we fight with demons we wrestle not with flesh and blood I remember many years ago the Lord spoke to me from Ephesians 6 verse 12 after I experienced the baptism in the holy spirit and I came into this realm of spiritual warfare which I never knew anything about in all the years I was a believer before being baptized and Holy Spirit suddenly I was transported into the realm of the Spirit where spiritual warfare became important fighting against evil spirits and demons which most people know nothing about and I suddenly realized that in this warfare the Lord showed me in Ephesians 6:12 if you want to be effective in this warfare against evil spirits make sure that you never again fight with another human being we wrestle not with flesh and blood but with principalities and the world rulers of this darkness now if you want to fight with that the Lord said you've got to stop fighting with human beings for anything never fight with any brother never fight with your husband with your wife with neighbor anybody seek peace as much as you are can as much as possible within you and say I'm not going to fight perfectly things I'm going to fight evil spirits so this is a principle if my kingdom were of this world My servants would be fighting for the things in this world but Jesus would not fight for the things in this world he told the man whose brother was not sharing the family property with him said don't call me to resolve that dispute no I didn't come to the world to divide property so conformity to the world is in our mind and transformation also takes place in our mind and the only way transformation can take place is when I get a new value system in my mind now whether you know it or not all of us have got a certain value system in our mind you were born with a sinful nature that came from Adam through your parents but your value system you were not born with that know for example I'll prove that to you today you all value money does a newborn baby value money even a two-year-old doesn't value money you give him a 500 rupee note he'll just tear it up and throw it away and cling on to a 2 rupee rattle or something like that he doesn't have a sense of value that value system has come through the years you know for example the desire to impress others we're not born with that a little baby lying in a crib is not trying to impress anybody but as he grows up in the world he learns from his parents from others in his neighborhood from school to impress people to bluff people that he's better than he really is to cheat people it's it's a value system we have acquired and then as we grow up we see advertisements we watch television we come talk to people in school college and gradually our mind has acquired a certain value system and if you have not allowed your mind to be influenced by God's Word that value system is completely wrong and you'll never be spiritual I mean no matter how many meetings you go to because you're getting all this information but your life is being governed by another value system your value system determines the choices you make in life and if your value system is worldly that determines the choice you make I mean take a simple thing like a young girl going to a shop in commercial street to buy clothes and she looks at all the clothes there I'm not talking about Christians it could be Christians worldly anybody let's consider a worldly person person a thoroughly worldly person goes into that store and how does she select the dress she's got a certain value system you get an illiterate villager from some remote village in India and take her into that same shop and she'll be horrified at the dress selected by this young girl but she has got another value system where did this girl get this value system through city life through television through advertisements through movies through watching movie actresses and all the models on television she's acquired a certain value system it's not only girls boys get it you know we imitate certain heroes you see how young girls may want to comb their hair in a particular way because some model on television comes here hair like that it's a value system which is gradually influencing Christians now is there any sin in coming your hair like this not at all but don't forget that you are being influenced by an ungodly person don't ever forget that and the fashions of the world will nothing wrong nothing sinful essentially in them but if you allow this world system you know the devil puts in a little wedge very tiny end of a wedge and you say that's hardly anything I know it's hardly anything but he's going to hammer that wedge and gradually make that opening bigger that's exactly how he gets into the minds of a lot of our young people today through music through styles and so many things now the worldliness is not in the dress it's not in the music it's in the value system you've got in your mind and the only way to escape the world Jesus came to deliver us from the world is that in my mind I refuse to accept this value system and I'm not going to let these worldly people tell me how I should dress I remember one sister came to me and asked me young sister how should I dress I said imagine that you're going for a walk with Jesus Christ down the road and you're going to go and knock at the house of Jesus and say Lord I've come to have a walk with you how would you dress when you go to Jesus house to have a walk with him dress like that what rules did I say did I say your blouse must be so much length or your salwar kameez must be so much length I never said anything I said just dress the way you would like if Jesus was physically walking with you and you'll be comfortable walking with that dress go right ahead and wear it that you say well that leaves the door open for a whole lot of people dresses they like sure I'm not going to make rules it depends on their spiritual maturity if they want to live at a low level and say yeah Jesus doesn't mind my wearing all these tight dresses and exposing nearest parts of my body if that's your Jesus you better quoc with that Jesus but I don't think that's Jesus in the Bible that's all I say there are many Jesuses you know that the Bible speaks of another Jesus but you know it's not what we preach in CFC it's a question of your value system and that's why we have tried to liberate people in CFC from having to follow certain rules and I discovered that once we said well it's not in our dress and I all of a sudden I found a whole lot of young sisters wearing chains and your rings and all that I say wonderful they always wanted to wear it they were trapped in and now they feel free to wear it go right head and wear it it doesn't bother me if you think that's what glorifies God go right ahead and do it I mean my wife and I don't wear it not because we're squeezed in by some fear of anybody we've got a certain value system which we got from God's Word and while we give freedom to everybody else we're not going to change our value system no and we don't judge anybody else either that's the wonderful thing I'm not here to judge anybody nobody I mean whether they paint their lips or paint the ears or paint their nails or paint their toenails or paint their hair that's none of my business it's all a question of a value system the value system for me says whether you eat or drink 1 Corinthians 10:31 whatever you do do all for the glory of God I have got one value system and I'm not asking you to follow my me externally no I don't even tell my children to follow my standards externally I say I have certain values which I understand for myself I don't even tell my wife to follow it I have certain values myself we give freedom to each other whatever I do whether I eat or drink I must do for the glory of God even eating and drinking can become worldly let me show you that from Philippians and chapter 3 Philippians chapter 3 it says brothers verse 17 follow my example some people are afraid to say that I believe that if you're a servant of God you should be able to say to people follow me as I follow Christ follow my example observe all the others who are walking according to this pattern that you have in us for many walk of whom I have often told you they are the enemies of the cross of Christ whose God is their stomach their appetite is their God and they set their minds on earthly things so when your appetite for food becomes your God you are earthly minded that's what that verse says you become worldly minded by your attitude to food now you know Jesus enjoyed good food he enjoyed it so much that people called him a gluttonous man and a wine-bibber that means if Jesus was eating and he was hungry and somebody offered him a second helping he'd say thank you very much and he would take a second helping of course if he saw that there was enough food on the table for everybody else you've got to watch that before you take a second helping he was very considerate but he didn't have this idea that spiritual men never take a second helping that is all honor seeking we see a lot of people seek honor like that they really wanted but they act spiritual and say no thank you well Jesus said I'm hungry thank you so much I'd like to have a second healthy and people called him a gluttonous man but this gluttonous man was a man who could fast for 40 days also when necessary so if you have learned to fast then it's all right to peace otherwise you've got to watch your appetites your appetite can become your God that means food becomes so important to you that you complain when the food is not good up to the mark you fight with your wife she hasn't cooked a good meal it's important to you that food has become your God than your worldly you got a worldly mindset which tells you food is important it could be recreation we all need recreation we all need relaxation and different people find different forms of relaxation it could be music it could be sport any of these things can become a god when they are indulged into excess for example choir practice can become a God where quiet you spend hours in choir practice and you calculate the number of minutes you spend in reading the Bible during the week and you spend more time in improving your skills in music than in improving the condition of your spirit then you know that music that Christian music has become your God anything can become God it can Creek it can be your God where the cricket match is going on between India and Pakistan and you're just waiting for the sunday meeting to be over to go switch on the radio television to find out what the score is I couldn't care less who won the match I'm I want India to win don't forget I mean I'm a patriotic percent but on Sunday morning I couldn't care less for that I'm more interested in hearing what God wants to tell me and if the match is just about to finish let it finish I can go and find out later on what happened but I mean this is it's not going to be my god these are the little things I mean there's nothing wrong in watching a cricket match there's nothing wrong in wanting one side to win but there's everything wrong in that becoming so important to you that even God gets crowded out whether it's music whether it's reading you know even medical science today has come under the god of this world the old days medical science was supposed to help sick people great missionaries came here sacrificed so much established Christian medical colleges who are the ones studying in those Christian medical colleges today people who want to make money they are waiting for people to get sick so they get money can you imagine wanting people to get sick so that they can get money and the whole system of sending people to get scans and MRIs because you get a commission from those people as a doctor it's a racket that god of this world controls the medical field which is supposed to serve the poor the god of the world is controlled Christian ministry there are a lot of Christian preachers I don't know whether you know that some of these people you watch on television they will not go when invited to someplace unless you can guarantee them at least ten thousand dollars as a gift yeah it's true and that's at the low end there are other people who charge more this is a it's controlled everything I mean you may say oh it's so good to listen to that person you know what that person's attitude to money is I'd like to know that do you know that that person drives I mean travels always in a private five million dollar jet plane which costs three thousand five hundred dollars per day to maintain one and a half lakhs of rupees per day to maintain and you listen to that wonderful person's message on television say oh it's so wonderful uh-huh all I want to say is I'm not fooled money is a very important part of this system of the world with which the devil controls the world money and that's why Jesus said you cannot serve God and money and when you mix the two it's like oil and water they don't mix so I always want to know what is the person's attitude to money before I discover whether is a spiritual man it's not how wonderful things he preaches what's his attitude to honor what's his attitude to people is it the worldly attitude or is it the attitude of Jesus Christ do you think Jesus would ever say unless you give me ten thousand dollars I won't come for meetings there how can you ever believe that such a person is spiritual how can you ever believe that people who take money from poor widows and live in this grand style themselves whatever they may preach on television that they are spiritual how can you believe it unless your mind is also being corrupted by the god of this world dear brothers and sisters Jesus died to deliver us from this evil world system and this evil world system is infiltrating Christianity left right and center in every denomination beware he who has ears to hear let him hear let's break you
Views: 42,905
Rating: 4.8776979 out of 5
Keywords: Zac, Poonen, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: Q8O8i2kVujM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 11sec (3431 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2010
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