No-One Can Overcome A Disciple Of Jesus by Zac Poonen

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[Music] [Music] the difference between a spirit-filled Christian and every other person including those who say they are born again but not spirit-filled and unbelievers is the difference between a human being and a pile of dust look at your own children supposing your wife gave birth to a bag full of dust and a baby you see the difference that's the difference between a spirit-filled Christian and every other person on earth the reason why many Christians never never never come into the fullness of God's purpose for their life is they are satisfied with the things of dust gold is dust silver is dust that pretty face that you've seen a girl it's dust just let God take away that breath from that pretty girl give her a few years and you'll see it's dust there's nothing left there that's what the people of the world can't see we long for the things of dust gold and silver and houses and pretty faces and all that and we wonder why is my spiritual life like this it'll always be like this brother sister it'll be like this till you die till you value the breath of God more than dust when you say breathe on me breath of God fill me with life and you everything in me is worthless apart from your breath then what you accomplished through your breath let me recognize that without you I can do nothing let me recognize that I'm a nobody until you breathe and fill me with the Holy Spirit and then I become a son of God a daughter of God a very important person in God's eyes even though I may still be a nobody in the world may be a nobody in the church so what does it matter do you think it's only elder brothers who can accomplish something in a church let me give you an example supposing you have one of those good elder brothers who allow other people to share for a few minutes in the meeting and not one of these proud selfish elder brothers who occupy the whole meeting with their own long preaching but supposing you have a humble elder brother who feels that there are other brothers and sisters also here who can share something that will bless the church there are few elders like that not many but there are a few thank God so if you have one of those elder brothers and of course he may take a long time in the beginning maybe even takes 20 minutes half an hour and everybody's bored listening to him but he doesn't realize that himself and then somebody else shares and somebody else sharing somebody then you are the young brother who gets up maybe towards the end but you're anointed you're filled with the Holy Spirit and you speak only for two-three minutes because you're not given a chance for more than that but what you have to say in 2 3 minutes is so powerful and anointed it reaches people's hearts the next Sunday again your elder brother gets up and bores everybody for a half an hour and down the list and finally you get up at the end speak for two-three minutes let that happen for four or five Sunday's every Sunday people were waiting for you to get up they said we're waiting for the end of the meeting some people will even come late so that they can listen to you at the end of the meeting that is the result of the anointing why do you have to be an elder brother okay let's see you let's say you're in a church where the elder brother takes the whole time and doesn't give any time to anybody else because he's so self-important maybe you're one of those brothers who meets with others once in a while with other young brothers or visits a home once in a while and shares two three minutes they belong for your next visit they belong for the next time when you can meet with them and share something two three minutes with God spoke to you that is the result of the anointing nobody can suppress an anointed man is like trying to push wood under the water the moment you release your hand it will come up don't ever think that any man can suppress you it is impossible it is impossible I was in two churches in my younger days believers churches where those who were much older than me were jealous of my gift and ministry they would suppress me they would never let me speak well I don't blame them I was only 23 24 so what did I do I couldn't speak in the church because older people spoke there I went to the streets nobody can stop you from clicking on the streets I mean now it's a little difficult those days a little easier I would take a brother to translate for me and I would stand there and preach in the streets just three four minutes sing a chorus and everybody hangs around wonder what this madman is standing on the street corner and singing and now we're tell them about Jesus how he saved my life and go out a few tracks get on my scooter with this other brother behind me go to the next street corner and wait for all the people to gather around the madman who is singing and give the gospel again and in two years I covered that whole city I learned to preach on the streets and then sometimes I would visit a home far away some family would come to the church you mean so far away nobody wanted to visit that home so I'd go there and I would sit with just two three people share the word I didn't know much I knew the two plus two was four they didn't even know that so I taught them two plus two is four you know when we know little we can at least each that little if you go to slums you can even teach them ABC so some believers I like that they know hardly anything some of you are longing for big ministries that's your problem be faithful in what is literally and one day God will give you much be faithful in what is little so God is a plan for every one of us my brothers and sisters but you got to recognize that you're nothing I told you earlier that God allows us to fail and fail and fail and fail and fail and come to rock bottom and when you come there you learn two lessons one of those I already mentioned that I can never get victory no matter how hard I try it's like those disciples who went fishing I can fish left side right side front side back side I won't get fish I try try try try for six hours and I say okay you know if I can't get any fish and going home then the Lord comes cast your net on the right side and suddenly the whole boat is full of fish that's how we get victory when you come to rock bottom and you say it's hopeless there's no hope for me find the worst case of all the Lord says no you're ready for victory because when you get the victory you won't come to the shore with this bag full of fish and saying see what I caught you'll come with your head bowed and said I could catch nothing but the Lord gave me victory you will say that till the end of your life I've seen people who get victory and they get proud of it they fall again why do they fall again have you had that experience where do you get victory for a little while and then you fall again I'll tell you why there's only one reason to fall when you got victory you became proud of it God has to save us from pride it's no use God saving us from a 10-foot pit called anger or lust and you fall into a thousand-foot pit called pride that's not victory that's defeat that's what's happened to so many people you can get up and preach a good sermon one day and so many people are blessed and you get so puffed up that for the next one year your service sermons are all boring because God took away the anointing it's very easy for God to bless a man very difficult for God to keep him humble after he has blessed him it happened to me I remember in the early days sometimes I had experience in anointing and then I'd get buffed up and the next time I got if it was dry as a bone and I knew why I didn't even have to ask God God does not give His grace to the proud the greatest work God can accomplish in you you see if you can keep you humble after his blessed you and anointed you immensely given your victory given your ministry keeps you down in the dust before his face God's done a work but he cannot do that till you have failed and failed and failed and failed and failed and failed and you say Lord it's impossible I cannot catch fish then he'll fill your boat the second lesson that we learn when we have failed so much is this that we never despise another human being after that I can honestly say that today before God I do not feel I ran better than any other human being because I know how much I fellow I know God's done a tremendous work in my life imagine a man like me was we discouraged most of the time in our rejoicing every day of the year total work not itself is man who has defeated my thoughts God's given me purity God's able to control my tongue a man who used to get angry and upset and all that it's God it's 100% God I can't take any credit for it but when I look at another person who falls into sin I can say before God I don't despise him her dear husband's despise your wives I'll tell you why you have not hit rock bottom yet do your wives despise your husband for something I'll tell you why you have not hit rock bottom at you got miles to go before you come to a genuine life of victory you know that you have come to victory when you despise nobody you know that you're victorious that when you don't despise your wife when you don't despise your husband when you don't despise that other brother who has fallen so much you don't agree with them but you don't despise them you can look at everybody and say I was worse than that and God did a work in me so I have faith that God can do a work in that person too that's the mark of a man who's hit rock bottom I really believe my brothers and sisters until you hit rock bottom whatever victory you have will only be temporary shallow superficial only to impress others it will not be genuine don't be satisfied there are other people in your church think you're victorious that is worthless it's like painted gold wood painted to look like gold what's the use of that it says in the days of Rahab own you read that in the Old Testament when the enemy came and took away the gold shields he put some bronze shields to that look like gold to fool the people that is still here it wasn't there the enemy had taken it away very often we do that when the enemy has taken away our joy in our victory we still try to pretend that it's there it's not there you know a lot of people who are song leaders and a lot of charismatic churches they're great people at smiling and laughing and cracking jokes and all it's only for those few hours in the pulpit go and see how they live on Monday and Tuesday in their home there's no joy it's fraud a lot of these meetings where they whip people up to be emotional excited it's like putting soap into water and stirring it up there's a lot of bubbles go back a half an hour later there's nothing there I don't want to joy like that that comes like soap bubbles and disappears after a while that's not godliness there's a lot of the superficiality among Christians don't be satisfied that God is to allow you to become week week till you come to 0 and the proof of it will be you'll never be proud after preaching of an anointed sermon you will never be proud if somebody got healed when you laid hands on that person you will not be proud when you got victory and you will not despise any other human being you won't look down on the Roman Catholics you will not dig down look down on the CSI or people who have that knowledge you'll disagree with them you may not work with them but you will not look down on anyone you won't even look down on that Hindu idolaters or Muslim or anyone you will not look down on any other human being because you will say I'm the chiefest of sinners and God did a work in me why can't he do it in other people that's the mark of a man who's got genuine victory and God wants to bring every one of us there that's why he allows failure that's why he makes us weak that's why he allows so many circumstances in your life that appear to be frustrating you you blame people don't blame people it was God trying to break you and Humble you and then he'll give you wisdom he'll give you words of wisdom you give you a solution to the problems that you find in your life but it's in that low place you got a lie there with your dust mouth in the dust John the Apostle when he was 95 years old and he saw Jesus he immediately put his face in the dust imagine having walked with God for 65 years as a spiritual life in his face in the dust and I see brothers who haven't even walked with God for 2-3 years their face is all lifted up they haven't learned what John learned it's in the dust when your face is in the dust that the Lord says John I'm going to give you a message to these seven churches and he gave him when your face is in the dust he'll give you a message to many churches but you lift up your head and you won't hear him but you hear faces in the dust you'll hear his voice like a trumpet God makes us weak with the purpose this is the New Covenant in the Old Covenant is the mighty muscular Samson who could chase Philistines and lions and all that in the New Covenant it is Jesus who with one word could call 72,000 angels from heaven but would not use that word but would allow other people to kill him okay and I I love that word where it says Judas Iscariot I mean Jesus knew Judas Iscariot was a devil long before that but the one of the wonderful things about Jesus was he never sneaked on him he never told everybody else in the disciple I tell you who it is it's Judas Iscariot he kept quiet he knew this guy's a crook but he waited till God exposed him because there is a time for everything I've seen through the years some elders in our churches whom God finally exposed and removed them but I knew long before God removed them that there was something wrong with them I tried to tell them but they were too proud to listen to me I have sometimes told brothers I cannot stop you from backsliding but I think I'll be able to sense at least two three year to three months before you fall away that you're slipping out and I'll tell you most likely you won't listen to me but if you do it may save your life Jesus never exposed we're not called to expose let God expose them if you have a problem with the brother go and tell an elder brother don't gossip about him to others that elder brother may be able to help them but Christians very often gossip those are people who haven't hit rock bottom themselves they despise somebody whenever I see a believer despising another believer I say to myself brother sister you have not sinned enough in your life that's your problem you think you're a victorious Christian you have not hit rock bottom that's why you despise that person that's why you despise a brother or sister that's why you can't sit in a church and listen to a young brother speak you feel you're the only one who can teach the church here in Bangalore I have sat for many many hours listening to young brothers and I've been blessed not only here even in other places they are members of the body and God blesses me through them I don't believe that I'm the only person who can bless the body of Christ I don't have any such conceited opinion about myself many years ago we published a poem in our to an apart in our monthly paper which said if ever you think you're an indispensable very important person in your church and it's possible to some of you think you're very indispensable in an important person this is what you should do and any of you who think you're important you can do this it's a very simple procedure get a bucket of water put your hand right inside it and take it out and the hole that is left there is how much you will be missed when you're gone it's so difficult to meditate on that do it sometime put your hand into a bucket of water pull out your hand and you'll see a little hole there right that's how much you'll be missed God's work went on wonderfully before you were born before I was born and God's work will go on wonderfully long after you and I have left the earth it's not dependent on you or me don't ever have such a conceited idea that you are so important for God's work only Jesus is important and when you recognize that you're a nobody then you will become very important in God's work that's the person God takes nobodies and makes them somebodies but even when they have been made somebodies they still think there are nobodies that's how John was that's why at 95 he was on his face in the dust they said this is God's Way they couldn't understand it that in the Old Testament Elijah said Lord I am the only one there's nobody left in Israel but me that same man says take away my life and the Lord says there are seven thousand people you don't know about them who have about the need to be all he thought he was the only one who was not burning out of there he didn't know but in the New Testament it wasn't it wasn't like that Jesus looked at his disciples where the last suck as the Last Supper and he said who is greater the one who's sitting at the table or the one who serves the food you know the one sitting at the table is greater he says you are the great people I'm serving you read that in Luke 22 oh lord give us elder brothers like that who will look at the people and say you're the great ones I'm here your servant to serve you you know in many of our Indian homes we have servants maid servants who work who scrub the floor maybe wash the dishes wash the clothes and I have meditated on the attitude of these servants in a home I've learned more by watching them than by watching great preachers and elder brothers because I saw I know that my Savior was a servant and we don't see many servants among today's preachers or elders I hardly find preachers and elders who have the spirit of a servant so what to do when I don't find examples among elders and preachers I look at real servants who are unconverted how they work in the home you never see them and the visitors and guests come around the food is on the table but nobody knows who cooked it the floor is clean but nobody knows who cleaned it and they're always the clothes are all washed and ironed but nobody knows who did it that's a servant sometimes it's a wife who does that with the spirit of a servant but that I have learned from the greatest servant is the one who does something and disappears and you you don't know who did it he doesn't eat you probably you know it and if God wants to really bless you make you great he will make you do something and let somebody else get the credit for it you did that difficult job and everybody thought it brother X or sister why did that and they say they even announced it brother X and sister why I did a great job they didn't do it you did it and you sit there and say hallelujah they didn't even know that I did that can you say that Oh will you get up and say hang on it wasn't six it was me you may not say that but you got that feeling why in the world don't they appreciate me you know we haven't understood God's ways I have meditated on God and atheists have you ever meditated on God in atheists very good subject to meditate on there is a God who has created this universe how is it there are so many thousands of atheists real atheists who say there is no God because God has hidden himself so wonderfully that the atheist thing there's no God this verse in Isaiah 45 it says Oh God truly you're a God who hides yourself I think it's verse 15 or something you're a God who hides yourself and I said Lord that's your way the ways of God to hide yourself he creates a universe such a beautiful universe look at the sunset for example look at these beautiful flowers God made it but you don't find him every morning shouting at sunrise hey fellas it's me you atheists it's me I mean if God had done that every every morning there'd be no atheists anywhere in the world so when I meditate on God in atheists I learn something that God is not interested in the opinion or atheist whether he exists or not supposing somebody says brother's acronym does not exist make me stop existing and so some stupid atheist says God doesn't exist it doesn't make a difference God is still there but what I learned from it is God's nature is to do something and not blow a trumpet and say hey I did this have you learned God's ways have you learned from the servant to do a work and hide yourself and let other people get the credit for it that's a man of God who doesn't question God about anything Lord that's fine let other people have it better and let me not have it like that that's fine you know once the Lord taught Peter in John chapter 21 that when you're old John 21 verse 18 19 you'll be led away he was talking about the way he was going to be crucified you're gonna suffer and it's not suffering is not pleasant for anyone and when Peter heard it and he looked at John and said what about him is he going to suffer and Jesus said let me paraphrase his words Peter mind your own business supposing I want him to live for 2,000 years till I come back again what's that to you you follow me don't worry about whether he's following me or not or how long he's gonna live or whether he has a cushy time and you have a difficult time do you find that problem with yourself not why is it I as a believer suffer so much with that fellow is also wholehearted believer but he seems to have a cushy life that was Peters problem what about this man do you ever ask that question what about this brother do you find yourself comparing yourself with other people and saying why is he having an easy time and me having a rough time you have not been broken yet and that's why your life is up and down and it'll keep on being up and down until you stop comparing yourself with other people and say Lord you have given me the privilege of suffering but maybe you've give him an easy life that's fine it's quite okay with me the tables were reversed in Acts chapter 12 in Acts chapter 12 it was Peter who had the cushy time and somebody else who had the rough time in John 21 it was the other way around where Peter was told he was going to suffer and dying and John the Lord said well that's up to me whether I give him a cushy easy life but in Acts chapter 12 you find a different the opposite it says here that James the brother of John verse 2 had it caught him and put him to death with a sword that means chopped off his head and all the Jews were delighted that Herod killed one of the apostles of Jesus and when he saw that it pleased the Jews acts 12 3 he said ok let me arrest Peter also but now it's the days of unleavened bread this is not the time to kill him I'll keep him for one or two days and then I'll kill him after that as soon as the Passover is over and he delivered him to four squads of soldiers that means quite a number of so 16 soldiers 16 Roman soldiers to guard one man and Peter was kept in prison locked up but on the same night before Herod was going to kill him the next morning when Peter was sleeping chained to the guards with all these 16 soldiers and doors and gates and all in front an angel of the Lord woke him up and said get up and the chains fell off put on your shoes he did so verse 8 and he went out and he didn't know whether this is a vision or real and he passed through the first guard and the second guard and came to the iron gate when the iron gate opened by itself and he went out and went into the street and the angel and Peter said hey now I know the Lord has rescued me and then he walked towards the house of Mary the mother of John Mark where many people were gathered and praying for him verse 12 and now he began to think hey why did he kill James why didn't the angel come five days earlier or one week earlier and get James out of prison why me do you ever ask that question when we suffer and other people are not suffering somebody else's child is healed my child is sick you say Lord why me we always tend to ask the Lord the question why me when we are suffering but we never ask the question when the Lord blesses us in a way other people are not blessed Lord why me why have you blessed me these other people are not blessed see that is part of our selfishness like someone said don't ever ask the question why me when you suffer if you don't ask the question why me when you're blessed have you ever asked yourself the question when you've been blessed abundantly beyond other people when you've got a job when you didn't expect it when you get a salary that you don't expect do you ever say Lord why me if you don't ask that question don't ask it when you suffer and Peter goes to the house of Mary and they have a prayer meeting and he goes into that prayer meeting and it says verse 17 he told them all to be silent and he gave his testimony this miraculous way and sitting there in that prayer meeting his salomi the mother of James and she's listening her her son died just one week earlier beheaded by Herod and she's sitting listening to how the angel came and delivered Peter what do you think going through her mind what would go through your mind if you were the mother of James and your son who was equally wholehearted apostle his head was chopped off and this apostle comes out of the prison delivered supernaturally what will go through your mind I know what will go through your mind why me Lord why my son Peter's so happy his wife is so happy but me last week you could have sent an angel Lord and delivered James my son he said because you've got thousands of apostles in the world that you did not need this one this is one of the twelve dear brothers and sisters God's ways are not our ways you asked me why did the angel who delivered Peter why didn't God send that same angel one week earlier to deliver James I can answer that very easily in three words I don't know there are many questions I can answer in three words many questions in life I can answer in three words I don't know but I know one thing God is a good god and he's all wise he never makes a mistake and one day when I see him face to face and he explains to me why James was killed and why Peter was released I will bow before him and say father my stupid mind could not understand because I was limited now I see your wisdom and I agree with you hundred percent I could not understand why on earth that person's child was answered he healing got healing in answer to prayer and my child not only didn't get healing but died I couldn't understand it on earth Lord and like a fool I complained but today you explained to me why you did it Oh Father forgive me for all that complaining now I see that your way was perfect the man of faith will say it now the man who lives by sight will say it when he gets to heaven your way is perfect you live by sight or by faith the man of faith will say right now I don't know why God doesn't heal some people some children they die my limited human wisdom says perhaps that child may have grown up and lived for the devil and gone to hell out of love for me took away that child so that be in heaven so that I could spend eternity with that child in heaven that could be a reason and when I get to heaven I say thank you Lord for that child thank you for that child I don't know why you took it away when it was so small but now I see I'll tell you one thing when we get to heaven those of us who do get there if you're faithful to Jesus you will get there if you play the fool you won't but if you get there you will see one thing that every single little little little thing down to the hair on your head was perfectly God's Way every you know that verse where Jesus said the hairs on your head are numbered as you can realize has got a great value for somebody like me I believe that every hair on my head is numbered I started losing my hair when I was about 20 years old and I didn't start worrying or who will marry me now my hair is all gone or what do people think of me I said long I don't understand but I'm not gonna worry about it I can't do anything about it and I used to wear this navel cap all the time we had to wear and that made me perspire on my head so much that I even lose more hair after that and then but I saw one advantage even in those days when I was 23 years old see when a young 23 year old I mean if a young 23 year old got up here and started speaking how much would you listen to him ah this 23 year old I'm waiting for 71 year old brother Zack to speak well it's 2300 guy what's he got to say him isn't that your attitude when some young person gets up be honest what has he got to say I'm double his age what can he teach me that shows your spiritual poverty that shows how blind you are to the ways of God that you think a 23 year old can teach you nothing may God have mercy on you and bring you to the place where you realize you're not as great somebody you're a nobody I'm happy to listen to young people I learn a lot from them when I remember when I was 23 years old and I would get up in these big conventions and I would I thought Lord whoa who was gonna listen to me they see that I'm 23 years old but they thought I was 38 because I was bald great this is wonderful now they listened to me I could see one reason and then later on when it came to my time of my marriage it was even more exciting I said this is wonderful Lord now no girl will want to marry me first of all I don't have much hair and second I don't have any salary I don't have any money I don't only income I'm serving the Lord trusting God for my needs it's got to be really some girl who's only interested in spiritual things would marry somebody like me it's good to be in that place so that I I didn't have to worry about I didn't have some I mean I didn't have people running after me wanting to marry me like some of you have I was very thankful and God gave me the best what I want to say is this God never makes a mistake even the hair on your head is numbered with a purpose every little thing that happens along the way I had a court case against me for 10 years it was one of the greatest blessings that came into my life I learned how to be free from fear I learned how to trust God there's absolutely nothing that anybody has ever done against me or that's happened to me accidents or anything which didn't have a purpose everything I remember once when I was hospitalized for a few days but something that God could have healed in a moment and I prayed and prayed and prayed and God didn't hear to me so I had to go to a hospital and get it treated I was there for ten days and I said Lord why didn't you heal me without coming here you're Almighty and the Lord said to me very clearly I could have healed you very easily but it's not for healing that I brought you here I want you to lie down in this bed you've been running around so much that I hardly get any time to talk to you now you have to lie down here and listen so I lay down there one advantage of lying in a hospital bed is you can only look up in there haven't that's great I kept looking up and said Lord okay tell me if that's the case it's fine I'm happy to stay or 100 days and he spoke to me and he spoke to me and spoke to me there only twice in my life only twice in my life where I've heard God speaking so clearly it was almost like dictation word-for-word holy twice one was way back in 1975 and the other was that time in 1984 and so I decided to write down everything God was I've written many books but the closest to dictation that I ever came was when I wrote that article lying in that hospital bed little by little every day called God needs men about 50 things that God spoke to me and I wrote it down that's a little track and it's it's in that book called new wine and new wineskins one of the chapters and also a new covenant servant but I saw then God's ways are not our ways I feel it was like that with the Apostle Peter Apostle Paul he had so much God had done in him but he wouldn't he wouldn't have time to write anything he was always on the goal always running or going here there going all the time preaching in this some other place to go and some other church to be established some other here there that we would never had a single episode from Paul God said this man has got so much content that I want Christians to learn from him for 2,000 years so what to do let the devil lock him up in prison he won't be able to run around anywhere so he's locked up in prison so what to do I better write something and that's how he got Philippians and that's how he got some of the episodes think what you have missed it Paul was not in prison there was another reason you know Paul would be tied to these Roman guards for eight-hour shifts and the God would ask you ask Paul hey why are you in prison did you murder somebody so you ask me the question right now I'm gonna tell you and the whole gospel and the chef can't escape you know in our meeting somebody can get up and go with fellas chained for eight hours he has to listen and he goes on and he asked questions at the end of eight hours he's accepted the Lord he says wonderful he said now next fellow comes he's chained for eight hours and so shall I tell you why I'm in prison and that God doesn't know what he's in for eight hours sermon and he gets it this is how so many people were saved it says there in Philippians people were saved God doesn't make a mistake even when he puts his children in prison God doesn't make a mistake in anything that he does his ways are perfect when people misunderstand you it is in order to help you to be free from their opinions he sees that you're such a slave to people's opinions that he allows people to have a wrong understanding about you to misunderstand you to tell lies about you to accuse you of things which you never did what will you do defend yourself like the Pharisees and justify yourself before men now be a man of God a woman of God and say Lord I live before you I bow before you and say you're gonna make me more like Jesus at the end of this do you know what they said about Jesus I'll just show you one example I don't have too much time John chapter eight you'll be encouraged read the Bible slowly and you discovered this yourself but anyway let me show it to you John chapter 8 you know when the Pharisees wanted to insult the Jews the Jews when he they wanted to insult him the Pharisees and the Jews who were upset with him they said to him John 8 verse 41 the middle they said to Jesus we were not born of fornication fornication is different from adultery fornication is with a young unmarried girl has sex with a man and if a child is born that's not adultery adultery is when you have sex with a married person who's not your wife or husband fornication is before marriage so what they're saying is let me complete the full sentence they didn't say the full sentence we were not born of fornication like you everybody knows about your mother nobody knows who your father is that's the point it was a dick we were not born of fornication then they go on to say verse 48 you're a Samaritan that's like a high caste person in a religion telling her you're said you kidding cos you're a low caste person you're not upper caste like ice then have a color of your skin you're a low caste first that's what they called him but that's the meaning of Samaritan you know a demon how many Samaritan we are sure you got a demon you got a demon you said I don't have a demon verse 52 we know for certain now that you have a demon has anybody spoken to you like that do you know I'll tell you something you have never faced an insult in your life that Jesus never faced you've never faced a temptation in your life that Jesus never faced that's what encourages me my Savior will never ask me to take a footstep that he did not take himself I remember the first day I had to go to court and I was all scared I'll tell you honestly I was scared just like you throw a man who doesn't know swimming into a river he be scared he doesn't know what to do I didn't know how to do it was 59 years I had never been to court so when I went in there I said I don't know Lord this is like a man who's being thrown into a river I don't know how to swim I don't know head or tail about law or anything and there's a lot of corruption in these law courts and the Lord said to me I have been taken to court before you religious people took me to court and if you look here you will see my footsteps I changed my whole attitude the very first day I saw Jesus footsteps there and I walked into I'll tell you honestly there was no happier person in that court that day than me I looked at everybody at I smiled and looked at the judge and smiled and he was wondering who this guy is it was a wonderful experience and our brothers were there I mean a wonderful fellowship together and prayer meetings those are some of the best days of my life I miss it now to tell me honestly you asked those brothers who come with me we used to come with me record a we really missed those days see how God could turn the tables on the devil there you cannot push down a man who's walking with God you can try your best you kill him God will raise him up after three days that's it you could not fight with Jesus Christ and as Jesus Christ is sorry in the world he will only love you you're killing me and say Father forgive them that's what I did I grabbed this person who took me to court saying god bless you may forgive you for all that you've done so I say you cannot be defeated it's like would you try your hardest to push wood into the water it'll come up do you know a child of God is like that you know your life can be triumphant why are you so gloomy and hanging down ahead down like some Old Testament person who's there oh god you know some people read the Psalms and they say Lord I am so disturbed now when you read the Psalms I tell you a lot of people read the sounds because it says their Lord smash my enemies kill them don't even spare their babies and all that what are you praying for I look at my enemies as the lusts in my flesh that's what I pray Lord kill him all these lusts in my flesh I don't have human enemies no I don't have a single enemy somebody once asked me how many friends do you have in India I said about 1.2 billion they keep increasing every year I don't have any enemies I mean somebody may treat me as an enemy but I don't have any enemies my only enemy is the devil because the Word of God says you V wrestle not with flesh and blood the only wrestle with principalities and powers I thank God for the day that came in my life many years ago when I decided I will not hate anybody I will not have a human enemy I will not fight with flesh and blood let them steal whatever they want from me I will not fight for property I will not fight for money I will not fight for anything I'm gonna concentrate all my energies on fighting the devil and the results had been fantastic it's made me triumphant the devil will flee if you are like that I'll tell you you speak one word and the devil will flee you say in Jesus name get out he will get out the weakest believer sitting here if you make one decision in your life Lord all of my life is God's everything I have belongs to you I'm not gonna clutch onto my property my inheritance and everything that I got from my dad some of you maybe got a rich inheritance from your dad and you're so happy that you are so rich no wonder your spiritual life is so miserable give it to God open your palm and say Lord you can take it away if you want I don't want all that I want to live for you and decide that you will never ever keep on thinking about your assets and your money and how it's increasing and prosperity and all that and your ucv useless for God put your mind on the things above I remember in the early days when I started Luke doing a little business with investment to support myself and I found in a little while that hey I was making some money to support myself and the Lord said don't put your mind too much on that I'll take care of that and I'll give you enough for your monthly needs and I decided that day I will not have my mind on my investments I'll have my mind on the kingdom of God and I'm glad I decided that more than 30 years ago otherwise otherwise I'd have destroyed myself and I wouldn't have built a church and I believe there are many of you your mind is on the wrong thing otherwise God could have done mighty things through you in the last 25 years you're satisfied with a little bit he did oh thank God he did this little bit he could have done a hundred times more if your mind was not on those things of Earth when you learn a lesson at least now he could have done a hundred times more if you had not been fighting with flesh and blood if you had stopped fighting with your wife and stopped fighting with your husband and stop fighting with other believers if you're finished with all that and say Lord I'm not involved in a fight I want to fight with the devil full stop do you know how much more many of us I know God has done a little bit through you I want to say God could have done a hundred times more instead of one little Trickle coming out of your life that would have been a river and many rivers in many directions if you had given all to him and said Lord I will never hold on to anything the things I have I will hold in an open palm if Judas Iscariot comes and steals some of it okay and it's up to him you think somebody can steal something of mine without God's permission the Angels guarded he's got millions of angels guarding my property my bank account and if a Judas Iscariot comes and takes something it's because God has opened that door and said Judas go ahead and take some you read that in the book of Job God put a hedge around Jove a hedge around his family and a hedge around his property and then when go and opened a hedge the devil could come in once you believe that you're addressed we are so possessive and protective of our family in our property and all that leave it to the Angels brother they'll take better care of it and say Lord I'm not gonna be worried about all that my job is to build the church my job is to fight against the devil my job is to listen to this to establish the victory of Christ in the territory of the devil that's my job wherever I go to establish the victory of Christ in the territory of Satan and the world is full of the territory of Satan and God sends me one person they're not to convert the whole world but to establish the victory of Christ to manifest that you cannot crush me no matter what you do I will not be your slave I will not be the slave of any rich man I will not be the slave of my relatives there'll be no partiality in my life be like that my brothers and sisters God needs you I tell you God needs every one of you I'm greatly encouraged by that word in the Gospels where it says when Jesus had to ride into Jerusalem and he needed a donkey and supernaturally he was guided told the disciples go to that place and you'll find a donkey and it's cold there bring it and if anybody asks you why are you taking this donkey just say one word the Lord has need of him that words encouraged me Lord you needed a donkey the Lord has need of him well even if I'm like a donkey stupid the Lord has need of him I'm available Lord right on me and when people throw their coats in front of me and honor me let me remember that it's not the donkey they are honoring they're honoring Jesus was riding on are you so foolish when people praise you and they throw that quartz down before you and the donkey says eh I've never experienced this before it must be a pretty important donkey but the moment Jesus got off the donkey and the donkey walked like nobody bothered about it hey where's everybody gone where all the coats on the ground all disappeared because Jesus is no longer on you don't ever get conceded in the Lord uses you or people honor you because you were a blessing to them that's because Jesus is on you just remain in that humble place and say Lord I'm just a nobody I feels I say that so often because I I'm so grieved when I see so many believers God uses them and they get puffed out I'm sorry to say some my own fellow elders I don't see them with the same broken humble spirit that that was in them when I first met them there were nobodies then today many of them have got a I've done something you've got a name but they're not with their face in the dust anymore you sense that you know I'm sort of a little important I get invited to the elders meetings and there are others waiting saying I want to be invited to the elders meetings do you want to be a blessing to God oh you want to get invited to elders Middies you want to be a blessing to people you don't need to get invited to elders meetings to be a blessing to people or to build the church oh what a lot of wrong things Christians seek for let's bow our heads before God brothers and sisters and let me put the devil to shame let's pray thank you Father for teaching us something of your ways in these days and in those areas where we cannot understand to bow and say God's ways are perfect I don't understand why he didn't like this but I will say by faith his ways are perfect and if I have to suffer I will learn obedience in my suffering like my Savior did Oh father we pray this will not be a temporary feeling that many people have but a permanent education that many of us have God that'll change the whole course of our life from this day onwards we pray in Jesus name
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Keywords: Zac, Poonen, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 29sec (3449 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 19 2011
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