Freedom From Sin by Zac Poonen

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[Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] okay we're going to have six Bible studies during these evening sessions - this evening and - tomorrow evening in - on the third evening so we're going to study a six fold freedom that God has for all his children there are many things we need to be free from but I want to mention the things that are most important that the Bible speaks about as primary in our Christian life so first of all let's turn to Psalm 124 Psalm 124 we read now I want to apply this to the life of the believer your life my life where it says I want to read it like that had it not been the Lord who was on our side let every child of God now say that had it not been the Lord who was on our side when Satan and men and the lusts in our flesh rose up against us then they would have swallowed us up alive because the anger of Satan is being kindled against us because we became God's children then the waters of spiritual depth would have engulfed us and the stream would have swept over our soul the raging waters of death would have swept over our soul but blessed be the Lord he did not leave us alone he did not abandon us defenseless to be torn by their teeth and listen to this our soul has escaped as a bird out of the snare of the trapper the snare is broken and we have escaped we have escaped from the cage from the snare our help is in the name of the Lord who made heaven and earth name of Jesus is the one through which we concur and I want to think of you know when you think of that picture there that bird escaping from the cage we see six pages from which God wants us to escape and we want to look at them one by one and the first cage is the cage of sin now that is most important because we live in a world today where in Christianity in general sin is not considered to be the greatest enemy of the believer if you look at a lot of Christian television today and a lot of books that are being written you don't find an emphasis on sin as being the most serious thing of all it's poverty or sickness that is considered to be the serious problems that believers are facing and the great danger of watching Christian television that emphasizes this so much is that after some time you will really believe that your biggest problems are poverty and sickness now I'm not saying poverty and sickness are not problems I'm saying they are so small compared to sin that's what many people don't understand and that's what many people don't realize it's like saying cancer is more serious than a injury or even a broken bone a broken bone is serious it's not as serious as cancer a broken bone won't kill you cancer can kill you so if you contrast cancer with a broken bone that's something like sin versus poverty and sickness so I'm not saying that God's not interested in the minor problems but the great danger of believers concentrating on the minor problems is even if they get delivered from those minor problems they still die from the major problem so in a world in a Christendom that does not emphasize sin or define what sin is or explain how we can be free from sin or tell us how to overcome our lusts it's important that in our churches we major on that because that is what the New Testament majors on the Old Testament did not major on freedom from sin it's very important to understand that you don't see worse is like sin shall not have dominion over you in the Old Testament and the Old Testament majored on being free from poverty being free from sickness being free from earthly enemies on getting a large area in which Israel could live Israel defeating its earthly enemies you never find anyone in the Old Testament fighting the devil the first person who thought the devil was Jesus Christ nobody till then not Moses not Elijah Elisha fought the prophets of bale and the Israelites fought the Amalekites and many other i'ts but never Satan and the mark of God's blessing upon Israel was that they would prosper financially and that the Lord was their healer they would not get sick that was the Old Covenant Blessing and we can see how clearly it is the Old Covenant gospel that is being preached around the world today and that is what carnal people want you know a baby doesn't know how serious cancer is you go to some illiterate villager even in India she doesn't know what cancer is she's more worried about a broken bone she says cancer x-ray showed cancer I couldn't care less about that fix my broken bone but if you got cancer and a broken bone you'd want your cancer faced because you know the truth and they don't know the truth that cancer is more serious than a broken bone I want to ask you how many of you really believe that sin is worse than sickness how many of you really believe that anger is worse than cancer how many of you would be desperate to get rid of anger like you would be desperate to get rid of cancer I tell you even in our churches there are very few how many people are interested in getting rid of gossiping evil speaking bitterness and unforgiving attitude jealousy pride telling lies in small things how many people believe that these are all much much more serious than tuberculosis aids leprosy cancer and all the other imaginable diseases that you can think of I'll tell you why these are more serious the Bible says in Revelation 21 all Liars will go to hell it doesn't say all cancer patients are all lepers will go to hell anywhere it doesn't say anywhere that people with AIDS will go to hell but it does say all Liars will go to hell it does say God fights against proud people pride is such an evil that God fights against them he doesn't say God fights against Liars they just go to hell but God fights against proud people even when they are on earth but nowhere does it say God fights against people who got cancer or God fights against people who are poor that shows that poverty and sickness are not as bad as pride how many of you believe that any type of pride you think pride is found only in the unbeliever no it's found in so many believers all of us what delighted to know about how our sins can be forgiven but that is only step one there are three stages like there are three tenses in grammar past present future in the same way there are three stages in God's saving us from sin the most important evidence that sin is the main thing that the deliverance of freedom from sin that's the cage we need to escape from is found in the fact that the very first promise in the New Testament is Matthew 1:21 Jesus will save his people from their sins and the angel told Joseph you shall call his name Jesus for this reason so the very fact that we take the name of Jesus means that we have understood he is called Jesus because he came to save me from my sin and do you know when I get saved for my sins I get saved from a lot of secondary problems including abject poverty and a lot of sicknesses it's true the principle holds good you seek the kingdom of God first and the things of Earth will be added to you in the Old Testament it was not like that they were told to seek the kingdom seek earthly things and they would get it but Jesus came with another law you know when John the Baptist came he came with a completely new message now when a paraphrase his words he says all of you Israelites for 1500 years your prophets have told you that you can have a kingdom on earth Keenan's lands that you can have earthly blessing your enemies defeated the Philistines the Amorite the mob is all defeated you can have many other earthly blessings like prosperity you can have plenty of children your barns will be blessed your fields will be blessed your cattle will be blessed the promise was even your capital won't have miscarriages your wives won't have miscarriages and you will always be the number one nation on earth if you obey God and you won't get any sickness you read in Deuteronomy 28 you won't get any madness or blindness or any of such thing if you obey God and you'll be blessed wherever you go earthly wise John the Baptist says but now I am preaching another message the kingdom of heaven is near it hasn't yet come till now for 1500 years you had a kingdom of Earth with earthly blessings but now another kingdom is coming the kingdom of heaven it was going to come on the day of Pentecost Jesus was going to prepare the way for it and lay the foundation the kingdom of heaven and therefore you need to repent you need to turn from sin and to the most religious people of his time John the Baptist said I will not baptize you because I don't see any fruit in your life towards turning away from sin I mean you fellows are prosperous and you fellows are healthy that's great but I can't baptize you just because you're prosperous and healthy that's an Old Covenant gospel I'm preparing people for the kingdom of heaven and then Jesus came and he preached the kingdom of heaven is near kingdom of God is coming some of you who are standing here will see the kingdom of God coming with power and they did see it on the day of Pentecost the kingdom of God came with power and since that day the kingdom of heaven is preached but today we have preachers who have reverted back to that Old Testament gospel of the kingdom on earth of having God blessing us with better property and reddick cars and more money and all that diverse stealth and many of you have heard it and those are the most popular books in the Christian book shops yet the Word of God still stands true you shall call his name Jesus because he came for one purpose to save his people from their sins so as I said salvation has got three tenses salvation from the guilt and the penalty and the punishment for sin from the wrath of God because of all the sins we have committed in the past that's past and salvation and then salvation from the power of sin present tense as long as we are alive from the power of sin pulling us down so that we do not sin and then in the future tens salvation from the very presence of sin where we will come into a life in heaven when Jesus comes back where we will not even be tempted where there will be no sin in thought word deed unconscious attitude motive no part of us every part of our being will be completely free from sin that's something we look forward to but we need to deal with the past and present very clearly so that's what I want to look at first of all concerning the past and I want to turn to Romans in Chapter three Romans is the great book that talks about freedom from sin the number one cage that the bird has to escape from Romans chapter 3 we read here in verse 24 no sorry not 24 first of all he speaks about and passing over in the last part of verse 25 a passing over of the sins previously committed so when God deals with our past sins he first wipes out our past sins he forgives them he cleanses them he tells us that Christ has paid the punishment for our sin I don't know whether all of you have thought sufficiently about the death of Christ I have meditated on it for many many years from my earliest new birth experience and as time has gone on I've got more and more light on what Jesus actually underwent on the cross see many people only think that he physically died for our sin but if I were to ask you is physical death the punishment for your sin tell me because God is a just God and if physical death is the punishment for my sin and if I have sinned all my life God says you got to be punished you got to be killed physically I died one day I paid the punishment and then when I am resurrected I have to go to heaven because I died I paid the punishment for my sin is that the punishment for sin do we tell sinners if you keep on living in sin you'll die physically no have you thought through it what is the punishment for sin is it burning physically in hell with fire burning my body Jesus told a story of a rich man who was in hell in Luke 16 where was his body have you thought of that his body was in the grave on the earth he was in hell before they conducted his funeral while they were conducting his funeral and the bishop was saying he was a good man this guy was already burning in hell but how is he burning not with a body what went to hell his soul his spirit and in his spirit he felt a burning and he thought hey I want you know because all his life on earth he felt burning means I need water he thought he had a tongue he didn't have a tongue I've heard of people who got their left hand amputated and they still get scratchy and suddenly they discover a I don't have a left hand because the brain and never forgets that you once had a left hand and you've been scratchy on your left hand even after it's amputated so this guy in Hell thought he still had a tongue and he said get me some water my tongues burning wasn't his tongue that was burning his tongue was on earth in the coffin it was his spirit that was burning what does it mean for the spirit to burn it means to be forsaken by God he had never experienced that on earth that is hell to be forsaken by God one day the Bible says in the future all unbelievers will also be resurrected you read that in Revelation 20 they will stand before God and then read carefully they will be cast not into hell but into the lake of fire their spirits will come out or he'll rejoin their resurrected bodies they'll stand before God the books will be opened every sin they've committed will be played from the video tape of their memory onto the screen and they'll be judged according to the deeds they committed and then their spirit which was in Hell which is in their body again now will be thrown not into hell but into the lake of fire so strictly speaking nobody's body ever goes to hell that's in the Bible if you haven't read it carefully you probably don't know that but nobody's body ever burns in hell it burns in the lake of fire it says Hell itself is cast into the lake of fire read Revelation chapter 20 so how many you read my book good foundation it's all there but why I want to say is that that is the punishment for sin and to be forsaken by God and not just for one or two days but for eternity that's what we tell unbelievers if you live in sin you'll be forsaken by God for eternity now my question is did Jesus take the punishment for your sin or not that's very important for me to know I can never be free from the feeling of my guilt if I don't know that Jesus took the entire punishment for my sin and the wonderful thing is he did that is why he cried out on the cross my god my god the only time in his life he ever called his father God because there he was standing not as a son before a father but as a criminal for sins he had never committed like it says in Psalm 69 I repaid what I had not stolen my sin was put upon him and the Bible says in 2nd Corinthians 5:21 he was made sin the Bible says in Galatians 3:13 he became a curse he became a curse he was made sin I take it exactly like it says he bore my sins he was made sin he became a curse he was forsaken by God and he cried out to the judge of the universe why have you forsaken me because when a man is forsaken by God he loses all his senses he can't even understand why have you forsaken me you say well I know I can understand you they can understand it because we have not been forsaken by God that's why we can understand it that's why we can explain it here but when a man is forsaken by God he's lost all his senses and that's exactly what Jesus cried out my God my God why have you forsaken me I can understand that the very fact that he asked that question proves that he was forsaken by God because when a man loses his forsaken by God he can't even think straight like all the people in hell what Jesus experienced for three hours was actual hell you see if you want to see how serious sin is understand this does this is what Jesus experienced that's why I say you can't play around play the fool with sin that's what Jesus faced on the cross to free me from sin actual hell the next question I have is my the punishment for my sin is eternity in hell but Jesus hung only for three hours he was not forsaken by the father forever because at the end of the three hours he said it is finished and we know it was finished the punishment for sin was finished because immediately after that he looked to heaven and said father once again the relationship of father and son had come back before he died it was only for three hours that he stood there before my God my god he had become the son of the Father again so how did Jesus experience an eternal hell in three hours because he was God God is an infinite being and it's very simple arithmetic in finite being multiplied by three hours is equal to finite being multiplied by eternity it's very simple mathematics it's absolutely true and in finite being can experience even in one minute didn't have to take three hours but he was kept there for three hours to experience what a finite being all the billions of human beings experiencing eternal hell for billions of human beings are about this size in God's eyes experiencing eternity in hell is equal to one in finite being forsaken by God even for one minute but he pursue he was forsaken for three hours so Jesus actually experienced an eternal hell when he died and that is why I say no angel no created being could ever take my sin because every created being would have to be a finite being and a finite being can never never take the punishment for all the billions of people and cannot experience an eternal hell in three hours even the greatest angel the greatest created being he's not in finite that's why the only person who could die for our sins was God himself that to me is one of the clearest proofs that Jesus Christ with Almighty God and when we look at the Garden of Gethsemane we find that this was what he was shrinking from have you ever thought about why did Jesus say father take this cup away from me if possible we know it was not physical death because we know multitudes of martyrs have gone to their death boldly singing hymns of praise when the lines open their mouth to eat them up they are praising the Lord when they are being burned at the stake they are singing praises can you imagine the captain of our salvation being less bold than them oh no he was much stronger much bolder than them in fact an angel came and strengthened him it says how could he be afraid of physical death I tell you Jesus would have died would be ever been ready to die in physical deaths if it was only physical death do you know what Jesus dreaded the most you and I made great physical death the most because we are so human but the more divine we become the more we get closer to God the less we are afraid of physical death the less we are afraid of physical pain the less we enjoy physical comforts we become more and more interested in spiritual comforts and we are afraid of spiritual death and the thing we begin to value most as we come close to God is fellowship with the father we can say the most spiritual person is the one who values fellowship with the father more than anything else in this world in the measure in which you value fellowship with the father that you don't want it broken even for a second in that measure your spiritual you know how this fellowship with the father can be broken for a second one bad thought against somebody one lustful thought one bitter thought one word of evil speaking against somebody look at some of the believers in our churches who go gossiping back fighting all the time you think they value fellowship with the father they are a million miles away from the father how can we understand what Jesus was struggling with in the Garden of Gethsemane you may understand it when I explain it to you now you won't change your life you got to get it in your heart if only your eyes were open to see this wonderful truth that fellowship with the father is the most wonderful thing in the whole universe it will change your attitude to sin did he give you victory over sin it'll free you from sins power it'll make you hate sin it'll make you love Jesus Christ for the tremendous price he was willing to pay in order to free you and me from sin God opened my eyes to this many many years after I was born again and when my eyes were open first what it was that Jesus was struggling with in Gethsemane he had come close to that point where he was going to be per se caen and he C knew it was coming and for all eternity from millions and millions and millions of years he had enjoyed this wonderful fellowship with the father even during his 33 years on earth that fellowship was never broken by the slightest sin and thought word deed attitude motive in this no disobedience perfect fellowship and now he knew that because of your sin and my sin he would be forsaken and he didn't want to be forsaken even for one minute and he said Oh father do you really have to forsake me you mean this wonderful fellowship I don't mind physical death I don't mind the taunting of being naked the scorn everything I don't mind the spitting the killing the nails but Father will this fellowship that you and I have had for eternity you mean I lose it for one minute oh three hours I can't bear that can't you please do it some other way it's a human being speaking now because Jesus as a man and I can imagine the father saying well my son you can come back here right now from Gethsemane come straight up you've never sinned you have every right to come back to heaven the only thing is all those millions of people will go to hell that includes you and me I can imagine Jesus saying Jack Coonan will go to hell forever I make it personal you can make it personal - and Jesus thinks about that and he says okay for his sake I'll go I won't run away when I saw that for the first time I actually wept I said Lord I had wept many times when I saw movies about Jesus hanging on the cross that was physical death you know you weep when you see the whipping and that but this time I was weeping for something else for the deepest depth that Jesus suffered I said Lord I cannot imagine that you love me so much that you were willing to pay a spell for a wretch like me who rebelled against you who didn't have time for you who sinned so much you knew I would sin so much even after I'm born again that I would live for earthly things so much even after I'm born again and seek the honor of men live for the fashions of the world and you still love me I can't believe it Lord please help me the value fellowship with the father to hate sin if that doesn't move you I know you only got it in your head you know when you hear that somebody has died you don't we but you don't even know that person but if it's your husband or wife or your child you we and when you realize that Jesus went through this for you it'll really break your heart as it did mine and I got a new understanding of seeing of the price that Jesus paid to forgive my sin it wasn't easy for me and just say Oh Lord I'm sorry please forgive me and it's because of the scheduel attitude with which so many people come to Jesus for forgiveness that they never get free from sin when I saw this I began to hate sin in my life like anything I said lord I don't want to smell of sin in my life I want to hate it please show me more and more and more and more and more the sin in my life I've had enough of looking at the sin in other people I don't want to see sin in other people anymore and I tell you that changed my life when I said lord I don't want to see sin in other people anymore I want to see if myself because when I see sin in other people I only criticize when I see sin in myself I'll be free from it when I see sin and other people I'll be a gossiper like a lot of people sitting here are I'm sorry to say but when you see sin in yourself you have no time to speak evil about others you're seeing your own knee you're weeping before God that's the thing that makes a man a godly man that's the thing that makes a woman a godly woman like Jesus said he who has ears to hear let him hear what a price he paid that I might be free from sin and he forgave me shed his blood per se caen by the father restored to fellowship at the end of that three hours and where did Jesus go you know there are certain charismatic preachers today who say that Jesus went and suffered in hell for three days after that that's an absolute lie of the devil don't you believe all these liars not liars I think they're deceived Jesus didn't go to hell he'd suffered it already for three hours and it was over he said it's finished after he says it's finished how can he go to hell for three days after that I find as a pathetic ignorant of Scripture among a lot of people who claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit they live so much in these emotion that they don't study the word don't be deceived by that when the Bible says he descended into Hades in Acts chapter 2 that's the greek word translated as hell in king james and all but the real word is Hades as you see in the NASB Hades was in the bot in the center of the earth and it had two sections one was hell the other was paradise or Abraham's bosom Lazarus the beggar went to Abraham's bosom or paradise the rich man went to hell both went to Hades Hades had two sections it's like Bangalore City in Bangalore cantonment it's two different parts ladies are two sections and the important thing here was you couldn't cross from one to the other just like that and Jesus and the two thieves all winter Hades Jesus and the repentant thief went to the paradise section of Hades and the unconverted thief went to the health section of Hades and when it says Jesus was not left in Hades he was not left in paradise he told the thief I'll be with you today in paradise he was there for three days in the paradise section of Hades he wasn't atoning for our sin that was finished on the cross he said it is finished after the three days in paradise he came out of the grave and when he ascended up to heaven he took paradise from the center of the earth up to the third heaven the presence of God okay so that's what Jesus suffered for our sin he took the punishment and when I know that and I accept it all I have to do is receive it lord I thank you it's so easy it's free for me but tremendously costly for him the greatest price ever paid by anyone in the universe was when Jesus paid the price for my sin and now it is absolutely free for me I just accept it thank you lord I accept it I'm free from what from the guilt and the penalty now Satan cannot accuse me any more he cannot make me condemned he cannot remind me of any sin in my past because it was all paid for on the cross it was all paid for on the cross do you feel guilty about something if you have not repented of your sin you better feel guilty because guilt is God's way of making you come to him the only sin that cannot be forgiven is the sin that you will not confess did you get that the only sin God will not forgive is the sin that you don't confess you can press he is faithful and righteous to forgive all our sins because the price has been paid if somebody has paid your debt nobody can ask you to pay that debt again it's been paid but more than that it says you're in Romans chapter 3 in verse 20 for that we are justified as a gift by His grace justification is more than forgiveness and it's important for us to understand that forgiveness is like clearing the debt of my past sin justification is when the righteousness of Christ which I don't deserve forgiveness itself is a wonderful thing but when the righteousness of Christ is put to my account when it clothes me like a dress and I stand before God in Christ the patient says you are in Christ it's like a a paper which is inside the Bible it's in the Bible so I am in Christ and I'm I stand before God except that is justification God sees me in Christ to use a earthly illustration if sin is like a debt supposing I had a debt of a hundred million rupees to somebody I know in my entire lifetime I can never pay now I'm always afraid to meet that man because I'm wondering when he take me to court that's how I'm afraid to meet God but one day if he takes this certificate of debt and tears it up before me and says you're forgiven my debt came from minus 100 million to zero what a wonderful thing that is I should be the most excited man in the world if my bank account came from minus 100 million to zero it was minus 100 million in the red and in one moment this wonderful man forgave me and I am zero justification is when this wonderful man says I want to do something more for you I want to put a hundred million rupees into your bank account can you imagine that that is absolutely amazing I who was a beggar and a pauper and a terrific debtor have suddenly become a rich man that is justification I hope you understood now the difference between forgiveness and justification they are not the same it's justification that has made me wealthy before God because the entire righteousness of Christ's worked more than a million rupees has been put to my account it's mine in Christ I can partake of it now I can draw from this hundred million rupees and live on it why is it we are not more holy because you don't go to the bank and draw from this righteousness which will free you from gossiping and free you from anger and free you from bitterness and free you from worldliness the entire righteousness of Christ is in my account but many believers don't draw on it some believers have got faith they go into the bank and say give me okay give me a hundred thousand rupees right now boy other people go and say can you give me five rupees check for fire please they get by rupees and they remain defeated defeated defeated defeated the other fellow goes and draws a check for a million rupees and he knows there's 99 million still there and he becomes an overcomer he's drawing on the righteousness of Christ and he's overcoming sin because he's got faith it's it's his it's being put to his account but you know any amount of money put your account will never become yours till you go Android you got to go and say Lord this is mine right that law in my heart write it in my mind Lord free me from this gossiping habit free me from this bitterness free me from this jealousy of other people free me from this pride free me from this anger free me from this terrible habit of lusting lasting lasting give me that nature of Jesus who never lusted once that's like asking the bank for a hundred thousand rupees go and sign the chicken droid Bible says in Romans sorry Hebrews chapter four exactly what I'm saying this is how we can overcome sin the power of sin Hebrews chapter four it says here verse 13 therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace so that we may receive mercy that is our past life forgiveness of all our sins and secondly for the present now find grace to help me to overcome my sin in my time of need which is the time of temptation or is the living by the message Bible paraphrase it let's walk right up to God did you get it let's walk right up to God and take what he is so ready to give take what he is so ready to give you what is that first of all mercy take it no sins all forgiven and secondly accept the help he gives you to overcome sin in other words go to the bank and write the check I want to overcome anger sign Jesus Christ give it in sign it sign your name at the back of the check and give it in what's the bank of heaven going to say no no I can't give it that's not in your account you think Bank of heaven will say that I want to overcome lusting with my eyes sign Jesus Christ I'm signing on the bank give it to me my brothers and sisters we are so timid we wait outside the door of the bank when the door is wide open the bank is open we wait with our checkbook keep looking at it meditating on it look at it is it really come for another conference look at it and go back and then walk away from the door of the bank beggars defeated when we can be overcomers you can be free like that bird in the cage you can escape and be free fly away the cage of sin Jesus has broken that door open that door and broken it and he's set us free think of it my brothers and sisters that's God's will for you he doesn't want you to be sitting inside that cage I mean which stupid Eagle would sit inside the cage when the cage door is open why in the world have you ever seen a bird a cage door open and the bird is still sitting inside maybe because it's got so used to sitting inside for 30 40 years it can't even believe that the door is open I want to tell you it's open your old man was crucified with Christ on the cross you don't have to obey that those lusts anymore you were enslaved to them but now let me read this verse to you in Romans and chapter 8 Romans chapter 8 and verse 2 here it talks about two laws I want you to see this verse has two laws the law of the Spirit first of all and the law of sin which leads to death there are two laws here the law of the spirit sets me free from the law of sin read that verse like this the law of the Spirit has set me free from the law of sin so it's the Holy Spirit who sets us free from the law of sin the law of sin is like the law of gravity always pulling you down wherever you go and you know that how easy it is to get angry how easy it is to lust with the eyes how easy it is to become proud when somebody praises us or something good happens how easy it is to become jealous when something good happens to somebody we don't like how easy it is to become bitter unforgiving how easy it is to live for earthly things and to love this world that's the law of sin wherever you go it's pulling you down down down down down down how easy it is to behave at home in a way that we would never behave in the church it's a law of sin but here's a law of the Spirit if you open your being to the Holy Spirit and say holy spirit let your law walk work in me what is the law of the Spirit the law of the Spirit is the law it's described here as life in Christ Jesus that's how it's described in this verse the law of the Spirit equals life in Christ Jesus which life is that a life that sinn life that conquered death a life that conquered satan a life that conquered the grave conquered the curse conquered everything when that life comes inside me it conquers this power of sin pulling me down that is the message of the gospel that the same Jesus who delivers me from the penalty of sin by taking that penalty himself on the cross now frees me through His Holy Spirit from the power of sin the Spirit the Holy Spirit is called in Hebrews 10 the spirit of grace the spirit of grace Hebrews 10:29 that spirit of who communicates grace to me that means when I open my being and say I want to be filled with the Holy Spirit I want grace in my life in my inner being grace comes to lift me up grace becomes like the wings of that bird to lift me up and to make me fly in the air what wings are to a bird grace becomes in my life that is the law of the Spirit the life of Christ Jesus has set me free from this law of sin the cage is opened Jesus came to set the captives free that is God's will for you living that my brother's sister don't let sin rule over you anymore recognize what Jesus did on the cross he delivered you not only from the penalty of sin but the power of sin say Lord I want to be crucified with you I want to be crucified with Christ on the cross I want my old man to be hanging there I I died all that I am I died you know that's the only way that's why the Bible says not only Jesus died on the cross but he took you on the cross to Paul says in Galatians 2 and verse 20 I am crucified with Christ and now I live but it's not I anymore how can it be me because I'm already dead the I capital i that lived and ruled inside me you see this body is only a house the ruler of this house was I this I was one day taken and crucified on the cross and now it is no longer eyes like you go to a house and say hey I thought somebody else was living here yeah the watchman says he was living here but he's vacated he's gone somebody else has taken over this house oh is that why this house is so grand the other fellow kept it in bad shape that's right so I have been crucified I finished now somebody it's no longer i but christ lives in me Galatians 2:20 and the life which I now live I live by faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me that's how we live on earth now it's overcomers free from the power of sin this is real God says he'll do it for you does the Eagle have to struggle to break open that cage somebody else broke it open the Eagle just flies out God created you to be like that Eagle don't sit in any cage of anger or bitterness or unforgiveness or jealousy or pride or sexual lust or love of money or anger or any such thing or lying or cheating be free from all these things take the righteousness of Christ day by day my brothers and sisters this is real next time you're tempted go to God and say God I want to draw something from the bank of heaven I want an overcoming life in this area where I've been defeated for so long I want an overcoming light God will help you let's pray you
Views: 28,857
Rating: 4.8315787 out of 5
Keywords: Zac, Poonen, Revival, Repent, God, Sermons, Jesus, SermonIndex
Id: Gw6pXdrfD00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 12sec (3372 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2010
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