Freedom From Narcissists Illusions.

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hi guys thank you so much for watching the Royal William my name is Kevin now I've already made videos talking about the illusions that narcissists create the illusions that they're able to move on find new supply a new source of joy and fulfillment in their life and that they're living it up and they're doing fantastic I call it an illusion because you and I both know from spending time with these people just how miserable and sad and angry they actually are now in this video I want to talk about how once you go no contact and you detach from the relationship and you get far away from their web of lies and deceit and destructive habits that they have you're gonna start to see something you're gonna start to see that the only reason that you ever had fun in the relationship the only joy you ever had was there because of you you brought the joy you brought the fulfillment you brought the genuineness it was always you we're gonna talk more about this right here so don't go anywhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys so I'm on my vacation right now and I've been having just a fantastic time on boats and jet skis and fishing and visiting the hatcheries and all kinds of great stuff here in the lakes of Missouri now I want to be sensitive to your needs because I understand that a lot of you are at a place and life right now where you cannot take a vacation nor can you even think of taking a vacation because you're still hurting and you're still broken and I want to be sensitive to that guys because it has taken me years to get to the point where I can let go and enjoy myself around people who really care for me which is where I'm at this weekend but this video is gonna be an important part in helping you to understand how crucial it is for you to detach from the narcissus and work your way towards being who you are with people who value you the most the great news here is that there is hope and I'm not talking about hope and your relationship with the narcissus I'm talking about hope for you there's hope for you to get back to letting go and becoming the person that you've always been meant to be the fun-loving joy filled energetic exciting person to be around that you are and once you reach this place you're gonna realize that it was always you who was the fun one it was always you who brought the joy to the relationship it was always you who made the relationship what it was it was always you first of all guys we know that narcissistically abusive people are miserable angry hostile people they have no joy inside of themselves whatsoever as a matter of fact it's sad they have to fight in order to feel any kind of fulfilled fulfillment and this is why they take pleasure in their ability to put you down because it allows them to feel some sense of worth in a very sick and twisted way you however brought something different into the relationship you brought with the narcissistically abuse a person saw in you the entire time a genuineness you brought love you brought fulfillment you brought fun you brought excitement it was you that brought this into the relationship and the narcissist used it up absorbed it all from you and the narcissist started to expect this from you no matter how they treated you the narcissist slips back into their demeaning mean cruel nature meanwhile you're expected to carry on the joy and the fulfillment and the peace and the love and you're expected to carry it for the both of you or for everybody in fact they make it mandatory and if you show any sign of disappointment in the relationship whatsoever they blame you and they accuse you of being mean and being terrible maybe even accuse you of being a narcissist or they may even call you toxic just because you've gone from being joy-filled to disappointed and of course you're disappointed why wouldn't you be disappointed you with the person who is just criticizing you and ridiculing you you see the narcissistically abusive person wanted you in their life for a reason the reason is is because you did bring that joy you did bring that excitement that's what they wanted from you and that's all that they wanted from you why did they want that from you because they don't have that to begin with it's something that they're missing from their life they don't know how to be happy genuinely they don't know how to have that joy genuinely so they needed you to bring it and you did and I believe that in the relationship with narcissistically abusive people you discovered just how exciting and how fun you are you may have discovered things about yourself and things that you like in the relationship with the narcissist but you didn't do it because they deserved it you didn't provide all this energy and love because there were worth it because they weren't in fact they didn't even appreciate it now I talked to people on a daily basis and you women I know that a lot of you get involved sexually with narcissists and it happens very quickly and one of the things that I hear on a regular basis is that you miss the sex that you had with the narcissist and what I've discovered through talking with you guys with you ladies is that you don't miss the narcissus you miss sex right it's because the narcissists didn't deserve that sex it's not that you miss the way the narcissus was you miss who you were in the relationship you miss being able to give in that way you see because the way you gave yourself that was about who you are your eyes were opening up to how amazing of a person you are how amazing of a woman you are had nothing to do with the narcissus the narcissus did not earn it from you did not deserve that love from you but you were able to give it because of who you are because it's within you that's where the excitement was it was inside of you that's where the joy was it was always inside of you and now the good news is is you don't have to lose that you can take that joy you can take that ability to have pleasure you can take that excitement that is always it's always been in you you can take this now and you can take that into a relationship that is deserving of that in time right same thing with going out I spent the weekend on jet skis and in a boat and I realized as I was having a great time with people who genuinely care about me the fun that I was having was inside of me all I was just with people right but the fun that I was having was was inside of me it's because I was having the fun I was enjoying my time and because I was enjoying my time I was creating fun for the people I was with it was inside of me the narcissus treats you out of what's inside of them and this is how they treat everybody once the love-bombing phase is done which is nothing more than them just reflecting back at you how awesome you are if you notice the whole love-bombing phase is just based on the narcissus being agreeable with you repeating a lot of the stuff that you say it seems like there's telling you everything that you want to hear and the reason is is because they're just reflecting back at you who you are but then over time the narcissist truly comes out their true personality comes out and they either abuse you they become hostile they become angry or they get the heck out of the relationship and you never hear from them again and they move on to somebody else but that has nothing to do with you and who you are as an individual you are still that loving caring genuine person who is capable of bringing all the fun and all the excitement to the table because that's who you are and now once you get away from the narcissist and get out of the relationship you're not the one that lost anything the narcissist lost you because you will get yourself back you will become that source of joy and peace and love once again and the narcissist will fall into the same situation over and over and over again of meeting a new supply and then becoming miserable hate-filled hostile and angry and they will repeat this over and over and over again I want to thank you guys so much for everything that you have done to help support me I thank you for your donations some of you are extremely generous John I want to give you a personal thank you I also want to thank all of you who have called me I leave my telephone number at the end of each video you're welcome to contact me it's completely free I look forward to speaking with you guys thank you hi guys yes thank you for watching the Royal we I want to let you guys know that I am almost finished with the course it's gonna be available pretty soon and I'm excited to be able to offer that to you guys I also want to let you guys know that I'm thankful for all of your phone calls you can continue to contact me it's absolutely free but for those of you who have demanded that you be able to give back in return I want to let you know that I have put a donation link on my channel so you're welcome to donate whatever you would like to donate to this channel and you don't have to that's completely up to you bless you guys thank you be sure to hit that like and subscribe button if you're not already a subscriber and we will be back with more right here on the Royal we while you look at the camera just you gotta stay looking at the camera okay all right here we go I'll say hi then you say hi no no no finger the nose you got to be professional one two three hi guys
Channel: The Royal We
Views: 27,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: narcissists Illusions, illusions of the, narcissist, the royal we, the royal we narcissist, narcissists steal your Identity, your life after narcissistic abuse, freedom, from narcissistic abuse, outsmarting the Narcissist, no contact with narcissists, protect against narcissists, healing from Narcissists, why narcissists are attracted to you
Id: Jsxmi4HnkSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 25 2018
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