Freedom From Demonic Oppression

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I am so thrilled to be part of this teaching series because I am a cheerleader for inner healing simply because I am a trophy of what God can do when we cooperate with the Holy Spirit and the Word of God and allow Him to get into the places that are broken I am only here tonight teaching on this topic like she said because I've had experience in this area in my own life and so because of that somebody said asking me if I drew the short straw in the preaching team I was like I don't think so but because you know when you think about demonic oppression you think wow that's some serious stuff but the truth is is that we have an enemy he's the enemy of God and he's also the enemy of God's children so I would rather talk about it and not talk about it and so that's what we're going to do tonight we're going to talk about it Monday night I was leaving our Monday night life group and usually what happens I we we have parking lot ministry that's what we call it but we we talk afterwards but again the car it's about a 30 minute drive home and I spend time with the Holy Spirit processing what's happened in our Monday night group you know repenting of things I should have done and and asking the Holy Spirit to help some of my sisters who are struggling and so this Monday night the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart and said to me Wednesday night Melanie I want you to show everybody your game film now if you're if you're a sports fan you know exactly what I'm talking about I'm a huge college college basketball fan so when the Lord spoke to me and said Melanie I want you to show them the game film I'm like I pretended like I didn't know what God was talking about but I did know what God was talking about so I said you know cuz what he means a game film and he you know more specifically I want you to show them your game film so in the world of athletics if you're going to face an opponent if you want to win one of the strategies is to watch the opponent play another team on film you sit you watch how they run the ball or how they play defense you pause and you talk about it you take notes or you even watch the opponent play you somewhere in the past and so you look at it you pause and you take nodes and you adjust your strategy so that you can win over the opponent so the Lord said show them your game film so you're going to get to see a little bit of my game film tonight because hopefully the things that I went through the mistakes that I made in my life the places that I walked in ignorance and I now have wisdom hopefully you'll be able to to use those to adjust your strategy to live more victoriously over the enemy I was 19 years old and I'd been saved newly filled with the Holy Spirit just on fire for God I was leading worship and an outdoor evangelistic crusade we had probably been there maybe about a week it was a long you know long-running crusade miraculous things were happening people were getting saved and healed and filled with the spirit just it was wild I was a 19 year old young woman on fire for God standing on a stage and leading worship and one particular night I'm standing there leading worship and I look toward the back and a couple is coming in and they're leading their 14 year old daughter in I spoke about this Monday night this couples leading their 14 year old daughter in so I automatically assumed they're bringing her in to get healed because you know a lot of people been healed in the services that they're going to come forward and they're going to lay hands on her she's going to get healed that's what I assumed so they start coming forward and all of a sudden Evangelist who is leading and preaching in the services he steps forward and stops the whole service shut it down like the music and everything something like wow this is new I didn't know anything was this was brand new he steps off the platform and walks toward this couple and I immediately knew that this wasn't what I assumed it was going to be the closer he got to this couple and the closer they got to him all of a sudden this 14 year old girl cried out and it was not her voice that I heard it was the voice says of demonic spirits that had possessed this young girl she was not saved she had been in satanic rituals and witchcraft her mom had requested prayer for her over and over and over again this young girl had opened herself up to evil spirits and she was possessed this was not mental illness this was genuine demonic possession she walks forward and there were voices crying out of her and immediately I knew this evangelist he had done this before because he silenced those spirits took authority over them and told them to be quiet and one by one he cast them out of this 14-year old girl and that night this girl emptied of all that evil she gave her heart to the Lord and was filled with the Spirit of God and wow what a service that was that was amazing but that's not my story see I said something that night I was 19 I said something that night I said you know that's the first time I've ever encountered spirits that were not of God that came out of my mouth and I believed it because I was raised in an environment where we talked about God the Father we talked about God the Sun a whole lot my dad was the pastor we talked about the blood of Jesus the saving grace of God we talked about all that we we talked some the Holy Spirit but not a whole lot we never talked about angels and we never talked about demons the only thing I could picture you know that picture of the guardian angel walking behind the kit that looked like Hansel and Gretel here soon own you know that's what I thought angels look like them I know better now but they were following behind the you know looking like Hansel and Gretel and so that was my perception of the unseen realm the spirit realm so from that place of understanding that's what I said that night fast forward two years think about it evangelistic crusade leading worship presence of God saved filled with the Holy Spirit fast forward two years in my life and I'm in a lot psychiatric facility for women with severe eating disorders and other life controlling issues fast forward just a few more months and I'm completely strung out on crack cocaine how does that happen how does it happen I've had people say to me Melanie you must not have been saved you can then say there's no way for you to go from that third you just you must have thought you were saved no I was I loved God I wanted to serve Him I wanted forever to live in the presence of God I wanted to live on that euphoric high that I had when I was 19 years old that's what I wanted my heart cried out to live for God but there was a place in me actually there were more than one place in me it was open and gaping and wounded and broken and because of my lack of understanding I literally thought that when you get saved and filled with the spirit you're wrapped in some kind of like Holy Ghost bubble wrap and like demons just bounce off of you or something or if you shouted enough religious phrases at them they'll just go away and leave you alone but now I understand that the scripture says that we are to first submit ourselves to God then resist the devil and then he will flee the submission part for me was the part I didn't really understand I was just trying to live holy if you understand what I just want to live right because I just you know I just I just didn't want to sin anymore I didn't want to go through what I've been through I just wanted to live right I didn't have the power to live right because my reference point in me was a broken place I could not live right because my reference point was a place of brokenness so when things the pressure see the enemy was still there at 19 years old he was just waiting for his opportunity just waiting because I was ignorant to how the the enemy played his game so when things got rough and the door was open see the enemy was there travelling in on what pastor Robbie taught on generational sins and the resulting curses the addiction ran deep in my family deep my grandmother in and uncles my great uncles and there was alcoholism and drug addiction in my family there was emotional and mental illness in my family and it ran deep and I just thought if he got saved and wanted to live holy that the devil would leave you alone but after years I've been 30 years since that night on that stage and the Lord has been so good to show me and reveal to me the strategy of the enemy and I'm still learning that I have to check the perimeter all the time to see if there's some gaping hole where the enemy can come in because the enemy doesn't play fair at all he's coming after you and your kids and your grandkids and everything you own because his time is short and so there he knows his end he knows where he's headed so therefore his time here he's trying to devour as much as he can of your kingdom potential and we're going to talk about that tonight so originally the topic was demonic oppression but I needed to make sure you understand that it is possible to live completely free from the oppression of the enemy so I changed the title just a little bit so we're going to move on let's talk about what oppression is oppression is imposed domination of another person or group of people in order to control them mentally physically emotionally and spiritually to stifle their aspirations and to limit their potential to be oppressed is to be dominated or held down in a way that controls you and limits or cancels your god-given potential you see you and I were born when I was conceived in my mother's womb I had Kingdom potential in my DNA my original purpose of creation I would had giftings and abilities and talents and and even anointings when I was conceived that God intended to use to maximize my full potential on this earth for his maximum glory and because of that the enemy also knew my full potential when I was conceived in my mother's womb so you know when I said you know I've never encountered spirits that weren't out of God when I was conceived there were spirits of light and spirits of dark around my mother and around me and in the atmosphere fighting for my soul God has a plan for us to live free his intention for us from the original purpose of our creation is that we live completely free oppression in this life takes on many forms you could be politically oppressed you know like a Marxist society you could be racially oppressed you can be oppressed domestically in a household where you know someone lords themself over another person parents can oppress their children if they don't raise them in the fear and admonition of the Lord and they Lord themselves over their children and they don't correct them in the way that God intends for them to correct them they can they can oppress their children but what we're talking about tonight is spiritual oppression what happens with spiritual oppression is the enemy tells you we talked my friend Aaron talked about ungodly beliefs in the lives of the enemy what happens in spiritual oppression the enemy will say to you you know I know you've been clean but you're probably not going to stay clean you know I know that's a bad relationship that you're in but at least you're not alone you know and you probably can't get anybody else anyway that's what the enemy says you'll say to you you know you're stuck you're stuck and really if you you're really not smart enough so you should probably just stay in this in this place you're in stay in this environment you're in because there's really no way out that's what oppression does it keeps you keeps your head down and keeps you just kind of focused on your problem and focused on where you are and it's this repetitive cycle over and over again let's look at what the Bible says well the Bible says that the the Lord came the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the or he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim Liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty those who are oppressed and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord so the Word of God says that Jesus came he came that we could live free so no matter how long you've been an oppression no matter how long you've lived in the situation or the relationship or the addiction that you've been living in Jesus came that you could be free amen all right let's look if you've got your Bibles turn to Exodus chapter 2 I really love to give a biblical description of what we're talking about so that you can understand that number one you're not the only person who's ever been through what you're going through but Exodus chapter 2 verse 23 through 25 okay he says now it happened in the process of time that the king of Egypt died and the children of Israel groaned because of the bondage and they cried out and their cry came up to God because of the bondage so God heard their groaning and God remembered his covenant with Abraham with Isaac and with Jacob and God looked upon the children of Israel and God hadn't acknowledged them but back up one chapter to chapter 1 verse 8 did you did you hear the the language in that scripture we just read the groaning the cries the suffering of the children of Israel prior to that now there arose a new king over Egypt who did not know Joseph and he said that his people look the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we come let us deal shrewdly with them lest they multiply and it happened in the event of war that they also join our enemies and fight against us and so go up out of the land therefore look at this they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with their burdens and they built for Pharaohs supply cities Pithom and Rameses but the more they afflicted them the more they multiplied and grew and they were in dread of the children of Israel so the Egyptians made the children of Israel serve with rigor why does the enemy oppress us because the enemy knows if we ever understand who we are in God we're a mighty force for the kingdom of God if we just know that we are born to live free the children of Israel weren't meant to be in bondage they were there were the people of God they were born to be free born to be free see the problem with it with the children of Israel is that it was the evil king you see that's what that's what the enemy represents he's he lords over our lives he afflicts us he puts us in bondage he uses situation and sin in our life to to put us in bondage and keep us pressed down and they made their lives bitter with hard bondage in mortar and brick and in all manner of service in the field all their service in which they made them serve with was with rigor so if we're not serving the Lord if we're not serving the Lord if our lives aren't poured out if we're not submitted to God we are serving the enemy one way or the other the enemy puts us in slavery and in demonic oppression so that we can serve his end let's go back to verse 23 of chapter 2 there's one word in here that stood out to me when I was reading the scripture it said now it happened in the process of time that the king of Egypt died then the children of Israel groaned the cause of the bondage and they cried out and their cry came up to God because of the bondage how long had the children of Israel been in bondage a long time why did it take so long for them to cry out to God generation after generation of Israelites lived in the pits they made bricks for the king they built cities for the king one generation they lived and died in slavery why did it take so long for them to cry out they didn't know when the key when the evil king died suddenly they remembered the covenant that God spoke over their people suddenly they said oh my goodness God said he would bless those that bless us and curse those that curse us oh my goodness God would deliver us they cried out to God because of their bondage when the evil king was taken out of the picture see the thing is if you are in bondage you're confused is confuse and and lack of knowledge so that you will stay in bondage you won't know there's any other way seeing my family back to my game film in my family addiction was just something that happened right matter who you were if you you know if you were in this family line you were pretty much a candidate to be addicted to something drugs alcohol something somewhere along the way the Lord showed me that it was possible that that door could be closed and see when I was living an addiction oppression looked like this I would wake up think about getting high I would get high feel guilty about getting high and and you know it then I'd wake up and do it all over again it was this repetitive cycle just like the children of Israel they would get up they would go to work they would make bricks they would go to bed they'd wake up and do the same thing over and it was the only thing we knew to do but somewhere along the way the Lord showed me that it was possible I don't even know when the King died in my life I really can't tell you I think about the evil King in my life somewhere along the way somebody I think it was somebody was praying for me somebody was praying for me and the evil king died and suddenly I remembered my god and I was able to cry out to him for freedom see the children of Israel lived so long under that I wonder if there was any place along the way that they knew that they every like the children when they were born you know well daddy just works and he makes bricks and momma does the same thing and she serves the Pharaoh and that's just what we do anybody live in that situation or it's just what we do right the children of Israel have been pressed oppressed for so long what changed the evil king died but tonight we want to talk about the possibility of freedom you see freedom is described as the release from illegitimate bondage you're not supposed to be in bondage remember we just said you are supposed to live free your purpose of creation is that you live free and if you're in bondage you're in bondage illegitimately now you may have opened the door but your purpose of creation still is to be free but here's the thing you cannot be free in any capacity if you are not also willing to be responsible for me this is a hard thing to learn you know again I'm like well you know if I just say sorry God clean up this mess that perhaps my life would just get better but responsibility and freedom go hand in hand they do you can't say God just fix it just fix it the Lord says that you have ownership and you are to steward your life the gifts that God has placed in you the resource your children your finances you are to steward your life so if you're crying out for freedom you're also crying out to be responsible it's kind of hard to hear so I mean that requires I do something right I actually have to like look at myself and think about what I've done and you know actually get some ministry and maybe some counseling and you know actually work on some relationships in my life imagine that yeah we do we do the Lord says if we want freedom then we also have to be responsible all right so what is our responsibility see Jesus came and the finished work was done on the cross he finished the work on the cross is raised from the dead he ascended his father and what did he do then he sat down his work is done our responsibility comes when we partner with the finished work of Jesus Christ through the blood of Jesus and the finished work on the cross so the finished work on the cross is what triumph oh he came to crush the enemy he went he went to the grave to take the keys from the enemy so we are to partner with that mentality that we are to overcome in this life to live free amen all right our enemies real I don't know how you were raised again I was raised in the environment I almost had this cartoonish picture of the devil you know I know I'm sorry Hansel and Gretel got a bit for me I had this cartoonish picture of the enemy where it was you know I didn't really picture him as anything that was really really dangerous I didn't picture the enemy is something I needed to avoid instead of resist we talked a lot about ignoring we just ignored the devil we didn't even mention him because there's you know that we just don't want to go there we just want to talk about that the Bible says first Peter 5:8 be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour the thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy when is a thief come they show it when you're watching jeopardy having supper know when you're asleep or you're not home or you're not paying attention right he comes he doesn't show up on your doorstep and say hey I really want to distract your children and draw them off into addiction he comes when you're not paying attention right be sober be vigilant that means we have to keep our eyes open we need not and parents you need to keep your eyes open for your children right those of you who have babies you still have the opportunity to close doors you have opportunity to stop the cycle of this oppression in your life if it's been if it's just all you've known if it's all you've known you tonight the voice of the Lord is for you you have the opportunity to stop stop the the continual repetitious domino effect of that thing in your family line Amen so Christians can't be possessed so look at it like this if you don't know the Lord the Lord does not reside in you if the Lord is not Jesus is not your Savior if you're not if you're not saved not filled with the Spirit of God then you are open for demonic possession not saying that happens that's kind of a rare occurrence but if you're born again the Spirit of the Living God resides in you and you may not be possessed by the enemy just going to happen because I mean of course the and he can come up to your doorstep but he can't come inside so if we can't people be possessed then how does the enemy grant gain ground or access in the lives of Christians and we've talked about this pastor Robby talked about it and Aaron talks about it we talked about those open doors and one theme this thread keeps running through all the teaching that we're doing there it is it's it's sin and I'm not talking about again just trying to live holy it could be the sins of your father's it could be ongoing sin I'm not talking about you know I slipped up and hit my hand with a hammer and said some bad words it's sin that a believer refuses to deal with by the power of the Spirit can be exploited by the devil and become an access point and a means of control over a believers life I'm not talking about there's a demon under every rock that's not what I mean I've been in ministry rooms where people believe that like everything was a demon you know they're sad it must be a demon oh they got a cold it really must be a demon I don't believe that there's not a demon behind every rock and really the Lord's not concerned about what the Lord is concerned about is the rock he's concerned about the rock not the demon behind it the thing is is that once you remove the rock the demons exposed then you can deal with them so what's the rock it's sin for me back to my game film generational sin and see I had massive amounts of abuse in my life massive amounts and there was so much bitterness in me and that was sin there was rebellion in my heart that's witchcraft that's sin and this was festering in my spirit and I was saved I loved God but I didn't know how to unpack all that stuff in my life and so it was an access point I had never been exposed to any kind of inner healing ministry can I say to you how blessed and fortunate we are in this church to have this available free to us to be able to unpack this stuff there are people that tribe travel thousands and thousands of miles just to get ministry sessions for one we can deal with all our stuff right here that's pretty amazing pretty amazing we're not talking about a single act of sin talking about generational sins that turn into the regular practice of sin and it degenerates into a habit which leads into bondage see I never thought first time I got high I never thought you know I really want to be a crack addict you know I really want to be in the gutter never thought that it's the single sin that leads to the regular practice of sin going unchecked leads to it degenerates into something that will destroy your life see my eternal destination is secured its what am I doing here what am i doing in this life what am i doing with the things that were planted in me at birth that said this potential see when I was when I was born and this little baby there was this anointed spirit-filled woman resident in that baby the potential to be all that I can be was in that baby I just hadn't gotten there yet and so what are we doing with this life so we got to deal with sin and I keep hearing this in the teaching you know if people say it different ways but if we deal with the sin we remove the rock the enemy's exposed and then we can deal with the enemy I love it see what happens this is what happens proverbs chapter 5 21 through 22 for the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord and he the Lord Ponder's all his paths his own iniquities entrap the wicked man and he is caught in the cords of sin that's what oppression looks like that being entangled can't get free that's what happened the Lord see he could come down and you know with rap us again and the Holy Ghost bubble wrap and say well you know if I set you here you're not going to sin he gives us free will and the opportunity to make decisions and when we choose to number one not listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and the word of God and the people he puts in our lives and the regular practice of sin this is what happens we are entangled in the cords of sin and when that happens that's when the enemy has access pastor Robb and pastor Nick spoke a couple months ago on legal access to our property sin provides legal access is a right of way I look at it like a fence so you know my property my life that the Lord has given me is surrounded by this extremely large fence right it's got a big gate across the front front entranceway a beautiful house upon the hill that's where the Lord lives my life that's the estate that's the grounds that I think like the Biltmore Biltmore Estate so it's like you know it's got vineyards and you know it's got a garden streams that run fewer places to hunt places to go picnic but the Lord showed me when I was doing this study I was sitting before the Lord and he I said well Lord show me what it looks like to give access to the enemy he said well let's talk about the doors you've closed Melanie he said there was a door right behind the house there was a breach in your fence matter of fact it's where your kids used to play that's the generational one sits right behind the house the fence was down see I didn't knock that fence down someone else did somebody who came before me but see that gave the enemy access to my life not just my life my kids my sons before I learned to close the door the enticing spirit of addiction came on the playground where my kids were playing behind my house and called my kids away my son and not until I understood there was a gaping hole in my fence that I did not lock down someone else did but because I knew it was there it is now my responsibility to go before the Lord and repent and unfortunately my sons were drawn away before I could rebuild the fence and drive that spirit off my land there were a few more the Lord showed me he said well let's travel up to the other side of your property let's let's look over here you know the one that it joins your neighbor the one that had joins your neighbor let's let's talk about that he said you remember the time that you were looking over your fence on your neighbor's property and you said man they really need to clean up their their estate there really see that was the breach of judgment see I was peering over the fence with my extremely religious binoculars and judging my neighbor because they had a mess going on on their own and life estate and the pressure of me leaning over that fence pull the fence post up out of the ground and this big breach of judgment fell down because you know I had gained some kind of freedom in some areas of my life so I was judging my neighbor because they weren't quite as free as I was or perhaps maybe it's just the front gate perhaps it's willful sin you know that you are living in a place that God God is not pleased with and your life is you're willfully sinning against the will of God rebelling against the Spirit of God see what happens then the entire front gate comes down and the enemy just camps out on your front lawn that's what happens sin opens the door opens the gate knocks the fence down for the enemy to come in our responsibility if we are crying out for freedom we're also crying out for a responsibility what's our responsibility to check the perimeter if you have gaping holes in your fence Cindy talked about the open doors if the enemy is running your life in a certain area to be addiction it could be secrets in it could be pornography it could be adultery it could be anything if the enemy has control of your life you need to check the perimeter because the Lord doesn't want you to live that way again you were made to be free so your responsibility is to take inventory of your own life so let's walk through that process - it looks like we've got to remember Satan as a defeated foe he is he knows his destination we were made to be free Satan is a defeated foe he was rendered powerless at the cross of Jesus Christ the enemy has no power over God's children except the power that we permit him to have Wow so we do have a part to play I mean no power except what we give Him all right let's talk about the steps to freedom we keep talking about sin right and I'm not again I want to make sure you don't understand this is not condemnation this is how much God loves you how much he wants you to live free he wants you to live your original purpose of creation so number one repent repent snot I'm sorry God I'm sorry I'm sorry God repent is godly sorrow it's understanding that you have broken God's heart and the way that you have lived and the way your generations before you have lived and that there is a different way to live and you turn from what's behind you those of you who have struggled with addiction know how hard that is especially when you live in the town in the community where you've been in addiction a lot of times counselors will say you know it might be good for you to move away might be good for you too but you can move all you want if you don't turn you're going to find what and the enemy is going to provide it for you wherever you go right right I can move these Tennessee if my struggle is one thing believe me it'll meet me at the state line it just will all right repentance turning from sin what is that thing what is it in your life is there I mean I know the Holy Spirit oh he's so good I mean he will just lay his hand on it and if we ignore that he'll send somebody to meet you in the grocery store aisle and say I think you something's going on right there what's top of that mmm so or you send an enemy and it will be exposed pastor talks about that all the time we have the opportunity to repent the Lord is gracious believe me if your sin is exposed he's given you plenty of opportunity to turn from it plenty of opportunities forgiveness this is this is hard for people and I know there's a lot of counselors in the room this is probably one of the most beautiful things that we get to experience in the ministry room it really is when we know someone's story and we know they've been hurt I mean hurt in a way that would send somebody to prison hurt hurt in a way that I mean it would make your stomach turn my story's that way if I told you my story and you understood how powerful forgiveness is in my life and how freeing that is I cannot tell you how freeing it is to unlock the door and to walk out because see because I was holding that hostage I was in there with them right I was in I was in there with them they these people did horrific things to me awful things to me but because I chose to keep that in I to stay in jail with my offenders right right forgiveness and I'm going to tell you it's not easy you're gonna need some help help of the Holy Spirit help of the body of Christ to remind you who you are in God because what happens when you have a wound like that the enemy comes to you and says hey you know you probably should just go ahead and stay angry and stay bitter because you know if you open yourself up it just might happen again you know or they put fear on you if you've been sexually abused and if you've got kids of your own the enemy will heat fear on you you know you know if you forgive them and you open up and you you let that go it might happen to your kids too right the lives of the enemy just heaped on top of that forgiveness it's a powerful powerful thing and I urge you if you're struggling any area of forgiveness of your life I urge you to get help ask the Holy Spirit to show you and to get some help with that and number three taking background how do we take background well you know when we sin or we live in unforgiveness we have a verbal contract with the devil we come into agreement with what the enemy says about us and we whether we believe it or not we sign a contract right and give them access to come onto our land taking background means that we break and renounce agreement with the enemy and say I no longer want anything to do with you I do not agree I care up the contract that I made with you and again I turn and I agree with what God says about me so if it's about a dick you said God says I am whole I live free from addiction I walk upright before the Lord I am not bound by this drug I you say what God says we take background I like to tell the enemy this so if there's an area of my life that I've given up ground I repent I do I do all the forgiveness I need to do and I say to the enemy look you don't belong here you're not legally part of this area anymore I need you to go to the feet of Jesus I really like to say this while you're there kneel at the feet of Jesus why don't you look into his eyes and see the plans that God has for me and a matter of fact once you see the plans he has for you right boom because God holds my life in his hands it is not God's intention that anyone in this room anybody watching live under any type of bondage at all at all so once you get free how do you stay free how do you stay free you invite people who love you into your world you ask for accountability some people that I know that have been through some things and they've struggled in certain areas you know their life and they'll get you know they'll get it cleaned up for a little while and then you ask them you know for who's your accountability like who is in your world who could speak into your world well you know it's just me and Jesus really how's it working out the thing is that it's the Jesus with flesh on it's the people you see that the Holy Spirit can speak through God puts them in your world to help you to help you to keep you accountable in a way that you keep those fences mended right I love people that have the gift of discernment I mean that freaks some people out but I really love the people of gift of sermons if they mail you know take your fences down here have you I mean you seem to be struggling in this area right here and they don't say that because they want to condemn me they say that because they number one they know the strategy the enemy is to use that to affect me and if they affect me guess who else they affect they said my children they affect my grandchildren the people are minister to the people that are in my world the people I work with fix everything about my life right so closing I'm going to tell you guys freedom is a it's a reality that was meant since the beginning of time for me and for you I am not totally free I wish I could say that I'm free in every single area of my life but that's just absolutely not true I wish I could say that I walk in complete and total freedom there I mean today just today right before I'm speaking the Lord said hey what about that that's fun when you're fun Gary you're like okay it's dude can we deal with this later no we can't so right so we're going to have some time tonight for number one Logan if you can put some some music on that's a possibility I would like to just number one sit here for just a little bit for the altar ministers come forward before I spoke to not ask the Lord I usually do this before we have live group ISIL or for one thing show us like one thing in our lives that perhaps the enemy is keeping us pressed down somewhere and you could have you know you could be in good shape and if you are just you know pray pray for me because you know he he pointed that thing now so yes a but I want to sit quietly before Lord before the volatile ministers come up in and once the altar ministers come up and if you feel like you need ministry or you want to just unpack some stuff you know if the Lord laid his hand on anything tonight and you you feel like the enemy has a place I know elder Sheila Stewart in a few weeks is going to she's going to speak on strongholds you really really want to be here what happens if oppression the enemy does not get driven back and out of your land they start building structures on your land structures with basements and foundations the Bible calls them strongholds right so we want to deal with this stuff now but Logan if you'll put some music on we'll just sit quietly before the Lord and then I'll call the altar ministers up what that once the altar ministers come up if you need ministry for anything at all at all you come up and we'll have the ministers of the two ministries pray with you but before we do before we pray Lord I invite you to speak to our hearts and Lord we we prayed and we set up a perimeter around the room before tonight the enemy has no place here and we just welcome your Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts if there's anything that we've given over that has the enemy has placed in our lives we just submit it to you right now to show us God and we choose Lord to take responsibility for the life you've given us and take inventory of our hearts in Jesus name thank you
Channel: New Covenant Church
Views: 2,470
Rating: 4.8873239 out of 5
Keywords: New Covenant Church, Sermon, spiritualfreedom, innerhealing, Melanie Rogers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2017
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