FreeCad Tutorial. Shapebinder Explained. How to use it effectively. Must-Use tool in FreeCad

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hello freecad users i am kadzy's coming with another tutorial on freecad today's video is all about shape binding this is a key concept in modeling where you maintain relationship between bodies here is example where you have assembly containing a lid and a box in the parametric model you want to change the container of the lid and the other should change along and maintain their relationship so that the tilt will fit into the container so here is a model i already created to demonstrate the shape bind concept so the shape bind button is this one so so i'm not going to in detail describe how this model was created and that's not required in this situation what we are going to do is uh you know kind of give you a conceptual idea of shape binder so this model i i would call it a you know it could be a cooler box toolbox or you know jewelry box anything have a two components uh two bodies uh one is a uh you know box i call this box other one is the lid so lid needs to fit into the box right that's that's the you know kind of the requirement right so um maybe i just illustrate my point here so it's a empty box and let's say if i go here it's the you know that's the lead okay now if i let's say you know i want to make some changes so these models were created using sketches so and they are you know these two are independent so let's say i want to change some dimensions in the box so what do i do i go to the tree identify the sketch that i need to change so i'm going to click double click on that and um so before that let me back up a bit here i'm going to switch off the lid that things makes easy and then i'm going to uh click on the sketcher so i'm going to make the box active first of all so make the box x view i'm going to double click on it you have this uh dark color box around it i'm going to go to the sketcher base sketch and i'm going to say let's say 48 inches i'm going to increase by a foot and let's see i'm going to close out now you can see the box has increased in length with remain the same so let's say what about the lid you know okay so lid now is not fit in oh it's smaller essentially right so ideally this is not a good modeling practice right you want these two to change together because you know they go in as pair right so if the box increase if you're building a parametric model you change stuff on one feature other feature should change so how do we do that so that's where this shape binder comes in that's the purpose essentially to use the shape binder i mean i have seen people using shape bind for many things and it's all right but you know fundamentally what you're doing is you are binding a shape to another shape so that when one shape or the one object change corresponding object changes so essentially it would have been nice if i change the box dimensions my lid also change automatically okay so now i'm going to blow off this lid because it's useless so i'm going to blow it off now i'm going to use the shape binder concept to um and create the lid and then i'll demonstrate how that works okay so uh first thing is to uh create another body okay so let's say i'm going to create another body here now um so this body is now active so you have to make one the act this body is the active okay and then then what you're going to do is you're going to create copy some shapes from this to this one that's what we are going to do so and we are going to do that by using the shape bind tool now as i said you know you have to have the active body that will accept the the shape coming from the other body okay now there are two ways to do that so let's i'm going to first illustrate the easier method what i'm going to do is i'm going to pick these edges okay and you could create you know you can create or you could pick edges you could pick faces uh both works fine but in this situation i'm going to only pick the edges so first i'm going to do is i'm going to pick this edge now it is active i'm going to press the control button and keep picking the rest of the edges okay and okay so we could one a couple of more here okay so we pick all of them now i'm going to say shape binder tool create a new shape byte okay so it already shows that all these edges have picked it's already in this window and the object is thickness i'll explain it why this is shown as a object as thickness okay i'm going to say okay now thickness is this object so that's the you know that's the object that is this box so in our freecad principle it is the cumulative solid and the cumulative solid is uh is already in this thickness object okay now the shape binder if you click on it you can see that it is clicking and picking up this so now i want to pick a second shape binder this outer surface now i'm going to do that in the second method so i'm going to first click on this now it's empty i'm going to say which object so i'm going to click on it and i'm going to say this one so that it went and pick that thickness object now i have to keep adding geometry so i'm going to say and it added that one and i have to keep adding the next one and i have to keep adding the next one and i have to keep going you know one at a time so you guys can figure it out which method you want to use now obviously the first method is easier right but you know it's up to you so keep adding so how many we added eight so eight is the correct number i'm going to say okay i got two shape binders that are connected to this thickness object in this active body so shaped by the one and shift shaped binder zero okay now i can use these two to create you know a body so first thing is i'm going to use this guy now it's like you know using a sketch because this has geometry in it i can just pad it okay i'm going to save 1.5 inch i'm going to make it reverse and i'm going to say okay so now you got a body okay now i'm going to take the second one which is the outer box or the rectangle and i'm going to pad that and i'm going to say 1.5 it's in the opposite direction i'm going to say okay now you've got a lid okay so i can you know kind of go here and show you the lead we created okay so now which method is easier the this method is far more easier and there's advantage to this okay and what's that advantage is so if i change the this body let's see what happens okay so i'm going to quickly save it and let's say i want to you know go back to my original sketch and change the box and i'm going to say and i'll go back and say 36 and i'm going to make 35 i don't care which number it is okay so see the difference my box change and my lid change alongside with that right so that's exactly what we wanted right so so the that's the fundamental understanding of the shape binder you bind one object or one body to another so when one changes the other one changes right so that's the kind of the you know basic principle and the advantage using the shape binder so the next example i want to show you is a bracket okay now this is a very simple model where you know i created a rectangle with a sketch so if i go and go to the sketch you can see that it's you know i'm going to change this back to let's see six inches so you can see that it's 6 inch width and 5 inch height and it is symmetrically constrained about the origin so i would recommend when you use the shape bind you know you're doing some serious modeling so i would recommend you constrain fully constrain the model okay so it's a simple model and once you create that you can fill it and and then you know you can you know put a hole by pocketing it okay so next step is i'm going to create another body okay so this body and it is same as before right last time we pick some lines so this time i'm going to pick a face okay so i'm going to pick the face and my body is this body zero zero one is active and i'm gonna pick this face go to shape binder and it already added the geometry here so i'm gonna just say okay so now this shape bind is there now i'm going to create a sketch on the shape binding up if you haven't seen this this is something that is you know advantageous in the shape binder so i'm just going to go to sketcher and it is a shape bind is a valid sketch plane so i'm going to pick that say okay now i'm going to go back and maybe what i'm going to do is i'm going to switch this guy off and i'm going to switch this guy off by pressing the space bar and the reason is i want to pick some edges and if they are active i will have a hard time picking them so i'm going to pick these edges using the external geometry linker go and pick this guy pick this guy i think that's enough for me so i'm going to escape out and then i'm going to create some features maybe like some few holes around it as i said we are going to create a back bracket so there are some holes we need to put in as fine and that's fine i can make them equal with the constraint equal constraint and then another equal constraint here so you got that now i'm going to put some dimension to this let's undo that and come back and radius okay five 0.5 four is enough now i'm going to use the equal constraint okay i already use it so i'm not going to use that but i'm going to use the symmetric constraint here to do that i actually need to pick the center okay pick the center pick the axis and the center again now those two are submitted yeah something good going out of back here so let's do that again okay that worked so same thing do that and yeah it's not a good day today so let's be carefully pick them did that okay okay so i got the symmetric constraint on all four so this sketch is not fully constrained yet so i recommend you fully constrain these sketches right when you use the shape binder that's one you know pro tip otherwise you will not have good control so okay not constrained now it's fully constrained okay so i'm going to get out of here go back here and now this shape bind is there so i'm going to say pick the shape binder and i'm going to say padded i'm going to say 0.25 okay so there's this 0.25 thick bracket now in the other side i have the sketch already i'm going to pick on that sketch and i'm going to say pocket keep maybe yeah let's see what happens no it's not the thing is we need to reverse it okay so that worked so i got some holes drilled into the uh bracket now since we have the shape binder i'm gonna make this guy active and we got this and i know but we have to have a couple of holes here okay four we'll see but i'm not gonna bother about it right now so if you go back to this sketch and if you start changing stuff around let's say seven inch what would happen see your holes maintain the same uh you know they maintain the same symmetry and also maintain same distance from the edge so that's kind of the you know main thing right you are you know kind of controlling or connecting one body to another so when one changes the other one changes alongside and that's you know key when you create assembly okay so you know that's kind of the tutorial i want to get you it's a brief uh kind of a tutorial on the shape binder and i hope you guys learned something new here and i would really appreciate if you guys give thumbs up to this video and subscribe have a blessed day
Channel: CADZiS
Views: 23,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freecad;, FreeCad, Constraints, Geometric Constraints, Sketcher, workbench, Modeling, 3D Modeling, 3D Printing, cell phone, Planes, sweeping, Draft, Drafting, draft workbench, datum line, datum plane, snap, draft creation tool, Model Tree, Tree View, Standard Part, Part Workbench, Part Design workbench, cumulative single solid, Carbon copy, cut and paste in freecad, shape binder, shapebinder
Id: pDUWuVG13rI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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