FreeCad Tutorial. How to Copy a Sketch from one Model to another Model (in different work space).

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hello viewers welcome back today I will show you how to extract a sketch from one model and use it in another model you will find this super useful since recreating a sketch you build painstakingly in one of your prior models is really annoying and a waste of time and reuse sketch location could be same as the original model sketch location or could be anywhere in the new model in one of my prior videos I have shown you how to reuse a sketch within a model but this video is all about using the same sketch in any other model and this is simple to do okay let's get going so first thing is I want to start or open a file I created earlier so I created this model let's open it and see so um this is a pretty simple model I created and it has a a sketch attached to it so I can activate the sketch by pressing the space bar so uh you can see the sketch here so we're going to go to uh this sketch and open up and see what it what's in it so it's a pretty simple sketch I have few uh slots added and it is fully constrained uh and you can also see that when I close out and I can go to the origin of the part or the coordinate system of the part I make it active by pressing the space bar key and I you can see that this cetch lies on the XY plane okay so keep that in mind okay this this is lying on the XY plane and um so that's how I created so and then uh um now what we want to do is take this sketch from this model and copy it and import to a another model and do a uh operation okay so uh let's start a new model so now this is uh the new model now you can see that it is showing up here uh so uh don't get confused by the appearance here yeah you think that it might be the same you know tab in the same model it is not so this is a separate model or a separate file this is uh the new one I created okay rename this guy so you can rename this file to let's say freead part [Music] two now if you go to this one you have the sketch so what I do is I just right click on this and try to copy it now of course you can't do that you in order for you to do that you have to go to this part design workbench and let's see whether I can do the copying there yes you can copy once you are in this part design work pitch because that's where I created this sketch is so let's say I copy it now you get options you can copy the sketch you can copy the XY plane to go along with that you can do that but I'm not going to do that so I'm going to skip out with I just need the sketch I don't need the XY plane okay so I'm going to say yes now I'm going to go to the next part or the part two which is a different file completely different model now in order for me to create a sketch here I need to have a a body so I'm going to create this body now this body is active so when you see this green color that means it's active now I have you know gone into my preferences and set it up that way to make it uh uh to display it as a green box when the part is active okay now I all I need to do is to to copy this into this body so I can let's see whether I can uh right click and do that so it's pretty easy so you can do right click and paste it now the sketch is pasted here okay now it what it did was it if I make this guy active by pressing the space bar it put the sketch in the same location and the same plane okay now let's see whether I can do uh I can go in actually into the sketch and I can see that everything is there okay all the uh dimensions and it's fully constrained so if I want to change it let's say I want to change this to 50 mm so I can change that okay so I can do anything I want this is fully in independent sketch okay even though it's a copy from the previous model okay now if I try to pad it what happens so I get this message can cannot use selected object selected object must belong to a Active Body consider using shape binder or base feature to reference the external geometry in the body okay now I don't need to do all that use the shape bind and all that stuff I don't need to do that what I need to do is I need to go and drag and drop this one here now why did I get that message because this sketch is not really inside this body it is in this model but it's not inside the body so what I do is I go and say I go and drag it and drop it here now that sketch is inside this body it belongs to that body now so what I can do is I just pad it I can and say 20 Ms the previous model was like 10 ms uh I made it to 20 uh and now you have the same sketch from a different file or different model being reused in a new model okay okay let's dig a little bit deeper here what if I want to get this sketch copy to another model in a arbitrary plane or maybe like a XZ plane or in a arbitrary location or even to a a face of a body so that's kind of a typical situation you will face in a cad where you have a existing sketch you want to reuse it in a different model on a different uh uh location or a different uh phase okay so let's try to do that let's go back to this uh part two now I deleted everything there so I'm going to recreate some simple geometry here let's go to Let's time I'm going to pick the XZ plane and maybe create a rectangle here uh put some Dimensions uh okay let's make it little bit small smaller now I'm creating this in a arbitrary location okay to in order to demonstrate now I I'm not going to uh constrain it you can if you want to but you know this is just a de tutorial to demonstrate this uh reuse of the sketch so I'm going to pad this guy let's say make make it 20 Ms okay now um not only I'm going to keep this in the XC plane I'm going to transport this guy to different location okay now uh come back to this model let's copy this sketch um no I don't need the XC plane go back here so this is a completely different model pick the body I'm going to say paste so this is now directly pave maybe I just drag and drop it make sure that is inside this now you can see it's in a you know this is in a different plane all together different location now of course I can show that by activating the coordinate system so now yeah it's in a different location and different plane from this body okay now how do I get this guy to attach somewhere here in this phas okay now in the uh skage you have attachment editor okay you can reuse that or you can use that to get to where you want it okay now this is XY plane that's where it was so let's make and select this phase now when you do that you can see the body just turned but it is not in this phase okay it's in the XC plane but it's not in the phas because there are a couple of things you have to do to get it to work so you can to do give you another reference okay I'm going to say inertia 2 uh and now it's in the same plane okay or same face I would say okay now there are some more options you can use to get it to you know the orientation you want this guy okay now I can move this guy around by picking you know these coordinate now this is you know this this is in the local coordinate so this thing this sketch is still in its local coordinate system that's why when I you know press or try to move it in next Direction it's word moving vertically but that's fine what we need to do is to bring it down here and maybe you know Bally location where you want it now of course you can turn you know rotate this guy too uh you might have to figure it out which axis because this is right now is in its local coordinat system so let's see if I because this Z is actually out of this plane here uh in the in its local coordinate system so let's see if I uh put like 180 and see what happens uh okay it didn't do what I want it so maybe I go back make it 90 okay so it rotated now you have to go back and reposition it where you want it okay so it's a little bit of a tedious process but you can do it okay where you want it exactly okay now it's in let's say this is where I want this one so I I escape out of it now I recompute this guy and I can use this sketch to do some operations for this body okay let's see I want to slot this guy reverse yes so now get it out so now what I did was here let me switch this guy off by pressing space bar so what I did was I bought a sketch from a completely different model and bought it back into a new model and attach it to a face and did a operation and that that is what you have done is you basically you have reuse a sketch in a from a different model okay so that's the tutorial I hope you learned something new here and please uh subscribe and give a thumbs up uh that really help the channel to grow and thank you and we'll see you again in another tutorial
Channel: CADZiS
Views: 1,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Freecad;, FreeCad, Constraints, Geometric Constraints, Sketcher, workbench, Modeling, 3D Modeling, 3D Printing, cell phone, Planes, sweeping, Draft, Drafting, draft workbench, datum line, datum plane, snap, draft creation tool, Model Tree, Tree View, Standard Part, Part Workbench, Part Design workbench, cumulative single solid, Polyline, Slot, Sketch Reuse, Sketch copy
Id: sdf0kviamWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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