3D modeling FreeCAD 0.19 - Shape Binders

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hello and welcome to another freecad tutorial with me andrew today i'm going to be explaining what the shape and subshape binders do and how you can use them within freecad so let's take a look at these tools starting with the shape binder which can be found up here on our tool oven within the part design workbench when you click on the shape binder icon you'll be given a choice between selecting individual pieces of geometry such as faces edges or vertices you can select and remove geometry with relative ease although if you do want to select multiple individual faces and that you will have to keep going back and forth between the add geometry button and the face you want to select a way around this will be to select your faces and then press the shape binder tool as you can see all the faces that i selected are now added to our list in the left hand parameters box you can also alter your selection if you aren't happy with what you've picked and so can double click back onto the shape binder which you'll see in our tree to the left and i can remove or add geometry so another option for this shape binder would be for me to pad it or pocket it so if i click on the pad icon as you can see it creates a pad and if i click on the shape button again and click on pocket you can see that it creates a pocket now i can also use this as a sketch plane if i undo that by hiding the pocket itself and clicking onto the shape binder and then clicking the sketch icon which will then allow me to sketch a shape and extrude that upwards like so you have to physically select the shape binder itself in the actual window you can't select it in the tree and then click on sketch as it just asks you to select a plane so also when you're using the shape binder you have to have an active body or a body in the tree if i try to create a shape binder now i'm allowed to it will allow me to if i try to create a shape binder when i don't have a body uh it will throw an error message or a warning message and tell us that we need to have an active body another thing we can also do is if we've got a cube let's say from the parts line workbench which is what this one's from and i click on say this face here and i click on the shape binder i can say okay you'll notice that the shape binder has been added into the active body itself in some cases we might want that and in other cases we might not want that so that's just something to be aware of so for another example what i've got here is obviously the original body and i'm going to create myself a new body by clicking this icon up here i'm going to click on the face here which has got our slot in it and i'm going to click on the shape finder i'm going to press ok now you'll see that it's slightly offset and the way that we solve that is click on the shape binder and setting the tracer port to true and as you can see it updates i'm going to create myself a sketch and i'm going to click on the yzp play and press ok i'm going to sketch a very quick box just around our original geometry and i'm going to go back over to the model task and i'm just going to hide our original body now you'll notice our shape binder is still there and that's because it's in our active body currently i'm going to click on this icon up here which is going to select geometry from another body and i'm going to click on the edges around the outside like so now the reason i hid the original body is because if it wasn't hidden it makes selecting the geometry a hell of a lot harder so i'm going to do is i'm going to click on the slot icon and i'm going to sketch that between these two points here and i'm going to make these two points intersect it's going to throw up an error click to select and i'm going to delete that error now i'm not going to constrain any of this i'm just going to close out that sketch and i'm going to right click on our body transform it and move it in the direction like so clicking ok now you'll notice that the shape binder is still in its original location if we reappear our body and that's because our trace support is obviously on i'm going to select our sketch and i'm going to extrude that by clicking on the pad icon i'm going to press ok now you'll see that our slot on our original body is now projected onto our second body which is all well and good but what if i now edit or change the position of our original slot let's say i want that bottom left of our cube and close out of that well you'll see that our geometry has now changed now you'll also notice that our slot has changed in size and the reason for that is because i never constrained it originally so if i was to constrain the radius of this to five mil close out of that if i now go back over to our original body with the original sketch and i move that up a little bit click close you'll see how it all moves together like so now be careful when you are moving your sketch so this body is slightly smaller than our second body and if i move that off of the actual geometry i know you can't really see it here but if i move that off the geometry you'll notice how it doesn't move our second slot doesn't move with it because it is totally confused and you'll see that it gets an error now again the geometry itself doesn't actually have to be a slot so i could actually delete this slot i could say ah you know i want i want two circles here so varying sizes like so if i close out of that you'll see that we've got our two circles and again if i change the position of our slot and close out of that you'll see how the holes have moved with our slot so just one other thing very quickly is that if i click on this sketch here you'll see that both of these circles are attached to the original slot so if i delete that circle there and i create a sketch of a circle that's not even attached to anything and i close out of that and i manipulate the original sketch so let's say i move it up and to the right close out of that you'll see that the sketch that wasn't attached is obviously in exactly the same place so when you create a sketch and you're trying to take geometry say like say like this slot it has to be attached in some way so the same way if you're just going to attach it to the lines here make sure that it's constrained to the original piece of geometry that you've selected otherwise it might not work out how you want i definitely won't move if you move the other sketch so another thing that we can do is uh transform our piece of geometry so our individual bodies so in this case we know that in the x it won't actually do anything but we can change it in the y and in the z and we can actually change the position of these holes depending on which body that we change so if i was to transform this body in the y and say okay you'll see the holes obviously move more in a negative direction if i move the original body the cube and i move that down you'll see how the holes move down transforming those can actually change how our geometry comes out on each individual body that's also down to the fact that we've got our tray support set to true and if i set that to false you'll see that the holes move back to where the geometry or the shape binder was originally set so even if i move our original body in that direction nothing actually changes so moving on to sub shape binders now the two tools have got very similar little bits to them but they also do have very little differences so you can find the subshape binder to the right of the shape binder tool and as you can see it's green here i've just got myself a cube which i've created in the part workbench so compared to the shape binder if i was to click on the shape binder now it would ask me to get an active body even if i selected the cube and clicked on the shape binder as you can see it still throws at the same warning so that's one difference straight away i can create a binder without being in an active body i can also create a binder of actually selecting an object so let's say i want this face to be inside the binder what i can do is i can select the face and i can drag the cube onto the binder as you can see it's now taken that face that we selected and created our binder let's say i want to add another face all i have to do is click onto that face and drag the cube onto the binder again even if i double click onto this it doesn't actually do anything it doesn't allow me to add or remove geometry similar to that of the shape binder so let's say i just want this face now well again i will click on that face click and drag on the cube however this time i'm going to hold ctrl and then as i drop that onto the binder you'll see how it just selects that face and it removes the other one this seems to be a little bit more complex compared to the shape binder itself especially without the add or remove geometry but hopefully that's something that could potentially be changed in the future another way around this would be to delete our original binder select the faces edges or vertices that you'd like and then click on the sub shape binder which gives us the results that we might be looking for similar to that of the shape binder you also have a load of parameters down the bottom here which you can change at your free will moving into this bench here i've got myself two bodies i've got myself a cylinder and i've got myself a cube so what do i want to do in here what i'm going to do is i'm going to select our box and i'm going to create myself a subshape binder i'm going to select that binder click on the boolean operations and i'm going to set that to cut and say okay what you'll see is that we've now cut a section out of our cylinder and our box fits in nicely like so now this would be useful especially if you don't want to delete your original geometry especially when you're using boolean operations so if i undo that a second and i get our binder back another thing that sets the subshape binder apart from the original shape binder is that we can change the placement or the position of our binder so if i set that to minus 10 you can see now that it's on the other side of our part you'll also notice as i change our box position you'll see that our binder actually moves with it as well so our placement sort of offsets it in a sense again if i want to select a face click on our shape binder as you can see if i click on that binder and try to use the extrude button or the pad you'll see that nothing happens and that's because it's not attached to our active document or our active body what we'd have to do is i'd have to move our square back say okay and then select our binder click on the pad and you'll see that it's now attached like so we can also pocket that if we'd like to we could select the binder here click on the boolean operations and i could say i want to fuse that okay and then we could set the refine to true which just tidies up our geometry overall depending on what you're going to use these tools for they can be really useful especially if you're creating multiple parts that require certain bits of geometry to be in particular places i think these two tools are very similar in the way they perform and they only have a few little bits that make them stand apart from each other so i'm assuming eventually they'll just become one tool in one sense it's hard to see where one tool ends and the other begins as you can complete similar tasks in the same way especially in the scenarios that i tested them in i'll continue to learn more about this tool and how we can use it and possibly bring you an update in the future as anything the subshape binder has only just been released so i'm sure there'll be more documentation on what we can do in the future that's all for today's tutorial i've already just scraped the surface so give it a go for your sales and see how you find it and hopefully i've taught you something new that can expand on your freecad knowledge if you like the video give it a thumbs up and if you dislike the video give it a thumbs down thank you so much for watching i really appreciate it and as always have an epic weekend and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Andrew CAD
Views: 46,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360 alternative, FreeCAD, Tutorial, Learning, design, 3D, engineer, CAD, Quality, how to guide, create, datum, detailed, version, 0.18, learn, explained, sketch, workbench, part design, module, tool, freecad, cad, modifier, educational, descriptive, creating, part, how to use, Freecad drawing, plan, geometry, plane, examples, how, to, 0.19, 3D model, 3D builder, 2021, easy, beginner, new, simple, multi, body, shape binder, sub shape binder, sub-shape, binder, binders, shapebinder
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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