FreeCAD - Setting up Drilling Paths and Patterns

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hi everyone and today we can be looking at drilling and the aim of this to Taurus actually create a a piece of stock with a drilling pattern in there and actually set up the drill holes in the stock and the different settings you can use to actually create those drill holes so I'm going to start with a new project which will mean at the moment and I'm gonna go off to the sketch and all I'm gonna do is literally crater see a triangle or a square go 4 square actually go four square on there - let's put a body on so it's ground up our design crate body and then create sketch for it there so we've got something to add to and choose the XY plane as usual okay and now we are at our center of origin so I'm just gonna create a simple square on here and I'm gonna give this square some dimensions so we can figure out what drill bit we're going to be using so from there to there at the moment is twenty nine millimeters so I can go for 100 millimeters and I think I'm going to just do the same here but for 15 millimeters so we've got a piece of that rectangle a stock start with so this is all good so I'm gonna close up and I'm gonna Pat the piece of material I'm not gonna give it a 20 millimeter pad so remember these values so you want to remember that 20 millimeter cuz you'll put some holes in this in a second and I'm just cutting a laptop and I'm using the touch pad down here see this touch pad and I'm using pinch and zoom on the actual touch pad it's self and on using shift to move this about on the screen so I'm just gonna get this centered on screen somewhere about there I shall can use I can use the little tool Center himself fits the whole consonant screen tall at the top very useful huh so now gonna slap the face off a rectangle and press all I can see why I've actually done so I can see I've padded this out and so I've slap to the face and I'm gonna create a sketch on that face and I'm gonna create a series of small holes on this face and I'm gonna go for around about 10 mil Tim L 20 let's go ten so create a circle and I'm gonna drop this down to constraint at the diameter no just skate that first there we go so I don't constrain the diameter and select the actual circle I'm gonna set that to 10 millimeters okay I'm gonna pray two or three of these on this piece of piece of stock [Music] and that one so got ya great form interesting lately in each corner I escaped that and so diameters are these tips to 10 come on no position these in the corner around battle they're the same with this one just put these in corner and then working over krei odd you drilling pattern and it is as simple as this it's a you first create your you hold your guys where the holes are going to be and then you jump off into the part design and create your drills and draw patterns in so you your holes for those and then you strength the path workbench to sort those out so I'm going to close that now and I've got those those in there just just need one just need one of those and click on the hole and those are crate holes there now and at the moment they don't island for six you can see they actually smaller so I've set this to 10 so I got ten million in the meter holes in there and let's have a look at the depth the depth is all the way through because the depth here we've gone 25 millimeters now I don't want that 25 movie so I'm not sure if I want to go all the way through so if I hit that it's 10 millimeters so we're going in half way now you can see that on the bottom also you've got like a little point so that shows you that that's the point of the drill bit because you'll have a bit of a contour there after drilling if you own not going all the way through so I'm gonna go actually I'm gonna go 15 mil this is no exception 15 the reason why I was gonna wafer okay 15 mil down so not all the way through got fight no despair at 20 millimetres stock I'm going to leave all this as its candy we can do counter bore and countersink there it wanted to we're gonna leave those in there we can also do threading as well while not gonna get as though these is just standard holes over God diameter terminators death of 15 so just keep a note in that probably forget about that in a minute so that's done now we can jump over to the path workbench and now we'll actually create the job and the path to actually create to actually cut these holes into here so we did we just used the whole whole icon up here to actually create these in our part design we just set the sentence for our hole to Donna turned the depth and now we're gonna jump over into the par-4 punch and the first thing I'm going to do in there is set up my tools so I got to my tour manager here click on that I'm gonna clear out the contours of Oxana actually start from scratch so you can see what you're doing I'm gonna click on new tool and this is important change the type to drill so now we've got a drill and it's showing you what what to say here so we've got the diameter and the height and also we've got the angular angle with the actual tip down here but we're not gonna worry about that when I'm only concerned about diameter and height so obviously for a 10 millimeter hole in diameter I'm gonna have a 10 millimeter drill bit and here you'll place the actual height of the drill I'm gonna go 400 millimeters or not 1 I'll see you use a drill bit that will be sufficient in length to actually use on your machine actually get to the depth that you need so that's all good and I'm gonna change the name of this to Tim I mean stroke and I'm gonna click Oakley so come on drooling here now so I'm just gonna okay that don't worry about this light in it because next I've got to create my jobs and then click on the creep path job object icon here I'm gonna tell it to use the body so that's the body that we just just created click OK on that and our job actually comes up so I go click click OK for the defaults on there now so we got a job here and it's pulled in a default tool I'm now going to actually add a drilling path to this so if I come out at the top here so create a path drilling object from feature of your base object so if I click on that any notice I didn't actually select anything both actually slit the base object layer now if I jump to the base geometry this is where you start adding in these these holes now most people will actually click and then go add but you and then click on the next one and then go add but if we go I something like 30 or 40 holes in there then that it's not gonna survive at all that's gonna take us ages all you need to do is hit the reset button here and what that will do is pull in all the holes that are that been set to a to a hole for drilling so you don't have to worry about adding them just hit which there and those like those will get placed in there for you so those holes have all been placed in there and let's have a look at what else we got here not gonna worry about base locations this is we can actually add an XY coordinate for whole money if you desire I'm gonna wait for worry about it that's now the operation that this one is led to the default or at moment only one tool in there so I'm gonna apply that at the moment okay and I'm gonna have a look at my tools so I'll go to in here I've got a ten millimeter drill bit click that and I'm gonna create tool controller in there so that's good so okay that and now I should be able to get rid of this default tool so saying that it's linked to an operation or so think time I drew in the job so I'm just gonna know for that and actually open up my operations don't click on my drilling and drop this down to click just like the 10 millimeter draw why that okay and now I should be able to get rid of my default tool so click yes that's gone to no errors come up and now I've got a trillion pattern on my piece of stock and I can go in and simulate that see what it looks like by simulate path cheat code in stock it's one here click on that hit play and you can see the the pattern that is drilled so that's all goes good I mean I can't cancel that so just gonna look at the drilling and just gonna go through what pack and wallets so pack is if you think about the way right PEC so peck is am basically what it sounds like so what will happen is the trill piece will come down into the stock and it'll move up and come down a bit up a bit more move back up to clear the stock and down and it'll keep them in this manner until it removes part until we remove all the stock so it takes quite a bit of time to go down so that's gonna add more time to your drilling your drilling and milling time for a piece of stock normally as a peck will be like the you'll see come up as 2d or 3d or forty people will be talking about pack and that's two times the diameter of the actual drill piece itself so drill piece that went in was ten millimeters in diameter so a pack of 1d will be ten millimeters of that that would be ten minutes as 2d what was to be 20 1/2 T 5 etc so we can actually set this to what we want so normally I'm gonna go on there for 2d which region 10 millimeters and that will allow the drill bit to come down and in to the stock you would use this on hard stock that's quite hard to get fruit so it just nibbles away at it also if your machine can't handle a straight drill into the piece of material or for the drill bit is a very soft mint to metal or anything like that so you'll use a pack in there and to define the actual Peck millimeters that you would use is all down to trial and error and your machine itself the other certainly going here is dwell so to all this the amount of seconds or milliseconds that we want to stop on how descent into the dryness back into the drilling space so if you think of dwelling as a pools basically that's what it is but the tool is still revolving so the reasons for that you would use as well is that if you're safe you're drilling a surface that needs to be airtight and say like a manifold or you've actually placed a small spot drill into the top of the actual stock and that drill had or has to be clean for air to be contained within you would use a dwell because what would dwell does is that as the drill goes in it will go in pause and that will allow the drill to continue a couple of revolutions to actually clean up that hole to make it make it nice and clean without any birds or anything on there before coming back up if you didn't well in that hole you would actually come down and back out and at the end part of that drill the very button that hot that hole may have only got half to a quarter revolution of drilling meaning that you've got a burner in the bottom so it walls are important if you want nice clean holes especially if you don't dealing with keeping our an airtight seal or a liquid tight still in the silve in there so I'm not quite sure or it's seconds or milliseconds on here but this will actually allow a condom what g-code it is but will actually place a Chico for the dwell into your gobble code to allow that drill piece just to sit on the bottom to clean clean out the bottom of the actual hole itself so I hit apply over all these right okay that's will being applied now you can see that we've also got the Lions or we're drilling holes so in the actual bit bit tool will actually move so we start from from the center boosted's corner down and then back out and you can see the arrow is pointing in the direction of travel of that drill bit so that is a very quick tutorial about drilling and very simple to to do just remember that when you sapper a hole on here and you go to your drill in and go to the base geometry thank you hit reset to actually catch all these holes therefore you don't have to click on each of these and go ad you can always remove one of these holes if you don't want them in there something click on model body face 9 and actually remove that so I'm not actually drilling that hole no if I want to add it back in I just click on it add now last I did the edge supply that so still allows the actual work drill bit to go in there if I remove one and hit reset it will also come back in as well so I can actually move another release by hitting such an one called in that control in all those hit that removed to remove all those hit reset and they all come back in with the actual pass applied yeah okay and everything's good okay that's quick tutorial open house Cheers
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions for FreeCAD
Views: 9,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AutoCAD, Solidworks, CAD, CNC, Engineering, FreeCAD, Tutorial, 3D Printing, Free CAD, CAM, 3 CAD, Auto CAD, machining, Fab, workbench, 3D, 3D Printer, Lathe, Beginner, How to, Drilling, Countersink, Pecking, Dwelling
Id: S0Kk8onqXq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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