How to Drill holes with GRBL and Freecad [tutorial]

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so welcome today today i'm going to show you how to drill holes in a freecad with gobble because verbal has a problem where it doesn't understand drilling g-codes so let us start off here we just create a sketch where we can then later drill holes into just a normal square just making it a little bigger easy as that so now we can select the face make another sketch and place our holes we will place an area of holes we start with one and then we use the array tool to make more of them because why drill one hole when you can drill multiple holes and yeah so there we have our holes after a bit of a little bit of fiddling around they are not really centered so i push them to the center now we gonna make holes from the sketch basically done so now comes the interesting part because we have to switch to the path workbench but at first i'm gonna make this a little bit transparent so we can see better where the holes go like this so now we're gonna switch to the puff workbench and we're gonna add another path or another yes another job and now we have to be careful because we have to select girl and this is the most important step we have to put a line here it's called translate drill and this will translate the drilling gcode command to commands that gerbil can actually understand because journal doesn't understand a few of the drilling commands so we have to translate them in post so now we select our boundary box select our tools we remove the default at first we add another tool like a drilling tool in this case and then we remove the default tool because we don't need it then now we add our speed that we want the drill to go at our spindle speed and that's basically it the other things we don't need to fill in so now we have our drop first thing we're gonna do is change the diameter of the drill because my drill is 3.1 millimeters diameter not five ah no in this case i'm using a z 0.8 millimeter drill so i'm going to change that to that so now is our drill the right size now we have to select the holes it actually doesn't matter if you select the rim or the inside of the holes and when you commence a drilling only uh operation you don't even have to select the whole three catwheel selector holes itself but better be sure selecting the holes checking if they're all done now we have to we can add a start position but we don't have to now we have to select our depth we want to drill from start that zero to meet minus four millimeter now we select our safe heights uh for moving around and in my case to make the whole thing a little bit quicker we're gonna use one millimeter and yeah here we can choose pack but we won't use this now we will use peg later so this is our tool path now and yeah that should work we can simulate the whole thing but don't expect too much from uh drilling simulation because it's not a lot of g-code steps so it doesn't look very very smooth when simulating this so that worked now it's time to export the g-code and here comes another very important step you have to remove the g99 because the pros processor doesn't remove the g99 but gerbil don't understand g99 so now here you can see uh a few of the uh of the holes i'm undrilling it was a 3x3 array and everything worked quite well now we want to do the same thing but with packing packing is important when your drill is very small and you drill hard materials and you have to extract the material from drilling so your drill doesn't break off and it will just peck away at the material and just select hack and add in the retract and the depth value now we're done confirm now we remove the g99 again that's important because else it won't work and now you can see it's pecking away at the material this takes a little bit longer but for harder materials you should really use this version you can see it already takes longer for the 3x3 but if we wouldn't drill wood but drilling metal this would be the preferred way to do it or even if you have very small drills i have a video where i'm using a zero point one millimeter drill and i'm seeing uh so we're gonna use that as well for using a very tiny drill you have to make the whole thing a little bit slower so your drill doesn't break off so we use 0.1 millimeter per second that's quite slow but since our drill is also very small this will be fine now again we we use the holes uh i changed the diameter of the holes to be a little bit smaller 0.1 then we select our start dab or final depth i think at this point you should already know how the whole thing goes for the startup in this case i'm using 0.5 millimeter so we start to pack a little bit above the actual material and we also reduce those heights and we select peg because uh with such a small drill packing is really important so it doesn't break off because a 0.1 millimeter drill is basically the size of a human hair and maybe a little bit thicker but if you just look at it hot enough it will break off so be very careful with those tiny ones uh the depth can be calculated by taking the diameter of the drill and multiplying it with 0.75 in my case this will be 0.075 millimeters depth depth for packing ah sometimes a free cat has this thing where it doesn't uh really show you the new parameters until you select them again so and we see we made some errors because our drilling paths are above the material not into the material so um we forgot a minus at some place yeah right there we want to drill to minus three not two three so we add a minus and we should be good to go yes that looks much better now we gonna save and simulate and we see something's not right we have a way too big drill so we have to change the diameter of our drill again because our drill is still at five millimeters i mean five millimeters is a quite normal drill but compared to a 0.1 millimeter drill it's really big now we can test it with our simulation and we see it works it doesn't looks very nice in the simulation because the simulation of drilling isn't very good in freecad but it shows us that it should work now we can export the whole thing again and as usual remove the g99 yeah and now we're gonna see the whole thing drilling and you see the packing motion starts even above the material and start slowly starts going into the material that's how it should work again we're drilling a three by three pattern but since the drill is so small uh it's not easy to see that we actually drill nine holes because the holes are so near next to each other and i'm already using the maximum of magnification my camera and my usb microscope has and it's still hard to see also i switched off the pressured air a pressurized air that blows the stuff away because blowing pressurized air onto the onto the drill can already snap the drill off so that's why you can't see the other holes because we have all those uh material that's getting drilled out blocking our view of the actual of the actual holes but uh i will show you a picture of the whole set and i hope you can see them but let's just be sure that there are nine holes even if you can't really see them because it's so small i maybe need a better microscope to show you this or you can check out one of my other videos where i drill acrylic glass with this tiny drill or a rice corn there you can see it here there you should see it those are three x three array in 0.1 millimeter but since my usb cam is quite bad you don't really see it so that was it for today i guess see you next time i hope you enjoyed this tutorial uh that's actually the first tutorial i ever made and um maybe i do another one if you want to have more of that maybe not let me know in the comments see you later
Channel: BoltzBrain
Views: 3,984
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Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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