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thank you for choosing my channel um welcome to this video i hope you had a good day so let's get started so today we are going to actually see how we can use a free card uh to generate a gcon for running on a cnc machine to produce uh parts uh we're going to go ahead and use this part i designed in free card uh it says simple mold plate that we we are going to generate cnc code so we uh we can move it over to a cnc machine and see if we can run it in this uh example we shall just be going through the steps of generating tool path that we can use on cnc machines so in order to use free card uh for generating a gcode you change your workbench to path and there we go the next step will be clicking on creating a job object this is the icon so you go ahead and click on that icon now if you have a multiple bodies in your project you go ahead and select the body that you're going to use in my case i'm only using i'm only having one body so i'll go ahead and select that body and click on ok once you do that it brings you up a job edit a window now in this window we are going to define the dimensions of our stock so and what i'm going to do is i'm going to select extend models abound box and now depending on the raw stock that you're having you can always measure the dimensions and make sure that the part you're going to machine will fit in the row stock for purposes of this example i'm going to pad our part with five millimeters of extra material let's do that so if you look at this uh outline this represents our stock and i have padded the whole part with five millimeters of extra material after this page we go to our tools let's select the default tool and click on edit and we shall change we shall leave this to let's move it to total and click ok and then add another tool uh we shall be using a five millimeter end mill for all these operations um making it simple so uh you could actually follow the steps of how to make these operations in free card and then you can modify them and use different types of tools that suit your implementation so i'll go ahead and select a five millimeter end mill and click on open and then go ahead and click on our tool and click on edit and then give it a tool number i'll leave that on tool number i'll give it tool number two it looks like that you can't change the default tool i'm not sure why i'll give it tool number two now depending on the kind of tool you're using either a carbide tool or high speed steel uh you need to know the fades and speeds for dash tool so i'm i'm going to assume the tool i'm using is 0.03 millimeters uh of feed and then for both vertical and and horizontal feeds and then i'll set the spindle speed at 2000 rpm and then click on ok now after setting the tool uh we can go to our general tab there's nothing to change here and then we shall go to the output folder this is the folder that we are going to define where our gcode is going to go so we can come to a drive let me see here let me select this drive and then just say example dot gcod and save and then for the machine uh let's select linux cnc and for the work coordinate system i just leave it at j54 and that's all you need to do on this page and then click on ok ok so after creating a path job object you can go ahead you'll see it up here in your model tree i'll go ahead and expand it you'll see that you'll be able to see your tools your setup sheet stock and operations so we're going to go ahead and start with the first operation and that is going to be a profiling operation to remove an excess material so we're going to use adaptive tool paths so go ahead and click on this icon which is adapt adaptive clearing and profiling select your tool which is our five millimeter end mill and click on ok you'll get this window the first thing we are going to do is we are going to select our geometry so we shall be selecting these uh inner faces so let's go ahead and start with this first first so make sure be careful and you're selecting only the this faces not the outside ones so let's go ahead and add that first uh click on that first added let's go ahead and turn around uh our object here let's zoom in we're interested in that first uh added select that added so those are four faces uh we need the fifth one which is this and we click on that and add and we go back to our default view now after adding our faces we are going to go to depth uh we are going to add a 0.05 millimeter finish path just to make sure after it's done cutting off that material it comes in with a final path to clear out or to smoothen uh all those areas it cut out and a height nothing to change under operation now what we are going to do is uh we are going to change this we are going to leave this to clearing our tool is that we can turn on a missed coolant and then we can say use outline and then let's go ahead and click apply and we see how our path looks like uh sorry uh mr kia being very careful we have to change this to outside and then apply uh this looks okay let's just rotate it around we see it's split it into three steps uh yeah this looks okay so let's go ahead and press ok on that operation so we're going to add is another operation and that is also going to be a profiling operation this time to remove the lower material so click on adaptive again click on base geometry uh let's delete that we don't need that let's zoom down so uh remember we are going to now select these outside faces so go ahead and select that first click on add select select this click on add let's turn around our select that click add let's turn it around again uh select that click on add i think we should have uh four faces let me expand please bring this back into view i think we have all the four faces so let's go to depth and we shall also make this 0.5 uh let's go to height no adjustments and then let's go to operation still this is going to be out so and we shall be having a finishing profile and then we shall force this finishing in and out so let's go ahead and click apply hold down okay let's first remove that okay let's see this everything is okay start point not fun uh let me simulate this and see i'm not sure why it's bringing that error so let's go ahead and click on ok it's going to be faster simulation let's test it out and say let's go to operations and i bring this at the top click ok go to path and click com simulation let me run that and see it looks to be running okay let me go ahead and stop it push it to the end and see how it looks like no errors uh looks fine so let's go ahead and cancel that so we're going to go to our third operation uh which will be if a sync a toolpath so go ahead and click on facing which is that so click on facing still we are going to use our five millimeter uh end mill and what we are going to do for the boundary shape we are going to change this to stock for pattern we shall leave this on shall set it to offset and then i think that's it the rest we're not going to touch it let's go to height no changes let's go to depth we shall put a five millimeter finish step and then let's go to geometry i wish i'll be selecting this face click on that and then add and then apply so let's see here yep we can see all our facing paths are on there so we see our first impact so let's go ahead and click on ok that is our third operation let's go to the next and that is also is going to be another adaptive uh tool path uh which is going to extract material from this pocket so let's go ahead and click on adaptive still we are going to use our end mill at this time we are going to leave it to inside clearing and then uh the rest will remain on a default we shall not change that and then let's go to height nothing to change at depth i wish i'll still put our 0.05 millimeter uh finish step and then we'll go to our best geometry so we're going to zoom in and select the this bottom click on that make sure it's selected only that and then click add and then uh for that uh go ahead and click apply we see our tool path has been generated and then let's go ahead and click on ok let's go ahead and add another of adaptive tool path uh so this time it's going to be for this uh pocket the top pocket not the inner ones so uh let's go ahead and add another tool path our end mail inside uh clearing is the same we shall just say put your say use outline i think that's okay everything looks to be we shall leave everything at the way it is uh go to depth we shall just add is 0.5 go to base geometry we don't need that let's first remove that to be sure then zoom in and we are going to that and add and then click apply let's zoom out and see all this looks okay let's zoom in and see where it stops so all that looks okay it ends at that level we can actually simulate and see how it's going to come out so let's go ahead and click on okay uh click on our operations this is the last operation we did let's bring it at the top just make sure it's working okay press ok go to path select com simulator let's bring it here and then click on play let's make sure it's a good operation just click out of here okay that looks to be coming out okay so let's go ahead and click on cancel and bring this operation back to where it was it was the third operation and then say okay uh we're going to now add another adaptive tool path for the lower holes so go ahead and click on adaptive all this remains okay we shall say use outline [Music] go to depth at 0.5 go to best geometry let's zoom in and make sure we are selecting that lower face that edge can select that and click add we can now zoom out and then click on apply let's simulate that briefly just be sure it's working okay operations or other talk it's okay let's run that and we see that's a mistake definitely so let's go back to our fourth row and clear that off it's not running like as expected so let's go back push it back to 4 click ok run that go to that let's remove that gauge so let's zoom in and we see if we can select the bottom so let's make sure we have selected the edge at the bottom of the circle and then click add after doing that we can go to depth and give it a 0.05 then go to operation and then what we are going to do is we are going to select clearing so that will be inside clearing and then first in out clearing and then let's do apply click ok let's go ahead and test it out let's move that rule for at the top click okay go to path com simulator make sure i've clicked over and then let's click on play okay so that looks fine for that operation so let's go ahead and cancel and then so far those are one two three four five six uh operations so the next one and last one is going to be uh for the for the holes and that we are going to use uh pockets so uh let's go ahead and select a pocket uh operation which is that we are going to leave the cut mode at uh climb uh the pattern we shall change that to zigzag out still with our end mill and then uh step over percentage we are going to leave that everything is going to be the same here we shall change this to 0.05 for the depth then if you go to the geometry uh we need to select all those the bottoms of all those house right oh or the faces so let me bring cancer that bring that into view and then zooming into this hole so i'll start with that i'll click on add zoom out come to this zoom in click make sure it's the only one selected uh click add select that click on add click on add make sure we are clicking inside here click on add let's first do the outside ones let's do this i'll zoom in [Music] click on that click on add zoom down select that click add so i mean select that click add and then lastly this select that click on add then let's go for the inside ones click on that make sure it's the only one selected click add go for that click add click add we have three more to go select that add select that click on add select that click on add so let's zoom out this have to be one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen so let's count them and see one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen okay so that looks to be okay uh what else are we missing here let's just confirm the operation claims uh that's okay that's okay that's okay let's go ahead and click on apply we have our pocket let's go ahead and test it out let's go ahead and simulate it real quick before we are done so that will be that pocket shape uh that will be that pocket uh operation so let's go ahead and click on operations get this pocket put it at the top and click ok let's go to path simulator let's run it and we see okay so that seems to be working okay so let's go ahead and click on cancel uh go to operations and then put this pocket operation back to where it was press ok click on that so what we're going to do is since we have finished all our operations uh let's go ahead and run the simulator or for uh the simulation for all the operations and we see how our part comes out so uh you're going to go to path and then come simulator and then just click on [Music] run [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] shhh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so okay and the simulation is done uh everything is looking okay and that's how uh we do uh machining uh using uh free card you can see the whole part was designed in free pa in free card uh we did this uh machine programming uh we got uh the g called and then we simulated and look at everything is okay so after you you verify that everything is working okay is it's time to export the g code so you go ahead and click on this icon which is called a post processor and then click on that and i will say example g code and say save so that's it so if i go ahead in my folder and open that j code you can see here it is no nothing there so you can see the g code is here we can actually uh look at it so this is what you actually sent to your machine either sometimes you may need to do some editing for some g-codes that are not compatible with your machine so after doing that and you take this code to your machine uh you'll be having your part ready to go thank you and bye for now
Channel: Tech with Julius
Views: 3,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FreeCAD, CNC, GCODE, Mold Plate, Adaptive path, Pocket Path, End Mill, Machine simulation
Id: U9630DAmOA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 57sec (2037 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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