FREE YouTube SEO Course | YouTube SEO Tutorial for Beginners (2021)

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a free youtube seo course in today's video i'm going to show you how you can rank videos on the first page of the youtube search results as a total beginner now i've been doing this for a while and over 55.9 of all of my views are coming from youtube search now that means that over 32.3 million views have come from youtube search traffic not recommended not browse all of it is youtube search so on my channel i've got about 60 million views 32 million of those are coming from youtube search now this is one of my best videos on the channel it has 1.8 million views as you can see it started off slow but then slowly but surely it started ranking and as of right now it has been bringing in about two all the way up to like 4k views every single day for about 17 months now in total this video has maybe 4.8 k in revenue which is insane brought me in 10 000 subscribers and 35 000 watch time hours all of this is done by using the youtube search traffic strategy that i'm gonna reveal in today's video so where do you start in today's video i'm going to review everything i know about youtube seo so all you need to do is simply watch this video all the way until the end and you'll know what i've been learning in about 18 months so this took me hours and hours and you've got the chance to literally find out everything i know within the next hour i'm not going to sell you anything so all of this is going to be free i'm going to teach you how you can do keyword research now this right here is probably the most important part of all of the youtube seo because if your keyword is not good enough or it doesn't make sense to make the video you're not going to get views and you're not going to get anything out of it next up i'm going to teach you video optimization now this is something that a lot of people often forget they chase the best keyword and that's it but your video needs to be good if you don't get watch time if you don't get click-through rate on your video youtube is not going to rank your video so i'm also going to talk about that and then finally the actual seo including the title tags description and stuff like that so if you're willing to find out how you can get going with youtube seo and rank videos on the first page keep watching and let's dive into it all of these videos have one thing in common the all get views now they all get views because the keyword itself is really good in order to find these you must do keyword research for that i always use youtube itself now there are a lot of debates out there whether you should use vid iq or maybe tubebuddy or any other keyword tool however what i'm going to teach you is all based on youtube itself now what i've done to get all of these results is use the youtube search bar now you are familiar with the search bar if you simply go to the search bar you type in how to or you type in any keyword you're going to see a list of results for example i might want to type in football and then i'll get to see all the results and all the predictions that youtube is going to make for that specific keyword so essentially the youtube search bar is the pretty much all you need so the youtube search bar is a tool that's going to give you all the info that you need and i'll explain how that works right now so all of the results that are showing up here are not just some random predictions that youtube makes but these are actual things that people type in to the youtube search bar meaning that there is traffic now these are the top results so these are the keywords that are being searched for the most for example football daily football super league which just got announced um like two days ago um at the time recording this video now this is a huge deal in the football world and because of that there are a lot of people searching for it which could make this a good keyword to make a video about but you can do this with any specific keyword for example facebook marketing if you type it in you'll get to see all of these results that then show up and these are key to doing youtube seo so basically what you need to do is type in a specific keyword and then analyze the results let me explain how that works but before that i must review another secret don't go ahead and do this on your own account so if you're signed in to your own account all of the predictions are going to be based on your previous activity and all of your watch like watch time the videos you've watched the videos you've liked all of that stuff i'll prove that right now for example if i type in football you'll get to see these results please pay attention to result number one two three four and five football daily football super league football terrace football manager and football news now if i now search for a completely different term after football the top five results are going to change based on that specific search result for example i might type in football tutorial for free kick which are just some football terms now all of the um keywords that i just typed in into the youtube search bar are different than the top results i just made the search on my account and because of that it's going to influence the keywords that show up as you can see after searching for it the top three results are now completely different and weren't even in their search results in the first place so they're now showing me football skills football tutorial and football skills tutorial the reason for that is because i just search for it on my account so what we're gonna do and what i recommend doing every single time you do youtube seo research youtube keyword research is opening a private window i've been doing this for about a year essentially just when i started doing all of this youtube stuff and it's proven to work for me so i'm now in a private window and if i type in football over here you'll see it's pretty much the these results so football daily football super league football terrace manager and news so every single time you make a search on youtube the youtube predictions are going to change you don't want that because you don't want the results to be based on your activity but on the activity on the whole platform itself so that you can get the best um like results and do the best and the most reliable research now let's show you guys some real proof so here i am on youtube if i just type in how to go you'll see the top results are how to go live on youtube and then how to go live on tick tock now back in january 2020 i was doing the exact same method that i'm about to reveal to you guys and i came across this keyword how to go live on tick tock i decided to make the video and i'll explain why later on in this video but as you can see it's ranking first on youtube and it has 1.7 million views let's show you guys the real data from that video so this is the video i uploaded it in january 2020 you can see the first day it already had 250 views however slowly but surely after that it started taking off you can see in the weekends it was getting a lot of views a lot more views than on weekdays and that's still the case but you can see that this video exploded it has 1.8 million views it almost made me five thousand dollars for just a two minute video brought me in 10k subscribers and is still getting a lot of views from youtube search as of right now if i just go to reach i want to prove that this video is indeed getting views from those specific youtube search terms so how to go live on tick tock that's the like keyword phrase that people search they'll then find my video and over 27.5 percent is coming from that specific keyword now if we just go back to youtube you can see that this specific keyword that shows up in the youtube search bar how to go live on tick tock it's the exact same keyword that people use to find my video and that makes a lot of sense but that is just a proof that the youtube keywords that show up in the search bar actually work and that they can actually rank videos for you or like help you to rank videos and get you amazing results like this one so remember you want to start off by opening a private window on youtube and you can now get going i'm going to do this live so that you can watch over my shoulder i'm going to explain why i'm going to choose a keyword or why or like why not um so keep watching but you want to go to the youtube search bar think about a topic that you want to make a video about let's say that you're into football videos you can type in football and then get going or you can type in a player like lionel messi cristiano ronaldo or anyone else or just simply think about the topic that you want to create a video about and you can start typing that in to get brand new video ideas and then do keyword research from there what i'm going to do is go for a how-to topic because this channel is about how to tutorial videos so what i would do i would type in how to then i would get all of these results so these are about like 12 15 results maybe that i can use for inspiration or to find a different keyword for example i might see how to delete instagram account now that one is really competitive so what i might do i might just type in how to delete and then i'll get different results such as how to delete linkedin account permanently how to delete other storage on iphone how to delete snapchat account and i can keep going from there so i might type in how to delete instagram and then i'll get to see all of these now i know that how to delete instagram account is really competitive so that's not good that's not going to be the best one for now then we'll see how to delete instagram messages or how to delete instagram chat from both sides how to delete instagram comments and all of these are less competitive i already know that but i'm gonna prove that right now so let me just search for how to delete instagram comments and then we'll see the results this video is one year old two years old two years old one year old one year old four months old now i can see that this is probably not going to be the best video topic because the volume and the ranking videos are not too great and let me explain why so this video does have 114k views which is definitely a great result i would make that video at that time if i um knew that this was going to be the result this video two years 92k this one almost 200k in two years but then i can start seeing these videos that are ranking relatively high they're in the top five at least top ten results for example this one and it only has 160 views which is not great at all but then we've got this video with four four nine views in just a month then we'll scroll down this video almost uh 500 views in eight months so you can see that this is not going to be the best video topic because the approval search which i like to to find so knowing that there is enough search volume to make the video is not really there the top ranking videos are still getting some views i guess but then i can already see some newer videos that aren't getting like that many great views even though they're ranking relatively high so this is not going to be the best video now remember i just made a search so i'm going to close youtube and i'm going to open up a new window that's the presentation so i'm just going to go back to youtube click on i agree remember to do this every single time after you made a search really important then i'm just going to do this again so how to delete instagram and then you can pretty much keep doing this until you find the right keyword and then you just start over again so i'm going to do this until i find a right keyword so i'm just go and search for this one how to delete instagram chat from both sides that's a term that people search for let's see if this one is interesting and i guess it is so we've got this video it's ranking first with 10k in two months this video 110k in one year now that's already really interesting because this video was ranking first that's for sure 110k views but this video is a year old it's uploaded a year ago this video is new and youtube is ranking this video which shows me that they're definitely interested in outranking this video if i would make a longer video than this one and this one make it slightly longer get more watch time i can probably rank but before i do all of that i need to know for sure that there is enough traffic that i can get from this topic so if i just scroll down we can see these videos are getting decent views 1.4k just three weeks then we've got another one 3k views in four months that is not the like the best but this keyword is slightly different it's a question format can you delete in turn instead of how to delete so that's still good now what i would like to do first is have the proof of search volume so how can you check that well you cannot really check it's just about analyzing and then experience so i'm i've been doing this for like 17 months or so so i can pretty easily tell whether it's a good one or not so what i would like to do and what you can do as well first of all go to the channel from the video that is ranking first or like the top three rankings then check out whether the views could potentially come from his subscribers you can see that this channel has 16k subscribers and that video has 10k views so potentially that might come from his subscribers but as you guys can see and this is a great way to check this if you just go to his recent videos you'll see that this is a search channel as well just like mine we only focus on ranking videos in youtube search and our subscribers don't watch our videos you can see that all of these videos are just getting um 50 views 80 views 50 70 um 30 30 40 40 there's nothing wrong with that because it's the same for my channel but that tells me that these 10k views are definitely not coming from its subscribers which is great because they're probably coming from youtube search from people that type in this keyword that's exactly what i need to know so i've now confirmed the proof of search so now that we have the approval search it's time to find out the search volume so can we find out how many people are searching for this specific keyword now i never use like third-party tools to figure out the search volume in my opinion they're not that reliable but what i would do is just go based off the views that the video is getting in relation to all of his other videos so this one 10k views his newer videos only 50 or 40. so that is definitely a good search volume this channel as well 110k views and then his most recent videos barely getting views is just a search channel so that also shows me that the approval search and the search volume is pretty good after you've confirmed that you want to check out the competition and this is really important so how many competitors are trying to rank for your exact keyword the exact same keyword so if i just open up that new window we can see that i just search for how to delete instagram chat from both sides what you want to do first and this is a great like trick is copy the exact keyword so copy the exact same keyword word by word then do ctrl f so that you can find the exact keyword on the on the page that you're on and you'll see if your competitors are using the exact same keyword as their title and in their description you can see this guy is only using a short version of it he has delete instagram chat both sides instead of how to delete instagram chat from both sides if i scroll down this is the only person doing this he has the exact keyword in his title and then in his description so after you've confirmed that so if there are like maybe even more than five people that have the exact same keyword in their title in their description it's probably not going to be the best video to make and you also want to pay attention to the amount of subscribers and views that the ranking videos have for example if this person has 8 million subscribers the number one result has 20 million and 10 million obviously you're not gonna outrank them so that would not be a great video but i've now confirmed that the competitors don't have that many subscribers in fact i've got more subscribers than them maybe not than this guy but still i'm going to be able to rank i've confirmed that they're not using the exact same keyword as their title apart from this guy so what i'm going to do now is check out how many subscribers he has and you can see he has 91 subscribers and for him this is a great result because 700 views with only 90 subscribers back then he probably had like 40 or 50 subscribers or even less so this is definitely a great keyword to make a video about so i've now confirmed that the competitors are not that interesting so the competition is not great i can easily outrank them i've also confirmed that there's only one person using the exact keyword in their title and description that person has 90 subscribers i've got above 150 000 so i'm going to be able to outrank him the next up i like to take a look at the minimum view count so what's the lowest viewed video in the top 10 results let's take a look at that because if you can get um the certain amount of views the minimum that's needed you're going to show up any top results here so we can see that this video 10k 3.1 k 700 so the 700 one is probably going to be the lowest amount of views that's ranking here and that person is still ranking on the fourth place now that tells me that it's pretty easy to break in the list of the top results because 700 views and it's in the top four results if i can get those 700 views have more watch time i can easily easily outrank them so all of this is positive for the keyword that i just found the only thing left is the video length so pay attention to the video length and see if you can outperform them now if you can make a longer video and people watch the video longer that's going to be great because the total watch time on the video is going to be better than these videos and that's also a huge factor into youtube ranking your videos in the first page i can see this video is two minutes and 52 seconds three minutes two minutes two minutes even one minute so if i would make a video slightly above three minutes get high watch time get a high click through rate i'm easily going to rank first and get a lot of views which is going to be great so i've confirmed that for the keyword how to delete instagram chat from both sides all of these points elements are positive the proof of search is there the search volume is great the competition is not that bad in fact there's barely any big competition only one person is using a targeted keyword so that's great the minimum view count is pretty easy to get so that i can rank above them and the video length on these videos are not great so i can easily get more watch time overall this keyword that i just found is a really good one and that's going to be a great video to make okay so now you know how you can find the keywords next up you're gonna have to make the video itself now please make sure that you understand how important the video itself is it's just as important as the keyword and let me explain why so youtube seo is not just about a keyword a lot of people think seo is just secret keywords and secret tags but it's none of that so the video itself is as important as the keyword so seo is not just about the keyword the video performance is as important as the keyword itself it decides whether youtube will rank your video or not the reason for that is because youtube likes to rank videos based on the total watch time hours or just on how long people watch your videos the reason for that is because they want to keep people on the platform and if they keep watching videos that they don't like they're going to click away every time and eventually leave the platform so if you can make videos that people keep watching youtube is gonna like that and they're gonna rank your video higher in the youtube search results for example this is a great example this is a really good performing video you can see the video is 12 minutes long on average they watch almost six minutes and because of that the average percentage feud is let's say 50 percent now 50 is really good if you can try and aim for 50 to 60 percent you're gonna be set honestly 40 30 is still pretty decent 30 is like on the lower end i would say 40 50 60. that's like a gold mine for me and the reason for that is because people just keep watching they'll get to see more ads they're engaged with their content and youtube just likes that so how can you boost the retention before i show you all of it let me show you some real life examples this video is the video with 1.8 million views if i go to engagement you can see the average view duration is only a 1 minute and 11 seconds which is not a lot but if i scroll down you can see that the engagement is really high so about 40 seconds in almost 90 percent of the video like all the people are still watching then right there they'll find out what to do and then they'll slowly start clicking off but that's totally fine the engagement so the audience retention is about 56 percent and that is really good and that is pretty much the case with all of my popular videos this one getting about 1500 views per day it's online on its way to hitting 100k views it has let's see 45 um no 54 my bad you can see that the retention once again is really high 30 seconds in 90 is still watching the video and that's the case with all of my videos now these are a few longer ones this is the video i just showed you in the presentation and you can see that people keep watching seven minutes in they're still 72 percent watching the video now that is really high because of that this video is really performing um as you can see youtube search youtube suggested external they're pretty much showing it everywhere and you can see the views are now pretty decent making me a good amount of money you can see it as a crazy high cpm as well because it's about affiliate marketing now all like let's just ignore that that's another topic let me know if you guys would like me to make a video about how i'm getting these crazy high cpms and making a lot of money with barely any views let me know in the comments down below and leave a like on the video this is another example 43 5 minutes and 26 seconds people just keep watching they keep watching and this is really good so overall you should also aim to get a high audience retention make sure to keep uh people engaged so that they keep watching your video so how can you do that so here's what i do myself first of all step number one is confirming the title now what i mean by that is that there's going to be a video that you're going to title xyz if you let them know that that's exactly what they're going to get within the first few seconds they know that that is pretty much what they're here for if that makes sense so you came to this video to find um a youtube seo guide so within the first few seconds of this video i instantly confirmed that that's what you're gonna see in today's video so let the viewer know that what they uh let my that let the viewer know they will get what they click for that's step number one step number two is to hook the viewer in the first eight seconds so there are a couple of studies that have shown that if you confirm or like hook the viewer within the first eight seconds they're less likely to click off um in the video so give the viewer a reason to watch the video for example what i do all the time i pretty much start the video in this video i'm going to show you how to do youtube seo i'm going to review a secret youtube seo strategy a free course in today's video so keep watching and then i'll get into the video so i pretty much confirm the title then i hook the viewer i i give them a reason to keep watching you want to make that reason as like good as possible don't just tell keep watching i'm going to show you or like keep watching it's going to be fun none of that you want to make it visual you want to give them a huge like cta call to action to keep watching the video to increase the chance of them watching then next up you want to make sure to keep them engaged so once you've confirmed the title you've hooked the viewer the drop off is not going to be a lot hopefully and then you want to make sure that they keep watching just like i've done here so as you can see to that point 70 is still watching which is really high now i do that by introducing new cliffhangers every two minutes minutes to keep them engaged basically what i mean by that and what you could do mr b's is a king in this um is pretty much introduce something new every two minutes or maybe every one like every minute every 20 seconds so doing that you keep the video well paced and you pretty much have um something new going on in a video all the time that is really good so maybe um 30 seconds in i said that i was going to show you how to sign up for an account and i was going to show you them a secret whatever then after that i tell them that they keep watching so that they can find out about a secret way to promote the video or stuff like that so you want to make sure to first of all confirm the title do that fast like immediately hook the viewer within the first eight seconds give them a reason to watch the video and then keep doing cliffhangers keep introducing new stuff throughout the video so that they keep watching if you want a great example go watch mr b's videos he's doing this all the time and he's the king alright so here we are i'm now uploading a video and please guys this is just a random test video but i'm going to show you the strategy and the process of what i would do if this was a real video that i was going to upload so the topic of this video and the key word is best exercises for flat tummy and slim waste first of all what i'm going to do is identify the keyword in the youtube search bar so i want to find out exactly and confirm what people are searching for so the best exercises for flat tummy and slim waist i'm just going to search for exercises for flat tummy and there we go so you can see that people do actually search for this as a keyword meaning that i can just keep this as it is now that of course makes sense because i've already been doing keyword research before picking this keyword but i just want to confirm that this is the exact keyword phrase that people search for now what you want to do is simply make this look good so i always do best because then this is like a keyword that shows them that these are the best exercises that they can get so if you just do exercises for flat tummy and slim waste that is a good title but if you add best to it it pretty much makes it even stronger because people that know that these are the best next up what i always do i simply use caps lock on the first um letter of a word now not on all of them but this is just to make it kind of look attractive kind of like make it look good there's not like really an seo strategy behind this or whatever is just make it look good so that it becomes attractive and clickable for example if i go to the keyword you'll see this person is also doing caps lock and then like these words so like and and just works they're not that important they'll leave them off then caps lock again then not and then you can see they keep it going like that so that's what the uh what they do and pretty much anyone does on youtube now there's no seo strategy behind that it's all about getting the keyword in your title so as of right now it's best exercises for flat tummy and slim waste and then what you can do next and what i always like to do is put another like small keyword behind i mean between brackets to have that multiple keyword rankings if you uh know what i mean so what you can do is just end it like this and then you would have this keyword only but what you could also do is put in another keyword right there so for example if you search for flat tummy you can see flat tummy workout flat tummy exercise for women at home what you could do is put that specific keyword which is slightly different than this one between brackets right there so you might want to do flat tummy workout just like that and then by doing so you've got two keywords so you've got this one and you've got this one and you can do that within any niche what you want to do is simply find a related keyword to the video and put that behind i mean between or like behind the actual keyword and between brackets right there that shows up in the search results as well so if people search for flat tummy workout this video can also rank for this specific keyword which is great once you've made your title you want to paste it into the description that's what i always do i always have my title at the top of the description or simply customize it a little bit because as you can see on pc you can actually read the first few lines in the description so if you put um like these are the best exercises for flat timing blah blah blah we've got the keyword in the title i mean in the description my bad and you also make it understandable if people see it right here it will then say these are the best exercises blah blah blah so that is also pretty good now next up what i always do is simply include a few keywords in the um description and you don't just want to spam keywords but you want to create a little like story um just a few sentences for it to make sense so what i could do in this video and the main like key here is simply using a few different variations of the keyword in the description so that you can also potentially rank for that for those keywords so in this video i show you the best and then i would pretty much type in that title i'm just gonna copy it because that saves me some time the best exercises for flat tummy and slim waste that you can do at home if you are looking to lose weight which is another key word this is a great step-by-step guide with the benefits of doing flat tommy workouts so you can see it's all about putting in keywords and making um a like decent like i don't know not a story but just a small description about the video itself you don't just want to spam keywords what you can do to find these variations simply go to the youtube search bar type in the keyword and then you'll find all of them right here and you can simply include some of these in the description so that youtube knows your video is about that specific topic they can also rank it for these specific keywords to end it off i might say i've done research and found the best exercises for a for an effective and then you would do flat tummy work out that also gets you a slim waist so that is pretty much it there's not like that much to it like i said the title and the like yeah like put on the title the topic itself and then the video are the most important the description is kind of important but not as it used to be if you simply put in these keywords you'll be fine with this being said all that's left for the normal seo is the tags so a lot of people are always going off about tags like are they important are they not important and people think it's about finding a secret tag that can get you a lot of views but as you can see tags can be useful if content in your video is commonly misspelled otherwise tags play a minimal role in helping viewers find your video even youtube itself is saying that tags are not important anymore so what i always do i simply copy the title i paste it in here then i go to a website called rapid tags dot io i click use tools for free i paste it in there and then it's going to give me all of these keywords that it pretty much takes from the search results so these are actually really good i then click copy i copy them right there i delete a few so that it fits the amount that's allowed and there you go that's it that's all i do i don't do like advanced keyword research for the tag itself i just do this and i've been able to rank dozens if not hundreds of videos yeah i rank hundreds of videos on this channel and this just works that is it don't pay that much attention to the tags as youtube says it has a minimal role in helping viewers find your video it really doesn't matter so that is pretty much all you need now one final tip that i want to give you is the thumbnail so a lot of people don't pay attention to youtube thumbnails however they're also really important because if people don't click no one is going to see your video and youtube is not going to recommend it now one secret trick that i've like used so far to rank videos is analyzing the competition and then making something completely else now a lot of people always say that you should just um like copy success or whatever that may be however what i always do i take a look at the color of the youtube thumbnails that are currently ranking and i use something completely else so at the time of making this video add q a into your tiktok bio which is about to hit 100 000 views in just two months absolutely amazing a lot of videos that were ranking had a blue background so this one was ranking higher blue background let's see this one was also ranking first or second blue background so all of the current videos that were ranking had these blue backgrounds so what i decided to do is use something completely else because normally on my channel i always use a blue background as you guys can see blue blue blue blue and because of this because i saw that all of them were using blue i decided to go with a completely different color so that my video would stand out now currently i'm ranking second now that's not just because the thumbnail it's also because the size of my channel i've got a 40 in youtube like algorithm search algorithm so that's really cool but that's just a small tip that i can give you guys go ahead take a look at youtube thumbnails if you're just going for the youtube search results and make sure to stand out don't just copy the competition because you're going to blend in try and stand out by using different colors different concepts different templates and that will really get you um like a higher chance to rank because the ctr could be higher because you stand out and not blend in once you've got all of this covered finally you must analyze your data this is really really important and this is also one of the best ways to grow your channel honestly guys this is one of the best ways and one of the best methods that i use and used to grow my channel to this point where it's bringing in like multiple six figures per year and it's getting a lot of views so what do i mean by this and why is this such an important thing well take a look at this so if i just go to one of my videos or just analytics itself i can take a look at my current views so if you go to see more you'll see the top performing videos now what you can do with this list alone is simply figure out what kind of videos are getting views and then double down on these videos so that you can make even more videos about a specific keyword and then get even more views so it's kind of like the snowball effect but what i mainly want to show to you guys is how you can use the data to figure out what people are searching for and what you can do next for example this video warrior plus for beginners you can see that it's getting pretty decent traffic like the views itself are not that much but because the cpm is really good you can see that i'm making very like almost uh 100 bucks per 1000 views which is insane like that's insane like i said leave a like on the video if you want to see a video about that but as you guys can see these views are now coming from youtube search suggested videos external browse and other youtube features that shows me that this topic is really good now what i could do is go into reach and i recommend doing this for all of your videos so that you can get an understanding of what works it's all about like data and making sure that you know what can get you views and what's not the good video to make so this is not going to be like a secret tool or a secret hack it's all about putting in the work analyzing your results taking a look at your videos so that you know and study your own videos so that you know what's going on inside your channel it's kind of like having a business you need to know the revenue your expenses um like employees like all of the stuff you just need it needs to be your hat and it's the same with this so i know exactly what kind of videos are getting views what's going to do well what kind of titles what kind of thumbnails i've got all of it in my head after doing this for about a year so if you study all of this you can easily tell what's going to perform and what's not going to perform but what i want to show you is this right here traffic source youtube search you can see what kind of keywords people search for and to then find your video for this it's pretty basic because the title is warrior plus for beginners i'll just show it warrior plus for beginners warrior plus affiliate marketing tutorial once again you'll see that i've got two different keywords i've got warrior plus for beginners and then warrior plus affiliate marketing tutorial in the title now one of like like the end of that title is for cpm purposes because affiliate marketing has a high cpm but it's also good to have two like titles keywords in there and you can see the main keyword is warrior plus for beginners but then this how to use warrior plus for affiliate marketing that specific keyword is probably like my video is probably ranking for that specific keyword because i included this part into the title so by analyzing that i now know that these kind of titles work and that's what i can use on new videos or even just change it on existing videos now don't get me wrong like changing the title on existing videos is not some magic trick that's out of nowhere gonna make your video go viral but it could potentially work but i highly recommend you take a look at the youtube search results so the traffic source and then figure out what people are searching for in this case all the keywords here are actually like they make sense because my title is exactly that but for example if i go to another video to that one i just showed you i might actually show you guys what that looks like or like what i'm trying to show you here so this one how to put q a in your tick tock bio that is what people search for how to turn on q a on tick tock it's not my exact title my exact title is add q a into your tick tock bio 2021 it's not exactly this how to turn on q a on tick tock so this might be another potential keyword that i cannot make a video about for example if i go to youtube and simply search for that i'm gonna like do the youtube seo thing again what i just teach you guys at the start of this video and see if anyone is using this exact title as their title like this exact keyword and you can see it's only this person right there now i'm already ranking first even if you type in this specific keyword so i'm not going to make another video but what you could do by analyzing your data is find new keywords that you are already ranking for but you're not even targeting that if that's the case then you know that that specific keyword that people um use to find your video and it's not your title you can make that video like a new video you can make that video and then you're also gonna rank for that bringing in even more views that is really good but yeah that is pretty much gonna be on this video you can see that the click for rate for this video is 32.7 percent that's what i meant with standing out different colors it just makes a lot of sense and it's really performing now that is pretty much gonna be it for today's video guys if you have any questions about this youtube seo guide please let me know in the comments down below and please please please leave a like on the video that would really really help me out in the youtube algorithm it would help me rank this video that you're currently watching it would help me show up in youtube browse suggested videos all of that so if you appreciate this video if you've got anything out of this i would really appreciate it if you can leave a like on the video and subscribe to the channel for more i really appreciate that hopefully you enjoyed and then i'll see you in the next video have a good day
Channel: How to Digital
Views: 2,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FREE YouTube SEO Course for Beginners, seo tutorial for beginners, seo for youtube, youtube seo, seo for beginners, how to rank youtube videos, youtube seo tutorial, best youtube course for beginners, seo course for beginners, best seo tools for beginners, youtube seo course, youtube seo tips, seo for beginners course, complete seo course for beginners, seo tutorial for beginners step by step, youtube seo for beginners, youtube keyword research
Id: r6EbSTjh93Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 21sec (2541 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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