Free Spirits Cottage \\ Renovating EA || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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hi guys it's simile here so welcome to another part of my renovating II a series and this time I am renovating this house which is the free spirits home and I am so excited to share this one with you guys I absolutely love the way this renovation turned out and I hope you guys will like it too I'm really excited to share it with you guys I've been wanting to renovate this house for such a long time but I really wasn't sure how I was gonna go about it because I actually really liked the shape of this house so it wasn't sure if I was going to keep the structure pretty much the same it just like refurnish it but I did decide to change it up quite a bit and I'm so happy that I did because I think it still looks like the original home in a way like you can tell it's still that house but it just has more character to it I think and I think it looks really good so hope you guys will like it too but of course let me know what you guys think so the free spirits household consists of Mickey Hoss now I'm not exactly sure if that's how you say her name so forgive me if you guys know how to say it correctly I tried to find it pronounced on the internet but I couldn't find anything with the exact spelling so I'll do my best but that's how I'm gonna say it and then she lives here with her roommate who is a young Ricky Foss now I did find her name pronounced correctly so hopefully I'm saying that right but yeah forgive me like I said if you guys know how to say her names but I've been having a lot of trouble with their names but I think they're a really cute household and now that I've redid their house I am actually thinking there'd be a fun household to play because originally the furnishing in this house was really I mean pretty typical kind of drab and kind of dark and really empty but yeah now that I refurnished it I think it looks really like it has a lot of life to it and I think it's a lot of fun so I think they would be a fun household to play with I of course gave them a makeover you guys won't see that in this video but once my save file is ready you guys will be able to see them made over as well and I think they turned out pretty cute but anyways so Mickey is a blogger she's a really good writer so she's level 5 I think in the writing skill I do have their fandom page open here so I could check out their skills and those kinds of things she's also creative a snob and a bookworm she is am user and she has an aspiration to be a best-selling author so I definitely wanted her to have a nice computer space to be able to do a lot of writing so she has in her bedroom and then her roommate eel Ricki she is an art book collector so I thought that was kind of cool she also has skills in mischief and paintings she's pretty pretty high skilled in both of those and she is creative too so they're both very creative so I really wanted this house to have like lots of pretty art in it in stuff cuz I feel like they would go shopping all the time for like the prettiest paintings and like save their money to like really decorate their house with pretty artwork I mean it's not overly decorated with art but they have some nice paintings in there she's also perfect perfectionist an art lover um user and she wants to be a painter extraordinaire so I think they're a really fun household I love playing with artsy Sims they're probably my favorite next to gardening Sims and so what I did was I built this little room right here because I wanted to have a nice space for her to do some painting and I didn't want to have like all the skill activities be in their separate bedrooms so I decided to make a little reading corner a chess table for them to play chess together and then she has a nice little painting space in this room it's kind of like a sunroom it's probably my favorite spot in this entire house I'm excited for you guys to see it and then she also has a desk in her room where she can do writing if she would like to now I didn't give her a computer what I actually did was I gave her the drawn tablet that came with the last update which I just thought would be more useful for her and I think I may have given her one of those little tablet whatever you call this little computer tablets I may have given her one of those if not I can add one before I upload it to the gallery because I think it'd be nice for her to have some sort of computer but she's definitely more into painting and drawing so I thought those were more important but I'm really happy with the way it all came together I think it just has so much more just life and personality so I'm really really happy with it but anyways as you didn't see the shape of the house is pretty much come together I did make a few changes to the structure it's not as wonky shaped anymore because it was kind of a weird shape where it had like the upper level was actually wider than the lower level so it was I kind of hanging over it a lot of places I feel like it still has that feel but it looks a little bit less unbalanced at least in my opinion anyways and also I did decide to do this in the snow as you cook your broadway tell it looks really pretty in this like in the summertime or the springtime I did check to make sure like the terrain paint and the roof color and everything looked okay but I will share all of the screenshots in the snow and then I do the whole speed build in the snow - I just thought it was kind of nice and festive and yeah I kind of just wanted to do another building the snow that wasn't exactly Christmasy since I'm just feeling kind of wintery I guess I'm really excited for Christmas to come I did share my Christmas family build not yesterday but the day before and you guys seem to really like that so I'm really happy that you guys did I do have a Christmas apartment coming I've mentioned it a few times but it is coming I just wanted to share that one a little bit closer to Christmas kind of spread them out so all the Christmasy things were to like too far away from Christmas if you guys get what I mean so that's what I've been thinking so I will hopefully be able to share that probably while I'm away cuz I did mention in my last video that I am leaving to my parents for Christmas my husband and I are going up there his family lives there too so we will be able to spend Christmas with our family and we're really looking forward to it I'm not exactly sure how long we'll be gone but I will try to do some pre recording we shouldn't be gone too long maybe like five days or something four or five days not very long but long enough to spend Christmas with our families and then come back so if there is any lapse in videos or anything like that that's because I'm busy with that and I hope you guys do have a wonderful Christmas - or happy holidays if you celebrate Hanukkah I hope you had a wonderful Chanukah and yeah all of the other wonderful winter holidays I just love this time of year it's so fun and festive it's such a great time be I'm not really sure if I'll get any other Christmasy type videos done I'm thinking about doing some sort of create-a-sim if I have time I will but if not I'm definitely going to be focusing on renovations and bills because yesterday I went through and counted how many bills I have left to build and renovate for my save file and it's so many it's like 80 something I haven't written down somewhere it's not right in front of me but it's like 86 bills or something I have a lot more but that's that's still not that many there's so many lots and game I forget the exact number but there's so many lots like all the hidden lots and all of the like career lots and there's so much more to do so I did actually figure out if I do three to four builds a week that are necessary for my save file then I should be done about May or June cuz I know I've mentioned several times that I would be done by the end of the year and I don't know what I was thinking that was completely unrealistic but I felt like I was making such good progress I never really sat down and looked at how much still needed to be done yeah there's so much to be done so the end of the year is already here basically and I think a much more realistic time frame is the beginning of summer or end of spring I will of course it get it done sooner if I can but I don't want to rush anything I definitely want this to be the best save file that I could possibly make I really want it to be a complete thing and I want to be proud of it so okay I won't rush anything I will take my time hopefully I mean I'm gonna say hopefully we don't get another world but of course I always want more worlds but if we do I might hold off on adding another world and just work on the ones that we've already that we already have in the game including del Sol Valley and then and then once I'm done then then go through and do that world I don't know we'll see how it goes but that's kind of what I've been thinking so I thought I would share that with you guys but the exterior of this build has pretty much came together I'm just working out how I'm exactly gonna do the interior I kept the floor plan pretty much the same I think I even kept their bedrooms in the same spots to where they were originally cuz I think it was pretty clear whose bedroom was whose cuz you'll Rickey's was like pink and black you'll see that in the before and afters but it had like posters and stuff in there so I definitely thought that was hers and then Mickey's had the computer desk so I think I kept those in the same spot and then I did flip the kitchen around so where the counters were originally is where the dining area is now and yeah I just kind of flipped those around I thought it just made more sense and think I just think it looks a little bit better that way so that's what I did and then the upstairs bathroom is in the same spot to the original house did not have a bathroom downstairs so I actually was able to fit one in it's just like a tiny little half bath with just a toilet and a sink and I thought that was kind of nice because I always try to fit at least at least a half bath on the first floor of my build that way it's a little bit easier for playing I think because if your Sims like running out the door they have to use the bathroom do you really want them to walk all the way back upstairs because it does take Sims a while to walk upstairs so yeah I thought that would work out pretty nicely and then this is going to be that art room that I was talking about I'm just picking out wallpaper I really wasn't sure if I was going to use like the same wallpaper that was on the exterior or the rest of the house they end up using like this really old wallpaper with like this pretty pattern on it I think he came with vampires but this one I just thought it was kind of nice I don't use it anywhere else in the house but I just thought it was really pretty so yeah I decided to leave it in here and I just really liked the way that turned out I really like the colors of this house it's very like soft gray but it's almost as grey that has like a purple hue to it we got a lot of stuff with get together that has that kind of hue to it the same that like matches the windows and doors on this house it's really pretty so I really tried to make that like come through the entire house but I still feel like it has lots of color to it when I add like their furnishings and stuff I mean I did go very neutral with the furnishings but I feel like there is pops of color and I think it just turned out really pretty and yeah I just love this interior I think it turned out really nice I really like these floorboards and I haven't used these floorboards in forever they are based game and I used to use them all the time I think in a different swatch though and this darker swatch just worked perfect in my opinion for this whole build and color scheme that I was going for and then this is going to be that downstairs 1/2 bathroom that I was talking about so it's really small just the toilet and sink in here but I feel like it just fits in this area so perfectly and it's just so cute I'm really happy with the way it turned out I was trying to use this thing from jungle-adventure I thought it was really pretty but I do end up using this one that came with Parenthood I wanted to use the Parenthood cabinets in the kitchen anyway so I do like my bathroom counters to match the ones that I use in the kitchen which it's probably not necessary is probably a little bit to match you but it's something I like to do and I really wanted this house to have the feel of a more modern interior like as an old house that's been updated so I thought that was kind of nice because I definitely don't think these are the cabinets that you would have probably found if this house was still its original kitchen it would probably have very very old traditional looking counters probably some that we have from base game probably but I felt like these ones were really pretty and I liked the gray and as you know some of the stone from the exterior as a backsplash in the kitchen and I just thought that was really nice it kind of tied some of the exterior into the interior and I think it turned out really pretty and other than that I didn't want to overly clutter up and decorate the kitchen with too many things because it is kind of small so I do have my normal kitchen clutter that I like to add in build so I definitely add that but here I'm trying to pick out some curtains to put above this window and I kind of struggled with it I tried so many different curtains and sizing them down but the ones that I ended up going with are the ones that came with my first pet stuff they're really pretty and I've been using these curtains a lot more than I used to and I've definitely been having a lot of fun with them they size down really well which is really nice too so you can fit them on a lot more different windows and Plus is three different sizes of them which is also really great I hope that they continue doing that with more curtains in the future because that's very handy and then here I'm just adding a few different little decorations I think this is pretty much it though like I said I didn't add too many things and then here I just put a painting and then I move on to decorating the dining room which is probably my second most favorite part of the house I think it turned out really pretty anyways I go at this table that I think came with cats and dogs and then i pair it with these chairs that came with Parenthood and I felt like they just worked so nicely together because this table has the dark wood top which I felt kind of worked with the rest of the house but I also had the gray on the bottom which also matched and yeah I was really happy with using that so I'm not really sure if I've used this table in this color swatch very often so I thought that worked out pretty nicely and then here I do add a side table and then I think I get rid of this shelf and then move it to the other side of the window on the other wall and then put a painting above here I think that's how it goes but I think it just turns out really nice and I put a few little decorations around and I also really like that rug that I put under the dining table I felt like the colors were just perfect that rug came with laundry day yeah I came with laundry day and it's just really pretty it's one of my favorite rugs in game but I felt like it just worked so well with the color scheme that I was going for this build is probably a little bit too matchy for some people's taste I'm sure it is but I was really happy with it so of course I hope you guys will like it too but I was just really pleased with the way it all came together and then this is pretty much it for the decorations on this side table and then I do put a few little things up on the shelves here I was trying to find things that actually snap to the shell surfaces I do this every once in a while just to try to remember what actually snaps to the Shelf surface because there's so many things that you have to use move objects to be able to place them which is kind of frustrating because there's a lot of things that look like they would fit just fine and I'm not exactly sure why they made it that way but I thought it would go through and find things because if you use to move objects even though they look like they're sitting on there they are floating in the air so if you use the cutaway walls then they'll just be floating and it's kind of it's kind of annoying but I don't know usually I don't mind too much but certain times I just try to figure it out and I think it came together pretty nicely I was surprised at that one vase with the tall flowers that I'm not exactly sure what they're called but I put that up there and it is back to a shelf - I didn't realize that it did but I thought that was really nice and then here we're decorating this little sunroom I guess we could call it a sunroom I'm not sure if you would but I put this little wicker chair here in the corner with the lamp and then I do a couple like potted plants not they're not the ones that you can actually plant and I thought about adding those but I just add these ones around because I definitely thought this room would get a lot of Sun I bet it definitely does if you are to be in this house during summertime is winter and it's very snowy out so the windows are all frosted over so you can't see the light coming through but I bet it comes through these windows really beautifully and then I put a chest table right here in the center of the room which I thought was kind of nice so they could play some chests together and then you'll Ricky has her art easel over here a nice little art corner to do a bit of painting because this room like I said it probably gets tons of light so definitely probably has the best light for doing beautiful paintings and those kinds of things I definitely imagine she travels around because this area of windin burg is probably one of the most beautiful spots in game so she probably takes her art easel all around paints pictures of the water and the flowers and the mountains and yeah I just think that would be so great and then I put this new painting that came with I get famous right there above the wicker chair and I am so in love with that piece of art I've used it like pretty much in every single build since that pack came out I think it's like so perfect like in every Swach is just beautiful I think I used it one other time in his house maybe in the upstairs hallway yeah I was trying to not overdo it but I really like that a lot and then here I decided that I did want them to have a washer and dryer because for my save file I've been trying to include laundry in every single house because I definitely want there to be a spot to have it and then if you decide you don't want to play with laundry it's you know easy to delete it and replace it with something else but I feel like it's harder to add it if you don't know exactly where it should go so I felt like that was kind of a nice little laundry nook and then I put this laundry table here that has extra pillows and I don't know towels and those kinds of things and I think it came together pretty well and we got this mirror that came with seasons above it it's such a pretty mirror but I did have to use the move objects trick to be able to place it at a more reasonable level because it places so high on the wall that I don't think Sims could actually see themselves in it if they were going to look in the mirror so I'm not sure if that mirror works when you do that exactly or if you that with any mirror but it just looks a lot better so that's what I did and then this living room was kind of small I didn't realize how small it was so I do end up having to use loveseats instead of a full couch but I use these ones that came with seasons I felt like the light gray and whites and the soft Brown worked pretty nicely with this build I definitely feel like we need more modern couches I know we just got some that came with get famous but I don't know they have more mid-century modern rather than like contemporary I feel like we need yeah some more contemporary furniture would be really nice so people said that ever comes but yeah I think this living room does come together pretty nicely I like this fireplace that came with vintage glamour yeah I think oh speaking of fireplaces we are giving a new fireplace with the update on Tuesday if you guys aren't aware or if you don't follow the same gurus on Twitter you may not know but we are getting an update on Tuesday v what's next Tuesdays at the 18th I believe it's the 18th and we are getting some new holiday stuff so that's really exciting because the holiday stuff are always free and we'll get a new fireplace and I forget what the other things are I thinks maybe some new like clothing and of course like patch it's gonna be a patch too so it'll do some like bug fixes which is definitely needed it that would be so nice hopefully they'll fix the ceilings because the ceilings are still kind of dark but I'm really excited for a new fireplace I am going to be leaving for Christmas on the 19th so I'm not sure if I will have time to do any builds with the new items before I go maybe a room build if I have time I'll get that done but um yeah really excited for that and Here I am just decorating the coffee table I wanted to use the remote I've used that a couple times recently you can find it in the debug menu and I get asked every once well how to access the debug menu so I'll explain it so sorry if you know how but I think it might be useful so you do what you do is you hold ctrl shift C and that opens up the cheat bar and then you type in BB show hidden objects and in the search bar that's right above the catalog to the left it's like the left bottom of the screen you type in debug and then a whole menu shows up of all of these objects and things that you would normally use in the game that your Sims just all of a sudden appear they just happen to be in their hands you can find all of those things there some things disappear some things go bad like if you want to use like coffee cups or wine glasses as decorations they will spoil and need to be washed so those aren't like the best things to decorate with but you can find books and all kinds of things in there so it's pretty handy especially for adding a lot of clutter because there's a lot of like makeup clutter you can find in there I don't think I added any in this build but I do use a few debug objects in this building because it's a lot of fun but this is going to be making as a bedroom again I'm so sorry I feel like I'm not saying her name correctly I know I'm probably not but yeah this is going to be her room and I feel like she's quite feminine I so wanted to have this makeup table so I put a few little decorations over there I definitely thought that she would like to have a vanity table and then she does have a walk-in closet and then a computer desk over here since she is a writer she's a blogger actually so I definitely wanted her to have a nice computer it's one of the nicest computers in game and then she has a nice little seated area she's also I think a bookworm if I remember correctly I can check right here but yet she is so one cur to have some bookcases and this one was I don't I really like this bookcase in the corner but it's a little bit big and I do try to use a different one and try to like redecorate it a little bit but I go back to this bookcase that's in the corner I just size it down and then she has this other one over here in front of the bed too and I thought that was nice for her to have a couple different bookcases because I imagine she has a huge collection of books but here I did think about rearranging where I had the plant and then I do add a side table there's so many different items that come in this gray color I was really pleased they may not all match perfectly but it looks like a complete set of furniture but there it is sized down that bookcase and I just worked a little bit nicer and it should still function properly I can check it but there's so many other bookcases in the house if you want to read a book you could probably get one from another bookcase so I'm not too worried about it but this is going to be the bathroom that they share and I think it comes together really nicely it's probably really similar to a lot of bathrooms that I do decorate but I do really like it so hopefully you guys will like it too but here I'm just adding some clutter to the counters got that blow dry our decoration that I really like and it's a makeup clutter and then here I was picking out a curtain and a rug to go in the bathroom and there I just I said that link deleted the room I hate when I do that I do that all the time because I always use the delete button to get rid of things and sometimes I just accidentally push it like I think I did then but it's always so scary when you delete a room thankfully it's not permanent thankfully you can just undo it really easily and all of your work isn't lost forever because that would be so sad but this is going to be you'll Rickey's a broom and I really like the way her room turns out I really wanted it to have more of a grown-up feel it's not like super grown-up because I feel like she has a lot of decorations that still look kind of youthful but her original bedroom kind of looked like a teenager's bedroom she had like posters and I felt like the bed kind of looked like a teenager's bed so I wanted it to look a little bit more grown-up and I'm really happy with the way it turned out and then here just picking out a desk I don't end up keeping either of these I go with this smaller desk this one right here and I put the drawing tablet on top of it and I feel like her room just has so much personality in the end I'm really happy with the way it turned out it is very kind of purply but I feel like it gets toned down in the end and it's not all this like the same purple color but this rug I thought matched perfectly and then here me these curtains that came with seasons but in the blacks watch and I felt like that suited her really nicely because I think her original outfit had yeah had a lot of purple and black in it and I tried to pull that off in her her makeover too so he has some like purples in black so I feel like those are definitely her favorite colors and this lamp in the corner this came with seasons two and I don't think I've used it yet I'm pretty sure I haven't used it in any build so I was really happy to be able to use it here but I felt like it just worked really nicely cuz I don't know I feel like it's kind of a weird lamp I really like it I think the patterns on it are pretty but the base of it looks like kind of like a crooked tree branch and I like it but I feel like it's a little bit hard to use but I felt like it worked in here I also gave her a guitar she doesn't have any guitar skill but I figured maybe she's a little bit into music she'd definitely be good at it because she's creative and I'm user and those kinds of things so I gave her that and then here this moving the door because I felt like it would work a little bit easier for me to decorate the room if the door wasn't right up there next to the window and then here I'm just picking out some other decorations and try to figure out which dresser I wanted to use I do end up keeping this one I thought about putting two of them next to each other to make it like a longer dresser and I think that looks really good I'll probably have to do that in a different build but I decided to put a bookcase over here instead and I think that is just a little bit more unusable probably and I like the way it looks I'm pretty sure they both came with Parenthood's so they match really nicely which is good too and then I do end up moving this plant to the other side of the door and then I move the mirror over here I kind of shuffle things around but I'm really happy with the way everything's laid out in the end I put a chair over here in the corner that came with jungle-adventure that I thought worked perfectly for the colors in this room and I was just really pleased with that I was really enjoying the colors to this build if you guys couldn't tell I just definitely had a lot of fun with it and then here I'm using that item that came with movie hanging out that has like the succulents and the stacks of books is probably one of the coolest items that we have in game I wish those things were separate I would love to have just like a single little succulent plant like that or some of those like little stacks of books that are in that clutter item but I won't complain too much because I think it's a really cool item either way and then here I was picking out some other little decorations I don't know why I imagined she would have so many little knickknacks but I just had a lot of fun putting them around her room and I feel like it just gives her so much more personality I feel like Mickey would want a cleaner less cluttered room so I think that's why I didn't do that in her room but I also gave her some schools and I also gave her that crystal geode and I sized it down and set it on top of her desk and I think it just made such good decoration so I was really happy with that but we are back to the exterior now I just did some extra touches with the landscaping adding a mailbox and then originally I put a dining table back here and I do move it to the front porch because I thought that would work a little bit better and I tried doing a seating area up there but I really wasn't liking the way that was looking and then here I do add a couple of planter boxes at your Sims can plant in and I just put some regular plants just because it is winter time in game they look a lot nicer than the regular plant decorations do when you put them on porches at least this time of year anyway so that's what I did and then here I'm messing with this seating area and I just really wasn't liking it all that much so do move that dining table up here and then I do a seating area in the back but that is pretty much it for the build I hope you guys have enjoyed this renovation I'm so happy with the way this one turned out and of course I hope you guys do enjoy the screenshots but thank you guys so much for watching and please leave any comments or suggestions that you have and I will talk to you guys soon bye [Music] looking for says I'm staying close to a lack of comb the secret smile little things out place the hand upon my heart as her she was a believer sometimes I can feel her holding me as forever [Music] to my shoulder a logo the secret smile I will tell you when you get older I place the hand upon you every beat is taking me over and I win pretend we'll stay here forever [Music] and [Music]
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 51,788
Rating: 4.9535451 out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: Sb6Vm8G8D70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 3sec (1683 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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