FREE Shopify Dropshipping Course 2020 | COMPLETE Tutorial For Beginners

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okay so this video is going to be a 100% free shopify drop shipping course it's going to teach you pretty much everything you need to know to be able to go away and set up your shopify store find winning drop shipping products and get some traffic and run up some facebook adverts to your store and hopefully make your first shopify sale or currently scale what you've got working at the moment in time so let's jump into the video and let's start learning okay so this is everything what you will learn in this video today okay uh what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you which type of shopify store i personally think you should set up if you're just getting started with drop shipping or if you've got some experience then i'm going to talk about how to set up the machine and by machine i mean shopify store then i'm going to show you some product research methods you know where to find winning products what winning products actually look like some free methods paid methods and everything to do with product research okay then i'm going to talk about facebook adverts i've got a whole section on facebook adverts in terms of uh you know how to actually test your adverts the correct way how to also scale different scaling methods how to use look like audiences retargeting and those kind of things okay then i'm going to talk about how to run and grow your shopify business your drop shipping business because that's one thing that some people don't really know how to do they get results and then they tend to fall off a cliff but if you can be consistent with things um that's going to help you grow and that's what i'm covering in that section and then of course i'm going to talk about some very important next steps so again i can guarantee that you will get some value from this video if you're a beginner uh if you're intermediate with drop shipping i can guarantee that something in this video will help you out uh also what i will do is i'll put some time stamps so if you want to skip to a certain section feel free but it's best to probably watch all of this video uh to get the maximum value outside out of this video and of course it did take some while to put this together so if you could just really really really please just drop a like on this video okay and drop a comment down below and that would help out it with the youtube algorithm and uh with my channel as well much appreciated so really for really quickly i just want to cover the drop shipping model for anyone who don't understand what the drop shipping model is really quickly okay if you do really already know what it is feel free to just skip this part but uh basically the drop ship model how it works is we've got a customer and uh we've got a website okay so our store will be our website the customer will come to our website purchase something which we put on our store for a marked up price and we've got here 200 what will happen is when we get that order we will then forward that order onto our wholesaler okay which will be you know aliexpress and we will pay a wholesale price or basically a cheaper price and then what happens is once the supplier has got those details they will then ship that order directly to the customer and we will of course in the middle take the profit so someone spent two hundred dollars we've spent 150 dollars basic math we've made 50 profit okay and of course in this scenario we don't need any sort of warehouse we don't need to be in a certain location you know it gives us the freedom to be able to do this on the internet or anywhere else um you know without having a physical location or buying stock up front now a lot of people always ask me how much to get started so this is just a rough basic um you know estimate of what i personally recommend that you could um get up and running with things and i'm going to cover everything but a shopify basic plan is 30 per month and i'll talk about this in a moment in time your apps will be dependent on which apps you want to use and again i'm going to cover which apps i personally think you should use inside of this video okay a little later uh but apps will depend on how many you actually have on your store that depends on how many shopify apps you have but um approximately it will generally cost around 20 to 50 dollars which again is going to be monthly a domain name again there's so many different domain places where you can get them from but you won't pay anything pretty much than ten dollars that their car for a com they're around about 10.10 15 depending on where you purchase it from now a logo a logo can be free if you know how to use photoshop or if you know someone who's a designer your best friend whoever it may be you can get a logo them for free i'm going to talk about again different places where you can get logos made from in this video so make sure you keep an eye out for that part but you can get logos done for free if not i'm going to show you some different ways whereby you can buy them for really cheap for anything from five to fifteen dollars okay uh and then we've got finally our marketing budget and the marketing budget most of that was going to be uh spent on adverts and i'm going to talk about facebook adverts how to drive traffic and those kind of things later on in this video so like i've mentioned most of that will be your marketing budget and anything from 500 to a thousand dollars okay and again this the more that you've got the better and once you start making money then you can then start reinvesting that back into your uh your costs uh your your marketing cost so um that will be when i say marketing i mean facebook adverts budget basically the more that you've got the better it will be and the more products um shopify products you're going to be able to test out with facebook so the first thing is the store type which style of store type do you run because i know there's loads of people out there on youtube talking about all sorts of different methods uh to find them um to setting up stores let's go over the basic ones and show you which ones and explain them one by one so basically there's three types of stores shopify stores that you can set up okay drop shipping stores so in the blue we've got a general store now with a general drop shipping store what happens is you're basically having i personally recommend you have three to four niches nothing more than that to be honest uh you don't need any more niches than that to make money so three to four niches all on the same store it gives you a lot of flexibility and you've got multiple products so that's a general store then moving on in the red we've got a niche store now a niche store only focuses on one particular niche with multiple products within that niche for example beauty and if you've got a beauty store then we may sell lipstick we may sell makeup we may sell eyeliner uh eyebrow you know stamps or whatever it may be but basically they're all under that one niche okay now a one product store is only focused around one specific shopify product okay no others so where is the differentiate the the difference between a niche store and a one product store is this will have multiple products whereas a one product store will just have one product and i'm going to show you some examples of all three of these stores so you know what they kind of look like right now i've got this i've put this together i'm not going to go through all of this because it will make the video quite long but um if you want this and if you want all of these slides okay there's about 83 slides um within this presentation if you want all of these slides uh please do if we hit a thousand likes and we hit 250 uh comments then i'll give you all of these slides okay the slides will be down below um in the description or on the first comment so uh rack up those likes uh rack up the comments and uh i'll give you all of these slides so you can go away and uh learn in your own time okay so choosing your store now you've got a general store i personally recommend if you are a beginner getting into drop shipping okay uh you should start a general store if you have no experience with drop shipping whatsoever or you don't know which niche you want to get into that way you've got way more flexibility to be able to pivot into something else without having to you know rebrand your whole store or you know go through and everything and start from scratch so if you've got no experience whatsoever drop ship in um or do not know which niche you want to get into then i recommend starting a general store now i just want to show you a general store uh this is inspire uplift okay one of the biggest drop shipping stores that are out there they've done you know multiple millions of dollars um and you can see here basically they have loads of different niches inside of one store so if we click on a shop here we can see we've got home and kitchen pet supplies tech beauty fashion wellness toys kids we've got everything so multiple niches inside of one store that's what you call a general store okay that's a good example now i recommend setting up a niche drop shipping store if you have experience drop shipping or you already know which niche you want to get into now this is important because a lot of people i'm all about making um you know going taking action now some people who are just beginning getting into drop shipping what happens is they take way too long trying to find the perfect niche the truth is there is no such thing as a perfect perfect niche right so if you already know which niche you want to get into then cool go ahead and start a niche store if you don't and you're pondering between one or two or you've got three then go for a general store because it's going to give you that flexibility now to give you an example of a um of a niche store we've got this store here called meowingtons and uh basically it's a it's a cat store um as you can see everything on this store is all to do with cats so you know we've got also we've got cat clothing we've got cat products we've got cat mogs um pretty much everything here we've got cat jewellery um so everything around it like i've mentioned is within one specific niche which is cats but we've got different types of products within that niche on this store okay so that's an example of a new store now a one product store now like i've mentioned i only recommend that you start a one product store if you have experience drop shipping okay or you have validated the product or i've done extensive research on that product and have a pretty high you know um confidence that the product is going to succeed the reason why i say that is because if you start a one product store you're generally gonna have to get a you know a customized domain you're gonna have to get a logo will build around it and build the whole store all of the descriptions everything like that and if it doesn't work then it's kind of tough what you have to do is just restart all over again and brand it into a different um different store you know which takes a hell of a long time and can be a little bit off-putting for people who are new getting into drop shipping hence why i recommend you do it if you've got experience okay now to give you an example of one of those um these don't drop ship um at the moment in time they've probably got brands and those kind of things but this was once a very high drop shipped product um everyone was dropshipping this product but you can see that it's all just based around this one product they have a few upsells only one which is like consumable um i think it's like consumable smoothie packs but when they first started out they've only recently added that it was only just around this one product that's all the product that they sell all of their marketing is just based around selling this one specific product and you can see here they're just basically selling uh this portable uh juice blender okay so that's explains those three things now setting up the machine and what i mean by setting up the machine is setting up your um your your shopify store okay now this is what we need to do okay is we need to of course open an account uh come up with a brand name logo creation um themes to use and apps to use now i'm going to cover all of these i'm not going to comment i'm not going to cover you know going through and actually setting up my stores step by step because that would take you know way too long this video would be extremely long um but i'm just going to show you you know all of these things there's some more important things that you need to know uh when it comes to drop shipping so to set your shopify store up what you're going to need to do is head to shopify okay and uh to get to shopify if you want a 14 free day shopify trial okay courtesy of me i am a shopify partner um but if you want a free 14-day uh trial then all you got to do is click the link down below okay and you'll head to a page like this and all you've got to do is literally just click start free trial you click that put in your email address um come up with a password whatever your store name is and again here you don't have to put in a store name which will be your final store name remember you can buy a domain name and customize it so if you can't think of a store name at this part here don't worry about it you can call it pretty much whatever you want it won't be the final domain that will go out and then all you do is just click create your store okay and again if you want that free link then all you got to do is click down below now when it comes to choosing a shopify plan um the basic one that you're going to need to be on is the 30 ones when you starting off and um you know there's no real reason for you to start off with the 80 one or even this one okay now the main difference is is how many staff accounts that you can have for example um this one only has two so again you're not going to have any va's or anything like that va's are virtual assistants which i'm going to talk about later in this video but you're not going to have any of those and another uh factor is your is how much they charge you per um per transaction okay so for online credit cards they charge you 2.2 percent plus 20p however if you come on to this one here then you get charged um 1.9 okay but to start out with on your shopify plan all you're going to need to do is just make sure that you just on this basic one to to start off with now picking a store name and this is very important of course and it will be very much your name will be influenced by the type of store that you decide to choose so if you do choose a niche store then of course you have a certain name whereby if you're picking a general store then you're gonna try to have to come up with a generalized name now one thing i will say is do not have any of these words in your shopify store okay do not have deals gadgets buy shop offer in your in your domain name okay they look spammy they look you know they don't make you they don't give off a great impression so i wouldn't advise having any of those in your domain name now one thing i always try to do is i always try to have it two words maximum and you can see from those examples that i gave you earlier blend yet is like two words blending and jet and inspire uplift are our two words as well so i generally try to have it two works maximum now one thing i like to do is i like to come up with a root keyword and then use something called lean domain search right and i'll show you lean domain search in just a moment in time and then what you want to do is pick out say three to five that you like the sound of that you can just shortlist and then pick your final one after maybe you know analyzing the three asking friends family whoever it may be then what you want to do is you can either go to shopify uh and register a domain inside of shopify you can go to domain or any other domain registrar and just purchase the domain so let me show you lean domain search and how it works so this is lean domain search and what i like to do is put in something a root keyword so let's say our root keyword was inspire i would put inspire in and what it will do is it will throw up a load of domain names now one thing you will need to do is you will need to check just in case to see if they are still available to purchase you can search by popularity or length i personally like to sort by length because i like small ones and of course if you want ins aspire inspire should i say um at the start you can have it like that so we just click on this button here so we've got inspire bin and inspire zoo uh inspire jam inspire pen uh and there's loads of them you know there's uh there's loads of them inspire keep again you can just go through inspire know these sound more like a drop shipping a general store okay um but again you can go through that and literally just find it if it's available bingo just go ahead and purchase that domain very cool very cheap to use i mean it's free tool so i always use this when coming up with ideas for my dropshipping stores now creating a logo is a very important thing to do and of course a good logo helps you build trust on your store now you're only going to get one first impression to make a good impression to the people who land on your product page or on your website so we're going to make sure that your website looks as good as you possibly can make it so i'm going to show you some ways how to uh come up with a free logo or um you know if you don't know how to do it yourself essentially then purchase one for very cheap now you can use these things here that i use to design a logo again do it yourself if you're good at design you know photoshop if not you can use something called canva canvas good and you can see here they've got three options as well that you can use here we're inside of logos and again everything like this we can pretty much just edit if we wanted to and again if you wanted to just put in uh inspire here uh whatever it may be we could they've got different options for this you can pretty much just change all of this and then hit the download button so that's one way that you can do things another one is fiverr now i personally absolutely love fiverr fiverr you can get pretty much anything you want done to your shopify store whether it's hiring you know um someone to be a developer to your store someone to make edits on the back end someone to come up with uh logo ideas video ideas facebook ad videos um pretty much everything you can think of is all on fiverr i absolutely love it so if we was to put in something called um you know minimalist logo which is something i'm a fan of just getting something which looks very clean you can see here uh some of them are a little bit expensive but if we sort by uh best sellers okay you can have a look again this is 12 pounds which is what probably 20 dollars or so if that uh we've got others which are much more expensive and then we've got others which are a little bit more cheaper as well so you want to just go through and you can have a look at some of their stuff again this is just going to give us the png files the source files uh but again all of it is very much cheap you're not spending that much money to start with to get a very good professional logo uh one thing i would say is just look through the um the reviews you know see how how what other people are saying about them um but just compare you know reach out to them see what they see what they can do for you and then just place an order again this one's um starts at five pounds which is you know ten dollars um it's not expensive basically so you can get yourself a professional looking logo just by heading to fiverr uh you know selecting some of these guys and uh negotiating and seeing what they can do for you right now the other one is called uh depending on where you're at and this one is a little bit more expensive it's probably got a higher tier of graphic designers and basically what you can do is um is you put in your what you need so again you need a website or you need a logo you put it in there and what it will do is loads of loads of designers will submit their work you tailor it to what you kind of want saying i want it to look like you know x y and z has to have bold fonts in um you know has to have look or have a look or certain feel to it and um yeah you can go through that but this is again a little bit more expensive to use and if it was personally me for a beginner just getting into shopify then i would just probably just use either canva to do it myself or photoshop to do it myself or just find one on um on on fiverr okay now themes i want to talk about shopify themes because a lot of people ask me you know which are the best themes to use you know which theme should i use should i get a paid one uh do i need a paid one you know which are the best paid ones which are the best free ones and that's what i want to talk about in this section here which are the best free ones free shopify themes and which are the best paid shopify themes okay so one thing i will say is that a paid theme will not make you more sales if you are a rubbish marketer you know if you are not good at marketing um then it doesn't matter what theme you use if you use a good theme if you use the paid theme if you use a free theme um you're not going to get any better results okay whereby if you are a good marketer you will be able to make sales on free themes paid themes or any themes that are pretty much out there uh theme is not unnecessary it's not a necessity basically but it can help um you know help you make have your website look a little bit better and save you some money on installing apps as well so which are the best free themes to uh to look out for well there's these three here and we'll cover these three really quickly okay so we've got uh debut okay and i'll show you really quickly debut what it looks like so debut is free from shopify again you can use this for our one product store you can use it for a general store or niche any kind of store you want to have a a go at you can do that and again it's 100 free uh it's from shopify it looks great it looks clean first and foremost you can see here it looks very clean um and yeah it's free it works and most importantly it converts so it turns traffic visitors into buyers and you can change a lot of things on this um on this theme so that's a very good one to start out with okay another one is adventure again this is another one from shopify that you can use a basic one that they have they're ready readily available uh this is more good for like a niche store more good for like a general store as well you can see here this is a niche store so camping um sleeping bags tents and again this is basic you know is not you can do this out of the gate templated pretty much um and if we have a look at a product specific product here and if we have a look at it on on desktop first and foremost you can see here and again we can add in some shopify apps which i'm going to cover to you know make it look better add in reviews and those kind of things and then we've got the uh the mobile version now remember a lot of people will be shopping on mobile as well so uh 80 to 70 of your traffic will come through mobile so you want to make sure that it looks good on mobiles and as as you can see this one looks very good as well now the final one is debutify so if i just have a look at debutify you can see this one here um this is like debut on steroids if that makes sense this is a very good um free theme it's free and then you can pay for upgrades if you want to so there's loads of different widgets that you can use on this one again this is the desktop version and again this one converts really really well as well so they've got this already built in um as a part of the part of the theme popups and if we have a look at the page let's just have a look at a product for example you can see here that again it looks really really well they've got trust badges so we don't have to do any coding there we've got countdown timers which again we don't have to do anything there buttons with animations i'm not a massive fan of that but um again it can help with conversions uh we've got all of these things here that we can either turn on or turn off inside of this uh inside of the shopify theme again we've got reviews uh we've got frequently things brought together and again if you wanna you know again what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna leave all of the links for everything down below in the description so you can just go ahead and you know get all of those um testimonials but again this is a fantastic theme and most importantly it converts if i just really quickly have a show you it on mobile you can see here what it looks like on mobile again looks very very good very very clean and most importantly like i've mentioned it converts it will turn traffic traffic into buyers okay so they are the best free themes that i recommend that you uh you take a look at uh again depending on which store that you actually want to go with so paid themes now that we've had a look at some free themes which paid themes should you be using okay now these are the ones that i personally like to use um we've got turbo okay turbo is one which is frequently used by a lot of drop shippers the reason why uh it name is names kind of self-explanatory turbo is extremely fast and having a shopify store which is extremely fast helps with uh improving your conversion rate okay so turning visitors into buyers and this is it on desktop version you can see here it looks uh really really good and if you just click on shop men's just to show you on desktop this is the collections page and just to show you it on mobile really quickly and again like i've mentioned we're going to cover some apps that you can use to make it look a little bit better as well if we click on inspect just so you can see the mobile version there again very good very clean very customizable and also very professional so this is a great uh theme paid theme to use in terms of the price i think it's probably the expense most expensive one out of these i think it's fifty dollars i believe um i'm not entirely sure but i think it's around that mark right but it's worth the money if you're making money it's worth it investing inside of a paid theme okay next we've got booster and booster is another paid uh theme again i'm not entirely sure how much it's worth uh how much it's cost off the top of my head but the reason why they they are paid for is essentially is they've already done the conversion optimization for us they've already you know tailored everything to uh the point whereby it's ready to drive conversions so trust badges you know moving things here and here slow stock count days till you know shipping price ends all these kind of things that you see on here which again you can turn on or off inside of the theme set um settings all of these have been built in so that you can save money on apps and and also make conversions so that's another one that i that i like to use and then the final one we've got impulse now impulse is a great theme to use i like the look of it it's very clean it looks very very professional again for a niche store um or for a general store depending on how you want to do things but um this looks very very clean it's a very clean um website again if we have a look at our mobile it looks clean and very professional on mobile as well and you don't really have to do that many edits to this one as well if we just have a look at a product really quickly so you can see um what it looks like let's just click on long sleeve so you can see here is collections and we just have a look at the products really quickly again very very clean um we've got reviews different sections that we can edit but all in all a very good theme and if i had to choose out of you know all of these um all of the paid themes that are on the market because there are loads of them uh these would be the three that i would go to okay and again i have got stores which are using these themes as well so which shopify apps should you use on your drop shipping store now there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of shopify apps out there on the shopify app store okay um but i want to show you the ones that i consistently use over and over again that help me do two things okay um all of the apps shopify apps on the app store will do these two things so they will either help you make more money there's apps out there that help you make more money or there are apps that are out there that help you save time and very important that of course apps do one of these two things so i'm going to show you some of the best apps shopify apps that i always use over and over again on my drop shipping stores so first and foremost we've got oberlo okay and the way it works basically is when you're a beginner right you don't want to be typing in stuff manually or importing um you know products manually it takes a long long time so for what you can use is oh below an app called oblo and again they've got a free option by the way 100 free and again i'll leave the link for this down below this video and basically you use it for fulfillment okay for fulfilling your orders when someone orders you actually then placing that order and of course pulling in products into your store doing this makes things seamless and easy and it's pretty much a must-have for all beginners looking to get into uh drop shipping and i'll show you how it works so let's say for example i'm seeing side of oblo at the moment in time and again you can download this from the the shopify app store right and you want to connect your store and what you want to do is when you when you're looking at finding products right what you do is you can go to aliexpress and let's say for example i like this product here and uh what i can do is i can copy and if i head back into a berlo and hit up here search by add or search by url or id you can see here i've already kind of done a demo one and i'll show you that one shortly and basically i just hit in the product url if i hit add product what it's going to do is facebook it i mean oberlo is going to reach that product find it on aliexpress and import it into oberlo and while that's doing that let's just add work on this one so say for example we wanted to sell this product this cat you know bag and we could call it you know cute um cat bag or something along the lines of walk with walk with your cat bag or something like that so we wanted to call it something like that uh if we have any collections on the store which um on this basic store i do so cats again we don't need to put in any sort of uh type or anything like that and uh what we can do is obviously edit the description here now of course we don't want to have in that we don't want to have in a description like that and if you have a look in some of my other videos i'll link it at the top or somewhere in the description about how to put together a winning converting product description but um if you check out one of my other videos it tells you exactly how to do that but basically we would edit this shopify product and have a good description in there talk about the benefits rather than the features of this product so if we were selling this specific shopify product we'll be talking about um you know do you love snuggling with your cat all of the time wish you could take it out with you you know on your trips show it the world etc try to invoke that sort of emotion and uh the the features and of course saying that it's safe for the cats and they're not gonna um you know anything's gonna happen to them in this bag right um so we put that in there in the description okay uh the variance also what we can do as well is if we don't want to sell all of these variants okay and we only wanted to sell certain of them we could just take out let's say we don't want to sell the pink we didn't want to sell this one um you know we don't want to sell this one this one this one and only have you know whatever it may be on there we can do that um also what we can do is we can change all of the prices so we want to make sure again this gives us our profit as well and we're going to talk about profit and those kind of things um when it comes to running our facebook adverts but uh we want to make sure that we've con of course kind of as a rule of thumb 3x the product price of what we buy it for essentially if we if we potentially can um of course shipping prices again are all there as well but if we want to set a new value we could change all of the prices to um you know let's say you know 95.99 for this product and the compare price is basically what people think they should buy it for is let's say you know 150. we can do that and obviously it tracks all of the inventory as well now if we head to images again we don't have to have all of these uh images okay we could take out um you know all obviously all of these ones are not selected all these ones but if you wanted to have something like that which that that looks pretty cool um again all those ones and then all we've got to do is just hit import to the store right and that's basically being imported to the the demo store that i've got up and running and we can see there that we've got it and again if i head into this store hit products and um have a look and wait for this product we can have a look and see that there is the cat bag so if i click view this wasn't previously there and that took me literally seconds to have a product on our store okay literally it's the easiest thing that you can potentially do is have oblo now what happens is when someone was to come to our site and purchase this bag they would buy it and what would happen is it will come into our orders um again i've not got any orders um on this demo store but it would probably come up in here and what we can then do is click buy it will go through with all of the details that someone has put on our store and we can literally just pay for it there and then very easy to do and again if you are a beginner you will need this app on your store okay so below again there'll be a link for it down below now another one i want to talk about is vitals okay and as the name kind of goes this is vital to have on your website your shop shipping store honestly um basically how it works is it has 40 plus apps all in one so all of these apps here you see are all in one app which makes it fantastic to have why because of two reasons first and foremost you're saving money okay on all of these different apps that you could buy and add to your store individually or a second of all sorry is basically it's gonna help speed up your website now if you've got loads of different apps on your store what happens is the more apps that you have the more javascript your store has to load and it slows down your website and hurts conversions so having something like this uh on again we've got sticky add to cart we've got countdown timers we've got we can install facebook pixels we can have uh payment logos we've got pop-ups announcement bars um currency converters literally just cookie bars anything you can pretty much think of is inside of the vitals app and if i have a look and just show you um what it looks like here would you view this i'll show you what the sticky add to cart looks like because i installed it on this um not this product let's have a look at something else so let's just have a look at this interactive toy so if we scroll down we can see here that at the bottom here we've got a sticky add to cart okay and people can buy this for her for ten thousand dollars um but yeah you can see what it looks like and again that you can get that in there they've got loads of different things as well but vitals is one thing i recommend you check out i will leave a link down below for vitals um if i've got us very special because my partner with vitals uh you can get an extended um trial period for 45 days before you even pay anything plus you get a 10 lifetime discount 10 lifetime discount so usually it's 30 i think you can get it for 28 dollars for life again the link for vitals will be down below and i pretty much use this for any beginner again even intermediate and new stores that i start i just get this on the website because again it saves me installing tons of different apps okay so that's one thing i recommend you get is vitals now sweet upsell is something that you should use um now this is a post purchase upsell that helps you make more money right and what it does is it increases your average order value um abbreviated is your aov now if you increase your average order value it means that you can spend more on your facebook adverts and still be profitable and i want to show you how sweet upsell works so let's say for example we're selling a product okay and uh we're selling you know um a super mop or something along those lines if we're selling a mop what upsell could we sell what up sale could we you know what product could we sell to the person um that they may buy in conjunction with this uh with this product now to give you a real basic example let's say for example we were selling a uh a phone now an upside for our phone would be a phone case okay because if people are purchasing a phone they're going to want to keep it safe with a phone case right so that's the basic principles of an upsell or selling the exact same product at a discounted price so if i click on preview upsell again i've just created one um you can see here after someone has purchased something from our site what they'll then get is an option to purchase something else right and remember they're already in the buying mood so we are not uh interrupting the customer first and foremost which is very very important they've already spent money with us most importantly um so they're going to be in the state if we offer something to them which is of value um you know then they're more likely to purchase something else from us and again i'll just put um if they were selling that mop which i've got on this demo store a natural upsell would be to sell more mops you know interchangeable um mop heads for them so i would say hey you've unlocked a special offer okay to add some extra mops with uh 30 40 off cool i'll put them for six thousand dollars which hey if you want to purchase them on the store then feel free but um again people if they just click about add to their order they'll add it and then all they gotta do is uh purchase again and um again we've made more money we've squeezed more money out of that customer so again vital i mean um sweet ops out very important app to have on your uh on your store okay now this one here is clavio and uh basically how clavio works is it's an email app right and these are just some flows which i've got on uh one store okay and the way it works is of course if you're already acquiring money to spend on a customer right um email marketing flows and campaigns help you bring in extra money at a cheaper cost than advertising so if you're spending money on facebook and you're driving traffic to your store all of the time you're paying for those customers but once you've got their email address or you've put up a pop-up and you've got their email then what you can do is you can send them relevant relevant products um you know hey you've bought a cat um cat product from us how about this pet jewelry and basically what you can do is send them more products or relevant products at a cheaper price because email marketing is generally cheaper than acquiring customers on on facebook right so again this is just a flow that i'll use um again for everyone who's purchased something within let's say the beauty niche you can see here we've got like a welcome to the family email then one day later they get hey these are some product suggestions so these are other products which women are really buying on our website take a look at them they've already spent money with us so maybe they might purchase something here again they might wait two days and we might do some customer testimonials you know of other people who have purchased those kind of products from us again another two days later you know um another suggestion but we style it in a different way maybe we only highlight just one specific shopify product on our store um which makes a really good complementary purchase to what they've already made and then we might just offer them free shipping if they've not purchased with any sort of discounts uh if you are charging shipping on your drop shipping store then we may or might just offer them some free shipping again that can make us some money as well because you know some people don't like paying for their shipping so a very important app to have on your uh on your store and these are the apps that i like to use now i'm going to show you some more that i like to use as well because they're not the only apps that i like to use so these are some more apps that i like to use so we've got abandonment protector okay and basically how this works is it's for uh people who go to check out on our website and don't buy and if we click on um our automated emails here and again this is very good you can do this with klavio if you want to but this app just makes things a lot easier so if you're a beginner i highly recommend you just checking out this one rather than doing clavio to start with because it's cheaper and it's easier so what happens is everyone who abandons the cart will get three emails they'll get one typically five this is how i like to set things up so five or ten minutes after the abandoned cart they'll get an email then they'll get another one five hours after and then they'll get another one 19 hours after as well and these basically just offer discounts so you got to remember that around 70 of people who land on your store will of course abandon car and again you can see here hey client um you know you can you can literally copy this if you want to this is what i generally like to give out you can see here this for the first one we're not giving off any discounts or anything like that we just want to you know they may have done something they may have the doll might have rank something like that but basically we just want to say hey you forgot about your order we're running low um this is what you left behind do you want it here you go and then we can do that offer some discounts in our other emails so a great app to use now looks okay is another one which basically just um does picture reviews okay and uh like blend yet i'll show you how it looks this is basically how it looks okay you can see they are using looks and you can pull in these reviews from um aliexpress as well so if you are selling products from aliexpress then you can pull them in from aliexpress which is uh again great and saves you time and most importantly helps with your conversion so that's another app that i like to use then there's pixel conversion with this one again if you're not using vitals and you can use this it's just to help you with installing your facebook pixel and again there's coin uh currency one if you want to sell worldwide um then again if you're not using vitals then you can use this one um to help have your currency if you're selling worldwide you know display the currency in u.s for people in the us for pounds for people in the uk or wherever they may be if you're not using vitals okay so payment providers because a lot of people when i was talking about putting out this video a lot of people asked me about payment providers okay these are the three that i personally use i'm from the uk again i know a lot of people are from different countries and not everything is available but i use shopify payments okay uh stripe and paypal now they do give me headaches sometimes here and there but um i've run up hundreds of thousands and millions through these processors um but again as long as you're compliant and you're good and your chargeback rates aren't high then using these three are totally fine now for those people who are not um in those countries you can use this um this url here and basically what it will do is it will show you all of depending on where you're at if you're in asia europe middle eastern all of these the different countries and we click on let's say israel is going to show us which payment providers are available in our in our country so only these ones here okay so i just thought i'd put that in there because i know it would be helpful for a few people a few of my followers who are not based and always ask me about payment providers okay so product research how and where to find winning products now this is the anatomy of a winning product so we've got two main things that make up a winning product the first thing is problem solving product now these generally as explained um they solve a problem that the customer it has right it could be saving them time could be saving the money could be giving them more confidence let's first say for example um you know beauty products they make people look better so we're selling confidence right they're problem solving products or we've got winning products which have a a wow or unique um you know a wow or unique effect on people when they see it in their facebook news feed and generally what i always like to say is if you're selling those products always try and find a passionate audience to go with it um so for example again these are not fined they're not found in the high street they're very unique but it must have a passionate audience behind it um for example parents are passionate people hobbyists are passionate people pet owners are passionate people right selling a cool quirky product um to any random people that doesn't have a specific niche to it is hard to sell okay now to give you some examples again this is a problem solving product it's a product that helps people pet owners wash their dog easier with one hand cleaning them down don't need a hose don't need to use two hands it just sprays the water out of the um out of the device right now on the other hand we've got here a wow unique product because it's you know it looks wow it looks good it's a hand knitted unicorn thing for kids and we've got to remember the passionate audience behind this will be women such as you know maybe grand grandparents or women who want to buy it for their nieces and nephews it's got that passionate audience behind it so they are two live examples of um you know those types of winning products that you can have now to take things a step further there's different types of winning products now you've got gold winning products which are your winning gold mines now they will typically bring in like your 70 to 90 percent of your revenue they're the ones that will do like the 5 000 to 50 000 per day they generally have mass appeal uh and generally you're the first person to sell them then we've got silver winning products now these products are they scale well but not to anything crazy you may be able to do like a thousand to five thousand dollars per day uh and maybe there are products most of the time that has been sold for a long period of time by other drop shippers but you're still able to catch the wave now the final one is bronze winning products and these ones rarely make any sales they make few sales or you may only have like one um or two ad sets which are profitable which makes some sales or you try and scale them and no matter what you scale they just don't kind of work so it's important that not every single product is scalable if they're making your money at low budgets just keep them at low budgets and keep them running for as long as you're making money now these are the top niches now these are in no particular order we've got health and fitness which is a big niche of course on facebook we've got kids and babies kids toys baby products again that's a very big niche we've got kitchen and home improvement so remember like cooking gadgets cleaning products tools are another big one that's a very big niche as well of course like i've mentioned we've got beauty so lash extensions used to be magnetic eyelash extensions used to be big makeup we've got nail kits eyeball eyebrow growth all these kind of things within the beauty niche massive massive massive niche we've got pets as well um cats dogs horses and then outdoor activities such as like camping hiking um sports activities people that have to go outdoors to do their activity again another massive niche right now there's two types of methods to finding products you can either do free methods or paid methods and i'm going to show you both and the best ways of both of these methods so you can go out and find winning products and you've got some solid product research strategies to go out and find your next winning products so these are the three methods that i recommend that you use which don't cost you anything so we've got facebook search and that's basically scrolling through your feed being targeted by other advertisers and clicking on the advert adding it to cart and basically trying to get pixelized to show facebook uh to say hey i'm potentially looking to buy this product show me more products like this okay and over time facebook will start to show you more products the next stage we've got is the ads library and that's taking things a step further by going into the facebook ads library analyzing how long it's been running for and um having a look at the creatives and ad copy ideas um for the ads okay and i'm going to show you these two first and foremost before going into aliexpress and finding products and searching on aliexpress um for using the drop ship drop shipping center tool and finding trending products so for example i've scrolled down in my news feed on facebook and you can see here i was targeted by this product here i can tell that is targeted um advert because it's sponsored right and uh basically what it is is it's just a um a cozy hammock that people can have in their web in their home or outside looks pretty chilled to be honest um and uh probably something that i would potentially buy to chill out in now most importantly we know that it's got traction because of how many likes it's got the more likes comments and shares that an advert has got in your feed the chances are that it's a winning product because um that's accumulated over time and we know that an advertiser won't spend money on something which isn't bringing them results so 100 comments 200 shares and 1k likes so what i would do with this is i would first and foremost save it okay i would save it to my collection which means i could go back and uh and view it again and it would land in your saved in this part there i would always click on the um on the advert right and this is a bad looking drop shipping store straight off the bat i can see that it doesn't look doesn't look that good but uh what we want to do is of course is we want to add it to our cart right uh view our car uh check out just to signal to facebook that we're being pixelized and we can see here with this chrome helper we can see that we've initiated checkout um you can see there there's the uh the content ids we've initiated checkout so this is showing facebook that hey we're potentially in potential in buying this product you know show us more products like this right and that's what happened over time now what we can do as well is go to the actual product um actual page to see if they're running anything else okay to do that of course we could just click on this open up the link which i've already done in a new tab and what you can do is go down to page transparency and click see more then what it's going to do is going to see if it's running any ads and we can see here this page is currently running ads and what we want to do is we want to go to add library now when we go to add library and when this loads it's going to default to the country that you're at so always change this to all now once you've done that we can see all of the adverts that they're running they're not running that much uh but we can see that they've been running this since june this is uh june as well but we could see that they're all different products okay we can see that that is what they were just running there but also we can see here this kind of product here so this pet it looks like a pet dryer so it's like hey you know i didn't kind of think of this product you know can i potentially source it on aliexpress is it something that i could potentially um you know find so that would be something again that you can use to see um how how get ideas for other products another thing is always always having a look at how long it's been running for the later this day is from the current day the chances are it's been running for a long time and as i've mentioned if it's been running for a long time chances are that they're spending quite a lot of money on um on that adverb right so that's one thing that you can do you can also use aliexpress to find winning products okay and if you go to aliexpress again this is where you'll be sourcing products from but i want to show you some ways on how to find good products with aliexpress now the first thing is finding a quality supplier so let's say for example we were looking for the cat bag let me just type in catback here what we can do is we can have a look at some of these products okay we can see here there's all different for kind of variations now what we can do is if we have a look at a product right that we like the look of we can have a look and see now you can see here this one has been dropshipping since 2010 which is 10 years ago we can see that they've also got how much positive feedback i personally like to always make sure that this is over 95 you can see here these guys are 97 and i've also also got the top brand um badge on it okay so in terms of finding quality suppliers i always like to have a look and make sure that they're 95 or over okay now one thing i like to do as well is aliexpress will also recommend you some products here in terms of finding um nice looking products okay you're looking for something and products which jump out at you as well and if you scroll down to the bottom as well which is what not a lot of people do um there are also other recommendations whereby you can find products that look cool like for example this here instantly jumps out to me on this page out of all of these different products uh again that will be the same kind of sentiment when you put that on facebook it will literally just jump out in the news feed so this would be something that again you could potentially explore see if there's any margins in it but it definitely just jumps out and over time you will get better at identifying winning products like this now another thing you can do is you can also use something called the drop shipping center now to find that if you go to accounts and just click on you know my orders and you can see uh on here if we just click on uh drop shipping center and this is facebook's aliexpress um tool so what it's gonna do is gonna tell me to uh sign up so what i'm really quickly gonna do is just sign up here click next steps i have read next steps uh yeah and we can just go to the drop shipping center and what we can do is we can find products if we click on find products here right we can find different products for us so we can sort by orders drop shipping orders um so this is drop shipping orders you can see here rate in and we can have a look in all sorts of different categories so let's say for example we want to sell something um in the makeup and we want to do um you know irish eyebrow trimmer we can sort by uh orders if we wanted to so orders up and basically here what you're looking for is stuff which has a lot of orders less drop shipping orders and also has been sold quite a lot so we can also click on the analyze and if we click on analyze what it's going to do is going to give us a graph to see how many orders it's been is having each day so we can see this is having over 30 orders a day um 40 40 it peaked quite a while ago 100 so we're getting quite a lot of sales so again this could be something that may have some potential and this this tool is 100 free something that i like to use as well so in terms of fine and winning products and analyzing products that you come across as well so any product that you come across what you can do is literally just copy and paste the url stick it in here click analyze and it's going to spit out the results in here so that's something that i also um like to use as well so there's some free methods that you can use now selling quality we want to make sure that you're selling a quality product now these are some checklist things that i always like to do okay first thing is have a look at the reviews on the aliexpress product listing okay uh we want to do is have a look at the bad reviews and see what they are are they more to do with the product quality okay or are they to do with more of the mistakes of the vendor who you're purchasing from now if it's more about the products quality and again you go and find another supplier and again their product quality one stars are exactly the same then the product may not be a good quality product however if this is not to do with the products quality and it's more to do with the vendor just isn't sending in time or they are sending the wrong products then maybe all you have to do is just go and find out find another supplier who's selling the exact same product okay but just having better reviews and sending it out now another thing you can do is if you've seen the ad on your news feed on facebook i just showed you that free free method you can use to find products have a look at what the comments are saying you know are people um saying you know it didn't don't work um you know products trash etc etc try and get a feeling of what those people are saying um see if there's any sort of theme you know what people are talking about inside of those comments now another thing i like to do which is good is go and find the same exact product selling on amazon um most of the time you'll find the same kind of product on amazon people are just buying it in bulk and using fba um but have a look and see what the reviews are obviously have a look at the one star reviews because most of those reviews are going to be from people um in the states if you're using um you know so have a look at those is it you know like a three-star product two-star product with a lot of um the same kind of issues with the products or is it like a 4.9 and people just received you know a few handful of people just received a faulty kind of product right the final thing is don't be afraid to not sell a product if you think the quality isn't there scaling a bad product will cause more damage than good right you don't want to be selling bad quality products because they will come around and bite you in the backside um so you don't want to be scaling anything which isn't good because it would cost you more in refunds chargebacks and those kind of things um so a lot of the time now if the product quality isn't there or i don't think it's there then i won't hesitate not to sell that product and try and find something else now there are paid methods that you can use okay and these paid methods basically um save you time okay and remember time is money paid products software tools they help you save time and also give you product ideas or shopify niches drop shipping niches which you may not have initially thought of which i think is pretty much invaluable okay um now these are the paid tools that i like to use uh we've got ad spy e-sniper ali shark e-com hunt um and sal the trend now all of these um i won't go to every single one of them because this video will take too long but i'll show you the the first two really quickly um with ad spy if you want a discount um then again there will be a link down below for that now let's say for example we want to just type in um cat okay add to our filters this is the most powerful uh product research tool out there and it's most the most expensive one as well but if you do want a discount then um and a free trial as well i'll leave a link down below as well um so if you wanted to just go in and put in cats and we only wanted to do shopify as well okay so we can click shopify and uh we only wanted let's say video okay and we only wanted we wanted something that's getting you know it has a total likes of over a thousand because remember likes are very important uh okay and we can say that it was um let's just say it was you know it was it's been seen all of this year so it's been seen from at some point this year okay so if we just click from there um all the way to there okay and uh what we can do of course is sort by um sort by recent we can sort by likes we can sort by shares uh we can see here we've got a product here and we can see how many likes it's got how many comments it got we can check out this product again we've got this product here we've got um cat beds we've got everything again because we're sorting by likes as well uh we can know which ones are popular right away and that they've been sold recently so a very powerful tool to use ad spy um again something that i very much use and again if you want to discount click the link down below another product research method this is a paid tool as well that i like to use is e-sniper and uh it's got different things inside of here but the only really part that i use is the viral sniper section of this um of this website okay and basically what it does is they every single day you can see here 10 um four products today 64 new products this week and overall over 3 000 winning products basically every day they will post winning products every single day okay winning products all of the time let's say for example uh we've got you know um let's just pick one out so this product here if i click on show me the product what it'll do is it'll give me the selling price okay it will give me the product cost the profit margin and also the links to everything as well so if i want to see the facebook adverts for this actual product it's going to show me it as well so we can see here this is the actual advert for it um and if we have a look really quickly at the the engagement we can see it's got 2 000 likes 400 comments and 1000 um shares okay and also what it will do as well is it will show me on aliexpress can i actually find the product yeah it makes it really easy just to source the exact same product for next to nothing and again they've got other links but most of them aren't really that irrelevant okay so again a fantastic tool to use again it saves you time uh it will come up give you product ideas most importantly as well and different niches as well ideas and really cut down your time to finding winning products and then the other ones we've got ali shark ecom hunt and sell the trend which most of the time do the same things as these ones as well and again i'll leave the link for everything that you need to know and links to these softwares down below so facebook adverts now you can have the best looking website you can have the best looking products but if you don't know how to run traffic to your website then unfortunately you are not going to make any sales you have to master traffic okay to be able to run traffic and get visitors visitors to your website in order to essentially make sales and we do that with um facebook ads and paid um paid traffic i'm going to show you uh the different ways on on how to set up your adverts and hopefully make your first shopify sale or scale what's currently working for you at the moment in time now this is just one ad account one of my high spending ad accounts that i uh that i run um again i spent two million pounds which is around four i'm not entirely sure what the conversion is um but you can see here we've generated uh 4.8 close to five million pounds which is probably around seven million dollars so uh with a positive 2x row us which um i'd like to think i know what i'm talking about when it comes to facebook adverts um i'm not the um don't say i claim to know it all but i definitely know how to make sales with facebook now learning the lingo uh a lot of people if you're just getting up and running with things you may not understand people are talking about all these different codes it may sound like a different language but i want to give you the facebook ads lingo before i go into everything on how to test how to scale how to retarget because it will help you knowing exactly what these things are okay so website conversion that stands for a website conversion campaign okay wc campaign website conversion campaign it's a type of campaign i'm going to show you how to set up one of these as well we've got vc which is view content basically someone who views your page or any page will be triggered as a view content then we've got atc which is add to cart self-explanatory everyone who adds a product to their car okay then initiate checkout initiate checkout is when someone is at the checkout so people can add to cart and then disappear but if they get to the payment part where they have to put in their details that is initiate and check out then we've got perch uh per which is um purchase then we've got row ass and that is return on ad spend you will hear a lot of people talking about row as well as and basically it's return on ad spend so how much are you getting back for how much you're putting into facebook okay so if i'm putting in a pound into facebook and i'm getting two pounds back that's a 2x row ass because i'm putting in a pound and it's giving me two pounds back right that's row us then we've got lla which is look like audience and i'll talk about those and show you how to build those and how we use those uh then we've got ca which is custom audience which again i'm going to show you everything to do with custom audiences and then we've got cbo which is a campaign budget optimization i'm going to explain what they are because they're important when it comes to scaling um and i'm going to show you you know the difference between um a normal ad set budget and then using cbo then we've got cpc which is cost per click how much are you paying for a click we've got cpm which is cost per thousand impressions then we've got cpp which is your cost per purchase and then we've got ctr which is click through rate so how much what's your rate um you know what's the percentage rate that people who are seeing your advert are clicking through essentially so that's all of the lingo and it's important that you learn the lingo to understand facebook adverts now what i want to do is i want to talk to you about the understanding the structure of facebook adverts okay um and i'll jump into facebook ads a little later and i'll show you everything but basically we've got campaign now the campaign is basically where you set your objective campaign houses everything so like i've mentioned a a website conversion campaign is a type of objective you can have ppe campaigns which are page post engagements you can have you know traffic campaigns um but website conversion campaigns is what we'll have and they will house everything now within that campaign we have what's called ad sets now inside what ad sets do is this is where you choose all of your targeting all of your budgets all of your placements the genders that you want to target um you know if you want to target just mobile if you want to target your desktop which age ranges you want to char target that's where we put all that information in there right and then inside of ad sets we've got ad creatives now ad creative is basically an ad creative that p uh basically what people see in their news feeds so when you're scrolling down and you see something on your news feed that will be an ad creative and ad creative is made up of a video or an image is made up of ad copy which is some text and also made up of any sort of headlines um or supporting headlines that you have in there as well right so that's the structure of facebook adverts and again i'll show you all in a little bit more detail in a moment in time now winning creatives now it's important to know what a winning creative looks like and these are some that i just picked out screenshot that i had saved ages ago but you can see here how they're working if we have a look at some of the engagement rate we can see here this is at 23 000 likes again 4 000 comments 7 000 shares the way it starts off is you know hunting at night has never been easy which for anyone who does hunt at night i personally don't but um you know it's probably not easy anyway and then we've got some benefits here this is more features but we've got some um some points there and then there'll be some sort of call to action now looking at this one here again it's got some head banner on there which again you can use with your thumbnail which look really good as well and do help with your click-through rate and we've got you know best anti-wrinkle formula again these are benefits so instantly lifts and firms um sagging skin tightens fine lines and wrinkles the number one agent number one anti-aging products and then of course a call to action this one we've got you know finally compression sleeve which provides strong knee support comfortable to wear and stays in place i know we've got just call to actions um and then this one here i don't think this one was the actual thumbnail but um you can easily move furniture by yourself okay uh without all of the take the weight off your back etc etc some more benefits and then obviously a call to action so these are just a few and again if you have a look at uh go through some of the softwares and stuff like that you'll generally start to look and find what winning creatives look like now this is the creative strategy that i like to use it's called the abc system um it's not really rocket science um but i'll explain it so first and foremost you need to get the attention and basically you need to stop the scroll now to do this i like to either ask a question or make a big bold statement or fact about something about the product or how to do x without y so for example you know if we look back and we think back to that um that dog spray product that wash product um what i talked about we could just say you know do you want to be able to quickly and easily wash your dog without it being a mess right that could be something then what i like to do is talk about the benefits of the product so not so much of the features we want to talk about the benefits so you know easily clean your dog in two seconds you can easily do it in one hat with one hand make washing time for your dog um pleasure pleasurable you know it will make your life easier etc so the benefits rather than the features and then it's just simply adding a call to action at the end which is basically like shop now get yours today order here um or 50 off today and then put in the link to your website so that people can go ahead and purchase it so you're going to need to put together a creative okay a video creative or an image creative if you're going to use them right so that you can run your adverts now there's two things you can do you can either do it yourself right using kind of like premiere pro camtasia um you know or sourcing clips yourself or using nvidia or any sort of thing like that um but it's trial and error and you have to you know it takes long to find and understand what con what kind of footage converts okay or the easiest thing you can do is use viral ecom ads right now they did sponsor this section of the video however what i've done is i made sure that i seen the videos that they put together before actually including them inside of this video um but they are absolutely fantastic i'm going to show you what they actually look like the the footage that i actually got now the reason why you can use these guys is of course because it saves you time creating bad adverts and these obviously are specialists in terms of um converting footage that's going to drive conversions and most importantly it's affordable right and again i've got a discount code that you can use down below um again so what i'll do is i'll leave a link and or i'll leave it actually on this video i'll edit it in you can use that discount code for 20 off any purchase that you have from viral ecom ads okay and i just want to show you the website really quickly they've got um they've got normal ads package and then they've got a 2d ads package as well that you can that can you that you can use now i'm going to show you both of these so that you can have a look at them right so this one is the um the normal video again hopefully it isn't playing any sound if i just put that sound down so this is for the nail product you can see here um how it all looks they've got nice um nice captions here on there different animations here and there again explaining the product how it all works okay if i just forward it here and there and again explaining how the whole product works uh different clips in there that look great okay shop now call to action so we've got that and then they also do something called um 2d animations which i really like these are pretty cool as well so if you have a look at this this is all animated looks pretty cool little and they literally all i had to do was just send them the link to the product that was pretty much it all of this is edited and we can see here we've got all of the benefits on how the whole product works um again it's just really easy to do converting footage and captures the attention of the person who's uh videoing this who's going to be seeing this in their facebook feeds right so again you can use those guys um again there's a discount code down below that you can use for 20 off any of the video packages um on there but i definitely recommend that you check those guys out so let's talk about the facebook process so first and foremost what we want to do is we want to test audiences to find winning audiences then we want to build retargeting okay we want to uh test creatives we want to then use look like audiences and what we want to do is then scale with cbo's so this is the testing structure that i personally like to use okay we've got a website conversion purchase campaign okay then we've got um our interests here okay again you generally i'll show you how many i like to have but it's generally around about eight minimum and then we've got two different ads per ad set so this is the testing um campaign that i'd like to use and i want to show you how to set it up um and give you a live example okay so i'm just gonna fly through this really quickly uh we just want to click on create and in here we just want to type in um let's just type in nail polisher traffic we want to make sure that we're on conversions okay the name of structure i like to use is the name that the country that we're targeting uh the age range um the interest between facebook ig and then the audience size here we just want you know the creative one click save to draft okay once this is all done uh then what we want to do is we just want to head in again what you would do is you put in your um your pixel here you'd find it i'm not going to talk about setting up your pixel but it's really easy to do okay your budget so what i generally like to start off with i'm going to give you the actual template with my facebook adverts but let's say we only want to start off with ten dollars per interest okay um and then what we want to do is we want to make sure that we edit our our countries now again we've only got i've only selected the uk here but i'm going to tell you which ones that we like to target um generally the top english speaking countries top four or all the anything with e packet okay again this product is generally for women and again our detailed targeting because we're selling a nail polisher we want to target nails people who like nails now always turn this off okay to start off with because this is only really good for when you're scaling to test out really to scale but apart from that the turn is off now if we're targeting um women for nails let's just target first and foremost um nail which is just a basic one and we've got 5.5 million people in the uk for that now i personally as of right now things always change for me but um as of right now i've been testing most of the time with just facebook and instagram news feeds okay um that's where most of the inventory is so you would turn off all of these okay turn off stories um turn off stories and all we really all we want is the news feeds okay to start off with and then once we scale we can go to all placements but for most of the time i either click all placements okay even though facebook recommends it so i'll either do all placements or manual um and just target those two fees but to start off with now i've only been just targeting those um leave that as it is so now that we've done that that's fine uh with our creative now um we want to just find our page so you want to create a page right again that's really easy and really simple to do okay and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to put in blue dot blend jet okay i'm not going to actually come up with a creative here um but one thing we want to do is let's just find that video there we go okay so we've done that you want to be using the abc system okay or something like that so you know it'd be like how to quickly remove nail polish and again you can put emojis inside of here but it will be like benefit one and then benefit two benefit three you know and then and then your call to action basically so again you can do that cta you know and then do we do read up your website let's put that headline you know remove polish fast and again you can put in um some bullet points here and not bullet points um just some emojis here one thing i will say is always try to use uh some emojis okay um if you scroll down here what you want to do is you want to turn your pixel tracking on because if not it's not going to track any of your you won't be able to read any data so you want to turn this on okay and again select your pixel where it is so always important that you've got that on because if not you're not going to be able to um you're not going to be able to read any data okay facebook won't pick up anything so now that we've got that um if you go into this okay our our one that we had was nails okay so what i like to do is i always like to um copy this nails and it's 5.5 mil so what i would do is i'll put nails in there and i'll put 5.5 m just so that i know how much i've got to scale with an audience size like this right then what you want to do is you want to just duplicate this okay now one thing i will say actually is we've only got one creative here but what we would generally do is duplicate this okay so we could duplicate this call this uh creative two and come up with a different creative which would be a different video or we could have a different thumbnail i generally like to have you know um same video different thumbnails or um same video different thumbnail same video same thumbnails different ad copies okay so you would do that so you've got two creatives then if we just duplicate this okay let's say i'm not gonna do it that many times but let's say we just do six i personally like to have eight ad sets right so uh we would do that tick this off as well because i'm going to show you something so we would turn this off duplicate this six times now once this is done what we want to do now is we will need to switch out our our interests okay now when it comes to targeting don't overthink things a lot of people try to overthink things and facebook's pretty much done the work for us so one thing i will say as well is uh we will need to highlight this and put people living in this location we want to put people uh just living in this location we don't want people recently in this location that would have people you know from holidays and cetera and stuff like that so we don't want that so we want to keep it like this and when it comes to our um our targeting if we just edit this so we've got nails i always generally just most of the time common sense hit suggestions and we're going to get facebook's going to suggest loads of ones which are of decent size okay so naturally we would want nail polish okay and again we only want one interest per uh ad set okay and we've got 1.1 million there so what we would do is again change this to that and we would change that to you know 1.1 now i always like to have audience sizes uh of a 1 million and above and the reason why we have one interest per um per ad set is because then we can nail down which exactly uh which exact one is bringing in the sales and which aren't so again manicure would be another good one that we could use we've got 1.8 million there okay and i would just basically do this and just find um you know eight or seven different um ones that we could use and put them all in there okay now one thing you want to do of course is you want to make sure that you copy the ad ids now this is very important and people have asked me about this before this is going to help you um gain all of the um so when we duplicate it it's not going to have all it's not going to copy across all of the social proof so the likes etc so what we want to do is we want to click edit and we just want to publish one of the adverts okay so if i just publish one of this adverts i just click publish here now that's published one thing i actually forgot to do is change this to shop now you always want to have it as shop now just as a better call to action okay so shop now and then just hit publish okay republish it and uh that will update the advert okay now once this has been updated i'm going to show you what to do with the add ad ids so what we want to do is we want to click on this button here okay and we want to click facebook post with comments now if i just stop this page and what it's going to do is going to give us a string of numbers okay at the end of the url now what we want to do is we want to copy those numbers okay so control copy and what we then want to do is we want to go into all of our ads okay and make sure that they've all got this id right so to do that we can just select all of these here okay six ads and just highlight all of those and hit edit and then what we want to do is you want to click on uh use existing post right so when we do this what we do is we get in all of that collective likes shares comments all of the engagement will be all on these adverts rather than it being separate so we just paste that string of numbers in there click submit and what it's going to do is it's going to update that and that's going to be that same ad so therefore now all of these adverts have got the same ad id right um and of course one thing i have done on these adverts as well is uh before it let me actually publish them is i've had to select a um select our our pixel and of course what we're optimizing for so we want to optimize for uh purchase okay um always right even if it's red now a lot of people ask me about this thing here okay i might get zero this is just facebook just being facebook please just ignore this um it's not the best way to run ads then of course what we would do is we would just hit review and then publish and then that would be our ads testing ready to go live so a quick overview of what i've just done so we want one website conversion campaign optimized for purchase we want eight to ten different ad sets with one interest per ad set then we want two to three different ad creatives per ad set uh then what we want is eight to fifteen dollars per ad set as the budget okay uh top english speaking countries are what i'll do is i'll put a link down below to a list of top english speaking countries that you can target all the top e packet countries okay then it's all placements or facebook or ig news feeds only either one of the two personally as of right now this moment in time i've been testing a lot with just um ig and facebook news feeds only to start off with then scaling moving to all placements and then what you want to do is you want to run for three days review and analyze and uh what i'm going to do is i'm going to explain to you how to um analyze your results um or what you should be looking for over those first three days so analyzing your test let's say for example you've run this advert now you've run the campaign for three days or the first day uh what should you be looking at now what i want to say is robas is king so return on ad spend is king and it trumps pretty much most things in your ad account right um i'm going to give you some real brief guidelines of what you should do um you know how when to kill and those kind of things over the first three days however it's very brief guidelines because um it will differ on depending on what your arv is what your lifetime value is you know um all those kind of things but i'll give you some brief guidelines because i know a lot of people like those things however what i first need to do is i need to um show you and get you to understand what breakeven roast is so understanding break even row us now breakeven row equals your selling price dividing by your net profit uh in the in the basic this is just basic terms okay so your breakeven row as equals your selling price divided by your net profit and the example there is if you're selling a product at 25 and your um your net profit is 17 because your cost of goods that's what cog stands for your cost of goods is eight dollars then that means that your breakeven roast will equals four seven okay that's the break even roast um that you need to be breaking even so in short if you're above your break even roast you will be making money okay if you are below it then you are losing money in the basic terms now if you are dead on so if you look at your adverse reporting and your for the day is 1.47 then you're breaking even for the day right now your selling price is made up of what you think you will be able to sell it for and also what others people are selling it for as well so you may think that you can get a certain price for it however all of the competition are selling it for a little bit lower your adversar your stores even you're gonna have to justify that premium price um to be able to sell it at that price but a kind of rule of thumb is try to kind of 2.5 3x the cost of goods so whatever you get it for on wherever you're sourcing it from aliexpress or other place okay factoring in your shipping costs as well just try to 2.5 3x that cost because remember your ad spend has to come out of that and then that will give you a a good metric to roll with now what i will say is that the lower the breakeven roast the better because it gives you more room for bad days facebook has its inconsistencies and if you've got to break even roast um the final point now i've got aim for a break even wrath of 1.3 or lower or 1.7 1.8 on the high mark if it's um you know in between there then you can afford to have your adverts sitting at 1.7 if your breakeven whereas is 1.3 and still be having pulling taking home like 15 to 20 profit um you know depending on other things as well um however if your breakeven rise is high on the high end so let's say your breakeven roast is you know a 2.0 then what you're going to find is that your adverts have to be performing very very well consistently just to break even right um so that's what i always like to say when it comes down to understanding what your breakeven roast is so after 24 hours only kill all of the campaign okay if you've had no add to carts whatsoever in the entire campaign and your link click through rate okay is all below one percent so i would only kill after 24 hours um if both of these fall into play okay that just means you have to pretty much go back to the drawing board you need to review your creatives you need to review your web page now you like i've mentioned you always want to aim for at least 48 hours to get a better understanding of the data however if i've got no add to cart whatsoever and my link click-through rate is below zero on all of those adverts i'd be looking to shut that campaign completely off facebook does need sufficient time and data to be able to optimize but if my results were that bad on day one i'd turn the whole campaign off okay another thing you can do is remember to check your ad creative to see which is giving you the best metrics because one creative may be doing really well and then the other one may be sucking up all of the spend and not doing well and bringing all of the results down okay now after 48 hours with your facebook adverts um i'll be killing ad sets if they had spent 10 to 15 with no ad to car or no purchase whatsoever okay again this depends on what your um what your selling price is so again you know you make afford to have more expensive add to carts right um but if you're selling a 30 product or so and you've not getting any add to carts with 15 then i'd probably be looking to kill that ad set i'd kill ad sets which have a link click-through rate below zero and again have no add to carts or no purchases i'd be killing ad sets again if they had any cpms which were higher than 20 25 plus again with no add to carts and no purchases right and again i'll be killing um uh per ad sets which have a cost per click higher than 1.5 um cost per click with again no add to carts and no purchases the main thing you want to be looking for is an ad sets with have uh you know add to carts because that's an indication that you know you're getting that to carts and you're pushing people down of the funnel but if they're not even getting that far chances are you know it's not going off on the right foot now again if your ad sets has um sales but they're not profitable then i would be letting run for 24 to 48 hours okay and one thing i will say is if your first day was really good but your second day you had no sales but add to carts then again continue to run it because again there are inconsistencies with facebook having one good day is great uh the next day may not be good so never judge your results just solely on one day's performance now after 72 hours so three days i'll be looking to kill ad sets that had no purchase so at this point again you may have spent thirty dollars forty dollars whatever it may be on an ad set if it hasn't kind of had any purchases then i'll be looking to kill the ad set and keeping the ones that are running um the ones that have had sales on they'll be running now again these are all notes and footnotes if your ad set has had sales which is not profitable one thing you can do is look at the demographics you may see that a certain placement or gender or specific creative um is profitable um to see if you can test that further like i've mentioned if you've got two creatives one of those creatives may be um you know making up most of the sales but the other one is sucking up the spend and not you know not bringing in any results so all you may have to do is just turn off one ad creative and the other one may start turning it profitable in a few days now if all sales are coming only from one or two ad sets out of the 8 10 out of the 8 or 10 ad sets that you tested chances are that it's not a winning product unfortunately but it may just need tweaking now the final point is if you have ad sets that are profitable after three days and have three or four purchases then you may have something which may have potential which you make and then go into scaling so it's important to know how to fix your funnel because the funnel is basically from someone seeing your advert all the way to purchasing so if you're getting a low click-through rate okay chances are that your creative isn't good you need to try a new one or you may just not have the right audience or you may not be just having the angle with your advert may not be resonating with that audience so you want to change your creative if you're getting a bad link click-through rate now if you're getting loads of view content so people are clicking through to your website and landing on your product page but they're not adding a product to their cart then chances are the problem is then with your product page you want to look at your product page description you may want to look at the picture you may need to change the offer or change the price which a lot of people don't actually do so you may want to do that and see if that encourages more add to cars now if you're getting add to carts but low purchases then maybe you want to check out see if you're charging shipping offer free shipping generally works the best or maybe you want to check out your uh your trust badges that you've got on your checkout page ulting alternating the colors those kind of things so remember just going just picture your facebook ads as a funnel uh looking at your metrics and then understanding where to make those changes now scaling your ads so showing your ad to more people there's loads of different ways on how you can scale your ads and i'm going to talk about those uh coming up now so these are the scaling methods that you can use you can use vertical scaling which is basically increasing the budget on ad sets that are profitable for example if you start off on ten dollars per ad set and it's profitable over a few days then you may think okay oh let me increase that budget to 30 right um what i will say of course is facebook isn't that linear okay so even though something's working at 10 doesn't mean it's going to work at 30 it doesn't mean that it's going to work at 100 um if it was if facebook was as easy as that then it would be a print money machine and everyone would be millionaires um so unfortunately it's not that linear um then there's horizontal scaling and basically horizontal scaling is duplicating good ad sets um or adding in new ad sets into the campaign so for example we've got that same 10 ad set what we could do is we could duplicate that ad set say two times or three times double our spend uh without touching that one that's working well or what we could do is keep that ten dollar ad set and see okay what interest are we targeting let's find in some more ones and add in those in then we've got cbo okay and cbo is campaign budget optimization and uh basically that's where facebook optimizes the budget across the ad sets for you now vertical scaling vertical scaling is basically increasing the budget on ad sets like i've mentioned now i rarely scale this way as increasing the budget on ad sets causes facebook to re-optimize and re-learn um so i generally like to do horizontal scaling which i'll talk about in a moment in time and cbo scaling um but if you do want to do things this way it's a very simple way um all you can do is basically just increase your budget by 20 to 30 percent uh every four to five profitable days like i've mentioned you want to do it over a number of duration of days when you're seeing consistency and results uh like i've said only increase the budget after seeing significant data on that ad set after five eight purchases so you know that um you know you're not just jumping the gun essentially horizontal scaling is basically like i've mentioned duplicating or adding in new assets into a campaign and what you can do is duplicate a good ad set to double the spend uh without upsetting what that original good performing ad set is so you're not real you know you're not upsetting the re-optimization process by increasing the budget now you can also increase the budget on a duplicated ad set so let's say for example you got something working really good at ten dollars you may duplicate it and then increase the budget on that to twenty dollars rather than having it at the ten dollars now you can also add in new ad sets uh with new interests into the campaign to find more winning ad sets and that's something that i also like to do and again don't start scaling until you have significant data on the ad set so i wouldn't recommend scaling until you've got you know five eight ten um you know profitable sales on an ad set to know that the creative works and that the audience works now cbo's cbo is basically our campaign budget optimization this is a diagram from facebook i'll explain it really quickly uh without campaign budget optimization you set the budget at the ad set level so ten dollars ten dollars ten dollars like i've mentioned and facebook will spend that ten dollars regardless so they'll spend ten dollars on this ad set ten dollars on this ad set ten dollars on this sat set this might be a bad one this might be a good one this might be an okay one now with campaign budget optimization what happens is you set your budget at the campaign level not the ad set level so we've got ten dollars ten dollars ten dollars thirty dollars here whereby we set thirty dollars at the top here and what happens is facebook optimizes to whichever ad sets and distribute distributes the budget uh accordingly to which ad set is performing the best in theory anyway because we all know as facebook marketers facebook doesn't um unfortunately work as good as it should do essentially at some point so however with that being in theory it would spend okay uh ad set two is bringing in the most conversion let's push more budget there uh with this one here let's spend less here and let's push a little bit of budget to here and as you can see what's happened is uh it's got 15 conversions with the same ad spend rather than you know um strictly forcing facebook into spending that money essentially like i mentioned this is in theory and uh as a beginner if you are watching this video don't think cbo's are a magical holy grail they can be when they work really really well but um unfortunately facebook isn't that unfortunately hands off now the cbo structure that i like to use is one website conversion cbo campaign okay um and you want your best three to five ad sets that were identified in your initial testing campaign okay we want to duplicate those into this cbo right then what we want is our best two to three ad set creatives and again per ad set as identified in our initial test with our budget again this depends on your metrics i personally like to start off with 150 to 300 budget right and then i like to go all placements because i want facebook to do all of the work for me and what i also like to do is exclude out the uh the purchase custom audiences so you want to create a custom audience and i'll talk about those a little later in the video but basically we want to exclude those out in this um in this because we don't want to show our adverts to people who have already purchased the product and finally what you want to do is you want to try and always make sure that you are running a cbo for three days minimum because what happens with cbo is they may start off crap to start off with but as facebook optimizes with the machine learning they get better over time so let me show you a live example of what i've just set up previously and show you how i would scale that into a cbo okay so this was the test campaign that we set up right and um let's say for example we've been running this for a few days and by the way this is how i like to set up my columns so you can go ahead and set those up feel free to take a a screenshot or you know whatever it may be of these columns at the top here um so that we can basically read our data uh if we just go to customize columns um they're all the ones that i like to have so that you can have a look at all of those i'll scroll slowly so you can um go ahead and grab all of those um so you want to set up your columns in that fashion okay so we can read our data so let's say for example we've been running this for a few days and you know um you know this one this one this one worked really well it worked the best okay these were the ones bringing in a lot of our results right we've got five to ten purchases on each of those all profitable one thing we would do to scale okay is we would duplicate uh we would start a new campaign okay turn this off and uh basically you could just you know do whatever whatever your um whatever the products called so you know nail nail polish um cbo and then you know whatever the uh whatever the budget is you know let's say 300 right so we would do things this way we take our best ones and we could put them in there and when this is all duplicated uh what we want to do is to turn on um our cbo what we can do is we hit toggle this hit edit and what we do is we scroll down and you say it says campaign budget optimization all we want to do is just toggle this on okay and then what we want to do is i want to set our budget so let's say for example i put this at 300 right so then what we want to do okay is of course these ones at the moment in time are all just um facebook and uh facebook and ig so i would go into here i would edit and i would scroll down and i would make sure that these are on all placements okay that's what i like to do always let's just have it on on all placements okay so i would like to have things like that you would have your best ad sets in here you would have your best obviously creatives in here uh and then what you would do of course is you would just uh review and publish it like i mentioned you want to let that run for at least three days minimum so to give you an overview basically what we're doing is new audiences okay we want to test out new audiences new interests look like audience custom audiences etc we want to put them into a test campaign and then from our test campaign we want to identify what the winning ad sets are and then put those into a cbo campaign so that we can scale further now scaling cbos personally is easy i personally find it what i do is i just increase the budget on a cbo 20 to 30 every three to four days um i used to do a lot of duplicating cbo's but facebook kind of didn't work that well um you just end up wasting money so i personally find just increasing the budget slowly cooking over time works the best in terms of stability and results now look like audiences and custom audiences i've mentioned custom audiences before okay so what you want to do with custom audiences and look-alike audiences you can build these off loads of different data points so we can build a custom audience which is a pool of people who of everyone who had viewed our video so everyone who had viewed 95 of our video and that's usually the first one look-alike audience that you create and what you will generally find is that i like to have over a thousand views in my custom audience before i then create a look-alike audience and all of these i'll give you the data points as well so for people who have viewed a page again custom audience i like to have at least a thousand people who have reviewed the page before creating that look like audience to use also you can use uh added to cart again people who have all added to cart i like to have 500 to 700 before creating this look like audience then we've got initiate checkout i like to have at least 300 to 500 okay in that purchases i like to have at least 300 to 500 in that uh and again you've got your facebook and ig page who have engaged or interacted with your page i like to have around around 2000 plus in the pool before that now remember the longer you can leave these the better of course the more data that facebook has got to be able to create the custom audience um the better the seed information is going to be and the better that your look like audience should be now one thing i will say is that lookalike audiences recently haven't been performing all that great for me personally uh cold audiences and big broad audiences when you scale have been working the best now let me really quickly just show you how to set up a custom audience and then how to turn those into lookalike audiences so what we want to do is we just want to click on create custom audience and these are all the custom audiences that we can create like i've mentioned and the ones that i've talked about is uh in the website okay and uh what we would do for this one is everyone who viewed the content we would just click on um view content okay and i like to have 180 days now some of these you may not be able to create from the start because your pixel wouldn't have had the data but as soon as it triggers it will then be available so we want to click url and then content ids now your content id of a specific product um will be on your product page now if you take for example blendjet you can get this chrome exact this chrome um it's called a facebook pixel helper from facebook you can get it it's a downloaded chrome extension you can see here when you've got your pixel installed correctly uh you can click on view content and you'll see that it's been triggered so what we would do is we would take again whatever our product is right uh not obviously blend yet we would copy this right and then what we would do is we would paste that in there and we would call this let's say you know um nail polish vc 180 days so we would do something like that okay and we could just click uh create like that uh and there we go so we've created our um our vc okay so we've created that one in there um so that's how we would create a custom audience now to turn that into a look like audience what we have to do is again this is uh populating so you'd have to wait but we would click on this and then we would click on create lookalike audience and when we do this we can select our country okay now depending on wherever your countries are i personally like to have united states as its own look like audience and then bundle ones together now remember that the one percent will be the closest match to people um closest match people to your custom audience so this one percent is going to be the closest people who are likely to take that action um of the people who have already taken that action if that makes sense so one percent of those people then it goes two percent then three percent then four percent etc uh one thing you can do as well is if you um you can also create like um where's the word so if you click here you can click on two so you can do that and that what this does is it doesn't have any of the overlap so i personally like to just start with one to start with and then two percent and you can go from there and when you click uh create audience what will happen is then it will start populating and you have to give it about 24 hours and you can use those inside of your ad sets um as new audiences to test out your product so retargeting and this is basically the easiest money that you will make on facebook from being perfectly honest with your facebook ads and with your with your drop shipping store now retargeting retargeting is basically warm traffic meaning they have already interacted with your business at some level now these people of course are easier to uh sell to because they already know who you are they've seen some sort of adverts so to get these people to buy what we want to do is we want to be offering discounts or free shipping or answering any of their sticking points that they may have to push them over the edge to get them to buy from us now you may not have enough people in your custom audience for facebook like i've mentioned to spend at first um but you know as you bring your adverts your audience sizes will grow so i always like to create my custom audiences to start off with and as i'm running my traffic before um you know what will happen is they'll then start to increase in size which i can then start to uh use now the final point what i will say is that only set up retargeting for winning products after five to seven days or so it makes no sense starting new adverts you know on a product which isn't winning or making marginal sales and trying to revive it with retargeting it doesn't make any sense so always make sure that you've got something on your hands that is worth um setting up retargeting for now my retargeting structure generally looks like this to start off with and then i kind of move into retargeting with ceos um but to start off we just have like one website conversion campaign uh you can have all of your custom audience ad sets like i've mentioned 180 days uh people who are 50 video viewed and not uh viewed content so people who have watched your video but not went to our webpage people who have vc'd not add to cart so went to our webpage didn't add to cart people who added to cart and did not purchase again this ad set generally might not spend at first and then we want people who have engaged with our facebook page so maybe like the page or save the post whatever but not went to our uh facebook page not went to our website page just yet now i always like till i have at least two to three ad creators per ad set uh these ad creators are generally based around um you know testimonials from customers or unboxing um creators work really good or how to videos so like how to use the product um discounts of course always work really good um you know for example people who have added to cart didn't buy price may have been too high offered them 10 off they then purchased or free shipping if you're using free shipping then if you're charging shipping then offering free shipping to people is another way to get them over the uh over the finish line to buy the product now price wise to start with i generally like to go with five to ten dollars per ad set again um this can be increased as you move to like cbo's um but generally that's just to start off with i always like to go with all placements remember okay because you want facebook to retarget pretty much everyone um and again we want to just leave it at worldwide and we don't want any age restrictions because um you know we're not restricting facebook when we're retargeting because people have already taken those actions we just want to get back in front of all of those people who have took those actions so let me show you a live example of how we would set up some retargeting so what we can do inside of facebook is we can just literally just duplicate this campaign our test campaign that we started off with okay just duplicate it and once this is done all we got to do is pretty much just delete all of these ad sets because these are not needed we only really need to have um again i'm not going to set all of it up i'm just going to give you an example so if we just then delete this one here delete all of these ones here and what i want to do also is just filter on this just so that it looks easier for you guys um so all we would do pretty much is we could just rename this one again there's no need to have any of this information on here uh what we would basically do here is just have let's say you know people who v people who uh vc vc no add to cart so everyone who view content didn't add to cart uh you know 180 days right save that to draft now obviously in here what we would do is when we edit we would want to make sure that we just go down um set our budget to whatever we want to i'm just going to leave it at 10 to start off with and um obviously we would leave this um on worldwide so that we're including everyone if we do decide to go worldwide to start with um you know if we do start to target any sort of country i mean this is just going to help us um so worldwide regen there we go again if you're uh if you're only targeting men or women whatever it may be you want to just put it in there you know men and women retarget now you want to take this out okay and uh when it comes to the targeting what you want to do is you want to um go to custom audiences here we go and uh most of them will be there so we've got our custom audiences here and we've got our local audiences here there will be there and then we've got all so i'll just set up these ones so all of our view content we will just have those there okay um and we want to exclude add to cart okay so this ad set here is going to target our customer audience for everyone who has viewed the content and then exclude everyone who's add to cart because remember we will set up another one for people who have added to cart and not done something else okay and that's how we basically set things up um in terms of um that uh another thing i would say is you want to leave of course on all devices as well you don't want to have any sort of um you don't want to have any sort of uh things on there and also what i like to do is have it on seven day click uh or one day view uh doesn't really make that much of a difference it's just in terms of your attribution inside of facebook but um seven day click one day view is totally fine so then what i would do of course is i would then just change up these adverts to be you know ones about testimonials ones about discounts etc etc at each stage so that's how you set up a basic retargeting campaign now final section is running and growing your business okay very important now don't get zooked okay when we say don't get zooked we mean um you know facebook is an uncontrollable uh beast at times um so we don't want to make we want to safeguard ourselves as much as possible um so that we've always got backups that can always still be in the game okay so how exactly do we do that now if you're drop shipping okay this is very very important information i've pretty much been through it all with the experience that i've got so i just want to pass this knowledge very important knowledge onto you so that you don't make the same mistakes so first and foremost always have at least two admins on your business manager on your facebook business manager now these can be friends family anyone that you know who has a facebook profile because if your profile gets restricted for any reason why uh you can still get someone else to log in and manage your adverts etc etc okay now number two do not allow just do not rely just on one ad account have multiple now this will be dependent on limits to start off with first they'll give you one you spend a lot of money then you get um three then they'll give you five etc and as long as they're on good standing facebook will generally give you more the more that you spend very important though because on the next point is when you have a winning product um always try to keep it just in one ad account then what you want to do is test um new other drop shipping products in other facebook ad accounts um that way because if one ad account ever goes down or gets banned which it does happen then all of these you know your revenue just doesn't drop to zero you know if you've got one product there and another product in another one then one ad account may go down at least you're then just not gonna drop down to zero now one thing i will say is take the facebook blueprint policies course on your facebook profile and this is what it looks like okay you can see i've passed mine if you just google um facebook blueprint policies or just google that it will come up log in and get that done okay so that's another important thing that you very much should do now it's very important that you of course hire a team and you won't be able to grow if you don't do this okay you can't just be a one-man band now these are the two websites that i like to use uh online jobs and upwork i use both of them i started off using upwork to start with now most of the time i use online jobs because i've generally find that you can get in contact with people you can work with them directly rather than using upwork work is good but you have to pay a percentage fee and the va pays a percentage fee etc etc but with online jobs you just work directly with people it's held a lot cheaper as well in terms of um the va's so on here they'll generally be about five dollars on here they're five dollars per hour on here they'll generally be about three dollars per hour right um you have to pay this on a monthly you you can sign up but it's no contract so you literally sign up for one month hire as many people as you need to and then you can um and you can just cancel your membership but online jobs is generally good but if you want to use upwork again that's totally free to start with you can use either one of those now hiring a virtual assistant okay very important to do because i remember you want to be focusing on the things that make you money um if you're doing the mundane tasks from the day to day you won't be able to grow and time is money so what you want to do is shortlist five to ten five to seven candidates who look like they have the potential right then what i like to do is i like to contact them interview them via skype um doesn't have to be face to face could just be by text message whatever it may be and just ask them some basic questions again doesn't have to be formal whatsoever um what i like to do also is ask if they're willing to do a 24-hour trial period or a trial task so get them to actually carry out what it is you want them to do don't expect them to be obviously 100 correct to start off with but what i like to do is always create videos to help them understand the process by recording your screen and doing the job yourself how you would like it done then they can just literally copy the videos and then you can assess how good they followed those instructions now one thing you can do is you can create a standard operating procedure which is called like a sop if needed that's basically like a step by step on how to do things in bullet points you know using google drive or uh or microsoft word now staying organized um how to get stuff done i struggle with organization and focus and this thing here will help you massively so it's called trello and i personally love trello i'll show you how it works uh i've got multiple boards in here but one thing i like to do is i've got a demo on here so you can see how it works and basically what i like to do is i like to set things up in um this way you can have people collaborate with you you can have like this for your products uh you know a list of your products that you need uploaded in but i like to set things up like this so i like to have um you know things i need to achieve this year things i need to do this month uh things i need to do this week um then i've got today and then i've got in progress uh and then i've got completed so that's how i like to generally set up my things like this and again what you can do is again set your yearly goals what you need to do this month so you know if i need to um launch you know five or five products you know that should generally be one but then in inside of this what we can do is click on it and we could have our checklist so say for example one product is uh let's go checklist add and you know cat bag um you know dog toy etc and what we can do is also label so for example if this one was urgent have it as red uh we can add urgent as well so things like that so that's how i do things and that's how i like to set things up so if it's done today i'll add out the product and if it's in progress and you just move things along until they're completed and then what you do is literally just hit that button there um archive the card um and then it's gone and then you know it's off the radar and you can continue to work through so this is what i like to use in terms of staying organized and remembering things because my memory is really bad because i've got so much stuff on um using trello helps massively now when you're doing 30 plus orders uh you should aim to find an agent to fulfill faster and get better pricing so you're going to be able to make more profits and your customers going to be able to get their product faster that's the two main benefits of using an agent now one thing you can do is reach out to your current supplier on aliexpress they can maybe be able to assist you right because they already know that you're giving the money and that you're placing them orders and it's in their interest as well because um on aliexpress they actually get charged per sale on aliexpress rather than working directly now if not and they don't want to go that route what they can set up is a vip link for you okay and i just want to show you what a vip link is really quickly um just in case you don't want to work outside of aliexpress they can create a vip link which is basically a product like this at a better price so most people don't know what these products are so that saves you so some are named some art but generally this is a better price and they will send you this link that you can use to get the better price okay so that's one thing that you can do is uh asking them to set you up a vip link now third thing is to ask inside of facebook groups for any recommendations and a word of mouth that's generally the best thing you know if someone's you know working with an agent and doing large orders then you know and they're fulfilling on time and customers getting their things on time then of course you want to um you know see if they can work with you now fourth when you're at that point if you go to one product store then using the ionic dynaxaumy i believe that's how you say it you can connect to your store the agent can connect to your store again it works kind of like oberlo but for people at scale right working directly with agents as a chinese version okay fulfillment or if you're not and you've got multiple agents then one thing you can use is mass fulfill if you're using csv and google docs right final point is you can use paypal to pay your suppliers to start with to gain a relationship okay just so that you've got that protection if anything does go wrong so next steps i'm not going to go into this into too much detail but um you know what should you do after drop shipping let's say you've mastered drop shipping and want to move to the next level now the next logical step is starting a brand and this is something that i'm currently doing at the moment in time uh dedicating a lot of my time into starting a long-term brand um so i'm going to give you a real quick overview just it's a it's a whole different video um i'll leave a link to it somewhere on this video about that um but it's a whole different topic but i just want to give you an overview of what you should do if you're at the point now whereby you've been drop shipping for a while and you want to take it to that next step so moving to a brand now drop shipping stores are good for cash flow right um but they don't have the longevity to sell for millions in the future drop shipping is good because it has low barriers to entry you know you don't need a warehouse you don't need significant um investment up front um but to be up perfectly honest you're not going to be able to sell a drop shipping store for multiple millions in the future right now once you have mastered drop shipping and you uh you should look to build a long-term brand like i said that's something that uh i'm currently doing at the moment in time along with still drop shipping uh with the knowledge that you have okay because what happens is brands require require much much more time and significant upfront investment and also it comes with a lot more upfront risk because of course you have to private label stock you have to meet minimum order quantities which may be you know anything from 100 pieces to 500 pieces right to get your logo on the product you got to deal with prototypes getting it sent to warehouses and those kind of things so you know if you're completely beginner then all these kind of things are kind of out of reach because you're going to need to invest what five thousand to ten thousand dollars up front right to start off your brand whereas on the other side drop shipping will give you the skills and most importantly the capital to be able to make that leap into a brand and like i mentioned um you know drop shipping is very very good it's a cash flow business but it's not something that you want to be doing for a long long long period of time but once you've got those skills what you can then do is transition into a brand when you've found winning products found winning audiences build a team and understand how e-commerce works so that is the end of this video hopefully you've learned loads of stuff if you are still watching at the end of this video then thank you thank you thank you so much i put so much effort into this video uh i'd appreciate if you've done as best as you possibly can to run up those likes run up those comments and i'll give you all of these slides to help you out with okay so a thousand likes and 250 comments probably set that a little bit too low um but yeah it would appreciate it if you run up the likes run up the comments um it will help out the algorithm and also it will help out the channel as well of course if you are new to the channel then make sure of course you subscribe to this channel uh i drop loads of content just like this so if you do want to get notified make sure you put the notification bell on and most importantly subscribe to the channel as well now if you are not following me on instagram make sure you hit me up it is beast of ecom on instagram hit me up drop me dm drop me a comment and i can try uh try and get back to you as best as i possibly can on there finally if you are not a part of the free facebook mastermind group okay uh we've got about i think it's 13 000 members in there 100 free uh we all network and stuff like that in there make sure you jump in there and network with others who are who are also on the path to success finally if you want to get your hands on a free ebook which covers stuff like this then uh head to and you can grab a copy of that but that is it for this video hopefully you got some value take care and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Beast Of Ecom
Views: 85,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shopify, dropshipping, shopify dropshipping, dropshipping course, product research, how to start a dropshipping business, shopify tutorial for beginners, winning products, shopify course, facebook ads, how to find winning products, shopify training, shopify apps, king of ecom, dropshipping products, dropshipping step by step, shopify store, free dropshipping course, shopify tutorial, ecom king, beast of ecom, make money online, dropship, aliexpress dropshipping, shopify 2020
Id: AvzOmljcAQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 5sec (7685 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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