The WOODSTOVE Governments Want To Ban

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It took me 2 minutes online to find the assembly instructions for his Hearthstone stove. I guess he couldn't find them because his Christian internet filter doesn't accept "stovepipe" as a search term.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/parrot-sketch 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

What a clown. Who the fuck is going to cut off your electricity? Beyond that in most cold weather states it would be illegal. Only thing I can think of is a Waco situation and why would he need to be worried about that...

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/tripodron 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Cody is Triggered!

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/dirtysandisk 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Dude is becoming more and more paranoid. I feel like we're watching the evolution of the next cult leader, or something...

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/RockyMtnAnonymo 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

Cody tries blackface.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/parrot-sketch 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

My joke comment from last week stands.

The only people afraid of his woodstove is his insurance company and whatever poor sod gets put as the adjuster on any of his claims. That's because they've background checked him, found his youtube channel and shit themselves already at his fucking stupidity.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/howembarassing2Bhumn 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

I still think its too close to the wall lol

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ajl_rom 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2021 🗫︎ replies

Nothing new. Cody whine, complain and show us his paranoia about conspiracy. Amazing Granddad is mentioned again.

Sadly I can not draw worth a darn, Wranglerdumb could be inspiration for a lot of funny drawings.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/osiversen 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
have you ever assembled something and at the other end of it had a little parts bag or box full of uh bolts parts and pieces that didn't get installed you know that feeling right this has given me no piece so we put together the uh hearthstone wood stove this is the green mountain 80. guys are asking about that and jack and i scratched our heads because it's all lined with you know it's a catalytic stove and it's so it's got a reburn chamber and all this stuff it took us three hours to figure out how to put the soapstone in it and when everything was said and done we were left with a square rectangle piece of vermiculite and a stainless steel baffle that we could not figure out how to put it in but as professional homeowners we don't let that stop us and we march forward and we had a nice fire anyway but now i know where they go so we're going to tear this apart i'll show you where these things go why they're in there and we'll see where that takes us so let's get inside the firebox before we get into the firebox let's talk a little bit about my folly now as you guys know i've always made the commitment to you guys on this channel from the very beginning to show the good and the bad hair and warts and all right if something doesn't work out or it's a total fail i've always shared that with you even to my own humiliation and embarrassment because it's it's important there's nothing worse than than trying to learn something and watching someone who is is a master at it do everything perfectly and flawlessly and then when you jump in and try to do it yourself you'll have all sorts of problems that were probably cut out of the original edit right so i think that's that's important to me uh is to be honest and straightforward as possible now i wouldn't recommend cutting a hole in your roof in the riddle of in the middle of winter now it was snowing and raining when we cut the hole in the roof but again as a professional homeowner we're all about getting stuff done we're not all about thinking about consequences right so i figured yes it's going to drip on the stove for a couple days but beings were on the dry side of the cascades and it really doesn't rain that much here it shouldn't be a problem i'll get up there and get that flashing on there because i can't put the flashing and the adhesive on there when the roof is wet right it is literally rained non-stop since i cut that hole in the roof and i'm out here constantly with a shop vac cleaning up water that's ruining everything i'll take you in and show you and then we'll get into the stove pray that it stops snowing or raining for just a day or two so we can get up on that roof and get that flashing done this has been my reality for the last week it's stupid dripping on my stove getting all over it's okay when the stove is burning because it it just evaporates you know and steams off here but when the stove goes out at night then it drips all over the floor and rust in the top of my stove and everything so we'll get that flashing done and i need to repaint this anyway because the stove pipes are all scuffed so that's not that's not a big deal but it's just an annoyance i'll tell you what guys i really do appreciate the breadth and width depth of knowledge from you guys subscribe my subscribers i don't know how many of you guys told me where this stuff goes and how to do it in the comment section because so many of you are installers that's a little bit warm i'm going to grab some gloves that water dripping on my stove is going to be the death of me okay so what we have here is we have a uh you know these new stoves are complicated they they've they've got because of our friends at the epa um you know the wood stoves are under attack and have been for some time and you know the argument is the false argument from the epa and environmentally minded folks or pseudo environmentally minor folks is that wood smoke is uh destroying the planet when that's couldn't be further from the truth and so they continue to press and to and to make the stove manufacturers makes their life more difficult and makes stoves complicated to the point where many of them don't work all that well right or get plugged up and such rather than just having a proper wood stove like we used to have i think the reason behind it is not environmental i think the reason behind it these are the vermiculite baffles we'll talk about vermiculite here i think the reason behind it is um i think there's a push to get people uh anything they could that the that the government can do or whoever it is that's pulling the strings anything that they can do to take away our independence and our our uh reliance upon them is under attack because if you are hooked up to the power grid and that's where you how you heat your home or if you're hooked up to a gas line that's how you heat your home if someone decides that you shouldn't have heat anymore or what wants to punish you uh because you're not towing the line or who knows what they can simply just uh turn it off right and then you have no heat and if you live in a cold environment that's that's catastrophic right the wood stoves independence the wood stove is independent from the power company from the oil oligarchs from the gas companies from from the massive bloated utilities right if you want to heat your house that's up to you you reap what you sow right you go out in the spring or the fall and and you cut your firewood and you stack it up uh and no one controls that no one taxes it no one gets anything off of it no one benefits it you receive 100 of the benefits of your labor and that is not what the power structure wants they want us to be dependent upon them so that's the reason why there's an attack on wood stoves the environmental argument i think is just i think it's just bogus okay so what we have here is we've got a catalytic converter stove it has a reburn option and so it does burn very clean and this these tubes right here are some sort of a re-burner so what you guys told me was that this piece of vermiculite vermiculite's really interesting stuff so vermiculite has kind of replaced asbestos you've heard of asbestos and how toxic it is my granddad told me back in the day when he started as a mechanic of course you know like most guys do you start doing easy stuff with brakes you know doing brakes well the old brake pads and clutch linings were all made out of that as best it's it's really uh handles heat well well they found out or maybe they knew all along who knows that it was killing folks and guys were getting sick from it granddad said that those old asbestos breaks they would come in he would take the air compressor and blow all that dust it was just floating in the air you know by god's grace he made it into his 80s right but it's been replaced with vermiculite which is really stands up well against heat vermiculite is used in construction insulation all sorts of different things even they even use it in paint so we're supposed to we have two soapstone big old pieces here i'm going to pull one of these out and we're supposed to put this vermiculite which is an insulator right there on the backside i think if you guys explained it to me right it doesn't feel like it's sitting in there properly oh i already broke it you know what this i like this stove and i like hearthstone but kind of you know what it kind of feels like all this stuff in here it feels like add-ons it feels like like oh well to make it past uh inspection or whatever criteria the governments and so we've got to start adding all this stuff and essentially turning it into a worse wood stove than if it was just an old school like an old fisher right i don't know i'm not an engineer but it sure seems seems a little over excessive to me how about we just burn dry firewood we don't have to worry about smoke coming out all right so we'll put that back there oh this guy here i forgot to tell you this guy here so this baffle see there's holes built in this right and this guy here go it's a heat shield it goes like that right there so i noticed that when i turn that that lever over there that it turns the bypass off and that catalytic converter comes on when the stove's hot that this all is re-burning so that smoke that when you see smoke coming out of the chimney that's white that's unburned fuel right so an efficient stove has a re-burner so once you get past all of this nonsense and all that it actually does work really well but sometimes i just wonder is it really all that necessary okay that stainless steel is installed now now this is this is the vermiculite baffle and that fits together like this now these are i think they're intended to be replaceable because they get beat up when you over stuff your stove you know you feel it hitting the top that's just chewing this up you know this this is kind of a consumable over time i guess that i did have to replace the one on my other hearthstone but it lasted about 10 years or so it is hokey i'm not impressed with this this stainless steel piece here now this is this lap joint here is kind of hanging out in the middle of nowhere then the device is this silly thing to fit on there to kind of keep that to give it some rigidity you know what happens is you pull your poker out or you know sometimes you put a piece in that's too big it won't fit you pull it out hits the thing the baffles fall down it's it's not great but it does heat well all right now let's address all of the concerns and cares about this being too close to the wall now regarding the setback if i read another comment about the wood stove being too close to a combustible wall and it's going to burn the shop down i'm going to set you back new stoves you can put them a lot closer than the old ones and they're all rated from the manufacturer this stove has a heat shield included in the back that looks something like this there is an air space between the back of the stove and the supplied heat shield this is a heat shield that goes on the bottom now air is a really poor transfer of heat uh just a mat and luck and it's a good thing that it is because if it was a good transfer if it transferred heat well whenever you had your hot coffee or your hot soup all that heat would just immediately run out of that into the air but it does not it does not uh heat does not travel well uh over the air so having a dead air space with insulation or trying to prevent heat off of off of a wall is excellent so there is that the setback on this stove is eight inches eight inches and that is what the engineers and everyone has come up eight inches from any consumable and this is a consumable so what do i have i have eight and a quarter inches that meets code that that is it's not a problem even with the fire burning for 12 hours you can come to the back here and you can put your hand on the fur and it is warm but it is not touch it's no not hot to the touch it's nowhere near catching on fire this is not the old school stoves yet back in the day you'd have to if you had a big old cast iron burner like a fisher uh that thing would have to be a couple feet off the wall that's why you often saw them in the middle of rooms right because of that setback now the pipe we have two types of pipe here right so this is the interior pipe this is a double walled pipe that has a stainless steel on the inside and i don't know if the black is stainless that looks like it's galvanized or something this is six inches so you can six inches from any combustible material so what do we have here on this one i mean it's almost a foot right yeah so we are 11 12 inches so that's not a problem and then we have this is a galvanized piece but i have the stainless steel up there this is two inches from consumables and we're going straight up into a steel roof uh no problem so it's we're good it's not a problem well the inspector will be out and he'll look at the stove and he'll look at the from the manufacturers cut sheets and all that and see what the setbacks are and we're good so it's it's not a problem not a concern so please stop stop saying that all right next video we're probably a little bit long here i'm going to show you a way to start a fire at a wood stove that's going to change your life and i didn't can't believe i didn't know about it until recently and leave it up to the scandinavians to figure out a better way to start with so we're going to do that together we'll set it up here and it will change your life it'll give you an hour that you won't have to worry about coming back and feeding the killing i don't know why we start our fires upside down as americans when the folks that have been having wood stoves for so long um do just the opposite we so we will do that uh in his own video so thanks for watching may god bless you and your families please keep us in your prayers pray that the rain will stop so i can get up there and flash this roof and stop the drip that's it we'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 806,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AUK-bXt1Qn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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