FULL Google Ads Tutorial for BEGINNERS (2024)

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today I'm going to give you a full Google ads tutorial so whether you're a beginner or you already know something about Google ads in this video I will show you everything you need to know to become an expert and Crusher in 2024 and this is a step-by-step tutorial so I've broken everything down into time stamps in case you want to skip to a certain section and with that said let's get into the training cool so Google ads tutorial this is what we're going to cover why Google ads how Google works how to set up a Google ad account basic run through how to create create your first campaign how to analyze results how to make optimizations and beginners Journey so very quickly why Google ads well if we just look at the data we can see that we have 2.9 billion monthly active users on Facebook we have 2.7 billion on YouTube 2.4 billion on Instagram 1 billion on Tik Tok and then we have Google with 4.3 billion and 255 billion searches every month that's 8.5 billion searches every every day and these are 89 billion visits a month for products questions or solutions to problems so whether you're just starting out or you're trying to scale your business or you know your client's business Google ads is by far the best place to start in many many cases and Google brings in what people like to call low hanging through opportunities because um you're able to catch people who are searching for specific things at the right time and this level of intent is something that you can't really do with other platforms like Facebook where just throw in your ad at people's faces hoping though thinking they might be interested what's with Google you're reaching someone when they are searching for a very specific topic and that is incredibly powerful and so just to drive the point home let's say for example you're selling sleep supplements using Facebook or Tik Tok ads even if you have a super detailed targeting you can't possibly know if the person watching really has sleep issues and even if they do they might not even feel the urge to improve it but let's say that same person that wasn't interested became a big fan of Andrew hubman for example and after watching an hourong podcast of him explaining the dangerous side of um not sleeping and then posing sleep supplements as a solution for some people then what happens is that that same person who wasn't interested then becomes concerned about his sleep and then what does that person do well he goes onto Google and types in sleep supplements so your only job really with Google ads is to show up um to the right people searching for the right thing and appear at the top as often as possible and that is why Google ads can be powerful and why you should definitely learn how to use it so very quickly in case you're not familiar here's how Google ADS works when someone searches for example sleep supplements you can see a carousel at the top and those are all the shopping ads on Google uh displaying the product very clearly with a big image price and reviews and then just below you have your normal searches however usually or very often those first few searches um ads and you can tell if it's not an ad or if it is an ad uh if you can see sponsored at the top left hand corner as we've highlighted and then as you keep scrolling you also have uh your normal organic content and then at the bottom of the page you're also going to see another bunch of ads and there are so many other ways of advertising in Google such as heav a banner display on someone else's website or you can have banners on Gmail or YouTube or many other things but what I want you to focus is search ads and shopping ads these are the main two uh ways to advertise with Google or at least those are going to bring the best profits to begin with and with that said let's get into how to set up your Google ad account so you want to go into Google ads and you come up to the front end page of Google ads and and you'll want to sign up with a Gmail account and you'll want to click Start now and uh just to voice over very quickly as you can see here Google has been doing this for quite a while but to help people out when you start a new account they'll give you a $400 or pound credit when you spend um that same amount so that can be really really useful so make sure you apply this at the end when you're going to add the the building information so you want to click cck on start now and then uh you just want to create click on create your first campaign and here the interface might look different I don't know if when you're watching this video but they tend to change this interface many many times but what they're trying to do with the first interface that you're going to see is that they're trying to spoon feed you but that is not what we want to do so if you can uh click on create an account without a campaign and then it's going to ask you for your business information make sure you just um put the right information I think this information you can change it later on so make sure you get this right um especially the currency I've heard of people having issues later on when trying to change the currency I think you'll have to create a completely new account if you want to change that so make sure to get this right and then um I mean you want personalized campaign guidance I'm going to click no and then you can submit and your all set you can continue to your account if you see something else and where Google is trying to to get you to create the campaign you have to look around and find a way to either Exit what's called expert mode or just go straight to your account without creating campaign because what Google is trying to do is just trying to guide you help beginners just trying to create that first campaign so you can start spending but we definitely don't want to do that because you're just going to waste money so just get into your account without creating a campaign or even if you do create a campaign just go through the full process just skip everything as much as as you can and then once you created the campaign make sure to delete it but if you can just go straight to the Google ad account and you're going to see this interface they've actually just recently changed the whole interface so everything looks different the settings are completely the same but what I'm going to do is click on appearance and then go to use previous design uh you can just click whatever reason and then send and go to previous design and this is how uh your Google ads interface used to look like they've just changed it and if you want to use the new interface the settings are the same you just need to locate the settings that I'm doing but everything else should be the same great and from here you want to set up your billing so on tools and settings you want to go into building setup and in here you just want to fill out your info very carefully again and add your credit card detail so that we can start spending once the campaign is live and once you're done you can click on on submit I'm just going to cancel another thing that you can do is under Tools and settings you have access and security so here is where you can either access someone else's account if you're a agency owner or you can give access to someone else if you have a media buyer or if you have a business partner or anyone else working on your Google ad account you just want to click on plus and then it's going to ask you the email and the level of access you want to give them very straightforward another thing that you can do is under tools and settings you have linked accounts and in here you can link many other third parties there are important things such as Google analytics where you can track your data much better but for the sake of this video I'm not going to cover it because um this is more advanced stuff but I definitely recommend you look into Google analytics we might do a video in the future but it's pretty straightforward and then you can also link um other third party uh apps if you wish to and that is all you you need to do for now to set up your account so now let's get into the next section which is our Basics run through and the easiest way for me to explain the Google ad structure is um by visualizing it this way so at the top you have your whole account which contains everything inside as we've just set up and then under that you're going to create your campaigns and you can have multiple campaigns in your account and each campaign has another subdivision underneath that is called for Google ads is called ad group you'll find the same sort of setup in many other advertising platforms like Facebook and Tik Tok ads but on Facebook those for example are called adsets whil on Google they call them ad group but it's literally the same thing and each ad group contains keywords and then also each ad group contains multiple ads if you wish to so just to recap you have your account in the account you create multiple campaigns each campaign you can create multiple ad groups and then within your ad group you feed the keywords and then also each ad group you can create multiple ads but the way we like to run our accounts is just to have one single ad group per campaign we don't like to run multiple uh different ad groups and I'll explain why very shortly but that is how we like to run our Google accounts and how we would suggest you start as well so a single ad group per campaign and then also we would only run one single ad per ad group so the way we like to run Google ads is very very simplified because that's how Google wants you to run campaigns nowadays so it will be one campaign under the campaign one single ad group and under the ad group you have one single ad where you expand horizontally is at campaign level so you'll create multiple campaigns with different intents everything else remains very straightforward one campaign one ad group one ad that's how we like to run our Google ad strategy and then um these are the campaign types the Google offers you have your search campaigns you have what's called performance Max that covers literally everything within Google you have what's called display and these are like banners in other people's websites you have the standard shopping campaign that I showed you earlier at the top of the search and then you have video using YouTube you have app campaigns you have uh local for local businesses and you also have Discovery but what we're going to focus is those three ones search performance Max and shopping and going back to what I was saying in terms of our Google strategy being very simplified that is because Google has changed over the years Google used to be all about detail segmentations very manual stuff whilst in the recent years with the implementation of AI everything has become broad automated but there are a lot of things that you can control and optimize which we'll cover later so what Google wants you to do with your account is to avoid doing any sort of limitations keep it as broad as you can and then you can segment doing other things such as your ad copy and other stuff that we're going to cover but I wanted to to touch on this point because I think it's really important uh because the advertising landscape changes very quickly Google has clearly changed but I've seen many Google tutorial videos on YouTube where they're still teaching the old ways of running Google but I wanted to give you the latest and most upto-date ways of working with Google and so I'm going to give you this very simple example to explain what I mean by going Broad and helping the platform so let's say you're in a park and you have a bunch of people and you have Google as your employee to go up to those people and find the right people to sell your product and let's say you're telling Google can you find me two orange people out of all the people in this park and you can see that in this example you have seven orange people and you're only asking Google to find two of them so the job is actually going to be quite easy right but let's say then you want to scale your spend right but you have the same amount of people in the park who are interested in your product but now you're telling Google out of the seven R people I want you to find all seven so the job becomes more challenging more time consum assuming because Google probably has to go around every single person within the park to actually find the right ones right and this example would be an example of a detto targeting where you're restricting your audience but let's say you're going broad now you're reaching a much much larger audience right but you're still asking let's say Google to find seven orange people within the bigger Park so the job now becomes easier again and what this means is that in the previous example where you have a small pool of audience because you're doing a detail targeting and you restricting Google Google is basically going to say cool I'll find your people but you have to pay more because the job is harder whereas if you allow Google to go after a bigger audience Google is actually going to charge you a smaller amount because the job becomes easy now and I hope you found this example useful into understanding why you should go broad with your uh Google ad strategy so let's keep going forward and we have keywords and keywords are one of the key drivers to success for your ads getting this right is actually vital for Google ads it's the s source of um what's going to trigger your ads and so it's really important that you understand the different types of keywords and you have broad match phrase match and exact match these are the three types of keywords that you can have within Google so if you look at the example you have running shoes as your keyword and within Google if you just type in running shoes it's going to be a broad match if you then add the quotation marks uh before and after the keyword running shoes is going to become a phrase match and then if you add the parenthesis before and at the end of the keyword is going to be an exact match so a broad match is a search related to your keyword so if someone searches 10is shoes for woman because the search term contains shoes and your broad keyword contains shoes your ad is going to trigger or if someone searches for socks for running if your keyword contains running is going to trigger the ad whereas with the phrase match it's um any searches including the the meaning of your keyword so if someone searches for men's running shoes because it contains the whole keyword running shoes then is going to trigger your ad or if someone searches best shoes for running your phrase match is still going to trigger this keyword because it contains both of the words running and shoes whereas for exact match you're only going to trigger your ad when someone types in the exact keyword and the way we like to use our strategy which I'm going to explain uh very shortly as we're going to go through the campaign creation is to use only broad match and exact match if you're a beginner and uh you just starting the account I would recommend just starting off with exact matches so that you don't burn your spend very quickly because broad matches tend to burn the budget very very quickly but the main thing is to stay away from uh phrase match it used to be very good but the way Google works as I explain Google has changed over the years and is actually telling advertisers to use broad match um so the combination of of pro match and exact match is the best strategy we've found so far and then very quickly into ads the main components of it are copy assets and extensions and uh images and videos and now I'm going to take you through the creation of your first campaign and everything is going to make a lot more sense so going back to our Google ad account you want to go under campaigns and you want to click on this plus sign and then click on new campaign and Google is going to give you all the different objectives that a campaign can have but again it's just trying to spoon feed you what we like to do is uh create a campaign without a goals guidance and then it's going to give you all the different campaign types that I talked about earlier for this example we're going to go through a search campaign and you don't have to worry about these options you can give your url to um Google if you want to but that is just for them to have a bit more context um and give you a bit of feedback into keywords and other stuff but it's not that important I will just leave it out and then when you scroll down Google is going to ask you to choose a goal and um I mean you have many many goals but I assume in most cases is going to be purchase I suggest you read through all of these in in most business models purchase is what you want so you can call the compaign name whatever you want we actually have a Google ads toolkit that you can download in the descriptions I'm going to refer to this toolkit many many times during this video so I highly suggest you download it and in that toolkit you're going to have a tab where we explain how we like to name our campaigns and then you can click continue and then at the end is going to ask you to turn on announce conversions for your account and this is a bit more advanced stuff but just leave it on that's going to help you with the tracking and conversions and then you can agree and continue and you can just exit the guide it really doesn't matter and in this section you're going to add your bidding so you can have different types of biddings at the end of this video I'm actually going to give you a very detailed breakdown as to what bidding to use when to use it and for which campaigns so stick to the end and I'll make this process very very easy but to begin with you probably want to go for clicks and um again at the end of the video I'll explain why and I also suggest you get the toolkit as I said in the description where we have a section that's is going to explain bidding and you want to leave this uh unchecked you can go next and here you have some more campaign settings what Google is going to ask you is to include your searches in what's called search Network and display network but you want to untick those because is um you want to be very focused on just the Google search and you don't want to be uh spending your budgets across um other stuff so don't worry about that to begin with and then you want to add your locations so for location it really depends on your business if you are a local business of course you want to be very very specific otherwise if you're into e-commerce you probably want to uh focus on a single state perhaps in this case I'm just going to Target United States and what you can also do if you are in Ecom and let's say Alaska your shipping costs way too much you can actually exclude that so if you type in the country say in this case Alaska instead of targeting it you can actually exclude it and that is going to make sure that everybody in Alaska is not going to trigger any of your ads another important thing is to click on location options and what you want to do is Click presence people in or regularly in your Target locations so we won this setting because if you click the first setting where it says presence or interest what the top one means is that is not only going to Target who lives in your place is also going to Target other people that Google things are interested in your place even if they don't live there and so I recommend you uh just go for presentence people in or regularly in your Target locations and then under languages make sure you choose the right language of course and then for audience segments you want to live this out this is more advanced stuff you don't really need this to begin with and this is really funny it actually goes along with with what I said earlier Google is really trying to push you to use a broad match keywords because that's the way it works nowadays Google is very much AI focused and in this case it's telling you that to use broad match keywords you have to use a conversion value based bidding strategy but to begin with you probably want to use maximize clicks and I'll explain at the end of the video why again and then in more settings I will leave everything else as it is and then you click on next and here is where you go under your subdivision so you're now into the ad group level so you can click off this you can leave the guide again and you can name the ad group here and again on our toolkit we have a naming conversion for ad groups as well and then underneath here is where you're going to add all of your keywords and this is probably the most important part of your campaign and there are many ways of finding your keywords Google tells you to enter URL to scan for keywords but I would not recommend using this in this video I'm actually going to give you two two great ways of finding very good keywords one of them being this website called wordst stream.com keywords where you can enter your url so let's say for the sake of this video I'll just put the ud.com find my keywords and then you can refine your search by adding a location and you can leave the industry unchecked and you can click on continue and it's going to spit out a bunch of keywords and it's going to give you the monthly search volume and it's also going to give you a range of CPC and if you don't actually understand this uh terminology that I'm using you can download the toolkit and in the toolkit we also have this uh gluster where we have the terminology that I'm using specific to Google ads and advertising a definition and also formulas when applicable so going back to the keyword website as I said we have the low range and the high range of our cpcs and it's going to tell you what the competition is so I wouldn't Focus too much on the competition what I would analyze here is the relevancy of your keywords and then also how expensive the cost per click seems to be by keyword and this is fairly accurate but I would take it with a pincho salt you can also download all of your keywords and put them in Excel and the second way I like to do keyword research is within your Google ad account if you go into tools and settings under planning you can go into Keyword Planner and then in here you can click on discover new keywords and then in here you can either type in the keywords that you want or you can take them from the list of keywords that this website gave you so for example I can take custom blankets can take blanket hoodie once you have all of your keywords you can just click on get results and at the top here make sure that you have the country that you want so in this case for example United States and you want to Target and then save and make sure that the language is also correct and then you can also expand the date range if you wish to and here Google is going to give you all these other keywords ideas and it's going to give you the average monthly searches and another bunch of metrics and again we have the range of CPC from low to high the same way the other website gave it to you so what you want to do here is just use common sense go through all of your keywords find the most relevant ones and then um analyze them all and find out which one are the cheapest and then come back to your campaign and add them all in here here and as I said for this specific campaign when starting out you would want to start with the exact much keywords so make sure to add the brackets when you add your keyword so for example if I was to add blanket hoodie I'll make sure to keep it within the brackets and then you can keep adding your keywords as you go along and then once you have all of your keywords then we go to the add section this is the last section so here is where you want to add your final URL so let's say I've added uh UD . you can add a display path if you want to and this is anything else that's going to come after your url so for example if you have a sell you can put sell and this is not really going to make much difference but if you have a sale or a specific uh URL you want people to send to you can add that in and then if you go down you have headlines so you have 15 headlines and the most important thing with copy is that they include some of your keywords that you're targeting so is very relevant and that they um are relevant to your customers of course and then finally they should work really well with each other because what Google is going to do is going to take all these 15 headlines that you've given it and then it's going to mix and match all of them in some cases it's going to show two headlines on the search in some cases it's actually going to show three headlines so you want to make sure you have a variety of headlines you don't want to repeat the same headline too many times because it's going to ruin your ad quality and also doesn't look good for the customer and a good way to go about headlines is uh we always suggest having maybe one headline with your brand name and then you can also have a bunch of headlines that explain the benefit of your product not the features the benefits so for example if you sell sleep supplements you're not going to talk about the features of your of your supplement you can perhaps say anything along the lines of sleep better or any other benefits that your supplements can give them and then we would also recommend having three to four headlines where you have a really good call to action and with your copy try to always go the extra mile so even with a call to action don't just say buy now be more specific uh you could say things like uh Stars leaping better today or you could also mention about how many people are using your products just make it a bit more interesting and not so boring because the Google search in itself is very boring and the way you're going to win is by differentiating yourself so be unique with your copy you want people to be interested and very captivated when they see your ad on the search you you want your headline to stop people and get them very intrigued so make sure to put a lot of emphasis on your headlines and again in the Google ad toolkit in the description we have a section where we help you craft a very good out copy for your headlines and also for your description so for descriptions you have four of them and again the main point here is also to use as many as possible so you you want to use 50 headlines and make sure to you also use four descriptions don't make them the same keep them unique because they're going to mix and match the descriptions as well in most cases you're going to have two descriptions or if they're too long you can also have one single description shown um to your ad and then underneath here you have the assets and extensions and the main two ones are site links and callouts and what a site link is in this example you have Addidas and um you can see that underneath this ad you have an extension so you have have these other three headlines and these are the site links and the function of a site link is to send people to other specific URLs so for site links a requirement is that the URL for each one of them is different between each other and so it's just another way of directing your customers to the right product for them but the main thing is that it is extending your ad so now your ad looks bigger is occupying a larger real estate of the search and it's going to increase the chances of people clicking on your ad and so the way you add site links is by clicking on the plus here so links and then Google is going to give you some suggestions but you probably want to create a manual one so create at the top here and then you're going to have four sections and the main one is your sight link text which is the first headline that people are going to see so for example if I put running shoes you're going to see in the display this is the main headline that you're going to see and then you can also add descriptions definitely make sure to use the two descriptions as well and then your final URL and just to make sure you want to have four different sites links if you are going to add any site Link at all you need to have four of them and then you can click on create so for the call outs you can either put a benefit or a feature of your product so you could say something like sleep better you can also add trust and Authority Again by saying something like trusted by 600 plus customers and again try to add as many uh cols as possible again you can add a lot of them and then you can click on Save and your ad is basically done so you can click on done and you can see your add here and then you can click on next and when it comes to budget there is no rule here I mean Google is going to give you a recommendation with um a forecast of what your weekly cost is going to be and what how many clicks you can expect and what the CPC can be but again I wouldn't really trust those you want to start running your campaigns and then you're really going to understand what your metrics are looking like but what I would say is starting off with at least 15 to 20 uh pounds or dollars a day and then from there if things are working you can scale quite easily but yeah starting point I would say $15 to $20 I wouldn't really go anything below that I mean you can but one thing to keep in mind is how much you're selling your product because if you have a high ticket product that you're selling for I don't know $500 if your budget is $20 a day it's actually going to take you a lot of days to maybe even see one single sale so just keep that in mind but just set your custom budget here I'm going to put 20 in this case and again don't really mind those metrics I don't fully trust those you're going to see your own metrics once you start running the campaign and then you can click on next and it's going to review your campaign if you have any errors it's going to show up now so don't worry if you've made any mistakes and then you can see it's going to give you some recommendations as well if you want to read them through you can scroll through uh but again I'm giving you all the basics in this video so there's nothing you really need to worry about and uh once you're done you can just click on publish campaign and that is your campaign done and don't mind this buner now it's just telling me that I haven't added my billing information just because this is a demo account for the sake of the video but another very quick hack I wanted to give you for your ad copy creation is um if you use this software called Dropship doio we have a link in the description if you want to use it it's a referral link we really love using this um software I think can help you a lot when doing competive research so if you want to check it out click the link below and the way we like to use this is once you are in the software you can go into sales trucker into my trackingsm by month the total sales what are the best seller products and I think all of this information is very valuable but the main reason we use this is to just validate the business so once we know that that the Udi for example in this case it is making money you can go into the Google ads library and um you'll come up to a page looking like this and in this search you can add the URL and you're going to find the ud.com make sure to keep this into show anywhere and is basically going to give you all of the Google ads that they're running at the moment so what you can do is in all formats you can click text and it's going to filter out just the text campaigns and this is the same type of campaign that I just went through with you and what you can do from here is that you know they're making money so the Google ads must be working as well I mean a big portion of it is of course the product landing page and a lot of other stuff but you can still model from what they're doing so you can see what headlines they're using What description they're using what site links they're using down here so yeah a very quick hack there to help you on your ad creation process cool and uh just to summarize very quickly because I know this might feel very overwhelming if you're just starting out with Google ads so this is basically what the compaign creation looks like you have your campaign settings so main settings like biding strategy the location the languages and then we went through the ad group not much to do here is just your name and where you're going to add all of your keywords and then you go into your ads where you put your ad copy your URL and then all of your assets and extensions like your site links and your callouts and so now that you're running your campaigns another very important topic of Google ads is how to analyze results and um there are many ways of analyzing results within Google ads but I want to focus on the main ones and we have a CTR which is the click-through rate we have a CPC which is cost per click we have the conversion rate and then we have the RWS which is your return on ad spend and I'm going to give you some benchmarks but take these with a pinch of salt what I'm giving you here is what you should strive towards but you could be doing much better than this ideally you don't want to do worse than this because if if you have metrics that are lower than the ones I'm going going to give you now it probably means that your ads are not profitable so when it comes to click-through rate you want to clickthrough rate above 3% it's considered a healthy clickr rate your CPC ideally should be $1 and Below you once you start going above $1 you start to lose efficiency in your campaigns your conversion rate you should be looking around 3% and above and um with those measurings combined your return on ad spend should be at least two or Plus but again this can change very much depending on the type of your business so for example if you have a high ticket e-commerce product for example if you're selling something at $1,000 your CPC is probably going to be higher and if you have a low ticket product you probably want to go for a lower CPC something around 0.5 or 0.6 that's what you should be looking for for low ticket products and also if we compare e-commerce to SAS in e-commerce your RW probably needs to be higher because you also have a cost of good sold and shipping and other stuff whereas in SAS or if you're selling a digital product as well your RS can be lower and still be profitable so again these are just benchmarks but if you download the toolkit you're going to see this section called a profitability calculator that we put together and this is going to help you uh see what your results are looking like based on these metrics and so the only thing that you want to do is fill out the orange columns with your metrics so let's say for example the ad spend is uh 1,000 for the month let's say let's say the CPC again you're not going to know this until you start running your campaigns but this is just a plug-in play so let's just say we have a CPC of $1 a conversion rate of 3% your product let's say costs $15 and you have a $2 shipping that you um pay for and then your aov let's say you're selling your product at 60 and it's going to spit out a outcome based on the input that you've given so it's going to tell you that you based on these results you're going to get 1,000 clicks you're going to get 30 conversions and your revenue is going to be 1.8k the total cost is going to be 1.5k and your RWS is basically 1.8 and you're going to be left with 290 in profit and then in this table on the side you can also see what the profit or loss is going to be like based on how much the spend is so with these metrics if you were to spend 100K for the month you be looking to get 29k in profit and so you can start to play around with this numbers and you start to understand how these work together and what you should be striving in your business and just to give you an example of how powerful this is if you were to just change the CPC to something like 0.60 you can see with everything else being the same just you reducing your cost per click by $0.40 your bit your profit now is 1.1k and to the example earlier if you're spending 100K you're now making 115 back instead of 23k so ultimately use this uh toolkit as a reference point as to what success looks like in your business and in your Google ad account what metrics are you looking at what you want them to look like based on the profit you want to make and the next very important section is how to make optimizations and again I want to refer to those main metrics so click three Ray and CPC conversion rate and RWS and I'm going to give you the main optimizations you can do that's going to help each category so what's going to make the biggest difference in clickr rate and cosper click is going to be your ad copy so your headlines and your description the main thing here is adding as I said earlier adding as many keywords as you can in your ad copy making it as interesting as possible or using all the available copies that Google ads gives you and making them as compelling as possible for your user to click because um the more compelling a copy is the more they're going to click and the higher is going to be your clickthrough rate and therefore the low is going to be your cos click another thing is your keywords I mean this is huge a few changes on keywords can completely change your cos click and click through right so make sure your keywords are relevant and then another part of optimizations which I'm going to touch upon a bit more in detail uh very shortly is negative keywords so not only you can Target keywords within your compan you can also add what's called negative keywords so these are going to be keywords that you don't want to show up your ads to people when they're searching and so this is actually a very important optimization part of Google ads you want to make sure you do this very often especially at the beginning because you're going to start to see a lot of uh irrelevant terms or very expensive terms and you want to make sure to exclude all of them because that's ultimately going to reduce your cost per click and when it comes to conversion rate the main two things impacting this metric is is landing page and your offer within landing page there are so many things you can do to improve it I can't possibly go over all of them in this video we'll probably make a separate video explaining how to improve conversion rate basic things like the speed of your website the images that you use in there your copy and then um a huge portion of it is also the offer so we're talking about the price how compelling your actual product is or service and so yeah all of these things together are going to improve or decrease your conversion R and then when it comes to RW the main thing impacting this is your aov and the bid strategy when it comes to aov I mean a huge part of it is within e-commerce for example you want to add as many upsells or down cells so that you extract as much from each customer you want your aov and selling price point to be as high as possible because that's going to change completely the results of your business so for example if I go back to the calculator and I change the aov from from $60 to $80 you can see that profit goes from 1.1k to 2.1 and if you were to spend 100K you're now doubling your Revenue so aov very very important you want to make sure you extract as much as you can and with bid strategy it's all about testing as I said I'm going to give you a beginner's Journey uh telling you which bid strategy to use when and uh for which campaign but over time you want to test the different strategies in your account because uh it varies from business to business and from account to account and so very quickly just to explain you how the negative keywords work the same way that you can add keywords within broad phrase and exact you can do the same thing with your negative keywords so you can add negative keywords within broad phrase or exact type as you can see on Broad you have free without anything on phrase you add the quotation marks and exact again you'll add the parenthesis and to give you some very quick examples so that you understand a bit better how this works is that if you use the keyword free for example um on a broad type if someone searches for buy shoes the ad is going to get triggered it's not going to get excluded but if someone types in free shoes offer because the word free is in there your ad is not going to show up in that case and then for example if you have evening shoes as a phrase match if someone searches for night shoes is still going to trigger because um it doesn't matter if the word shoes is in there this is phrase meaning the whole phrase needs to be within the search to be excluded so in the other example if someone searches by evening shoes because evening shoes is included in there your ad is not going to show up for that and when it comes to exact if you put for example used shoes in exact match type the only time your your ad is not going to show up is if someone types in the exact same thing so used shoes if someone types in used shoes sell or any other words before or after your ad is still going to show and there are many different strategies on how you can use the negative keywords to your advantage but what I definitely recommend you do to begin with is to add to all of your campaigns a list of broad match keywords that you definitely want to exclude and again in the toolkit that we have in the link in the description you're going to see another tab where we have a list of negative keywords and these are Universal keywords that you probably want to exclude uh you want to make sure to go through each one of them because for your specific business maybe you don't want to exclude a specific term but what we've done here is we've added what we think should be definitely excluded so things like for free blog and other keywords like this that you definitely don't want to pay for because these people are most likely not going to convert so you're just wasting money for these and very quickly the way you add a keyword negative is in your add account you don't want to go under keywords and then you can see a tab called neg negative keywords and you can click on the plus sign and you want to make sure sure you add all of your keywords here again keep these in Broad don't add them in quotation mark or don't add them in parenthesis you want these to be Broad and then you want to apply these to all of your campaigns in this case we only have that one demo campaign that I created earlier and then finally I wanted to leave you with this bonus and it's What I Call The Beginner's journey and it's sort of like the best road map I can give you and I think you should follow as a beginner with Google ads and so what this looks like is you're going to create your first search campaign make sure you've done a lot of res search on your keywords you've chosen the most relevant ones and make sure those uh make sense together so that they should be under one category perhaps very relevant to your product and create a search campaign as I showed you earlier and then you would want to create a standard shopping campaign especially if you're in e-commerce this campaign type is going to give you a very high return on ads spend but the setup of this campaign is a bit more advanced because you need to utilize other sources called merchant center and you need to link that to your platforms such as Shopify but again if you download the toolkit in the description you're also going to get access to uh some more advanced videos that we have for you such as the setup of a standard shopping campaign and for these two campaigns what I recommend starting with in terms of bit strategy is maximize clicks and then once you get to 10 sales you can uh use a announced cost per click so basically when you are using the click bid strategy uh a box will show up where you can click on announce cost per click and what this means is that you are telling Google how much you want to spend for each click and what I recommend you is to start with 25 to 40p and and then if you don't get enough Clicks in your first few days you can increase that um cost per click a little bit higher and once you get to 30 to 50 sales you can then switch to maximize conversion beat strategy and you can also add a Target Ross to that and uh I would recommend adding a Target RWS that is at your break even point so for example if your product cost $30 and you're selling it at 60 you would want your target row to be 200% and then once you reach 100 sales for a specific product I will then switch your standard shopping into performance Max campaign because now you have a lot more data and performance Max is going to scale and it's going to give you much much better results along the way but I don't recommend you start with performance Max until you got your first 100 cells on a product so that your Google ad account has enough data to then leverage AI and uh performance Max and uh when you set up your performance Max campaign again you want to start straight away with maximized conversions and U use a Target RWS again at a break even point and then if you for example um as we said you have your your product cost $30 and you're selling at 60 so you would want to start with a Target rows of 200% and then if you see that in the first week you're not profitable you can then try to increase that tar of Ros and tell Google hey I'm not profitable I my RWS needs to be higher and over time this campaign will learn the strategy and once you start to get great results you can even scale back with your target RWS but this is The Beginner's journey I recommend you use again there are many more Advanced Techniques and hacks that I couldn't possibly cover in a whole video but even just this honestly it's all you need to start crashing Google ads into 2024 so if you want more advanced stuff I again recommend you click on the link below you download your toolkit and you also be signed up for our new newsletter where we going to give you exclusive content and a lot more valuable stuff and that was our Google ads tutorial and if you found this valuable I suggest you subscribe to the channel because we're going to be uploading a lot more content like this we also going to be talking about Facebook ads uh conversion rate and uh other advanced stuff so yeah make sure to subscribe and um I hope you found this valuable thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Utopic Labs
Views: 4,906
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Keywords: google ads, google advertising, google ads tutorial, google marketing, how to run google ads, google ads for beginners, advertising on google, google ads 2023, google ads 2024, google advertising 2024, google advertising 2023, google ads targeting, how to create google ads, google ads tutorial 2023, google ads tutorial 2024, google ads tutorial for beginners, google ads for local business, google ads for ecommerce, google ads for saas, google ads course, google ads for ecom
Id: s66qoOM2kdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 49sec (2689 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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