FREE DFM or AFM Disable! Chevy & GM 5.3, 6.2 Owners Watch This!

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welcome back to dawn's life welcome to the channel thanks for joining today today we're going to talk about dfm again i have a link up above to a dfm conversation when it comes to buying and installing a pulsar lt so if you're interested in some of my preliminary thoughts on that the link is up above but this is more about the commentary that i've received from the viewers so whether it be a direct message email comment you're talking about the ability to disable dfm for free so that's what we're going to talk about today let's go hello [Music] by now unless you've been living under a rock you know people are frustrated with dfm basically any new 5 3 or 6.2 liter gasoline engine is going to have dfm or dynamic fuel management so what is dfm i'll leave a link in the description below of an article i feel that does a good job of outlining exactly what it is that'll be in the video description below if you want to read it all for yourself but basically i'll summarize what you'll find there so basically the computer recognizes the power that you're not using at that time you know we have all the power in these engines now and for most of the day-to-day driving that we do we're not utilizing all of it so what the computer does or the controller is it figures out what we're doing with that throttle and it adjusts the cylinders that only need to be used to be used to give you the power that you're utilizing at that moment in time so basically if you're just cruising on the highway you're not going to be using as much power you're going to be a higher gear it's not going to require as many cylinders and it's going to collapse the valves not being used shut down those lifters and allow you to run on less cylinders and it does this so fast it is 80 times per second that it's doing these calculations and 17 different cylinder configurations to figure out you know what's the best for that situation and it does all this just kind of in the background you don't have to think about it we know this is a fuel saving measure it is complicated the computer needs to deal with uh valve actuation delivering oil pressure when it's needed stopping oil pressure when it's not needed so why does it matter that's a very good question well as you know there's a few things people are talking about when it comes to this feature does it directly contribute to lifter failure i don't know 100 some people claim to know 100 i don't know if we'll ever see a gm published article that claims it 100 maybe they exist i haven't read it yet and that's fine i'm not i'm not here to to take that stand uh i don't really care other than i respect that it's a a bone of contention out there and i would be lying if i didn't say sometimes i worry that maybe that feature is going to contribute to a failure of my own and i'll have to go through the headache of getting lifters replaced under warranty so i'm hoping that doesn't happen another thing they're talking about is the fact that you hear dfm happening audibly so i have an intake and exhaust so it's more pronounced than it ever was when it was stock but basically what they're saying is as it's working through these different calculations and turning off cylinders you hear uh an audible note coming from your intake or exhaust or both that just you know isn't very uh attractive especially when you got these uh good sounding v8 engines as it so happens as i'm recording this for you i'm driving with dfm enabled and it is making some sounds out of my exhaust you might be picking up on to know exactly what these folks including myself continue to talk about even though the engineers say that it's doing these calculations you know up to 80 times in a second there's still people that feel that maybe it's inhibiting performance you know response time that type of thing maybe to do with acceleration or switching over to the power right when you need it overtaking somebody on the highway you know going down a hill and then up a hill maybe towing i don't have all the answers but i do know that some people feel that way so really this comes down to the risks and the annoyances outweigh the benefits i don't know so now i do not have a disabled device yet but today i'm going to demonstrate a suggestion that was put into one of my comments a while back and some of you may have seen it but it has to do with l9 so you might be asking what the heck is l9 well i'm going to shift to l9 right now on the fly there i'm in l9 it says l3 actually sorry i'm going to use the plus sign on my gear lever and put it in l9 so now i'm in l9 and what people are saying and it could be true i'm going to do a little demonstration a little later here but what people are saying that is if you drive an l9 it will prohibit dfm from operating and i have to say with the limited testing that i've done and if i say limited i mean like two or three weeks of non-stop testing back and forth i might be inclined to agree with their findings i can substantiate that with an article from a gm engineer but if you are a gm engineer and you're out there and you have the uh the information for this and you'd love to share it with the group please share it put in the comments send us a link whatever you got to do i'd love to see the uh the engineering papers on the matter and you know understand it for sure but basically what l9 is supposed to do and this would be for a 10 speed transmission so you can put it into low gear and you can cycle all the way up to 9th gear which basically is just setting a limit to what the transmission can shift to so regardless of what speed i'm driving i can go back and forth from l to drive and i'm not going to cause any damage so if i was in drive right now doing 60 kilometers an hour or 40 miles per hour and i shifted to l it would move to l and it would indicate what gear i'm at so maybe four or five and what it would do is it would stop me from engaging the gears above wherever it's at but i can use the plus sign here and i can move it to l9 like i did and then what that'll do is it'll inhibit from going to 10 but i don't know if it has to do with the software uh the way the transmission is programmed but when you're in l9 it's supposedly turning off all dfm and i've done some testing with acceleration and deceleration and i'm inclined to think like i said that they might be right all right i've recorded a series of clips for you when it comes to driving an l9 or driving in regular drive or d and i'm going to let you decide um but basically what i did is i took a a short route um to an area in my community and then i backtracked the exact same route in the area of my community so i was going through the same you know areas with the same speed going around some roundabouts at the same speed really putting the transmission through the same paces that i would um both ways to make it a fair comparison along that ride what i noticed is that the helicopter sound or the sound that people complain about firstly with dsm is that it makes kind of a repetitive you know helicopter blade uh sound it seemed to be reduced when i was driving an l9 so when decelerating i found that in l9 the downshifts and the tone of the the exhaust and it might have to do with if the fm's in fact not working it was much more linear and uh the the tone of the uh the exhaust in the intake would just would just come down it wasn't uh as erratic and uh temperamental as with uh in drive when dfm is enabled so before you look at this comparison i i think it's important to mention sport mode so some people have commented that they use l9 in conjunction with sport mode i've researched this one a little further and sport mode doesn't seem to have any related impact on dfm whether you're an l9 or drive using sport mode even in the owner's manual it says the moment you put it in the sport mode you'll notice your transmission will gear down and it's going to hold a lower gear for a longer amount of time than what it would customarily shift at to really support any spirited driving that you want to you know have happen it also mentions and and these are my words that if it notices that you aren't driving spiritedly again that it will actually take you out of sport mode so if you do use sport mode make sure you're driving spiritedly and it'll stay there i haven't tested that to see when it kicks you out or if it even does but that's just what the owner's manual implies but for this comparison i did not put it in sport mode i felt it was best to just do a comparison in drive and l9 because many of you own sierras or silverados that don't have the sport mode feature so i think this is the best comparison for all of you whether you have a 5 3 6 2 and various uh you know options when it comes to uh transmission modes so let's get into it okay we're now gonna roll some of the footage i put my gopro on my bumper like i said i chose the same route back and forth i had the wind mic on i had uh as close to the exhaust as i could have it where you'd probably hear it best keep in mind i do have an aftermarket intake by s b for my 6.2 liter plus i have a borla s-type exhaust so i think you would hear it a little more for sure and hopefully the mic picks it up well enough for you to form your own opinion on this so let's roll that i'll label the clips so you can do uh comparisons and we'll come back and we'll talk about it [Music] [Music] so so okay so you heard the footage hopefully you can come to your own conclusions i'm of the mind that it's doing something and it seems to be disabling dfm again if there's a gm engineer watching or somebody that has the specific 100 irrefutable information that says that that's what's happening i'd love to see it for now i'm under the assumption that it is disengaging dfm and i'm probably going to continue to use l9 when i am driving around town now the only downsides that i found aren't many i'll get into that in a second but you might be asking yourself what happens uh you know with your fuel economy well honestly not much it's not tangible i haven't noticed a huge increase really any increase in my uh my fuel consumption when it comes to my typical driving habits around town you've been watching me drive you know for several minutes here and i'm driving pretty calm and cool and stay within the speed limits and you know i i don't think that it's having a negative impact now on the highway i'll be honest i'm going to keep it in drive because when i'm going highway speeds my exhaust doesn't drone yeah the fm is doing its thing and it's probably kicking in and out quite often but with a little bit of wind noise with the music with whatever i got going on i'm not noticing it so i'll continue to use drive when i'm on the highway for now i'm still going to keep using l9 like i said around town i might pick up a you know dfm disabled device at some point so i don't even have to think about it the number one and it's kind of comedic downside to all of this is having to retrain my old brain on how to shift from my forward moving gear which is now l into reverse quickly when i go to back into my driveway now i find myself hitting neutral revving my engine like a and then hanging my head low putting it in reverse because now i'm one off from where i used to be and you guys know what i'm talking about if you've been driving for decades like i have you you shift to the gear you want without thinking about it and it's just a second nature thing so i got to retrieve myself a little bit uh when it comes to switching from either park to l or reverse or sorry l into reverse i end up thinking i'm somewhere else and uh i'm not where i'm supposed to be anyway i'll get there don't worry about me i'm a big boy i'll figure it out but anyway if you liked today's video please hit that like button it really helps the youtube algorithm it'll help me get more exposure to you know other people get my videos out there and if you like this one just do it smash that like button consider subscribing completely free i'm keeping it free for the next 10 years anybody wants to subscribe after that maybe it'll be a membership fee just kidding of course but uh also hit those notifications so you get updates on my content and i hope you really did like this video anyway i'll talk to you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Donslife
Views: 410,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6.2, v8, dfm, afm, dynamic fuel management, lifter, lifter failure, auto stop, cadillac, transmission, dod, idle
Id: T0V55aOhm1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 53sec (1133 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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