UNLEASH your v8!!! Pulsar LT Install - Programming - Review

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what's going on guys super excited to bring out this video today because thanks to range we finally got our hands on a pulsar lt so you might have seen my previous videos on my 2018 silverado where we did the v4 module to prevent the truck from going into v4 it made the truck drive 100 better you don't have to deal with the helicopter sound with your exhaust if you have a loud exhaust like i like to run and it's just overall as a must do in my opinion and so this thing is like that but on steroids so this thing has a ton of different options starting with obviously disabling dfm which these trucks are dfm instead of afm like the previous body these can actually drop below v4 so obviously you want to turn that off you want your truck v8 all the time you're also going to be able to turn off auto stop start so you don't have to hit the button every single time you get in the truck you're going to be able to have five different throttle positions so like your sensitivity can go real high if you want it to be real super sensitive as soon as you touch the gas pedal it immediately starts going or you can dial it back somewhat at like factory if you like that you're also going to be able to remove the 98 mile an hour speed limiter which i know a lot of y'all are really bugged by um and then your tpms sensors you can actually adjust them so let's say the factory requires it at like 50 psi but you don't want to run that much if you don't then you're gonna have a dash light well with this you can actually turn that back down to whatever it is so that you don't have a dash light for your low low tire pressure so just a bunch of different options super awesome super excited to install this it is a little bit more tedious than obviously the previous model where you just plugged it into the obd2 port but it is going to be super easy i'm going to show you all exactly how to do it everything is controlled through the steering wheel and on your cluster and i'm just super excited because this thing is going to make the 6-2 come to life i know it is but it's going to be the exact same for the 5'3 guys out there exact same process you're going to get the exact same benefits this is going to be in my opinion one of your first must-do mods let's go ahead and get this thing installed and see my reaction with it got a little pamphlet with our instructions and there she is i'm so freaking excited about this i've been since before i even got the truck wanted to do this so this is all there is to it we're gonna have our little control module our this is actually going to be in line with the truck so it's going to kind of override and then we got our little double-sided tape to go on here to mount this some zip ties to clean everything up i'm sure let's go ahead and read the instructions and get this install started first things first go ahead and pop your hood then we're going to take the negative side of our terminal off before we start the install 10 millimeter so right here in front of our air filter we're going to actually be disconnecting this in order to install the pulsar lt in a line so little red tab get you a flat head pop that guy straight up down here in the corner you're going to push right here grab the other side lift it you'll see that dial spin lift it all the way up and then this will be disconnected and we can put the pulsar lt in line so in order to have as clean of install as possible we're actually going to detach this so our new one can mount there and we can tuck it all away so it's not just sitting here flopping around so i'm going to tell y'all real quick in case i can't get it perfectly filmed but a little christmas tree right down in there and then right here you're going to stick a flat piece of something i'm going to use a pair of scissors down in there push against it towards that way and then this will pop up and then this will remove so we can install our new one i'm going to throw the camera up but just in case you can't see it that well that's what you got to do so go down in here and grab your little christmas tree pull that out i'm gonna come up here take you some scissors flat something flat whatever in there press against it and there she is so now all free we can install the pulsar lt and tuck it away nice and clean all right let's take our new harness plug the lower portion in go ahead and lock it in all right slip this guy down here we're going to tuck our wires away down here in the bottom there's a little uh not a zip tie but it's a little connector that holds this wiring to another one unclip that so you can feed this down and we're going to lock this onto that bracket this out of the way [Music] lock our new one down [Music] and then we're going to be running this guy to wherever we want to mount it i think i'm going to mount mine right here then we're going to go back with those zip ties zip tie this thing so it's not flopping around down there we're going to mount it right here on the side of this we go she's gonna be just like that so let's grab our velcro just line it up it's gonna look nice and pretty and stick it on there there we go let's check out the final install nice and clean you don't have a bunch of wires sticking up that look out of the ordinary and ugly through one zip tie here we stuck that on there obviously right here zip tie just to hold that wire from bouncing around below we got one zip tie right there holding that up we don't want it touching any coolant lines or anything like that and it's a pretty much factory looking install super excited about this but uh the real exciting part starts now let's hop inside and program this thing all right so we're gonna go through here together and y'all are gonna learn with me so don't put your foot on the brake but hold this until it's in the run position all right so now we're going to go to speed limiter that's going to be the first thing so we're going to be using our cruise cancel and our set and reset so my truck connected to my phone but i got y'all back going so we're in here held that it sweeped now we're at the first one being 10 miles per hour so we're going to access the program menu select mode 10 so let's select that went to 140 and it's got it at 112 so we should just be able to that's weird said 112 it's normally 98 maybe the 62s actually are higher so we're going to just sit at 135 i mean there's no we're never going to go that fast but let's go ahead and hit cruise cancel so that should be set sweep 140 back down all right we should be good to go there so tpms we're not going to mess with that tire size let's go ahead and hold cruise cancel get back in there all right we've sweeped we're at 10 we're gonna go we're gonna skip two because that's tpms my sensors and these wheels are for my 2018 so they won't work here i'm going to get some new ones we're going to go to tire size cruise cancel it's going to jump back down they are 32 that says 32 so we're going to accept that and then we're going to go up to 32 and a half because that is what the stock tires are on this truck i'm gonna accept that now we're gonna go to just straight 32 these are actually half an inch shorter but they are wider so we're going to accept 32 we do not have a decibel so let's accept that should sweep there we go so our speedometer should be corrected we'll obviously have to test that out all right let's go axle ratio we're not messing with that auto stop start so let's hold this again this is going to be 60 miles per hour the sixth one so let's go up to 60. let's go ahead and enter into that okay 0 is working 10 should be 9 working let me just double check that yes 10 is disabled so let's accept that auto stop start is off so we won't have to hit our button every time we get in the truck now which is freaking awesome all right now we want to turn off dfm dynamic fuel management let's go ahead and hold that sweep it again so this is going to be 70. let's go up to 70. hopefully y'all can see everything so we're going to enter into that let's jump up to 10 once again disabled sweep again and we'll be completed dfm auto stop start is off so now we're actually ready to take the truck for a drive and then we'll mess with our one two five on the throttle sensitivity we'll we'll get into that in just a little bit after we go for our first drive but uh yeah we're done dude so we're ready to fire it up take it for a spin this truck freaking rips oh my gosh this truck freaking rips we're on our first cruise and i'm happy to report everything has worked flawlessly so immediately when i cranked the truck i reached over to turn off stop start just out of habit and then i'm like oh well we just disabled that which it worked the lights off it's not working beautiful we're cruising in tenth gear right now no dfm awesome that's working i know you can put it into manual mode leave it to gear low it's not going to work on dfm but you're going to have to do that every single time put it in manual bump it all the way up to nine this is a 10 speed um bump it up to five whatever the case you're going to spend the same amount of money in gas over a period of time that you are going to spend on this just by keeping it out of that overdrive gear so at the end of the day if you have the money to buy this it's totally worth it you can argue that all day long about not having to spend any money to put it down in uh manual mode and turn that off but at the end of the day like i said you're going to spend just as much money over time and gas by keeping it out of that overdrive gear so i'm a firm believer in this our speedometer is corrected thank goodness i just checked it gps since we did go down 0.5 even though these tires look much much bigger because they are wider on a wider wheel we actually were 0.5 shorter than the factory tires and so it had our speedometer jacked up and we weren't actually going as fast as what it thought we were and it just it was messed up and it was super annoying because i was having to be mindful of hey this is this is wrong you're going too slow you're going too fast so now we are perfectly calibrated brought it back down that 0.5 and it's perfect i'm stoked on that because i don't have to think about it anymore i just drive look there the number that i see is the number i'm going you got sensitivity of your throttle so a pedal commander which is like what two four hundred dollars itself you got that built into this you got auto stop start turned off dfm turned off you can adjust your tpms sensors you can adjust your speed limiter you can adjust your speedometer calibrate it for your tire size like this has got so many awesome features built into one thing so it is a little pricey if you look at it up front but if you break it down to all the features that it has and the simplicity of the features and how you can go in here and adjust things it's a must buy for real you have to get this thing if you've got literally an any 19 plus 5 3 6 2 doesn't matter you're going to see huge improvement you're going to love it and as far as fuel economy i i don't know for a fact but i can just about guarantee you we're not going to see any decrease in fuel economy by taking off dfm because in my last truck removing afm literally no difference actually most cases it would actually get better fuel economy because it's not having to jump in and out it's super annoying unless you're constantly driving on a long straight maybe downhill road afm dfm is not going to work enough to actually save you any fuel it's just going to get on your nerves and be annoying through your exhaust so don't worry about fuel economy if you can keep your foot out of it because we are bumping up the throttle sensitivity and you're going to have a v8 all the time so you're going to want to romp on it um you do away with that you're not going to have any mpg loss i can just about guarantee you um now you go doing this then you will but dude it's a proper truck now like unfortunately gm has to do what they have to do to get these trucks out to us so they have to put all the dfm afm crap but thanks to range technology guess what we got a solution and now we can have our truck exactly how we want it all right so we're gonna adjust our throttle sensitivity real quick we'll probably make a whole video dedicated to that if y'all do want to see that we can have like little side by sides adjusting on the fly showing y'all the difference but essentially you have five different settings from zero being stock 10 is reduced performance 20 increased performance over stock and then it just goes on more and more until 5 is like maximum sensitivity as soon as you breathe on the throttle it's going to be wide open so all you're going to do if you have cruise control off your truck can be running cruise control off use your set reset zero is like i said stock i think we're gonna go up to three should we try three i don't know what it technically comes on maybe it comes on zero hmm okay let's let it out back down bump it up to four let that drop back down oh i'm assuming it's adjusting it for the revs too let's just check it out so this is on four throttle sensitivity [Music] holy crap okay that was like this much petal and she was truly ready to rip we got it bumped up to five we're able to creep still [Music] yeah she's a ripper you breathe on the throttle it is dumping the gears i also do notice it likes to hold gears more now like since dfm's turned off when dfm was going and you need to accelerate and usually just immediately dump a gear rather than just popping into v8 it's such a big difference y'all i'm not even joking all right guys that's about going to be it for this video hopefully you did enjoy hopefully this video helped you with your install or maybe your decision making on whether or not you should get one of these personally i 100 stand by i think it's great it fixes everything that i disliked about the truck so i definitely recommend it but it is pretty pricey but you get a lot a lot of things in one box so a ton of features y'all saw a ton of different things so personally i think it's worth it if you want to pick one up i'll have a link to them in the description they're possibly on back order because every time i get them in there is they're selling like hotcakes so they're having a hard time keeping them in stock but it's definitely worth the wait in my opinion but anyways we'll have an updated long-term review on this thing once we get some good miles on the truck but as of right now absolutely loving it no issues whatsoever so with all that being said hopefully did enjoy i'll see you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: lmfscrew
Views: 167,124
Rating: 4.8997259 out of 5
Keywords: 2021 Chevrolet, 2021 Silverado, 2021 Trailboss, trailboss, silverado trailboss, 6.2 silverado, 6.2 trailboss, 2021 6.2, 6.2 10 speed, lmfscrew truck, chase collins, 22x12, 22x12 and 33s, 22x12 on trail boss, 22x12 on 2021 silverado, cold air intake silverado, cold air inductions 6.2 silverado, trailboss 6.2 exhaust, trailboss exhaust, pulsar lt, pulsar lt silverado, pulsar lt install, pulsar lt review, pulsar lt programming, pulsar LT 6.2, pulsar 6.2 silverado
Id: QPsDPRn30v0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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