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nothing like some cool refreshing water water this this live stream brought to you by water I'm just teasing all right there we go getting some people on line thank you so much okay heist see bradlee hello Brandon how you doing good morning mr. Porter appreciates you being here live and in charge 2080 some free credit repair I love you and your team sweetness love thank you I appreciate you I love you as well all right morning Dom hi Krista I have nobody sucks up preacher boy Eve what's up brother hey what's up brother how you doing headmistress enry good morning good morning to you as well mr. Brian what up B yo what's up Brian are you doing I live in what's good all right let's go yes hey Brennan hey how are you Mickey now good morning hey I watch all your videos mr. Porter thank you very much for watching all the videos good morning hi hey hey a Sunday morning we're doing some live car repair do y'all hear me okay here or is it there's no mic here no I think my mic is right here right okay good I want to make sure you all hear me okay good morning mr. Brad drop me some knowledge yes let's drop some knowledge all right I appreciate all the thumbs up thank you so much I appreciate you all right let's but first round sent out on the 18th got two accounts removed already Thank You Brandon my wife has finally bought in for true what okay put Trisha Danelle is that okay that's phenomenal two accounts okay so first one I'll let her send out the 18th of this month okay the 18th of this month it's only been a couple of weeks a couple of weeks guys already two accounts were removed from this individuals so very exciting very very exciting angel Mazzara hi brennan yes yes we can hear you okay great fantastic wanna make sure you can hear me okay thank you for the thumbs up great guys so let's start off with some positive stuff right two accounts removed for this individual already I want to update you with a testimonial that was emailed to me just today all right this testimonial came in today this individual was the person who had and they don't want to share their name so if they want to be anonymous you guys want to be anonymous you want to send in testimonials you can you can be on video testimonials as well but this individual wanna stay anonymous so this person which if you watch all my videos you have seen this person was on a lease with their ex-partner their ex-spouse okay this individual signed a lease initially then moved out was not on the lease renewal was not on the lease renewal this person spouse sign the lease renewal and they tried to tie them together they tried to tie them together so let me just read you this portion okay I wanted to provide a testimonial to everyone who watches your channel that what you advise and reiterate and push us to do works all in caps works I don't know if the apartment management requested to have the collection remove from the email I sent them as well as the documentation or if it was the dispute letter okay so I told this individual they needed to contact the credit bureaus dispute they needed to contact the people leasing okay that leased it to her they didn't listen to her okay they leased it to her spouse her husband and the husband resigned the new lease on his own completely different that lease expired and what they tried to pull they tried to pull the fast when they tried to say oh well this lease was signed originally by you so the we sign is good enough he can sign no but not good enough it's not good enough that's why I told her to dispute it and that's why it was squared away and they decided to clean it off okay so we'll leave Porter says I have late payments can you call me mr. Porter you hang in one second okay I'm gonna get through this testimony I'm good to you mr. Porter one second okay so this individual wanted to get this eviction it was classified as an eviction off their report and that's how you can get evictions off guys right you can dispute it okay you can talk to them about it they she talked to the apartment management and she talked to the credit bureaus she sent this few letters and so this worked for her and I told her I told her it would I knew it would because they didn't have any signed documentation of her signing the Ruth the new lease it does not it does not melt together I don't care where it is I don't care what's that you can't do that okay when the lease ends when that lease ends it's done final boom so if her spouse her husband signs Court that's it that's on him so the documentation of the dispute letter worked either way I'm glad it was removed for my credit report she goes on to say thank you thank you thank you I still have a little ways to go with my credit disputes I'm working on my next round of letters for Experian and waiting for the response from Equifax and TransUnion I want to tell everyone don't give up on the process it takes a little while slowly but surely you'll get the results and that's what I say if you watch my videos it took me some time it took me some time but I got disputes along the way that got removals along the way boom boom boom boom along the way so it can take a little time but it's worth it guys if you guys have been suffering for years like I was with credit issues in credit repair knowledge is here for you for free right now okay so mr. Porter we're gonna have something special for you so hanging in there everybody's hanging in there we're got something special okay if I can't she goes on to say when I started this dispute process she thought to herself hey can't get any worse what do I have to lose she hasn't turned back yet thanks again to Brannon and the team okay so you have nothing to lose you have everything to gain start right now start today credit repair starts now it starts for free and you know what we're gonna do for free credit repair right here right now I'm gonna do something very special for you mr. Porter you have late payments you want me to call you I'll tell you what you can call me mister you see this number eight hundred to one six six four one zero you see that mr. Porter I know you see it I know you people see it you can give me a ring right now but this number is only available and only available to my subscribe Tron ok you all need to subscribe and hit that Bell for notifications so you know when I go live because I've got a lot of things to manage all y'all know I'm doing email support I'm doing videos here for you guys I'm doing live streams I'm doing credit repair I'm helping people get their business finance and business funding to the other mentorship we're doing all sorts of things in the community we're giving back I'm starting to volunteer with my local shelter you know I really love dogs I have a dog so we got a lot going on so this is only available right now subscribe tribe mr. Porter if you're watching right now eight hundred to one six six four one zero and I'm standing by alright I'm taking calls now hit that Bell for notifications so you know when I go live alright and I'm waiting on you mr. Porter okay let's see what we got Oh Christina this is another phenomenal testament of Christina's say clip boat Sakhi blow I apologize if I Masek Yuri last name please forgive me please forgive me Christina I did my first round in July I got nine medical bills that were in collections off my report nine nine nine medical bills off your report and let me teach you right here for free right now on how to do this and the supporter I'm waiting on your phone call mr. Porter if you want to give me a ring or I will give you a ring here very shortly okay nine medical doesn't teach you how to do this for free right now you don't need anybody okay and you can get the letters at 609 credit repair to do it yourself or we can do it at the awesome Life Group for you okay but this is what I'm gonna say medical bills a lot of times they do not have any release okay to give to a third party like a collector okay so you might be able to say okay I need to work something out with the bureau's and the original the original people the original furniture of that the original hospital but a third party collector top chat $4.99 what is this this is a super check is that what that is super chat okay let me get through this I'll teach let me teach y'all real quick the credit repair process for medical and then uh when we get into the soup chat and you don't remember y'all can call me y'all callin okay y'all can call this number mr. Porter I'm waitin on you I'm worrying for anybody who wants to call so nine medical bills removed so you send your dispute letters to the credit bureaus okay and you send your letters to the collectors at the same time if they respond back with your medical bills with your medical files with your medical records you will then be able to take that and file it and send it into the bureau's with your hip of dispute letters saying this was a violation of your HIPPA because they're not gonna send that hip over lease form the collectors usually do not have that HIPPA release form when they do not have that HIPPA release form they don't have that access to third party information when the credit bureaus don't have that okay if the credit bureaus should have that excuse me and the collectors supposed to have that they don't have that so when you press them for that and say I want to see the typical dispute I want to see that third parties are able to access my credit my bureaus medical information they don't have it they've gotta remove it they've got to delete it a lot of times you send your deletion into the credit bureaus they get scared anyway send in your disputes and they get scared and they will remove these nine medical bills for you this nine medical collections this is fantastic and phenomenal I really appreciate you guys this is phenomenal mr. Porter I have late payments can you call me mr. Porter I don't teach you right now how to take care of those late payments okay depends depends on your goodwill status with a specific bank or lender so if you are doing well already and you've got these erroneously payments they don't have proof of this a lot of times they don't I've worked with people who haven't had a late payment and forever okay and they want you to do business with you they want to make money that's the whole idea this whole racket right is to make money the idea here is that they want to be in business from you sir if you're making good on time payment history and they know you're pushing money through their bank you can move to whatever bank you want you could close that account right so they don't want that they want you to continue to pay them money and give them money and move money to their bank so you send the goodwill letters and you can modify those goodwill letters my partner Cornelia and I we have seen goodwill letters where we have said hey I want to see some proof okay you don't say you're not saying hey you know this isn't necessarily mine what you're doing is you're saying I don't recall ever being late I have no recollection of this and from my end I see I was on time I believe I was on time what is going on can you show me some proof that this is not what you say it is right it is not what I say it is that it was on time yeah so if they're willing to give you that information great I haven't seen it yet right but if not please remove this erroneous information from my reports all right mr. Porter so what you can do is you can send the goodwill but that's not all okay so free credit repair going on today so you send a goodwill letter but at the same time what I did and what I do what we do for clients at the awesome Life Group calm or what you can do for yourself at 6 on my credit card account is you can send the dispute letter at the same time that's right you can send a goodwill letter to the credit creditor oh look at this we got a number we got a number send the goodwill letter and we're gonna put you on we put you on live now hang in there now it might be hard for y'all to hear this conversation so I'm gonna try and translate for you as best I can ok good morning you're on live with Brandon Weaver Brendon Weaver's credit repair show who do I have here hey Willie Porter mr. Porter how're you doing today sir thank you for being up early on a Sunday with me this is uh this is the Church of credit repair I'm just joking hey so how what can I do for you mr. Porter and thank you very much for subscribing and hitting the bell for notifications and being being available to us what can I do for you sir thanks for taking my call to me and my message of stuff like that I got some late payment late payments you know I called creditors and with the credit I guess the Equifax and all of those people right to dispute and they told me uh they can't do nothing about it yeah good good all right so in this reporter so I'm just gonna translate some of this just in case they didn't care but you contacted them you contacted them and they said oh we can't do enough right they contacted you contacted them one time there's this right you contacted them one time contacted them one time now this is the misconception I want to clear up for everybody out there on our free credit class right here right now one time is not enough okay you gotta do the due diligence I had to do I did this with student loans guys I did this with student loans heavy-duty student loans and mr. Porter no homo obviously you're doing everything that I set out there and I want to put this out there for for more information for you guys you guys want to go through rounds of goodwill letters you want to go through rounds of calls that's how I did it you know so when they say no that's not their final offer you all know everything's negotiable you'll know sometimes and I hate that you have to fight I don't like that we have to fight for everything in this world but is this the way it is you know so sending in rounds to them it gets old it gets tiresome to them I had to call different representatives I have someone say no I had someone say yes and it didn't happen I had someone say no and then I had someone say yes and during the dispute process and the goodwill process they did get updated so I'm very pleased with you you get your credit squared away you get the debt down they need to not be so ridiculous with you and that's what I did and tell them your story to this that's what I did my big thing was I was really young like I'm a young man I'm trying to buy a house in the future I'm trying to get my life together y'all holding me back this is decimation of my character changed my life and they're humans you know I'm saying that humans they're gonna you know what I'm saying they're gonna feel you and feel your pain and feel ain't nobody want to hurt anybody but when it's anonymous when they just see mr. Porter's name on their screen then they don't care right so yes you're gonna reach out to the bureau's - okay and this is just the process guys you know just like I started with that testimonial and I know you were there it took her a little time to get that nasty eviction off that they classified as an eviction you know so I would say go to the process of get will go through late-payment disputes with the bureau's and what you can do with your 6:09 letters is you can put unverified late payments on there so you put your three cards you put the account numbers you click on verify late payments all right and you send the goodwill letters and you call them yes I know it's a pain in the butt to do all this stuff but come on you know we're gonna save thousands on more I mean what's what's the game plan after this what is it business funding a house a car which I'll doing with you yeah I wasn't gonna track the trailer though yeah I feel you okay business business-wise right a tractor for your bins all right cool I got you that's phenomenal that's fantastic so business funding business credit would you score at right now before those late payments man and it took a dive afternoon yeah I actually paid it November and December yeah I got you I got you yeah you know stuff happens especially on the holidays whatever the big thing to my company now has a very reliable source okay so you got the late pays you want to get back up into the 700s we have a very reliable source for trade lines trade lines are now available guys all right trade lines are available so for you mr. Porter let's help you get those late pays off let's put an au trade line on there with some good credit history and some great on time you know payments and long history all this good stuff you up there so you can go in and either either you can do it on your own you know I'm a big proponent people be able to do it on their I'll cut out the middleman give it away as much as I can for free going in getting to the banks and saying going to the credit card companies giving a personal guarantee now this is what's interesting guys it's called stacking you may not hear you may not hear this too often stacking mr. Porter you can do this too so when I was doing travel credit cards I would apply for two or three cards in a specific time period like in a month or whatever right and so I'll get hard acquires but what you can do is you can do it all on one day that's what a lot of this funding is so you're going out with your personal guarantee you've got your 727 6 you want to be you know what we just discussed you want to be able to 760 you're going out and what you're doing is you're going to the Bank of America's the chase is that you can do it all online and you boom boom boom you can do it you can do it all with one bank - Amex will as approved people in Citibank approve people for two or three cards in one day right now of course you're gonna have the inquires that's gonna be part of the process but if you can go and get yourself 5 6 credit cards with 0% for 6 months to 12 months and you can have a hundred thousand or 150,000 and funding for yourself and for your company and you're doing it on your own and you're doing it all in one day known as stacking you can go get that tractor trailer or whatever or you can get the funding the loan if you need a specific you know track you like I'm just gonna finance this out for walks I don't want on credit Ida you know six months 12 months not enough time for me to finance it and so you can do that on your own as well now we have business funding we have a platform for it we've had some clients go through it so that's a possibility but you know for me if you can do it on your own you can do some of the due diligence a man cut out the middleman and even if it's me sometimes you know I mean so yeah I think we can get these late payments squared away you've got email support with me so if you you been emailing me right we've been emailing back and forth we'll go back in there and uh I'm gonna get them six through nine what you call the letters imma do that today good good get those yes thank you yes you can email me at info at 6:09 for you guys up that you can email me at info at 6 and I credit comm and you get the 609 letters you know where 609 credit pair comes so I appreciate you mister poor and you know what if you have follow-up questions concerns whatever email me I'm gonna be on live chat more I'm gonna be doing as much as I can to give back to our community and I appreciate you and we're gonna get those legs off I've seen it over and over again we're gonna do it all right so all right yeah man yeah anything else that I can help you with today yeah and it's fresh like it just goes to collection yes great question so some of you guys have questions about this it happens all the time it hasn't hit my bureaus yet all right so mr. Porter's asking hey you know I got a set or you know I don't know if you do specifically but collections right just goes to collections it's fresh what do I do if you know that you want to knock this out right away you can send validation letters right to them right away okay you could send validation letters to them right away and put a kibosh on their nonsense because you know what they're gonna want to do they're gonna want to put it on your bureau's you know you know and they're gonna try and hold your feet to the fire and you can go ahead and knock it out and you can send stuff right to the collector and if you want you could always send something right to the creditor okay we've got some stuff here it's nasty that yes some nasty stuff right to the creditor that actually goes to the legal department and ask them for specific documentation is really similar that language is a little bit different but this is nasty nasty stuff and I'm telling you here free these secrets so you can send out letters kind of beforehand and get it out of the way you got something fresh mr. Porter okay okay so I would say in nine and you know is it beyond come in a package I think it's still a really good value we've got validation letters you can send and if you email me you know I can help you with that support as well so we can you can knock that out and have that what what what I've seen with my own two eyes because since we do credit repair Pittsburgh Pennsylvania I have seen letters come in and say we will no longer collect on this that we're no longer going to come at basically the the the paraphrasing we're no longer to come after you for this debt we're gonna make sure that we take it off your credit bureaus right so they'll send they can send something like that won't go away now if if they want to play games they want to put on your bureau's we know the process we know how to dispute we know how to challenge we know how to send the complaints we've seen it over and over again in collections are the weakest they're the weakest all right so we'll get you all squared away now all right mr. Porter and I really appreciate you thank you so much and yeah men get those letters and we're good to go all right sound good sir thank you mr. Porter appreciates you thank you and yeah I will talk to you soon all right you take care of sir you take care have a good day all right phenomenal fantastic thank you mr. Porter thank you for all for being patient I appreciate you and Oh Darryl still Atlanta Georgia doesn't like credit pair mmm interesting well you can be a consultant you can consult interesting okay certified notarized validation letters for new collections a little good question certified I like certified mail I like certified mail I do like certified mail now for validation letter do you have to send it know rised and you don't have to the notary makes it illegal affidavit that must be responded to from what I've seen from what we've sent we haven't had to it's been all good notarized this for the three bureaus yeah yeah primarily you could you could notarized you could send certified you could send with that return receipts and thank you for all of thumbs up I appreciate you and guys if you want to be live I don't know if I don't know if you guys heard the phone call very well okay I'm hoping you can hear me better I'm hoping you can hear me on this thing I hope it doesn't sound watering but you can always give a ring 800 to one six and you know what it is the reason is is because you can't see it on the screen so let me type it in here let me type it in here for y'all only during live your opinion on signing up for monthly credit building programs Vulcanus volcanus oh we got another call hey I appreciate the super chats we're doing a lot of free credit repair here so let me let me grab this alright let me grab this real quick I'm gonna get to y'all right now all right I'll write your live brandon Weaver with did Brandon Weaver credit repair show live and in charge now I'm just playing around hey so who do I have here who do I have hello hello yes I can hear you can you hear me yeah can you hear me yes now they add two more collisions to my account which I have no idea is that possible well it's possible but it's not doesn't sound to me okay so here's the thing so you're saying you sent out letters you've got great deletions right you got some deletions then you had a couple of collections left you sent out the letters what got added so they're not fresh what has happened at where they resold to somewhere else because it sounds like to me it sounds like these are fresh are these fresh news no they're not fresh when I call them he told me one was for 2014 and I don't look 2000 13 and it's the same I have no no remembrance of them no it's two actual different collections one is for six hundred and twenty dollars and the other ones 420 right so no recollection of this probably not even yours okay because you don't you don't remember a lot of people remember that stuff okay probably not even yours all right this is this is nasty stuff I don't like this business this is nasty business these debt collectors are ridiculous okay so they're playing games in your not familiar with the amount and you're not familiar with the names of the collectors you haven't seen this before oh my god okay this is ridiculous okay I'm sorry that this happened to you so yeah they're playing games so like we were talking earlier we've got HIPAA HIPAA letters okay we've got validation letters and of course we've got the dispute letters okay so what I would say send them a validation letter right away boom send them a validation letter right away well we've seen as they start to back off because look at them they're dirt they're like well this is from this and this from then you're like I don't know about any of this stuff prove it to me prove it to me they need to prove it to you this is ridiculous this is nonsense and clearly the bureau's are not playing games on this side right so they don't have anything they just were reporting whatever was reported through their metro-2 system or whatever the the system that says so dispute it right away with them now you missed them on your last round because they weren't even there right you you didn't get them on your last round of letters ridiculous okay cool so weird timing so your next round or you can send them out now okay yeah this February you can send them out okay you can send it put those collections put that unverified account now send the validation letters and get your hip hip a letters ready to go okay the hip a letter is going to push pressure on these collectors because it's so old they said you went to the hospital I'm like wow you have this information where's this HIPPA release form how you have asked hot Holly you've got this you've got nothing Jack all right and that's what there's that's what they're afraid about you know that's what they don't want they don't want to hire these games if they want to push you they want to press you they want to play games you want this got the circuit come up all right sorry I just play it but you want to get tough with them the serpent all right everybody's got half into half surf and everybody's nice and it can be rough you get rough with them and you filed a complaint with your attorney general or your or you take them to court take your small claims a lot of lawyers look guys I know a lot of people are scared of lawyers and scared there but lawyers excitement lawyers love to practice and they will give you free information I call the lawyer just yesterday for some out some yes nothing to credit it's just some other stuff guys don't know we're making stuff right but I'll call him I'm like hey can I talk to whomever I don't know this person you like yeah I'll give me ring back gave me like ten three minutes time I learned this way I learned this like me I'm trying to get back here you call me teach you as much as I can for free because I like to do it I enjoy it so send the letters see what happens they're gonna probably go away it's minor stuff to them it's small business for us for me I always worried I was like man these debts are so large and I can't handle this stuff to them it's nothing they make billions of dollars these companies these hospitals yeah you know I mean billions in banking they do not there's this nonsense and I've seen it over and over again everybody's getting results are is getting stuff removed so that's what I would say damn it sucks that it was just fresh now what are you what is your goal what are you trying to buy a house buy a car just regular maintenance my credit card me down for a while so I paid them off now I'm just barely at a 631 with the collections on there so i'ma work on those collisions yeah hey yeah heck yeah I'm calm I'm excited for your house I'm really really excited every but a lot of people want to buy houses so the market can be tough I got a I got a video coming out about that the market can be a little tough where you at though were you at was housing wanted for murder in Florida Florida oh good market Florida's a good market man flirt is a good market for real estate yeah yeah you're gonna have a good time you're gonna be balling out with the credit have people come over your house yes the Americans in my house Carlos says it's American Dreams so I'm excited if I can help you all get houses in car then make it easy so but I got you info at 6:09 if you need more help if you need more advanced techniques you know we're giving away a lot of free stuff here but if you need some some info at 6:09 credit procom if you need to email me and I'll be your guiding light through this process okay I appreciate you hey you have a good day - thank you take care but this is fun guys I'm having a great time and I preciate you all out there how much for trade lines Dan Horton each trade line has a different price different little defense trade lines depends you know what I'm saying trade lines the ten we got another call alright let me see scary times see what happens good morning miss Brian Weaver hey what's going on who do I got here alright Daniel how you doing sir what can I do for you today yeah rather than trying to just change it to the counter yes okay cool so since a few rounds of letters you coming up it's worrisome right so this is what I'd say okay now have you sent letters directly to the collectors yet have you done that yet or is all 609 it's all been pretty fun and sweet and I guess I've had some hesitation sending something to the debt collectors because they haven't actually contacted me for a few years and I guess I'm kind of scared you know got it good okay this fear this fear happens all the time so we've got some letters that went out these guys are playing games and they just want to say it's closed and update BSU and you're worried you're worried about them not you know they haven't reached out to you in a long time hey I was there too okay so this is what we're gonna do some advanced free techniques this free stuff okay so what you're gonna want to do is gonna want to freeze the smaller bureau's I know nasty stupid silly stuff but what we're finding out is that in abyss ARS sage string I'm trying to think it might have even be one other one like micro belts but I wouldn't worry about that too much there's a couple other with little guys but in of us sage stream ARS is helping the big bureaus verify LexisNexis sorry how could I forget a good old LexisNexis LexisNexis even on their reports now they outwardly say we verified this public record third party LexisNexis as well because they they have to disclose stuff like that so this is what you're gonna do some free credit repair for you right now freeze those it's very simple very easy and go to their website we have letters info at 6:09 credit com6 on my credit pair calm okay you can email me we have letters to freeze in averse ARS age stream LexisNexis okay then do not worry here guys listen to me listen very carefully the only thing that resets the clock typically is paying the bill if they want to play games they want to update it on your reports and do stuff like that that's a violation that's a violation with their Credit Reporting Act and the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and they will have to show proof that you paid on such-and-such a date or some states a while they get wild some states are wild and they'll be like well you promised to pay great show me where I promise to pay show me when I promise to pay give me the recording give me the give me the signature that's the only thing that resets the clock okay pang pang pang is the big one all right so as long as you don't pay some time's promising to pay depending on your state is but usually not and you have to understand that if it's outside that time line out the statutes of limitation they can't sue you for okay they can't come after you they can't take you to court so don't sweat that's what they want from you and from everyone for us to be scared for us to be afraid I go through hey guys there has not been a day in my life where I have not been afraid much like my mentors out there I have had great mentors who have run businesses who are successful entrepreneurs who are in their 50s and 60s and I'll tell you Brennan it's about overcoming that fear and if you feel fear you go through it I mean doing a livestream today taking live calls this is scary for me you know I don't know who's who's gonna call curse me out whatever write you whatever right so and it's scary so you send those letters to them do not fret push them more because now they're playing him to say oh you sent a letter we'll send this oh you send a lot of said you send a letter to them you send in a letter the bureau's we found place with the attorney general's office okay you could always go to CFPB as well they're okay they're alright and FTC complaints the Better Business compute complaints complain on Yelp Google start pressuring them more than what is beyond this okay if you really have to go small claims court is easy easy guys easy now I'm not a lawyer so I can't really give legal advice but the reason is easy it's cuz they're gonna help you out you'll be surprised how many people will help you on your journey hey I need to do this X Y & Z I'll fill out this form file this that's a done payer money fifty bucks or whatever it is or if this is free until you go to court or whatever right the same thing as humans like me I get scared but you you all like yourself you're asking fantastic questions that I can help you with and you're being you know good amazing audience for me and I hope to be an amazing guide for you guys and those people out there and it's sometimes scared because you think nobody's out to help us everybody's against us but they will they will Bend and they will fold and they always do and I see it over and over and over again even if they came after you and sued you I have been sued and have won they've dismissed the case and this is how I learned all this stuff from a lawyer so and my lawyer talked to me and gave me a deal on stuff and I'm not saying you're gonna have to go that route and go to small claims but it's easy there's nothing to fear and I'm at info at 609 credit per com I'm gonna be doing live streams I'm gonna do it doing phone calls for you guys so hey do you have somebody you know what I mean so don't don't worry about it yeah so what's your goal man what are you gonna do after you get this big credit that these silly nasty stuff off oh yeah I'm trying to you know better quality of life right now I'm trying to be really smart about my finances reduce my day you know improve my credit so that way when I'm ready to you know make a big purchase I'm poised you know get the best Blakefield that I can and just kind of be in a good place financially that's what I'm talking about this is phenomenal everybody's got a different goal we had business funding earlier we've got someone wants to buy a house and we've got somebody who's ready and prepping I love it this is phenomenal this is what I like guys everybody's coming from different walks like I'm very pleased with this as well because you know you're you're getting ahead of the game right you're not in such a bind that you're like I got to buy a house and I got to get out of this place and in the next couple of months or whatever I'm very excited for you and I'm very excited for everybody out there so if you need more help you got my info at 609 credit Predacon got an emails I'm gonna be doing live streams and yeah you can you can knock this stuff off and don't worry I know it seems concerning because they've coming up towards the later rounds and stuff it happened to me as well okay I just send out some extra rounds I have to go the extra mile and but that changed things for me you know I went from in the 700 since the eight hundreds for a period of time and I put it to work I don't talk a little bit more about that but I put it to work so I had a few inquires and things like that for business funding and financing and travel cards and all that stuff put a little extra work is gonna save you tens of thousands it changed my life so I appreciate you I'm glad that we got to connect and I know it's a pain in the butt but you're gonna be all good so hey sir I wish you a great weekend is anything else I could do for you before I let you go yes okay so for LexisNexis ars sage train and innovates okay I know it's a it's a lot what I'll do is I'll type it up here in the chat for everybody because everybody can use this free credit Arab salutely anything I can do for you guys anything I know I'm gonna type it up for you I'm gonna put it in the check there are letters we have some letters at 6:09 credit calm and there are letter there you can go right to their website you can look at their qualifications for it it's typically very easy some sometimes you can call I'm pretty sure saij stream is being a pain in the butt and people are trying to call and they're not getting through it's going straight to voicemail because they know they know okay they're trying to get over but it's it's a very simple letter I can tell you right now basically it's like you put your name and address and you put your ID and your social and you say hey this is da da da um I looked at my consumer report I need to put security freeze on this please email please send the letter back within the next usually it's two weeks but in the next 30 days letting me know what my pin number is good to go good to go you send that in you can set it certified and they should freeze it up and they usually will send a letter back saying hey frozen up here's your PIN number and it's usually really easy to get off my partner's frozen up all their stuff as well and it's really simple so and I'll type that up for you and don't worry all right I got your back buddy all right so you're very welcome I appreciate you and I will talk to you I'll see you on the other side all right take care all righty but all right guys I'm gonna put this up here how we freeze and seal these guys and lock them up Brandon need advice brennon Brian give me one second guys I'm gonna have to let I'm gonna have to type this up before I forget okay so everybody gets this free credit repair right now okay freeze freeze lexis nexis apologize we will get to this I gotta get this to everybody okay and I'm gonna go through some of these things right here it's quickly boom boom boom and then we're gonna go back to calls real quick okay so freeze LexisNexis save stream hey our s okay and you know this these guys these guys help verify with three big zeros reason alright let's do this real quick the cure cards last resort yes secured cards our last resort trade lines they used with us primary tradelines with like Hutton Chase the Ox publishing Fingerhut sometimes jewelry club direct those are they're not the best but you can get them done clean up the credit primary a use and secured cards are our last resort but they can help self lender I prefer self lender over secured cards actually self lenders pretty cool alright let's see good good let me try and get through some of these Brannon hello laughs hey are you doing do you have a letter for each agency yes there's a letter for each agency that will help you do this yourself can you do videos on wage garnishment let's talk right now free credit repair wage garnishment ok wage garnishment usually means they have a default judgment on you guys so right no sorry I'm gonna do I'm gonna get back to the cost here and once I gonna do this a wage garnishment free for everybody here wage garnishments they usually have a judgment against you to garnish your wages if they have a garnish judgment against you that means that means you didn't show up in court so now you have to vacate this judgment you have a letter in DB on committed package to vacate judgment vacate the judgment and then you will have to plead your case usually there is a and again this is not legal advice it's all education usually there will be a hearing right there and then for your vacated judgment so they'll usually say ok we're gonna have this motion to vacate here on such-and-such a date be prepared because you're gonna have to also present your case on why they shouldn't have won this judgment typically the way you can vacate a judgment is by saying that you were not properly served if you weren't properly served if they never provided validation in the first place you were in the hospital and you can prove it you were somewhere that you can prove that you could not be there for the court case the hearing okay this judgment gets vacated then in hearing what you say is hey okay now we're here we're at the real hearing I need to see proof I need to see some proof that this is my debt this was not properly verified validated or verified I need to see some signature with my name on it some type of a signature need to see some video of me Sonya Nancy's recording I need to see something and it's on them the burden of proof is on them now here's the thing people might say hey you know Brandon what if they ask him straight out is this your card to see what look you're in the United States you have rights and a lot of people don't know they have rights okay you don't have to quote unquote self-incriminate y'all heard of the Fifth Amendment so you don't have to provide in and make their case for them they have to make their case okay and I don't like when people stitch up my people and try and hurt them and harm them and ask them silly questions that they know that they're trying to get over right so that's how you knock out the wage garnishment okay get that default judgment off of you if for some reason it's some other type of garnishment that there isn't a judgment floor find out what it is some federally backed student loans and federally backed lien federal stuff state stuff when it's government entity stuff the way to knock that out is to start a payment plan ASAP even if you're doing $1 a month or doing zero dollars a month in your honor forbearance or an IBR and cummin income based repayment program they have to stop okay so it's to two things making a judgement overturning judgment and potentially having to get on a zero dollar a month or one dollar a month plan with whomever you're with so they stopped taking your wages boom knock that stuff off now once that squared away you send your dispute letters you send your stuff into the bureau's you knock it out you freeze what'd I tell you all the fries and you get this garnishment and judgment and liens and all this nasty stuff which by the way tax liens are off the reports now and if they're not dispute them get that nasty stuff off the reports and you can have your solid credit again this is how you handle wage garnishments this is how you take care of these guys that are reaching into your bank accounts and trying to take your hard-earned money I'm telling you it's harder and I don't care what she do I don't care if you're multimillionaire it's harder it's it's work okay if you're working smarter you're using that brain to make that money right if you're working hard and you're using muscle or you're using your heart gets hard and I don't want anybody to get taken advantage and I don't want anybody taking your money so that's how you handle wage garnishments free here class credit repair all right yes okay great so I need okay this is how we handle the evictions this is nasty stuff right wage garnishments evictions this is nasty stuff okay I don't like eviction I don't like people being signed into leases personally I think most leases would be month-to-month all right so evictions let me knock this out real quick and we'll get back to some more calls this is wonderful I'm excited we're working together so eviction how you knock out the eviction you want to freeze all that I saw the freeze specifically LexisNexis in core logic or logic I'll put this up here core logic let me take this let me take this core logic holds a lot of these evictions I have videos on it core logic is we're gonna dispute and likes next we'll get back to that oh good I'm sorry good afternoon I think it's afternoon now maybe it's afternoon where you are where you calling from who do I have mr. Carlisle how you doing sir good good what can I do for you sir give a personal credit so I can do some business yes yes I understand I understand okay cool cool cool cool all right one second here I'm gonna just type this got a lot of people today want a lot of assistance so basically you were saying you are not that savvy with the computer and getting the e-book and all that stuff so I'm gonna tell you if you want this secrets guys just for my subscribed tribe here just for you sir just for everybody here we also have a paperback edition all right we got the paperback edition and you can get that on Amazon so that's really easy everybody knows how to do Amazon you can have it shipped to your house you can have the letters easy easy work light work right get that so Amazon you can get it now this gentleman was telling me he's got and I hope you don't mind quit I'm not saying name putting all your business outright so this gentleman bankruptcy needs to take care of he's got some nasty collections goods he's got a nasty stuff so how do we take care of bankruptcy so I just got two testimonials guys in from someone getting their chapter 7 bankruptcy off and getting their chapter 13 bankruptcy off it happens it works I've seen it and I know how to do this process for you so we're getting bankruptcies off in this free report okay so be case how's obviously with LexisNexis sure let's go over the LexisNexis and the the in abysus and the core logics and the ARS is again okay you can freeze it up okay but that's not all that's not all okay won't leave you just their pacer the pacer gov system holds these public records okay and what happens is they try to verify and all sorts of different ways these bureaus they'll say oh well we verified this third party through LexisNexis but it could be to pacer it could be through all sorts of nastiness so pacer you can't necessarily freeze it's a public record the problem is the problem is its public it's not the original courthouse okay and what I've seen and what I've seen in the emails is individuals are going directly to the courthouse they'll send a letter and they'll say something like I'm inquiring if your court gives credit bureaus third parties information like my address full social my bankruptcy information this and that and I've seen the letter come back and say no we do not disclose this type of information at their parties you need to discuss that stuff with them all right they basically want to push it off and say oh we want to discuss that stuff with them yeah so that's how you can get that letter you can send that in is supporting documentation with your six online disputes now with with that that's one strategy okay that's one strategy and it's all outlined for you in the course but what you can also do is on top of once you freeze LexisNexis CoreLogic sage Stream ARS into this okay the big one is LexisNexis you can dispute with those you can pull your LexisNexis I've seen it I have worked with people who have BK's you can pull the LexisNexis report I know there's some advanced stuff but I want to give you the best opportunity to get this bankruptcy off because I'm sure it's it's I mean what is this bankruptcy what it bring you down 50 points 100 points I mean after you did your big hit yeah yeah so yeah so it's totally worth it employer LexisNexis grab it and dispute you can use the six or nine disputes directly with LexisNexis they have to obeyed by the Fair Credit Reporting Act all right they have to do the dispute process within 30 days so once it comes off LexisNexis okay it will come off with the three barrels when you dispute see that over and over so your first second and third strategies one freeze LexisNexis dispute with the credit bureaus see what happens next strategy dispute directly with LexisNexis have it removed from LexisNexis dispute again with the credit bureaus third strategy go to the courthouse send a letter or go in there ask them if they provide that type of information your social your address your bankruptcy information to third parties like Experian TransUnion and Equifax they'll say no you send in that letter with your 609 letters as supporting documentation then we have a fourth one adjust it just slipped my mind for one moment give me one second so I can recover became oh yes addresses bankruptcies and addresses ok yes Sharon Cox says those letters are coming back courts don't verify but can get from pacer right paste is a third party they have to go to the courthouse that's Fair Credit Reporting Act 100% so and I will tell you also again four four and five here so 4 is address so in my be on committed package you get the address update personal information okay what you can do with that and watch this REIT you can watch this replay over as well and I'll try and type this up for you as well info at 6:09 if you need this information as well but watch the replay and if you're watching this on the replay just watch this over and over this is free credit repair for you guys update your address your address is associated with the BK have you moved since you filed bankruptcy or not no okay no so the BK and address are a little bit tight so that strategy might not work for you but many people I've seen haven't moved since their BK they can update those addresses have one good clean address and then you can file well this is you know this is not me it is not my address is not my name you don't know my social so that's another technique and then pacer which you can do with Pacers you can talk to your bankruptcy lawyer okay I'm not a lawyer again you have to talk to them but to file bankruptcy did you have a lawyer when you file bankruptcy yes excellent good good you could always ask them even more ring ask them say hey I need to supress my file my files for employment reasons there i think ID theft is rampant these days third parties are getting a whole list information so this is your fifth strategy you know suppress the file and so it makes it harder for them so you can suppress your file you can freeze up the LexisNexis eight-string ARS LexisNexis okay freeze of LexisNexis you can dispute directly with LexisNexis you can dispute directly with the bureau's you can get letters from the the courthouse and you can suppress your file and hopefully they can't get no more nonsense from you from pacer so there's there's a plethora of stuff and the more I learned the more I want to give back so that's what I've learned thus far we've seen chefs in chapter 13 come off chapter 7 come off you can get it come off and then you want to dispute that stuff that's included with the bankruptcy as well you can whether dismiss p k and a different address great so there's another person so you can get this stuff off ID squared away what else can I help you with for I let you go sir so yes so okay so here's the thing so this paper back is got your 609 letters right you can get that on Amazon now if you go to 609 credit pair calm and get the be on committed package all of what I talked about is in there okay and you may not be the most savvy but it's super clean and super easy if you get it on Amazon you'll be able to do everything but you'll be you'll probably need the LexisNexis freeze information but it's not hard you can go to LexisNexis and they'll show you how to freeze it but for the most part all that is in my book that you can get on Amazon is Amazon gonna be a little bit easier for you that one that's the idea this is a turnkey system for you you get it you put the information in you can write it in you can type it in alright and you can get them notarized and you can send them off certified mail very easy very turnkey all for you and that yeah very easy people are you know I wasn't savvy to savvy until you know years down the line it's it's really it's really simple very easy and again if you need support during the process info at 609 credit parent comm alright alright you know that if you need email support you can email me all right cool appreciate you hey have a good service I appreciate you and I appreciate you thank you so much you have a good one take care alright yeah alright the gentleman was heading off to service church and thank you very much interesting message is held okay great so I got some messages to go through that gentleman was off service and I appreciate you for spending your Sunday with me if you're off the service I appreciate you as well and spending some time here getting your life economics straight yeah life economists they should teach that so I appreciate you right eviction we were talking again LexisNexis can be disputed directly with with the letters okay okay so if you've got them on freeze in your feeling like oh well you know I was non some renters talking nonsense he's talking nonsense oh you can dispute directly with them okay new I dismiss be king and can dismiss me kit we have special letters for this must be K and let me read let me read some information about this must be K for you because this is unique let me get this I know I got this warm on OMA dispute this my letters for y'all sir come on I'm on fries I look like I'm frozen at okay legal dogs extra dis means mm-hmm is it on my other computer I think it could be on my other computer maybe okay well I know I got it up here so basically idea of a dismissed BK is that it wasn't verified through the core okay not even in the core not even the court says this is a bankruptcy so how can it be on the credit report so even so even if they feel like it is a bankruptcy because that's why they're listing it if it hasn't even been verified to the court as real as yours how can it be on your credit point that's what it outlines so dismiss BK could be dismissed for all sorts of different reasons it could be dismissed because it wasn't filed by you or was followed by somebody else or this was a mistake so it's not supposed to be on there that's what the letter outlines and it has the right verbage it's been a minute since I had to yeah we haven't had a dismissed BK in a long time most people go into chapter 7 chapter 13 this list BK is easy you can dispute it 609 minors in a special dismiss BK information all right let's see let's see what we got yes you can do an online fries with into this and potentially LexisNexis sometimes I like to play games alright let's see what we got yeah 70% of Americans are financially illiterate plan they planned it they planned it like this alright I'm getting a little water brought to you by water guys hey talking talk and all this mess I gotta get some water oh pardon me I'm having a good time I appreciate you thank you so much for all the thumbs up love the subscribes it's a subscribe tribe position for a different channel okay one more one more let's see what we got see if somebody's here good morning how you doing excellent excellent who do I have here hello hello yes he's still there yes okay okay yes okay how can I help you I am trying to remember I go through a lot of stuff yeah how can I help you yeah okay all right all right here we go this is a this is this is the unique situation okay I'm gonna put you on speaker all right so here we go here we go okay so we've got an individual student loans student loans are nasty business okay nasty nasty business I don't like it if I could run for office I would try to get everybody pretty education free health care and livable wage actually a livable wage or just a universal income right nasty business so this individual you have student loan they were sued right these for-profit you went to a for-profit college right some nasty for-profit college wasn't a state school right okay so what warning anyone who's watching this on the replay or watching live avoid these but hey no problem no harm no foul you didn't what it's no problem we're gonna take care of this right now but avoid these nasty for-profit colleges and they have silly names like American University Academy and stuff half the time I don't know if this is a state school or for-profit college right so they were sued did they go out of business I hear them eating sued all the time did they go out of business well what happened was they changed or need it was the personing they got sued under the first name because they were English lesson groups representing yourself and it was they were doing some illegal practices so they immediately changed their names I mean and then when they can serve in a second name they also have oh my god this is ridiculous okay so here okay so they're doing illegal stuff that probably this is and I don't know I don't know this is just a guess an opinion but the guess is and what I've seen over and over is they're probably taking out loans in their students name in eck and excess amounts paying themselves crazy amounts it's it's ridiculous I want to okay so let me just read you guys something real quick so they're doing illegal stuff the school is doing illegal stuff on top of this CFPB has sued the nation's largest student loan company okay for failing borrowers and for them doing illegal stuff as well okay so you've got student loan people doing illegal stuff you've got the people on your side who are supposed to help you your academic advisors and Bursar's Office and the school doing your legal crap okay so we gotta have many strategies here I know I gotta employ a lot of strategies help you all out you are gonna probably have to file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau okay you're gonna have to complain to the attorney general's office you are probably gonna have to get a free consultation with the lawyer okay and see what you can accomplish because what you can do is let me say I'm guessing you're not necessarily that's just a guess you're probably not working in the industry that you start off to working is that correct and from this company from the stuarts student loans school correct correct right and that's just me that's just I'm just a regular dude I'm not even lawyer okay so if I were to build your case they advertise to you this was predatory lending okay there's predatory lending laws all right they did whatever illegal stuff they did you can add that to the suit you can add this to whoever the loan holder is and you can go ahead and be like this was an Adam this was gimmick they were but they this was predatory lending their DIF this is defamation of my character now they're saying that I need to pay him all this stuff one have to have this stuff probably as illegal anyone at least if not all of its right so you've got all these things that you can talk to the free consultation with a lawyer you take them to court they're gonna back up they're gonna they're gonna just want to settle it and get rid of you and go away and don't say nothing and don't file a class-action and all this nonsense right this is what they do they go out of business they then they make a new S corp or SC Corp or LLC or whatever and try and do this to other people right so you just want to get your stuff squared away so that's one strategy the other is to start sending letters directly to the loan holders okay directly to the loan holders and see if they have an instrument of indebtedness see if they have promissory notes see what the hell they've got so you've got that you've got sending doing your complaints with the CFPB the FTC and with the Attorney General's Office suing them I think you I think the quickest fastest way has to go to court I would this is ridiculous I I it makes me sick that they would do this to you sending disputes directly to the credit bureaus I have seen I have actually seen student loans come off so that's another strategy for you it's it is unique and the fact that you're in debt and you're not working in the industry that you're supposed to be working in they probably now did they ever tell you did they ever tell you hey we graduate this many people and this many people are working in that industry yes yes I knew it I knew it that's that is your key that is your loophole that is the problem okay they promised you something they couldn't deliver and they took your money right so if I was or someone out there let's say you go that's false advertising that's one it's one strike already and I'm leaving the lawyer I'm not even building a case to be to kill these guys okay let's have you go in somewhere in the United States and you say hey you know I get this cars advertised as such and now you're saying it's this that's you're not allowed to do that right you're not allowed to do that you're not allowed to lie in a you're not allowed to false advertise and so they said hey graduate this amount of people this is how many people are working in this industry you come to us it doesn't matter because when you get out you can make twenty thirty dollars an hour forty dollars an hour I see this all the time right they told you like how much you could make in this industry stuff like that correct exactly right that's just that exactly and I and and you didn't tell me that I just know this from these criminals right their criminal activity and I'm not calling them criminal they have been sued they are crook like I it's just a fact it's not an opinion so they outlined all this stuff for you they said look young woman here we go we got you right we're gonna we're gonna help you out wouldn't take care of you you're having a tough time the job market stuff but all our graduates are working you know ninety two percent of our graduates are working here ninety two percent of them are making thirty bucks an hour twenty bucks an hour whatever you're gonna be a okay so you on their promises on their Fuss advertising on their criminal behavior signed up for them they took out the loans they're paying themselves big bonuses or whatever then they go out of business sorry no that's unacceptable so that's it that's the storyline that is the way that you do it and I've heard from individuals who have won cases like this I had a mentor who had companies oh sorry getting some feedback all right there we go companies that they beat that way so that's what I would say for you is going to be your go to your bread and butter and during that process you can dispute you can dispute dispute dispute when in doubt send the dispute so that's what I would say for you I'm really sorry that this happened to you but I think you got a pretty good case what state are you in what's what state are you in Florida okay and this school was in Florida you did it all in Florida yeah okay great so this is pretty easy get the get a lawyer in Florida who is either really good with contract law consumer protection consume consumer protection lawyer okay a consumer protection lawyer let's see here I know of one in New York is pretty good so you could start there let me see if I got information for you on this gentleman he might be in my emails what I can do is you emailed me so what I can do is I can email you information about him he's in New York I don't know anyone specifically in Florida but consumer protection contract law and ask the consumer protection law about false advertisement about these nasty predatory lending predatory lending laws so that's that's some of the things that I know that you know but again I'm not a lawyer I can't give legal advice as much as it's interesting I keep thinking about that I'm like maybe I should go to law school but I might take forever yeah I might take forever and you know how I feel about school which is interesting because you can't just go to lost I can't just walk in and get into gaming it's that was hundreds of thousand dollars it's crazy so yeah now if you again this is just general if you have other negative stuff you can dispute that negative stuff along with the student loans at the same time so but I hope that helps you're gonna go through this I know it seems insurmountable but I've actually heard of people getting this nastiness taken care of and discharged so that's that's what you want and that's what's gonna happen for you okay so and you've got my email okay and if you need anything else email me and thanks so much for subscribing and being online on a Sunday morning afternoon with us all right thank you you have really changed my life in my family's life I have really been on the credit bureaus and we got the mid multiple things dropped off because of your program thank you so I just wanted to say thank you it really does mean a lot through my family and I we're trying to buy a house next year so we're on the trip on the right track next and like I said the credit bureaus they do play games but I am on them 30s every 35 days so I watch your videos thank you so much hey thank you thank you for watching thank you for calling thanks for that wonderful compliment you know that hits home that's really wonderful I'm glad you got multiple things removed and I I'm happy I can be of service to you so thank you so much it's very touching and I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and your new life you're gonna come out on the other side so I will see you on the other side and if you need anything reach out to me okay you have a good one you take care thank you thank you thanks guys I appreciate you all for the love and the support and we're helping people change lives and you helped me change my life I'm gonna get through some of these as well but if I can tell you anything is that it is great to be of service to every single individual to be able to get up on a Sunday and to do a livestream and try to give some value back and have some knowledge to give back has been phenomenal I could have been broken down a lot of you guys know my story and if you don't or if you don't if you're watching the replay and you know the story you could skip over this but the idea is that I was broke down I was physically mentally broke down my knees were messed up my hip was messed up I was in the Army Reserve and I was in the military and I would get out of bed and I would collapse right and wasn't able to sustain and do what I needed to do to be individual man I missed that one callback I missed it wasn't able to do this kind of stuff and to be of service and to be able to do it and be healthy enough and to sit here and help you guys it's just it's just wonderful so thank you so much thank you so much all right we got so much stuff going on they did call hmm ten years army reserve - Carlos love that man yeah I did eight years in the reserves eight years never talked to debt collectors communicate through letters yeah hey what's going on you're on live with Brandon we were how are you doing today hello I can barely hear you you drive oh there you are okay great hey how's it going yes ah yeah good question okay cool I'm glad I picked this up a little bit more private information for you sir so you've got some erroneous stuff out there right and you need to take care of it you are going to have to find where that erroneous stuff is this isn't credit related okay that's not that's not credit related guys so it's not credit related this is something else so primarily yeah is a little little different primarily this is for credit now if you've got some stuff out there that you need to you know there's some erroneous background stuff for whatever you're gonna have to find out where that is and take care of it and knock it out it could be in your public records like LexisNexis but if it's not on the three credit bureaus and it's not on the LexisNexis maybe it's in public records like pace your maybe it's at the core maybe something like that but this is primarily designed for things like that are designed for credit and for credit pornea extra deck collection practices act fact things of this nature now if you've got some outstanding stuff that's on supposed to be there again you could always file some complaints with the FTC attorney general's office you could send some letters that quote different case laws and different laws out there and maybe talk to a consumer protection law you different backgrounds so a different lawyer for you but yeah it is possible these are a little bit more geared towards you know credit credit repair or fixing your credit in that kind of stuff but I appreciate you and I'm glad you called in all right brother and yeah yeah you're very welcome you have a good one all right thanks hey I appreciate everybody calling in that gentleman had a question that was not about credit repair that was not about funding financing business credit anything like that he had some other stuff out there background check stuff whatever his personal stuff I'm not trying to put everybody's information out there so but that wasn't helpful to us for our stuff for credit repair needs all right so let's see what other questions I sent my first round of letters and notice some positive updates and all over a week its credit thank you you're welcome all right I'm just taking it taking a little even just a little bit of sip of water I'm talking I'm talking like crazy I'm flapping my gums like a madman our mansion been all of ips are all right Mike Michael top hey Brennan I'm catching the end of this live stream I got that Bianca how you know this is the end of the live stream maybe I'm go eat hours on this live stream brother I got eight hours no stop no credit bear all day long no maybe it is I don't know weird enough maybe we're halfway where we have time okay hey Bren I'm catching the end of this last ring I got the beyond community to start repairing my credit would it be best to freeze every bureau the three CBS and even the smaller ones well I'll play one the smaller ones are good to freeze up yeah the three bureaus the three big ones why not freeze the three big ones okay can you dispute when you freeze the three big ones yes okay absolutely you can dispute the three big big ones winter in frozen status however when you freeze them the big three okay you're not gonna be able to apply for credit you're not gonna be able to add trade lines you're not gonna be able to add you know the secured cards of the self lender which I prefer now can be able to add a you trade lines or primary tradelines it's all gonna be frozen up right so you're not gonna be able to get loans you're not gonna be able to get anything so during that process what you're disputing you want to make sure that you don't need to do that okay you typically want to go through some credit repair before you start adding trade lines anyway right so you could you could the reason we do the smaller ones is because the smaller ones tend to verify and care they tend to help the big guys verify okay so frees up the smaller ones the big ones I usually leave open because I like to add trademarks I like to get this nasty erroneous stuff off unverified on on unverified unvalidated it obsolete inaccurate stuff off okay and then start adding pretty quickly primaries they use self lenders can do rent reporters you could do your buddies a you as long as they're gonna keep it under you know 30% okay I like under 10% but on a 30% so you could and if you do and you want to then you gotta unfreeze it so freezing it on freezing usually not a big hassle but it's another step so I like to take down the barriers make it simple and easy that's why it's called the EZ 609 credit pair comp right so yes you can feel free you don't have to but you can all right Martin ma n all right repossessions bad loans cell phones etc oh you guys are talking to each other in the chat I see okay I'll let y'all talk let's see it oh whoa hey this is wonderful I got my score up to 693 with Brandon credit repair King got approved with a 41 thousand dollar car loan coup with no down payment and a five thousand and two thousand dollar credit card respectively appreciate you Brandon I appreciate you $41,000 Carl oh man some of y'all do real good with your credit forty-one thousand y'all got a muscle car nice SUV or something luxurious I that's phenomenal this fantastic goals goals to get to for all of us for all of us guys you know me minimalist don't have a car right now so it's all I had a car that was like a old van beat-up bucket right no and then it I don't I don't keep one around but luckily I'm in a big city even I can use a lot of the stuff my business partner I just got a car so I get some rides or whatever but hey I'm excited if you want to get that car that's 41,000 you want to get that million dollar home if you want to get millions of dollars in your company and trade lines you do that you do you I'm here to help you do you because you're helping me do me right you're helping me live my life and take care of myself where can I find small claims court and do you pay great question usually in your county or city you'll be able to just Google that all right and do you pay it depends on what they want usually there's a little fee usually something small sometimes you pay after sometimes you pay before sometimes there's no fee if you win and they pay your fees and this is what's beautiful about this question is that lets say the bureau's lose or let's say someone goes lose and collectors lose they have to pay your fees as well you can put it in to your suit and you'll be good to go the Miranda rights right yeah that's right you're right you got rights the Miranda rights you got the right to remain silent and those are your rights this is it and this is what's crazy is people get worried they get frightened they feel like they're bad people or they did something wrong because they exercised their rights they exercised their men the constitutional amendment rights they exercised their fair credit proactive Miranda rights their state lives those are for you there these individuals are salivating when you give them up you are so powerful you're so you are powerful as employees yoram powerful as employers as businesspeople that you have rights everyone has rights you have lawyers that can help you you have assistance legal aids in your county in your state that's what your taxes pay for this is what I'm finding out more and more a lot of people like what my taxes the one with tax money go all these public and local services the United States is a phenomenal country I will tell you right now the u.s. is phenomenal country because of all the amazing stuff we have the first world is amazing we have amazing stuff you have rights and I want you to exercise them yeah does anyone know how to dispute late payments on student loans heck yeah I don't know if you were catching the live stream later or you haven't seen one of my videos or if you're watching the replay if I'm repeating myself but student loan late payments even dispute directly with the bureau's I would say if you're not caught up you want to catch up your student loans and have all on-time payment history okay to do that you can do either an income based repayment program a rehab program talk to them I know it sounds wild but it looks better if you're paying zero dollars right because you're on an income based repayment program you're paying zero dollars or one dollar a month or whatever it's your bucks and you go ahead and get all that good on time payment history boom boom boom boom boom and then you're even if you're not paid it will say on time to administer I've had forbearance this guy's forbearances or you're paying just the interest or whatever you'll get all on-time payment history you can send the goodwill letters and again we talked about this in the beginning rounds of goodwill letters excuse me all that water rounds of goodwill letters rounds of calls to them get those late payments off in rounds of six or nine dispute letters unverified late payments to them directly to the bureau's and they will get the student loan late payments off I had student only payments I'm gonna tell you I had student only payments got him reversed got an updated got him taking care of my late payments on a credit card there's a great credit card old credit history probably one of my oldest lines and will tell you something about student loans and late payments and this is what's very interesting if you can catch up your student owns and you pay up your student owns and it's nothing to you and I know it's not nothing right not nothing it's substantial a lot of people have substantial but it let's say it's not a big investment for you because it is an investment let's say you pay off your student loans your student loans will be there your the rest of your life so you got soon loans when you were young that can be fourteen years of credit history twenty years of credit history thirty years of credit history that actually looks good now you can have them removed if you need to if you can't handle it you could ask for their instrument and so you can give them to this church go through the process and fight and go through that as well but if you don't want to fight and you have you're like man all this energy I got a good job I'm gonna have these paid off next year screw these guys get these late payments squared away make them work for me now cuz now I got fifteen years of good on time payment history and that I've seen it on credit history all right so your testimony giving me hope you know what if you're having if you're having any worries and concerns and questions out there and you're scared and you think hey this isn't for me or it is it is I didn't have everything come off all at once right I've seen people go through later rounds later rounds and get a lot more off than some in the beginning a lot of people are getting stuff off in the beginning as well so and getting boots boosts and points and all that stuff there is there's always a will there's always a way you will get there you absolutely will get there all right so stick with it you've got me info at six or nine credit per calm we can do it for you at the awesome Life Group calm we got you Mikko I missed everything what's going on sir what you can do is you can watch the replay all right you can call in we're calling in as well people can call in it's just for the subscribe tribe so make sure you subscribe hit the bell for notifications because this this number is going away after this livestream okay after the if you're watching on the replay this number is not there so you want to so if you're watching the replay hit that subscribe button hit the bell smash that bell for notifications the next time I logo live come on try to be more lives for you more calls in that social stuff alright Oh Ellen Terry repo agreed over the phone to pay oh I have not paid because I've since okay voluntary repo guys if I could give you any information about repossessions you've got other options okay if you're upside down on your loan obviously you have less option so we'll talk about that in a minute but if you have equity built up in your car and I on some while to have equity built up any vehicle and depreciating asset but if you do and you're paying on time all right we got my phone okay I dropped the phone okay I'm sorry I'm sorry let me get to this repo question and then I'll take some more calls I apologize okay so if you have equity built up in this car even though it's a depreciating asset you potentially could have been paying your loan off on time I know if people who pay their loan off early I have seen it that's not always the case if you're upside down I'll talk to you about a minute you could refinance okay you go through the course six or nine credit per calm we do it for you and you get a better score you will be able to refinance your loan I had a friend turbo is on this he is on this you can look up turbos testimonial he refinanced his car okay it was like at something crazy 12% of 14% now he's down to like four five six percent so I'm like something like that right so brought his stuff down the terms can change to you can extend it out if you're not over seventy two months or someone you're already you can extend it further right so now you've got equity built up in your car you can change refinance and you could extend the terms and you could get your payment's down you you want to let's say you have equity built up in your car you could sell it you could trade it in you could sell it to somebody someone can take over your payments to make sure it's in their name don't be having them pay your stuff your know it's in your name okay so you don't have to voluntary repo alright now if you don't you're upside down this is what we're talking about you can't afford the payment you can't refinance it's time to talk to your bank and see what they'll do and sometimes they will give you a kind of forbearance easing kind of going on okay it's not the same thing exactly like a student on but they can let you get over you don't have to catch up they'll be like okay we'll let you miss this one payment or two or let's figure this out while you figure stuff out okay well how can we reduce your rate how what do we do with these terms how do the bank wants to make money you think the bank wants to bleep repo your car sell it be deficient lose money have to file the insurance claim no they want to get the blood out of stone they want money out of you now let's say all that doesn't work you've got a repossess the vehicle okay and let's say you do a voluntary or you get a regular repossession they are the same they look the same on your report they look the same to a lender you couldn't handle your money not a problem sir not a problem many of us were not able to handle the money like I was saying send me 80 percent of the people right here boom we're saying not now you guys to subscribe tribe is solid but you know 70 80 percent of people out there in America don't have a financial literacy so it's not it's not your fault okay they suppress this information but let's say you have to do this repossession stuff you want to make sure they do everything by the book they're supposed to do it the right way okay so they can't be coming on your private property to take without permission they're trespassing so they can't trespass if they trespass you file a police report they said they basically stole your vehicle right if they don't provide you a notice of repossession they're supposed to send you a letter when they're selling it so you can attend the auction see you can buy a back they need to give you the deficiency notice and all this stuff has to happen within a certain time period usually 30 days after I think it's actually they're supposed to send you a letter before they repossess it with and repossess it within 30 days within after they are about to sell the vegetables to give you another 30 days so you know and it's all supposed to be certified and sent to you and then the letter of deficiency another 30 days right so boom boom boom boom boom right so you know what the heck is going on if they violate any of that stuff you can add that to your six on letters hey it wasn't given that up this deficiency we have repossession letter right we have stuff that outlines this for you send it certified mail send stuff directly to the collector hey I never got this X Y & Z you need to have X Y & Z so do you have the letter of deficiency do you have the letter of repossession do you have the letter that allowed me to attend this auction where is all this stuff where's that documentation you asked for that in your validation letters with the collector for your repossession that is how you make nail these guys because they don't want to follow the rules they don't want to follow it and you put them in a corner and then you start filing complaints and you start doing what you got to do alright sorry I missed a call cool you guys are taking care of yourselves I have old debts the schedule be removed or via seven years from last payment rule a few next years should I just send the letters once they are due to expire okay cool so you're talking about statutes of limitation I have old debts some are scheduled to be removed this year after the seven year mark should I just send the letters okay so this is up to you you could send it through okay you could send your letters now and probably get them off now okay and then people are probably like once it's so close I'm scared I'm nervous don't sweat up it's outside the statute of limitation probably in your state probably I say probably you need to check your state but most states have lower statutes of limitation for them to come and see you and ask for money that are less than seven years most most states okay not all of them some are more in the summer seven years but most days in the state I'm in in the states that I work in you know at most so it might be 60 or so they can even come after you okay they can't even come after you seven year mark here's the thing sometimes that seven year mark they don't automatically fall off you're gonna have to send the letters right when they're due to expire you can send them the forth the reason I say send it before it's khalad times they're so old the bureau's are like verify this and then the same thing with the with the collector or the creditor type now say six six and a half years on we don't have time for this and they'll dispute it and they know under the rules that they have to verify 100% under Fair Credit Reporting Act and they the stuff sold and if they try to come after you they're not gonna have any documentation any contracts nothing like that so send them now or if you really are nervous just in them after that period of time and they'll come off they'll fall off I've seen it yeah Courtney did the video drop I hope I'm still here eight eight years activity can I delete can I delete auto loans yeah you can delete auto loans I hope it's negative and you want to move looking at my now because I got some cold enough you can delete all the loans yes but be cautious I don't want you to be trying to delete an active auto loan it needs to be closed or all paid off or something like that and it's negative and if it's paid off you want to just go after those negatives late payments right so if it's active you run the risk of upsetting somebody who is your bank or your auto loan or your credit union or whomever if you start that they might start pressuring you and be like we need to pay and we're gonna close this loan out and would come after your car so something active like an auto loan just be cautious about that right disputing something active but hey if it's negative and it's obsolete outdated unverified you can just read it you can dispute an active one but just be aware of the you know potential ramifications but yes auto loans for sure we've seen it guys if you can get student loans bankruptcy is a huff and you know evictions and liens and support stuff yes yes you can get the auto loan off now let me talk to you about some nasty business real quick I don't want to get too wild about this because it's the sensitive information sensitive for a lot of people but if you're dealing with child support stuff case stuff okay and it's on your reports and this is a civil issue okay this is civil stuff I know there's all sorts of wild crazy stuff about that out there how it's not even supposed to be reported on your bureaus I know okay I know and you can fight them and you can go through that process and you can get the lawyers to take it off and that kind of stuff but for us for the credit repair side you can dispute the support we've seen child support come off you want to be careful with that as well you want to either be paying on a paying on it or okay with it or whatever it's paid off or whatever right if you're in the rears on your support you want to be cautious because with the child support they could wake up and be like Oh what are y'all doing we want this child support mine right so you have options for there okay so support yes you can get that off as well I've seen it you're usually good to go the only time is if you're really in the rears and even still I've seen it come off then we've we've had people had success I just don't want you to get too wild and get too worried and be like oh what the heck Brendan said this and that no you're gonna be okay we got you info at 6:09 okay and I didn't really have a question about that I just want y'all to know it is possible and that is one of the nastiest I think that's one of the nasties it's not supposed to be on there I'm pretty sure it's gonna start coming off because it's a civil it's not cuz that's not consumer debt that's a civil issue so all right auto loans is it better to dispute the entire late entire loan or delay payments got ten late payments on a clothes loan three-year lease okay great so you want to look at your credit and this is what we do at the Austin Life Group calm so if you want to go to the awesome Life Group and you don't want to do with six or nine the 6:09 dispute letters are phenomenal they work everybody's having great success but what you'll have to do is you'll have to look at your reports and see okay three years auto loan it's dragging me down I've got other good positive history I can take off this auto loan okay or if you're like man I got ten late payments if I can get these updates a positive this is really gonna help me out cuz I don't have a lot of other positive stuff my guess is sir and this is Dave my guess is sir you're gonna probably want to lean towards getting that loan off because you have late pays that are ten it's a lot in a in it three year time period that's almost 30% of your excuse me the wall that water I had this is three years it's almost 30% you're on time you were almost late a third of the time right so you want to get that nasty stuff off you probably want to speed that entire account get that auto loan off get that nastiness out of your way and get get things squared away again we do a nice internal audit and consultation the awesome lifeproof calm if you want us to do it for you and we would be able to get that right for you square away and we would probably go after all that nastiness for you okay nice auto loan I toll our insurance paid some gap paid very little still coming at me for payment and killing my credit yeah David you're welcome very very welcome okay can they the agencies and can they add interest without medical contracts and documents okay great so we've got a question about it's not not really a question but it's just you have a total auto loan the insurance paid some gap paid some but they still paid very level yet because they these insurance companies are are nasty business yeah so dispute it obviously you probably want to go to the insurance company and ask them why they paid you so little and put some pressure on them and you can send some letters directly to the insurance company and you want to see if the insurance company here this is this woman to help you with your credit all right this is what we're gonna get this is where the little rogue famous rubber hits the road when you go into LexisNexis you're going to see on your report an accident report okay if it was it was your fault right it probably wasn't but double check and make sure they didn't put any stuff on there okay and you'll have the insurance company's information and you can dispute that if they have stuff on there for you okay dispute it with the credit bureaus and then if they want to play games and they play they under page you get the Blue Book cost of the fair value market of what your vehicle was worth during that period of time and they're supposed to take fair market value for that vehicle and if they didn't that is that is a case for you that is small claims that is what you're gonna have to do because it's insurance play games and you paid good money for them to take care of you and you've had the gap insurance which I'm very glad you have gap insurance this is nonsense there and if it's with the collectors send your collection letters and let them know the insurance was supposed to pay you guys if they don't have they need to show a contract between you the collector the insurance company and the original loan holder that obligates you to pay this collector all right very simple very simple all right I have maintenance fees from timeshare property after only three months of non-payment it went to collection agency not responded via phone or letter what do I do Payet dispute it man timeshare timeshare Oh ooh I hate timeshares I hate timeshare but I'm sure y'all got me got me except got me anything about these time shares ok time shares are awful business you need to get your name removed from the timeshare you need to get out of this timeshare ok name removal from hahaha me to hate I'm just rights aren't shirts yeah ok you can get your name removed from the timeshare it's a simple procedure to get your name off the deed the deed of the timeshare I know it sounds wild but you can be done and most people don't know they can get their name off the timeshare there are special companies I'm not a special company that does timeshare stuff maybe in the future we haven't had a big request for it but you which-which credit report do insurance company is LexisNexis LexisNexis is insurance you can dispute all these nasty traffic tickets violations stuff like that get them off and get your fully paid off Oh your timeshare fully paid off nice congratulations no way am i answering the same oh yeah yeah that's the same thing ok we maybe don't have to eat your name up the beat okay so it's fully paid off maintenance so there's a maintenance issue right so yes you can dispute it talk to them about it they're stupid nasty business so if you want to keep it talk to them about it goodwills dispute and anyone out there who's dealing with the timeshare and you can't make the payments get your name off the deeds there's a simple procedure that does it they'll try to say that you can't that you're bound in this contract you're not these guys are predatory lenders I've seen it over and over there's a great documentary called the queen of Versailles about predatory lending I'm conscious I'm glad yours is all paid off and you're good to go man I I'm excited for you because you actually have this property so that's really cool awesome okay so yeah dispute those suckers talk to who I'm sure collection agency great timeshare people talk to timeshare people go to the original people then send letters to the valid of validation to the collectors and put in there that you request to see documentation signed contract between myself and you the collector this will they'll be like what yeah that's right because it's only the original creditor the original person is the only one that can have you pay them anything right now if the collector is you'll be called to set up my repair oh you called the set up repair okay great you know the original credit is the only one that can hold your feet to the fire okay oh we got another call okay let me take this and take this call and see what's going on um preciate you LexisNexis each your insurance squared away I'm gonna take one call here hopefully it's good I drink so much water guys I might have to hit the restroom please yo what's up y'all with Brandon Weaver how's it going hey from Michigan all right all right I got family out in Detroit so I appreciate you all right yes so uh what what you yeah go ahead 328 - 700 Wow 328 - 700 nice congratulations okay yeah before you start a spoon yeah a great question nice great question okay hold on one second and put you on speaker sometimes I'd like to start here that way people get a little private consultation so it's not just every the whole world hears you but uh okay so tell them again and where it is now and once again yeah and what's your FICO at now so you went from 328 and where's your FICO right now where's your wizard seven forty seven oh nine will put seven oh nine the 709 fight that's amazing shoot like three to four and three in three to four months congratulations that is amazing amazing amazing I'm gonna share this with everybody okay great so I'm excited for you have three twenty-eight super-low okay you know we know it's to blow it that's in your pass on super low crazy Lok up in the 700s now you're doing such a great job I appreciate you calling now you want to know business clip I like calling it it is fun okay business credit business credit is wonderful and your word hey you know you want to take care of these nasty student loans you want to get gone over with out of the way deleted discharge all this nastiness gone but you want to know hey do I want to apply for my business credit now do you want to get your business straight now or do you want to take care of these loans you're open to seven hundreds okay I'm gonna tell you I would say this is my opinion and I know you calling for my opinion I would say get your business now your business starts now don't wait for these jokers any longer I know you did in three four months and it's been phenomenal has been fantastic but I'm gonna say you're good to go now and get you your funding now start your business now and and put your financial worries in your rearview mirror cuz you got your credit straight now once you get your business straight you're gonna have the money that you need and want the money that you want and these jokers everybody's gonna and you know this you said something very interesting and this is what I want to point out you made a settlement agreement with a collector you paid him like half and they went away and you disputed and it came off right that's correct yes yes yes money is power right cash was power you gave them what they wanted and so they went away right a lot of situations here I know we're making it very economical people for people I don't want to give away for free but if you can get your business straight and you start making money a lot of these problems go away a lot of these people go away a lot of these things and these they're trying to get blood from a stone now you've got all this excess cash hopefully see we're gonna visualize for you here you can have all this excess cash you know millions of dollars everybody out here is gonna have millions of dollars all right we're gonna we're gonna make millions and this these little like there's gonna be light work house work for you light work you know what I mean that's what I want you to do now okay go get you some money now right now what what business you've been into one business come on now we're they invest me you need to start that now I'm a man real estate multimillionaires coming up here all right that's what I'm talking about let me get let me get in on that real estate stocks and everybody out here everybody that I see y'all can do it too right this is it such a success story what a call thank you for calling in and telling everybody you went from low 300s to 700 you were up in the high 700s right and now you're you're up in the 700 range now you getting in this real estate this is gonna be nothing to you these loans student loans whatever there's credit whatever right this is not this is you can have card at home even live the American Dream and I'm telling it it can happen for you you can have fun of people out here so I'm pumped for you and I I can't I I got you know I got nothing too much more to say except start today get you get your stuff get out there get some houses right now man I'm excited for you get that serpent we're talking about that serpent energy that dragon that fire that yang energy that powerful energy that what it took for you to say you know what I'm gonna go ahead and get my credit straight I'm gonna go ahead and get Brennan's course and you know get this 6:09 straight and get my my credit up there that same energy that ferocity is what you utilize to start your business and keep those real estate holdings and give the cash flow those properties this is what I love yeah your cash yeah that's exactly it you want to learn everything and I'll tell you you have learned a bunch you're gonna learn more and the more you learn the more you earn as everyone says it the more you learn already you're like hey man I can put some of those properties in it in a company name and an LLC name and I can get my business funding business credit and all that good stuff so hey man I appreciate you let us know hit us back up in the next did I hear someone someone asks did I hear a chirping smoke detected you have a chirping smoke detector in your background so was that you might been so busy getting your ministry in your credit and everything you got to change the smoke detector all right well I appreciate you sir and if you need anything else on my info at 609 creditor comm and I'm excited for you if you need business funding it's available to you if you didn't see watch the replay but you can do your own loans and everything in you know your personal credit is your nucleus I would say do that what's great about business credit is and this is it Capital One Capital One is pretty much the only one that reports to your personal so I would say stay away from Capital One but everybody else for the most part yeah reports to just business so get you your dun bradstreet number get your Duns get your paydex score because even if you're giving a personal and guarantee a lot of these banks like think America I know firsthand reports to small business Experian in small business bureaus and all that good stuff so get you squared away on that even if your personal guarantee and when you give that personal guarantee and you're using business credit it's not gonna affect your personal side even though you give them and you can some people I'm not saying for you to do it but I'm saying some people max out their business get that utilization real high and it doesn't affect because you're doing real estate deals I don't know you're doing refurbished rehabs or buy-and-hold that flips what you doing yeah yeah no limitations does what I'm talking about so exactly you're gonna need all this funding and available capital to you and you're gonna have it and so once you utilize it don't sweat it you could if you need it to you couldn't max it just make sure you don't default on credit is the ability to pay overtime on time every time right so as long as your company's making on-time payment your cash flow your properties and make some money and now you got a revenue stream income and you can tell your bosses you can put away that they call it the old screw you money you can tell them to screw you and have a good time and ball out and have a good time so I'm excited thank you so much for this wonderful call and if you need anything else man reach out so yeah you have a wonderful rescue yeah you probably be careful with the they call it blacklisting okay so you want to be cautious about disputing acquires that attach to good accounts right so these are good accounts you're using on time stuff like that right right yeah yeah yeah yeah they'll call it blacklisting so what you'll do is they'll take the inquiry off but the blacklist you and then close the account you could always open another account be you don't want to do this nonsense and then it's another inquiry just realize that after a certain period of time the algorithm is gonna be in your favor because you're making good on time payment history if you here's the thing you want to email me we've got a great amazing phenomenal a you trade line available you want to boost your score up beyond 609 you want or 709 scuse me 7 on that yes and so not on the right 709 you want to get back up 727 67 whatever 7 800 whatever we can try and do what the AU's boost you up and then when you go out and get funding you're gonna have more favorable rates right so that's gonna look good to you let's not worry about these Joker little Joker inquiries let's just get your score to where it's nonsense like bananas and you can't wait to give you money and they'll be fighting over you so let's do that yeah sound good email me email me an info info INF Oh info at 609 credit per com I'm gonna put it in the I'm gonna type it up so everybody's got an info at 609 credit hair boom everybody got so I appreciate you and yeah I mean I'm gonna talk to you real soon all right you take care let's see some tow rides all right you take care bye guys we're doing it we're doing it or changing lives all right we're changing lives thank you for the great advice you're very welcome I'm glad I could provide for you water getting low I drank a lot of water I might have to excuse myself for a moment we've been going for a long period of time so I'm gonna go for maybe about five more minutes and I'm going to take a break with just a little water break little rest room and we'll get back to it so let's see what else we got okay you got about five minutes so let's try and do some here some stuff here and we'll see what we got where do you get business funding great question so I have a platform for business funding okay you can get business funding from non-traditional sources so if you want to go to a bank they're gonna be a pain in the butt I've gone to banks I've sitting board in conference rooms of banks and they don't like little little like little people all right we're a little guy sometimes right they're like you got to be making millions of dollars and we want to see this and we're not gonna do this blah blah blah blah blah like okay calm down I know some alternative lenders okay so don't need you all right so I'll turn of lenders what's great is SBA loans I don't know if some of you guys I did see some of you guys but I'm gonna type this up SBA patriot he treats express loans you can get up to 500 K very quickly military vets and active okay SBA loans for small business minorities minorities okay some of us out there up to that's right right so it is possible the other thing is going through a funding platform like ours you could find other smaller people that want to give you loans okay capitalized capitalization these C's you probably don't want to take on for equity and stuff like that go through go through us or another company or something like that business funding something that will get talked about a lot of business funding what does business money credit cards credit cards loans it gets it gets a nomenclature like funding what is this a business credit its cards its credit cards its loans its unsecured credit cards with your name on them and your company's name on so company name Inc company name LLC company name okay on your Amex is your master cards your discovers yeah if they do do a business I've seen it MX's discovers visas you can do that and you give a personal guarantee and it's your credit score and the credit score allows you to get business money and you can go through rounds and on a stacking if you're watching the replay I'm repeating myself but in one day you could go get your chase and your you could get a chase just off the top of my head they've got MX business SkyMiles business city business MX business gold they have gold and platinum business cards they've got green cards for business simple cash business for Amex they've got let's see what else we got out there city business aviation American Airlines City Thank You premier business city Chase Sapphire Reserve business chase Inc business so just I'm naming four five Cartwright eight cards whatever Bank of America does really I like Bank of America they're heard they're loose with their lender they like their big bank and they're really cool and they reports their reports so you can get I mean just listing stuff and with your personal good credit you can go boom same day boom boom boom boom boom boom boom it's known stacking business funding or round of funding Bam Bam Bam Bam and that's how you get 0% Bank of America right now I think is 0% to 9 months chase Inc is like 0% for 9 billing statements something like that Amex does charge cards so they'll 11 they'll allow you to finance stuff over a hundred bucks over a period of time or you pay off within 30 days and they don't report they don't start reporting negatively I believe it's 60 days to 90 days you have double check I remember talking to them and they're like oh no you're you're you don't have to worry about it for like it's not 30 day the MX is pretty lenient to but be cautious call them and talk to them and so yeah so that's where you get your 0% for six months to a year I I had one eye I'm tell you company mine had a Bank of America card 0% and for 12 statements yeah and 200 bonus money right so if you make a purchase with them in so much in a month they gave me 200 bucks the same with simple cash a max they'll give you like 200 bucks Capital One gave out $500 but Capital One those humorous report to your personal credit so if you start using it it can bring down your credit score so Capital One's spark even though they give you like a big bonus and they're playing games they're gonna pull from all three credit reports and they're gonna report to all three credit reports on your business on your personal side they also looked at business our business credit was really squared away we had great paid X so we got a nice limit so you know the limits on the personal side it looks good I don't utilize it because I don't want to mess with stuff but yeah that's that's kind of a pain in the butt so just finally guys you can so you can talk to him you can google you can make sure so that's how you get it you can get 0% and you can get it you can stack these cards right so you have cards that are like twenty thousand fifteen thousand okay thirty thousand Navy Fed is phenomenal they'll do funding in like forty big chunks of like forty forty twenty thirty forty okay Chase is really open to it boom-boom-boom they give big limits ok 2015 so what you do is you start stacking them so now all of a sudden you've got fifty grand a hundred grand okay and having the dun & bradstreet number having the Duns number having a paid X Corps helps even personal side I talked to Capital One and they were like look we looked at your business side say we looked at your business credit okay so that can be very helpful as well getting these big limits having a good bank score I want to talk about Bank score next can help business funding and I'm gonna talk about no personal stay tuned more business credit business funding amazing stuff coming soon I have to excuse myself I've gotta get some more water and I have to use the restroom but I'm coming back you mean give me five minutes five minutes we shall return five minute break five minute break thank you while you wait or if you're watching the replay I'll be right back put some comments below subscribe try of some of your questions I'll be right back I have returned less than five minutes two minutes see I'm quick so more business funding business credits okay banks Corp so keeping a good bank score when you go let's say you want to go into a bank you want to go into a Bank of America they want to see a certain amount in those accounts so if you're keeping about 10k flowing through your accounts every month you're gonna have a better bank score so it's like one big 9,999 10,000 to a hundred thousand a hundred thousand plus those are the bank scores you want to have they go of it the nomenclature is I think you need a four or five to be considered really really solid in the bank they look at that along with your business credit scores and your personal credit to give you business funding directly from a bank all right so let's see what else we got here ah I have my business over a decade never got any huge amount of credit the most was 13k how can I use my business to access money or should I start new ok so how do you give bigger limits I have personally seen and had bigger limits how do you do it the DMV number I'm telling you right now ok the DMV number is big the Duns number having a paydex score having that available having the good business credit score like I said Capital one looked into both having a very high personal had very high personal score Bank of America has some loose lending cat chase they will give big stuff ok if you want to get that you want to make sure that you're square to go good to go hey you trade lines can help boost your score so that's the stuff that you want to do to make sure that you get now how can I use my business to access money cash so you have individuals you're talking about earning credit in the cash so to speak ok so the idea here is that you can utilize let's say hypothetically educational information right so hypothetically someone were to send you an invoice you were to pay that invoice with your card that tells your percent so somebody sends me an invoice for a thousand bucks you've got this new Bank of America cards got 0% on for nine statements or ten let's just call it a year okay let's say one year and you the Centron invoice you pay now they have cash right they have cash they can extract that that's something that is capable for you to do in your own companies right so there is invoices maybe you're providing consulting services for one company to another maybe you're providing consulting services from yourself maybe your business partner or a partner of yours is providing consulting services they sent an invoice you need to pay that now you have cash on the other side and the other account okay so that's something that you can do you're a beast inspiring men these jokers that's right so that's something you can do now your financing you have thousand bucks I'm gonna make America you guys can pay that off slowly but surely as long as you make your on-time payments you're not gonna get any interest you got to make the payments right got to make the payments credit is the ability to pay over every time on top so you do that square that away and you are able to access cash funding it's another way to get funding which through your credit cards okay do you want to start over you don't have to start over you could if you wanted something fresh I don't think you need to I think get your personal credits stronger make sure your business credit is stronger we do stuff no personal guarantee as well getting the right vendor lines getting the right store cards moving you up that way more vendors are better more but more vendors more lines bigger crazy look look better your company also should be on Google my business Yahoo my business yellow pages yellow bar for one one listing you need to be you need to have office space okay now if it's not real office virtual office 800 number or number that people can get a local number if you can get a hold of you you got a little bit you got a little big and that it's important and it's important for you for being able to access and get a hold of your customers they want to get a hold of you on a Google Yahoo all this stuff so yeah absolutely absolutely you want to take care of that okay how do I get a paid ex corde there's a great question how to get a paid ex score simple you want to get the Duns number the Duns number Duns with B and B okay they call it their paid X okay FICO calls it in their FICO right so you will start to acquire one when your company has a Duns number and you have the ein associated with the Duns number the ein is the social security number for your business right so you associate that with your Duns number and you will start to generate the score and if you pay your bills on time you'll get an 80 pay your bills on time and you'll get an 80 stuff that reports to DMV and we have all sorts of stuff out there that does will help you okay I got off the phone the other day with an individual at a restaurant so there's restaurant company like a Costco but it's actually like a restaurant Depot Restaurant depot Costco jet Co stuff like that do net 30 they do stuff like that so they ask them if they report so you'll be able to do that and get that squared away and just pay your bills on time a lot of credit card companies reporting boom-boom-boom that our business kind of boom pay on time 80px pay everything off all at once and get a 100 okay so you want to be 80 and above oh wow this is great information thanks so much info that's most would charge for much appreciate that's right free credit repair here free information free free free all right so let's get back to it if y'all want we got the number here this is only available while I go live I'm only gonna maybe do another one I use incorrect balances from them this is reporting but the original balances the difference is thirty seven cents can I use that and avoid update yes that's an accurate information okay if the balance is off by thirty seven cents it needs to be 100% accurate 100% okay so you obviously can utilize that Brandon this is how you make America great keep it up man that's right I'm gonna do my best I'm gonna the more I learn the more I'm gonna try and get back what type of vendor accounts are good to build business credit it depends what your business is like I said murica that's right murica it depends what your business is like I said I got off the lady who had a restaurant and she didn't have she didn't need the office supplies that we need the Pitney Bowes is for postage the quilt that you line stuff that we use the Vistaprint the amazon the the stuff like that she need more jet Co Costco home depot Restaurant depot she needed more stuff for course the vendors are important to you the vendors are important to you because you have to use them so you need the right vendors for you so your vendor is quill but you got no office supplies you're not gonna use it tigerdirect is great type of directs you can buy computers most people need computers oh you have a barber shop okay great so you need supplies for your shop so you need to find the vendors that allow from that 30s and report for your barber shop okay the chairs where you're getting the chairs from where you getting your Clippers razors your whatever Amazon is great Amazon has an Amazon met 55 exists Amazon has a lot of stuff out there right let's see what else what else oh we're getting a call okay this call and see what's up got a call guys live for one live with these calls good afternoon how's it going you're on live with Brandon excellent Kareem how are you doing today yes caught us 25 minutes in all right cool excellent well I'm glad you reached out and I'm glad I could so what what question you got for me today sir yes our capital one will tell them I'm giving from the report I guess is almost exactly same as my current what okay great so your question you'll reiterate this so Capital One's nasty business capital honest they're they're ridiculously they do all sorts of ridiculous stuff okay I've seen I've seen people that this viewed and then they try and go after you lines of capital wanna so Capital One is basically saying they're ignoring your dispute about this other car and they're asking you do you want to close your active card which you do not want to do right you know interested in doing that so they're playing games now is the capital one card in a collection status is it charged off collection that's wrong so you're saying it was with portfolio some of y'all probably have portfolio out there as well so this is what we're gonna do with these silly silly fools okay so you caught the live stream about 25 minutes in maybe you heard about sealing and freezing universe and say stream and all these little guys LexisNexis that's not I'll put it over right Lex is on that glass of it alright there's a lot other little guys okay so I'll put that up there again what to freeze okay freeze those guys then go around there's these credit bureaus because this is what the playing games Capital One is out of the picture okay and this is what Capital One's being weird about because Capital One is they know darn well what you're doing you're disputing the charge off the collection the one that is obsolete outdated unverifiable that one and what they're playing games are saying oh well did you mean this cap will on cargo this is nonsense it's bull and I don't like it so what you can do is you can go around the bureau's we're gonna send validation letters directly to the collector who doesn't have a contract is not Capital One and can't hold your feet to the fire and make you feel like they're gonna close an active good account that you use you can go right to those collectors you know what I'm saying right to portfolio and portfolios got nothing these silly fools know darn well they don't have nothing so you freeze up these small bureaus you send the collection validation letter in to them and they start getting worried because you're not going through the bureau's you're going directly to them and you mean oh and this stuff that we have at 6:09 credit care calm the uncommitted package has the verbage laid out for you in my other live stream I talked about the verbage I talked about what we asked for the paper the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and how you can leverage it and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna talk to you a little bit about what we have here so you guys get a good idea so under section 609 bra excuse me section 809 Bravo that your claim is disputed invalid it is requested it goes on what money you say I owe you explain to show me how you calculated this provider and this is not to for us but this is to give you an idea of how crazy and how much information they have to have provide a verification copy of any judgments identify the original creditor prove the statutes limitation if not expired show me your license to collect in the state provide me license numbers in your registered agent which I'll talk to a little bit more about what a registered agent is and how it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and how they can be fined $1,000 per violation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act defamation of character I mean it just goes on and on and they don't like it they don't want it because you you haven't sent a letter like that yet to portfolio they don't see it a lot and as soon as they see it they know you know you got so don't play around with the wheels and copper one in this nonsense for the China because they're trying they're trying to scare you and it is scary because I'm like well you don't want your card to be shut your active card to be shut down but for portfolio will fall apart and they don't want you to take them to court because they know they probably don't have license to following you to get it in your state maybe they do methadone maybe they do but they don't they don't have the contract they don't have proof they don't know how they calculated it they're not gonna show you how much they purchased it for and how much they're selling it for how they calculate interest and on and on and on now you're asking for the registered agent when they see that you're asking for their registered agent that you can soup that you ready to sue them that's the process servers job is to find the registered agent and to serve them you say tell me where your registered agents who your registered agent is in the state because I'm gonna take you to court they don't want all this nonsense didn't want a listing they want easy money they want easy money so you got that ability if you need help and support I info at 609 credit procom I'm putting it up in the chat so it's available to you I'm trying to think what else is gonna set it apart and see it for you I'm glad you called him because everybody's got different stuff different you know nonsense everybody's game is different everybody's credit repair is different so you know it's crazy but I'm trying to think what else might help you yeah once you get the vet so low okay great so when they send you back so probably gonna send you some BS back they might even ignore it and say if you don't respond back in 30 days we're gonna assume this debt is yours there is a second round there's another round of validation letters all right so we'll go to this try and teach you some stuff real quick that's you know free and easy to access and stuff but sorry so much so quickly and we we go ahead and we quote some case law for you guys alright some case law on who that took them all right to core it back back in the early late 90s early aughts Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and how they won and it's a whole case law in the second round and says you know what you didn't you did not you did not provide all the information you needed you gonna be sued for $1,000 I'm gonna sue you if I don't hearing back in 15 days and this is the case law that I will bring up in court and I will win and it is very powerful stuff so that's your second round so you you've got stuff and we've got an e-book on how to sue and win without a lawyer to take care of it what they're violating so don't even play around with Capital One because I'll tell you right now Capital One likes to play games and they're playing games and just go around them and that's what I'm saying so I appreciate you for calling in yeah I appreciate you yeah yeah beyond yes yes absolutely and to be non-committal package it's phenomenal I'm glad I was able to tell you this stuff and tell you the verbage that way you know before you get it because a lot of times when you see it it just says you know collection letters and you know 100 percent sure how it works this is how it's gonna work and it's gonna scare them with this case law so I appreciate you brother and if you need anything you know info 609 credit or whatever all right I'll talk to you soon yeah no no it's never this is great yes you do what you have to do to get that levy it's a bank letter basically it was where they they freeze you do a chance to do take care of you and your family you squared that away now it's time to go the next step and square that next situation away so it is payment you're paying now is the judgment on your reports yeah I never was yeah so if that has if that happens ever again you obviously can talk to the courts or a consumer protection alarm the levy can come off prior to settling and that's what they're doing to you know mess with you right so for anyone out there there's two educational purposes levies can be lifted without necessarily making a settlement but it's okay you made a settlement now is it a collection on your credit report now okay great fantastic so it's sold it's not a report so that's good but you want to be able to kind of adjust this payment because now you're like well no I'm paying on a car I don't even have right that's so old okay great so this is a negotiation thing this is what you're gonna have to do and you're gonna have to figure out what's best for you and your family's in Scenario so you got to pay a certain amount you can always everyone out there either refinances renegotiate sorry whatever right their loans and their issues and you know now they're not going to just love you okay it takes time and if they try to file another court case or whatever you know to go and fight and ask for instruments of indebtedness this is what you can do now you can ask them for signed contracts you can ask them hold up I've been looking into this I'm trying to see what right do you have to collect on me I want to see the original loan no you know the loan for the car they know now you know supposedly they say they have it but it's so old it's so old now they might not have nothing so it might be so old now you started really paying some statutes of limitation for them to try and collect and take you to court again as we started however if again if they take you to court it's very simple you go and fight you ask them for the same stuff you don't make their case for them you have rights you can remain silent don't have to incriminate yourself they have to provide documentation that's what you want to see now so no you didn't mess up you did what you had to do it for your family you get things squared away and now you can send a letter to them asking you send a letter write to them asking for an instrument of a tetanus how much do I owe how do you calculate this kind of some of the same stuff that we talked about in the collection validation letter except in the instrument of investment indebtedness what basically what I'll ask is if they don't provide something like that this is a tacit agreement we're done it's what the cup this is what the collectors do to us so to speak right they'll send a letter and say hey if you don't respond within 30 days we're gonna assume this debt is yours that's the same thing you can do to them you can send a letter to them and say if I don't see an original contract with my name on it for this note that you supposedly say I have in 30 days I'm gonna assume this is not my debt and I'm going to take it at court and I'm gonna file complaints and so forth and so on that's all you have to do this is a tacit agreement hey you know what I need to see some proof and they'll start backpedaling oh well you know you know you will you know you approve this and you know that you uh you agreed to this payment you agree didn't you agree and they'll do all sorts of nonsense to scare you oh well you know we got you and this and that and be like yeah well let me see what proves this because I think you put pressure on me to sign something under duress okay and agree to something under duress that I had no knowledge about and now I know I don't have any knowledge about it and I know that you don't have any knowledge about it or proof we need to square this away or I'm gonna take you to court that's what you do and now you're in power again I appreciate you and I'm glad I could help you out and yeah if you need more support with this because I know is a lot info at 6:09 we're prepared calm okay you mean email all right I got you all right time to simply take care all right bye guys guys guys guess I appreciate you this is phenomenal fantastic this is great I love it see if I got any emails here see what we got so guys again they need to they need to prove they need to prove and you have rights right all right cool credit repair arise okay just double-check and looking at stuff term loans whoa whoa that's crazy term loans okay sixteen months thirty five percent sure I let it go to collections and deal with the phone calls and letters and goodwill letters okay thirty percent you oh uh oh man okay so this individual okay hi sub then hit the bell I appreciate you I Warriors Slayer warrior I appreciate you I appreciate you hitting the bell for notification again guys if you're on right now thank you for all the thumbs up and love if you're on right now hit the bell for notification hit that subscribe try being part of the SUBSCRIBE drive hit the subscribe hit the bell for notifications because I'm gonna be doing more live streams more live calls more free credit repair for you credit repair free credit repair all right this is what we're doing today okay so ask for contract and ownership of the debt was signature absolutely absolutely instruments of indebtedness how do they have it prove it to me prove it to me so we've got a person who has an installment loan okay person who doesn't installment I'm looking I'm watching y'all rate I go person has an installment loan sorry for saying doc sixty months eight pairs thirty five percent okay oh it's a significant amount on it current okay but not paying can't afford the payments position and their job was lost they lost their job should I let it go to collections deal with the phone calls and letters okay this is what we're gonna tell you right now okay this is all educational information so you got to decide what's best for you and your scenario with your financial and not financial advisor can can't tell you to pay or not pay right but let's let's talk about education stuff if anybody's dealing with high interest rates high loans and they got themselves into a situation that they can't handle get out from under it however you can this is my opinion get out from under it however you can if you can't pay you can't pay right if you're saying you can't pay you can't pay okay I talked to lawyer one time and they're like you know what it's really hard you could be judge it's hard for you to it's hard for them to extract blood from the stock right and I'm not saying they're not gonna come after you and then I couldn't say hey we want let it go to the collector and it's big money and we're gonna take a court and this and that but you can fight them all the tools that we have to fight them you can fight them yes if you can't you might have to let it go and start over people start over all the time people start over all the time it helps it's a reset they knew damn well that they were giving you bad term loans bad interest all this stuff trying to extract all this money from you you know if you watch some of these videos we're helping people get low low low low low interest rates on their cars on their homes on their whatever get that credit squared away you didn't have this knowledge beforehand so no harm no foul now you know you're gonna get things squared away you could let it go to collections you could dispute it you could ask for instruments of the deadness you can file complaints you could have a settlement like we spoke with one gentleman if you had are coming in late or you're watching the replay we spoke with one gentleman who was able to make a small settlement for about 50 percent of a collection he paid it he disputed it it went away that was part of his process what he was able to do right he disputed all sorts of other stuff knocked it out but this one little guy was giving him problems so he's like an ass understand right so there's all sorts of different options for you and the ability to the ability to take your credit score like he did from 392 seven seven ten was phenomenal right so you're gonna be able to do it even after you let this installment loan go I don't know if it's calm try it seems like it's a car and it seems like or if it's a house or whatever you could let it go and dispute and get this over and go through the process yes it's gonna be stressful a little bit you're gonna get calls you send them a cease and desist phone calls letter you can get into beyond committed package six or nine credit fair comment get into beyond committed package six or nine credit procom or we can do it for you at the awesome Life Group calm and you can send those letters in and they will have the stuff calling you I had an individual who was worried about all the stress of getting collection them calling and all this stuff and they got worried and scared and frightening emotions do have power words do have power but if you can shut those words and emotions down from them yelling at you by using the cease and desist letters you're good to go alright so and if you're out there and you're watching you're not getting the favorable race that you want just take a breath take a breath I know you want to get your cars and your homes take a breath don't sign up for those 30% loans those 20% mom's was 15% loans hit your boy up get some a you trade lines get a little credit repair for a couple of months and give you those 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% and save tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of dollars all right so good question okay so paperback available to you guys also on Amazon if you want a paperback version of the book alright just so you guys know also you can get everything at 609 credit per calm or we can do the work for you at the awesome white okay so question the six of nine letters still are crushing we're still doing well we quote other sections as well six eleven section one section four section sixteen eighty one for inquiry section eight oh nine four four collections that they're Debt Collection Practices Act we we have a lot of different sections we utilize stuff has been updated people asking things have been updated in our books in in the six nine letters you get at 6:09 creditor calm on amazon and the beyond committed package has updated stuff but for the most part the laws are still the same the laws are still the same and still work still good still valuable still fantastic okay FICO is playing games mm-hmm Brennan ID checks my FICO and I noticed that one of my amount which I had been changed charged off is now having a new money owed amount out of nowhere yeah this this stuff happens right so they play games it's inaccurate you can dispute it under those terms because it's an accurate you dispute it because it's unverified you dispute because it's charged off and I shouldn't be doing this stuff I've seen all sorts of wild things and stories some people have been like man this charge it was charged off and now they or this collection and now they started reporting that I paid one dollar so they could update the statute of limitation that's nonsense and you can get them over that stuff you can take them to court all that stuff you can file a complaint with the attorney general's office and get these guys in trouble and these guys can use their license they can be big trouble alright this is beyond committed package include all the materials and videos yes it includes all the materials videos I personally walk you through the process of repairing your credit you can get them you can go ahead and watch and sit down it can be a family fun time y'all can sit down together and learn credit in it as much as I joke we had to take your kids to work day in the office in Pittsburgh and the kids were learning about credit it's so important so you can sit down with yourself and watch the videos you can pass and show your family in this videos and show them what we do and how we do it so you can repair your own credit yes and it's the beyond committed package it's the all-inclusive the biggest package that you can get that's right cool at the time I went bankrupt I didn't know anything about self lender yeah what do you do if your car loans upside down so I talked about this a little bit in the beginning so you maybe you miss this if you're watching the replay I'll try and be quick about this if you're upside down on your car loan you want to reach out to the bank or someone else could purchase it and pay the difference reach out to the bank and see what they can do for you the problem is when you're upside down a lot of times when you don't have equity in the car cost more they don't want to refinance it and someone doesn't necessarily want to take over the payments but somebody might you could also ask for and this was important for the bank see if they will allow you to miss a few payments until you can get caught up without without affecting your credit score almost like a forbearance okay like student loans have forbearances the the these people will allow you they want to go to you to get the money they don't wanna have to get it and sell it and all that stuff okay and they really don't they don't want a repo they want to work with you that's why repossessions usually take a little while to get going it cost some money it cost some money what about establishing business credit in real estate good question we have that question on the call on the phone there was an individual who's working you probably want to utilize a personal guarantee pretty quickly yeah thank you yeah your personal guarantee so you can get your business credit and business financing if you want to go to no personal guarantee route you need to open up your real estate business your LLC or S corp or C Corp and you want to get the right vendors and if you're doing like we've have refurbs holds all this stuff you could get the Home Depot's you can get the deals for computer stuff software for your company which I'm sure that you do stuff right I mean you're doing your deals you've got you got your software or finance to figure out what you're doing you tigerdirect I mean you've gotten vendors you've got options okay businesses businesses business you just need to find the right vendors for your business okay you mentioned you mentioned a mentoring program teach me sensei a mentoring yeah I do mentor yeah should have put the amount in the letter you can put the amount in be a letter I know you what you're talking about mean corrects mentorship program yeah interesting so I do some mentoring here and there I've helped people you know we're mentoring here thinking about starting a program doing that if you're interested in a mentoring program put in the comments below mentor me and Brandon if you're interested I might open up something I'm doing a lot of other different things as well so it could be take some time to get the ball rolling but men told me okay sir some car companies will allow you to do it extension and have a monthly or two month payment push back on your loan exactly exactly downsides of this is there will be a balloon payment at the end of your life yes but if it's a situation where you lost your job where a lot of people have said oh I lost my job I can't really afford this this is you know mentor me Amanda yes exactly okay getting if you're watching the we the replay but don't mental me in that comments and I'll try and do that yes you'll have the balloon payment but again a lot of people can get caught up once they got a good job they got the business credit gets the money again things go up and back and forth and so it is what it is so speak you know alright great guys um I'm excited I want to leave you on a high and a good notes okay so we're about to finish up here guys we're about to finish up we're about to finish up alright we're about to finish up let's see what we got Brandon Weaver I sub hit the bell yes all right guys I appreciate you about the mentor mean delayed payments fall off after a period of time okay this is great after about two years they're supposed to hold less weight however what I've seen what I've seen is late payments can still affect the score after two years after 24 months 24 months is supposed to be a refresh but it's still I've seen it you want to dispute those late payments you want to get those hard inquires off even if there are over two years if you if they're not account holding inquires okay because they still they still they still still can have an impact in your FICO score all right all right guys starter vendor accounts starter vendor accounts in the 30s if RadioShack still around I'm not really sure quill Uline Pitney Bowes Vistaprint stuff like that okay alright great this is great people are disputing and they're getting statements back from the collectors statements are not validation you can collect all those statements keep them as documentation when you need to file suit or file complaints I know you want them to go away frees up the LexisNexis the ARS the save streams let me type that up again LexisNexis save stream ARS into this and yeah freeze that should help all right guys I want to keep going I'm gonna keep going but I'm gonna I'm gonna wrap this up I'm gonna wrap this up guys I really appreciate you so much this has been phenomenal it's been amazing morning sunday morning productive morning I hope you enjoy this free credit repair if if you want to do it on your own 609 credit economical do yourself process video series walk you through the process beyond committed package very affordable it will walk you through the process validation letters it's check systems all sorts of stuff all right watching the church service I was watching the church churches then the alg service came on hallelujah that's right hallelujah we got the service going on today on Sunday I appreciate y'all so we can do it for you the awesome life we've got trade lines available for you guys boosting credit scores or getting bankruptcies deleted we're getting all sorts of nasty stuff off you've got a weakening dispute we potentially get this stuff off we have seen it we've seen stuff come off I've seen stuff come off for the six or nine letters you've got info at 609 credit procom if you need to email me and get you some support and help and we're doing more live streams so if you're watching this now hit the subscribe button hit the bell for notifications for the live streams and the potential to call the number to talk to me direct live in-person live and in charge if you're watching the replay hit that subscribe button become part of my subscribed tribe put below subscribe tribe when you subscribe and hit the bell for notifications so you know the next time I go live so you can call the number you can call the number and talk to me direct okay so I'm I love you guys please take a look some of the other videos that we have as well for you here and again paperback available to you paperback available to you on Amazon I don't always tell everybody all this awesome creative content here for you guys these are secrets for my subscribe tribe for the people who hit the belphin notification all the love the thumbs up and subscribe thank you so much I'm wrapping it up thank you thank you thank you thank you Greg Thank You Bryan Thank You Taylor Thank You mr. black thank you Thank You Carlos thank you so much Tiffany Cole thank you so much thank you for taking the time in your day I appreciate you I'm glad to be of service Thank You mr. Comacho jr. Courtney thank you so much you rock I appreciate you guys out there hey thank you I'm glad you got your time sure take care huh thank you komm puri mr. Adrian Fernandez god bless god bless you as well thanks baby Jay thanks mr. Harris and thank you thank you and always being genuine thank you I try to be as genuine as possible trying to be myself on here I appreciate you guys and you guys be yourselves be genuine be who you are because you are enough you are enough as you are credit is not you it is just a circumstance which you are in and you ability to pay overtime every time on time hi was the website hi what was the website again dime w dot six online credit or if you want us to do it be an awesome life group calm so you got that and you can always email me at info hat 609 credit I appreciate you awesome information that's an awesome life we want to get you squared away so hey guys until I see one person on some type of you know some type of an inline person meetup or subscriber on all that other stuff I will see you guys on the other side and believe me you were gonna love it on the other side I appreciate you Robert hunter you have a wonderful rest of your afternoon and weekend god bless take care and I love you all thank you
Channel: Brandon Weaver
Views: 47,296
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: FREE CREDIT REPAIR 2018, REMOVE CHARGE-OFFS, COLLECTIONS, EVICTION, BANKRUPTCY, STUDENT LOANS FREE, livestream, brandon weaer, 609 credit repair, credit repair, how to fix credit, free credit repair, 2018, credit repair letterst that work, fix credit, finance, credit report, travel credit cards, lexisnexis, verified public records, vacate judgements, instruments of indebtness, installment loans, payment to collections, collectors, debt collectors, the only thing that resets the clock
Id: yJO8h9AK6HQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 56sec (9656 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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