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all right we're live we're live we're live we're live it is a pleasure to be here to be of service thank you so much for watching if you're watching the replay thank you so much I appreciate you please jump on the subscribe tribe comm so I can send out the news email letter for when I go live type this up right now and I'm gonna say hello to a few people that are coming in Miss white and Geoffrion and this via Villa nice wind twin is here good to see everybody good to see the subscribe tribe coming in I appreciate you Kelly and Eric lovely let me switch to the live chat it puts me on top chef put it on live chat to make sure I see everybody's a lot you know what I'm saying a town on what's good James Mr Lopez mr. Peters good to see everybody I want to say hello good afternoon wherever you are thank you for joining now I'm gonna put in my email here okay I always give my email to the SUBSCRIBE truck this is why I want to make sure that would go a lot because you get my email address consistently every week boom boom boom you have any issues you have any concerns you reach out to me you get to me I'll get you to the other side all right so reg is ready let's give this great news everybody's ready people are filtering in everybody wants to know how you can move your hard inquiries okay I've gotten emails I've gotten letters I've gotten all sorts of stuff a while Daniel right here hey man I got eight deletions out of ten accounts on the first round hey man I got Elite Eight accounts out of my ten accounts on my first round that's amazing 80% completed in one round of letters and 30 days Daniel changed in his life changing his family's life things are going excellent okay you can do this for yourself absolutely we can do this for you at the awesome life group okay but I definitely want to make sure that I get all to all your questions so make sure you put them here and we're going through I know I got to get a better mic get an echo Jerome you told me this Mike was gonna work got an echo breath but it's all good we're gonna we're gonna get through and get you the information how you can dispute your inaccurate unverified hard and queerest I'm getting emails from people and getting comments and messages dams all this stuff people want enough so I'm gonna get into this oh wow Carlos says well now I'm at the 800 club when I started with you a year and a half ago I was a little under five hundred thank you Thank You Carlos thank you very much for coming back and letting you know letting the subscribe' tribe know that you can do it you've done it we've helped you emailing the the videos the live streams being diligent about it a year and a half here in the 800 club okay 800 Club you can qualify Carlos can qualify for the best mortgage rates the best race for his cars the best rates for his business loans the best rates for his business money the best rates for everything and get his life beyond not just having creditor but into a situation where maybe he'd not you know having such a tough time week to week you know maybe he's got a business taking care of him maybe he's traveling the world maybe he's got the house for him and his family and it's building wealth all right so Jonathan right here he said hey men tried to get a credit card was denied hey man it's all good we're about to go through how to handle these hard inquiries now if you applied for something okay potentially I don't know I don't know if you applied or not that's the for them to prove okay just make sure my emails up here okay all right so let's say hypothetically applied for something I don't know that's what the bureau's have to prove they don't know get these credit card companies I don't know now after 90 days typically three months 90 days three months any documentation that might have been maintained is usually perched okay so if you know Jonathan you're dealing with something we're talking about hard inquires here anyway if you know hey look let me just wait 90 days before I do this then so be it know if you got other unauthorized unverified inaccurate hard inquiries can go after them right away okay so here's the process we've got letters for you in the beyond committed package we have follow-up letters as well very powerful stuff and I'm gonna go through the letters with you alright I actually got an email says that purchase beyond committed package and was successful in getting hard inquiries removed however she doesn't have the time and she wants us to do the rest the remaining so this is this beauty it's a thing of beauty I want people to be advocates to be able to do this themselves that's why I want to do these live streams I want you to learn this process so you know what you can do okay that you can handle this yourself a if you know all the time we can do it for it the awesome okay so one of the first letters that you can utilize is right off the right out of the gate right off the bat you can send letters directly to these credit-card companies giving them the benefit okay okay this letter is a formal cease-and-desist of any unauthorized hardened cars you might be putting on my credit report now why is that right in there well I've also had emails of individuals who are saying hey this company keeps looking at my credit they keep looking at my credit I don't know why they're going what they're doing I I didn't put this on and it keeps coming up I've seen stuff from dealerships that keep coming up stuff from credit card companies I keep coming up collectors looking into stuff so stop looking at my credit okay so you let them know say hey did you let them in yeah absolutely I let them NACA and you need to immediately contact the credit bureaus to delete to a move to delete any unauthorized inquires in my credit history okay Myra and Jordan thank you very much for the super chat thank you thank you alright so we advise that I will be checking my credit reports to ensure that you have not made any unauthorized anymore on authorizing horrors and the unauthorized partisan pan have been removed deleted from my credit report again to my knowledge I have not signed any documents authorizing your organization to view my credit history they need to prove this they need to provide permissible purpose and the Fair Credit Reporting Act I am respected to request a copy of any documentation sent to my address that you might possess that you believe authorizes your company your company to put these hard inquiries to look into my credit all of this stuff okay I assume you're not in possession of any of these such documents you comply with the crest requests or delete these hard inquiries all right that's what this letter says not a wanna you know just bore you go over all that stuff but if you're very familiar with this law section 604 the Fair Credit Reporting Act you know they have to promise purpose and they have to show it to you they have to show it to you now you send this right to the creditors you give them the benefit of the doubt right say hey look maybe you're making a mistake right maybe you do have this documentation show me you don't see this documentation this stuff's supposed to come off now you send that out 30 days go by and nothing comes back right I have nothing you don't see nothing so then you follow up you send this to the bureau's you say hey look I've contacted the below creditors and they have no proof I initiated such inquiries no written authorization and failed to provide any permissible purpose under Section 604 of the Credit Reporting Act their credit reporting that's right since they do not have my authorization written or verbal I ask that you delete these are unauthorized inquires from my credit report immediately there's no evidence of any authorization or any permissible purpose it goes on quote section 604 it goes on to the law but they only allow to do this you only allowed to look your report when you give them permissible purpose initiated by you the consumer for potential business transactions for potential credit if no such permissible purpose is proven cannot be verified the consumer reporting agency shell promptly deletes okay and it goes on for you to allow to put all the creditors all the inquiry dates all this good stuff okay I understand that for the Fair Credit Reporting Act you were required to notify me of your investigation within 30 days my contact information is below so that's all on a good brand that's fantastic but what if they play games what if they don't want to adhere to the laws but you got what you got for us okay great I'm gonna follow up luck round two so this is three rounds you got something to the creditors you got something to credit beers you got a follow-up you got your complaints Better Business CFPB all this good stuff here's the follow-up letter and this is where it gets very powerful and people like I said if you're just coming in now we had an email from a woman who said hey I got to be on committee package I was successful in getting some Harding are removed I want you to finish up I don't have the time I want you to finish it up okay great but here is the second letter I have sent many prior requests to your company to reinvestigate several inquiries that are inaccurate unverified on my criticals you have not given me any such permissible purpose I've once again listed these creditors these hardened cars I've contacted these companies they have not provided me any permissible purpose for business to pull my credit please do as your governor the Fair Credit Reporting Act then we put in a nice please do what you're supposed to do provided me the result so in 30 days it you cannot provide any of this information you must promptly delete this inaccurate unverified Engler okay so opps other things you can do asides from those letters is on your dispute letters those those are the specific heart inquire letters but on your specific dispute letters your six minus P letters you're also consistently on them demanding any non account holding inquires be removed okay and that's in the you don't have that go above and beyond and the inquires America you have special inquiry letters brother in the letter it's built in for you already so you don't have to worry about it this is why I say you want to get the letters six or nine credit procom or or we can do the work for it the answer might group come now you can get these letters in the beyond come to package you've seen the power of the letters your understanding what you can do here by sending in this letters now you want to go above and beyond but what else you got you can freeze core logic to help you with this inquire dispute process and you can freeze save string to help you with this inquiry dispute process okay those are also in the beyond committed package so now you frozen them out you've got the right laws you've grabbed the right letters you're pushing on them with the inquire letters you're pushing on them with the six and one disputes and you can send your inquiry letters different envelopes but you can send them at the same time it's your six oh nine disputes the same time as your collection validation letters you have the power you can do this for yourself I want you to be it be able to do this for yourself I'm an advocate for it that's why I come on on three weekend right that's why it's such it's great to be of service now I know you got some questions I'm gonna make sure that we get into these all right and I want to make sure that I have a few other questions comments emails as well so make sure I I got this email and I just like to go over this because sometimes people are newer forget or whatnot got a question should I wait until I go through my rounds of disputes before I work on trying to build my credit well that's a great question I didn't realize when I was starting out and I had to figure out a lot of this stuff on my own thank goodness I was able to but I didn't realize I could have been building credit along the way and would it help me out probably quick so as your credit increases you can get specific credit cards that are right for you okay when you're low when you don't have maybe of a thin file because everything is negative or maybe everything that you have is negative when you're working on and getting it off those are things that you have to potentially do security cards of course right and the Capital One secured cards pretty good people have had some pretty good success with them they increase your limit as you pay on time they eventually convert to unsecured cards those are pretty good you can look into quite a builder card OpenSky credit card now open sky is very low and the limits not necessarily increase but there's no hard inquiry for open sky forever self lender there's no heart inquire okay you could get bigger trade lines if you wanted through store cards my jewelers Club card and Yukos direct these kinds of things 5k each and there's only one heart inquire okay so those are things you can do now when you're in the middle range there's something we don't talk about too often when you're in the middle range you're getting up to that 700 but you're at the high 600 650 666 86 out in there you could do your no fee unsecured cards these city cards yeah these chase cards these freedom cards they call some of them might have bonuses and cash back some of them may not but these no annual fees this discover it card these unsecured count from one cards then when you're moving to the next Ashlock and I'm telling you people still consistently get into the 700s and still have a few things to work on when you're still working on things okay you still potentially could get cash back cards got for one quick solar I'm just a good one city has a good cash back card Chase has a good cash back card Barclay has some good cards you can get these negative nasty erroneous items off of while you build it is possible yeah and I wish I had known that I thought I had to wait the whole time I had no concept but hey it's all good you live in your learning that's why you're here that's why you come in every Saturday religiously making it happen making it happen for yourself your family drone guy thank you so much for the super chat if you have a question I'll be looking for that as well kara I sent a goodwill letter to the creditor for late credit card payment should I have done that yeah that's fine absolutely especially if it's in good standing now especially if you're paying on time now especially if you've got good payments for a while now right no look if the credit card company payment has been late consistently maybe it's charged up you sent it you're fine they're just gonna ignore there ain't gonna have it anymore cuz it's charged off but if you're working on it now that's great you can also send the late payment dispute letter I have one of those for you in the beyond minute package and on the 609 dispute letters you can put unverified late payments yeah now this is what I want to read to you because this is very cool it is possible some people are going through it right now everyone is different everyone goes through a different process but I got this email I thought this just great to say to the SUBSCRIBE tribe so you guys can see it my pet Williams branded thank you so much over 15k in student loans remove from along along with the Capital One credit card on my first run collapse okay best money I ever spent this is fantastic that's huge that's fantastic now I say everybody's different everybody goes through the process differently yours might take a little longer may take a little less time whatever right you're going through the process it just depends on what you're going through in the specific nature of what is happening for you but something that can help is getting them letters and having them know the rest now I know say it is optional it is optional okay but it becomes a legal affidavit that must be responded to and it is a way for them to try and shake it to say you're not who you say you are and say we've got suspicious stuff sent in and all this stuff no you are who you say you are notarized another individual rights in him following his steps intent on first letters and says you know I'll go to a notary of the public what is this no to the public not a lot of people get things notarized does this mean I have to go to a public office in my County in my city what is this okay mr. Ahmed had a question about this notary people are not used to notice they don't know what a notary is a notary usually is a private person or company okay even if they're doing this for the public they usually private entities so you usually go somewhere it's a private you don't have to be telling the county the city there's not nothing okay now if you want you could go to your bank some banks offer free notary some libraries some public libraries offer free notary okay just make sure you're not disputing anything with that specific bank if you go to a bank to get your free notary okay what's that I used my local credit union it was free I was a member I was there I mean I was very pleased with the service notarized free you know I was paying some postage it was great it was fantastic sendin letters was fantastic and I'm glad that I learned that I'm glad that I figured that out so look this for yourself in your city what's going on for you and what you need all right now let's get into some of your questions I know you've got questions I got answers if this video is helping out this bar please give a thumbs up if you're Washington plate please give a thumbs up hit this subscribe button right now you want I know you want to I see I see you thinking about it hit the subscribe button right now and jump on that the SUBSCRIBE tribe com you get the email notifications when I go live we've gotten email notifications at the date and time when I go live it's fantastic make sure to get up early learn all this great fantastic stuff to come to you every week when we're doing the disputes alright love it alright let's get let's get to your questions okay let's see Diana this injures a question collection company sent a letter on disputed the letter got back a dismissal letter saying the account will be closed 30 days later or letter I'm not sure I got the same collection letter 30 days later I got the same collection what do I do now okay this is cool there's start a pushback they're starting to do things they're starting to close things hey I've actually seen letters where they say we're not gonna pursue you any further we're going to have this deleted from your credit report it happens continue send your next collection validation letter your follow-up letter make sure you sing the letter that says they failed to validate to the bureau's and send your next 609 dispute letter okay mr. Gibson looking for authorized user account friends and family are always a good place to start Hey look just say hey look I'm just looking for a good credit I don't even need a credit card that couldn't be outstanding for you if you have someone that you know and they're willing to do that just make sure that they don't start charging up a bunch of stuff on that credit card and making things worse for you yeah because then things could be worse for you I noticed Experian is not raising my credit score even after increase and negative items coming off even after making big payments on my credit cards okay first of all it may take some time also experience get on this my FICO stuff right look at your my FICO Experian might be playing games cuz they got this new experience stuff and this is the problem that I have when you get this conflicts of interest they now are doing free experience stuff but they want access to your checking account and your payment history and all this stuff why I don't know right why they're in the information business that's what they do they sell information so now they have even more incentive to keep credit scores look right because then you have the Center for boost just give it a minute look at your myfiles see where it really is also it may take a moment it may now be overnight the bureau's are very quick report the negative and not the positive wine because we know they want to keep scores love they want to keep you in a middle range they're trying to make money that their consumers are the banks who want to lend at favorable interest rates for the banks so when you have an 800 credit score they can't be lending to you at 30% they got a lens here 3% right and those are exaggerations but you get the idea okay good credit history is going to be in for important for you as well you're paying things off fantastic make sure you still using three accounts okay that was one of my things I paid things off and I started using two accounts in one account and it's not cuts three accounts make sure we're doing that with a friend of mine right now I'm making sure they're using three accounts booster credit up it can take time for them to report good stuff and adding good positive history along the way getting a credit card every you know little while or six months getting up to those lines of credit people the highest rate cycle earners usually have 12 revolving credit cards all right I'm not saying for you to go out and get it today tomorrow and the next day but overtime overtime over several years could be that way okay 12 cards can take a little time so it could take two or three years yeah this is good didn't have to pay anything for your discharge banquet that's excellent okay so this individual Kelly is very cool you went through bankruptcy 2010 okay now long now long ago I didn't have to pay any of the counts this is a chapter 7 assume since you know penny counts was just discharged I'm good ok my question is well the bankruptcy fall off by itself after 10 years now it's supposed to fall off after 10 years but we've seen all sorts of things we've seen things outside the statutes limitation we've seen things stand there long above beyond 7 years 10 years ok but yes it's supposed to now you're close it's 2019 you have this done almost nine years ago depending on what dates obviously what month you can request early exclusion from the bureau so you could demand early exclusion from the bureau's this is something that potentially you may not have heard of but you can do that you can dispute it straight up there's close to one you could demand early exclusion hey this is close you're affecting my ability to get a home alone whatever affects my family you need to remove this immediately the statutes of limitation are up in several months and in a few months the way I've seen and I've seen things that have remained on credit reports beyond the statutes limitation it would be a shame if it did because if it does go beyond the statute limitation I'll be forced to potentially I'm not saying but hey it could happen go to court use my rights on the Fair Credit Reporting Act it because outside the statute of limitation because it's supposed to automatically come off in ten years that's on you credit bureaus and that's a violation they're not gonna want that yeah so that's one of the reasons why you could do or early exclusion now the other thing you can straight-up dispute it with lexis and acts let's get it on there just speed it right with the bureau's it's all it's closed might it fall off in 10 years sure but why wait another year why wait another six months 12 months quite a repair starts now all right so why start any later than now get it done get on with your life if you could get it off Kelly if you get off today if you get it off in 30 days right if you get often 60 days that changes your life now this time next year instead of getting the bankruptcy up you already got your credit in line you already got your 800 score yard count out you already got whatever you need it or you wanna okay thank you for being here that's a good question okay Tracy says yes Fingerhut reports to all three fantastic how do you rebuild that for bankruptcy and one secured cards to apply for hey it's your banker you might actually be able to get an unsecured card after your bankruptcy it just depends on how you rebuild I worked with a friend of mine who went through bankruptcy and uh we did the authorized user' right out of the gate boom right away that helps boost their score and they were able to get their own unsecured Capital One cards yeah you are secured cards if you don't have the authorized user' way to boost your score up then potentially a kept one secured card credit builder card OpenSky credit card self under these types of things just because you have a bankruptcy doesn't exclude you from unsecured credit it will be your credit score surprisingly enough okay now sometimes that's not every every bank some banks will not allow okay they'll see the bankruptcy listen it's too fresh to new we haven't seen enough primary lines on that they don't wanna take the risk but knows Capital One is is more open to that they're more open and taking the risk they're looking at your score they're saying okay cool this person might have gone through a rough patch but now their score is significant enough even with authorized user' it was nothing but authorized users on this person's account or for bankruptcy my friend and they were able to get their own Quicksilver card their own venture card actually a travel card so they had cash back they can travel everything these are high tier cards after bankruptcy trust with authorized users once having their own primary lines they were able to get other credit okay now we're going through the process and getting these stuff cleaned up right these accounts included the bankruptcy the bankruptcy LexisNexis all that good stuff but in the meantime you don't want to wait you want a card now okay all right another bankruptcy question Nats its following in succession have a whole series on this this is great now Brandon should I just wait for my discharge letter before I start cleaning on my credit report still have some old addresses employers on the credit report right thank you so you are gonna get a full discharge letter okay remember that is typically about six months after the discharge you can work on the other items until then okay you can work on your old address you work on your employer you can work on your names you can work on LexisNexis you can work on the accounts including bankruptcy you get the discharge letter you can work when the bankruptcy with the credit bureaus and Jamie I'm in here every cent of it like clockwork why does my car loan I pay every month show as a charge off of my credit all out fifty four now did she make some late payments did she was a charge stopped or is that inaccurate do they need to update as paid as agreed status incorrect update as paid as agreed that can be an issue if you if that's a complete error you've never paid up on time wrong ever late nothing status needs to be updated to paid as agreed how do I get started all right pull your three credit reports the most important thing you get all three get them you can get them free usually a ten on credit report every 12 months see what's on there that's negative see how you need to repair this stuff right you can watch the videos here see where you're at then you can make a better assessment and we can help you is why you can email me we can make a better assessment on where you to start camera hi there have a question yes go ahead finally made it alive from Chicago good to see it time my credit my credit card was bought from Chase and the new company checking my credit okay this is the type of stuff this is Richard this is the type of stuff that happens with inquires this is a hard inquiry and it's not a soft poll and the difference the difference the way that you can tell the difference is one will say this is these are these effect your inquiries these are these can affect your credit and the others will say potentially don't affect your credit and typically you also see where you've pulled your own credit under the soft inquires if you've been looking at your own credit I see what apps I use and all this stuff so I see that but you'll know if it's hardened heart if that's a hard inquiry okay this is why you have that letter that says don't be pulling my credit no more show me got proof that you got the the permissible purpose delete this stuff immediately because nonsense like this happens Mike read my credit card was bought from Chase in the new company check my credit well who gave them permission to do that you didn't right so you gotta cut that stuff off live-chat popping up yes that's right don't do no don't yeah you don't want to call sacrum you got to write them in the mail we have letters for that absolutely drum guy thank you very much for the super chat I do see your question now drunk young beretta I have not seen your question you can put it up again so you 500 complaint Equifax responded to your Better Business Bureau complaint and they said hey we don't have copies of any signed contracts we don't have any proof I hope you know they need to delete this stuff right what's my next step yeah absolutely you can point the CFPB you could go to the courts if you need to and again I'm gonna give any legal advice you can talk to lawyers you talk to court legal aid there can help they they have people there people are interested I was thinking about this last night I was looking out my window and I was like man you know April goes by Ryan we're always going through our payroll stuff and you know you you're a citizen you pay for these things I'm looking around I'm like yeah you know what the libraries are helpful to me the courts are open to me you know I live in a relatively safe environment you know the I was part of the military that you know when you're paying for these services you have these services so when you go to the courts they help you a lot of people get nervous and scared yeah you can do any of these things from drunk guy okay these are your rights they straight-up said they don't have anything and this happens they eventually break they eventually say well we we don't we can't prove this stuff and this is why you get these entities involved because then they help okay yes Lee email me Lee email me right there's my email everyone can email me all right great let's see Loretta Missy don't see and I apologize I apologize if I miss Tony flakes got my repo and Capital One deleted first round excellent mr. flicks appreciate it appreciate it all right let's see I'm going back there then I apologize sometimes the chat of looking at stuff all right cool so disputed the carb note and credit card that came off but they wanted to play games and do this reinsertion now I have a reinsertion letter here and people have occasionally talked about this they're supposed to give you written notice within five days now this is what sometimes happens okay they're not able to verify within 30 days they're just not able to no one is able to verify this stuff within 30 days so they have to remove it okay then after 30 days after the process after they missed their deadline they want to say oh well no no it's good yeah no no it's it's verified quote-unquote verify okay then they provide no proof just like we've seen and they have nothing but they say oh they come back later oh yeah okay so for insertion they have to prove and show in writing no later than five business days after their insertion all right if if they have anything any if they're supposed to provide this to you within five business days of the reinsertion the bureau's you can send this right to them under Section 611 can the business name the furniture of this information telephone them they're supposed to provide this to you okay this is a serious violation of Fair Credit Reporting Act this is a big deal so they're not just allowed to do this okay and then occasionally they want to play games and try and do that you can send this reinsertion letter okay I have more than four major credit cards Tyrone Williams why have more than four major credit cards okay so Tara the highest FICO scores earners the people that have the highest FICO scores fight ko fight ko set the standards if you have close to 12 closer the closer you up to 12 the better your score is typically yeah nobody saying you gotta use all 12 yeah typically money is three and you can just use them as cash groceries gas utilities simple things that's the benefit now you nobody's saying you gotta use it all okay anything you have more available credit and you're using very little of it they love that stuff they love that they think that you can manage your credit well and they do because it can be tempting for people to have 12 credit cards to have that type of available credit and to have that discipline breeds confidence in the bank so well they in use none of my credit in years they're good we can trust them I mean think about it Tyrone you had a friend now say Tyrone Williams alright you had a friend last for a little bit alone but they never managed money in their lives yet no idea you can give a kit joke on you trust a kid with a loan who doesn't know kind of handle their money or do you trust a seasoned business entrepreneur who knows how to handle money and says hey brother let me break you off a little bit on this equity here you can give me this loan I'm gonna hook you up here and we're gonna be in business together when there's this young kid it's like hey let me get a loan from a motorcycle right you know these are fantastical ideas okay well this is what the banks are doing they're trying to see do you know how to create revenue do you know this do you know that and they use all the tools that they can now sudden I see these you have these 12 cards you've been managing them for years you know how to manage credit they feel safe somebody has one card or four cards oh hey they can manage four but can they manage 12 can they manage a big can they manage the business so that's what they're looking for so that could be potential but hey anybody got to get that right away like I said it's gonna be over years it's gonna take time anybody saying you got to do it right now if you got four cards and credit is good and you're happy it's all good stay there brother okay stay that I'm a big advocate of people working in their comfort zone in moving that comfort zone when they're ready okay when it comes to this other things been being different right when it comes to your credit you want to be cautious you want to be conscious you want to know what you're doing because people come the email all the time hey man I should have known but I shouldn't done this I shouldn't done that this is why we educate okay are the account numbers on your credit report valid for disputing Jeff returned the account numbers on your credit reports are typically partial account numbers and yes that's what I utilize that's what other people have utilize that's what we have seen years and years and again and again and again yes absolutely Jeffrey you can utilize those numbers you only ever gonna get the partial numbers because of security reasons okay can BK's be removed bankruptcy's being removed because filing dates are different from each Bureau potentially yes look they have to have this 100% accurate now what you want to do Tristan here's something that you want to be cautious up so everybody listen up and Jerome get tight brother okay it's just for the tribe get tightly tight but keep okay not that okay good what you want to be cautious of is making sure that you demand deletion because sometimes what happens people say update and you don't want to update that information you want to catch them and you want to say this is an accurate you need to delete it because if you say update you give them no okay well I guess they just want to update it uh-huh uh-huh no I'm gonna delete this okay first of all oh that's what says thank you first of all thank you for everything you're welcome Francisco Gonzalez mr. Gonzalez thank you appreciate it I have to to collections transition change the status to closed is that the same is removed no what is not notice not what do you recommend as a next step waiting on Equifax and Experian to update okay cool you could dispute it again Francisco they do this to confuse you just like you are now confuse many people oh it's closed okay hopefully they leave us alone no and is the first move to see them being able to do what they mean come on they're just doing stuff willy-nilly no it was open old novel close it why wasn't closed before so it was in a so now when you tell me as it was inaccurate before but now you're trying to play games and clothes why didn't you just delete it and why wasn't it closed before so this is the type of nonsense that they do you can dispute it again you can send your letters to the creditors or excuse me the collectors you can send your letters to the bureau's get this negative stuff delete it delete it delete it delete it delete it okay no play games oh push back they do this stuff to confuse hope they hope they hope you stop okay what's closed it's all good okay can I just few collections now or should I wait a year after it's been reported credit repair starts when it starts now okay you dispute collections now Newman am I gonna way to you ranking them put your life off twelve more months to start the process this time next year you could be having that 700 school the house that cars out whatever you're looking for waiting twelve months these collection agencies these bureaus wish you was waiting but you're not gonna wait are you okay Newman put it in the cop here new and put it in put it in the chat quit pressure starts now okay and if you're watching at home you'll watch the movie play in the comments below put credit repair starts now let me know that you start now that should getting at 6:09 now getting this beyond come in a package are you signing up with the awesome life now or you're emailing me now you're jumping on that subscribe table calm now you're hitting the subscribe button that bell for notifications now if that thumbs up one it starts now and new Nashawn smalls nishan smalls set Newman yes you can speak collect from you six or nine lives even dispute with your collection letters as well I stopped using a checking account and there was some unpaid fees and they put a charge off on my report okay not only can you dispute that you want to check your Lexus net excuse me your check systems LexisNexis and check systems to work together if you freeze your LexisNexis they can't pull from check system that's what I was thinking but I check your check systems check your early warnings dispute that stuff out of there if it's there okay chipmunk three one three TransUnion deleted two collections experienced deleted four and Equifax hasn't done nothing yet okay then we got anything yet from the first round of letters I just wanted to say thank you thank you chipmunk three one three for letting us know that you're starting to get your first round results in two deletions from TransUnion for deletions from Experian nothing quite yet from Equifax but it's gonna have I've seen it for myself or some bureaus will delete things in other bills not send your next round of disputes okay get this stuff knocked off Kid Flash om stars Klem stop oh must das mr. Weber so good to be here unfortunately I got a rush off to work I work seven days a week good on you Kid Flash for making it here though I appreciate it recently signed up with awesome last group alg all customer reps are fantastic thank you I appreciate you for letting us know Kid Flash enjoy your ability to go out there and succeed provide for yourself and your family and working seven days a week I'll tell you what I likes to work seven days a week of myself it's a pleasure there was a time when I couldn't work with my knees my hips my pain my agony but now I can be able to service and a lot of that medical stuff is the reason why I had all this credit issues you know so everybody's going through something and I appreciate you being here so I can help you get through that something and get you to the other side okay okay put my email here try to put it in here every so often is I'm sure we have new people joining us and we have people that may not have seen my email prior but these emails that I'm getting have a great time and let's see 21 email me great alright get back to these questions get these answers video helping you out if it sums up you're watching the replay give a thumbs up I appreciate apologize sometimes I have to go back the check is new chance will change the Chia you you guys understand I'm working I'm doing back and forth I'll put the credit prayer starts in house don't guess but credit bear starts now it's starting yesterday I love it young bread yes I disputed student loans for my friend and they removed it it's possible good job young beretta beretta I think so I hope that some pronounce that right that's it yes a disputed student loan from my friend and they removed it it's possible good to hear how can I remove a closed account on my credit report alright so specificity is important the specific nature of the account the trade not the closed account that charge off the collection a closed account in an open account little broad it's not a specific what's important is what that closed account is and get emails like this sometimes comments questions concerns hey what about a closed account Brennan well you want to be specific about it is it a collection is it a charge office of repossession its foreclosures lien is it you know what is it if it's a closed account it was on time all the time you just leave it alone I feel positive you leave it alone just because it's closed doesn't necessarily make it negative now typically it is people are talking about closed accounts in their charge offs typically is what I'm saying so you can dispute with the bureau's but if that closed account is not negative don't do nothing because it's helping your credit if it's all paid on time all the time and you happen to close it for some reason and I did it when I was younger I closed accounts I didn't know any better or add an annual fee right and you want to close it out hey so be it but leave it alone now here are some reasons why your credit card would be closed a size from it being negative and asides from you closing it and I've had credit cards closed credit card companies brands change hands so you know a lot of people have seen that I travel with the credit card miles for free and the hotels for free that kind of stuff I'd like to do the free trial I think it's a great value can't get any better than free really right so I'll hand or have had credit cards from years ago and I've had open and they had a specific hotel attached to them the hotel was purchased the company was purchased by another hotel and the brand of the company changed so the credit card changed so one of the cars was closed and changed into a new card some brands lose loyalty if you guys know Amex I think used to be in Costco or Visa or vice versa and now those cards have changed some businesses change some businesses don't have their cards anymore it's not wrong and usually doesn't change your credit or anything of this nature it's not your fault but you might have a closing you don't need to dispute that you can leave that alone okay there's all sorts of reasons there's reasons why statuses will change and remarks will change on your credit report okay I went through what I was living in an area that had a national disaster relief I know some people have had national disaster relief as well and it changed and updated my status on there the remarks and I had to work with it and fix it and repaired and all that stuff it was normal I didn't have any delayed payments on because the status changed affected my credit that was different it was very specific so the specificity of what you're going through is important so close the account let me know what kind of closed account and then I can better readily advise but if you're going through it and you want to know what your closed accounts are take a look your reports see if they're reporting anything negative to see if you need to dispute it see if you need to get the good wills the disputes whatever it's okay oh and another thing about these hard inquires people still sometimes get these trick debate so you get tricked at the dealership yeah if you're watching anything about purchasing vehicle please try to get financing outside the dealership call your local bank or your local credit game because if your credit score isn't that strong and you start running in a bunch each inquiry usually is about five points but if your credit score is already low it's already weakened it's going to be more than that it could be seven points would be ten points it could be a lot more okay so you want to guard those harden car is at every stage including when your credit score may not be as strong because it could be more difficult on your score it could be having more of an impact on your score when it's a little bit less okay it's kind of like when you're exercising and you have an exercise in the wall and you try real quick get back in the gym or yoga or whatever's run real fast you notice your body isn't able to handle as much work capacity you're not able to do as much as quick when you used to run to three miles when you were young used to work out all the time we could do more exercising more lifts and all this stuff now you have to come back gently to it gently to it until you're stronger and then you can handle it right that's kind of the same thing with building that's what we say building you're quite a building body building body building credit building building right think of it that way so it may take some time may take some time to rebuild but once you are you're off to the races okay so just be cautious when you're applying for a new credit when you are building your credit while you're repairing your credit okay let's see Joshua I disputed because it was reported as a line of credit I'm not seeing your full question there Josh my email up here okay all right what is the difference between business credit and personal credit great question so and how can you obtain business credit it just depends when I was starting out getting business credit and we are working on no personal guarantee business credit on our companies when I was starting out I used my own personal credit score to get business credit and the reason and I went through it I had credit cards that were reporting to my personal side even though they were business credit Capital One is one of them but you want to separate your business credit from your personal credit why why would you want to do that okay well the big thing is the utilization you start using your credit and you're using your business you may not you may not you might not pay it off right away okay you might have to hold the balance for a little bit you might be getting on your feet you might have to get product supplies and there's all sorts of things until you start selling and making money and getting clients on stuff it may take a minute might take a month or two or three where you need a little time they know that and a lot of these business credit cards have 0% six months 12 months 18 months so you don't have you can pet you paying your minimum right you gotta pay your minimum but you're not getting that interest rate it's almost like having three months oh yeah it's not in your personal utilization not affecting your credit your personal credit you've got something just in your company's name right you got something in the company's name able to make purchases start a business six months twelve months paying the minimum carrying a small balance able to start your company six months twelve months eighteen and then when things rocking alone for your company you paying this off it's powerful that question like that that's something that should be taught in school yeah hey here's how you can get a business credit card this is how you can start a business this is this is why it's all available to you now because this is what people require now people want to know you can do this for yourself you can dispute these negative nasty items you can get your credit score where it needs to be where you can get a couple of business credit cards and start your business 609 credit we can do the work for you at the awesome life group come and I'll put my email in here again pretty soon we're gonna go and we're gonna enjoy this holiday weekend okay if you've got some big plans this holiday weekend all right enjoy enjoy this is your time okay so pretty soon we're gonna get off of here we're gonna do a couple more questions couple more answers and we're gonna let y'all enjoy your holiday weekend all right see what we got here yes Kid Flash I put my email I did did address thank you it will be getting that individual to the other side okay okay I did pronounce that right young Berta kid flash bout to head into knee surgery on Monday we spoke on the phone a couple years ago my financial profile has turned around because of you thank you for working persons superstar thank you kid flash fantastic good luck with your knee surgery as well Christopher Hopkins your brand your YouTube pages great thank you alright let's see thumbs up excellent kid flash got a limo run work Thank You mr. Weaver thank you appreciate let's see here not posting it can take time for some of these other trade lines to post people said hey no they post what I've had emails from people saying oh yeah they posted it just took some time I've had people on the comments actually say they do post it just can take a little time senator collection age because they're showing up on my credit poor I'm not sure what that is em waving hi Brandon hi hi P do I change the unverified account section when using the letters thank you okay so on your 609 dispute letters you're sending in these letters you dispute typically what you're asking for what you're demanding is verification which you're allowed to do on your rights Fair Credit Reporting Act so you're putting under their on verified accounts do you change that section you may or may not need to change that section it just depends if you're disputing the entire account is an unverified account you can leave it as this if you're just reading just the unverified late payments you can put on verified late payments if it's a duplicate account you put unverified duplicate account if the status is incorrect delete or update depends because some individual was saying that it was reporting as a char job but they were on time all the time I on this happen update to paid as agreed you can't so the typically it's on verified account but if you need to you can change it if you need help you can email me six or nine credit Predacon working to the work for it the awesome life group come on and put my email here one more time I want you to go enjoy your holiday weekend Jose V hears that I removed seven out of my 12 collections on my first run of letters gracias Brandon you rock I appreciate you thank you so much for being here thank you so much for coming in on a Saturday put my email one more time okay I really do I really do appreciate being here I was worried about like man is Saturday I gotta I was I was I guess at an hour I can't wait I can't wait to get on this last room that I was I was were there for a minute was hard to get on but it all worked out everything's good so I'm very excited that I was able to get on and go live with you guys it's been a pleasure please give a thumbs up if this video helps you out and until I see you in person I will see you on the other side take care
Channel: Brandon Weaver
Views: 9,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HOW TO REMOVE INQUIRIES CHARGE-OFFS COLLECTIONS, 609 credit repair, charge-offs, how to remove charge offs from credit report, how to remove collections from your credit report, inquiries, how to remove collections, how to remove hard inquiries off your credit report, credit repair, credit report, fix credit, credit repair services, fico, raise credit score, diy credit repair, how to increase credit score, how to fix bad credit, help, collections, hard inquiries
Id: qlqwwdINM5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 7sec (3787 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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