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eight we are loud it it's gonna mind coming sure my mic is nice and close there we go so today we're gonna get started if you're watching the replay of this this was on Saturday live streaming so hit the subscribe button hit the bell for notifications so you can get all this content live and in-person with me talking to you in doing all of your q and a's giving you great you know content here to repair your credit all right so hey Brandon Weaver hey diamonds e transport thank you so much for being on our live web web web stream i like to do it twice to see if I'm glitching out save up at furries numbers playing with y'all free livestream appreciate y'all comin of angel appreciate you being here a few people are trickling in I need your number all right I'm gonna put this number up on the screen here in just a minute now we're gonna talk about a few things as we go through this Saturday good Saturday alright so pivot Saturday you Angelo what up Brad what up Angelo Dennis yo angel Jerome stop playing games my cameraman Jerome is playing games hey mr. Weaver coming from GA good see you to recess you from Georgia whoa Jennifer hey Jennifer we've been emailing back and forth says hey Brandon got 60 points from Equifax deleted account congratulations Jennifer appreciate you being here on the live stream subscribe tribo to 20 subscribe tribe kay what's up hey what's up how are you doing Anthony motorcoach what up Brandon from Georgia what up good to see you good to see y'all from Georgia how much business credit Coast and how long it takes receive it how much business credit what does that diamonds what are you trying to ask can you type that up again how much business credit how much business credit can you get how long does it take to receipt is that what you're asking Brennan I'm gonna tack on my bankruptcy alright tackle that bankruptcy we know bankruptcies guys we've been talking about bankruptcy a lot okay bankruptcy you want to attack LexisNexis pacer all right pacer gov and you want to go ahead and attack the three credit bureaus all right make sure you get all that knocked out start with the LexisNexis usually when it comes off LexisNexis it'll come off the three bureaus after you dispute with the three bureaus how much how much is business credit cost diamonds yes how long does it take okay if you want to do business credit with the personal guarantee and your business credit is good 720 and above you want to go into direct funding you can do that or you can do what they call stacking and you can apply for all your business credit accounts all at once all in one day it's easier to go through someone like us who have relationships with banks already and it's gonna look a lot better for you usually it's a percentage of your funding if it's personal guarantee and you want to get up to 150 K you can do that usually within about 30 days if it's going through our program with no personal guarantee there's a fee to that for us helping you to do that it usually takes about six months 50k usually a mix of store cards bend the cards that kind of stuff and then cash cards can you get business credit with a low personal credit score if you're not personally guaranteeing it if you're not giving your credit score for that business credit yes if you are personally guaranteeing it so the reason some people personally guarantee these credit cards is because you can very quickly go in with your own good personal credit score a high personal credit score and get large amounts of funding without having to build up your business first okay because building business credit is like building your own personal credit it just takes time so yes you could do with low personal credit score as long as you're not giving that low personal credit score but if you want to give a good personal credit score it's gonna be about 720 above yeah whoa john-paul hey John Paul I've eliminated ten thousand dollars in medical debt using your advice currently working on beating and garnishment congratulations John ten grand saving money right here this what I'm saying if your watch the replay hit the subscribe button people are saving thousands of dollars that's people going up alright yes Bella good to see Bella yes I think I've been asking you Bella to email me did you eat you haven't emailed me have you an email Team B we've at gmail.com [Music] on the chat right now I would I've been wanting to reach out to you and talk to you Bella you wanted to talk to us ALG you can definitely talk to me all I have is your handle here Bella wah-wah we don't have that we don't have Bella wallah in our accounts I've been looking I messaged you on comments and YouTube so please email me alright great no I never saw your phones thank you you're very welcome you're you're very welcome I want to make sure that we have good communication that's why I'm here with you I will email you now thank you so much there's my email again just an email give me your full name everything so I can look you up in our accounts so I can reach out to you all right personally all right bought your course last week great info Donny yes thank you I appreciate you whoa Jose hey you changed my life when I cleared six thousand dollars and got a gold American Express and three cards from Chase Jose congratulations mr. Perez loose man six grand congratulations again if you're watching this replay if you're watching live hit the subscribe button give the thumbs up for these people getting gold MX three cards from chase chase now here's the thing chase will sometimes give big big bonus they'll give big lines of credit okay big lines of credit cuz they also has an auto loan with only three point nine seven percent three point nine seven percent Jose congratulations brother thank you thank you for entrusting us and helping you get this done and if you want to get this done 609 credit repair.com or you can have us do it for you at the awesome Life Group calm all right I'll send you proof Jose send me proof send me proof I'm gonna put my email here again we're gonna share with everybody all right now we got some people trickling in here on the Saturday afternoon lovely Saturday afternoon so I'm gonna get to some of the meat and potatoes of our content all right all branding I emailed you last week never go make sure make sure you're emailing the right I'm putting my email everywhere TV we've at gmail.com okay I respond I sit here all the time responding to emails I'm gonna email you right now sometimes people put an R at the end of it some people miss the B so occasionally people will say well I sent you an email I'm like well let's double check I got your email and a big thing too if you want to put your email there it makes a lot easier just know yeah okay cool right take you put your email there all for brandy just emailed you all right hey Melinda nice hey Brandon hasn't even been 30 days of my score went up 45 points congratulations Melinda Congrats Congrats Congrats Allen Johnson good to see you here brother hey Brandon I you know what I've seen you on some of the comments Allen I really appreciate you being on a you know subscriber watching all the content I appreciate you all guys watching all the content okay great Sean let me get in the mean potatoes of this I got a good question for y'all is it is starting a company better with an aged company when it comes to establishing business credits so Toni toné just asked is starting a company better with an aged company or is it better as for establishing business credit all right yes it's called a shelf corporation not shell corporation shelf corporation because it's on the shelf so to do so you're gonna have to the reason I don't go through this whole process and teach everybody this because it is very extensive for you to figure out what kind of company is best for you so this has a lot of tax liabilities fees for the state that kind of stuff okay so yes a shelf corporation this how you do it so you have to go to a secretary of state website in that state you don't have to be in that state okay you can get your corporation your shelf corporation in Florida you get a California you could get in Vermont you could get in Delaware you can get a wyoming nevada wyoming nevada have some really strong LLC corporation S Corp C Corp strength for you guys okay the other thing Florida is also very user-friendly on their websites what you do is these old corporations or older corporation let's say they're old and all messed up or whatever but people aren't using them they maybe have gone to funked you might have to pay a fee to reinsert reinstate them with the state and whatever state you're in you can get them foreign qualified so for let's say you're in New York you get a corporation that's from Nevada that's a shelf corp it's three five six years old already and chem it's got age on it because some vendors want to see that you've been in business two three four years okay so you've got age on your corporation already you purchase it from Nevada State you know get it back into good standing and then you foreign qualify it in your state if you're in like New York or if you're in Florida or if you're in Maine or whatever you born qualified in there so you can do business in your state the reason I'm always cautious about these age companies you got to make sure that these companies don't have any outside liabilities like creditors coming for them dad's liens taxes fees from the state fees from government all that stuff so starting new can be fresh and good for you but yes an older corporation could give you some business credit and if you have done in Bradstreet they have a special thing where you can actually see all business credit from anyone you can pull business credit from anywhere so you can look at that corporation's business credit already a minor you have some set up so you might be able to buy a shelf corporation from Nevada or Florida or something like that by the Corp get it all squared away in your name foreign qualified and you might have business credit with no personal guarantee for that company already but it's a bit more complicated because you want to make sure there's no outsides outstanding debts or things that people are coming for for that Corp okay so all right one crazy to keep up the good work thank you very much I appreciate it Alan just trying to get to the other side all right is credit Sesame accurate no credit system is not very accurate the most important psycho score the most important score you're looking for is the FICO score the credit Sesame is a vantage score I think credit system you only gives you too much like Credit Karma it's not real it only gives you kind of a barometer and even then it's not the strongest all right so I would say get on a much better accurate FICO score my FICO if you can for two if nanyue using the credit Sesame's and whatnot the credit Carmel is the best your ability all right okay so had a question here from one the comments and keep putting your questions in here yeah Lisa neither is credit card not very accurate this is something called an exercise in equity okay so Mitchell another subscribed tribe member had a question upon reading your e-book about the student loans disputing them and asking for the original instrument of indebtedness in original form he was wondering if it would work on big banks okay and other things other forms all right so oh let's see maybe there was a mixup Rhonda make sure your email was correct what is your email I have my email they purchased it maybe you put in the wrong email or whatnot I see I see your question here Rhonda please please email me reach out to me right now let me know can you please email us back and you not really okay yes what is your email okay great so all right just need your email see that that email okay okay there are ancient laws that erase all debts exactly okay great so we're bye so okay great so let me get back into the soul can you discharge okay so you potentially can great and got your email right here we'll send this off to you as I speak all right so the idea is an exercise in equity so in the ebooks you get at 6:09 creditrepair.com we have a letter which I'm going to read to you here and it's gonna teach you how to ask for the original instrument of the Destiny indebtedness in its original form whether it's a promissory note a contract mortgage note a car note bank statements that must be ratified I'm gonna tell you about bank statements that must be ratified with an original contract okay so you're gonna give bank statements from these creditors or collectors and they'll say all sorts of crazy wild things and they'll say oh you owe this or you owe that you have to have a contract between them ratifying those statements so I'm gonna walk you through this process okay I'm gonna say here I'm just gonna shoot off one email to you individuals here make sure that you got what you need and and we're going to talk about a secret Bureau that you go and I think you might have seen it in my other stuff if you're watching my videos you might have seen it but it's a secret Bureau that Equifax actually has that you cannot lock up online you actually have to call and there is you know how Equifax got you know now they just slip in and tripping how they letting all our information out you have to lock this Bureau a lot of people don't know hey officer I bought about your package good stuff okay Rhonda just emailed all right here we go put this sucker up secrets and tips and shapes okay now you want to get the holy book walk you through the process but I want you to see the letter see what it's like okay got it good now this the e-book the videos to walk you through the process but you got a little glimpse on what it looks like all right now this is a letter that you can send to credit card base Sloane's mortgage this is a process this is the other side okay this is not all the credit pair sighs you still want to get 609 credit pair com you won't meet you six online letters but this is another letter to help you out okay I would like to make arrangements to settle above referenced matter please provide me a statement of the amounts that I quote unquote Oh together with your shuns accepting directed media exchange for the original instrument of a tetanus in its original form now a lot of people will freak out they'll say hey you know am I gonna have to pay them right away if they send it what they're gonna do is they're gonna send you a copy okay they're gonna send you a copy if if they have it if they have it now with me with my student loans I didn't find this information so much later I was already close to paying it off fortunately lucky lucky have it or whatever but they sent me a copy okay and I didn't want to deal with it any further so just did my pay and I could delete the negative I had a lot of late payments and I was able to update those deposits so I'm good on top payment history which is great but other people have utilized this stuff and they have not been able to find the master promissory note or I've heard of people I know of one individual where they couldn't find the mortgage note and they had to discharge that and take it off of his credit report okay so this is one of the letters there's another letter here and camp it's another letter okay we have multiple letters multiple rounds for this all right so you'll get statements back sometimes right so you've sent some confirmed statements that I send that evidence of the indebtedness of the bank okay accordingly would you please confirm that the agreement exists between us which ratifies the specific application of these statements confirms me and to the party obligate or to the bank will be delivered to me the original instrument of indebtedness in this original form in exchange for payment of the obligation of the above reference account all that good stuff so this is when they try and send statements back now you can do this Rhonda thank you you're very welcome you can do this for collectors okay you can do this for banks credit cards more this is allowed this is your right under contract on of course I'm not a lawyer I can't give legal advice educational information for you guys alright okay obviously I erase tax liens ancient law of all vacated pursuant to federal rules excellent fantastic work so there are options out there for you so you can you can dispute 609 letters we've got section 16 81 section 611 it's all there for you at 609 credit procom if you're watching the replay you can get this you can get letters of egg to exercise your equity now what happens at the end of this if they don't provide you information just kind of like the collectors don't write just kind of like the collectors don't and you can send them this letter okay if you don't get this information back to them and if they can't comply within about 30 days of sending these letters you send a letter letter letter finally you okay you're gonna send a third letter is what collectors will do they'll send you a letter and they'll say oh well you owe such-and-such and if you don't pay within 30 days or you don't respond to us within 30 days we're just gonna assume this debt is yours you can do it the same way okay it's like well apparently you've overlooked or ignored my request to confirm that you can accept this payment video the alleged obligation alright if you don't respond back 30 days I will conclude that you are unable or unwilling to comply in therefore consider this matter to be legally and financially settled it's a tacit agreement okay use their own tricks against them alright use their own tricks against them this is some of the information that it's available to you and you can get this at 609 credit repair.com or we can do it for you at the on select group com alright so thanks this is great information must email you as soon as possible awesome fantastic all right now let's see what else we have a and see what we get what we got we've got some questions all right you may want to try for my droid clubhead and chase there are two more Brennan talks about oh yes okay so primary tradelines okay and late payments off your student loans okay great so primary tradelines I'm talking about primary tradelines why do we talk about primary tradelines versus authorizing you to trade lines so much okay the reason is that primary tradelines usually will have a larger limit in your name and they look better for mortgage loans first of all for your mortgage and in general they get weighted differently in your algorithm for FICA and a you trade line can stay on there for a very long time it looks good but even so what we found out with when I put a lot of I put a lot of au trade lines on my friends okay no she had a bunch but they were still wanted to see some primary lines right so the credit score was way up in 700 but they were like oh we still want to see some primary lines so new Coast Direct okay and the my jewelry club car great yeah those both will give you five thousand each that's ten thousand total got the HUD chase ox publishing is the other one that I talked about so thank you a lot and these are primary lines for you these are known as like subprime kind of lending so speak write you will get approved for them you cannot be in an effective bankruptcy right you can't be going through bankruptcy but once it's done and finished you're good so dismiss discharge you're fine okay you want to make sure that you get good revolving credit back on your credit report even after you know you dispute or whatnot you get the negative off you want to start building up again right so secure cards are okay but having a primary line that's unsecured that five thousand ten thousand worth that it's much stronger give that revolving now again revolving debt revolving credit is important revolving is great you also need secured or unsecured doesn't matter installment loans okay installment loans self lender you guys hear me talk about self lender a lot if you're not getting a mortgage you're not getting a car loan and you need for some reason you know you're in the subprime category self lender will be your next best bet so now you've got primary tradelines you've got self lender you're disputing with the six or nine letters you get negative stuff off people are scores are going through the roof then you want to as you get towards the end of it up into seven hundreds you want to get that open and AMEX card we've talked about that before you have all three you've got your revolving credit you've got your installment loan and you've got your open end okay MX's and that'll get you up into the top tier long credit history okay when should I get a trade line in for my scores five thirty I'm trying to buy a home okay so when purchasing a home you are in a rather specific situation right so you're trying to purchase a home so you would like to if you can avoid avoid avoid hard inquiries for two years if you can okay if you can so five thirty you want to get up higher okay are you going for an FHA are you going for you know inste Freeman Marcos installment loan what's installment loan as someone loans like a mortgage car note just a loan there's loan that you pay on in installments so it just depends on what your needs are and where you're trying to get a keep going with the FHA you going to Knakal you get the VA they all have their own lowest score possible stuff if you can FHA great so an FHA loan they have really allowed for lower psychos okay now it just depends because you want to make sure you're getting the best rate for yourself right so I think 580 and above they're willing to to go for nowadays and you said you have a five [Music] then you're pretty close so you might just want to get all the negative items off your report you get all those negative items off your score should go up try to keep the hard inquiries to a minimum all right they really don't want to see any number two years they want to say that you're stable I think for two years working at the same place for two years in the same industry you find out now if you're no this is the thing if your interest rate is too high then you might have to start doing more and get your primary lines now you are going to want to look at this as okay I'm gonna get a house when it's right for me instead of like oh I'm gonna get a house yesterday a lot of people wanna get a house yesterday and they're trying to rush their credit repair trying to rush and trying to put all these primary lines a pro I use or whatnot make sure the timing is right for you and it makes sense for you because your specific situation is different then you know everybody else is so I want to make sure that you're okay how to remove judgments from a timeshare oh yeah we'll get to that okay time shares are pain in the ass judgments are public records doesn't need to be removed actually all I think bankruptcy is the only one that are logged be on there right now but it should be in LexisNexis if it's a public record rip it out of there we know to dispute with six or nine letters with LexisNexis and you can dispute public records judgments right with the three bureaus make sure through that damn I'm late drew it's all good thank you for showing up if you're just showing up now I appreciate you we were about 90 and then people strong here thank you for all the thumbs up and all the love I really appreciate you if you are watching the replay please hit the subscribe button like this it's helping you out really really like spending time with you guys and answering your questions so hit the bell for notifications so next time I go live you know what I'm doing it let's see here are you saying you trained okay how can you remove a lien from timeshare off your credit report again all this time so here's the thing I'm gonna talk to you guys about timeshares - you guys seem interest in timeshare right now there is a procedure to remove your name off the deed of the timeshare so I don't know if you have this lien because your timeshare is paid off and you you are just paying the the taxes on it or whatnot but but I saw a question I'm gonna have to look into that question but if you're not right you haven't paid it off and you want to get out of your timeshare there are companies and procedures out there I don't really work with that because it's the timeshares I hate I hate time shifts they I personally I don't know you know if it's working out for you fantastic phenomenal but you can do a simple procedure to remove your name off the mortgage and you can give it back to them a lot of times people don't know they feel like they're trapped up in it again the liens all this stuff you want to also make sure that they still have the original contract so like what we talked about you exercise their equity see if they have the notes part man some dog for Oprah but I see if they have the note and see if they can actually substantiate their claim all right disputed all the LexisNexis disputed off the three bureaus see if there is in accuracies in their reporting okay they might say you owe a certain amount when you don't it could be off by $10 $20 $100 all right now let's see see what we got see what we got two courts Lauper's equity yeah I do understand that do understand ah all right working and buying your books tonight thank you by the books tonight 609 credit per calm fantastic okay okay so I have a charge off auto loan that has different open dates Ken in accuracy number one could be violation number one you asked them to verify that if they can't automatic deletion this is why you want to get the letters at six and I credit pretty um because because it actually asked them to delete or demands them excuse me demands them to delete stuff they cannot 100% substantiate okay monthly payment on two bureaus and highest balance is zero dollars on one and correct balance on the other bureaus what step so it takes to dispute this is great they're all messed up as they normally are okay unverified balance unverified high balance unverified opening date unverified accounts okay you can put all that on your letters all of that all of those violations can go in there you can ask them to verify all of that please delete all of this information immediately upon correspondence right if 30 days to prove to you that all this is true and then better send back not only the substantiation that it's yours but that the balance is correct that the open date is correct the close day all this stuff they have over 300 things 300 little little things they have to adhere to the bureau's okay 325 plus or something crazy like this something crazy okay they have to adhere to every little thing and any little little little thing that's wrong is a violation can be a violation and in in these violations does it's got actually money on Pocket or at least deletions I've seen people go to court and they get this stuff deleted I've actually seen settlements with big banks okay work in the community I've met other people they've showed meme their lawyers and who they've worked with in the settlements they've gotten and it's it's substantial it's very impressive alright oh all right hmm okay repo sold at auction on balance difference okay cool so the repossession again we want to make sure that they gave you the opportunity to purchase your vehicle back okay they gave you the letter of deficiency they sent you the information certified mail prior to repossessing your information let me go ahead and pull up my repossession information for y'all because repossession seem to be a common thread among a lot of individuals out there going through hard times right you get your car so you can go to work so you can live your life and then all of a sudden maybe the bottom falls out and now you're like well something happened job you know wasn't all bad or whatever and couldn't make the payment but you got the car who's trying to get to work right and this happens a lot so let me pull up my repo information for you I'm gonna let you know right now how more specifically because we talk in generalities a lot okay now they have to have under your new CC code in your state okay provide copies of legal notice and proof of the commercially reasonable manner of the resale of subject field if no proof is provided within a mount of 15-day period the alleged claim of deficiency which you owe what you say is about six grand will be considered null and void in any continued collection activities or continued reporting of this invalid claim on my reports will be considered a violation of the FDCPA NF CRA in addition goes on so forth and so on about federal laws and state laws and all that good stuff give this at 6:09 creditrepair.com this can help you out okay all right so Raven this is great okay occasionally some stuff will keep quote-unquote coming back all right 623 method send letters to the collectors make sure that you have gotten a shot to talk to the original creditors and the collectors so they can't wrap themselves up by not providing you any statements right that are substantiated by a sign contrary talked earlier about this you can send letters to exercise your equity and see an original instrument of indebtedness in its original form and if they send bank statements ok you can send a letter back saying hey we need something that substantiates this together alright so once they don't provide you any of that information you go to small claims court you take them to court for violations you make $1,000 per violation we have a how to sue and win without a lawyer at six on my credit pair comm all right if you need help with this and you have questions and concerns you can email me okay and people do that people go to small claims that when often they like I said settlements significant settlements violation of rights deletions all this stuff so you you're okay I know it's not easy but you can take them to court you have that CFPB to complain to Better Business Bureau to complain to people have gotten the repossessions off just complain with the CFPB I've seen it personally okay so just depends in what situation would you ignore what's on your report to not worry about any removals good question Freeman okay so if everything's positive okay if everything's positive you can leave that alone you're very welcome [Music] [Applause] everything's positive you can leave it alone right you have nothing to do that you don't have to worry about disputing what you want to do in that process if you want to boost your score do some of the secrets that we've talked about here making sure you get that open end MX card make sure you have an installment loan on there make sure you have all good on time payment history make sure you have a revolving credit guys you want to have a lot of available credit honestly you want to have a lot of available credit that you don't really utilize okay maybe just a little bit 2% 5% you know people say 30% there's paint on your cards right if you have true all right drew we won't talk about that if you have all good on time payment history to maintain those cards open leave them open a lot of people think Oh while I'm not using this card I'm gonna close it I made that mistake when I was younger I wish I had kept cards open a store card that I paid off and I never thought I was gonna use it again so I closed she'll just left it open the stores out of business nowadays but whatever same thing with another I remember guys remember Compu us at a store card with them they closed all right I should just left that open forever so you know it's kind of a crazy situation if you have everything good on time payment history you want to make these strides to increase increase your credit all right oh-ho all right Christmas tree now Christmas this is a great question what about stuff that's been deleted because the collection agency didn't respond in 30 or 45 days and then respond about 50 days or more and the credit bureaus put that collection back on your report now what all right they're not allowed to do that they're not allowed to do that they're not allowed to do that and I'm gonna read you this letter right now about reinsertion and I think you guys know and have seen the reinsertion letter okay get a lot of this stuff that we're talking about and get all this stuff at 609 credit peridot coming for watching replay the on committed package now I'm gonna read this real quick - you don't want to or you with the you know all this stuff but it says I noticed these items have been reinserted on my credit report in accordance with the recommendations excuse me in accordance with requirements of the FCRA as shown below and so we quote 611 UCS Code 1681 is the big is the big guys 1681 and then 609 611 we got we have it all there for you all right 609 credit pair Thomas I'm hereby requesting your complete compliance with these provisions they enough to have a certification that basically it says if any information was deleted okay it has to have subsists to be substantiated again with the original provider of the furniture of that information to reinsert it in the file and to do so they have to send you something within a five by five business days okay you know the mail you guys a snail mail alright five business days after the reinsertion they have to send you something in the mail certified saying that the reinserting okay so as part of or in addition to the notice under this clause the consumer reporting agency the credit bureaus shall provide to a consumer in writing no later than five business days after reinsertion date it goes on to list what they have to say I received no such notification this is a serious violation of the FCRA and I reserve the right to pursue further action you consume you need to delete it immediately all that good stuff that needs to happen for you alright they can't be putting this stuff back on they just cannot be putting this stuff back on alright and I appreciate you for answering that question because people will say oh I got this deletion now if you've got it deleted okay and you see it in black and white delete it you circle it deleted you send in your reinsertion letter you can send in the letter and any time honestly because people some people send multiple disputes and they'll have like inquiries in their personal profile and freeze letters and you'll have your disputes in if that happened immediately get on it send it track it right get that certified and get ready to complain and see if could be or taking the court very quickly you don't want to wait on that because then it'll get lingered in them like oh well you didn't say that we didn't know they play games they play all sorts against all right hmm minimum email me all right how do I handle pay for delete with the original creditor no collection agency reporting okay cool so we have a letter for pay for deletion which is fantastic you can call them and ask them to do it okay sometimes I'll say no sometimes they're uptight about it or whatever okay but this is what's interesting if you alright thank you we'll do email me thank you this is what I happen and this is what has happened to me I've done a pay-for deletion in the past at a Firestone credit card there was actually collector reporting and I decided that I was gonna go to the original people up and pay them I'm gonna say take off the collector which they did I'll pay I got it in writing they fax it to where I was working and they said okay cool we will you pay it and then we'll delete okay none problem sometimes they don't want to do that but I wasn't able to do it with something else but I was able to pay it because it was not it wasn't that big of a deal for me and then I disputed it with my six or nine letters and my validation letters and I got it off and I got things to update to positive alright hey jason says why does Dave Ramsey pupu credit and what are your thoughts on him interesting huh well um you know I I just try and do our own thing here and do the absolute best we can I think he probably is providing some great resources for individuals out there I'm not sure why he would be down on credit but in general okay someone might not be up hip and want to let people out the gate and educate them on credit they'll just say oh you know well you know don't use credit because X wines that you can get into trouble with if you know how to use your credit properly leverage it pay on time build credit history do what you need to do with your credit to build your business to leverage to have people paint your mortgage a lot of people are cash flowing houses out there that's debt that's credit right that's an asset so I think the concern with people is that you are frightened that someone who might get into a sticky situation like some people are now and they come to this channel and they need help right so if someone is down on credit I think it's just kind of a concern in a warrior and they want to make sure that people are well taken care of for a long time I didn't utilize credit after I didn't that didn't have credit I was frightened by it I didn't know how to utilize it I think once you get the education behind it you can utilize it much stronger and I think that goes for a lot of things stock market you know how to have cash flow real estate you know even even people who are worried about technology nowadays or social media or you know older generations that don't know how to utilize like a live stream here right so in the beginning I used to do mostly just record videos that's what I understood live stream I'm like all this is fantastic I'm able to connect with once you get the education process down and go through some of the growing pains like to get a microphone right had a good mic so yeah you have to take the time on a Saturday and learn about what Credit Karma is what's credit Sesame is and understand the difference yeah Carlos de Bremen's and gives great advice I think so too he probably does I I should probably watch some more individuals out there but I try to make sure that you know I'm just kind of sticking to what we got and helping you guys so I yeah exactly and to each his own you can get the help that you need I think he's got great debt plans and all that good stuff so fantastic Wow if you want to eliminate those debts when I hit that subscribe button if you want to get that credit squared away knock it out you wanna hit that subscribe button hit that notification belt the notifications and get on the subscribe tribe and when you do put subscribe shot down below yes so and the big thing is anybody out there who is helping people I am for I think it's great so you know to tweet is this like a yes this is live your live you can ask some questions okay what are the next steps if your lease ends and want to obtain your current lease car unfortunately made the mistake of going through the dealership bank please help right so you have a okay you have the option to purchase a leased vehicle from when the lease is right you don't have to get financing through the company unless of course you sign something saying that you absolutely had to get financing but from my understanding Elyse they're not allowed to do that right so you should be able to buy Brandon's tactics the Renaissance of thank you very much you should be able to get your own financing with your local credit union okay of course you went through the leasing of the original contract with the lease for the company but that wasn't a purchase agreement right a pio or a contract for purchase so you should still be able to purchase through your credit union go get the funds because they're just gonna want their money the bank your credit union or your local banker whatever can cut you a check for interest rate for that loan you can go and go purchase the lease now leasing a car and buying a car all up to you and what you need for your needs but think of a lot like renting or purchasing uh-huh right so you have an asset or a liability and if you're putting money into it you actually can sell the car at the end of your term when you purchase vehicle at the end of at least you have to turn on the lease or purchase the car so you kind of like paying for the rental but but a lot of stuff the maintenance they take care of a lot of those other things so just check what's best for you a long-term commitment to purchasing a vehicle might wind up actually doing better long term because you make an you can drive the car to the wood the wheels fall off right literally but you you have the maintain that you calm that kind of stuff so look into it and see what's what hey first-time coach catching you live hey well thank you for catching alive I appreciate it guys appreciate it get your questions in we're gonna try and get a few more in here hey all right kala kalah Burks hey Brennan I'm on my first round only one account was deleted congratulations one round was one account was deleted your first round okay the bureau's it's been 30 days they updated the other accounts but I haven't been provided proof should I call them yeah so you haven't provided proof so you got some deletions this could happen right you get some deletions it's why I have multiple rounds the next letter you send out is your method of verification you don't have to call them you want to get a call to delete immediately you can do that right you could do that but what's gonna happen is you're gonna be on hold with wherever they're overseas the Philippines or India or wherever their customer service they're not gonna really know they and I've heard recordings of done recordings I've made calls I've seen my business partner make calls it's a payment button send a letter certified ask them their method of verification send collection validation letters send the 623 method letter trap them up that way so you do your own send a letter to the original creditors in honor to the collector see see see if they have the information to collect the credit or the collector they probably don't how is the credit bureau verifying you send that method of verification during that process how did they verify it because you weren't I wasn't able to verify you're very close you're very very close that's fantastic also if you guys are not getting responses within 30 days we have letters nonresponse letters asking for immediate deletions that they don't respond within 30 days you can get at 6 and I credit product come and beyond come in a package okay [Music] all right how would you buy a home paying cash with no loan if you have cash you can just write them a check cash is king I didn't have to worry about it if here's the thing if that's what you're asking and you actually have cash to purchase a home and you are interested in building your credit you might be interested in still taking the lump because all that on-time payment history if you pay it over twelve months or whatever now might be very very impactful that's that's a big purchase but if not you know you just purchase the home move on with your life right don't go into debt so that's cool excellent hey asks about a student loans okay so I think you came in a little bit later we talked about the exercise of equity for student loans okay maybe you might want to watch the replay I'm willing to try and answer it as quickly as possible but you can dispute it with six or nine letters all right you have letters to ask for the original instrument of its original deadness promissory note if they can't provide it because it says it's not you said it's not not with the original creditor okay the original note holder doesn't happen so you want to find out who does have this note and who has this who can substantiate a contract between you in them to substantiate that this is yours I mean okay it's free obtain my student loans cap would you please confirm that the agreement that exists between us you and this new company right not the original it's not with the original creditor or the original note holder right between us which ratifies ratifies this specific application and confirms me as the party obligate or to this bank or collect or whomever will be delivered to me in the original instrument of the deadness in its original form okay and you dispute with the credit bureaus at the same time all right so you want to do that and again you can watch the replay you can get the letters at 6:09 credit repair.com this helping you out give me a thumbs up hit the bell for notification all right let's see what else we got oh man my son's credit has been used by a very close person and now he can't use his credit because it's destroyed what do we need to do okay you didn't dispute all that negative stuff first of all now a very close person used his credits if it was unauthorized yes watch the replay they appreciate it I just got the big package can't wait to get busy congratulations thank you I appreciate it I appreciate you believing in us believe in a meme you can watch all the testimonial videos here on this channel as well see a lot of people getting great results sending in their testimonials they got great comments I really appreciate you guys for doing this so if this person will go back to this question if this person used your son's credit and they were not authorized to do so this is a case of identity theft right or fraud okay and I hate using those words I hate that I don't like having to get people trapped up right but it is and if that's the case you need to file some you know charges this person or filed police report at the very least and go to the FTC get you that affidavit and get this identity theft stuff off for your son okay the Renaissance woman thank you his plan works guys trust the process it's legit thank you so much I appreciate you thank you thank you thank you thank you all right so I feel really bad for you and your son and you know if it god that it really it really makes me really angry so yeah it probably an ID theft situation FTC affidavit police report if you gotta file charges on this person who this person got to do what you got to do because you you can't have people do this to you right now if they were authorized or was an authorized user and they weren't supposed to do that here's the thing guys what we do with people that are using authorized user or employee cards or whomever you can have them sign a statement so the credit card company said well you know you're responsible in this stuff you can have another statement notarized saying hey look this is your limit if you get over that okay I or whatever you're gonna owe that amount or you're gonna be liable for these if this is outside the business needs or whatever this is what we agreed upon so you have an outside agreement so you can take them to court and say no no no no no okay so don't just you don't just willy-nilly let anybody use your credit or cosign Ryan just willy-nilly if you want to do this because I don't I don't you know recommend cosign for certain people whatever right because they're already struggling I've heard horror stories of like car notes cosign but if it's Bank are a you hey look this is this is our situation this is our agreement okay don't let stuff like this happen to you all right hmm all right let's see what we got is it necessary to notarized notary makes it illegal affidavit that must be responded to it confirms who you are who you say you are so they can't say that you are not who you are they try to play game so it is best to do so if you can all right a lot of banks will do it for free a lot of credit unions do it for free a lot of individuals know people who are notaries who don't even know they're notaries okay you can work out deals with this it's a good idea to do it Brandon how and where can I report my rent for credits a great question I'm glad I have that available to you right now okay and then we're gonna go back about this secret Bureau here guys all right so you can report your rent with these new apps okay there's a new app called the pinch app the pinch map okay just make sure you're on time payment history is all good right because if you miss right it'll affect you as well but you're not gonna miss you know okay Equifax freeze their secret bureau we have to call that's right okay great hey Anthony no see is paying attention and Bureau that n CTU e they have a number here it's a hotline eight six smile and I want confuse you guys but out the side fries let me let me write it down and T C UE equal fax Equifax secret bureau during breach freeze I'll give you guys the number eight six six I'm all that freeze call that I'm gonna make sure because during the Equifax breach they didn't tell people that their other girls were compromised and 97 AT&T created this for telecommunications cable operations utilities there's information out there about payment history all this kind of information for your phone utilities suit I mean all this stuff right that people are like I'm like my lights turned on and I have this information or I have the power or water I'm non-stop I'm gonna make sure that all that's frozen so people don't get your addresses information that kind of stuff I just want you to make sure that you're safe you're very welcome Jason all right I want to make sure you guys are safe because Equifax plays games are not telling everybody everything okay they slowly trickle out information now but my team was on it all right my team was on it so the pinch app race track is another one you can use red track all right rental karma worse and I believe each check yeah II rent a mint your rent those are places that may be able to utilize for your situation take a look for your specific situations but you should be able to report your rent give that good on time payment history and that should help you out okay all right so we went over and with exercise and equity for all your loan notes make sure that you're getting that on time payment history good if not you can have this be a tacit agreement right if they don't provide you promissory notes car notes mortgage loan notes all this stuff so you have that okay you dispute six or nine letters and freeze Equifax a secret bureau all right you can do good with letters to update your on-time payment history all right you know what you need to do with your primary tradelines your open end cards or installment loans doing really good stuff here guys people are getting great results I appreciate you anything can reach out you can email me alright let's get it a couple more questions in here I know you guys are dying to get to your weekend as well I've got to get on some emails people been email me so I gotta make sure that I catch up let's see here oh hey there's drew hey there's a credit union car loan require as big a downpayment as a car dealer financing great question if you have good credit with good credit score okay a lot of credit unions will allow you to do 100% financing okay 100% financing means that you need no down payment okay that's great a dealership might do is your percent zero down they might do a good rate they might do good terms but you have to take a look alright as far as I can tell a credit union is going to be more competitive than the dealer and a lot of people might think right drew my people might think hey I'm going a credit union they're a little bit more tight with the mind a little bit more you know invest in the community and they want to make sure they get paid they're gonna want 10% down 20% down no not the case if your credit score strong and good a lot of them will do 100% financing man some some credit unions will do 120 percent financing I don't know I don't even understand I don't even understand why they would allow you to finance more I'm guessing because maybe you can finance your gap insurance warranties that kind of stuff but hey that's pretty cool store credit is good to get store credits yeah store credit can be good if you mean two [Applause] primary tradelines with store cards are my jewelry club new Coast those are store cards they're just really high limits ox publishing those are store cards so yes those can be good to get you back in the ball game alright that's it hey send validation letter right now about paying us is not the but should I stop paying oh okay so taste interested in whether you're not you should stop not so it's up to you what you do for your financial situation can't give you financial advice you can dispute during your payment process so dispute dispute validation verify exercise and equities 623 letters if you need to pay for deletion all this stuff you can you don't have to take the late payments you might be concerned like oh man if I sell you didn't you don't have to do that make sure you have a good all on-time payments okay does your group help with trade lines we do help with trade lines au trade lines primary tradelines we do we have helped people with that set them up au trade lines are more of what we would sell okay they're only for a couple of months while you get your good credit pumped up so you can get your on-time payment history and then get your own good primary tradelines the store cards that we're talking about the jewelry club the new coast that all that good stuff yes absolutely we help you with that okay all right let's see mm-hmm let's see a couple more questions and then I'm gonna jump off so you can enjoy let's see them we go back here let's see ah Makaveli silver this is a good one okay any way to remove child support yes yeah short answer yes I came on hard time okay yeah okay yes so support okay you want to make sure this is one of those things child support you want to make sure you're not in the rears on okay as long as you're not in the rears you can dispute okay if you're in the rears and you dispute they're gonna come for that they're gonna be like oh and wake up the Beast of it other than that you're fine we have seen it come off you can dispute with the 609 letters you can dispute your support you're good to go okay Darrell they're all Harris so we have people in on Saturday all right so it just depends we're on East Coast time so we're usually out earlier on Saturdays so if you want to email me you can email me if you're Washington replay you can sign up the awesome life group dot-com or you can do this yourself at 6:09 credit repair.com at this view help shall keep it thumbs up subscribe to the channel hit the bell for notifications so you can go live alright and go live anytime now I really appreciate you guys yes East Coast I really appreciate you guys I'm gonna let you guys get going here working in women's shoes stores things what does that smelly feet who is this person alright guys so if you need anything you can email me subscribe to the channel comment below when you do hit that subscribe button quit come subscribe tribe down below I appreciate you all so very much I'm gonna get going here pretty soon I want to leave you with some good positive information if you are looking to repair your credit I had someone named Jamie email in says my score was 597 now it's 682 I went out and spent some money from a birthday but that's why my score came down a few points but you thank you so much my life is changing one score at a time so that can be you as well we appreciate you for being here appreciate you all subscribing to the channel making the difference in your life we are doing business credit as well no personal guarantee okay with direct funding as well we can do with personal guarantee we're working on trade lines now so you can get trade lines with us doing credit repair and do-it-yourself sign we're doing live streams here we're doing credit repair q and A's you've got all the resources you need to repair your own credit and get the credit score that you want get the car no get the mortgage that you want travel the world for free I'm gonna be putting up a video here I went to Japan six months ago for my birthday all on travel signup bonuses and rewards and I went back and had a great time it was a great time I really appreciate you guys so is business credit information on your site let me give you a the Renaissance one will win from five five three to seven thirty using Brennan's letters that's fantastic I preach let me give you my business credit website so you guys have it and business credit website LG business credit awesome life awesome credit awesome business awesome credit all right so if you want that awesome credit you want that awesome life you want that awesome business you need awesome credit so that's the website you can go to alright and again we're on the East Coast Pittsburgh Pennsylvania bonded and licensed Pittsburgh Pennsylvania so I appreciate you guys I enjoy and I appreciate you and until I see you in person I'll see you on the other side take care [Music]
Channel: Brandon Weaver
Views: 11,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DISCHARGE DEBTS STUDENT LOANS MORTGAGE, discharge debts, discharge student loans, student loan, SECRET NCTUE, nctue, free credit repair, free credit repair class, free credit repair training, credit repair, 609 credit repair, fico, brandon weaver, credit repair live stream, live stream, loan, mortgage, discharge loans, discharge mortgage, equifax leak, delete debt, delete student loans, delete items off credit report, credit report, reinsertion letter, freezing lexisnexis, 609
Id: 06UF2Gp5Gw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 41sec (3641 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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