FREE choosing beggars | fresh

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what is that my aesthetic boys it's fresh back with another video now if any of you have ever wanted to abuse the Americans with Disabilities Act to get free things for either you or your offspring well wait until the end of the video because I have a lesson for you do you want free unlimited premium coffee all summer 500,000 votes for yes by 622 and it's yours America hashtag free coffee for summer and well they got it or at least pretty close to it 87 percent yes some 13 percent said they prefer not but not everyone drinks coffee what about for the rest of us well I agree with them here I don't actually like Panera at all I'd much prefer if another restaurant could offer a coupon well full disclosure I used to like Panera but then I found out I could just make a ham sandwich at home okay so we got a mower for 450 dollars in our first text the guys a mild stroke halfway through he says hi is it still available 200 good work contact bleah yeah nah now for 200 good luck Ellsworth Wow that's exactly like the lawn mower my grandfather was using when he had a heart attack and died damn dude that sucks 500 one-star on this hot Memorial Day weekend I was told I can no longer get a family military discount of 10% because I am the son-in-law of a military veteran that served in Vietnam the discount is only for the military individual it's pretty cold to offer a veteran discount for him and his family only to take it back and say not anymore it was a small way of saying thank you over the past years but starting today we Lowe's Corp are no longer thankful when I have needed materials for this project that I've spent thousands on I choose this low store because of the honor they gave my father-in-law now I was told by the head cashier that this is the last time you will get this discount Lowe's this is the last time you get my money maybe I was given the wrong information but it sure seems Lowe's could care less about the families of those who serve this country with honor yeah this guy's wrong for a whole bunch of reasons primarily that the discount only applies to the actual military personnel or the actual veteran because it applies to spouses too this is still in many ways a family discount but the your father-in-law certain Vietnam does not mean you get 10% off plywood unpaid internships should be illegal yet experience is your payment will experience doesn't pay the bills they're right the problem that we come to is that some people are willing to work for experience but other people don't have existing or external means to sustain themselves they literally need to spend all of their time earning money to have a place to live and have food and the fact that some people are willing to work for experience creates a greater disparity in these socio-economic strata between people who are able to get experiences that employers value and the people who are unable to for reasons that they might not necessarily be able to control like having a wealthy or poor family hey here are my non-negotiable deal-breakers so don't swipe right if you are short less than 511 or 180 centimeters live with your parents or have within the past five years have roommates have never been out of the country do not go on two-plus vacations a year watch MMA or boxing like anime don't have a clean home work less than thirty hours a week we'll need to work past the age of 65 have ever cheated have kids have a cat or cats don't love Mexican food are awkward in person or do not take initiative now you might say this person is crazy but I think they're quite caring they're quite consider I mean look they even gave the height minimum in both feet and centimeters not unlike a roller coaster oh yeah I saw your listing on Craigslist is the scrap metal still available hi there yes it is we got lots feel free to stop by anytime before 6:00 today to pick some mat great thank you no problem yeah I noticed in the photo there was a truck that held some of the scrap metal is that is that yours oh yeah that's our old 79 f150 huh part of the deal no sorry it's still a good working related it's just helping us all stuff okay I live live over on Orion not even a five-minute drive from your location I'll be home around 5:30 if you're able to drop the metal off Oh I'm so sorry I think we had a misunderstanding the scrap metal is pickup only when I said we were using the truck to haul stuff I meant haul stuff out to our storage unit where we're giving the metal away again if you're interested you can come by anytime before 6:00 if that doesn't work for you we're gonna be back here tomorrow and Saturday just let me know if that works yeah why not just drop off the pieces on the back of the truck to me I'm five minutes away I don't have a truck to haul I'm sorry we're just not able to do that you can come over and pick pieces that will fit in whatever size vehicle you have though I'm sure we have some that will fit all sizes I just don't understand why you can't bring it to us redacted Orion Street is our address okay fine I spoke to my husband and we will come pick up we just need five to ten dollars in gas to get there we have paper we have PayPal if that works true they're saying they've they've PayPal because they want to get paid to come pick up the free the free man all right all right we get it 7k on anime figures bargain three hundred and twenty dollars now I have no quote that means but fortunately I have the Internet to look it up for me if we check out eBay this seems like a reasonable price they vary a lot but generally they're they're fairly expensive for little figurines hi I'm just saying the title is misleading as this is not a bargain how could people children's toys be worth such a dime I'm livid in fact as these shouldn't go for more than two bucks each so I propose giving you $14 for all of them take it or I take you to court for misleading the public domain and criminal intent to commit fraud Thanks and do consider my every word huh maybe go for self well - a message like that misleading the public domain there's no better response hey I didn't get my check in today probably tomorrow and I have nothing me or my kid can eat can you order that pizza me and my kid are starving I made some soup tonight for dinner do you want some no that's okay sorry for asking you see this is actually a choosing beggar not a bad Hagler not just a beggar a choosing beggar they wanted one thing and when they were offered the same catagory food they said and I prefer an expensive pizza delivered to your soup this guy's is in actual choosing beggar it's a shame they're so rare on the subreddit of its namesake 7-eleven has canceled free Slurpee day amid the kovat 19 pandemic and will instead donate 1 million meals to feeding America for its birthday 711 Day cancelled what a shame wait so you're telling me we've been cooped up for three damn months people aren't going to continue to sit in the house and now no Slurpee day is canceled and it's 90 degrees out 7-eleven is on some [ __ ] look myself being a person of religious experience realize that the Slurpee is the superior frozen slushy beverage but I also realize it's literally a dollar it's it's a [ __ ] dollar I don't even think the most expensive one is more than $2 like this is not there's not an expensive Dre it's a dot it's a dollar like how up second how upset can you be over a dollar is the price negotiable on the iPhone yeah I'll take 450 I don't have enough money for this can I get it for free please what are you wearing but what huh well I hope you're not wearing any shoes because you won't believe my answer to this it'll blow your socks off I'm not wearing shoes well I just feel like being a nice guy okay so instead of telling you how stupid this question isn't being super rude to question why the hell you're on a buying and selling app with no money I've decided to politely tell you that no you can't have the phone for free don't ever talk to me again and don't cuss me out be cats that's right don't cuss me out but don't mind if I do Hennessy grants three million dollars to African American Latino and Asian American small businesses okay but that's all no there's a legitimate discussion to be had about these social responsibilities of large companies to help those in need but maybe this isn't the place to have it am I the [ __ ] for giving a free sample of ice cream to my dog I bring my service dog everywhere recently I went to a grocery store that has an ice-cream section where you can get free samples I was there with my three kids they all wanted ice cream but I didn't want to go through the hassle of buying three orders of ice cream so I went to the ice cream person and told the kids to try a sample of the flavor they wanted and that's their ice cream for the day of course one of my kids starts crying that she didn't like the pistachio flavor he wants to try again so I asked for another sample for her I think the person behind the booth knew I wasn't going to buy anything and was discriminating against me but she didn't say anything yet she however flipped out at me when I asked for a sample for the dog she said he can't try ice cream how am I supposed to know if he likes the flavor I told her he isn't going to order any he just wants to try she said quite rudely ma'am you've already had five samples between you and your kids and it doesn't seem like you have any intention of buying ice cream I asked her to please point me in the direction of the US law that forbids me sampling ice cream I told her calmly I am a regular loyal customer and you legally cannot refuse to let me sample ice cream when you allow others to do so and if you do it's a violation of discrimination loans there is no sign that says you can only get samples if you buy ice cream also no dogs I was able to get her to bring out the manager the manager told me he was sorry for how I was treated but they do not give samples to dogs I said fine can you just give me another sample and he said I strongly suspect you will be giving it to your dog which was the plan so I said I spent over $300 a month here and you're freaking out over a dog having a sample of ice cream okay he told me most dogs react badly to ice cream and he didn't want to risk the dog getting sick in the store I said I know my dog better than anyone and I know if the dog can eat ice cream or not I admit I may have caused a commotion leaving the store but I couldn't handle this level of discrimination I do not plan to return to the store and I will be leaving a very strongly worded review online the way I see it they at least violated the law I'll be it not in a way that warrants jail time but possibly a lawsuit no on my instincts right here no no they are not but obviously doesn't take me to say that it was certified [ __ ] with varying amount of up votes and 167 comments the anti-discrimination laws that are referenced here are essentially protecting certain groups from being discriminated against like you can't refuse service based on these protected qualities such as race religion and ethnicity however our dear protagonist Karen pretty clearly tells us that she believes she's being discriminated against on account of her not intending on purchasing the product she was eating samples of not the fact that she had a service dog or a disability and it goes without saying that not wanting to pay for your kids ice cream cone does not actually count as a protected group [Music] you
Channel: fresh
Views: 141,162
Rating: 4.9596667 out of 5
Id: fhdoMEbbzGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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