Start Thinking Into Results with Bob Proctor

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you good morning welcome we're here live in Toronto Ontario Canada very special event I want to welcome all of you there they're excited I want to welcome you wherever you are on your phone your computer at home welcome to a amazing event and this person that I'm gonna do sneeze no introduction he's known all over the world wherever he goes you'll know him from the hit movie the secret he's considered the leader in personal development human growth he's worked with individuals and companies and leaders all around the world and today he's going to teach you how to think and grow rich let's welcome Bob Proctor [Applause] good afternoon greetings thank you wherever you are morning afternoon evening I want to welcome you this presentation is on behalf of the consultants that are part of the Procter Gallagher Institute so if you're watching this wherever you're watching it from the odds are pretty good you've been invited by one of our consultants we have one of the most phenomenal group of people that you're ever going to find anywhere they're very dedicated that work as consultants with our company the Procter Gallagher Institute we have around 1,500 consultants in 77 different countries and that isn't an accident it's the way it's designed and we are working at expanding on this all the time many years ago I took a pen and I sat down and I said I'm going to build a company that operates all over the world and that's essentially what we're doing now what I'm going to talk to you about today is your results I want you to think about the results that you're getting in various aspects of your life could be your income it might be your personal relationships it might be the development of your corporation you could have a large corporation maybe a SMO and you might be a one-person operation but you get results I learned a long time ago that results always tell the truth you can never escape from them the results always tell the truth now if we are on the right track it's of my opinion anyway that our results should always be under construction we always want to be shooting for something a little bit beyond where we're at because that is how we grow and growth is the name of the game there's a very basic law of life a dynamic law it's create or disintegrate if we're not getting better we're going in the opposite direction and I don't think any of us go there directly intelligently because we choose to I think we go backwards every now and then because we make some errors so growth you it's very important part of our life and it's something that we should all be involved in all the time I've been working at this for a long long time and I found if we're going to grow we're gonna have to change and if we don't change we're not going to grow okay now the Proctor Gallagher Institute is involved in change that's really what we're all about that's what our consultants are about we have programs that are designed to help you improve the quality of your life now the beautiful truth is that you and I can actually create our own income create our own economy now there's not a lot of people that believe that and I certainly didn't for a long long time you know we get inundated with newspapers with television with radio and just overhearing conversations maybe in a restaurant or with someone that we work with how difficult it is to manage in the economy that we're working in and we're always talking about the Dower what New York Stock Exchange is doing we're looking at something outside of ourselves all the time the truth is it operates inside of ourselves do you know that in the very worst economy there's people that are winning and winning in a very big way and in the very best economy there's people that are losing they just don't seem to be able to make it happen so you know if you study this objectively it doesn't matter whether the economy is good or bad what makes a difference is where is your mind that what are you doing where are you going you know for the first 26 years of my life I was going in the wrong direction and I was picking up speed the idea that I could create my own economy was it was a very far-fetched concept now a man did tell me that but I never believed it in fact I didn't believe hardly anything that I heard when it come to improving the quality of my life I was losing I was hanging around people that were losing and that was the conversation of the day and that's pretty well where my head was and then one day it changed and it didn't change by accident it changed by design it changed by someone who's probably very much like the consultant that you're talking to it changed because someone sit down with me and they wrote an R on a sheet of paper then he said Bob let that are we represent the results you're getting in your life now my results were not under construction although they should have been and then he put three letters down beside it he said let that represent happiness health and wealth and he asked me if I thought he was a happy guy and I looked at him and I didn't know him real well and I said yeah he seemed pretty happy to me he said if you ever see me when I was sick I had to admit ahead and he said you ever see me when I was broke this man always had a lot of money in his pocket and I caught my attention more than anything because I never had any and he said Bob you are about one of the happiest guys I've ever met very honest I was unhappy and he said you're not the healthiest guy in town you've always seemed to have a headache or a cold or something and he said you're always broke and that's true that's exactly how my day went and he actually I was earning $4,000 a year at the time and I owed 6,000 now I'm going back to 1961 this is not yesterday it was quite a long time ago but if you're earning $4,000 and you owe six thousand dollars yet fairly obvious I would have taken every cent I earned for 18 months just to break even if I'd paid nothing but pay does she see it was an impossible situation and I have found over the years that that's pretty well the way a lot of people are looking at life they're in an impossible situation they just cannot see how they're going to get out of it because they have a tendency to look at where they're at physically and they never asked himself about the power that they have locked up within them I certainly didn't I was no exception and he said Bob do you enjoy those results well of course I didn't enjoy them I mean I thought it was sort of a dumb question he said well you ever think of changing your results and to tell you the truth I don't think it ever did enter my mind with me it was always just get by see I was actually living a day at a time and although it wasn't planned that's just the way it was when I woke up in the morning it was get through the day because I thought everyone I talked to money I was not a happy person and I was hanging around with a group of people who were much like myself we have a tendency to attract people to us that are much like we are and that was a sad situation then he said to me he said Bob do you ever read anything now I said no I can't read now that wasn't true I could but I didn't I didn't even read comic books and he showed me a book he said Bob this book was written by a man that was mentored by the wealthiest man in the world at that time the book is thinking Grow Rich it's by Napoleon Hill now this book is falling apart he gave me this book that was in 1961 a long time ago he said if you will read this every day he said the man spent his whole life writing and he said he could be a prudent move on your part if you spent the rest of your life reading it it's called Think and Grow Rich now I thought the title was sort of comical Think and Grow Rich you see I didn't know anybody that was rich in my opinion now since wrote a book called you were born rich and we're all born rich mostly really just a little short of money but he said if you read this every day now I'm gonna tell you the truth I had never read a book in my life I couldn't read but not well I since found out that most people don't read very well most people read at about a grade seven level and that's because we learn to read by the time we're in grade section we never improve upon the skill from that point on and he said do exactly what I tell you now you know he didn't tell me what to eat or what time to go to bed but I had never done what I was told I spent a number of years in the Canadian Navy and I was punished many times because I wouldn't do what I was told I just I don't know I seem to resent Authority I was going in the wrong direction and I just rejected any kind of advice I got for some strange reason I started to listen to this man his name was Raymond Stanford Raymond Douglas Stanford in fact I have a son Raymond Douglas Proctor I named him after this man and I don't know why but I decided I would read the book and I would do what he told me now I had many doubts in my mind as whether I would stick with it but that was a thought at the time now my life started change like night and day within a year my income had gone from 4,000 and in debt 6,000 it went to a point where I was earning a hundred and seventy five thousand dollars a year now I hadn't earned a hundred and seventy five thousand in the year but my income went to fourteen thousand and change a month if you annualized that that's 175 a year so it went from four thousand hundred and seventy five if somebody had told me I could do that I would have never believed him in less than five years my income went over a million dollars and I'm gonna be honest I had no idea what I was doing now somebody say well what were you doing I was actually cleaning offices you see when I first set the goal it was to straighten up my finances it was turned some money I set a goal of earning twenty five thousand dollars now I really didn't believe I didn't even know anyone with twenty five thousand but he said the book told me and he told me he said write what you want on a card and carry it with you and so I started to think of earning money and I have since explained to many people if your goal is to get out of debt you'll probably stay in debt forever that is not a good goal you're going to track whatever you think about all the time you got to get rid of the debt set up an automatic debt repayment program then focus on prosperity any rate someone said there's good money cleaning floors I said I'm not proud of a clean floor so I started to clean one office I have fifteen dollars a time to wash the floor and I washed it twice a month pretty soon I got in another office at $65 a month now I'm up to 95 now keep her man I was only earning $4,000 you know that's $100 a week and I'm up to $100 a month extra money that's quite a bit and then it went up and up and out now I was living in England I was cleaning offices I had offices in Toronto Montreal Boston Cleveland deadlines in London England the business grew very very fast I was doing exactly what this book told me and doing exactly what this man suggested and one day I sat down and I thought how did this happen you see I had no formal education at two months high school I had no business experience I had a horrendous work record and all of a sudden bang like this all the success and I was living in England I would over and open a company there and I didn't really know why I was winning now the first thought came to my mind that I was lucky but I knew that wasn't the truth because I really don't believe in luck balls tear said we invented that word to express the known effects of unknown causes so I knew I wasn't lucky I was raised with to be idea if you're gonna earn a lot of money you've got to be really smart well a million dollars to me at that time was a lot of money and I knew I wasn't that smart so I I couldn't figure out why I was so successful to me I didn't seem to be doing anything that was extraordinary but if somebody asked me I would say well I'm cleaning offices but I found out that cleaning officers was almost incidental to what I was doing I had been working on me solidly for five years and I've been helping the people that I was working with to work on themselves I was very involved in a program of personal growth and everything started to change now there's something in this book that really made a difference you see I made up my mind I was going to find out why I changed I wasn't satisfied with the idea that they did change I was going to find out so what I am going to explain from this point on is what I learned over the next 10 years I studied this like an absolute scientist for 10 years I spent a lot of money and I did a lot of work so if you really want to change your life I've done that work and I've spent the money you don't have to do all that I'm gonna lay out what I learned over that period of time and when I figured out exactly why I changed all I wanted to do was teach it and that's all I have done for a long long time this company has been gone since 1961 that's 58 years I have a phenomenal business partner a lady who was an attorney who was a securities attorney something almost a polar opposite to where I come from she had turned companies public she would buy banks sell banks turn in public very very brilliant woman and when she joined us a little over ten years ago her company took a big jump because she brought an expertise in that I certainly didn't have I know how to earn it I didn't know how to work with it our company has worked all over the world we have worked with some of the largest corporations in the world we watched their sales go up by hundreds of millions of dollars I couldn't even mention the number of individuals we've sat down and worked with when I do a seminar in Los Angeles or we do because my partner sandy Gallagher she doesn't miss me our team goes there we will stream and go over a hundred and fifteen countries you see the goal that I set a long time ago we're now realizing we're living it so what I'm going to show you is what I have learned over my lifetime I have tested this everywhere you can think of some of the most brilliant people in the world have tested this we don't wonder if it works we know it works and we've worked it all over the world so I'm gonna ask you if you're a little skeptical set the skepticism aside just set it aside and when I'm all finished if you want to be skeptical then do it then I didn't ask you to open your mind and sit back and really listen carefully and don't listen just to hear one of those wonderful things I learned a year ago or learned last year I learned a lot of things last year but there's one thing stands out my mind over everything else it was a quote by Steve Covey who's gone now god bless him but he was a wonderful teacher he said don't listen to here listen to understand and that's what I want to recommend you to listen to understand what it is I'm going to explain because what I'm going to explain can change your life like night and day and I don't even care where you're at now I've gone into prisons with this I've gone into schools I've gone into some of the largest companies we've shared this with millions of people all over the world all over the world last time we went into a place we went into Kosovo we had seven different languages that were being translated simultaneous as we were teaching this so we've been all over the place I don't care where you're from now I don't care what your background is it's where you're at right now if you want to improve where you're at right now what I'm going to share with you is the answer now here's one of the first things I learned as we opened this book the author points out something very interesting he said there's a difference between wishing for a thing and being ready to receive it no one's ready for a thing until they believe that they can acquire the state of mind must be belief and not mere hope or wish now he said open-mindedness is essential to belief closed minds will not inspire faith courage or belief so I'd ask you to open your mind and really think if you're wishing you could get that car or if you're wishing this could happen to your company or you're wishing you could do this forget it it ain't going to happen you see if you want to be ready for the good that you desire you're going to believe that you can do now I have found there's only two sources of Frankfort so we can go to to find it in the boat herself one sites and the others theology there's only a half a dozen religions so if you want to do the research it's not too exhausting and I've studied both sides now for my entire adult life and I have found that regardless of the religion or regardless of the psychology that you're involved in they will all teach you one thing you got to believe you got to believe that played in my mind for a long long time how do you believe that's probably question you're asking yourself how do you believe well you know I had a wonderful mentor I've had seven phenomenal mentors Leland valve and awhile he was a great big man he and I became very good friends all my mentors became good friends with me and I was them we were sitting in a restaurant one day in just in idle conversation he said our belief system is based upon a revaluation of something and frequently if we reevaluate a situation I believe a vote it will change now this idea belief had been plaguing my mind so I said what did you just say I'm not sure is about belief yeah he said our belief systems based upon or evaluation of something and frequently if we reevaluate a situation our belief about it will change I thought that is really interesting now look hope in wish doesn't cut it but belief will belief will if you listen real carefully to what I'm gonna explain and this is a very short presentation and I got to keep my eye on the time um odds are pretty good you can start believing that you can do what you want to do now here's something beautiful remember no more effort is required in order to aim high in life to demand abundance and prosperity than is required to accept misery and poverty I have found out it's much easier to win in a big way than it is to lose now think of this there's two things that you must know if you're gonna create time and money freedom and I think that's something everybody wants you've got to know where you are you've gotta know exactly where you're going and you've got to get moving in that direction now that's so simple and so obvious you have to ask yourself why so many people stuck now I've been in this business a long time and I can tell you without doing any research most people are stuck there's only three or four or five percent of the people that are really making it happen the rest are struggling trying to make it happen and some of them are absolutely brilliant people you know brilliant people they've got degrees coming off the end of their business card and they're stuck you see most of us have been taught that you've got to have goals well I think everybody has goals some of them maybe are a little more articulate than others they may not have their goal in writing or something but you know there's something they want that would fall in the category of a goal I don't think that's where the problem is I think the problems over here it's where we are that is really the problem you see we're being controlled by something called a paradigm and you may be wondering well what the heck is a paradigm paradigm is a large problem for almost everyone companies have paradigms it's called culture countries are paradigms it's called culture every individual is a paradigm it's an idea in our subconscious mind we didn't even build it somebody else built it here's the best definition of paradigm you may ever find paradigm is a mental program that is almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and almost all of our behavior is a bitter one now think about that we wake up in the morning and we just motor into action and somebody else wrote the program that's controlling our behavior that's rather sad but it's the way it is I want you to look at the areas of your life paradigms have control over this is very important tarah knives control our perception and our perception is our reality it's how we see things it controls our perception paradigms control our use of time a lot of people buy time management programs and they're trying to manage the time can't be managed nobody manages time and yet everybody gets exactly the same amount of time we get all there is there's no one gets any more time than another we get all there is so it's what we do with our time we merely manage activities our paradigm manages our creativity you'll hear people say well I'm really not creative writers I creative musicians everybody's creative you're God's highest form of creation there is nothing on the planet that'll even equal you our paradigms control our effectiveness their effectiveness controls our productivity so do you see this program that's inside us is controlling us our paradigms control our logic there are certain things we say well you've got to be realistic is that right can you imagine the neighbors over in Dayton Ohio background 19:03 there's two young bicycle mechanics and I said we're gonna fly nobody never flown people had died trying their bicycle they weren't aeronautical engineers and they introduced us to a new kingdom now in the gardens off the ground somebody said well they were only up there for 14 seconds their attitude their perception was different they said we not only got it up there we kept it up for 14 seconds think in our paradigm controls our ability turned money people that haven't got any will tell you money's not important people that have it know how important it is money is vitally important in the air that's used it's the medium of exchange that's used by everyone all over the world in exchange for other people's products their services I had a mentor Earl Nightingale and he said one time something I thought was rich with truth he says most people think they want more money than they really do and they settle for a whole lot less than they could earn now think there seems to be a box around all these areas and every time we go to step out and change our use of time or change our perception we hit the wall we hit the wall when you make up your mind that you're going to change the paradigm I am going to learn what it is that I'm gonna change it it's a program in my subconscious mind I'm going to change it the walls come down the walls actually come down now that doesn't mean you change anything but you can now and you don't hit the wall the change will be huge and I'm gonna tell you something else that change is permanent when you learn how to change the paradigm it's a beautiful concept now look at this imagine if that was the only thing you changed your use of time I remember talking to real night Gale one time and he said Bob he said there's no secret to this he's I carry sheet of paper in my pocket and a pen I was having breakfast with him when he said this one morning I'll never forget it he said I just simply sit down at night and I write down six goal achieving activities hanging involved in tomorrow and then when I wake up I do them because you can't manage time you can manage activity now as you learn to manage those activities you're gonna find that your income is going to skyrocket as you alter your perception your ability to turn money skin skyrocket Joel Barker wrote a book on paradigms around 1990 it was an incredible book and so whether it was called paradigm he said to be able to shape your future you have to be willing and able to change your paradigm now you can be willing but may not be able because you don't understand how it was built school does not teach this I don't care what school you go to I've worked with people that were Road scholars people from Harvard Stanford Eaton they didn't understand it because they were never taught most psychiatrists psychologists are behavioral scientists that teach it they teach it in such a way that is only understood by other psychologist psychiatrist or behavioral scientists I'm going to show you a way that I was taught it was taught so that I could understand it remember I said I had no formal education well I teach this to date to psychiatrists this has to be some of the best information you're ever going to find now I want you to look at the mind in paradigms but well let's get more specific I'm going to suggest you look at your mind and your paradigms now how are you going to do that well to do that you have to understand something about the mind in 1934 dr. Truman fleet was very involved in the hill in the holistic healing and the healing arts and he said you know the minds and activity it's not a thing in order to gain clarity and eliminate confusion he's I'm going to create a picture of the mind do you know nobody has ever seen the mind it's nobody's ever seen it most people think of the brain when they think of the mind but the brain is in the mind anymore in your fingernail is mind is an activity brain is an electronic switching station as you activate brain cells it alters the vibration of a part of your body for me to move my arm up and down like that I have to activate a group of cells in my brain now we have found if a person has a stroke let's think of this the brain is the greediest part of the body when it comes to blood it wants all the blood if the blood stops going to a particular part of the brain bang like that a group of cells die instantly they die and the person may lose the use of this arm and leg well we found if we take that and just open the hand close your hand move their arm up move them down open hand and keep doing that it's a form of patterning we will educate healthy cells to do what the damaged cells can no longer do now one I mention I mention it just to get across to you your brain is electronic instrument your brain will not think but you think with your brain it's reported we help Albert Einstein's brain in a jar somewhere in Jersey but it's not doing anybody any good because Albert's not with it you your mind activates brain cells now this good doctor said nobody's ever seen the mind so I'm going to draw a picture of the mind now the first time I saw that I laughed I said this is pretty simple it looks like something out of a comic book but the guy told me said this is no comic book this is probably one of the most powerful ideas you'll ever see and he took any drew a line right through the big circle he said let the big circle represent your mind and the little and represent your body the top half the circle we're going to see as our conscious mind the bottom half will say as the subconscious and the little circle represents the body now without question in all years I've been studying this is without question the most valuable idea I've ever learned I want to suggest you burn this into your mind take it serious you sit down with any consultant the consultant that invited you and they can go through this they'll show you programs that explain this you can teach it to your children and I guarantee when the kids start to learn their grades go up in school your relationships become stronger you start to understand why people are like they are and why they're doing what they're doing because you're starting to understand you and you're the only thing you have to study there's something phenomenal about you it's so incredible that in all our study the wisest among us do not really know all there is to know about ourself so let's take this little drawing and we'll run through some basics there's the conscious mind subconscious in the body now the conscious mind is our thinking mind that's the part of us that thinks thinking is the highest function were capable of I remember Earl Nightingale who was a mentor of mine he said one time if most people said that they were thinking they would be speechless I laughed and I thought but you know as I started to think about it I thought the guy's right listen to most conversations it's obvious people aren't thinking here they'd never say what they're saying we're stand back and watch the way people behave it's going to become obvious they're not thinking or they never do many of the things they're doing now the conscious mind can think this is our called our educated mind this is where school is focused on you storing knowledge and of course is where intellect is resident now do you know most people go through their whole life and they never learn about their intellectual factors and it's the intellectual factors that separate you from all the rest in the animal kingdom think of this for a moment you and I are the only creature on the planet that is totally disoriented in our environment all the other little creatures on the planet are completely at home in their environment they blend in we are totally disoriented because we have been given these higher faculties gives us the ability to create our own environment so you see right at the front when I said you can create your own economy or you really can and you do you are whether you're aware of it or not really makes a little difference now the subconscious mind is quite different that's the emotional mind that's the part of you where the paradigm is now let's switch this over at the top because you can't think you have the ability to choose do you know you choose everything you do you'll see there's things you have to do no there's really not so we have to pay taxes no you could move to a tax-free zoning if you go to jail it's a choice everything we do we choose to do now most people never ever ever become really truly aware of that but that's the way it is you and I have the ability to accept or reject when we see something in the paper on the nose we can accept it or reject it we do not have to accept we have the ability to think we can choose we can say I can accept that I'm gonna stay in control of me and if you're rejected you have the ability to originate you're a creative being you're God's highest form of creation now the emotional mind doesn't work this way the emotional mind must accept everything you give to it it has no ability to reject whatever is placed in the subjective mind it must accept the subconscious mind is amoral it's like the earth that doesn't care what your plant but it'll grow whatever your plant roll ain't yelled placed that idea very well in his strangest secret recording he said you can plant nightshade a deadly poison and not 1/16 of an inch away you can plant corn is sweet food one will grow with justice greater than abundance as the other the earth doesn't care what you plant but it will return with your plant that's the same with your subconscious mind now get this this is a beautiful thing to really understand your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between what's real and what's imagined you can imagine something terrible happening you'll get upset you can imagine something beautiful happening and it will inspire you subconscious doesn't know the difference and you've been given an imagination one of the most magnificent tools you've got well where does the paradigm come in and what do we do well let's take a look at that let's close the window on this for a moment or let's look at how we operate today here we are today I just used the information we've given you and you're being inundated with information in the conscious mind I said you had an intellectual factor one of them is reason reason gives you the ability think so we're getting hit with information where it's doom and gloom we can say get out of here and get rid of all that information but we don't do that what do we do we leave our mind wide open and it goes right into our subconscious mind when we say about the subconscious it has no ability to reject it'll accept whatever you give to it why well that's part of the paradigm that's part of the program you stop thinking your subconscious mind will accept whatever you give to it somebody can give you a negative idea and you'll start to get emotionally upset and then negative idea could be a lie it might not be true at all but you accept it so you'll get upset why how did the paradigm get there well let's take a look at that over here this is when you're an infant this is how you arrive on the scene when a baby arrives the baby doesn't have a language baby has no conscious faculties the baby's mind is wide open it's like a cup you can put anything in it you want and we do we dump all kinds of stuff in it do you know almost all welfare recipients are third fourth fifth generation welfare recipients now this is a rather strange thing but it's the way it is that's why baby speaks the language it does why they like the food they like and over and over that is dumped into their mind this is actually where the babies self-image was formed in a very early life and then that self-image carries them right through life that's the image we hold of herself and you can never outperform your self-image Maxwell Maltz wrote a great book on it psycho cybernetics back around 1960 who is considered one of the greatest psychological discoveries of our generation so here we are here with the paradigm self-image is one idea paradigm is a multitude of ideas that have been planted in the subconscious mind here we are 10 20 50 70 years later and we're still letting those same ideas control us well you this for a moment we go to school school gave us valuable knowledge however school never taught us anything about a paradigm so we frequently do not do what we already know how to do if you think about this here you've got superior knowledge inferior results causes confusion and frustration let's put our model up here again and what did school do School loaded us up with books we passed all the exams we got the degree but you know what's missing the results the results don't seem to jive with all the knowledge the person's got so we know people are absolutely brilliant they got all kinds of degrees but they're not getting any results they're broke they don't even know how to find a job little do they know that they could start a company and create all kinds of jobs why don't the results because it's not the knowledge that produces the results it's the paradigm that produced as a result the paradigm controls the behavior the behavior produces the results you see if you want to change your results we talked right in the beginning our results should be under construction all the time if you want to change your results you must change the paradigm and that's really what the proctor gellar your Institute is doing we have all kinds of wonderful programs let the consultants sit down with you let him explain just how simple it is for you to multiply your income change things like night and day you see it's not who you are that's holding you back it's who you think you're not that's such a powerful statement it's not who you are that's holding you back it's who you think you're not there's something so phenomenal about you and when you learn it everything starts to improve however when paradigms stay in control nothing changes you keep getting the same results year after year after year results always tell the truth that's interesting I don't care how smart you think you are the results always tell what the paradigm is we gotta learn this Buckminster Fuller put it very well he said you never change things by fighting existing reality you change things by building a new model that makes the existing model obsolete and that's exactly what I did 58 years ago didn't understand that's what I was doing at the time then it took me a number of years before I figured out what I had then I literally built a new model if you would like to build a new model that guarantees the rest of your life be the way you want it to be sit down with our consultant let them share with you their well trained they've got phenomenal programs they can explain this to you think explain how it works it's a fascinating subject you build a new model that's exactly what they had done it took me ten years nine and a half exactly and I'd been studying this with some of the most brilliant people alive trying to figure out why did Bob change why did I go with no formal education turn myself all this money I had the fortune good fortune of working with Eric offer back in 1969 and 70 he said in times of rapid change the learners will inherit the earth well the learn had find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with the world that no longer exists now you know there's no such thing as a learned person you are either learning or you're not it isn't something you fill up and put a cap on and he said the learners will inherit the earth I took that to be metaphorical that you would be happy healthy and wealthy when you start to study you that's what all of our programs do that's what a consultant can help you do everything in your life is gonna look different life should be and can be absolutely incredible now you said to learn you need a certain degree of confidence not too much not too little if you have too little confidence you'll think you can't learn I lived so long like that and then this man convinced me I could learn ray Stanford said Bob do exactly what I'm telling you and you can have anything you want I didn't believe that but I believed he believed it their consultants sit down with you said if you have too little gumption think you can't learn if you have too much you think you don't have to learn look at your results are they what you really want how about money there's an absolute law governing compensation now I'm going to go into this a bit and be the last subject we're really going to hit on there's one more that I'll touch on but this is important because this is not taught in school the amount of money you earn is always in the exact ratio to three things number one the need for what you do number two your ability to do and you're number three is a there'd be an replacing you it's the need for what you do there's a phenomenal need for what we do there for the people in our business tenor and the opportunity to earn a lot of money is here however that doesn't mean they're gonna earn a lot of money it's your ability to do it you've got to get very good at this you've got to get very good at whatever you do if you want to raise the stock and the more you do that the more difficulty to be replace you see when a person's very difficult to replace stock goes up that's just where it works now look at this for a moment all you have to focus on is your ability to do it and you'll get better at it become a master at whatever you do now there's only three strategies for any money m1 m2 and m3 if you're going to teach your children how to earn money and if you don't odds are pretty good they're never going to learn most people do not know what I'm going to show you the average individual does not know this if you wondered a lot of money teach the kids that strategy m3 m1 is the worst strategy in the world and yet it's used by ninety six people out of a hundred this is where people trade their time for money I don't care what you're getting an hour there's a built-in problem it's called saturation you're gonna run out of time m1 is not a good strategy and yet it's used by almost everyone m2 is used by three percent of the population and for very good reason that's where you invest money turned money and there's only a very small group to have any money to invest m3 is the program that I stumbled on way back in the early 60s I had no idea what I was doing but I did it it's only used by 1% of the population this is why I went from earning virtually nothing to over a million dollars here it's used by one percent yet they earn about ninety six percent of all the money I multiply by time by setting up multiple sources of income do you know if you study our programs we can show you how to turn your annual income into a monthly income you may say well that's impossible okay if that's what you want to accept but I can tell you based on years and years of experience and literally millions of examples we can show you how to turn your annual income come on I don't even care what you earn because there's no end to what you can earn look at it this way wealthy people have historically always had multiple source affinity you go right back to the ancient Babylonians they all had multiple sources of income wealthy people have always had multiple sources you know our world is changing you're aware of that I'm aware of that changing daily and it's not getting bigger our world is getting smaller our world is getting so small we're only hours away from anywhere anywhere in the world now look you can have business all over the world we have one program that consultant can talk to you about it's called matrix we actually sit down and show people how to set up multiple source of income you can have income from all over the world you can actually earn more money when you're sleeping then you can spend when you're awake now that sounds like a good line but it's also the truth there's no end to what you can earn iron every my night when I go to bed I'm earning money while I'm sleeping because I have business all over the world and if I have you can see I am very good at teaching this because I'm such a good example of it I have learned it and I figured when I can learn it anybody can learn it I've gone into prisons into schools into some of the largest companies in the world we'll show people how they can literally set up multiple sources of income now you say well are they all the same size now I look at this as the real fortune you know some of your income sources will be big some will be small probably gonna tell you some they all have one thing in common baby they roll right into your bank now you've got to admit that's a nice idea it doesn't matter where they come from in the world your bank will change it and put it in the currency of where you live and you know the beautiful truth is it just keeps adding up we can actually show you how to do that there's no trick to it you know what you have to do you have to make a decision now in a very short period of time sure enough a lot of information it's what I learned over ten and a half years you know most people never do they never learned to make a decision they just learned to make a decision he spent a whole chapter on it let these lines represent levels of vibration your phone operates on a frequency we call levels of vibration of frequency we think on frequencies we literally think on frequencies thought is energy and you think on frequencies now some people are people are on a much higher frequency than others the results you are getting are nothing but the manifestation of your own thoughts do you know that's the one point all great leaders have agreed on go back and study them study any of them in biblical times right up to today the great business leaders every one of them have been a completely anonymous agreement on this one point they've disagreed and virtually everything else you and I become what we think about we become what we think about what are you thinking about what are you thinking about ask yourself that we say these are the results I'm getting but that's the result I want and I'm going to do that I'm gonna do that as soon as I get the money I'm gonna do that as soon as the kids are out of school I'm gonna do that and it's always when this changes and you know something this is never going to change because you never built a new model and so pretty soon the decision fades the decision fades and so does the goal why well if we understand our own world soon become pretty obvious we're thinking way down here on this frequency and what we're shooting at is way up there on a higher frequency we're down here it's like we're listening on an AM frequency and wonder why we're not getting fm music higher frequency if I phone your number your phone's the only one that's gonna ring there's millions of phones because I'm on your frequency I don't get my brother if I phone you I only get my brother if I get on his frequency and you see if you want to get the goal you got to start thinking you get it your mind and your thoughts focused on the same frequency as what you want now this is how decisions should be made you see when you make a commitment decision this is gonna be done I'm gonna do this you don't ask yourself do I have the money do I have the time do I have the help you know it's getting those questions he points out in here that successful people make decisions very fast change them very slow if and when they change them at all and for years I wondered how do they make the decisions so fast how do they gather so much information they don't need to gather information they made a committed decision they begin to think and act like the person they want to become they let go of the past and when they think on that frequency they will start to attract everything that is required because that's where the good that your desire is now this may sound a little futuristic if you've never studied into this nothing is created or destroyed everything's already here the way to make one of these cellphones is always being here but well nobody got on that frequency it's a way to do whatever you want is already here but you've got to get on that frequency just say want is the only prerequisite when you go to make a decision if you really want to make things happen sit down with the consultant and say I definitely want to do exactly what the consultants suggest you do what we suggested guarantee you'll win we've been at this a long time we got a great reputation all over the world not just one city our offices in Phoenix our business is in 77 different countries and when we stream we win to 115 different countries want is the only prerequisite it's the only prerequisite anyone has ever needed to do anything of any consequence this is something very few people understand if I want it and I see myself with it I put myself on that frequency and I'll start to attract whatever I need see that's why successful people make decisions so fast they know what they want and they know that they're God's highest form of creation and they know they're going to get it this information is so valuable it's the most valuable information you'll ever again what I've shown you here is just a peek this is the Reader's Digest version just like peeking through a keyhole on it the consultant that invited you on this call is very well equipped to sit down and explain to you in a little greater depth what I've just explained but you know something they can't make a decision for you you've got to make a decision and the second you make the decision you'll start to attract what you need if it's money you need you're attracted just look around your home you've got all kinds of stuff in your home you don't need you know you've got it because you wanted it when you want this bad enough you will find the money that you require to make it happen I learned that a long time ago for further information on the personal growth programs that will improve all aspects of your life contact your local proctor gallery consultant because I'm going to tell you they have some absolutely phenomenal information I want to thank you for tuning in I want to thank all their consultants and I certainly want to thank the consultant that invited you here because I know you appreciate this but probably not as much as you will as you get involved I I will be forever grateful to the man that first sat down with me got me into this book I carry elastic with me because the books alone apart and they carry the book everywhere I go but my life has changed so much since he first sat down with me if you will listen to your consultant I mean listen to understand I'm just sort of scratched the surface here we've got phenomenal information I think we got the best information you'll find anywhere in the world don't cheat yourself out of the life that you really want life is very short and the older you get this shorter it's going to be just works that way you don't know how long you're gonna be here you may think you're gonna be here for a long time you may only be here for a short time you may think you're only gonna be here for a short time you could be here for a long time we don't know that but we do know we're here now give it everything you've got sit down with the person that invited you and say I want to get this as quick as I can and I want you to show me how to really speed up I want to move at warp speed this information will change everything in your life it'll make your business more successful that make your life more successful this is Bob Proctor and I want to thank you very much for tuning in and I look forward to meeting you in a seminar sometime in a very near future thank you [Applause] these people here in the inner circle have got really good at presenting it you know something they're gonna get better at it if they can you can I just look over here to see him now henna was a psychotherapist had her own practice a professional in this field but I think you'd admit you've gone much further with this than you were in the practice that doesn't put the practice down that was a great foundation for everything you're doing this don't help anyone get anything there is no limits you can literally have whatever you want you are truly God's highest form of creation walk into a book connect with a couple of other people and make up your mind you're really going to study this I look at the different people here and I think I've ever you've been to every meeting we've had because she knows the answers here you see the changes that people make in their life you can cause those changes to take place but I'm going to tell you something you can never lead a person further than you've gone now you may inspire them to go further than you've gone but you can't lead them further than you've got I still study this every day I study it every day because I know that I don't know very much relative to well I can know and that's the attitude I think you should form I'm going to turn it back over now to a man that I think you want to get on your feet and give him a very warm welcome Doug Dane is a phenomenal producer all right come on doc haha
Channel: Unleash Your Abundance
Views: 116,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bobproctor, thinkingintoresults, proctorgallagherinstitute, personalgrowth, mindsetcoach, successcoach, personaldevelopement, inspiration, lifechanger
Id: FoRcq6Sk8Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 37sec (3337 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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