Freddy Fazbear and Friends "The Return of Nightmare Foxy"

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[Music] [Applause] there we go ah Halloween the month of candy trick-or-treaters ghost stories mummies and vampires Islanders I don't understand why people like this holiday all it is just about monsters and stuff and to be honest I'm not a fan of Halloween wait Bonnie chica it's because I'm trick-or-treating when I did trick-or-treating the first day I got egged that's shame Bonnie I know I would have rather just used all that candy just to feed all the starving children in the world I just need a break this year maybe spring-trap can take over for you I mean he always wanted to do trick-or-treating so maybe he can take over the candy I just hope he doesn't eat it don't worry I'll tell him so I'm going for a do you know what happened to me last year what would that be well last year I turned into a monster really Oh monster I got you this well it started off like this it was a windy day in October 2016 when I took a nap in the basement I have to take some of my pills so Oh I don't know what happened but I'm guessing they got mixed up and I took the wrong pills and then weird things started to happen to me I started roaring like a monster and a nice soft blood in my urine urine yuck you bet yuck and then I just started getting really bad headaches so apparently when the moon was full I turned it to up this is killing monster but luckily I was able to recognize chica and then Chico cured me and now I'm back to normal what did you look like when you were turned into a you so-called monster sharp teeth I gained an eye and holes all over my chest oh my goodness foxy do you know what that meant what you were you transformed into a nightmare a nightmare is that what is that what I turned into on Halloween of course you did but luckily you seemed to be pretty stable I heard there was a rumor though on every anniversary when you turned in Twelfth Night merit you will turn back into it and this time the mess and will not work what am I gonna turn back to him did you take the medicine of course I took the medicine I guess that's okay I mean you shouldn't be transforming into a monster okay that's great look I was sooo awesome Halloween this year and I will be hanging out the Halloween candy for kids [Music] [Music] oh hello oh oh hello foxy are you here because you need protection in the basement foxy foxy answer me Oh what dark huh no wait sir Oh who's that what was that what on earth Oh Oh Fred use your powers okay I don't have my powers with me I have to take my medicine well can't take it now I don't know where it is at the moment Oh Goldie I think this is the end I guess so [Applause] [Music] what are you guys talking about I hurt you guys don't you lie to us foxy you know what you did so just admit it admit what I'm gonna sleep with the whole time why you guys saying all this crap because somebody with us with similar ears and that eyepatch came in my room and nearly killed me oh I got a couple of dents in my suit because of you you wouldn't stop being the heck out of me it's like we're trying to be dead and my arm was broken because of you guys why are you guys going to me I did not do analyst crap why I heard what I saw what you did foxy thanks to you I might had his bent I lost an eye so I can always see out of this side ow and my suit is an absolute mess because of you but for Freddy I was sleeping this whole time so I did no such thing folks you know the lies and I'm calling the police on you no you're not no not for to kill off me no you stop it foxy okay but seize that hostile killer what [Music] guys no you know what you're doing guys don't stop whoa whoa what are you doing guys this is just a big misunderstanding all right the outcome I won't Logan up in the middle of the night by a ravenous creature that looks a lot like hero okay okay guys what did this radness creature look like Oh we'll see it it was red like you oh hey eyepatch like you earned oh it had we're in tears exactly like you guys throw a lot of pirates in the world that I've went and have an eyepatch and also have red clothing they're not with the law is Fox the you we are setting you to the scrapyard we are setting you two animatronic pound for the rest of your days no guys I did no such thing how dare you speech was like that how dare you accuse me like a criminal without evidence whoa whoa fifty faulty what are you doing here whoo you want it you want to say something do I have permission to speak I guess so speak up Ozzie you speak now us Barney Fanta Fox he can't talk he just decides not to don't fit too foxy what were you gonna say yeah all right I'll explain the best I can guys I wouldn't I was I would say that the things you say what a match foxy but with all due respect all these bond states is just not in his nature so someone who ever would have done that would have to be a werewolf or something I'm not blaming foxy for any of this Oh guys I think you should think twice before you jump to conclusions first of all filter foxy you are absolutely right what about what I have to say to this ready Oh foxy we are so sorry we framed you it's okay Freddie and I'm sorry I yelled at you guys I'm sorry I hit you yeah I'm I'm glad to get that repaired chica do you want to go get some pizza yeah you'll make me feel better all right all right let's go [Music] sorry sorry here we go gosh such so muggy out today alright alright we're shouldn't walk - should I walk over there or should I go forward I'm guessing forward will do mm-hmm man it seems like this force this looks a bit more tore nuts but than usual and just the lays in general old they just look Oh what up what why is there a tree my gosh it must be in a bit of a situation I'm not sure what caused this the saw was probably weakened luckily there's not paths I can go to but but it's so but it's so true it's so badly torn out I mean for one this size it would have to be a monster of the brain this baby down well I don't remember her feet but there being a storm last night well trees is do happen fall over occasionally it sounds like someone wants to sell me some day who's I it's probably nothing I think I should run now oh why do I go oh my gosh why you to hide but the like no that won't do a thing you think I trade yes I think it's fine mm-hmm what the heck that looks like a roof of a tiny house why am I getting an uneasy feeling my stomach I think I could oh this is a nice view seeing a man playing with his dog I don't know what was chasing me but as he's like it's gone now or did you who's that I think I think it's time for you to meet an old friend of yours or should I say yourself oh my god yup it's me your old friend nightmare foxy this is impossible I thought I was healed you are healed but I'm still here well what do you want for me I'm here to finish some unfinished business unfinished business what do you mean when we were separated we could have you you and I together could have ruled the world and you could be my partner I would I would have never joined you so you're the one who caused all this the noises the ravaging inside the shop right and you injured my friends yes I did and now you're next up well let's do it yeah [Applause] I got call my friends oh no your jokes [Music] okay I got come on [ __ ] brain brain brain just get down here soon as possible okay thanks oh well look at you you are old and weak but this doesn't make any sense I thought you were a part of me I'm a part of you there's there's there's more to me than you think foxy I was a spirit in the nightmare of children and I would be there to haunt them and scaring them but I thought if I took the medicine you'll be gone forever well you were rod when you became an wolf a fight my spirit was also released and I became just a regular human being and now I am free from your body and I can do whatever I please yeah but that doesn't mean I could still hurt you yeah oh it folks you hear cool guys I'm so glad you're here oh I don't get this I thought foxy was nightmare foxy that's what I'm asking the same thing well we gotta help him guys no this is my battle save yourself well if we want to battle alone why don't we go back to the house so we could so we could fight and you get no help for Gino here am i huh I'm back at the house is he dead or I guess not well foxing not only have we met again it's now my time to destroy you and now you're all friends who become magnified mpletely serving as me and together we can reform nightmare and take over the world that is never gonna happen nightmare me I am gonna take you down with my bare hands so bring it on and so wimp well well then it's time for you to die well foxy where do you want to go well next stop your gray he's just too strong well foxy you seem like you're the one who failed your friends soon you will die and Dyna your friends things will become part of my armlet army they'll become Naima fide and we can take over the world you'll never win Oh What evil has win fox Jenny prepare to die no no stop right there you bloodhound why not ours Oh Freddie you came yes yes foxy and I brought a few friends with me as well that abomination is your tame seriously look at that fat chick yet she looks like a duck if you ask me oh and who's that Bugs Bunny but transform into animatronic and his purple hey I find that very offensive oh is that your leader Fozzie Bear well excuse me I find that very offensive chill I am NOT Fozzie Bear I am Freddy fazbear more like Freddy FAL bear Oh caca oh oh you should shut that pretty white Freddy boy that was old that was a lack of a punch am i right I don't get it Freddy me neither well seems like you're the first one who will become magnified what what's i'ma fight you'll see Oh bug I have Isis I know I'm as powerful as over ah Frannie it's been so long since we last met how was it been open lost lately what have you been doing I'm here we are going to take over the world today really uh-huh but first we have to take care of him and his so-called team and then we will take over the world and we will never bear all the a madrasas house I love how you doing Brody is in here anymore it's nightmare friendly no well even for Lehrer might not be with us right now we get still defeat you of course we will and the sights there's five of us and only two of you if you think we're not powerful that why don't you stand out to our army Davie Kyle's oh my gosh you're right how do you get a defeat done don't worry guys we can do this if we put our hearts to it nightmare nightmare foxy has turned our friend Freddy into a monster remember one time to a nightmare and you guys helped me I wasn't there when it happened of course you weren't but listen it's time for me and all of us return the favor and help our friend Freddy for being a monstrous killer now who's with me that's settled then Orion touch or shall I am alright minions attack [Applause] [Music] this is what you get for turning my friend into a monster there's a Sparta watch do you think we're gonna lose I don't think so I'm sorry I'll just water if you want this slice of pizza man chickens are done whoa hey get your hands off of my friend you put my faith girlfriend not if I do oh hey you better watch those giant ears of yours rut rabbit [Music] oh they're foxy this is it looking too good I know but the means I'll die we're gonna have to get down there and deal with them since ourselves box got your tail huh mm-hmm um I guess that means for one thing impossible they too food all the minions get down your front like a min nightmare foxy you too nightmare Freddy Soviet drought well it looks like it's just two of us against the fast bear band you got nowhere to run and no place to hide it's over nightmare foxy just just give it up I will never give up no choice let's go guys nor we get you first [Music] wait trap this is what you get join me what what yeah what are you talking about well releasing me I never released you you want you never did yo that was not cool but this is cool this isn't working oh this is so much fun being the crap out of these little idiots who think they're so tough but we are the Masters what Oh who threw that I did yah no one was hurt who's beating the crap out of my friends and I let you take over the world when I can't throw more at you next stop your grade this is the yard that's what you get and this is what you get fancy number foxy this is the end of you no it's not the end of me it's the end of you and your friends it's all over foxy I know you will never win yes I will I see your chest has been powdered foxy enjoy your time at the scrappy [Music] foxy foxy dead what wake up foxy posse okay I don't know chica it doesn't look too good no foxy don't say your goodbyes okay active bowels done we'll go we'll take you to the hospital make him fix you up that will be necessary chica I did my work at the pizzeria she got my time has come I'm just I'm John I tried my best to stop Nightmare Friday and nightmare foxy but it turns out I wasn't I wasn't strong enough so remember you guys are not gonna die you are gonna win this but foxy who will be the new pirate Cove partners no need for pirate Cove battle Cove is gonna be shut down for now now guys do your best and stop those two I can't believe it foxy is dead now it's time we end your terror no it's about time I defeat you and your childish games and the entire world will be ours oh my gosh swings up we have got to get nightmare Freddy back to normal Freddy but how are we gonna do that I'll go an ideal chica clover you chica don't cry fox is in a better place but listen remember how you healed foxy chuka chuka please stop crying it's okay look at what we're gonna do is that we gotta distract dimer Freddy and then we're gonna find a pic messin and then we're gonna splash into his face and then I'm gonna pour the pig medicine into his ears and then we'll see what that will do I like the way you think okay but we got to distract him though better idea wait normal voice you doing if I can't hit him in the head hard enough with this I know we can do then we can get it done sooner I like the way you think cheetah okay she got carefully or sudo hope the rabbit doesn't win okay No [Music] [Music] what would you get okay we got Freddie here now we just have to put the mouse in his ear yeah but we're gonna use for Pig medicine yeah I checked the cabins and I couldn't find it oh my gosh what are we gonna use for a substitution will this work we're just gonna have to find out all right right it was here okay sorry Freddie okay you said now we just wait oh no I don't think it worked oh I guess we're just gonna have to destroy nightmare Freddy well even we destroy him he'll still be in our hearts yeah come on guys you gotta help Lonnie okay what [Music] now prepare to die well Barney looks like you're the one who has no place to run and no place to hide so what are you gonna do it to me I'm gonna change you into a nightmare it's true lights now prepare to beam imma fight don't worry boy will kill me ya know no more interruptions right spirits I've had enough I wish my time sail layered see you when the baptized Barney oh my gosh you took away my friend foxy you will never kill any of my friends okay boys you wait it worked Oh what it worked only your screen it worked awesome chica I missed you too chica oh my god what the heck happened well it takes more than that to defeat eat the man himself freddy fazbear I'm so glad you're back Sadie tell me fatty what does it feel like to be a nightmare oh it feels like you're up to three terabytes per second that sounds wicked cool so boys what happened while I was nitrified wait you don't remember no that night the nightmare when I became a nightmare muscle released erased my memory well what you see things crazy things happened oh okay well what happened a foxy I'm sorry Freddy he's dead what that can't be fortune foxy wake up foxy foxy please wake up please call Freddy about you had them you can fix this right hmm I think I can fix him wait you can hmm maybe if I can use my power my healing powers maybe he can go back to normal oh okay let's just hope it works all right fryers from above please heal foxy from his wound [Music] welcome to the Pirates Cove friend of your life hey foxy your look - ah give your man hog oh thanks foxy I'm so glad you're alive laughs Barney [Music] okay okay chica it's okay I'm Alana hey we had a feeling you will come back alive at some point why thanks Barney so it's time her foxy defeated yes guys we did it we defeated nightmare foxy and his minions together as a team thanks guys I could have done it without you though well that's all thanks foxy and by the way we're so sorry we framed you it's okay everyone makes mistakes and everyone gets the wrong conclusion sometimes yep we all learned a valuable lesson what up B what would that be ichika the list thing is always always investigate before jumping to the conclusion very good a lesson chica um I kinda don't get it um okay so we guys want to know why don't we order pizza oh thanks I feel I need a slice of pizza after all that way to I need a nice cold beer I'm gonna take a nap [Music] so um brother we did it yup so we want to you want to go have a pizza party with done God you know what a chop I think we should just take a nap like Bonnie did hang up you [Laughter]
Channel: AndrewJohn100
Views: 1,487,650
Rating: 4.769835 out of 5
Id: FNBrwfzkURM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 10sec (2290 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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