Tom Teaches Fantastic Factories (Solo Mode)

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everybody home here and today I want to teach you how to play the solo mode for fantastic factories now this is not the first time I have recorded or edited this video and this is the second time I actually posted the first video and it was pointed out to me by a viewer I am so sorry I totally forgot your name I'll put an annotation but was pointed out to me that I had totally been scoring the bot wrong every time I played this I've been playing it wrong with the end game scoring so I want to do this again I'm gonna do it correctly I literally when I read that comment I was setting up to play another game solo anyway so I just figured hey let's just let's just record it and do it correctly this time if you have not played or if you don't know how to play this game don't sweat it I'm gonna talk you through how to play this game but let me just talk through this setup really quickly in this game there are 4 tokens there are two there's 1 goods two goods energy and metal and each player is going to start with one metal it's one metal and two energy I like to keep them right there on that side of the board now I have created these boxes here these boxes oh my gosh they look great so far right these boxes actually fit in the insert that comes with the game so if you're interested in in downloading and printing and creating these boxes by yourself you can for free you can find that information through Tom teaches comm that's my website where I have stuff like this and yeah ok so in this game we have those kinds of tokens and we have contractor cards I shuffled the deck of contractor cards I laid out four and then there are these tokens that come with the game you need to put one above each contractor and then there's a big pile of blueprint cards I've shuffled those deal four out like this and then you I'm playing solo each player starts with four but that's just me next thing is normally a player would collect all of the dice of a certain color so if I was the blue player I would take the four blue dice but in a solo game it's actually a little bit different in a solo game you're going take four of the white dice those are going to be yours and then you need one die of each color for the baht player so we're gonna take these five dice and put it over here with the solo guide that I have over there and then you can kind of get rid of the rest of these dice I'll probably keep a few colored two dice nearby I usually I think I used red in the last video I'll keep some red ones nearby as my extra dice than I might be picking up but yeah dice are kind of unlimited so keep those nearby however you want to all right we are pretty much almost set up for the game we need to draw some cards for the bots so depending on how tough you want the game you're gonna draw a different number of cards so if you want an easy game two cards medium game three tough four and really tough five now I'm going to draw those cards from the top of the deck if I draw a card with a gray banner it's gonna get discarded we got a blue card we've got a yellow orange e card and we got a blue card I'm gonna do a regular game here so I'm going for three and we are totally set up I should say this solo mode first of all I'm in love with this game so much so this might be my favorite game of the year maybe and especially this solo mode is on point it does everything I want in a solo mode so I'm really excited to share this with you all right I'm gonna put an annotation if you want to skip the rules explanation and just jump into gameplay but I'm gonna explain the rules now in this game we're gonna be trying to build the best factory so that we have the most points at the end of the game we're gonna score in the normal way that I'm gonna explain in just a second and the where I had made a mistake before is the bots gonna score in just a slightly different way so pretty much what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be trying to play cards out that give us things called goods goods look like these boxes here and so that's what these two tokens are like I said this is just a single good and this is two goods together but they're one point for those goods there so at the end of the game we're going to have a whole bunch of cards played out and we'll have a bunch of goods the goods are one point each and then we're gonna get one point each for each of these icons here so that's one point no points one point one point so that's what we're trying to do by the end of the game we're gonna try to have the most points in goods and cards that are built the bots will score just a little bit differently like I said that's where I had made the mistake they're gonna also be collecting goods so they're gonna get points for that but then they're just gonna get one point per card that's in their display plus something different for these gray cards that we'll talk about later so just keep that in mind in general that's how this is gonna go so this game was gonna take place in in two phases for us we're gonna have a drafting phase and we're going to have a gameplay phase and then the bots gonna take their turn in a multiplayer game everybody is going to draft a card in turn order and then all at the same time everybody is going to simultaneously get their little engine going so with that in mind what I want to do is I want to teach you how we play the cards down then I want to teach you what the cards do and how we here in points from that and then we're gonna start playing so here we have a hand of cards I happen to have two blue cards I'm looking at these icons here and two oranges that's gonna be really nice for explaining stuff and so sorry apparently I don't know how to make youtube videos anymore I totally ran out of storage on my camera and I don't want to rerecord the last eight minutes so we're gonna pick up from right here where we left off okay so we're talking about how to pay for a card sorry here we go okay if I want to pay for this card I'm gonna have to pay an orange card another I need a discard a card with that same orange icon and pay one metal and three energy if I can do that I can play this card in front of me and utilize the special ability so if I wanted to play this card down I would have to discard a card with an orange icon and then I would be able to get or I'd have to pay two metal and one energy in order to play this thing down same idea here just going through it if I wanted to play this blue card I would have to discard a different blue card in order to oh my gosh and in order to also pay one metal one energy play this down use the special ability okay so that is the cost of the cards right here so once the cards are played down you can actually use those cards in order to generate more goods and stuff like that so this card not only uses these resources to pay for stuff we're gonna be using dice as well and so let's just talk about what these cards do once they're built if I build this card I could put two dice on it that are the exact same value and then I can either get four metal or seven energy if I have this card in front of me I could put a 1 value die and discard one energy to gain 1 good remember goods are points at the end of the game for the robot I could discard a metal in order to roll an extra die and it the more dice we have the better off it's gonna be and then this card is gonna let me use a die of any value discard the same number of energy tokens as the die value in order to gain metal tokens metal is a little harder to come by so essentially this is going to convert your energy into metal all right so let's just I'm just trying to give you a general idea of what the cards do so on our turn we're gonna draw one card from this row most likely we're gonna talk about that row in just a second and a big thing to watch for is you need pairs of icons so that you can discard one and play the other and then we're going to roll some dice so we're gonna be paying some energy getting cards out and all of that kind of stuff and then after we've done our turn the bots will take their turn we'll talk about that when that time comes but for us for now let's talk about the market phase so when we take our turn the first thing that's going to happen is we could if we wanted to pay one metal or one energy in order to totally flush out one of the rows either the top one or the bottom one then we're going to be able to draw a card from the face up once the bottom row is free the top row is gonna cost a card we'll talk more about that soon and then we're gonna go into the work face all right so I've done a lot of talking why don't we just dive in we're playing the solo mode and I'll keep explaining as time goes on so as I mentioned the first part of the game or the very first stage is that we're gonna pick one of these cards for free or I could discard a card from my hand with a matching icon so right now I only have blue and orange so I could discard a blue card in order to use this special ability I want to point out I would also have to pay three energy to do that or it could discard an orange card to use this special ability so let's just briefly talk about what each of these cards do because we've already been talking about these cards I want to start here so for these cards down here this grey card doesn't have any special ability it's just two points at the end of the game if I can get that played this card right here is one point at the end of the game and it has this ability if I pay an energy I can use the I can use any card up here in the marketplace but I need to pay the activation costs so you need to pay the cost of the things down there but you can use it as if it was your own this card right here says that you play a four die on there paid to energy you would gain one good that's a point at the end of the game and one metal this card here lets you put three dice on here as long as their sum is 14 or more and you would get two goods and two energy for that so those are pretty awesome and I actually like a lot of those these up here are one-time uses that just happen in this first phase so if I had a pink card and I discarded it I'd be able to use this investor card I'm trying to get it where you would just draw the top card here and you would be able to gain the metal and the energy that it would normally cost to build so if I revealed this card I would gain three metal and one energy that's what the investor does the hired hands again you would discard a blue card pay three energy and you would get to roll two extra dice on your turn to use during the work phase this one lets you gain five energy but then you would pick an opponent to gain two energy in a normal game you just pick somebody to do that in the solo mode the bot doesn't use energy for anything so they wouldn't get any energy and the architect is going to let you draw three cards and then an opponent would draw one card but in the solo mode that doesn't happen you would just gain your three cards so I need to think about of these cards what do I like what am i using what am i discarded stuff like that so looking at our blue ones I actually love both of these cards I've used both of these cards a lot and I really like apparently I really like these cards with the blue icons so I kind of want both of these cards which tells me I need to draw more cards with the blue icon especially ones that I don't want to use I've played this game enough times to know that I know that I lose often but I never grab the gray Banner ones I've told myself in this game there is a certain gray Banner card that I will go for if it's here in this game in theory so I am interested in both of those blue cards I really don't love this Foundry card but I do like that bio lab card and there's no more oranges there so I think for now in terms of picking a card for free I really want this card I think I want this card so I'm gonna take it and refill it and bring this back to my hand all right so now we're ready for the work phase again in a multiplayer game this thing happens simultaneously but here we are playing by ourselves so we're gonna go ahead and roll the dice I got a 2 a 2 a 3 and a 5 oh this is the first player marker that I don't need so I'm gonna get rid of that okay so we've got these dice here and I want to figure out the best way to spend those dice and use my cards so there are basically three things you can do during this work phase and you can do them as many times as you want in whatever order you want one of those things is you can play cards down by paying the costs we talked about that one thing is you can activate each card each card can only be activated one time per round and the other thing is that we can use our dice on this board here this is our headquarters so let's explain the headquarters board this top row you can use any die put it here and you'd be able to draw a card this second row is going to generate more energy so you could put either a 1 a 2 or a 3 but whatever number you put here you're gonna gain that much energy so this would get me to energy for that three energy if I use my three cool the mines are a little bit different as I mentioned metals harder to come by any die of four five or six will just gain you one metal token now there's this thing here called the matching bonus so if you use two dice of the same number so let's say I use these two twos up here this die would get me a card this die would get me a card and because they're the same I would get one extra card so I'd have three cards if by chance I have three twos up here and be one card one card one card and two extra cards so five cards altogether so down here imagine this energy thing so - energy - energy for four plus they match that would be a total of five energy or if I had another two would be two - two plus two more because all three of them match so we're going to kind of try to use those dice to get energy and metal and extra cards we also want to use our cards as best as possible so let's take a look at our cards I want to figure out which ones I want to build and all of that stuff and again I've played this game enough times I kind of have my favorite cards if you watched my first video of this by chance or if you watched my two-player playthrough you're gonna probably know what cards I love already I really like hmm okay gosh I really like all of those blue cards a lot I love the robot because you get an extra die but I like the idea of building this and using it to load up on a bunch of stuff right now so I actually think that is what I'm gonna do and I'm gonna it pains me to discard this but I'm gonna discard the fulfillment center these little boxes down here to show you how many copies there are in the game so there is another one so I'll hopefully keep an eye out for it but I'm gonna go ahead and discard that blue card in order to build this harvester and that's gonna cost me my remaining tokens that I have the two energy in the one metal but now that I have that built I can go ahead and put these here because they're the same number and I'm gonna go for this seven energy instead of the four metal so one two three four five six seven it's really good to have a lot of energy obviously four metal would be a good and important thing too okay so I can't build this robot till I get a different blue card let's look at the bio lab okay so both of those are gonna require metal and I have a five and a three so I think what I'll probably do let's use this three to draw another car this is always from the draw pile not from the face up cards oh my gosh hey a fulfillment center speak of the devil we just discarded that okay so I'm still in a pain because I want both of those cards I'm gonna have to look for other blue cards but then let's go ahead and get a medal with this die here and I think I want to go ahead and I'm gonna discard this orange card to build a bio lab and that's gonna cost me one metal and three energy like that and from here on out if I get a one die I could use the one die and the one energy to gain a good points at the end of the game but at this point I've pretty much done everything I can do I don't want to build those I also don't even have the medal for them so that is going to be the end of my turn we don't check endgame conditions necessarily right now like you would in a normal game in the solo game the solo player needs to go first so here's how the solo mode works guys it is so sleek it is so beautiful and awesome I love it a lot let me go ahead and show you how this works so they have one die of each color we're gonna roll the five dice we're gonna look at the green die first and you'll usually see me line the dice up above the stack of matching colors we start with the green diamond and we're gonna go take a card from up here depending on what this number is so this is a number one right now that means we're gonna take the first card if it was a two we would take that three four if it was a five we would take from here and totally replenish that we would discard those cards and put out four other ones if it was a six we just draw from here but then we would discard all of these and put them here so the the the bot player will always get one card either from these four if it's a one through four or a five and a six they'll get it from here well they got this card so we're gonna flip that over and bring this back and I'm gonna put it over here so that it's not by these colors now this was my major sin in the last video the last video I just scored the bot player exactly the same as a regular player that's not how they score they're gonna score for the goods they're gonna actually be collecting things I'm going to show you how in just a second they're gonna be collecting those little cube tokens and then they're also going to get 1 point per card that's down in this display down here and they're gonna get an additional point for each type of gray card that they have now in a normal game as soon as any player has 10 cards in their display that could trigger the end of the game that's not the case for the bot player will trigger it that way but the ball player won't trigger it that way again that was a mistake I had made in my first video so yeah we basically have this card here we don't count the points it's just one point per card this one will also get a point because it's an obelisk and yeah and that's the victory card so essentially that one is worth 2 points but not because it's printed there anyway what am I talking about that's the end of the bots turn let's go back to our turn ok again I love these cards and I also love other cards that are up there oh there's a lot of cards that I want ok so we're on the market phase I really want this nuclear plant I kind of want this warehouse but mostly I'm gonna use this warehouse to build other things so I'm gonna take that card oh there's the beacon I've told myself this is my third video I've done of these I've told myself I'm gonna try to get the beacons for my first time I've ever done that we'll see if I stick to it chances are that I won't but let's pretend like I will okay so we've got this warehouse card that was our draft so now we're gonna roll these dice we've got two 2s a three to five I feel like that was literally what I got last time it feels like it okay well let's use these two twos and instead of energy this time let's grab four metal see one two three four okay so again each card can only be used once I like to just keep the dice there to remind me that I've used it I don't have a one unfortunately to do that with but let's go ahead and build our robot so we're gonna build this robot I'm gonna discard a blue card let's get rid of this warehouse I really want to make this warehouse work someday today's not the day apparently I've never been able to make it work for me yet okay so we're building this robot that's gonna cost one metal and one inner gene like that and now I can spend a medal in order to roll a different die this turn because these card can only be used once I like to put the tokens on there to remind me I've already used it so I'm gonna bring in a colored dye color doesn't matter it's just showing me that it's different than my original ones and I got a four what could I do with the four ooh and I could build this good things could happen so why don't I use I'm gonna use this five to draw another card from the draw pile oh I got a green one I don't really want a green one I really wanted a blue one darn it that's okay there's time okay we're gonna put this three and I'm gonna get three one two three energy for that one and why don't we just go ahead and pick up one more medal with that day I could draw another card should I do that hmm let's do do that doo doo and a laboratory okay so when sorry I would draw another card whenever I gain a good just once per round so that's pretty good if I'm gonna be drawing any time the any time I'm gaining a good I draw a card is pretty awesome all right that refinery card is okay but I have other plans for that all right I'm gonna call that the end of my turn so let me discard these things here and let's go for the bot okay so they're gonna take the fourth card oh my gosh sorry I totally skipped over my brain did the other calculations for those other dice but I didn't talk about it I was an idiot how many times am I gonna record this video I have no idea I'm gonna keep going let me explain this in a second but I'm telling you it didn't trigger last time oh geez and dang it they're gonna take the beacon the one time I said I was gonna do it and they're taking it big bullies alright okay well this is a different type of grey cart so remember they're gonna get one point for every card down here plus another point for the different types of grey cards those are called monuments alright here's here's how this works once we leave a dice out here you're gonna compare how many cards are here to the die number so if this die was less than or equal to the number of cards they would gain a good which is a point but this three is more than two that five is more than one and obviously those numbers are more than zero so no points this round either obviously as time goes on there's gonna be more and more chance that they're gonna get points because they're gonna have more and more cards down here so sorry I didn't explain that before I'd should just quit but I'm not gonna quit because I'm having fun all right there's actually a green card that I do want I don't really want either of these necessarily maybe that when I keep not building this one maybe I should build that one give me points okay well no it doesn't give me points when I get points I get a card which is good but for me I really like this nuclear plant card I've used that one a lot okay an obelisk that one's okay but again I'm in theory going for beacons okay so we've got that card here let's go ahead and roll the dice and decide how we're spending everything okay we don't have any duplicates this time which is unfortunate but we do have a one let's do this before I forget so I got a one I'm gonna spend that token to get a good which is a point at the end of the game I do want to go ahead and use this robot probably should have done the robot first to see maybe I get matching ones who knows a three well that's not helpful all right let's do go ahead and build the nuclear plant yeah oh oh I don't have enough stuff yet I need a medal I need one more medal that I just spent darn it all right so I'm gonna want that six so let's use that five in order to gain a medal and then I'm gonna go ahead and discard the refinery that's a green card in order to build the nuclear nuclear nucular nuclear plant two and two like that and that's gonna let me build this so now I can use that six in order to gain another good here I'm going to chance for that make it two's and that earns me in energy pretty exciting next I'm sad that I'm not centered any longer but that's okay I'll resent her a little bit later can't build any more of these cards at this point not until I get another card so let's do go ahead and draw a card with this one okay that's pink not super helpful this card's pretty good but it uses a lot of energy you do two cards that are matching and you discard five energy to get to goods in the metal I don't love love it so that's okay but I have it but those are all different okay let's draw out another one and the scrapyard oh okay so this is like the other car that I kept 'miss saying you would gain a medal after you build a card so if I had both of these down when I build it well these are different things in the middle after you build a card gained a card when you gain a good that's a lot to keep track I'm not smart enough for this malarkey okay but of these two well I still don't have any medal so I can't build anything okay I think that'll be the end of my turn let's do a little bit of cleanup here and roll these dice okay so they're gonna take number one that is crazy they keep grabbing the gray cards that's weird all right they're taking this card and that's gonna be the same as that one so not an extra extra point just the normal point for the one gray card again four fours bigger than 2 2 is bigger than one three and six are bigger than zero so still no goods for that player which is crazy my other one they were racking up the points early game okay here we are again not super loving these cards don't love that one either so maybe if there's a green one in the lineup or a pink one in the lineup that I want there is no blue in the lineup unfortunately I really do like the fitness center this lets you spend an energy to take one die down that can be really useful in various situations so let's take that one oh I love this one you put any die here and you gain energy equal to however many dots are on that die how many pips alright so we've got that card and I have enough stuff I could discard let's see what we got here with our roll holy sixes Batman that's awesome okay so we're gonna start with a six here to gain a good and an energy of course let's do use these two sixes in order to gain four metal one two three four let's use one of those metals to roll it die a one let's use that one and an energy to get another point let's build this Fitness Center I like Fitness Center so that's gonna require me discarding a green card and I'll use that token oh I don't let I'll use it right now necessarily I don't need to take that down to a 1 in fact I shouldn't I should just put this here and pick up two more energy right yeah I think that was my turn we weren't feeling good about this because I've had all this practice many times we recorded this video alright okay we're gonna roll these right there grabbing the three ooh they're actually gonna get a point this turn so the third card okay here's the megalith what this does is if you have other gray cards this thing becomes cheaper and it's just a bunch of points for us not really for the remember that doesn't count for the bought player that's for us that was my mistake before so this second card still isn't three I know that's really hard to see sorry that's a three okay but they do get one good for that role so let me grab that there okay I want that power plant it's an orange card so I won't be able to play it right now which does kind of hurt a little bit but I want to grab it before it's gone I think there's nothing else up there that's like screaming at me yeah so let's go take that we're gonna take this one all right oh this is cool you spend you spend a sari you spend an energy in order to take a dye and flip it to the other side that's what that thing does okay so we've got this orange I'm not gonna be able to really play any cards unless I draw some during my turn so we'll see we'll see how things go okay oh man I didn't get a six this time I did get a 1 which is happy all right well before I do anything let's go ahead and activate the robot see what other options that gets me for all right let's do this a 1 and an energy gets me a good it's tough to be this bot I want to do the best I can obviously do I just use my pair of 5s here probably to gain some medal I think 1 2 3 4 let's use this for to draw a card oh I do like the assembly line just because it's kind of fun if you can get three dots that are in a row so like a 3 4 to 5 or a 1 2 & a 3 you get two Goods especially with these dice manipulator cards that's pretty awesome and it's oh but it's orange I want both of those oranges ah okay so with that let's just put this here will gain 2 energy thinking that's it all right okay here we go okay a 3 and a 5 Wow High Roller this time what is wrong with me okay so if 5 this time means that we're gonna draw off the top and then we're gonna take these out and refill oh I love the robot you can only ever have one card of each type unless it tells you otherwise amazing how much this bot is not scoring from the dice that's kind of crazy okay I do see it an orange that I don't overly care about so maybe I should go let's go grab that orange because I could use that to build stuff that I like okay here we go let's roll and okay we're gonna start going first of all I want to build I think I do want to build this power plant even though it's gonna make me off centered right so that's such a fun one too it's okay we'll get there okay so that power plant is going there I'm discarding this and three metal there we go I'll feel better if that's centered a little bit better I and okay can't build any more cards unless I draw some but I do have like one of each color okay so if I draw something maybe I can did I roll yeah I did roll okay let's put the six here for sure I want those points and good or what that's not good that's an energy let's go ahead and use the one right here and spend the energy in order to gain another good let's do this robot thing so we got two twos left what do we got oops Wow okay let's go ahead and use these twos down here for let's see three you can never have more than twelve tokens at the end of your turn if you do you have to discard down I'm at seven eight nine yeah let's grab four metal one two three four and I don't know we could do different things I mean I could put this two here in order to get two thing but I could do that right here as well I usually like to save that for the higher numbers for sure hmm oh do you know what maybe I didn't hmm I kind of wished that I'd spent spent an energy to make this a 1 use my pair of ones right here and then use the twos here to get 5 but all of us too many that's too many tokens nevermind alright let's draw a card oh well beacon okay anybody who's watched these videos I've avoided all grey cars I'm going to show you that I mean business and I'm going to discard this one and I'm gonna play a beacon card oh my gosh and that's very exciting for me okay so two and four and here's how these work in case you couldn't see so your first one is going to be two points your second one will be three more points for total of five your third one is four more points for total of nine so that is mucho points there if I can find the other ones and I know that the bot has the other one so that's that's a bummer all right I think we are ready to clean up a little bit hey here we go they're gonna have some turns where they get a lot of points I'm just curious when that will be okay clearly not now oh they're gonna get one there all right so they're gonna take card one eye and okay another robot I thought oh they're are three robots I thought there were only two for a second okay so that's gonna go right there and they're gonna get one point for that red dye let's just swap this out I just feel like it's easier to see and count on camera and in real life when it's like that okay what are we gonna draw I would love to get this one built but there's no oranges up there I don't really want this card but there's not a blue up there that I want but oh man oh I do have three I've got enough stuff to do with dice let's do this I'm gonna discard this blue and these three energy tokens I've never done this one no I actually think that's a lie I have done this one okay and I'm gonna use that to gain two dice for this next working phase Oh this card is cool this card is instead of rolling like you're for original dice so at the start of the next work phase instead of rolling you get to choose the values that you want ooh I like that one a lot but let's go ahead and bring these dice in we're ready to start our turn and here we go well we got a bunch of threes well if I put these here I could get twelve energy because I'd have nine from the the three dice and then two more in eleven did I say eleven I meant 11 if I didn't say it okay so that's pretty good can't play any of these yet so how am I going to best use my stuff okay I am way out of this to the point of I don't even think that I want to do well let's think because if I did these two down here for seven maybe that's enough well what else am I gonna do I have no idea you know let's start by rolling another die just to see what I'm doing okay two fives I've also got this over here hmm I really don't know what I want to do I really want some energy so let's use one of these fives over here to get five energy one two three four five I'm going to use one of those energies to take down this to 2a1 use another energy in order to gain a good next I'm going to use these two threes I guess in order to gain seven energy one five six seven you can have more than 12 tokens during your turn but you can't end with more than 12 let's draw hmm maybe I'll get another metal let's draw a card oh it's another bio lab you can't have more than one card but I could use that to build my assembly line let's do that give me some more dice options I think I shouldn't have gone for extra dice so early because I didn't really have a lot of places for them oops I did that backwards sorry okay so I'm gonna build this thing over here I know it's off camera that was two metals and one energy let's go ahead and draw one more card a battery factory oh that's cool especially where I'm getting lots of energy this would be a great one for me to have and I can build it now let's do it all right so we're gonna build that for metal or two medals and one energy and then I'm gonna go ahead and spend for energy to get another good yeah okay sweet I will obviously recenter shortly that was a great turn hope that was worthwhile with the energy I spent at the beginning of the turn okay clean that up and I'm telling you I have played the solo mode like five times clearly I played it incorrectly because I was scoring wrong every time I mean I played it right I scored it wrong but I have never seen this low this long and that's like that's crazy okay oh and in fact hold on one two three four five okay sorry on my play area I have eleven goods and I have nine cards remember it's twelve goods or ten cards and then you would do one more full round so I think I've got two more turns probably than the bot has really got a lot of catching up to do for once that's insane let's see what happens here here we go okay so they're gonna get two points in a second but with this six dang it they're gonna clear out my friend okay so they're drawing another obelisk okay that's not doing them too much okay so we got those here they're clearing this one out I've got a specialist that lets you get a new die that you got to choose the value of investor flip this over get whatever resources are listed on the top another investor and an electrician bring this over okay so that's gonna be there like I said really good chance that there's this we'll all either have 12 goods wait how many of ikon right now oh I said I had 11 that's not true I have nine anyway I'll probably have 12 goods I would guess and or ten cards oh my gosh I don't have any cards well I guess I'm drawing I've already got these three cards in my hand okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna pay an energy to refresh these because I'm really trying to find one more beacon at least one more would be sweet okay so gain two energy after building a card put two dice that are equal and discard two cards from your hand to gain to Goods discard two cards from your hand and to energy to gain a good and draw a card draw a card when gaining a good I've miss said that one a hundred times already so we already remember that still don't love any of those but of the options that are there I don't know that it matters let's see the beacon okay I'm gonna take a pink card cuz if by chance I can get a beacon it will have this pink icon okay so there's that go ahead and roll okay one one six and five oh I don't have any metal dang it okay so one here well let's go for the six first six gets me a good and an energy a one spend the energy gets me another good so that's 11 energy they're just trying to get as many points as I can do I use this to get a medal to get another die I don't think so I think I use this here and of those five that I'm bringing in one two three four five I'm going to put four of them here in order to gain another good and with this one let's draw a card a warehouse I've discarded that warehouse before but I like it but I never use it okay and because I didn't actually get a tenth card but because I have twelve goods then the bot gets one more turn and then we are gonna get a turn as well sorry so bought a spot and I'm pretty sure that's the case I'm super paranoid since I had messed up so badly before because we would take our turn just card down and then the machine has to take their turn and then we check for endgame conditions so pretty sure we're still doing it right give the body chance didn't they get a point last time did I not grab a good for them last time they should have had two more goods oh my gosh annotations annotations everywhere I think that's how I was okay so they're taking card number three dang that's really good for them that's going to get them another point from the dice because they don't get a point here but they do oh wait sorry mess that up they do get a point here so that's going to be one - yeah they're gonna get two points and here we are for our last turn it's all about the points so I've got it I want to get another beacon this might be the first time I beat the bots not because I think I'm playing all that well but because they're not rolling well at all and it'd be really this time my old way of scoring I was wrong every time all right I'm gonna discard that because I really want a beacon really really really can you anybody who knows me knows that that is not something I would normally say no oh man okay well this gymnasium could come in handy let's take that mm-hmm okay well let's see I don't have a medal okay we're gonna start by rolling a 1 a 1 a 2 and a 4 all right I think we're gonna try this maybe we'll see okay so the ones here is gonna get me four metal one two three four let's use a medal to gain another die that's not great Oh but that actually does do this is this what I want to do a 2 a 3 and a 4 would get me two goods this might not be the best move but it's the move I'm takin I could build this gymnasium but it's not gonna get me any points it's just gonna lose me a medal can I do anything else wow I think that ended up being all for better or worse I don't know that I could have gotten to in a different way like I could have probably put one - maybe going this way so I think I'm happy about that that was faster than I thought it was gonna be but I'm gonna take it accepted all right bots last turn so they are gonna take the first card here I'm just gonna grab it another obelisk that is amazing I don't know that's just been random every time I think that's part of why they haven't been gathering goods is because they keep getting so many of these cards over here okay a 6 a 2 is 6 and a 5 so they're just gonna get the 1 good for that one right there and we're entering final scoring let's do it correctly so they have 7 points for that then one point for each card so that's gonna be 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 plus one more point for each type of monument so 19 20 21 points for the bots oh crap that makes me nervous can I beat that 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 oh my gosh the beacon 21 22 oh my gosh I've been whipped into shape that is definitely gonna be way funnier for me than anybody else watching this video specifically because I really did talk about those monument cards in my other solo video that I had messed up on and the thing that I keep saying over and over is yeah I know they get you points but they don't get your engine going so who would buy it and blah blah blah and it was the deciding factor in this game where we come on where were the other beacons okay they weren't even close so there was like one right on top I was gonna be so angry there's one of them another one right they were close to the bottom alright so there you have it fantastic factories I have now played this game five times in the last two days I love this game I love this game so much and this solo mode is beautiful it is brilliant it like how do I describe it when I look for a solo mode I want the game to just let me play the game I want to figure out the puzzle and then have a win-loss condition obviously this does that it does it with the exact same cards happening is pulling cards that maybe I want it's refreshing cards that other players might so it's acting very naturally and it's doing it with this really cool twist of you take the white dice they get one die of each color and I love that that was crazy and like I said that really was a low scoring round for the bots even if I was going off of normal correct score or if I was going off of my wrong scoring they still wouldn't have gathered that many goods that was so crazy anyway guys I love this game I love the solo mode so when I was corrected on my last video I was ecstatic to be able to record it again like I said I was sitting down to play it again anyway so anyway I can't say enough good things if you saw some mistakes that I really messed up please let me know maybe I could rear Eirik or it this game that would be fun all right I'm gonna go edit this and upload it and have a good night talk to you later bye
Channel: Tom Teaches
Views: 1,611
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: Boardgame, Board Game, Tom Teaches, Playthrough, gameplay, solo, mode, fantastic factories
Id: Pjpf7ORdcn4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 32sec (2972 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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