FRANK & FEARLESS - FULL MOVIE | Family Comedy African Adventure

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[Music] all right [Music] thank you foreign [Music] ER [Music] who said a chance for spices stand there to grace my blender to garnish my dishes so profound [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yes come to Daddy my beauty through you my beauty the goddess Gaia will Breathe new life what are you doing here I'm a chef collecting herbs same as I've done for years who are you are you blind or an idiot I'm golf new head Ranger the bush pig with a badge I'm arresting you for removing indigenous Flora your old scavenger I've got a license hippo guts oh Sunny Frank oh well friendly sunny Charming old hippo guts you said it again you're going to be hanging on my wall in my trophy room wow guts faster come on hey what are you doing you catch me the flapper I'll kill you with my band you bundle of guts damn you're flipping bastard [Music] bad luck people got this old horse of mine can run on a flat tire where the hell is my clothes seventh porcupine hole on your left you my friend are going to do the naked the Tour de France all the way back to the Village all by yourself [Music] and you my friend I'm gonna sleep with a hyena [Applause] [Laughter] Hyundai Santa Fe one day okay and Eve naked approached naked Adam flat tire no breaks and Eve gave the forbidden fruit and Adam hit the Ethel tree can I borrow that be ready [Music] I Now Pronounce You mad and wife [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] real really holding a dead rat you do on me bad dog [Music] sumac sing your taste buds Sunday Table Six wants the word with the ship is it a word of phrase yes then you may speak this is the most wonderful Curry I've ever tasted Sonny Frank At Your Service thank thy name HC cute you know I can taste jeera in here no no no darling there's no jira in there I can also test cheer in there there's no idea right in there you are insulting my cooking I can taste you trust me I'm a bit of a foodie trust me you're a bit of a [ __ ] are you looking for a for a smack is it yeah oh wait just one minute relax I've got this [Music] don't worry [Applause] get him huh you fired [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Riley okay Friday come come Riley come here come here girl hello riding you are beautiful do you want a scratchy scratchy good girl [Music] [Music] oh nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] you stupid suckers don't get brain sorry sir oh I'm here you go home before I see the two hyenas hyenas yeah hyenas rasp boy and dog meat and you where are my glasses he's right I'm as dumb as a donkey no Beauty he's just a mean old dog that's what he is and don't worry rainy you're also gonna grow up and be as big as the king of all rhinos Mr Frank it's one week you've been working on already your life good morning to you too Mrs Manny [Music] from now on toilets or I'll kick you back where you come from where do you come from I was there safe on the shongololo express I know you are a dishwasher in hell [Music] one could restring a tennis racket with these babies [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] could I have a look at the classifieds in your newspaper please yeah sure thank you okay thanks Alzheimer Railway chef with experience in high-class Cuisine required on rovos rail contact settle at some people say laughs hello thank you for you and now Fearless way you cry your shadow Make You frightened yeah please no hello Mrs Manny no big smile I'm sorry this is ready because he killed right his mommy pouches [Applause] monsters monsters why do they do that people think that there are no horn they did fix all the disease doesn't fix nothing it's mumbo jumbo mumbo jumbo kid walk on take what's yours you cockroach why are you still alive I got to use your phone you owe me 300 Rand the wages on water it's a chance the government of nambodia to crack down on the trade of the Rhino horn as poachers continue to kill thousands of rhinos every year nambodia Remains the number one destination for illegal rhino horns Mrs many nambodia where is nambodia go to China turn right when you see the big sign says nambodia you're there hello is that subtle yeah I'm phoning about the position as Chef on rovos rail now you've probably heard about me Sonny Frank Ambassador Mr twing Sir nambodia is the world's largest consumer of rhino horn which is why we are hosting the Rhino horn trade conference cat is due to begin in three days at the nambodian embassy in Pretoria [Music] you'll interview me head office Pretoria three days from now you won't regret this yes [Music] [Music] it's so chill she's scary yeah rubbish I'm not scared of anyone I wish I could be brave like you yes sir it's not for you dog I'm gonna go to Victoria and I'm tell them you give me this job or else I'm gonna get to nambodia and I'm gonna tell the president you stop poaching Rhino or else good man do it do you really think the president will listen to me go away Kid okay maybe not the president but the Ambassador that guy you saw on TV what's an ambassador Ambassador is like a restaurant okay the chef is the president the waiters go out to the tables and they got to be nice to people that is an ambassador where are these tables all over the show like you heard Victoria where that's where you're going and I can come with you not in a million billion years I'm scared to go by myself Cry Me a rather I have enough money to go I just need someone to take care of me you got money yes come on show you this is a Krugerrand where'd you get it my daddy left it for me it's all I have but I would give it all if I can save the rhinos listen to my work Sammy Frank big big fan of rhinos and you have convinced me we're gonna go to Pretoria you're gonna go to the Ambassador and I'm gonna go do my interview okay but you must come with me to the Ambassador sure yes tell you what we're gonna kidnap him hold him hot what's a hostage hostage is like uh it's it's like a prisoner we kidnap the Ambassador and hold him prisoner until he stops the poaching of the rhinos I'll meet you here for the bus tomorrow deal deal stand up and take what's yours Gonna Save the rhinos we're going to save Sunny Frank o come on here's your pension money we're going away for a few days to Pretoria who's Victoria here's auntie's number assessment [Music] a panda boy when I was yes that's my name what was that was come come come come here [Music] and what did God say ah you know what he said he said shut up yes all right BLS come on come on come on you're late don't tell me feedback's coming two tickets 150 he's got the rest now you know you're crazy don't show the gold I'll get changed we're not out you've got more money there's only enough for a child [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] weather reporters [Music] thank you what are you doing [Music] yeah buddy listen I'm sorry I'm really sorry I just had to get to Pretoria thank you [Applause] everybody fell on the bus except you you and you dog it can be cleared onto it otherwise what's wrong I'm back where I started Sanctuary this is where Ryan and her mommy lived before they this is where it happened okay listen here this is what we're gonna do kind form means Rich tourists so we're gonna sell the coin and catch in within a limo in an hour and in Pretoria by Sunset okay foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] army engineer many tellers right here [Music] yes yes [Music] you can do this make yeah what now God foreign [Music] [Music] that American chick doesn't stand a chance huh um hands up how about I take it for a private game Drive baby we might just see some mating hello at the Northwest I mean northeast corner huh you see no more electric off you go [Music] are you okay are you my mommy [Music] let's go what was that my stomach I'm also hungry let's eat dog joking bird so weird honey badger you you wait your turn what's that Phyllis pillars look what these no let's get out of here no no no wait let me tell you a story true fact I learned this when I was hunting for schleggles Franklin eggs in Zambia special banquet for the Queen's visit the honey badger was led to the hive by the honeybird they work together exactly like you and me you see the honey badgers got very thick fur and the only place that can be stunned is on its bum and on its nose so what it does it clams its tail over its bum and hides its nose under its armpits then he reverses towards the hive and at the last moment he lift his style he jams his bum in there and he farts the most terrible smells the bees go crazy the queen bee especially and they die and they faint any Badger takes the honey and leaves a little bit to the honeymoon so why did you chase the honey badger away because I want the honey for us hmm that's why I'm eating it it's called the one two three GoGo knows these things why is it called one two three one two three oh now you better hurry poachers no Beauty Father Christmas in October hi yay a man tired of the dog come on Sammy hurry up I don't have a tail so I give my zip closed until the last moment Sunny honey badger God faith how gracious queen God save our Noble Queen God save ours [Music] into the garage hmm [Music] and the multitudes were silent [Music] interesting [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my God [Applause] [Music] talking about me I'm sorry that your bum is on fire but if I'm trying to get to my house and made number two in my family I would also be crossed oh there's trouble huh send me Frank we meet again people guts are you allergic to Pizza no why we are going to die Baba you've been bee headed check the meal not me no allergy here I once was stung by a queen bee and all our subjects and I am not allergic to be please get busting my fans and both of you I'm going to arrest you a suspected quota I can't breathe I can't see anything else yeah you need a plastic setting you'll be okay let's go if you're not dated 13 minutes you'll be alive Sandy boy [Laughter] Uncle your swelling has gone down let's go let us go we need to speak to the Ambassador shut up blood and water for you you're the one that needs a diet and if you make me miss my interview I'll unscrew your head season it with salt and pepper and stick it up your breath your legs what Beauty such the tiles what are you eating inside let's go inside ah I can read again why did you eat our money because that dog would have confiscated it you got to keep it up now because that's all we have and it's lying in your tummy not again there's nothing left down there which is a good thing one one two [Music] three [Applause] done I purchased them what is that it's a Krugerrand hi probably fake just like you you know how you taste it bite it I know that get it in there test it with your tongue tastes very funny hello there Sonny Ruby Ruby you know these criminals I don't know the little one but I know the ugly one he's dangerous I knew it in his own mind Chef to the Rich and Famous answer to the dreams of lonely maidens you don't think it's guilty only of arrogance and being a very kind chef let him go I'm watching you rather watch your back and you young man what's your story I'm with him he's a very good friend of mine and we've got a plan to save the rhinos used to be a very good friend of mine once Fearless I mean what a story I'm gonna buy his coin from him encourage him provided that you're not actually planning to kidnap the Ambassador are you don't be crazy as soon as we get to Pretoria he will realize himself that this is impossible let's hope so because you're crazy enough to do anything and still crazy for you and what's with this thing between you and Dolph passionate rampant intense dislike and and what are you doing back here I'm a bit of a big deal in international conservation these days wow that's why doll sucks up to you I'm here to oversee a huge anti-poaching operation wow dolls better not find you here or he'll be very angry but why is he so mean to you maybe it's because I can't see clearly and he thinks I'm useless how about that how many fingers yeah well you need to tell me when you have them up your idiot I told you it doesn't work you know they can fix me just one zap with the laser and I can see just like an eagle but it's too expensive morning Ruby I love the time with you last night good luck with the new job sunny I look you up and down you should be so lucky next time I see you bees on your palm is going to be the list of your worries and your breath smells of food [Laughter] please play nice Fearless be careful be Fearless I will thank you for buying my coin Rudy bye ready I promise I'll come back don't worry Fearless I'll keep an eye on her ah Blind Eye Dobby by the way you remember that Krugerrand you know you searched me remember so I know you're a thief so I swallowed it and then I hooped it out just before you put it into your mouth hasta la vista baby you like sunny don't be mad foreign civilization [Music] I settled Sunny Frank here I applied for the job of [ __ ] from rovas rails I'm sure I can be there tonight [Music] we can't look like friends we gotta dress up for the Ambassador [Music] hey how much are they 50 bucks try them on it's free to try yeah they're good where you get them from the mutual Mortuary from dead Corpses [Music] foreign [Music] [ __ ] [Music] you piece of scum you don't mess with dog Sonny now we start our mission okay do you know this address for the nambodia embassy that's the train station we first go into the nambodia embassy listen kid we're going past the embassy Now quickly to do a Ricky like I said and then I gotta go to my interview and then we do what we came here for right like I said because we Partners like you said so yes yes yes foreign listen I gotta go you are never going to help me it was a stupid plan it was your idea yeah and you had to start shouting save the bloody rhino bad things happen even to rhinos [Music] I'll pay you back I don't want your money I needed your help sorry [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] mangani foreign why is n't it yeah [Music] there's an ancestor and then yourself hi Frank Chef hi Sunny welcome nice shirt thank you give me a moment if your skills are what you say they are you're on the train they call me sunny Supply ah like a sunny souffle thank you sir thank you Through the Jungle a dream that I was flying a magnificent creatures ah good news Sunny you want to hear some good news yes you've got the job you can start right away I like tomorrow like right away you've got your stuff go and check in here's the job offer I'm sure you'll be satisfied with the package just have a quick squish if you don't mind sunny I don't want to jump sorry yes I am [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] of course I'm sorry to bother you I just want to stop the suffering of all the rhinos like little rainy whose mommy was killed and a horn was chopped O's please please help the right nose yeah but also help me I'm I'm trying to be brave but I'm so small you're so frightened foreign [Music] [Music] where you gonna walk to now I get it I'm a fraud oh I'm a liar I'm a loser why are you standing there shouting you want to hear a story named Fearless um sunny how did you know where to come you wouldn't believe me if I told you believe me I would I'm sorry Fearless I walked away from you my only real friend I'm so sorry allergy pollution we will kidnap the Ambassador good feedback yes we're gonna walk on team we're gonna take what's out foreign what am I doing here we're gonna be in big trouble Fearless what does an idea feel like huh I think I'm getting one 50 then you give me something to eat I haven't had anything in today's time I've got a headache from manga you give me a headache and it's gonna get worse what come on don't do it no no what's going on back there sonny you don't wanna know that would help me hi governor minister of thoughts and culture don't do it dog wait wait don't do it dog please please enjoy your day foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I smell like a zoo I'll get you for extra advice hi hello hello are you from nambodia yes I am you're very handsome well thank you well thank you handsome I usually wear glasses but I decided to leave them at home today so you know Fearless jealous it won't be interesting is sunny yes yes I'll see you later just don't come back what if he comes back what do we do then you hiding this cupboard but what about the hostage again okay if he sits down at this desk you clubbing lead with with this thing okay so I'm frightened then stay in the cupboard I'll be back I gotta go Ricky little runny this is for your mommy all I can tell you for absolute certain is that he doesn't belong here is that him yes it is foreign is it all set up shoot the first you see Rhino horn you take it that's your motto here's your catch two million that is your motto should fast and take the hole Alan's come and check shoot first you're happy a pleasure doing business with you and luck Ambassador golf [Music] yeah yes yeah now I can hear yeah you'll have to speak up I'm listening good good good good right [Music] [Applause] laughs my Auntie I'll show you who's [Music] excuse me do you have a tissue fluid please [Music] foreign sunny what up oh dear and now little rainy is without a mommy because of you don't miss them [Music] I didn't actually mean that you should do it I'm very sorry about this Johannes I I love your country especially the way you stepped up those Americans what's going on we've hostessed him oh no no no said that Ambassador are you all right don't forget with him dog is a poacher and I heard them what sick he invested in a tough money to kill the Rhino dog get back here Dolph is on our side he's leading a group of mercenaries that's going to bring the biggest poaching operation ever down the Ambassador is paying for it call the police we're helping the Rhinos no the Ambassador said shoot first and that's our policy shoot the poachers first before they shoot the Rhinos adults anti-poaching operation starts tomorrow so it's all sorted then you again remember that kidnapping plan what wasn't mine please lock them up Ambassador we heard they planned back at the lodge we never dreamed they would actually take them back from where they came locked them up there now my pleasure sir first thing in the morning they'll be back behind bars [Music] breaking and entering tempted kidnap reviews the Boy Might Get Off but you sonny five years behind real bars Ruby I'll see when it's over yeah we are off half an hour good luck dolls do it let's do it I'm sorry I messed up your party I'll get you a good lawyers honey you'll get off and I'll cook you the best dinner of your life deal deal Fearless I wish more people were as Brave and as Innovative as you thank you I'll see you guys Fearless I don't trust both sorry dog foreign [Applause] foreign you'll get another chance to save the rhinos I will never give up yeah what about you who cares go for that rhino and in the end it was all for nothing and now we're back where we started I have to go and see my Google I'm sorry surprisingly [Music] combination all right follow me just make sure let's go remember Fearless Fearless Sonny where's Fearless I don't know is it gone I don't know look a dog he's agitated something's wrong what's wrong doll's truck was parked here the Ellis has gone with him but why he could get himself killed I don't know but I want to find out Ronnie what's going on I'm going after them come down foreign [Music] [Music] then think about the money if you have money you can go live in Dubai and be like a black princess no you don't need friends for that right who is your boss you are yes I am you work for me and everything I do is Right everything I say is true like Zuma I got that right don't forget that don't forget that oh my gosh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] all right [Music] no way she was gonna stay behind [Music] I thought I'm never gonna see you again honey Dolph is not a ranger he is the biggest poacher on Earth and I heard the man talking what you're not gonna save the Rhino son they're gonna kill them they're all poachers we have to stop them they armed mercenaries Fearless it's up to us Ruby yes I found him thank god listen these men are the poachers and golf is inch hello Ruby tell the bullet damn we're going back what no no Fearless if we tendle with those men they're gonna kill you me dog and little rhymy dog come with me righty you stay with him Fearless you have to walk on Sunday it is okay okay we'll track them and see where they go and then I'll call Ruby again and she'll tell the cops now that's really a good plan who's this maybe a scout or a good artificial Beauty why is she with them she doesn't look like Luca first thing in the morning before first light those guys will be killing rhinos Ruby damn no signal dog meeting leave it wow mud Wallace magic mushrooms these things affect your brain you see things that aren't there though my dog go crazy they'll make a whole bloody Army go mad crazy we put them to sleep which might just dip the balance thank you so succeeding in the morning I'm frightened me too Only Fools don't get frightened we're gonna have it okay let's go go outside [Music] hey guys what are you doing here fine who are you with there's nothing how did you get here I came in your truck and then splash find him shoot them kill them please don't hurt him pay for the feast find Fearless oh no the mushrooms [Music] [Music] finally watching [Music] okay foreign will never forget and you my beauty you don't want to go that way okay [Music] [Laughter] laughs [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah I wish you Nightmares From Hell [Music] foreign [Applause] oh please [Music] Fearless wake up oh Fearless that way somewhere go find him go foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up [Music] [Applause] [Music] stay there I'll be back [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] go away [Music] foreign [Music] realize [Music] okay um all right I can't see you clearly [Music] stay calm stay calm [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] let's get up [Music] in the face [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] let's go [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I need a infant horn went away last time [Music] now I'll be crazy foreign [Music] [Music] I thought I was never gonna see you alive [Music] you are the bravest man I have ever seen and God you are a Super Flea bear [Music] [Music] thank you and we a nambodian government will play our part in ending Rhino poaching in Africa and wiping out evil trade in Rhino horn worldwide thank you Ambassador for hosting this event Sunny Fearless dog and whiny you did something so truly imaginative it has given new impetus to saving our Rhino from Extinction [Applause] and now the person who set this whole wonderful Adventure in motion Fearless Fearless come with me rainy [Music] foreign [Music] from The Tribe Called people and I have this to say to the animal tribe with whom we share our Earth [ __ ] ing rainy I am so sorry for the pain that we have caused to your tribe [Music] I'm sorry about the greed the cruelty and our killings please forgive us and I pray to God of all the tribes that he would lead us to a beautiful and better beginning thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ladies and gentlemen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's up from the surgeon and I can see like an eagle Chef Sunny Frank this place looks awesome I did it for you Ruby Sonny you did it for yourself wow funny Could you teach me how to do that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah yeah [Music] I love you
Channel: Ms. Movies by FilmIsNow
Views: 3,789,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frank and fearless, frank and fearless movie, frank and fearless full movie, frank and fearless leon schuster full movie, leon schuster, lean schuster movies, frank and fearless leon schuster, family movies, free movies, family, movies, full movies, full family movies, filmisnow family
Id: RnqIF9ZHxKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 33sec (6093 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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