Schucks Tshabalala's Survival Guide To South Africa [2010]

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[Music] pokemon [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a national pastime and one which we start everything is taken very seriously [Music] hello hello hello what kind hello hello what kind hello whoa this wind is terrible how can you fish in a wind like this we don't have this wind in fact look at this you know what we call just cast your line across your neighbors and see what happened oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it yes yes okay thank you you've got them shots hook line and sinker i got us another job another joke you think you think i want another job i need a break man don't talk kaka to me man yeah have a kitkat black like me don't try corrupt me a movie a real movie to promote south africa and a soccer world cup f for foreigners yes from overseas and what will i be in this movie you can be whoever you want to be to be or not to be to be ee or not to be me yes i wanted to be ee mr sharks so what are we gonna call this movie survival guide to south africa let me introduce you to cape town over there you can see the castle where our beer comes from and all the way over there you can see robin island where our politicians come from and over here hello goten tag bonjour [Applause] survival guide to south africa the country where everybody is talking dreaming playing thinking welcome soccer 2010 [Music] [Music] yes we play it in our supermarkets [Music] in our old age homes even our unborn children are kicking everywhere everybody is playing football [Music] guide is not simply about football eye corner that means no my little friend shot here and i will be teaching you everything you need to thrive and survive in this beautiful country of ours my accomplices and i will be going undercover with our secret cameras and we will capture the real and the true nature of this rainbow nation of ours so named because we are the only country in the world where you can experience on the ball service in 11 official languages i want to interest you in our special oh yes and then on top of it all you get official people's soccer ball that's lovely something we're doing for you um okay there's your coffee and your appetizer i i messed your glass a little bit there let me just wait i'm sorry because i am from zambia and in zambia we do not have the glass like that we have the tin cup with the handle and what is that that is why i don't know how to carry the glass it's the only way no my fingers are clean they are washed i'm sorry it's not that i am untrained it's just that i am unused to the circumstances but don't you think that you should just come and in this song oh it's fine it's fine i'm sorry you know what i must tell you one thing it is only my second day here so i don't know everything but i am well trained i am well trained is there anything else no this man from the manager i don't like him because you always want to hit me but i'll be back there you are you're quadrupling and on top of it all you saw they kind of pushed that away you get in the sun you must be joking that is what it says on the picture you put the bloody ball on top of the sorry i'm sorry i did not know because they said on the picture let me just flip it to you could you say trying you tell me bush look at the bloody morning just one minute one minute but can we please speak to the manager yeah this isn't very crappy this guy hasn't been on yet you're not supposed to put it yes but i want to i want to ask you something you know what is the problem you have both been shocked i'm shocked she's there any other questions yes you give from yugoslavia mr shaballala you said that here with no unemployment but i can see many people sit on the roadside do nothing are they not unemployed no they are just waiting for work and sooner or later something will come along and they'll find the right job in fact we created a unique opportunity for some local guys we opened a pet shop and gave a slippery job to these two chinas the other china is me me we clean then paint wall green blue lots of animal come in here get rubbish out all of it ah from mr bromley wakari mask i must tell you this most dangerous snake no no no no no no no no this one he did modernize his name but we convinced him to come back let's start let me tell you this most dangerous snake in africa okay this snake he bite you you die not yesterday to die you die i saw let me show you to do some wakari maska for me here i saw when i took them outside and gave them a little job to do while inside snakehead was taking snakes outdoor cage and hiding them away inside leave box with no you'll start clean go and do not go near snake i was very naughty and locked down [Applause] [Music] [Applause] then i turn of lights what is wrong oh [Music] for our next victims we installed a treadmill that we could start up by remote control as well as areas [Music] okay thank you [Applause] [Music] i have heard there is a lot of corruption in south africa is this true hey connor corruption nothing small business entrepreneurs yes the ee certificate tv license you got guns yeah 85 plus bullets give my money back give it sweet my bro let's play pilot's license oh maggie from ireland do you south africans seriously think with your infrastructure or the lack thereof you can possibly be ready to host the world cup i have a friend who is a reporter for a dutch sports channel and he is in our country right now asking that very questions from the democratic alliance in south africa or premiere from the western cape okay mr ziller firstly great honor to speak to one of the few iron ladies in the world you have surrounded yourself with strong men they're mostly white but that is your your a prerogative and you have earned the nickname of mrs balls in holland we would be proud to have someone like you on our side okay mrs balls is the name of a chutney in south africa oh that i don't know you know what i mean yeah okay thank you thank you okay two serious business um how do you think you cape town the people of cape town will cope with oh maybe i should not say that sorry i was also wanted to tell you that the men who surrounding me are not mostly white but nevertheless they are men okay these divorce things yes okay sorry sorry sorry no no okay how do you think south africa or cape town specifically will be able to accommodate all the thousands of tourists that are going to be in your country for 2010 well we have put a lot of work into building infrastructure we are changing the entire road system and putting in new transport mechanisms at this point we sent in our stunt man sorry i am doing an interview okay we have to start again it's a tv interview please get out of my shop please i want to tell you one thing when i was here it was a confederations cup it's it's absolutely devastatingly bad the zulu palace for together zulu valleys you are going to chase tourists away you don't think so well vuvuzela is very much part of our football culture in south africa can you enjoy the sound of 40 000. [Music] listen i am busy doing an interview for television and the cameras there is mrs helensville on the democratic alliance out of my shop now sean this is a public park sir listen thank you um this is a public park so okay yeah it's a public park but please okay please stay up on myself please i'm asking you guys i think he wants to sell his own business yeah no i understand that but uh you you have to respect the camera if it's a public place and to respect you don't have to respect maybe it'll lend a little bit of local flavour if you just just let him walk past and let him go okay okay how will cape town and the people of cape town cope with the influx of thousands of tourists in 2010 well we have put a lot of investment into preparing for 2010 because you know why i'm sorry i can't do that to somebody yes sir you know why i did it no because you've just been shocked leon sharks shuster and that is how we shucks helen grey [Music] [Music] the way i use my mouth [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] say yes everybody is making a big noise about the vuvuzelas which make an even bigger noise so we decided to take big vuvuzelas and turn them into little vuvuzelas we have decided to take a reading of the noise and if it goes over a certain limit we've got to make a plan will you mind just blowing in the vuvuzela as you see 10.56 that is way over the limit i can't let you blow this thing we will just uh modify it a little bit okay hidden behind the table my assistant cut a big so that is now your zelda listen to the difference now you see now it makes no more noise thank you very much thank you now everyone is happy because the people their ears cannot stick it out when it goes good you know wow 12 52 decibels that is not allowed that is against regulations can i have you over with all of you i would just want to adapt it for you i'm going to dab you no no i'll just tell you that [ __ ] are going to debut and [Music] all i want to do is i'm just going to chop this off of your bloody dick i promise you but i work for the government okay you got no you know what you do in the you are doing the government you get sucks sucks that's what you are your socks suck suck no i don't suck you suck i'm shocked what is that sister [Music] [Music] i work for the government i don't care who you work for i don't like this government and i'm just doing my job here okay well you can't go in with blow into this meter for me because i will just adjust it so that it gets a little softer i can play it softly it's fine i won't damage it okay you break this um just take that one okay there you can take take that now what the hell are you doing with my mouthpiece that is my mouthpiece no give okay okay okay okay okay guys you'll be the sister the sister the sister that's leonardo basically it's not a very um library yes as always we do our best to provide employment for our people something that will be a great reward to the family you're going to warm up these days so we set out to find somebody anybody who wasn't afraid to apply makeup to somebody who wasn't anybody anymore this thing with the paint and then you just do what you want to do and how you want to do it and i'll check you in about five minutes time okay or ten minutes however you prefer okay [Laughter] so what you do is only easy you take gently it's going to take you 15 minutes you find the right tone and you go cheek cheek today already you can see there is better than there you see it's too light there okay i am in the office next door if you need my help you just shout okay all peaceful and calm and tranquil okay which one you you choose the color i mean you are black he is black you will know the right skin tone okay thank you thank you very much call if you need me no no no no no [Applause] [Laughter] if you need anything i will be back soon okay thank you thank you very much okay [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] no you'll stay i'm just around the corner if you need help shout okay sajuan you can do this for me i don't know huh i don't know okay oh you don't want to do it [Laughter] it's a delicate job so so take your time okay thank you um [Applause] [Laughter] i think i can look for another joke you've been shocked i'm lying you've been shocked [Music] that where i can go for a typical south african cuisine nando's javon heinz my wife and i we would like to come to south africa for the world cup but we are concerned with safety should we hire iron bodyguard thrive bodyguards nine nine bodyguards nine hands you don't have to worry about any bodyguards in south africa we have amazon and they will provide all the protection you need this is our honeymoon our first time in your first time here oh it is a beautiful country look at this beautiful place no i'm waiting for my boyfriend he's coming in a few days oh it's nice it's very nice it's very beautiful you must have a lot of this to stay here my boyfriend does let me show you the bedroom okay beautiful beautiful luxurious all for your lovely entertainment this is the bed where you sleep on this is the duvet that keeps you warm when you sleep on the bed and under the giveaway you get the mattress that gives you comfortable sleep okay and then for your personal safety and security we have these two men tabu and jabu hasn't cool they will be by your side 24 hours of the day they will never leave you there is privacy for you imasuki if you want to if you want to you know make little mapata pata you know i don't know what is italian for you know zika zika ziggy hi hi hi what is that in italian if you want to make a para he says they can't see you because they've got elements earplugs they will put the plugs in their ears so they cannot hear if there is ecstasy and elation and vibration and all those asians they can't hear it [Music] will stand in for taboo and jabu when they you you creep oh okay the formula one is just around the corner i will now show you the bathroom yes it's not really necessary to have are these people here this is zumba that was it he is only four foot something tall he will be in this bathroom 24 hours of the day to protect you from any harm or crime he will wash your bodies he's got soap on the roof well if you don't understand i don't want this in the shower you're going to touch my wife from the boobies i hotel because this is a long stay in this hotel and it's fine it's fine we go okay i don't need to stop this is the disguise i want to wear tonight okay can you do it shorty and i've got that now it's true that life in south africa can sometimes drive you to drink but one thing you don't want to do is get behind the wheel of your car when you've had a drink or two or three yeah drinking and driving is serious business which is why with a prospect of thousands of visitors coming to our country to soak up our sunshine along with our wine we wanted to find out just how ready our traffic cops are to handle troublemakers and with the help of the cape town traffic department these two rookie cops were briefed to be on the lookout for a red bmw with a very dangerous driver behind the wheel to be a convincing drunk i had to make myself smell like a brewery which in turn made me very nervous because these guys were armed evening sir driver's license please sorry your driver's license please sir i don't have an echidna but you know you're not supposed foreign this is a breathalyzer sealed okay [Applause] look look it's a lift and drive hello is [Music] hey shacks yeah boy ah come here who is steve this is my auntie mama all the way from america wow so born we're so very pleased to meet you i'm actually african-american but much more african and proud of it shorty told me all about your wonderful class so i was wondering if you could help me to rent a very very big house for our state during the world cup that is no problem we have lots and lots of big houses in south africa the house of jacob zuma the house of trevor manuel the house of parliament and i even know of a big lovely house which is on show today i will put you in touch with the estate agent selling the hearts under unfortunate circumstances my husband died and i just need to make a sale as soon as possible we built this house together we're gonna have children here together thank you thank you i'm i'm so nice i'm okay thank you last year at christmas jeff bought me this battus in london i don't know how much it cost but uh i heard jeff saying once on the phone to one of his friends it was oh that's my friend i've got to go um you know it was well over a million and i just don't know if it was rains or house because it's my beloved jeff um i just made this little shrine jeff and i love this voice so i put his ashes in there please don't let anyone near it then i arrived with my pooper scooter with only elena's license would you mind if i had a little bit of milk please i'm so tired and this little machine i cannot handle because you see it's i tell him to reverse that he go forward i tell him to go forward then thank you i will just take her oh oh [Music] i cannot control this footage [Music] i feel i'm going to faint [Applause] please and this is not me i did not do anything you see [Music] all this who did that you're good who did this you know what happened you've been shocked no ways [Laughter] have you ever been shocked you choose to never uh sir will i be able to use wireless internet during the world cup yes of course all our internet in south africa is wireless because all the telecom wires have been stolen yes jose from brazil i have heard there is bad services in south africa yes its full name is non-delivery of services and it is equal non-delivery to everybody we have it with the rubbish the water the emergency services the education the housing the healthcare the metro traffic corps equal non-delivery this is a no stopping zone you are not allowed to stop here you stop me sorry you stopped me what what does the sign say behind you what does the sign say can you read will you stop me you've got glasses but you cannot read that it's a non-stopping zone you are not allowed to stop here don't stop okay okay okay wait wait wait i must first give you a ticket i'm giving you a chicken button don't stop on a no stopping zone it is logical what is your problem okay you know what you see you know you know sharks oh sharks there's a camera if it's no stopping why'd you pull me over listen i don't have time for this what you want to do listen shut your mouth the best thing you can do is to give me your id book and hide a little present in there for me okay [Music] in the future if you do what i said with your id book you won't get arrested in the future don't stop me for [ __ ] i didn't stop you for sh i stopped you for oh oh okay okay okay you know what you know what let us only be decent south africans let us be decent south africa because you've just been shocked [Laughter] you are not allowed to stop here but you just pull me over now there is a sign as big as table mountain saying no stopping but what does the rulebook say the rupert said if a police will trap you you must pull over you do not stop for everything in south africa you look at the sign because it knows more than the speed cop i'm giving you a final i will take your balls to prison little man yes no don't don't don't but no no don't i i am a woman you don't you don't you're a woman you don't get like a man you don't get the aggressor [Music] good afternoon lady can i see your driver's license please oh it turned out to be not such a bad day in cape town today fine thank you very much just want to check around the carpet okay lady can you step out of your car please that doesn't sound good i want to show you something which is very disturbing your registration number there does not correspond with your registration number there that means somebody's done something tomorrow this is an illegal car but something somebody's done no no no nobody can do anything don't they come all come up with that excuse is this a stolen car no come on clamp the front wheel please i will never drive with a stolen car you know how many people have said that to me before yeah but i believe everyone and by the way you'll stop don't scream at me you have stopped i'm not screaming i'm making you are screaming don't make you have stopped on a non-stopping zone well you say to me i'm a spark there why this is africa you say to me come come come it is beautiful woman like you who are the decibels of this life you are the jezebels of this life and because you think you are white and i am black you think because of that i'm going to actually lose my time you don't lose your temperament come with your racists but if you come and you treat me like i'm not i've just i don't shout at the don't raise your voice that's an officer of the law leave me alone you can't go anywhere i'm taking you in listen to me i i am taking you in what do you want i'm going to give you a fact i'm not giving any fun until i found somebody to find out what is wrong with you shut your big mouth come here you're not telling me to shut my big mouth she hit me she hit me this one okay okay okay this one lady lady listen we can make a plan give me your id boo [ __ ] oh no no way oh no whoa oh shucks oh shock the sister [Music] we are not showing the country in the very good light so what's going to happen they're going to charge me with corruption good idea then you become a politician are they going to bust me for fraud and send me to bloody prison for sure then you put yourself in icu then you get out on par more likely that short julius maniki is gonna design my coffin no good you got an f for woodwork yes julia it's my brother this song is for you for english [Music] shut up hold your back [Music] [Applause] [Music] cause [Music] i'm good i'm good i'm good and you know that i'm good i'm just not very good when i'm working with the wood [Music] i'm good i'm good i'm good [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is in our rainbow nation everyone loves music even if we don't always love the same music s [Music] [Music] foreign in the 1998 world cup we beat you by three goes to nil you remember yes but we scored one of those goals we of course it was one of the greatest on girls that we have ever not scored these young soccer players are about to tour overseas and they are at the clinic today to get their shocks shots i need you to please sit down peace on the scene uh good morning you are all going to be getting inoculations please listen to me you're going to be getting inoculations two days two injections and one medical checkup okay i need you to relax it's very important to get your heart rate down okay i needed to calm down [Music] you need to tell them [Music] right good morning i don't want any noise and i'll be with you shortly [Music] lighty was the only one we had let in on the gang [Music] right you come now come along come inside you put that down and come inside [Music] then one by one as they came in we let them in on the joke and they had no hesitation in playing along while in the other room they were arguing about who's next ah look like [Music] in the end one last lost soul [Music] [Applause] [Music] but back to security my foreign friends our security guards take their jobs very seriously [Music] oh [Music] where are you what you doing [Music] jose from brazil yes jose will my electrical appliance be compatible in south africa or must i bring a special adapter no problem we use s-comb for our electrical supply so we will not need a special adapter you will just need to bring your own electricity mr lala we hear so much about the crime in south africa surely this must be a big problem no problem many many times we go to three hours no crime no problem dr bushak firstly it is a great honor to have you on our show football money in hilferson i think the people know you from still living in holland at appear sorry can you sorry pardon can you just move out you are in our shop you are in our shop he wants to be in the shop you know we are doing a tv interview can you just move out please sorry doctor pardon that's fine okay i would like to know how ready do you think um south africa and in particular cape palmis to present an event of the magnitude of the world cup 2010 the city of cape town and the province of the western cape the two governments of these two entities well i think i think he's a little bit boring could you please move out of us doctor would you mind talking to this man please can you just ask him hello melia hi hi hi sir they are making a television interview and they would want that no i know what you're right about the show we're asking if you could please just stand a little outside so that they don't get you in the shot you can listen to the interview but just outside the shot if you don't mind thank you my friend thanks a lot i appreciate that thank you sir okay okay we'll go again um dr bushak how ready do you think in your opinion is south africa to host an event of the magnitude of world cup soccer 2010. ever since we heard that this great game uh in the in in the world cup would come to to south africa the city of cape town as an entity on itself and the province my goodness yeah my goodness doctor can you believe this what do you think about how crime will affect the world cup soccer we've seen it well this is a very unfortunate uh incident right now but you could see this is somebody who clearly is not completely together up here it's either that he is not he's not mentally right or there is a drug problem you could see that because i spoke to him and he did not know how to respond to it oh okay so so clearly you have some people like that but as you can see the public immediately is very alert and so for the new very quick and and he ran away so he's not going to so it's not really a big problem well it is a problem but it's something that we know about and that we are ready to deal with you'll feel we are ready i think we are ready how will you feel if i tell you that you have been shocked i have been shocked i don't understand that because me i am sharks [Laughter] we will see lions running wild in the streets of johannesburg only if they win the carrick up so no ours is a country of great natural beauty and our people are natural sportsmen and on this golf course we set up a little surprise under the watchful eye of the bald spotter me these three are all ex-springbok rugby players and the big one talks he was in on the joke and then there was noddy ish big trouble got congratulations what's your name again because i am going to look at that and you are a racist person you keep on with me [ __ ] me just straight straight straight you can do it straight just leave me what what does that mean in that white land taking your back out that's what it you know what in zimbabwe i never had this problem of course you didn't i was scared for robert mugabe [Music] young [Music] you can go through man hey these gentlemen are wanting to play the golf you must move these gentlemen are wanting to play at this moment i decided to tackle the ladies because they looked much more interesting especially this auntie i will always go away sorry i want to help you all i don't want any help for you i'm going to hit you if you don't stop i want to help you to hit the ball auntie will you get this man away from me i want you black green or yellow or white but leave me alone i want to help you i offer you my service no no no no no no i offer you my service here will you go away i give it for free i don't charge you no cheap or fee you must put the plan higher leave me alone i want to help auntie will you go away i just want your help more yes that's good oh no no no auntie that's good one you cannot stand behind me or i will stand here yes that is not no no no no no no okay let me tell you something it's a joke i'm leon schuster we got cameras today thank you you're a fantastic lady shorty no please be to be telling me i believe in south africa that woody mandela is the mother of the nation but now please who is the father the father of the nation is steve hofmeyer and jacob zuma tell me shoti yes jean-pierre this is such a beautiful city but it seems like these thousands of shanty towns just sprang up overnight how does this happen it happened exactly as you say overnight housing is a very big problem in our country squatter camps can pop up anywhere anytime [Music] and my friends we popped up our own squatter camp in the exclusive suburb of seapoint in cape town which was soon big news worldwide especially for south african expatriates happy to be gone sir what's going on here oh me and my name is abel sanjila i come from from the transcribe from the america we've got a lantern from my king in trans sky that is stretching from the kai river to sea point but we don't want all that land we just want this bit that queen victoria she gave us i've got a letter to prove it is ours it is our land it is our land it is right fully ours and then white people around you do you think they would like you to just give life to the difference well we are not disturbing the white people why would they disturb us to understand who are just going to be here and live here peacefully we are going to grow crops we are going to get a livestock in the air my ancestors were strength locusts the bones of my father appears in dealer we dug him up and we are going to bury him here i am the moses of my people i've brought them to the promised land you can change the people that are watching in the camera nobody will move us here nobody you can't just don't build here who's going to stop me no no but i mean this is a this is a park this is this this is for people to walk on it's not for houses if you need to but if you need to live you need to live in in one of these blocks why don't you come and come live here if you don't want to live there it is a free society they're going to take you away and put you in jail my friend i don't want to see that whoever wants to take me to jail will get a court case against him because i've got this fair you've got a letter that was written over 100 years ago and it is well excited by queen victoria and lord gray queen victoria can't give you c points i can give you the letter can you read look before you even go anywhere else my friend there's a fire being made here and open fires are not allowed there's supposed to be a 50 mile an hour gale coming here today and you're going to have fire we're going to start fires all over this is the cape where is don't come here because enter the sky we burn the mountains to get the fire and get the grass growing again you need to go through the right channels you need to go through there are no channels in cape town everything is on top this is nonsense man this is not this is absolutely this is the original letter that i have kept noticed you must phone the but the police are here i saw them they're standing somewhere around they're just doing nothing like they always just do nothing they're just this is well this is brought a toilet it was promised to us and we have never got it you can't give a child a gift and take it away from me we want this ground because our ancestors they walked yeah what are your neighbors going to say across the road so i want to show you something how hygienic we are going to live here and we will have the pipe running faster have you got paper sorry have you got toilet paper you think we are going to use these seagulls to wipe our bottoms what we are not barbaric we are but that pipe is taking the kaka into the sea understand we are not trying to do harm we are going to grow crops we are going to have a few head of cattle here we know how to do it we grew up like that it is not about i don't know because this is this is not this is not what what is wrong with you that you go like that the whole time con handles okay you know why because again when a black man wants to come and settle with white people he gets the i've never seen a man that makes his hands so and so and so wow well i i don't want to talk to you because you know what we are not of the same mind we are not of the same mind and intellect sorry what kind oh no we we have we got electricity here just follow that cable you see follow it follow it it goes there then it goes to the ground and and to that yellow thing you see we connected the cable to that yellow thing okay but why why does my tv go on and off and on and off you have connected the cable to the raw port when it goes green your tv goes on and when it goes red your tv goes off know how many days i ever tried to explain this morning to people what is happening here but you are all stupid i cannot remember i don't call me stupid you don't call me [ __ ] stupid i'm not no those people are i'm not from [ __ ] cape town i'm from the house we have people who do this don't put you on camera okay who where's this hotel i just bought a property here for my investment when i retired with my family and now this is happening what is what is wrong here what is this this is my ground and queen victoria from me okay okay listen you don't turn my leg and where will that go into the ocean we're able to bother nobody it won't bother people no the [ __ ] goes away there nicaragua is good for the fish you can't just come and climb lane are you going to stop me i will are you how are you going to go to court go to court and what about the black judge what about the black judge always so it's always black white black white what do you think the black judge is going to go for you over you over me listen to no i'm just i'm making a point and if you get a white shirt what then what because it's also corrupt because i was made corrupt by the blood judge but you're pointing like this all the time you go you don't you don't point this is a letter from queen victoria this is rubbish it is a letter from queen victoria from october 1860. sorry i'm arresting you sir [Music] okay [Applause] hey you come [Applause] you have it and gross a problem with the taxes yeah yes everyone has a problem paying taxes in south africa nah nah not the texas the texas the taxes you know the pop weinberg weinberg you mustn't push [Laughter] i mean many past taxes no they are no problem but if they are there are ways to take revenge i want to go to cape town can we put that in the we go we go to the funeral in wellington this person is the old man i work for now he died he looked after me when i was a pick and then please we don't have money to take him to wellington to get buried okay bring him so we just put him here at the back please no no no no man help me here please no help me here no no no no no no oh [Music] it's a joke come [Laughter] a camera here there's a camera there you see now look out look out you can't just come yeah yeah okay put in there okay wait wait wait wake up dude i want to go to the funeral okay can we get this in yeah okay okay try to put in okay one tweet okay it doesn't yeah just can you that the old man he died i want to go to the funeral please not in wellington you must just take me to cape town we can put him in put him in can we put him in the tank hello hello i want to go to cape town cape town yes cape town from there we're going to the funeral in wellington okay put it down [Music] let's go [Applause] okay let's take him to wellington this is well-known actor and comedian rob van vieren no just calm down how much is that gonna cost this guy's got some emotional problem maybe we should call this one off he's got a crisis at home he'll go for it man what is everything okay yeah it's fine sorry no i'm uh my dog's in the vet and i i was actually i was a living fish if you know oh yeah and i was there with the vet and my wife had to to come and do this i had to come do this to find my wife just to go and pick up oh i'm sorry of that issue but there's problem you can leave we can leave it you guys no it's fine i need the publicity oh absolutely and this will be a good publicity it will go to a goal later in that for the world cup yeah you will sell some tickets for my show i'm sure i'm sure i only heard good things about your show also because africa it is said that the comedians entertainers in europe are far more superior and of higher professional damn it sorry get out of my shot please there is a tv camera there you you say you had a bad day nice in my channel it looks very do you think south african comedians entertainers are on par with europe entertainers comedians and if not how is the people in 2010 going to be entertained well hopefully i'll be doing some shows and i'll come watch watch some of my shows i i heard good things about you yeah yeah it's good i mean we you know it's tough it's a recession it's hard times we've all got to work sorry sorry dude shooting yeah the entertainers comedians in south africa are inferior to those from uh europe how do you feel about that thinking about 2010 and we want to be entertained yeah of course no i mean that's a silly notion you know don't think anyone would be disappointed where's the police bullet in what the [ __ ] bro no man you know i was [ __ ] i was [ __ ] a hunch two months ago sorry [Music] with this [ __ ] you think this is a [ __ ] joke this is [ __ ] man [ __ ] you man you're toying with people's emotions leon sorry rob what a [ __ ] idiot dude i came all the way from facebook today oh i know i don't have time for this man i just relax it comes from nothing bro this is [ __ ] you're doing this in your stupid suit you can make money for other people for your movies hey jion [Laughter] flipping [Laughter] foreign [Laughter] [Music] well [Music] the yeah [Music] oh [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he's happy to leave [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] you have all been stopped he's happy to leave [Music] do it for your camera do it for me [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CD Carelse
Views: 2,709,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Leon Schuster, Schucks, 2010, fifa world 2010 South Africa
Id: Mi_m4hTyhzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 14sec (5474 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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