Francis Chan - The Reason Why You're Unhappy

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there's this passage and there's this passage in nahi Bruges this is look weird well so does this when people come in and this is the only time they eat okay this looks weird I should not be drinking out of a baby bottle right that's the same thing Paul says in Hebrews he says for though well the writer of Hebrews which I think as well for though by this time you ought to be teachers you need someone to teach you the basic principles of the Oracles of God you need milk not solid food for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled and in a word of righteousness since he's a child Paul says some of you should have been teachers by now like you've been going to these gatherings and pastored feeders like come up here come up here come here suck on this bottle let me feed you and for some of you this is the only time you eat all week long you don't even know how to pick up this book and feed yourself that's what we're trying to do is get you to memorize some verses get in this book so many of you have never even read this book you come here and go well I'd rather come and have Peter feed me and I'm just telling you that's weird that looks really weird for him to stand here every week come on up come on up and then you complain goon you didn't feed me enough impulses are you kidding me is this really going on this is really going on you should have been a teacher and you're up there complaining that he didn't give you the little Baba for long enough you didn't feed me enough pastor I heard this my whole life you come in like I'll I didn't get enough from the worship I didn't get enough from the sermon he didn't feed me enough when well and they're like Oh your sermon wasn't good enough it's like no you know why you're unhappy it's your fault it's you you suck you do you come and you suck out of this bottle every week and you suck all the life out of me and it's still not enough and you start sucking from everyone else have you ever considered the reason why you're not happy is because you suck you do it's not the life out of people that's the reason why your marriage sucks is because you suck you don't have enough God says in Jeremiah 2 he goes don't you understand I'm a spring of living water but you're going and you're trying to dig these cisterns and trying to get life from all of these other people and it doesn't hold water but I'm a spring of living water that's why David says the Lord is my shepherd I don't suck I found that suck I don't want from other people he was in fact I've got this cup and it's like spilling over onto everyone around me why because I'm so fulfilled in this look other people are never gonna give you the life you expect some of you suck as parents you're not fulfilled in Christ so you want you need something from your kids some of you guys suck as children that you don't even found your own relationship with God so you demand so much from your parents and so what happens when we are empty people we start trying to leech from other people and this is what causes the divorces this is what caused all the broken families and then everyone comes in the church wanting something for themselves and then we end up with a church that sucks you
Channel: Crazy Love
Views: 432,879
Rating: 4.9479523 out of 5
Keywords: francis chan, church, GOD, Jesus, Crazy Love, Crazy, Love, Dying to self
Id: 3NcN3ZcUp7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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